This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-agl-refhw-gen3
layer which provides support for the Renesas R-Car H3 based AGL reference


This layer depends on:

  URI: git://
  layers: meta
  branch: scarthgap

  URI: git://
  layers: meta-oe, meta-python
  branch: scarthgap

  branch: scarthgap-dev

Build Instructions

  I. Building with the layer in the AGL environment
 II. Build agl-demo-platform by using meta-agl-refhw-gen3
III. Updating firmware
 IV. Notes

I. Adding the meta-agl-refhw-gen3 layer to your AGL environment

This layer has been integrated into the AGL build environment for the UCB 11.0
(Kooky Koi) release, so manual integration is no longer required.  See section
(II) below for how to build an image, and the "How to build the Firmware" section
in the document meta-agl-refhw-gen3/docs/ for how to
configure a standalone build without AGL.

II. Build for Reference Hardware

You should follow the instructions in the "Building for Supported Renesas Boards"
section on the AGL developer site to build images for the reference hardware.

Use the "h3ulcb" machine and "agl-refhw-h3" feature when configuring, e.g.:

	$ cd $AGL_TOP
	$ source meta-agl/scripts/ -m h3ulcb -b build \
	  agl-refhw-h3 agl-demo agl-devel

This works as the AGL reference hardware support activated by the "agl-refhw-h3"
feature integrates on top of the "h3ulcb" (or "h3ulcb-nogfx") machine support in
the AGL UCB tree.  Note that it has not been tested with the "h3ulcb-kf" machine.
In the resulting build, the image can be used on the reference hardware by using
the DTB file "r8a7795-agl-refhw.dtb".  In the reference hardware u-boot settings,
this can be done with the following (in case of booting from the Micro SD card
in SD#0):

	=> setenv bootargs 'console=ttySC0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootwait ro rootfstype=ext4'
	=> setenv bootcmd 'run load_ker; run load_dtb; booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000'
	=> setenv load_dtb 'ext4load mmc 0:1 0x48000000 /boot/r8a7795-agl-refhw.dtb'
	=> setenv load_ker 'ext4load mmc 0:1 0x48080000 /boot/Image'
	=> saveenv
	=> printenv
	bootargs=console=ttySC0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootwait ro rootfstype=ext4
	bootcmd=run load_ker; run load_dtb; booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000
	load_dtb=ext4load mmc 0:1 0x48000000 /boot/r8a7795-agl-refhw.dtb
	load_ker=ext4load mmc 0:1 0x48080000 /boot/Image

III. Updating firmware

Please refer to meta-agl-refhw-gen3/docs/ for details.

IV. Notes
1.  SD#1 is not supported.