--- title: Application Launcher --- # Introduction At system runtime, it may be necessary for applications to start other applications on demand. Such actions can be executed in reaction to a user request, or they may be needed to perform a specific task. In order to do so, running applications and services need an established way of discovering installed applications and executing those. In order to provide a language-independent interface for applications and service to use, AGL includes `applaunchd`, a system service. # Application Launcher Service The purpose of `applaunchd` is to enumerate applications available on the system and provide a way for other applications to query this list and start those on demand. It is also able to notify clients of the start-up and termination of applications it manages. To that effect, `applaunchd` provides a gRPC interface which other applications can use in order to execute those actions. *Note: `applaunchd` will only send notifications for applications it started; it isn't aware of applications started by other means (`systemd`, direct executable call...), and therefore can't send notifications for those.* ## Application Discovery Applications are enumerated from systemd's list of available units based on the pattern `agl-app*@*.service`, and are started and controled using their systemd unit. Please note `applaunchd` allows only one instance of a given application. ## Application Identifiers Each application is identified by a unique Application ID. Although this ID can be any valid string, it is highly recommended to use the "reverse DNS" convention in order to avoid potential name collisions. ## gRPC Interface The interface provides methods for the following actions: - retrieve the list of available applications - request an application to be started - subscribe to status events Moreover, with the gRPC the client subscribes to a status signal to be notified when an application has successfully started or its execution terminated. The gRPC protobuf file provides a Request and Response arguments to RPC methods even though in some cases these might be empty in order to allow forward compatibility in case additional fields are required. It is a good standard practice to follow up with these recommendation when developing a new protobuf specification. ### Application Enumeration The `ListApplications` method allows clients to retrieve the list of available applications. The `ListRequest` is an empty message, while `ListResponse` contains the following: ``` message AppInfo { string id = 1; string name = 2; string icon_path = 3; } message ListResponse { repeated AppInfo apps = 1; } ``` ### Application Start-up Applications can be started by using the `StartApplication` method, passing the `StartRequest` message, defined as: ``` message StartRequest { string id = 1; } ``` In reply, the following `StartResponse` will be returned: ``` message StartResponse { bool status = 1; string message = 2; } ``` The "message" string of `StartResponse` message will contain an error message in case we couldn't start the application for whatever reason, or if the "id" isn't a known application ID. The "status" string would be boolean set to boolean `TRUE` otherwise. If the application is already running, `applaunchd` won't start another instance, but instead reply with a `AppStatus` message setting the `status` string to "started". ### Status Notifications The gRPC interface provides clients with a subscription model to receive status events. Client should subscribe to `GetStatusEvents` method to receive them. The `StatusRequest` is empty, while the `StatusResponse` is defined as following: ``` message AppStatus { string id = 1; string status = 2; } message LauncherStatus { } message StatusResponse { oneof status { AppStatus app = 1; LauncherStatus launcher = 2; } } ``` As mentioned above, the `status` string is set to "started" and is also emitted if `applaunchd` receives a request to start an already running application. This can be useful, for example, when switching between graphical applications: - the application switcher doesn't need to track the state of each application; instead, it can simply send a `StartApplication` request to `applaunchd` every time the user requests to switch to another application. Obviously, the client needs to subscribe to get these events and act accordingly. - the shell client then receives the `StatusResponse` with the message `status` string set to "started" indicating it that it should activate the window with the corresponding `id` string, or alternatively the string `status` is set to "terminated" to denote that the application has been terminated, forcibly or not ## Start-up, Activation, and Application Switching Application start-up, activation and application switching are sometimes conflated into a single operation but underneath some of these are distinct steps, and a bit flaky in some circumstances. The [AGL compositor](../02_agl_compositor.md) has some additional events which one can use when creating an application start-up & switching scheme in different run-times. Start-up of application is handled entirely by `applaunchd` service while activation -- the window which I want to display, but which has never been shown, and application switching -- bring forward an application already shown/displayed in the past, are operations handled entirely by the AGL compositor. The issue stems from the fact that underneath `applaunchd` can't make any guarantees when the application actually started, as it calls into libsystemd API to start the specific application systemd unit. If `StartApplication` can't start the systemd unit, it returns a false `status` boolean value and a error message in `StartResponse` message, but if the application is indeed started we doesn't really know the *moment* when the application is ready to be displayed. Additionally, the AGL compositor performed the activation on its own when it detected that a new application has been started, but that implicit activation can now be handled outside by the desktop run-time/shell client. *Note: Some of the run-times still rely on the compositor to perform activation as this synchronization part between `applaunchd` has not been implemented. The plan is to migrate all of remaining run-times to using this approach.* ### Start-up and Activation This means that we require some sort of interaction between `StartApplication` method and the events sent by the AGL compositor in order to correctly handle start-up & activation of application. There are couple of ways of achieving that, either using Wayland native calls, or using the gRPC proxy interface, which underneath is using the same Wayland native calls. For the first approach, the AGL compositor has an `app_state` Wayland event which contains the application ID, and an enum `app_state` that will propagate the following application state events: ``` ``` The `started` event can be used in correlation with the `StartApplication` method from `applaunchd` such that upon received the `started` even, it can explicitly activate that particular appid in order for the compositor to display it. See [AGL compositor](../02_agl_compositor.md) about how activation should be handled. *Note: These can only be received if by the client shell which binds to the agl_shell interface*. Alternatively, when using the gRPC proxy one can register to receive these status events similar to the `applaunchd` events, subscribing to `AppStatusState` method from the grpc-proxy helper application, which has the following protobuf messages: ``` message AppStateRequest { } message AppStateResponse { int32 state = 1; string app_id = 2; } ``` The integer state maps to the `enum app_state` from the Wayland protocol, so they are a 1:1 match. Here's the state diagram for the Qt homescreen implementation of the application start-up: ![Application_start](images/start_and_activation.png) ### Application Switching With the compositor providing application status events, it might seem that the `applaunchd`'s, `GetStatusEvents` might be redundant, but in fact it is being used to perform application switching. The run-time/shell client would in fact subscribe to `GetStatusEvents` and each application wanting to switch to another application would basically call `StartApplication`. That would eventually reach the run-time/shell-client and have a handler that would ultimately activate the application ID. ![Application_switching](images/application_switching.png) *Note: In practice, the run-time/shell-client would subscribe to both `applaunchd` and to the AGL compositor, either Wayland native events, or using the gPRC-proxy helper client, although the diagrams show them partly decoupled*.