FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"

SRC_URI += "file://0001-Boot-Normal-World-in-EL2.patch"

# It is believed the eMMC configuration below makes the result AGL
# reference hardware specific, mark it as such to try to prevent
# unintended usage on other boards.
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "agl-refhw-h3"

# There are hardware issues in using hyperflash. arm-trusted-firmware, optee and
# u-boot have to be stored into eMMC by using serial donwload.


ATFW_OPT_append_agl-refhw-h3 = " ${EMMC_BOOT_OPTION}"

# In, a "extra_ipl_opt" task is appended to
# create firmware for 4x2g or 2x2g variation. it is supposed to use
# EXTRA_ATFW_OPT to customize the compiler opton.
#EXTRA_ATFW_OPT_append_agl-refhw-h3 = " ${EMMC_BOOT_OPTION} ${DDR_8G_OPTION}"
# Unfortunately in do_extra_ipl_opt() it use d.setVar() instead of d.appendVar()
# to setup EXTRA_ATFW_OPT variable which makes it impossible to customize it properly
# by others... Override it.
do_ipl_opt_compile_agl-refhw-h3 () {
    oe_runmake distclean
    oe_runmake bl2 bl31 dummytool PLAT=${PLATFORM} ${EXTRA_ATFW_OPT} ${ATFW_OPT_LOSSY} ${EMMC_BOOT_OPTION} ${DDR_8G_OPTION}