SUMMARY     = "4A - Generic HAL"
DESCRIPTION = "Generic HAL in 4A (AGL Advanced Audio Agent)"
HOMEPAGE    = ""
SECTION     = "apps"

LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327"

SRC_URI = "gitsm://;protocol=https;branch=${AGL_BRANCH}"
SRCREV = "e2c70866cc7d4a55409fd459b02118c629b4b216"

DEPENDS += "lua"

PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}"
S  = "${WORKDIR}/git"

inherit afb-system-cmake

#FILES_${PN}-dev += "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/4a-hal/htdocs"
#FILES_${PN} += "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/afb-aaaa"

# The package is machine-specific due to variable config content

# when no specific HAL is defined, use a generic usb one
4A_HAL_LIST ??= "2ch-generic-usb"

# for specific machines, activate only known HALs
4A_HAL_LIST_m3ulcb          ?= "rcar-m3 rcar-m3kf"
4A_HAL_LIST_h3ulcb          ?= "rcar-m3 rcar-m3kf"
4A_HAL_LIST_intel-corei7-64 ?= "intel-minnow intel-upsquared-hdmi"
4A_HAL_LIST_qemux86-64      ?= "intel-qemu"

# Due to bug SPEC-1610, default hal for RPI3 is not active yet
# 4A_HAL_LIST_raspberrypi3    ?= "raspberry-pi-3"

### TODO: this list should be completed for more machines

do_install_append () {
    # get pkgdir - note that '4a-hal' comes from project ${project_git_repo}/conf.d/cmake/config.cmake

    # move all config files to a 'available' dir
    mv $PKGDIR/etc $PKGDIR/etc.available

    # then install only required hals files in the etc folder
    mkdir -p $PKGDIR/etc
    for x in ${4A_HAL_LIST}; do
        mv -v $PKGDIR/etc.available/${hal} $PKGDIR/etc/