#!/usr/bin/env python # from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, time import subprocess import yaml import string import socket import shutil # Defaults boards_yaml = "boards.yaml" tokens_yaml = "tokens.yaml" baud_default = 115200 template_conmux = string.Template("""# # auto-generated by lavalab-gen.py for ${board} # listener ${board} application console '${board} console' 'exec sg dialout "cu-loop /dev/${board} ${baud}"' """) #no comment it is volontary template_device = string.Template("""{% extends '${devicetype}.jinja2' %} """) template_device_conmux = string.Template(""" {% set connection_command = 'conmux-console ${board}' %} """) template_device_connection_command = string.Template("""# {% set connection_command = '${connection_command}' %} """) template_device_pdu_generic = string.Template(""" {% set hard_reset_command = '${hard_reset_command}' %} {% set power_off_command = '${power_off_command}' %} {% set power_on_command = '${power_on_command}' %} """) template_ser2net = string.Template(""" ${port}:telnet:600:/dev/${board}:${baud} 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner """) template_device_ser2net = string.Template(""" {% set connection_command = 'telnet ${port}' %} """) template_device_screen = string.Template(""" {% set connection_command = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t root@ "TERM=xterm screen -x ${board}"' %} """) template_udev_serial = string.Template("""# SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="${idvendor}", ATTRS{idProduct}=="${idproduct}", ATTRS{serial}=="${serial}", MODE="0664", OWNER="uucp", SYMLINK+="${board}" """) template_udev_devpath = string.Template("""# SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="${idvendor}", ATTRS{idProduct}=="${idproduct}", ATTRS{devpath}=="${devpath}", MODE="0664", OWNER="uucp", SYMLINK+="${board}" """) template_settings_conf = string.Template(""" { "DEBUG": false, "STATICFILES_DIRS": [ ["lava-server", "/usr/share/pyshared/lava_server/htdocs/"] ], "MEDIA_ROOT": "/var/lib/lava-server/default/media", "ARCHIVE_ROOT": "/var/lib/lava-server/default/archive", "STATIC_ROOT": "/usr/share/lava-server/static", "STATIC_URL": "/static/", "MOUNT_POINT": "/", "HTTPS_XML_RPC": false, "LOGIN_URL": "/accounts/login/", "LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL": "/", "CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE": $cookie_secure, "SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE": $session_cookie_secure } """) def main(): fp = open(boards_yaml, "r") workers = yaml.load(fp) fp.close() os.mkdir("output") if "masters" not in workers: print("Missing masters entry in boards.yaml") sys.exit(1) masters = workers["masters"] for master in masters: keywords_master = [ "name", "type", "host", "users", "tokens", "webadmin_https", "persistent_db" ] for keyword in master: if not keyword in keywords_master: print("WARNING: unknown keyword %s" % keyword) name = master["name"] print("Handle %s\n" % name) if not "host" in master: host = "local" else: host = master["host"] workerdir = "output/%s/%s" % (host, name) os.mkdir("output/%s" % host) shutil.copy("deploy.sh", "output/%s/" % host) dockcomp = {} dockcomp["version"] = "2.0" dockcomp["services"] = {} dockcomposeymlpath = "output/%s/docker-compose.yml" % host dockcomp["services"][name] = {} dockcomp["services"][name]["hostname"] = name dockcomp["services"][name]["ports"] = [ "10080:80", "5555:5555", "5556:5556", "5500:5500" ] dockcomp["services"][name]["volumes"] = [ "/boot:/boot", "/lib/modules:/lib/modules" ] dockcomp["services"][name]["build"] = {} dockcomp["services"][name]["build"]["context"] = name persistent_db = False if "persistent_db" in master: persistent_db = master["persistent_db"] if persistent_db: pg_volume_name = "pgdata_" + name dockcomp["services"][name]["volumes"].append(pg_volume_name + ":/var/lib/postgresql") dockcomp["services"][name]["volumes"].append("lava_job_output:/var/lib/lava-server/default/media/job-output/") dockcomp["volumes"] = {} dockcomp["volumes"][pg_volume_name] = {} dockcomp["volumes"]["lava_job_output"] = {} with open(dockcomposeymlpath, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(dockcomp, f) shutil.copytree("lava-master", workerdir) os.mkdir("%s/devices" % workerdir) # handle users / tokens userdir = "%s/users" % workerdir os.mkdir(userdir) worker = master webadmin_https = False if "webadmin_https" in worker: webadmin_https = worker["webadmin_https"] if webadmin_https: cookie_secure = "true" session_cookie_secure = "true" else: cookie_secure = "false" session_cookie_secure = "false" fsettings = open("%s/settings.conf" % workerdir, 'w') fsettings.write(template_settings_conf.substitute(cookie_secure=cookie_secure, session_cookie_secure=session_cookie_secure)) fsettings.close() if "users" in worker: for user in worker["users"]: keywords_users = [ "name", "staff", "superuser", "password", "token" ] for keyword in user: if not keyword in keywords_users: print("WARNING: unknown keyword %s" % keyword) username = user["name"] ftok = open("%s/%s" % (userdir, username), "w") token = user["token"] ftok.write("TOKEN=" + token + "\n") if "password" in user: password = user["password"] ftok.write("PASSWORD=" + password + "\n") # libyaml convert yes/no to true/false... if "staff" in user: value = user["staff"] if value is True: ftok.write("STAFF=1\n") if "superuser" in user: value = user["superuser"] if value is True: ftok.write("SUPERUSER=1\n") ftok.close() tokendir = "%s/tokens" % workerdir os.mkdir(tokendir) if "tokens" in worker: filename_num = {} print("Found tokens") for token in worker["tokens"]: keywords_tokens = [ "username", "token", "description" ] for keyword in token: if not keyword in keywords_tokens: print("WARNING: unknown keyword %s" % keyword) username = token["username"] description = token["description"] if username in filename_num: number = filename_num[username] filename_num[username] = filename_num[username] + 1 else: filename_num[username] = 1 number = 0 filename = "%s-%d" % (username, number) print("\tAdd token for %s in %s" % (username, filename)) ftok = open("%s/%s" % (tokendir, filename), "w") ftok.write("USER=" + username + "\n") vtoken = token["token"] ftok.write("TOKEN=" + vtoken + "\n") ftok.write("DESCRIPTION=\"%s\"" % description) ftok.close() default_slave = "lab-slave-0" if "slaves" not in workers: print("Missing slaves entry in boards.yaml") sys.exit(1) slaves = workers["slaves"] for slave in slaves: keywords_slaves = [ "name", "host", "dispatcher_ip", "remote_user", "remote_master", "remote_address", "remote_rpc_port", "remote_proto", "extra_actions" ] for keyword in slave: if not keyword in keywords_slaves: print("WARNING: unknown keyword %s" % keyword) name = slave["name"] if len(slaves) == 1: default_slave = name print("Handle %s" % name) if not "host" in slave: host = "local" else: host = slave["host"] if slave.get("default_slave") and slave["default_slave"]: default_slave = name workerdir = "output/%s/%s" % (host, name) dockcomposeymlpath = "output/%s/docker-compose.yml" % host if not os.path.isdir("output/%s" % host): os.mkdir("output/%s" % host) shutil.copy("deploy.sh", "output/%s/" % host) dockcomp = {} dockcomp["version"] = "2.0" dockcomp["services"] = {} else: #master exists fp = open(dockcomposeymlpath, "r") dockcomp = yaml.load(fp) fp.close() dockcomp["services"][name] = {} dockcomp["services"][name]["hostname"] = name dockcomp["services"][name]["dns_search"] = "" dockcomp["services"][name]["ports"] = [ "69:69/udp", "80:80", "61950-62000:61950-62000" ] dockcomp["services"][name]["volumes"] = [ "/boot:/boot", "/lib/modules:/lib/modules" ] dockcomp["services"][name]["environment"] = {} dockcomp["services"][name]["build"] = {} dockcomp["services"][name]["build"]["context"] = name # insert here remote shutil.copytree("lava-slave", workerdir) fp = open("%s/phyhostname" % workerdir, "w") fp.write(host) fp.close() conmuxpath = "%s/conmux" % workerdir if not os.path.isdir(conmuxpath): os.mkdir(conmuxpath) worker = slave worker_name = name #NOTE remote_master is on slave if not "remote_master" in worker: remote_master = "lava-master" else: remote_master = worker["remote_master"] if not "remote_address" in worker: remote_address = remote_master else: remote_address = worker["remote_address"] if not "remote_rpc_port" in worker: remote_rpc_port = "80" else: remote_rpc_port = worker["remote_rpc_port"] dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["environment"]["LAVA_MASTER"] = remote_address remote_user = worker["remote_user"] # find master remote_token = "BAD" for fm in workers["masters"]: if fm["name"] == remote_master: for fuser in fm["users"]: if fuser["name"] == remote_user: remote_token = fuser["token"] if remote_token is "BAD": print("Cannot find %s on %s" % (remote_user, remote_master)) sys.exit(1) if not "remote_proto" in worker: remote_proto = "http" else: remote_proto = worker["remote_proto"] remote_uri = "%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/RPC2" % (remote_proto, remote_user, remote_token, remote_address, remote_rpc_port) dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["environment"]["LAVA_MASTER_URI"] = remote_uri if "dispatcher_ip" in worker: dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["environment"]["LAVA_DISPATCHER_IP"] = worker["dispatcher_ip"] with open(dockcomposeymlpath, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(dockcomp, f) if "extra_actions" in worker: fp = open("%s/scripts/extra_actions" % workerdir, "w") for eaction in worker["extra_actions"]: fp.write(eaction) fp.write("\n") fp.close() os.chmod("%s/scripts/extra_actions" % workerdir, 0o755) if "boards" not in workers: print("Missing boards") sys.exit(1) ser2net_port = 60000 boards = workers["boards"] for board in boards: board_name = board["name"] if "slave" in board: slave_name = board["slave"] else: slave_name = default_slave print("\tFound %s on %s" % (board_name, slave_name)) found_slave = False for fs in workers["slaves"]: if fs["name"] == slave_name: slave = fs found_slave = True if not found_slave: print("Cannot find slave %s" % slave_name) sys.exit(1) if not "host" in slave: host = "local" else: host = slave["host"] workerdir = "output/%s/%s" % (host, slave_name) dockcomposeymlpath = "output/%s/docker-compose.yml" % host fp = open(dockcomposeymlpath, "r") dockcomp = yaml.load(fp) fp.close() device_path = "%s/devices/" % workerdir devices_path = "%s/devices/%s" % (workerdir, slave_name) devicetype = board["type"] device_line = template_device.substitute(devicetype=devicetype) if "pdu_generic" in board: hard_reset_command = board["pdu_generic"]["hard_reset_command"] power_off_command = board["pdu_generic"]["power_off_command"] power_on_command = board["pdu_generic"]["power_on_command"] device_line += template_device_pdu_generic.substitute(hard_reset_command=hard_reset_command, power_off_command=power_off_command, power_on_command=power_on_command) use_kvm = False if "kvm" in board: use_kvm = board["kvm"] if use_kvm: if "devices" in dockcomp["services"][worker_name]: dc_devices = dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] else: dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] = [] dc_devices = dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] dc_devices.append("/dev/kvm:/dev/kvm") # board specific hacks if devicetype == "qemu" and not use_kvm: device_line += "{% set no_kvm = True %}\n" if "uart" in board: uart = board["uart"] baud = board["uart"].get("baud", baud_default) idvendor = board["uart"]["idvendor"] idproduct = board["uart"]["idproduct"] if type(idproduct) == str: print("Please put hexadecimal IDs for product %s (like 0x%s)" % (board_name, idproduct)) sys.exit(1) if type(idvendor) == str: print("Please put hexadecimal IDs for vendor %s (like 0x%s)" % (board_name, idvendor)) sys.exit(1) if "serial" in uart: serial = board["uart"]["serial"] udev_line = template_udev_serial.substitute(board=board_name, serial=serial, idvendor="%04x" % idvendor, idproduct="%04x" % idproduct) else: devpath = board["uart"]["devpath"] udev_line = template_udev_devpath.substitute(board=board_name, devpath=devpath, idvendor="%04x" % idvendor, idproduct="%04x" % idproduct) if not os.path.isdir("output/%s/udev" % host): os.mkdir("output/%s/udev" % host) fp = open("output/%s/udev/99-lavaworker-udev.rules" % host, "a") fp.write(udev_line) fp.close() if "devices" in dockcomp["services"][worker_name]: dc_devices = dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] else: dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] = [] dc_devices = dockcomp["services"][worker_name]["devices"] dc_devices.append("/dev/%s:/dev/%s" % (board_name, board_name)) use_conmux = True use_ser2net = False use_screen = False if "use_ser2net" in uart: use_conmux = False use_ser2net = True if "use_screen" in uart: use_conmux = False use_screen = True if use_conmux: conmuxline = template_conmux.substitute(board=board_name, baud=baud) device_line += template_device_conmux.substitute(board=board_name) fp = open("%s/conmux/%s.cf" % (workerdir, board_name), "w") fp.write(conmuxline) fp.close() if use_ser2net: ser2net_line = template_ser2net.substitute(port=ser2net_port,baud=baud,board=board_name) device_line += template_device_ser2net.substitute(port=ser2net_port) ser2net_port += 1 fp = open("%s/ser2net.conf" % workerdir, "a") fp.write(ser2net_line) fp.close() if use_screen: device_line += template_device_screen.substitute(board=board_name) fp = open("%s/lava-screen.conf" % workerdir, "a") fp.write("%s\n" % board_name) fp.close() elif "connection_command" in board: connection_command = board["connection_command"] device_line += template_device_connection_command.substitute(connection_command=connection_command) if "uboot_ipaddr" in board: device_line += "{%% set uboot_ipaddr_cmd = 'setenv ipaddr %s' %%}\n" % board["uboot_ipaddr"] if "uboot_macaddr" in board: device_line += '{% set uboot_set_mac = true %}' device_line += "{%% set uboot_mac_addr = '%s' %%}\n" % board["uboot_macaddr"] if "fastboot_serial_number" in board: fserial = board["fastboot_serial_number"] device_line += "{%% set fastboot_serial_number = '%s' %%}" % fserial if "custom_option" in board: for coption in board["custom_option"]: device_line += "{%% %s %%}\n" % coption if not os.path.isdir(device_path): os.mkdir(device_path) if not os.path.isdir(devices_path): os.mkdir(devices_path) board_device_file = "%s/%s.jinja2" % (devices_path, board_name) fp = open(board_device_file, "w") fp.write(device_line) fp.close() with open(dockcomposeymlpath, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(dockcomp, f) if __name__ == "__main__": shutil.copy("common/build-lava", "lava-slave/scripts/build-lava") shutil.copy("common/build-lava", "lava-master/scripts/build-lava") main()