/* * Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ref: * (manual) https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html * (lua->C) http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/lua/lua_c_calls_lua.htm#_Anatomy_of_a_Lua_Call * (lua/C Var) http://acamara.es/blog/2012/08/passing-variables-from-lua-5-2-to-c-and-vice-versa/ * (Lua/C Lib)https://john.nachtimwald.com/2014/07/12/wrapping-a-c-library-in-lua/ * (Lua/C Table) https://gist.github.com/SONIC3D/10388137 * (Lua/C Nested table) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45699144/lua-nested-table-from-lua-to-c * (Lua/C Wrapper) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45699950/lua-passing-handle-to-function-created-with-newlib * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include "ctl-binding.h" #include "wrap-json.h" #define LUA_FIST_ARG 2 // when using luaL_newlib calllback receive libtable as 1st arg #define LUA_MSG_MAX_LENGTH 512 #define JSON_ERROR (json_object*)-1 static afb_req NULL_AFBREQ = {}; static lua_State* luaState; #define CTX_MAGIC 123456789 #define CTX_TOKEN "AFB_ctx" typedef struct { char *name; int count; afb_event event; } LuaAfbEvent; static LuaAfbEvent *luaDefaultEvt; typedef struct { int ctxMagic; afb_req request; void *handle; char *info; } LuaAfbContextT; typedef struct { const char *callback; json_object *context; void *handle; } LuaCallServiceT; typedef enum { AFB_MSG_INFO, AFB_MSG_WARNING, AFB_MSG_NOTICE, AFB_MSG_DEBUG, AFB_MSG_ERROR, } LuaAfbMessageT; /* * Note(Fulup): I fail to use luaL_setmetatable and replaced it with a simple opaque * handle while waiting for someone smarter than me to find a better solution * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45596493/lua-using-lua-newuserdata-from-lua-pcall */ STATIC LuaAfbContextT *LuaCtxCheck (lua_State *luaState, int index) { LuaAfbContextT *afbContext; //luaL_checktype(luaState, index, LUA_TUSERDATA); //afbContext = (LuaAfbContextT *)luaL_checkudata(luaState, index, CTX_TOKEN); luaL_checktype(luaState, index, LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA); afbContext = (LuaAfbContextT *) lua_touserdata(luaState, index); if (afbContext == NULL && afbContext->ctxMagic != CTX_MAGIC) { luaL_error(luaState, "Fail to retrieve user data context=%s", CTX_TOKEN); AFB_ERROR ("afbContextCheck error retrieving afbContext"); return NULL; } return afbContext; } STATIC LuaAfbContextT *LuaCtxPush (lua_State *luaState, afb_req request, void *handle, const char* info) { // LuaAfbContextT *afbContext = (LuaAfbContextT *)lua_newuserdata(luaState, sizeof(LuaAfbContextT)); // luaL_setmetatable(luaState, CTX_TOKEN); LuaAfbContextT *afbContext = (LuaAfbContextT *)calloc(1, sizeof(LuaAfbContextT)); lua_pushlightuserdata(luaState, afbContext); if (!afbContext) { AFB_ERROR ("LuaCtxPush fail to allocate user data context"); return NULL; } afbContext->ctxMagic=CTX_MAGIC; afbContext->info=strdup(info); afbContext->request= request; afbContext->handle= handle; return afbContext; } STATIC void LuaCtxFree (LuaAfbContextT *afbContext) { free(afbContext->info); free(afbContext); } // Push a json structure on the stack as a LUA table STATIC int LuaPushArgument (json_object *argsJ) { //AFB_NOTICE("LuaPushArgument argsJ=%s", json_object_get_string(argsJ)); json_type jtype= json_object_get_type(argsJ); switch (jtype) { case json_type_object: { lua_newtable (luaState); json_object_object_foreach (argsJ, key, val) { int done = LuaPushArgument (val); if (done) { lua_setfield(luaState,-2, key); } } break; } case json_type_array: { int length= json_object_array_length(argsJ); lua_newtable (luaState); for (int idx=0; idx < length; idx ++) { json_object *val=json_object_array_get_idx(argsJ, idx); LuaPushArgument (val); lua_seti (luaState,-2, idx); } break; } case json_type_int: lua_pushinteger(luaState, json_object_get_int(argsJ)); break; case json_type_string: lua_pushstring(luaState, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); break; case json_type_boolean: lua_pushboolean(luaState, json_object_get_boolean(argsJ)); break; case json_type_double: lua_pushnumber(luaState, json_object_get_double(argsJ)); break; case json_type_null: AFB_WARNING("LuaPushArgument: NULL object type %s", json_object_get_string(argsJ)); return 0; break; default: AFB_ERROR("LuaPushArgument: unsupported Json object type %s", json_object_get_string(argsJ));
SUMMARY = "A full set of AGL Distribution for testing as Quality Assurance"

DESCRIPTION = "A full set of AGL Distribution. This image also has additional \
packages (e.g. commandline tools) for Quality Assurance(QA)."


require agl-demo-platform.bb

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
    packagegroup-ivi-common-test \
    packagegroup-agl-demo-platform-qa \
, 4)) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "ERROR: syntax AFB:servsync(api, verb, {[Lua Table]})"); goto OnErrorExit; } // get api/verb+query const char *api = lua_tostring(luaState,2); const char *verb= lua_tostring(luaState,3); json_object *queryJ= LuaTableToJson(luaState, 4); int iserror=afb_service_call_sync (api, verb, queryJ, &responseJ); // push error status & response count=1; lua_pushboolean(luaState, iserror); count+= LuaPushArgument(responseJ); return count; // return count values OnErrorExit: lua_error(luaState); return 1; } STATIC int LuaAfbEventPush(lua_State* luaState) { LuaAfbEvent *afbevt; int index; // if no private event handle then use default binding event if (lua_islightuserdata(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG)) { afbevt = (LuaAfbEvent*) lua_touserdata(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG); index=LUA_FIST_ARG+1; } else { index=LUA_FIST_ARG; afbevt=luaDefaultEvt; } if (!afb_event_is_valid(afbevt->event)) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbMakePush-Fail invalid event"); goto OnErrorExit; } json_object *ctlEventJ= LuaTableToJson(luaState, index); if (!ctlEventJ) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventPush-Syntax is AFB:signal ([evtHandle], {lua table})"); goto OnErrorExit; } int done = afb_event_push(afbevt->event, ctlEventJ); if (!done) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventPush-Fail No Subscriber to event"); AFB_ERROR ("LuaAfbEventPush-Fail name subscriber event=%s count=%d", afbevt->name, afbevt->count); goto OnErrorExit; } afbevt->count++; return 0; OnErrorExit: lua_error(luaState); return 1; } STATIC int LuaAfbEventSubscribe(lua_State* luaState) { LuaAfbEvent *afbevt; LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxCheck(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG); if (!afbContext) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventSubscribe-Fail Invalid request handle"); goto OnErrorExit; } // if no private event handle then use default binding event if (lua_islightuserdata(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG+1)) { afbevt = (LuaAfbEvent*) lua_touserdata(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG+1); } else { afbevt=luaDefaultEvt; } if (!afb_event_is_valid(afbevt->event)) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbMakePush-Fail invalid event handle"); goto OnErrorExit; } int err = afb_req_subscribe(afbContext->request, afbevt->event); if (err) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventSubscribe-Fail No Subscriber to event"); AFB_ERROR ("LuaAfbEventPush-Fail name subscriber event=%s count=%d", afbevt->name, afbevt->count); goto OnErrorExit; } afbevt->count++; return 0; OnErrorExit: lua_error(luaState); return 1; } STATIC int LuaAfbEventMake(lua_State* luaState) { int count = lua_gettop(luaState); LuaAfbEvent *afbevt=calloc(1,sizeof(LuaAfbEvent)); if (count != LUA_FIST_ARG || !lua_isstring(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG)) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventMake-Syntax is evtHandle= AFB:event ('myEventName')"); goto OnErrorExit; } // event name should be the only argument afbevt->name= strdup (lua_tostring(luaState,LUA_FIST_ARG)); // create a new binder event afbevt->event = afb_daemon_make_event(afbevt->name); if (!afb_event_is_valid(afbevt->event)) { lua_pushliteral (luaState, "LuaAfbEventMake-Fail to Create Binder event"); goto OnErrorExit; } // push event handler as a LUA opaque handle lua_pushlightuserdata(luaState, afbevt); return 1; OnErrorExit: lua_error(luaState); return 1; } // Function call from LUA when lua2c plugin L2C is used PUBLIC int Lua2cWrapper(lua_State* luaState, char *funcname, Lua2cFunctionT callback, void *context) { json_object *argsJ= LuaPopArgs(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG+1); int response = (*callback) (funcname, argsJ, context); // push response to LUA lua_pushinteger(luaState, response); return 1; } // Generated some fake event based on watchdog/counter PUBLIC int LuaCallFunc (DispatchSourceT source, DispatchActionT *action, json_object *queryJ) { int err, count; json_object* argsJ = action->argsJ; const char* func = action->call; // load function (should exist in CONTROL_PATH_LUA lua_getglobal(luaState, func); // push source on the stack count=1; lua_pushinteger(luaState, source); // push argsJ on the stack if (!argsJ) { lua_pushnil(luaState); count++; } else { count+= LuaPushArgument (argsJ); } // push queryJ on the stack if (!queryJ) { lua_pushnil(luaState); count++; } else { count+= LuaPushArgument (queryJ); } // effectively exec LUA script code err=lua_pcall(luaState, count, 1, 0); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("LuaCallFunc Fail calling %s error=%s", func, lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } // return LUA script value int rc= (int)lua_tointeger(luaState, -1); return rc; OnErrorExit: return -1; } // Execute LUA code from received API request STATIC void LuaDoAction (LuaDoActionT action, afb_req request) { int err, count=0; json_object* queryJ = afb_req_json(request); switch (action) { case LUA_DOSTRING: { const char *script = json_object_get_string(queryJ); err=luaL_loadstring(luaState, script); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DO-COMPILE:FAIL String=%s err=%s", script, lua_tostring(luaState,-1) ); goto OnErrorExit; } // Push AFB client context on the stack LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxPush(luaState, request,NULL,script); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; break; } case LUA_DOCALL: { const char *func; json_object *argsJ=NULL; err= wrap_json_unpack (queryJ, "{s:s, s?o !}", "target", &func, "args", &argsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOCALL-SYNTAX missing target|args query=%s", json_object_get_string(queryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } // load function (should exist in CONTROL_PATH_LUA lua_getglobal(luaState, func); // Push AFB client context on the stack LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxPush(luaState, request, NULL, func); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; // push query on the stack if (!argsJ) { lua_pushnil(luaState); count++; } else { count+= LuaPushArgument (argsJ); } break; } case LUA_DOSCRIPT: { // Fulup need to fix argument passing char *filename; char*fullpath; char luaScriptPath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; int index; // scan luascript search path once static json_object *luaScriptPathJ =NULL; // extract value from query const char *target=NULL,*func=NULL; json_object *argsJ=NULL; err= wrap_json_unpack (queryJ, "{s:s,s?s,s?s,s?o !}","target", &target,"path",&luaScriptPathJ,"function",&func,"args",&argsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT-SYNTAX:missing target|[path]|[function]|[args] query=%s", json_object_get_string(queryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } // search for filename=script in CONTROL_LUA_PATH if (!luaScriptPathJ) { strncpy(luaScriptPath,CONTROL_DOSCRIPT_PRE, sizeof(luaScriptPath)); strncat(luaScriptPath,"-", sizeof(luaScriptPath)-strlen(luaScriptPath)-1); strncat(luaScriptPath,target, sizeof(luaScriptPath)-strlen(luaScriptPath)-1); luaScriptPathJ= ScanForConfig(CONTROL_LUA_PATH , CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE,luaScriptPath,".lua"); } for (index=0; index < json_object_array_length(luaScriptPathJ); index++) { json_object *entryJ=json_object_array_get_idx(luaScriptPathJ, index); err= wrap_json_unpack (entryJ, "{s:s, s:s !}", "fullpath", &fullpath,"filename", &filename); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT-SCAN:HOOPs invalid config file path = %s", json_object_get_string(entryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } if (index > 0) AFB_WARNING("LUA-DOSCRIPT-SCAN:Ignore second script=%s path=%s", filename, fullpath); else { strncpy (luaScriptPath, fullpath, sizeof(luaScriptPath)); strncat (luaScriptPath, "/", sizeof(luaScriptPath)-strlen(luaScriptPath)-1); strncat (luaScriptPath, filename, sizeof(luaScriptPath)-strlen(luaScriptPath)-1); } } err= luaL_loadfile(luaState, luaScriptPath); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT HOOPs Error in LUA loading scripts=%s err=%s", luaScriptPath, lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } // script was loaded we need to parse to make it executable err=lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT:FAIL to load %s", luaScriptPath); goto OnErrorExit; } // if no func name given try to deduct from filename if (!func && (func=(char*)GetMidleName(filename))!=NULL) { strncpy(luaScriptPath,"_", sizeof(luaScriptPath)); strncat(luaScriptPath,func, sizeof(luaScriptPath)-strlen(luaScriptPath)-1); func=luaScriptPath; } if (!func) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT:FAIL to deduct funcname from %s", filename); goto OnErrorExit; } // load function (should exist in CONTROL_PATH_LUA lua_getglobal(luaState, func); // Push AFB client context on the stack LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxPush(luaState, request, NULL, func); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; // push function arguments if (!argsJ) { lua_pushnil(luaState); count++; } else { count+= LuaPushArgument(argsJ); } break; } default: AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DOSCRIPT-ACTION unknown query=%s", json_object_get_string(queryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } // effectively exec LUA code (afb_reply/fail done later from callback) err=lua_pcall(luaState, count+1, 0, 0); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-DO-EXEC:FAIL query=%s err=%s", json_object_get_string(queryJ), lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } return; OnErrorExit: afb_req_fail(request,"LUA:ERROR", lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); return; } PUBLIC void ctlapi_execlua (afb_req request) { LuaDoAction (LUA_DOSTRING, request); } PUBLIC void ctlapi_request (afb_req request) { LuaDoAction (LUA_DOCALL, request); } PUBLIC void ctlapi_debuglua (afb_req request) { LuaDoAction (LUA_DOSCRIPT, request); } STATIC int LuaTimerClear (lua_State* luaState) { // Get Timer Handle LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxCheck(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; // retrieve useful information opaque handle TimerHandleT *timerHandle = (TimerHandleT*)afbContext->handle; AFB_NOTICE ("LuaTimerClear timer=%s", timerHandle->label); TimerEvtStop(timerHandle); return 0; //happy end OnErrorExit: return 1; } STATIC int LuaTimerGet (lua_State* luaState) { // Get Timer Handle LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxCheck(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; // retrieve useful information opaque handle TimerHandleT *timerHandle = (TimerHandleT*)afbContext->handle; // create response as a JSON object json_object *responseJ= json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(responseJ,"label", json_object_new_string(timerHandle->label)); json_object_object_add(responseJ,"delay", json_object_new_int(timerHandle->delay)); json_object_object_add(responseJ,"count", json_object_new_int(timerHandle->count)); // return JSON object as Lua table int count=LuaPushArgument(responseJ); // free json object json_object_put(responseJ); return count; // return argument OnErrorExit: return 0; } // Timer Callback // Set timer STATIC int LuaTimerSetCB (void *handle) { LuaCallServiceT *contextCB =(LuaCallServiceT*) handle; TimerHandleT *timerHandle = (TimerHandleT*) contextCB->handle; int count; // push timer handle and user context on Lua stack lua_getglobal(luaState, contextCB->callback); // Push timer handle LuaAfbContextT *afbContext= LuaCtxPush(luaState, NULL_AFBREQ, contextCB->handle, timerHandle->label); if (!afbContext) goto OnErrorExit; count=1; // Push user Context count+= LuaPushArgument(contextCB->context); int err=lua_pcall(luaState, count, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-TIMER-CB:FAIL response=%s err=%s", json_object_get_string(contextCB->context), lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } // get return parameter if (!lua_isboolean(luaState, -1)) { return (lua_toboolean(luaState, -1)); } // timer last run free context resource if (timerHandle->count == 1) { LuaCtxFree(afbContext); } return 0; // By default we are happy OnErrorExit: return 1; // stop timer } STATIC int LuaTimerSet(lua_State* luaState) { const char *label=NULL, *info=NULL; int delay=0, count=0; json_object *timerJ = LuaPopOneArg(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG); const char *callback = lua_tostring(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG + 1); json_object *contextJ = LuaPopOneArg(luaState, LUA_FIST_ARG + 2); if (lua_gettop(luaState) != LUA_FIST_ARG+2 || !timerJ || !callback || !contextJ) { lua_pushliteral(luaState, "LuaTimerSet-Syntax timerset (timerT, 'callback', contextT)"); goto OnErrorExit; } int err = wrap_json_unpack(timerJ, "{ss, s?s si, si !}", "label", &label, "info", &info, "delay", &delay, "count", &count); if (err) { lua_pushliteral(luaState, "LuaTimerSet-Syntax timerT={label:xxx delay:ms, count:xx}"); goto OnErrorExit; } // everything look fine create timer structure TimerHandleT *timerHandle = malloc (sizeof (TimerHandleT)); timerHandle->delay=delay; timerHandle->count=count; timerHandle->label=label; // Allocate handle to store context and callback LuaCallServiceT *contextCB = calloc (1, sizeof(LuaCallServiceT)); contextCB->callback= callback; contextCB->context = contextJ; contextCB->handle = timerHandle; // fire timer TimerEvtStart (timerHandle, LuaTimerSetCB, contextCB); return 0; // Happy No Return Function OnErrorExit: lua_error(luaState); return 1; // return error code } // Register a new L2c list of LUA user plugin commands PUBLIC void LuaL2cNewLib(const char *label, luaL_Reg *l2cFunc, int count) { // luaL_newlib(luaState, l2cFunc); macro does not work with pointer :( luaL_checkversion(luaState); lua_createtable(luaState, 0, count+1); luaL_setfuncs(luaState,l2cFunc,0); lua_setglobal(luaState, label); } static const luaL_Reg afbFunction[] = { {"timerclear", LuaTimerClear}, {"timerget" , LuaTimerGet}, {"timerset" , LuaTimerSet}, {"notice" , LuaPrintNotice}, {"info" , LuaPrintInfo}, {"warning" , LuaPrintWarning}, {"debug" , LuaPrintDebug}, {"error" , LuaPrintError}, {"servsync" , LuaAfbServiceSync}, {"service" , LuaAfbService}, {"success" , LuaAfbSuccess}, {"fail" , LuaAfbFail}, {"subscribe" , LuaAfbEventSubscribe}, {"evtmake" , LuaAfbEventMake}, {"evtpush" , LuaAfbEventPush}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; // Create Binding Event at Init PUBLIC int LuaLibInit () { int err, index; // search for default policy config file char fullprefix[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy (fullprefix, CONTROL_CONFIG_PRE "-", sizeof(fullprefix)); strncat (fullprefix, GetBinderName(), sizeof(fullprefix)-strlen(fullprefix)-1); strncat (fullprefix, "-", sizeof(fullprefix)-strlen(fullprefix)-1); const char *dirList= getenv("CONTROL_LUA_PATH"); if (!dirList) dirList=CONTROL_LUA_PATH; json_object *luaScriptPathJ = ScanForConfig(dirList , CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, fullprefix, "lua"); // open a new LUA interpretor luaState = luaL_newstate(); if (!luaState) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA_INIT: Fail to open lua interpretor"); goto OnErrorExit; } // load auxiliary libraries luaL_openlibs(luaState); // redirect print to AFB_NOTICE luaL_newlib(luaState, afbFunction); lua_setglobal(luaState, "AFB"); // create default lua event to send test pause/resume luaDefaultEvt=calloc(1,sizeof(LuaAfbEvent)); luaDefaultEvt->name=CONTROL_LUA_EVENT; luaDefaultEvt->event = afb_daemon_make_event(CONTROL_LUA_EVENT); if (!afb_event_is_valid(luaDefaultEvt->event)) { AFB_ERROR ("POLCTL_INIT: Cannot register lua-events=%s ", CONTROL_LUA_EVENT); goto OnErrorExit;; } // load+exec any file found in LUA search path for (index=0; index < json_object_array_length(luaScriptPathJ); index++) { json_object *entryJ=json_object_array_get_idx(luaScriptPathJ, index); char *filename; char*fullpath; err= wrap_json_unpack (entryJ, "{s:s, s:s !}", "fullpath", &fullpath,"filename", &filename); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-INIT HOOPs invalid config file path = %s", json_object_get_string(entryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } char filepath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(filepath, fullpath, sizeof(filepath)); strncat(filepath, "/", sizeof(filepath)-strlen(filepath)-1); strncat(filepath, filename, sizeof(filepath)-strlen(filepath)-1); err= luaL_loadfile(luaState, filepath); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-LOAD HOOPs Error in LUA loading scripts=%s err=%s", filepath, lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } // exec/compil script err = lua_pcall(luaState, 0, 0, 0); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("LUA-LOAD HOOPs Error in LUA exec scripts=%s err=%s", filepath, lua_tostring(luaState,-1)); goto OnErrorExit; } } // no policy config found remove control API from binder if (index == 0) { AFB_WARNING ("POLICY-INIT:WARNING (setenv CONTROL_LUA_PATH) No LUA '%s*.lua' in '%s'", fullprefix, dirList); } AFB_DEBUG ("Audio control-LUA Init Done"); return 0; OnErrorExit: return 1; }