diff options
authorJan-Simon Möller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>2018-02-14 10:54:52 +0100
committerJan-Simon Möller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>2018-02-14 10:54:52 +0100
commitb6dc44f585b839ab1a2f0133b74958037fe1cb64 (patch)
parent88a162a657936f14e8e1ac5d6a0c3b368d0e9a45 (diff)
parent07d0d613cbca9619e3ad5361d39ae0feafbcb168 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'agl/sandbox/locust2001/rocko' into HEAD
* agl/sandbox/locust2001/rocko: (33 commits) most: remove skb_put_data patch from SRC_URI linux-linaro-qcomlt: update to kernel 4.14 dragonboard-410c: update 96boards-tools recipe dragonboard-410c: remove ACCEPT_EULA setting 00_local.conf.agl.inc: Disable GObject Introspection Data linux-ti-staging: Remove linux-dtb.inc geoclue: Remove unnecessary dependency u-boot-ota: Fix build error with gcc7 linux-firmware: Remove duplicated lines Change image type to wic.vmdk glibc: Arrange patch file netboot.bbclass: Remove image_types_uboot inheritance meta-agl-bsp/classes: Remove bbclass files rygel: Arrange rocko security-manager: Fix build error that causes gcc v7.0 cynara: Fix build error that causes gcc v7.0 libcap: Fix warning mesa: Arrange the recipe libmicrohttpd: Remove the recipe connman: Arrange patch file ... Bug-AGL: SPEC-1181 Change-Id: I8fa84553664fd3d7495b42c7198744f05eebcce0 Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Möller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>
-rw-r--r--meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.11.bb (renamed from meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.7.bb)9
-rw-r--r--meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.14.bbappend (renamed from meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.9.bbappend)1
-rw-r--r--meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.8.bbappend (renamed from meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.1.bbappend)0
-rw-r--r--meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend (renamed from meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend)2
-rw-r--r--meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch (renamed from meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch)0
-rw-r--r--meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch (renamed from meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch)0
-rw-r--r--meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch (renamed from meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch)0
-rw-r--r--meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch (renamed from meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch)0
-rw-r--r--meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.8.bbappend (renamed from meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.7.1.bbappend)4
66 files changed, 362 insertions, 14924 deletions
diff --git a/README-AGL.md b/README-AGL.md
index bb6e8aa63..146d6ff16 100644
--- a/README-AGL.md
+++ b/README-AGL.md
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ To build an image from 'meta-agl'
> $ bitbake agl-demo-platform
- If you want to run QEMU directly as VM in Virtual Box or your other favorite VM software then add this line to your "conf/local.conf" file.
- > IMAGE_FSTYPES += "vmdk"
+ > IMAGE_FSTYPES += "wic.vmdk"
5. Run in the emulator
> $ runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ To build an image from 'meta-agl'
> $ runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64 bootparams="uvesafb.mode_option=1280x720-32" serial
**Or use the virtual disk in Virtual Box from this location:**
- > tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/agl-demo-platform-qemux86-64.vmdk
+ > tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/agl-demo-platform-qemux86-64.wic.vmdk
6. Some weston samples are available from weston terminal (click top left icon).
Check the folder `/opt/AGL/ALS2016`.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fc6a06967..8c98edab0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ See README-AGL.md
Specifically out of meta-openembedded these sub-layers are used:
* meta-openembedded/meta-oe
* meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia
- * meta-openembedded/meta-efl
* meta-openembedded/meta-networking
* meta-openembedded/meta-python
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image-vm.bbclass b/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image-vm.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8f0cb8f..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image-vm.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# image-vm.bbclass
-# (loosly based off image-live.bbclass Copyright (C) 2004, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
-# Create an image which can be placed directly onto a harddisk using dd and then
-# booted.
-# This uses syslinux. extlinux would have been nice but required the ext2/3
-# partition to be mounted. grub requires to run itself as part of the install
-# process.
-# The end result is a 512 boot sector populated with an MBR and partition table
-# followed by an msdos fat16 partition containing syslinux and a linux kernel
-# completed by the ext2/3 rootfs.
-# We have to push the msdos parition table size > 16MB so fat 16 is used as parted
-# won't touch fat12 partitions.
-inherit live-vm-common
-do_bootdirectdisk[depends] += "dosfstools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
- virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
- syslinux:do_populate_sysroot \
- syslinux-native:do_populate_sysroot \
- parted-native:do_populate_sysroot \
- mtools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
- ${PN}:do_image_${VM_ROOTFS_TYPE} \
- "
-IMAGE_TYPES_MASKED += "vmdk vmdk.xz vdi qcow2 hdddirect"
-VM_ROOTFS_TYPE ?= "ext4"
-# Used by bootloader
-LABELS_VM ?= "boot"
-ROOT_VM ?= "root=/dev/sda2"
-# Using an initramfs is optional. Enable it by setting INITRD_IMAGE_VM.
-INITRD_VM ?= "${@'${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${INITRD_IMAGE_VM}-${MACHINE}.cpio.gz' if '${INITRD_IMAGE_VM}' else ''}"
-do_bootdirectdisk[depends] += "${@'${INITRD_IMAGE_VM}:do_image_complete' if '${INITRD_IMAGE_VM}' else ''}"
-build_boot_dd() {
- HDDDIR="${S}/hdd/boot"
- HDDIMG="${S}/hdd.image"
- populate_kernel $HDDDIR
- if [ "${PCBIOS}" = "1" ]; then
- syslinux_hddimg_populate $HDDDIR
- fi
- if [ "${EFI}" = "1" ]; then
- efi_hddimg_populate $HDDDIR
- fi
- BLOCKS=`du -bks $HDDDIR | cut -f 1`
- # Remove it since mkdosfs would fail when it exists
- rm -f $HDDIMG
- mkdosfs -n ${BOOTDD_VOLUME_ID} -S 512 -C $HDDIMG $BLOCKS
- mcopy -i $HDDIMG -s $HDDDIR/* ::/
- if [ "${PCBIOS}" = "1" ]; then
- syslinux_hdddirect_install $HDDIMG
- fi
- chmod 644 $HDDIMG
- ROOTFSBLOCKS=`du -Lbks ${ROOTFS} | cut -f 1`
- END1=`expr $BLOCKS \* 1024`
- END2=`expr $END1 + 512`
- END3=`expr \( $ROOTFSBLOCKS \* 1024 \) + $END1`
- rm -rf $IMAGE
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMAGE bs=1024 seek=$TOTALSIZE count=1
- parted $IMAGE mklabel msdos
- parted $IMAGE mkpart primary fat16 0 ${END1}B
- parted $IMAGE unit B mkpart primary ext2 ${END2}B ${END3}B
- parted $IMAGE set 1 boot on
- parted $IMAGE print
- awk "BEGIN { printf \"$(echo ${DISK_SIGNATURE} | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\\x\4\\x\3\\x\2\\x\1/')\" }" | \
- dd of=$IMAGE bs=1 seek=440 conv=notrunc
- OFFSET=`expr $END2 / 512`
- if [ "${PCBIOS}" = "1" ]; then
- dd if=${STAGING_DATADIR}/syslinux/mbr.bin of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc
- fi
- dd if=$HDDIMG of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc seek=1 bs=512
- dd if=${ROOTFS} of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc seek=$OFFSET bs=512
- ln -sf ${IMAGE_NAME}.hdddirect ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.hdddirect
-python do_bootdirectdisk() {
- validate_disk_signature(d)
- set_live_vm_vars(d, 'VM')
- if d.getVar("PCBIOS") == "1":
- bb.build.exec_func('build_syslinux_cfg', d)
- if d.getVar("EFI") == "1":
- bb.build.exec_func('build_efi_cfg', d)
- bb.build.exec_func('build_boot_dd', d)
-def generate_disk_signature():
- import uuid
- signature = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
- if signature != '00000000':
- return signature
- else:
- return 'ffffffff'
-def validate_disk_signature(d):
- import re
- disk_signature = d.getVar("DISK_SIGNATURE")
- if not re.match(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$', disk_signature):
- bb.fatal("DISK_SIGNATURE '%s' must be an 8 digit hex string" % disk_signature)
-DISK_SIGNATURE_GENERATED := "${@generate_disk_signature()}"
-run_qemu_img (){
- type="$1"
- qemu-img convert -O $type ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.hdddirect ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.$type
- ln -sf ${IMAGE_NAME}.$type ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.$type
-create_vmdk_image () {
- run_qemu_img vmdk
-create_vmdkxz_image () {
- run_qemu_img vmdk
- ln -sf ${IMAGE_NAME}.vmdk.xz ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.vmdk.xz
-create_vdi_image () {
- run_qemu_img vdi
-create_qcow2_image () {
- run_qemu_img qcow2
-python do_vmimg() {
- if bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'vmdk.xz', True, False, d):
- bb.build.exec_func('create_vmdkxz_image', d)
- if bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'vmdk', True, False, d):
- bb.build.exec_func('create_vmdk_image', d)
- if 'vdi' in d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True):
- bb.build.exec_func('create_vdi_image', d)
- if 'qcow2' in d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True):
- bb.build.exec_func('create_qcow2_image', d)
-addtask bootdirectdisk before do_vmimg
-addtask vmimg after do_bootdirectdisk before do_image_complete
-do_vmimg[depends] += "qemu-native:do_populate_sysroot"
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image.bbclass b/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index ccaffce60..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/image.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-inherit rootfs_${IMAGE_PKGTYPE}
-# Only Linux SDKs support populate_sdk_ext, fall back to populate_sdk_base
-# in the non-Linux SDK_OS case, such as mingw32
-SDKEXTCLASS ?= "${@['populate_sdk_base', 'populate_sdk_ext']['linux' in d.getVar("SDK_OS")]}"
-inherit ${SDKEXTCLASS}
-POPULATE_SDK_POST_TARGET_COMMAND += "rootfs_sysroot_relativelinks; "
-DEPENDS += "${MLPREFIX}qemuwrapper-cross depmodwrapper-cross"
-TESTIMAGECLASS = "${@base_conditional('TEST_IMAGE', '1', 'testimage-auto', '', d)}"
-# IMAGE_FEATURES may contain any available package group
-IMAGE_FEATURES[type] = "list"
-IMAGE_FEATURES[validitems] += "debug-tweaks read-only-rootfs empty-root-password allow-empty-password post-install-logging"
-# Generate companion debugfs?
-# rootfs bootstrap install
-# These packages will be removed from a read-only rootfs after all other
-# packages have been installed
-ROOTFS_RO_UNNEEDED = "update-rc.d base-passwd shadow ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_update-alternatives} ${ROOTFS_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL}"
-# packages to install from features
-FEATURE_INSTALL = "${@' '.join(oe.packagegroup.required_packages(oe.data.typed_value('IMAGE_FEATURES', d), d))}"
-FEATURE_INSTALL_OPTIONAL = "${@' '.join(oe.packagegroup.optional_packages(oe.data.typed_value('IMAGE_FEATURES', d), d))}"
-# Define some very basic feature package groups
-FEATURE_PACKAGES_package-management = "${ROOTFS_PKGMANAGE}"
-SPLASH ?= "psplash"
-IMAGE_INSTALL_COMPLEMENTARY = '${@complementary_globs("IMAGE_FEATURES", d)}'
-def check_image_features(d):
- valid_features = (d.getVarFlag('IMAGE_FEATURES', 'validitems') or "").split()
- valid_features += d.getVarFlags('COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB').keys()
- for var in d:
- if var.startswith("PACKAGE_GROUP_"):
- bb.warn("PACKAGE_GROUP is deprecated, please use FEATURE_PACKAGES instead")
- valid_features.append(var[14:])
- elif var.startswith("FEATURE_PACKAGES_"):
- valid_features.append(var[17:])
- valid_features.sort()
- features = set(oe.data.typed_value('IMAGE_FEATURES', d))
- for feature in features:
- if feature not in valid_features:
- if bb.utils.contains('EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES', feature, True, False, d):
- raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("'%s' in IMAGE_FEATURES (added via EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES) is not a valid image feature. Valid features: %s" % (feature, ' '.join(valid_features)))
- else:
- raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("'%s' in IMAGE_FEATURES is not a valid image feature. Valid features: %s" % (feature, ' '.join(valid_features)))
-IMAGE_INSTALL[type] = "list"
-IMGDEPLOYDIR = "${WORKDIR}/deploy-${PN}-image-complete"
-# Images are generally built explicitly, do not need to be part of world.
-USE_DEVFS ?= "1"
-USE_DEPMOD ?= "1"
-PID = "${@os.getpid()}"
-LDCONFIGDEPEND ?= "ldconfig-native:do_populate_sysroot"
-LDCONFIGDEPEND_libc-uclibc = ""
-LDCONFIGDEPEND_libc-musl = ""
-# This is needed to have depmod data in PKGDATA_DIR,
-# but if you're building small initramfs image
-# e.g. to include it in your kernel, you probably
-# don't want this dependency, which is causing dependency loop
-KERNELDEPMODDEPEND ?= "virtual/kernel:do_packagedata"
-do_rootfs[depends] += " \
- makedevs-native:do_populate_sysroot virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot ${LDCONFIGDEPEND} \
- virtual/update-alternatives-native:do_populate_sysroot update-rc.d-native:do_populate_sysroot \
-do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "do_packagedata"
-def rootfs_command_variables(d):
-python () {
- variables = rootfs_command_variables(d) + sdk_command_variables(d)
- for var in variables:
- if d.getVar(var, False):
- d.setVarFlag(var, 'func', '1')
-def rootfs_variables(d):
- from oe.rootfs import variable_depends
- variables.extend(rootfs_command_variables(d))
- variables.extend(variable_depends(d))
- return " ".join(variables)
-do_rootfs[vardeps] += "${@rootfs_variables(d)}"
-do_build[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_deploy"
-def build_live(d):
- if bb.utils.contains("IMAGE_FSTYPES", "live", "live", "0", d) == "0": # live is not set but hob might set iso or hddimg
- d.setVar('NOISO', bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', "iso", "0", "1", d))
- d.setVar('NOHDD', bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', "hddimg", "0", "1", d))
- if d.getVar('NOISO') == "0" or d.getVar('NOHDD') == "0":
- return "image-live"
- return ""
- return "image-live"
-IMAGE_TYPE_live = "${@build_live(d)}"
-inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_live}
-IMAGE_TYPE_vm = '${@bb.utils.contains_any("IMAGE_FSTYPES", ["vmdk", "vmdk.xz", "vdi", "qcow2", "hdddirect"], "image-vm", "", d)}'
-inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_vm}
-IMAGE_TYPE_container = '${@bb.utils.contains("IMAGE_FSTYPES", "container", "image-container", "", d)}'
-inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_container}
-def build_uboot(d):
- if 'u-boot' in (d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES') or ''):
- return "image_types_uboot"
- else:
- return ""
-IMAGE_TYPE_uboot = "${@build_uboot(d)}"
-inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_uboot}
-IMAGE_TYPE_wic = "image_types_wic"
-inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_wic}
-python () {
- def extraimage_getdepends(task):
- deps = ""
- for dep in (d.getVar('EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS') or "").split():
- deps += " %s:%s" % (dep, task)
- return deps
- d.appendVarFlag('do_image', 'depends', extraimage_getdepends('do_populate_lic'))
- d.appendVarFlag('do_image_complete', 'depends', extraimage_getdepends('do_populate_sysroot'))
- deps = " " + imagetypes_getdepends(d)
- d.appendVarFlag('do_rootfs', 'depends', deps)
- #process IMAGE_FEATURES, we must do this before runtime_mapping_rename
- #Check for replaces image features
- features = set(oe.data.typed_value('IMAGE_FEATURES', d))
- remain_features = features.copy()
- for feature in features:
- replaces = set((d.getVar("IMAGE_FEATURES_REPLACES_%s" % feature) or "").split())
- remain_features -= replaces
- #Check for conflict image features
- for feature in remain_features:
- conflicts = set((d.getVar("IMAGE_FEATURES_CONFLICTS_%s" % feature) or "").split())
- temp = conflicts & remain_features
- if temp:
- bb.fatal("%s contains conflicting IMAGE_FEATURES %s %s" % (d.getVar('PN'), feature, ' '.join(list(temp))))
- d.setVar('IMAGE_FEATURES', ' '.join(sorted(list(remain_features))))
- check_image_features(d)
- initramfs_image = d.getVar('INITRAMFS_IMAGE') or ""
- if initramfs_image != "":
- d.appendVarFlag('do_build', 'depends', " %s:do_bundle_initramfs" % d.getVar('PN'))
- d.appendVarFlag('do_bundle_initramfs', 'depends', " %s:do_image_complete" % initramfs_image)
-IMAGE_CLASSES += "image_types"
-inherit ${IMAGE_CLASSES}
-# some default locales
-IMAGE_LINGUAS ?= "de-de fr-fr en-gb"
-LINGUAS_INSTALL ?= "${@" ".join(map(lambda s: "locale-base-%s" % s, d.getVar('IMAGE_LINGUAS').split()))}"
-# Prefer image, but use the fallback files for lookups if the image ones
-# aren't yet available.
-inherit rootfs-postcommands
-PACKAGE_EXCLUDE[type] = "list"
-fakeroot python do_rootfs () {
- from oe.rootfs import create_rootfs
- from oe.manifest import create_manifest
- import logging
- logger = d.getVar('BB_TASK_LOGGER', False)
- if logger:
- logcatcher = bb.utils.LogCatcher()
- logger.addHandler(logcatcher)
- else:
- logcatcher = None
- # NOTE: if you add, remove or significantly refactor the stages of this
- # process then you should recalculate the weightings here. This is quite
- # easy to do - just change the MultiStageProgressReporter line temporarily
- # to pass debug=True as the last parameter and you'll get a printout of
- # the weightings as well as a map to the lines where next_stage() was
- # called. Of course this isn't critical, but it helps to keep the progress
- # reporting accurate.
- stage_weights = [1, 203, 354, 186, 65, 4228, 1, 353, 49, 330, 382, 23, 1]
- progress_reporter = bb.progress.MultiStageProgressReporter(d, stage_weights)
- progress_reporter.next_stage()
- # Handle package exclusions
- excl_pkgs = d.getVar("PACKAGE_EXCLUDE").split()
- inst_pkgs = d.getVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL").split()
- inst_attempt_pkgs = d.getVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL_ATTEMPTONLY").split()
- d.setVar('PACKAGE_INSTALL_ORIG', ' '.join(inst_pkgs))
- d.setVar('PACKAGE_INSTALL_ATTEMPTONLY', ' '.join(inst_attempt_pkgs))
- for pkg in excl_pkgs:
- if pkg in inst_pkgs:
- bb.warn("Package %s, set to be excluded, is in %s PACKAGE_INSTALL (%s). It will be removed from the list." % (pkg, d.getVar('PN'), inst_pkgs))
- inst_pkgs.remove(pkg)
- if pkg in inst_attempt_pkgs:
- bb.warn("Package %s, set to be excluded, is in %s PACKAGE_INSTALL_ATTEMPTONLY (%s). It will be removed from the list." % (pkg, d.getVar('PN'), inst_pkgs))
- inst_attempt_pkgs.remove(pkg)
- d.setVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL", ' '.join(inst_pkgs))
- d.setVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL_ATTEMPTONLY", ' '.join(inst_attempt_pkgs))
- # Ensure we handle package name remapping
- # We have to delay the runtime_mapping_rename until just before rootfs runs
- # otherwise, the multilib renaming could step in and squash any fixups that
- # may have occurred.
- pn = d.getVar('PN')
- runtime_mapping_rename("PACKAGE_INSTALL", pn, d)
- runtime_mapping_rename("PACKAGE_INSTALL_ATTEMPTONLY", pn, d)
- runtime_mapping_rename("BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS", pn, d)
- # Generate the initial manifest
- create_manifest(d)
- progress_reporter.next_stage()
- # generate rootfs
- create_rootfs(d, progress_reporter=progress_reporter, logcatcher=logcatcher)
- progress_reporter.finish()
-do_rootfs[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
-do_rootfs[cleandirs] += "${S} ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}"
-do_rootfs[umask] = "022"
-addtask rootfs before do_build after do_prepare_recipe_sysroot
-fakeroot python do_image () {
- from oe.utils import execute_pre_post_process
- pre_process_cmds = d.getVar("IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND")
- execute_pre_post_process(d, pre_process_cmds)
-do_image[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
-do_image[umask] = "022"
-addtask do_image after do_rootfs before do_build
-fakeroot python do_image_complete () {
- from oe.utils import execute_pre_post_process
- post_process_cmds = d.getVar("IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND")
- execute_pre_post_process(d, post_process_cmds)
-do_image_complete[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
-do_image_complete[umask] = "022"
-SSTATETASKS += "do_image_complete"
-SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION_task-image-complete = '1'
-do_image_complete[sstate-inputdirs] = "${IMGDEPLOYDIR}"
-do_image_complete[sstate-outputdirs] = "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}"
-do_image_complete[stamp-extra-info] = "${MACHINE}"
-addtask do_image_complete after do_image before do_build
-# Add image-level QA/sanity checks to IMAGE_QA_COMMANDS
-# image_check_everything_ok \
-# "
-# This task runs all functions in IMAGE_QA_COMMANDS after the image
-# construction has completed in order to validate the resulting image.
-fakeroot python do_image_qa () {
- from oe.utils import ImageQAFailed
- qa_cmds = (d.getVar('IMAGE_QA_COMMANDS') or '').split()
- qamsg = ""
- for cmd in qa_cmds:
- try:
- bb.build.exec_func(cmd, d)
- except oe.utils.ImageQAFailed as e:
- qamsg = qamsg + '\tImage QA function %s failed: %s\n' % (e.name, e.description)
- except bb.build.FuncFailed as e:
- qamsg = qamsg + '\tImage QA function %s failed' % e.name
- if e.logfile:
- qamsg = qamsg + ' (log file is located at %s)' % e.logfile
- qamsg = qamsg + '\n'
- if qamsg:
- imgname = d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME')
- bb.fatal("QA errors found whilst validating image: %s\n%s" % (imgname, qamsg))
-addtask do_image_qa after do_image_complete before do_build
-def setup_debugfs_variables(d):
- d.appendVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', '-dbg')
- d.appendVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME', '-dbg')
- d.appendVar('IMAGE_NAME','-dbg')
- d.setVar('IMAGE_BUILDING_DEBUGFS', 'true')
- debugfs_image_fstypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES_DEBUGFS')
- if debugfs_image_fstypes:
- d.setVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', debugfs_image_fstypes)
-python setup_debugfs () {
- setup_debugfs_variables(d)
-python () {
- vardeps = set()
- # We allow CONVERSIONTYPES to have duplicates. That avoids breaking
- # derived distros when OE-core or some other layer independently adds
- # the same type. There is still only one command for each type, but
- # presumably the commands will do the same when the type is the same,
- # even when added in different places.
- #
- # Without de-duplication, gen_conversion_cmds() below
- # would create the same compression command multiple times.
- ctypes = set(d.getVar('CONVERSIONTYPES').split())
- old_overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES', False)
- def _image_base_type(type):
- basetype = type
- for ctype in ctypes:
- if type.endswith("." + ctype):
- basetype = type[:-len("." + ctype)]
- break
- if basetype != type:
- # New base type itself might be generated by a conversion command.
- basetype = _image_base_type(basetype)
- return basetype
- basetypes = {}
- alltypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES').split()
- typedeps = {}
- if d.getVar('IMAGE_GEN_DEBUGFS') == "1":
- debugfs_fstypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES_DEBUGFS').split()
- for t in debugfs_fstypes:
- alltypes.append("debugfs_" + t)
- def _add_type(t):
- baset = _image_base_type(t)
- input_t = t
- if baset not in basetypes:
- basetypes[baset]= []
- if t not in basetypes[baset]:
- basetypes[baset].append(t)
- debug = ""
- if t.startswith("debugfs_"):
- t = t[8:]
- debug = "debugfs_"
- deps = (d.getVar('IMAGE_TYPEDEP_' + t) or "").split()
- vardeps.add('IMAGE_TYPEDEP_' + t)
- if baset not in typedeps:
- typedeps[baset] = set()
- deps = [debug + dep for dep in deps]
- for dep in deps:
- if dep not in alltypes:
- alltypes.append(dep)
- _add_type(dep)
- basedep = _image_base_type(dep)
- typedeps[baset].add(basedep)
- if baset != input_t:
- _add_type(baset)
- for t in alltypes[:]:
- _add_type(t)
- d.appendVarFlag('do_image', 'vardeps', ' '.join(vardeps))
- maskedtypes = (d.getVar('IMAGE_TYPES_MASKED') or "").split()
- maskedtypes = [dbg + t for t in maskedtypes for dbg in ("", "debugfs_")]
- for t in basetypes:
- vardeps = set()
- cmds = []
- subimages = []
- realt = t
- if t in maskedtypes:
- continue
- localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
- debug = ""
- if t.startswith("debugfs_"):
- setup_debugfs_variables(localdata)
- debug = "setup_debugfs "
- realt = t[8:]
- localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', '%s:%s' % (realt, old_overrides))
- localdata.setVar('type', realt)
- # Delete DATETIME so we don't expand any references to it now
- # This means the task's hash can be stable rather than having hardcoded
- # date/time values. It will get expanded at execution time.
- # Similarly TMPDIR since otherwise we see QA stamp comparision problems
- localdata.delVar('DATETIME')
- localdata.delVar('TMPDIR')
- image_cmd = localdata.getVar("IMAGE_CMD")
- vardeps.add('IMAGE_CMD_' + realt)
- if image_cmd:
- cmds.append("\t" + image_cmd)
- else:
- bb.fatal("No IMAGE_CMD defined for IMAGE_FSTYPES entry '%s' - possibly invalid type name or missing support class" % t)
- cmds.append(localdata.expand("\tcd ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}"))
- # Since a copy of IMAGE_CMD_xxx will be inlined within do_image_xxx,
- # prevent a redundant copy of IMAGE_CMD_xxx being emitted as a function.
- d.delVarFlag('IMAGE_CMD_' + realt, 'func')
- rm_tmp_images = set()
- def gen_conversion_cmds(bt):
- for ctype in sorted(ctypes):
- if bt.endswith("." + ctype):
- type = bt[0:-len(ctype) - 1]
- if type.startswith("debugfs_"):
- type = type[8:]
- # Create input image first.
- gen_conversion_cmds(type)
- localdata.setVar('type', type)
- cmd = "\t" + (localdata.getVar("CONVERSION_CMD_" + ctype) or localdata.getVar("COMPRESS_CMD_" + ctype))
- if cmd not in cmds:
- cmds.append(cmd)
- vardeps.add('CONVERSION_CMD_' + ctype)
- vardeps.add('COMPRESS_CMD_' + ctype)
- subimage = type + "." + ctype
- if subimage not in subimages:
- subimages.append(subimage)
- if type not in alltypes:
- rm_tmp_images.add(localdata.expand("${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}"))
- for bt in basetypes[t]:
- gen_conversion_cmds(bt)
- localdata.setVar('type', realt)
- if t not in alltypes:
- rm_tmp_images.add(localdata.expand("${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}"))
- else:
- subimages.append(realt)
- # Clean up after applying all conversion commands. Some of them might
- # use the same input, therefore we cannot delete sooner without applying
- # some complex dependency analysis.
- for image in sorted(rm_tmp_images):
- cmds.append("\trm " + image)
- after = 'do_image'
- for dep in typedeps[t]:
- after += ' do_image_%s' % dep.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
- t = t.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
- d.setVar('do_image_%s' % t, '\n'.join(cmds))
- d.setVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'func', '1')
- d.setVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'fakeroot', '1')
- d.setVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'prefuncs', debug + 'set_image_size')
- d.setVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'postfuncs', 'create_symlinks')
- d.setVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'subimages', ' '.join(subimages))
- d.appendVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'vardeps', ' '.join(vardeps))
- d.appendVarFlag('do_image_%s' % t, 'vardepsexclude', 'DATETIME')
- bb.debug(2, "Adding type %s before %s, after %s" % (t, 'do_image_complete', after))
- bb.build.addtask('do_image_%s' % t, 'do_image_complete', after, d)
-# Compute the rootfs size
-def get_rootfs_size(d):
- import subprocess
- rootfs_alignment = int(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT'))
- overhead_factor = float(d.getVar('IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR'))
- rootfs_req_size = int(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE'))
- rootfs_extra_space = eval(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE'))
- rootfs_maxsize = d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS_MAXSIZE')
- image_fstypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES') or ''
- initramfs_fstypes = d.getVar('INITRAMFS_FSTYPES') or ''
- initramfs_maxsize = d.getVar('INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE')
- output = subprocess.check_output(['du', '-ks',
- d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS')])
- size_kb = int(output.split()[0])
- base_size = size_kb * overhead_factor
- base_size = max(base_size, rootfs_req_size) + rootfs_extra_space
- if base_size != int(base_size):
- base_size = int(base_size + 1)
- else:
- base_size = int(base_size)
- base_size += rootfs_alignment - 1
- base_size -= base_size % rootfs_alignment
- # Do not check image size of the debugfs image. This is not supposed
- # to be deployed, etc. so it doesn't make sense to limit the size
- # of the debug.
- if (d.getVar('IMAGE_BUILDING_DEBUGFS') or "") == "true":
- return base_size
- # Check the rootfs size against IMAGE_ROOTFS_MAXSIZE (if set)
- if rootfs_maxsize:
- rootfs_maxsize_int = int(rootfs_maxsize)
- if base_size > rootfs_maxsize_int:
- bb.fatal("The rootfs size %d(K) overrides IMAGE_ROOTFS_MAXSIZE: %d(K)" % \
- (base_size, rootfs_maxsize_int))
- # Check the initramfs size against INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE (if set)
- if image_fstypes == initramfs_fstypes != '' and initramfs_maxsize:
- initramfs_maxsize_int = int(initramfs_maxsize)
- if base_size > initramfs_maxsize_int:
- bb.error("The initramfs size %d(K) overrides INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE: %d(K)" % \
- (base_size, initramfs_maxsize_int))
- bb.error("You can set INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE a larger value. Usually, it should")
- bb.fatal("be less than 1/2 of ram size, or you may fail to boot it.\n")
- return base_size
-python set_image_size () {
- rootfs_size = get_rootfs_size(d)
- d.setVar('ROOTFS_SIZE', str(rootfs_size))
- d.setVarFlag('ROOTFS_SIZE', 'export', '1')
-# Create symlinks to the newly created image
-python create_symlinks() {
- deploy_dir = d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR')
- img_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME')
- link_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME')
- manifest_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_MANIFEST')
- taskname = d.getVar("BB_CURRENTTASK")
- subimages = (d.getVarFlag("do_" + taskname, 'subimages', False) or "").split()
- imgsuffix = d.getVarFlag("do_" + taskname, 'imgsuffix') or d.expand("${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.")
- if not link_name:
- return
- for type in subimages:
- dst = os.path.join(deploy_dir, link_name + "." + type)
- src = img_name + imgsuffix + type
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_dir, src)):
- bb.note("Creating symlink: %s -> %s" % (dst, src))
- if os.path.islink(dst):
- os.remove(dst)
- os.symlink(src, dst)
- else:
- bb.note("Skipping symlink, source does not exist: %s -> %s" % (dst, src))
-MULTILIBRE_ALLOW_REP =. "${base_bindir}|${base_sbindir}|${bindir}|${sbindir}|${libexecdir}|${sysconfdir}|${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev|/lib/modules/[^/]*/modules.*|"
-MULTILIB_CHECK_FILE = "${WORKDIR}/multilib_check.py"
-do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
-do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
-do_patch[noexec] = "1"
-do_configure[noexec] = "1"
-do_compile[noexec] = "1"
-do_install[noexec] = "1"
-deltask do_populate_sysroot
-do_package[noexec] = "1"
-deltask do_package_qa
-do_packagedata[noexec] = "1"
-do_package_write_ipk[noexec] = "1"
-do_package_write_deb[noexec] = "1"
-do_package_write_rpm[noexec] = "1"
-# Allow the kernel to be repacked with the initramfs and boot image file as a single file
-do_bundle_initramfs[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_bundle_initramfs"
-do_bundle_initramfs[nostamp] = "1"
-do_bundle_initramfs[noexec] = "1"
-do_bundle_initramfs () {
- :
-addtask bundle_initramfs after do_image_complete
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/sdcard_image-rpi.bbclass b/meta-agl-bsp/classes/sdcard_image-rpi.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index c22a6f880..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/classes/sdcard_image-rpi.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-inherit image_types
-inherit linux-raspberrypi-base
-# Create an image that can by written onto a SD card using dd.
-# The disk layout used is:
-# 0 -> IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT - reserved for other data
-# IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT -> BOOT_SPACE - bootloader and kernel
-# BOOT_SPACE -> SDIMG_SIZE - rootfs
-# Default Free space = 1.3x
-# Use IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR to add more space
-# <--------->
-# <-----------------------> <----------> <---------------------->
-# ------------------------ ------------ ------------------------
-# ------------------------ ------------ ------------------------
-# ^ ^ ^ ^
-# | | | |
-# 0 4MiB 4MiB + 40MiB 4MiB + 40Mib + SDIMG_ROOTFS
-# This image depends on the rootfs image
-# Set kernel and boot loader
-IMAGE_BOOTLOADER ?= "bcm2835-bootfiles"
-# Set initramfs extension
-# Kernel image name
-SDIMG_KERNELIMAGE_raspberrypi ?= "kernel.img"
-SDIMG_KERNELIMAGE_raspberrypi2 ?= "kernel7.img"
-SDIMG_KERNELIMAGE_raspberrypi3-64 ?= "kernel8.img"
-# Boot partition volume id
-# Boot partition size [in KiB] (will be rounded up to IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT)
-BOOT_SPACE ?= "40960"
-# Set alignment to 4MB [in KiB]
-# Use an uncompressed ext3 by default as rootfs
-IMAGE_DEPENDS_rpi-sdimg = " \
- parted-native \
- mtools-native \
- dosfstools-native \
- virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE', 'uImage', 'u-boot', '',d)} \
- "
-# SD card image name
-SDIMG = "${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.rpi-sdimg"
-# Compression method to apply to SDIMG after it has been created. Supported
-# compression formats are "gzip", "bzip2" or "xz". The original .rpi-sdimg file
-# is kept and a new compressed file is created if one of these compression
-# formats is chosen. If SDIMG_COMPRESSION is set to any other value it is
-# silently ignored.
-# Additional files and/or directories to be copied into the vfat partition from the IMAGE_ROOTFS.
-IMAGE_CMD_rpi-sdimg () {
- # Align partitions
- echo "Creating filesystem with Boot partition ${BOOT_SPACE_ALIGNED} KiB and RootFS $ROOTFS_SIZE KiB"
- # Check if we are building with device tree support
- DTS="${@get_dts(d)}"
- # Initialize sdcard image file
- dd if=/dev/zero of=${SDIMG} bs=1024 count=0 seek=${SDIMG_SIZE}
- # Create partition table
- parted -s ${SDIMG} mklabel msdos
- # Create boot partition and mark it as bootable
- parted -s ${SDIMG} unit KiB mkpart primary fat32 ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT} $(expr ${BOOT_SPACE_ALIGNED} \+ ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT})
- parted -s ${SDIMG} set 1 boot on
- # Create rootfs partition to the end of disk
- parted -s ${SDIMG} -- unit KiB mkpart primary ext2 $(expr ${BOOT_SPACE_ALIGNED} \+ ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT}) -1s
- parted ${SDIMG} print
- # Create a vfat image with boot files
- BOOT_BLOCKS=$(LC_ALL=C parted -s ${SDIMG} unit b print | awk '/ 1 / { print substr($4, 1, length($4 -1)) / 512 /2 }')
- rm -f ${WORKDIR}/boot.img
- mkfs.vfat -n "${BOOTDD_VOLUME_ID}" -S 512 -C ${WORKDIR}/boot.img $BOOT_BLOCKS
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/bcm2835-bootfiles/* ::/
- if test -n "${DTS}"; then
- # Device Tree Overlays are assumed to be suffixed by '-overlay.dtb' (4.1.x) or by '.dtbo' (4.4.9+) string and will be put in a dedicated folder
- DT_OVERLAYS="${@split_overlays(d, 0)}"
- DT_ROOT="${@split_overlays(d, 1)}"
- # Copy board device trees to root folder
- for DTB in ${DT_ROOT}; do
- DTB_BASE_NAME=`basename ${DTB} .dtb`
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-${DTB_BASE_NAME}.dtb ::${DTB_BASE_NAME}.dtb
- done
- # Copy device tree overlays to dedicated folder
- mmd -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img overlays
- for DTB in ${DT_OVERLAYS}; do
- DTB_EXT=${DTB##*.}
- DTB_BASE_NAME=`basename ${DTB} ."${DTB_EXT}"`
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-${DTB_BASE_NAME}.${DTB_EXT} ::overlays/${DTB_BASE_NAME}.${DTB_EXT}
- done
- fi
- case "${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}" in
- "uImage")
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/u-boot.bin ::${SDIMG_KERNELIMAGE}
- mcopy -o -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/boot.scr ::boot.scr
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -n ${FATPAYLOAD} ] ; then
- echo "Copying payload into VFAT"
- for entry in ${FATPAYLOAD} ; do
- # add the || true to stop aborting on vfat issues like not supporting .~lock files
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -s -v ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}$entry :: || true
- done
- fi
- # Add stamp file
- echo "${IMAGE_NAME}" > ${WORKDIR}/image-version-info
- mcopy -i ${WORKDIR}/boot.img -v ${WORKDIR}/image-version-info ::
- # Burn Partitions
- dd if=${WORKDIR}/boot.img of=${SDIMG} conv=notrunc seek=1 bs=$(expr ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT} \* 1024) && sync && sync
- # If SDIMG_ROOTFS_TYPE is a .xz file use xzcat
- if echo "${SDIMG_ROOTFS_TYPE}" | egrep -q "*\.xz"
- then
- xzcat ${SDIMG_ROOTFS} | dd of=${SDIMG} conv=notrunc seek=1 bs=$(expr 1024 \* ${BOOT_SPACE_ALIGNED} + ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT} \* 1024) && sync && sync
- else
- dd if=${SDIMG_ROOTFS} of=${SDIMG} conv=notrunc seek=1 bs=$(expr 1024 \* ${BOOT_SPACE_ALIGNED} + ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT} \* 1024) && sync && sync
- fi
- # Optionally apply compression
- case "${SDIMG_COMPRESSION}" in
- "gzip")
- gzip -k9 "${SDIMG}"
- ;;
- "bzip2")
- bzip2 -k9 "${SDIMG}"
- ;;
- "xz")
- xz -k "${SDIMG}"
- ;;
- esac
-ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += " rpi_generate_sysctl_config ; "
-rpi_generate_sysctl_config() {
- # systemd sysctl config
- test -d ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/sysctl.d && \
- echo "vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/sysctl.d/rpi-vm.conf
- # sysv sysctl config
- IMAGE_SYSCTL_CONF="${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/sysctl.conf"
- test -e ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/sysctl.conf && \
- sed -e "/vm.min_free_kbytes/d" -i ${IMAGE_SYSCTL_CONF}
- echo "" >> ${IMAGE_SYSCTL_CONF} && echo "vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192" >> ${IMAGE_SYSCTL_CONF}
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/conf/include/agl_qemux86-64.inc b/meta-agl-bsp/conf/include/agl_qemux86-64.inc
index 3ad9c513f..165deae41 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/conf/include/agl_qemux86-64.inc
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/conf/include/agl_qemux86-64.inc
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ APPEND += "quiet"
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " sota"
# Image support
+IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_sota = "u-boot-qemux86-64.rom"
# Root device
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-intel/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_git.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-intel/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_git.bbappend
index a34159cad..824f39359 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-intel/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_git.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-intel/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_git.bbappend
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-LICENSE_${PN}-ibt-license = "Firmware-ibt_firmware"
-LICENSE_${PN}-ibt-11-5 = "Firmware-ibt_firmware"
-FILES_${PN}-ibt-license = "/lib/firmware/LICENCE.ibt_firmware"
FILES_${PN}-ibt = "/lib/firmware/intel"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-ibt += "${PN}-ibt-license"
-PACKAGES =+ " ${PN}-ibt-license ${PN}-ibt "
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.7.bb b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.11.bb
index 36a983198..5c3583526 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.7.bb
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-bsp/96boards-tools/96boards-tools_0.11.bb
@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@ SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
-SRCREV = "193f355823d9dc38f370759153ac950a2833b0e2"
+SRCREV = "395b5994a5fa52f9db10f480fce74e9acdbe3318"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/96boards/96boards-tools;branch=master;protocol=https"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-inherit systemd allarch
+inherit systemd allarch update-rc.d
do_install () {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d
install -m 0755 ${S}/*.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ install -m 0755 ${S}/resize-disk ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
install -m 0644 ${S}/resize-helper.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
@@ -23,5 +25,8 @@ do_install () {
install -m 0755 ${S}/resize-helper ${D}${sbindir}
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "resize-disk"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 99 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "resize-helper.service"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "e2fsprogs-resize2fs gptfdisk parted util-linux udev"
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.9.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.14.bbappend
index 17c8f3f0d..0b2b99d4d 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.9.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-linaro-qcomlt_4.14.bbappend
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-agl.inc
-require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-agl-4.9.inc
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/most/most.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/most/most.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b4444a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-qcom/recipes-kernel/most/most.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+SRC_URI_remove = " \
+ file://0001-src-most-net-add-skb_put_data-function.patch \
+ "
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-ti/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ti-staging_%.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-ti/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ti-staging_%.bbappend
index 283e8b778..02161415f 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/meta-ti/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ti-staging_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/meta-ti/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ti-staging_%.bbappend
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-dtb.inc
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-agl.inc
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-agl-4.9.inc
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota/0002-fixup-build-with-gcc7.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota/0002-fixup-build-with-gcc7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc7933ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota/0002-fixup-build-with-gcc7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+From eea58226f0b604d3047c495985197113838d3a7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Trevor Woerner <twoerner@gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 13:25:20 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] fix build for gcc7
+| In file included from .../include/linux/compiler.h:54:0,
+| from .../include/uapi/linux/stddef.h:1,
+| from .../include/linux/stddef.h:4,
+| from .../include/uapi/linux/posix_types.h:4,
+| from .../include/uapi/linux/types.h:13,
+| from .../include/linux/types.h:5,
+| from .../include/linux/mod_devicetable.h:11,
+| from .../scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.c:2:
+| .../include/linux/compiler-gcc.h:121:1: fatal error: linux/compiler-gcc7.h: No such file or directory
+| #include gcc_header(__GNUC__)
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Trevor Woerner <twoerner@gmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Fabio Berton <fabio.berton@gmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Leon Anavi <leon.anavi@konsulko.com>
+ include/linux/compiler-gcc7.h | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 include/linux/compiler-gcc7.h
+diff --git a/include/linux/compiler-gcc7.h b/include/linux/compiler-gcc7.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cdd1cc2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/linux/compiler-gcc7.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
++#ifndef __LINUX_COMPILER_H
++#error "Please don't include <linux/compiler-gcc5.h> directly, include <linux/compiler.h> instead."
++#define __used __attribute__((__used__))
++#define __must_check __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
++#define __compiler_offsetof(a, b) __builtin_offsetof(a, b)
++/* Mark functions as cold. gcc will assume any path leading to a call
++ to them will be unlikely. This means a lot of manual unlikely()s
++ are unnecessary now for any paths leading to the usual suspects
++ like BUG(), printk(), panic() etc. [but let's keep them for now for
++ older compilers]
++ Early snapshots of gcc 4.3 don't support this and we can't detect this
++ in the preprocessor, but we can live with this because they're unreleased.
++ Maketime probing would be overkill here.
++ gcc also has a __attribute__((__hot__)) to move hot functions into
++ a special section, but I don't see any sense in this right now in
++ the kernel context */
++#define __cold __attribute__((__cold__))
++#define __UNIQUE_ID(prefix) __PASTE(__PASTE(__UNIQUE_ID_, prefix), __COUNTER__)
++#ifndef __CHECKER__
++# define __compiletime_warning(message) __attribute__((warning(message)))
++# define __compiletime_error(message) __attribute__((error(message)))
++#endif /* __CHECKER__ */
++ * Mark a position in code as unreachable. This can be used to
++ * suppress control flow warnings after asm blocks that transfer
++ * control elsewhere.
++ *
++ * Early snapshots of gcc 4.5 don't support this and we can't detect
++ * this in the preprocessor, but we can live with this because they're
++ * unreleased. Really, we need to have autoconf for the kernel.
++ */
++#define unreachable() __builtin_unreachable()
++/* Mark a function definition as prohibited from being cloned. */
++#define __noclone __attribute__((__noclone__))
++ * Tell the optimizer that something else uses this function or variable.
++ */
++#define __visible __attribute__((externally_visible))
++ * GCC 'asm goto' miscompiles certain code sequences:
++ *
++ * http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58670
++ *
++ * Work it around via a compiler barrier quirk suggested by Jakub Jelinek.
++ * Fixed in GCC 4.8.2 and later versions.
++ *
++ * (asm goto is automatically volatile - the naming reflects this.)
++ */
++#define asm_volatile_goto(x...) do { asm goto(x); asm (""); } while (0)
++#define __HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP32__
++#define __HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP64__
++#define __HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16__
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota_2015.07.bb b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota_2015.07.bb
index 37abc5a50..7ef3cacd4 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota_2015.07.bb
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-ota_2015.07.bb
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ SRC_URI = "\
file://0001-Set-up-environment-for-OSTree-integration.patch \
file://0002-Replace-wraps-with-built-in-code-to-remove-dependenc.patch \
file://0001-fixup-build-with-gcc6.patch \
+ file://0002-fixup-build-with-gcc7.patch \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.1.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.8.bbappend
index db50df5d9..db50df5d9 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.1.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/harfbuzz_1.4.8.bbappend
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-Use-llvm_prefix-variable-directly.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-Use-llvm_prefix-variable-directly.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f1905492..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-Use-llvm_prefix-variable-directly.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 0b316ee830765eb1d68cdece5fd4c991e9fba96c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2017 15:22:09 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH] Use $llvm_prefix variable directly
- configure.ac | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index ac110e8..d094ca6 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ fi
- if test -z "$LLVM_CONFIG"; then
- if test -n "$llvm_prefix"; then
-- AC_PATH_TOOL([LLVM_CONFIG], [llvm-config], [no], ["$llvm_prefix/bin"])
-+ AC_PATH_TOOL([LLVM_CONFIG], [llvm-config], [no], ["$llvm_prefix"])
- else
- AC_PATH_TOOL([LLVM_CONFIG], [llvm-config], [no])
- fi
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend
index 13273792b..49e527707 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_qemux86-64 := "${THISDIR}/${BPN}:"
-SRC_URI_append_qemux86-64 = " file://0001-Use-llvm_prefix-variable-directly.patch"
-EXTRA_OECONF_qemux86-64 = "--enable-shared-glapi --with-llvm-prefix=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}"
# The gallium-llvm is recommended as software 3D graphics renderer
GALLIUM_LLVM = "gallium-llvm"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_qemux86 = " gallium ${GALLIUM_LLVM}"
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/0001-fanotify-fix-notification-of-groups-with-inode-mount.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/0001-fanotify-fix-notification-of-groups-with-inode-mount.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c50c152a1..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/0001-fanotify-fix-notification-of-groups-with-inode-mount.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-From 8edc6e1688fc8f02c8c1f53a2ec4928cb1055f4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan Kara <jack@suse.cz>
-Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:19:33 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] fanotify: fix notification of groups with inode & mount marks
-fsnotify() needs to merge inode and mount marks lists when notifying
-groups about events so that ignore masks from inode marks are reflected
-in mount mark notifications and groups are notified in proper order
-(according to priorities).
-Currently the sorting of the lists done by fsnotify_add_inode_mark() /
-fsnotify_add_vfsmount_mark() and fsnotify() differed which resulted
-ignore masks not being used in some cases.
-Fix the problem by always using the same comparison function when
-sorting / merging the mark lists.
-Thanks to Heinrich Schuchardt for improvements of my patch.
-Link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=87721
-Signed-off-by: Jan Kara <jack@suse.cz>
-Reported-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.glpk@gmx.de>
-Tested-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.glpk@gmx.de>
-Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <akpm@linux-foundation.org>
-Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
- fs/notify/fsnotify.c | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
- fs/notify/fsnotify.h | 4 ++++
- fs/notify/inode_mark.c | 8 +++-----
- fs/notify/mark.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c | 8 +++-----
- 5 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/fs/notify/fsnotify.c b/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
-index 9d3e9c5..89326ac 100644
---- a/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
-+++ b/fs/notify/fsnotify.c
-@@ -229,8 +229,16 @@ int fsnotify(struct inode *to_tell, __u32 mask, void *data, int data_is,
- &fsnotify_mark_srcu);
- }
-+ /*
-+ * We need to merge inode & vfsmount mark lists so that inode mark
-+ * ignore masks are properly reflected for mount mark notifications.
-+ * That's why this traversal is so complicated...
-+ */
- while (inode_node || vfsmount_node) {
-- inode_group = vfsmount_group = NULL;
-+ inode_group = NULL;
-+ inode_mark = NULL;
-+ vfsmount_group = NULL;
-+ vfsmount_mark = NULL;
- if (inode_node) {
- inode_mark = hlist_entry(srcu_dereference(inode_node, &fsnotify_mark_srcu),
-@@ -244,21 +252,19 @@ int fsnotify(struct inode *to_tell, __u32 mask, void *data, int data_is,
- vfsmount_group = vfsmount_mark->group;
- }
-- if (inode_group > vfsmount_group) {
-- /* handle inode */
-- ret = send_to_group(to_tell, inode_mark, NULL, mask,
-- data, data_is, cookie, file_name);
-- /* we didn't use the vfsmount_mark */
-- vfsmount_group = NULL;
-- } else if (vfsmount_group > inode_group) {
-- ret = send_to_group(to_tell, NULL, vfsmount_mark, mask,
-- data, data_is, cookie, file_name);
-- inode_group = NULL;
-- } else {
-- ret = send_to_group(to_tell, inode_mark, vfsmount_mark,
-- mask, data, data_is, cookie,
-- file_name);
-+ if (inode_group && vfsmount_group) {
-+ int cmp = fsnotify_compare_groups(inode_group,
-+ vfsmount_group);
-+ if (cmp > 0) {
-+ inode_group = NULL;
-+ inode_mark = NULL;
-+ } else if (cmp < 0) {
-+ vfsmount_group = NULL;
-+ vfsmount_mark = NULL;
-+ }
- }
-+ ret = send_to_group(to_tell, inode_mark, vfsmount_mark, mask,
-+ data, data_is, cookie, file_name);
- if (ret && (mask & ALL_FSNOTIFY_PERM_EVENTS))
- goto out;
-diff --git a/fs/notify/fsnotify.h b/fs/notify/fsnotify.h
-index 9c0898c..3b68b0a 100644
---- a/fs/notify/fsnotify.h
-+++ b/fs/notify/fsnotify.h
-@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ extern void fsnotify_flush_notify(struct fsnotify_group *group);
- /* protects reads of inode and vfsmount marks list */
- extern struct srcu_struct fsnotify_mark_srcu;
-+/* compare two groups for sorting of marks lists */
-+extern int fsnotify_compare_groups(struct fsnotify_group *a,
-+ struct fsnotify_group *b);
- extern void fsnotify_set_inode_mark_mask_locked(struct fsnotify_mark *fsn_mark,
- __u32 mask);
- /* add a mark to an inode */
-diff --git a/fs/notify/inode_mark.c b/fs/notify/inode_mark.c
-index e849714..dfbf544 100644
---- a/fs/notify/inode_mark.c
-+++ b/fs/notify/inode_mark.c
-@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ int fsnotify_add_inode_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark,
- {
- struct fsnotify_mark *lmark, *last = NULL;
- int ret = 0;
-+ int cmp;
- mark->flags |= FSNOTIFY_MARK_FLAG_INODE;
-@@ -219,11 +220,8 @@ int fsnotify_add_inode_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark,
- goto out;
- }
-- if (mark->group->priority < lmark->group->priority)
-- continue;
-- if ((mark->group->priority == lmark->group->priority) &&
-- (mark->group < lmark->group))
-+ cmp = fsnotify_compare_groups(lmark->group, mark->group);
-+ if (cmp < 0)
- continue;
- hlist_add_before_rcu(&mark->i.i_list, &lmark->i.i_list);
-diff --git a/fs/notify/mark.c b/fs/notify/mark.c
-index d90deaa..34c38fa 100644
---- a/fs/notify/mark.c
-+++ b/fs/notify/mark.c
-@@ -210,6 +210,42 @@ void fsnotify_set_mark_ignored_mask_locked(struct fsnotify_mark *mark, __u32 mas
- }
- /*
-+ * Sorting function for lists of fsnotify marks.
-+ *
-+ * Fanotify supports different notification classes (reflected as priority of
-+ * notification group). Events shall be passed to notification groups in
-+ * decreasing priority order. To achieve this marks in notification lists for
-+ * inodes and vfsmounts are sorted so that priorities of corresponding groups
-+ * are descending.
-+ *
-+ * Furthermore correct handling of the ignore mask requires processing inode
-+ * and vfsmount marks of each group together. Using the group address as
-+ * further sort criterion provides a unique sorting order and thus we can
-+ * merge inode and vfsmount lists of marks in linear time and find groups
-+ * present in both lists.
-+ *
-+ * A return value of 1 signifies that b has priority over a.
-+ * A return value of 0 signifies that the two marks have to be handled together.
-+ * A return value of -1 signifies that a has priority over b.
-+ */
-+int fsnotify_compare_groups(struct fsnotify_group *a, struct fsnotify_group *b)
-+ if (a == b)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!a)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (!b)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (a->priority < b->priority)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (a->priority > b->priority)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (a < b)
-+ return 1;
-+ return -1;
- * Attach an initialized mark to a given group and fs object.
- * These marks may be used for the fsnotify backend to determine which
- * event types should be delivered to which group.
-diff --git a/fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c b/fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c
-index ac851e8..faefa72 100644
---- a/fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c
-+++ b/fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c
-@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ int fsnotify_add_vfsmount_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark,
- struct mount *m = real_mount(mnt);
- struct fsnotify_mark *lmark, *last = NULL;
- int ret = 0;
-+ int cmp;
-@@ -178,11 +179,8 @@ int fsnotify_add_vfsmount_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark,
- goto out;
- }
-- if (mark->group->priority < lmark->group->priority)
-- continue;
-- if ((mark->group->priority == lmark->group->priority) &&
-- (mark->group < lmark->group))
-+ cmp = fsnotify_compare_groups(lmark->group, mark->group);
-+ if (cmp < 0)
- continue;
- hlist_add_before_rcu(&mark->m.m_list, &lmark->m.m_list);
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0001-mm-larger-stack-guard-gap-between-vmas.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0001-mm-larger-stack-guard-gap-between-vmas.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fafad74..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0001-mm-larger-stack-guard-gap-between-vmas.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
-From 3982d0807e02909957990f194c5ed2ffb6ab6c35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Hugh Dickins <hughd@google.com>
-Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 04:03:24 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] mm: larger stack guard gap, between vmas
-commit 1be7107fbe18eed3e319a6c3e83c78254b693acb upstream.
-Stack guard page is a useful feature to reduce a risk of stack smashing
-into a different mapping. We have been using a single page gap which
-is sufficient to prevent having stack adjacent to a different mapping.
-But this seems to be insufficient in the light of the stack usage in
-userspace. E.g. glibc uses as large as 64kB alloca() in many commonly
-used functions. Others use constructs liks gid_t buffer[NGROUPS_MAX]
-which is 256kB or stack strings with MAX_ARG_STRLEN.
-This will become especially dangerous for suid binaries and the default
-no limit for the stack size limit because those applications can be
-tricked to consume a large portion of the stack and a single glibc call
-could jump over the guard page. These attacks are not theoretical,
-Make those attacks less probable by increasing the stack guard gap
-to 1MB (on systems with 4k pages; but make it depend on the page size
-because systems with larger base pages might cap stack allocations in
-the PAGE_SIZE units) which should cover larger alloca() and VLA stack
-allocations. It is obviously not a full fix because the problem is
-somehow inherent, but it should reduce attack space a lot.
-One could argue that the gap size should be configurable from userspace,
-but that can be done later when somebody finds that the new 1MB is wrong
-for some special case applications. For now, add a kernel command line
-option (stack_guard_gap) to specify the stack gap size (in page units).
-Implementation wise, first delete all the old code for stack guard page:
-because although we could get away with accounting one extra page in a
-stack vma, accounting a larger gap can break userspace - case in point,
-a program run with "ulimit -S -v 20000" failed when the 1MB gap was
-counted for RLIMIT_AS; similar problems could come with RLIMIT_MLOCK
-and strict non-overcommit mode.
-Instead of keeping gap inside the stack vma, maintain the stack guard
-gap as a gap between vmas: using vm_start_gap() in place of vm_start
-(or vm_end_gap() in place of vm_end if VM_GROWSUP) in just those few
-places which need to respect the gap - mainly arch_get_unmapped_area(),
-and and the vma tree's subtree_gap support for that.
-Original-patch-by: Oleg Nesterov <oleg@redhat.com>
-Original-patch-by: Michal Hocko <mhocko@suse.com>
-Signed-off-by: Hugh Dickins <hughd@google.com>
-Acked-by: Michal Hocko <mhocko@suse.com>
-Tested-by: Helge Deller <deller@gmx.de> # parisc
-Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
-[wt: backport to 4.11: adjust context]
-[wt: backport to 4.9: adjust context ; kernel doc was not in admin-guide]
-[wt: backport to 4.4: adjust context ; drop ppc hugetlb_radix changes]
-Signed-off-by: Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-[gkh: minor build fixes for 4.4]
-Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
- Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt | 7 ++
- arch/arc/mm/mmap.c | 2 +-
- arch/arm/mm/mmap.c | 4 +-
- arch/frv/mm/elf-fdpic.c | 2 +-
- arch/mips/mm/mmap.c | 2 +-
- arch/parisc/kernel/sys_parisc.c | 15 ++--
- arch/powerpc/mm/slice.c | 2 +-
- arch/s390/mm/mmap.c | 4 +-
- arch/sh/mm/mmap.c | 4 +-
- arch/sparc/kernel/sys_sparc_64.c | 4 +-
- arch/sparc/mm/hugetlbpage.c | 2 +-
- arch/tile/mm/hugetlbpage.c | 2 +-
- arch/x86/kernel/sys_x86_64.c | 4 +-
- arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c | 2 +-
- arch/xtensa/kernel/syscall.c | 2 +-
- fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c | 2 +-
- fs/proc/task_mmu.c | 4 -
- include/linux/mm.h | 53 ++++++-------
- mm/gup.c | 5 --
- mm/memory.c | 38 ---------
- mm/mmap.c | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
- 21 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt b/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
-index c360f80..9738c8b 100644
---- a/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
-+++ b/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
-@@ -3576,6 +3576,13 @@ bytes respectively. Such letter suffixes can also be entirely omitted.
- spia_pedr=
- spia_peddr=
-+ stack_guard_gap= [MM]
-+ override the default stack gap protection. The value
-+ is in page units and it defines how many pages prior
-+ to (for stacks growing down) resp. after (for stacks
-+ growing up) the main stack are reserved for no other
-+ mapping. Default value is 256 pages.
- stacktrace [FTRACE]
- Enabled the stack tracer on boot up.
-diff --git a/arch/arc/mm/mmap.c b/arch/arc/mm/mmap.c
-index 2e06d56..cf4ae69 100644
---- a/arch/arc/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/arch/arc/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/arm/mm/mmap.c b/arch/arm/mm/mmap.c
-index 407dc78..c469c06 100644
---- a/arch/arm/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/arch/arm/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/frv/mm/elf-fdpic.c b/arch/frv/mm/elf-fdpic.c
-index 836f147..efa59f1 100644
---- a/arch/frv/mm/elf-fdpic.c
-+++ b/arch/frv/mm/elf-fdpic.c
-@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr, unsi
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(current->mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- goto success;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/mips/mm/mmap.c b/arch/mips/mm/mmap.c
-index 5c81fdd..025cb31 100644
---- a/arch/mips/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/arch/mips/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area_common(struct file *filp,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/parisc/kernel/sys_parisc.c b/arch/parisc/kernel/sys_parisc.c
-index 5aba01a..4dda73c 100644
---- a/arch/parisc/kernel/sys_parisc.c
-+++ b/arch/parisc/kernel/sys_parisc.c
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- unsigned long len, unsigned long pgoff, unsigned long flags)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma, *prev;
- unsigned long task_size = TASK_SIZE;
- int do_color_align, last_mmap;
- struct vm_unmapped_area_info info;
-@@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- else
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
-- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
-+ vma = find_vma_prev(mm, addr, &prev);
- if (task_size - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)) &&
-+ (!prev || addr >= vm_end_gap(prev)))
- goto found_addr;
- }
-@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- const unsigned long len, const unsigned long pgoff,
- const unsigned long flags)
- {
-- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma, *prev;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
- unsigned long addr = addr0;
- int do_color_align, last_mmap;
-@@ -175,9 +176,11 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- addr = COLOR_ALIGN(addr, last_mmap, pgoff);
- else
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
-- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
-+ vma = find_vma_prev(mm, addr, &prev);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)) &&
-+ (!prev || addr >= vm_end_gap(prev)))
- goto found_addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/slice.c b/arch/powerpc/mm/slice.c
-index 0f432a7..6ad12b2 100644
---- a/arch/powerpc/mm/slice.c
-+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/slice.c
-@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static int slice_area_is_free(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr,
- if ((mm->task_size - len) < addr)
- return 0;
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
-- return (!vma || (addr + len) <= vma->vm_start);
-+ return (!vma || (addr + len) <= vm_start_gap(vma));
- }
- static int slice_low_has_vma(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long slice)
-diff --git a/arch/s390/mm/mmap.c b/arch/s390/mm/mmap.c
-index f2b6b1d..126c4a9 100644
---- a/arch/s390/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/arch/s390/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr && addr >= mmap_min_addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr && addr >= mmap_min_addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/sh/mm/mmap.c b/arch/sh/mm/mmap.c
-index 6777177..7df7d59 100644
---- a/arch/sh/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/arch/sh/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/sparc/kernel/sys_sparc_64.c b/arch/sparc/kernel/sys_sparc_64.c
-index c690c8e..7f0f7c01 100644
---- a/arch/sparc/kernel/sys_sparc_64.c
-+++ b/arch/sparc/kernel/sys_sparc_64.c
-@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr, unsi
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (task_size - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (task_size - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/sparc/mm/hugetlbpage.c b/arch/sparc/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-index da11424..ffa842b 100644
---- a/arch/sparc/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-+++ b/arch/sparc/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ hugetlb_get_unmapped_area(struct file *file, unsigned long addr,
- addr = ALIGN(addr, HPAGE_SIZE);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (task_size - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
- if (mm->get_unmapped_area == arch_get_unmapped_area)
-diff --git a/arch/tile/mm/hugetlbpage.c b/arch/tile/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-index c034dc3..c97ee6c 100644
---- a/arch/tile/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-+++ b/arch/tile/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ unsigned long hugetlb_get_unmapped_area(struct file *file, unsigned long addr,
- addr = ALIGN(addr, huge_page_size(h));
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
- if (current->mm->get_unmapped_area == arch_get_unmapped_area)
-diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/sys_x86_64.c b/arch/x86/kernel/sys_x86_64.c
-index 10e0272..136ad7c 100644
---- a/arch/x86/kernel/sys_x86_64.c
-+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/sys_x86_64.c
-@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (end - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c b/arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-index 42982b2..39bdaf3 100644
---- a/arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-+++ b/arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ hugetlb_get_unmapped_area(struct file *file, unsigned long addr,
- addr = ALIGN(addr, huge_page_size(h));
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
- if (mm->get_unmapped_area == arch_get_unmapped_area)
-diff --git a/arch/xtensa/kernel/syscall.c b/arch/xtensa/kernel/syscall.c
-index 83cf496..3aaaae1 100644
---- a/arch/xtensa/kernel/syscall.c
-+++ b/arch/xtensa/kernel/syscall.c
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ unsigned long arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- /* At this point: (!vmm || addr < vmm->vm_end). */
- if (TASK_SIZE - len < addr)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (!vmm || addr + len <= vmm->vm_start)
-+ if (!vmm || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vmm))
- return addr;
- addr = vmm->vm_end;
- if (flags & MAP_SHARED)
-diff --git a/fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c b/fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c
-index 595ebdb..a17da8b5 100644
---- a/fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c
-+++ b/fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ hugetlb_get_unmapped_area(struct file *file, unsigned long addr,
- addr = ALIGN(addr, huge_page_size(h));
- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)))
- return addr;
- }
-diff --git a/fs/proc/task_mmu.c b/fs/proc/task_mmu.c
-index d598b9c..cb7020c 100644
---- a/fs/proc/task_mmu.c
-+++ b/fs/proc/task_mmu.c
-@@ -295,11 +295,7 @@ show_map_vma(struct seq_file *m, struct vm_area_struct *vma, int is_pid)
- /* We don't show the stack guard page in /proc/maps */
- start = vma->vm_start;
-- if (stack_guard_page_start(vma, start))
-- start += PAGE_SIZE;
- end = vma->vm_end;
-- if (stack_guard_page_end(vma, end))
-- end -= PAGE_SIZE;
- seq_setwidth(m, 25 + sizeof(void *) * 6 - 1);
- seq_printf(m, "%08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu ",
-diff --git a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h
-index f0ffa01..55f950a 100644
---- a/include/linux/mm.h
-+++ b/include/linux/mm.h
-@@ -1278,39 +1278,11 @@ int clear_page_dirty_for_io(struct page *page);
- int get_cmdline(struct task_struct *task, char *buffer, int buflen);
--/* Is the vma a continuation of the stack vma above it? */
--static inline int vma_growsdown(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr)
-- return vma && (vma->vm_end == addr) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN);
- static inline bool vma_is_anonymous(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- {
- return !vma->vm_ops;
- }
--static inline int stack_guard_page_start(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-- unsigned long addr)
-- return (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN) &&
-- (vma->vm_start == addr) &&
-- !vma_growsdown(vma->vm_prev, addr);
--/* Is the vma a continuation of the stack vma below it? */
--static inline int vma_growsup(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr)
-- return vma && (vma->vm_start == addr) && (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP);
--static inline int stack_guard_page_end(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-- unsigned long addr)
-- return (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP) &&
-- (vma->vm_end == addr) &&
-- !vma_growsup(vma->vm_next, addr);
- int vma_is_stack_for_task(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct task_struct *t);
- extern unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-@@ -2012,6 +1984,7 @@ void page_cache_async_readahead(struct address_space *mapping,
- pgoff_t offset,
- unsigned long size);
-+extern unsigned long stack_guard_gap;
- /* Generic expand stack which grows the stack according to GROWS{UP,DOWN} */
- extern int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address);
-@@ -2040,6 +2013,30 @@ static inline struct vm_area_struct * find_vma_intersection(struct mm_struct * m
- return vma;
- }
-+static inline unsigned long vm_start_gap(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ unsigned long vm_start = vma->vm_start;
-+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN) {
-+ vm_start -= stack_guard_gap;
-+ if (vm_start > vma->vm_start)
-+ vm_start = 0;
-+ }
-+ return vm_start;
-+static inline unsigned long vm_end_gap(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ unsigned long vm_end = vma->vm_end;
-+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP) {
-+ vm_end += stack_guard_gap;
-+ if (vm_end < vma->vm_end)
-+ vm_end = -PAGE_SIZE;
-+ }
-+ return vm_end;
- static inline unsigned long vma_pages(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- {
- return (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-diff --git a/mm/gup.c b/mm/gup.c
-index 4b0b7e7..b599526 100644
---- a/mm/gup.c
-+++ b/mm/gup.c
-@@ -312,11 +312,6 @@ static int faultin_page(struct task_struct *tsk, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- /* mlock all present pages, but do not fault in new pages */
- if ((*flags & (FOLL_POPULATE | FOLL_MLOCK)) == FOLL_MLOCK)
- return -ENOENT;
-- /* For mm_populate(), just skip the stack guard page. */
-- if ((*flags & FOLL_POPULATE) &&
-- (stack_guard_page_start(vma, address) ||
-- stack_guard_page_end(vma, address + PAGE_SIZE)))
-- return -ENOENT;
- if (*flags & FOLL_WRITE)
- fault_flags |= FAULT_FLAG_WRITE;
- if (nonblocking)
-diff --git a/mm/memory.c b/mm/memory.c
-index 76dcee3..e6fa134 100644
---- a/mm/memory.c
-+++ b/mm/memory.c
-@@ -2662,40 +2662,6 @@ out_release:
- }
- /*
-- * This is like a special single-page "expand_{down|up}wards()",
-- * except we must first make sure that 'address{-|+}PAGE_SIZE'
-- * doesn't hit another vma.
-- */
--static inline int check_stack_guard_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
-- address &= PAGE_MASK;
-- if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN) && address == vma->vm_start) {
-- struct vm_area_struct *prev = vma->vm_prev;
-- /*
-- * Is there a mapping abutting this one below?
-- *
-- * That's only ok if it's the same stack mapping
-- * that has gotten split..
-- */
-- if (prev && prev->vm_end == address)
-- return prev->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
-- return expand_downwards(vma, address - PAGE_SIZE);
-- }
-- if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP) && address + PAGE_SIZE == vma->vm_end) {
-- struct vm_area_struct *next = vma->vm_next;
-- /* As VM_GROWSDOWN but s/below/above/ */
-- if (next && next->vm_start == address + PAGE_SIZE)
-- return next->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
-- return expand_upwards(vma, address + PAGE_SIZE);
-- }
-- return 0;
- * We enter with non-exclusive mmap_sem (to exclude vma changes,
- * but allow concurrent faults), and pte mapped but not yet locked.
- * We return with mmap_sem still held, but pte unmapped and unlocked.
-@@ -2715,10 +2681,6 @@ static int do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- if (vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED)
-- /* Check if we need to add a guard page to the stack */
-- if (check_stack_guard_page(vma, address) < 0)
- /* Use the zero-page for reads */
- if (!(flags & FAULT_FLAG_WRITE) && !mm_forbids_zeropage(mm)) {
- entry = pte_mkspecial(pfn_pte(my_zero_pfn(address),
-diff --git a/mm/mmap.c b/mm/mmap.c
-index 455772a..5e043dd 100644
---- a/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE1(brk, unsigned long, brk)
- unsigned long retval;
- unsigned long newbrk, oldbrk;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *next;
- unsigned long min_brk;
- bool populate;
-@@ -332,7 +333,8 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE1(brk, unsigned long, brk)
- }
- /* Check against existing mmap mappings. */
-- if (find_vma_intersection(mm, oldbrk, newbrk+PAGE_SIZE))
-+ next = find_vma(mm, oldbrk);
-+ if (next && newbrk + PAGE_SIZE > vm_start_gap(next))
- goto out;
- /* Ok, looks good - let it rip. */
-@@ -355,10 +357,22 @@ out:
- static long vma_compute_subtree_gap(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- {
-- unsigned long max, subtree_gap;
-- max = vma->vm_start;
-- if (vma->vm_prev)
-- max -= vma->vm_prev->vm_end;
-+ unsigned long max, prev_end, subtree_gap;
-+ /*
-+ * Note: in the rare case of a VM_GROWSDOWN above a VM_GROWSUP, we
-+ * allow two stack_guard_gaps between them here, and when choosing
-+ * an unmapped area; whereas when expanding we only require one.
-+ * That's a little inconsistent, but keeps the code here simpler.
-+ */
-+ max = vm_start_gap(vma);
-+ if (vma->vm_prev) {
-+ prev_end = vm_end_gap(vma->vm_prev);
-+ if (max > prev_end)
-+ max -= prev_end;
-+ else
-+ max = 0;
-+ }
- if (vma->vm_rb.rb_left) {
- subtree_gap = rb_entry(vma->vm_rb.rb_left,
- struct vm_area_struct, vm_rb)->rb_subtree_gap;
-@@ -451,7 +465,7 @@ static void validate_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
- anon_vma_unlock_read(anon_vma);
- }
-- highest_address = vma->vm_end;
-+ highest_address = vm_end_gap(vma);
- vma = vma->vm_next;
- i++;
- }
-@@ -620,7 +634,7 @@ void __vma_link_rb(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- if (vma->vm_next)
- vma_gap_update(vma->vm_next);
- else
-- mm->highest_vm_end = vma->vm_end;
-+ mm->highest_vm_end = vm_end_gap(vma);
- /*
- * vma->vm_prev wasn't known when we followed the rbtree to find the
-@@ -866,7 +880,7 @@ again: remove_next = 1 + (end > next->vm_end);
- vma_gap_update(vma);
- if (end_changed) {
- if (!next)
-- mm->highest_vm_end = end;
-+ mm->highest_vm_end = vm_end_gap(vma);
- else if (!adjust_next)
- vma_gap_update(next);
- }
-@@ -909,7 +923,7 @@ again: remove_next = 1 + (end > next->vm_end);
- else if (next)
- vma_gap_update(next);
- else
-- mm->highest_vm_end = end;
-+ VM_WARN_ON(mm->highest_vm_end != vm_end_gap(vma));
- }
- if (insert && file)
- uprobe_mmap(insert);
-@@ -1741,7 +1755,7 @@ unsigned long unmapped_area(struct vm_unmapped_area_info *info)
- while (true) {
- /* Visit left subtree if it looks promising */
-- gap_end = vma->vm_start;
-+ gap_end = vm_start_gap(vma);
- if (gap_end >= low_limit && vma->vm_rb.rb_left) {
- struct vm_area_struct *left =
- rb_entry(vma->vm_rb.rb_left,
-@@ -1752,7 +1766,7 @@ unsigned long unmapped_area(struct vm_unmapped_area_info *info)
- }
- }
-- gap_start = vma->vm_prev ? vma->vm_prev->vm_end : 0;
-+ gap_start = vma->vm_prev ? vm_end_gap(vma->vm_prev) : 0;
- check_current:
- /* Check if current node has a suitable gap */
- if (gap_start > high_limit)
-@@ -1779,8 +1793,8 @@ check_current:
- vma = rb_entry(rb_parent(prev),
- struct vm_area_struct, vm_rb);
- if (prev == vma->vm_rb.rb_left) {
-- gap_start = vma->vm_prev->vm_end;
-- gap_end = vma->vm_start;
-+ gap_start = vm_end_gap(vma->vm_prev);
-+ gap_end = vm_start_gap(vma);
- goto check_current;
- }
- }
-@@ -1844,7 +1858,7 @@ unsigned long unmapped_area_topdown(struct vm_unmapped_area_info *info)
- while (true) {
- /* Visit right subtree if it looks promising */
-- gap_start = vma->vm_prev ? vma->vm_prev->vm_end : 0;
-+ gap_start = vma->vm_prev ? vm_end_gap(vma->vm_prev) : 0;
- if (gap_start <= high_limit && vma->vm_rb.rb_right) {
- struct vm_area_struct *right =
- rb_entry(vma->vm_rb.rb_right,
-@@ -1857,7 +1871,7 @@ unsigned long unmapped_area_topdown(struct vm_unmapped_area_info *info)
- check_current:
- /* Check if current node has a suitable gap */
-- gap_end = vma->vm_start;
-+ gap_end = vm_start_gap(vma);
- if (gap_end < low_limit)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (gap_start <= high_limit && gap_end - gap_start >= length)
-@@ -1883,7 +1897,7 @@ check_current:
- struct vm_area_struct, vm_rb);
- if (prev == vma->vm_rb.rb_right) {
- gap_start = vma->vm_prev ?
-- vma->vm_prev->vm_end : 0;
-+ vm_end_gap(vma->vm_prev) : 0;
- goto check_current;
- }
- }
-@@ -1921,7 +1935,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- unsigned long len, unsigned long pgoff, unsigned long flags)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma, *prev;
- struct vm_unmapped_area_info info;
- if (len > TASK_SIZE - mmap_min_addr)
-@@ -1932,9 +1946,10 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area(struct file *filp, unsigned long addr,
- if (addr) {
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
-- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
-+ vma = find_vma_prev(mm, addr, &prev);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr && addr >= mmap_min_addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)) &&
-+ (!prev || addr >= vm_end_gap(prev)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -1957,7 +1972,7 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- const unsigned long len, const unsigned long pgoff,
- const unsigned long flags)
- {
-- struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma, *prev;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
- unsigned long addr = addr0;
- struct vm_unmapped_area_info info;
-@@ -1972,9 +1987,10 @@ arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown(struct file *filp, const unsigned long addr0,
- /* requesting a specific address */
- if (addr) {
- addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
-- vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
-+ vma = find_vma_prev(mm, addr, &prev);
- if (TASK_SIZE - len >= addr && addr >= mmap_min_addr &&
-- (!vma || addr + len <= vma->vm_start))
-+ (!vma || addr + len <= vm_start_gap(vma)) &&
-+ (!prev || addr >= vm_end_gap(prev)))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -2099,21 +2115,19 @@ find_vma_prev(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr,
- * update accounting. This is shared with both the
- * grow-up and grow-down cases.
- */
--static int acct_stack_growth(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long size, unsigned long grow)
-+static int acct_stack_growth(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-+ unsigned long size, unsigned long grow)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
- struct rlimit *rlim = current->signal->rlim;
-- unsigned long new_start, actual_size;
-+ unsigned long new_start;
- /* address space limit tests */
- if (!may_expand_vm(mm, grow))
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* Stack limit test */
-- actual_size = size;
-- if (size && (vma->vm_flags & (VM_GROWSUP | VM_GROWSDOWN)))
-- actual_size -= PAGE_SIZE;
-- if (actual_size > READ_ONCE(rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur))
-+ if (size > READ_ONCE(rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur))
- return -ENOMEM;
- /* mlock limit tests */
-@@ -2151,17 +2165,30 @@ static int acct_stack_growth(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long size, uns
- int expand_upwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *next;
-+ unsigned long gap_addr;
- int error = 0;
- if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP))
- return -EFAULT;
- /* Guard against wrapping around to address 0. */
-- if (address < PAGE_ALIGN(address+4))
-- address = PAGE_ALIGN(address+4);
-- else
-+ address &= PAGE_MASK;
-+ address += PAGE_SIZE;
-+ if (!address)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* Enforce stack_guard_gap */
-+ gap_addr = address + stack_guard_gap;
-+ if (gap_addr < address)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ next = vma->vm_next;
-+ if (next && next->vm_start < gap_addr) {
-+ if (!(next->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* Check that both stack segments have the same anon_vma? */
-+ }
- /* We must make sure the anon_vma is allocated. */
- if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -2206,7 +2233,7 @@ int expand_upwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
- if (vma->vm_next)
- vma_gap_update(vma->vm_next);
- else
-- mm->highest_vm_end = address;
-+ mm->highest_vm_end = vm_end_gap(vma);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- perf_event_mmap(vma);
-@@ -2227,6 +2254,8 @@ int expand_downwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long address)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *prev;
-+ unsigned long gap_addr;
- int error;
- address &= PAGE_MASK;
-@@ -2234,6 +2263,17 @@ int expand_downwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- if (error)
- return error;
-+ /* Enforce stack_guard_gap */
-+ gap_addr = address - stack_guard_gap;
-+ if (gap_addr > address)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ prev = vma->vm_prev;
-+ if (prev && prev->vm_end > gap_addr) {
-+ if (!(prev->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* Check that both stack segments have the same anon_vma? */
-+ }
- /* We must make sure the anon_vma is allocated. */
- if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -2289,28 +2329,25 @@ int expand_downwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- return error;
- }
-- * Note how expand_stack() refuses to expand the stack all the way to
-- * abut the next virtual mapping, *unless* that mapping itself is also
-- * a stack mapping. We want to leave room for a guard page, after all
-- * (the guard page itself is not added here, that is done by the
-- * actual page faulting logic)
-- *
-- * This matches the behavior of the guard page logic (see mm/memory.c:
-- * check_stack_guard_page()), which only allows the guard page to be
-- * removed under these circumstances.
-- */
-+/* enforced gap between the expanding stack and other mappings. */
-+unsigned long stack_guard_gap = 256UL<<PAGE_SHIFT;
-+static int __init cmdline_parse_stack_guard_gap(char *p)
-+ unsigned long val;
-+ char *endptr;
-+ val = simple_strtoul(p, &endptr, 10);
-+ if (!*endptr)
-+ stack_guard_gap = val << PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ return 0;
-+__setup("stack_guard_gap=", cmdline_parse_stack_guard_gap);
- int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
- {
-- struct vm_area_struct *next;
-- address &= PAGE_MASK;
-- next = vma->vm_next;
-- if (next && next->vm_start == address + PAGE_SIZE) {
-- if (!(next->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP))
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
- return expand_upwards(vma, address);
- }
-@@ -2332,14 +2369,6 @@ find_extend_vma(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
- #else
- int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
- {
-- struct vm_area_struct *prev;
-- address &= PAGE_MASK;
-- prev = vma->vm_prev;
-- if (prev && prev->vm_end == address) {
-- if (!(prev->vm_flags & VM_GROWSDOWN))
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
- return expand_downwards(vma, address);
- }
-@@ -2437,7 +2466,7 @@ detach_vmas_to_be_unmapped(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- vma->vm_prev = prev;
- vma_gap_update(vma);
- } else
-- mm->highest_vm_end = prev ? prev->vm_end : 0;
-+ mm->highest_vm_end = prev ? vm_end_gap(prev) : 0;
- tail_vma->vm_next = NULL;
- /* Kill the cache */
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0002-Allow-stack-to-grow-up-to-address-space-limit.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0002-Allow-stack-to-grow-up-to-address-space-limit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d0c94cef2..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0002-Allow-stack-to-grow-up-to-address-space-limit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-From cd20f002742028366c33b38b3ca613eaee4582c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Helge Deller <deller@gmx.de>
-Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 17:34:05 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Allow stack to grow up to address space limit
-commit bd726c90b6b8ce87602208701b208a208e6d5600 upstream.
-Fix expand_upwards() on architectures with an upward-growing stack (parisc,
-metag and partly IA-64) to allow the stack to reliably grow exactly up to
-the address space limit given by TASK_SIZE.
-Signed-off-by: Helge Deller <deller@gmx.de>
-Acked-by: Hugh Dickins <hughd@google.com>
-Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
-Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
- mm/mmap.c | 13 ++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mm/mmap.c b/mm/mmap.c
-index 5e043dd..fcf4c88 100644
---- a/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -2172,16 +2172,19 @@ int expand_upwards(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address)
- if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP))
- return -EFAULT;
-- /* Guard against wrapping around to address 0. */
-+ /* Guard against exceeding limits of the address space. */
- address &= PAGE_MASK;
-- address += PAGE_SIZE;
-- if (!address)
-+ if (address >= TASK_SIZE)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ address += PAGE_SIZE;
- /* Enforce stack_guard_gap */
- gap_addr = address + stack_guard_gap;
-- if (gap_addr < address)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* Guard against overflow */
-+ if (gap_addr < address || gap_addr > TASK_SIZE)
-+ gap_addr = TASK_SIZE;
- next = vma->vm_next;
- if (next && next->vm_start < gap_addr) {
- if (!(next->vm_flags & VM_GROWSUP))
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0003-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped_area_topdown.patch b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0003-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped_area_topdown.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0acfa29..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto/4.4-0003-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped_area_topdown.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-From 1c182004bcb1cd619b58ba6631b9d88052d18e02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Hugh Dickins <hughd@google.com>
-Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 02:10:44 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] mm: fix new crash in unmapped_area_topdown()
-commit f4cb767d76cf7ee72f97dd76f6cfa6c76a5edc89 upstream.
-Trinity gets kernel BUG at mm/mmap.c:1963! in about 3 minutes of
-mmap testing. That's the VM_BUG_ON(gap_end < gap_start) at the
-end of unmapped_area_topdown(). Linus points out how MAP_FIXED
-(which does not have to respect our stack guard gap intentions)
-could result in gap_end below gap_start there. Fix that, and
-the similar case in its alternative, unmapped_area().
-Fixes: 1be7107fbe18 ("mm: larger stack guard gap, between vmas")
-Reported-by: Dave Jones <davej@codemonkey.org.uk>
-Debugged-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
-Signed-off-by: Hugh Dickins <hughd@google.com>
-Acked-by: Michal Hocko <mhocko@suse.com>
-Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
-Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
- mm/mmap.c | 6 ++++--
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mm/mmap.c b/mm/mmap.c
-index fcf4c88..0990f8b 100644
---- a/mm/mmap.c
-+++ b/mm/mmap.c
-@@ -1771,7 +1771,8 @@ check_current:
- /* Check if current node has a suitable gap */
- if (gap_start > high_limit)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (gap_end >= low_limit && gap_end - gap_start >= length)
-+ if (gap_end >= low_limit &&
-+ gap_end > gap_start && gap_end - gap_start >= length)
- goto found;
- /* Visit right subtree if it looks promising */
-@@ -1874,7 +1875,8 @@ check_current:
- gap_end = vm_start_gap(vma);
- if (gap_end < low_limit)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (gap_start <= high_limit && gap_end - gap_start >= length)
-+ if (gap_start <= high_limit &&
-+ gap_end > gap_start && gap_end - gap_start >= length)
- goto found;
- /* Visit left subtree if it looks promising */
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c170661..000000000
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux-yocto:"
-# Backported fix for CVE-2017-1000364
-SRC_URI_append_core2-32-intel-common = "\
- file://4.4-0001-mm-larger-stack-guard-gap-between-vmas.patch \
- file://4.4-0002-Allow-stack-to-grow-up-to-address-space-limit.patch \
- file://4.4-0003-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped_area_topdown.patch \
-SRC_URI_append_corei7-64-intel-common = "\
- file://4.4-0001-mm-larger-stack-guard-gap-between-vmas.patch \
- file://4.4-0002-Allow-stack-to-grow-up-to-address-space-limit.patch \
- file://4.4-0003-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped_area_topdown.patch \
diff --git a/meta-agl-distro/conf/distro/poky-agl.conf b/meta-agl-distro/conf/distro/poky-agl.conf
index d7a12e301..d4ff01b7f 100644
--- a/meta-agl-distro/conf/distro/poky-agl.conf
+++ b/meta-agl-distro/conf/distro/poky-agl.conf
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ DISTRO_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED = "sysvinit"
PREFERRED_VERSION_wayland-ivi-extension ?= "1.1%"
# Prefer GStreamer 1.10.x by default
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0 ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-base ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-good ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-libav ?= "1.10.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-omx ?= "1.2.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0 ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-base ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-good ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-libav ?= "1.12.%"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-omx ?= "1.12.%"
# Prefer libjpeg-turbo
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg = "libjpeg-turbo"
diff --git a/meta-agl/conf/include/agl-devel.inc b/meta-agl/conf/include/agl-devel.inc
index c24143593..fd11ade75 100644
--- a/meta-agl/conf/include/agl-devel.inc
+++ b/meta-agl/conf/include/agl-devel.inc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
packagegroup-agl-devel \
-IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "${@bb.utils.contains_any('IMAGE_FSTYPES', [ 'vmdk', 'vmdk.xz' ], ' open-vm-tools vboxguestdrivers', '', d)}"
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'wic.vmdk', ' open-vm-tools vboxguestdrivers', '', d)}"
# disable install of debug files in SDK
# initial value: SDKIMAGE_FEATURES="dev-pkgs dbg-pkgs staticdev-pkgs"
diff --git a/meta-agl/files/group b/meta-agl/files/group
index d910f0f83..f8a3843bd 100644
--- a/meta-agl/files/group
+++ b/meta-agl/files/group
@@ -86,3 +86,5 @@ postdrop::954:
diff --git a/meta-agl/files/passwd b/meta-agl/files/passwd
index df4c23e74..754cb819a 100644
--- a/meta-agl/files/passwd
+++ b/meta-agl/files/passwd
@@ -56,3 +56,5 @@ opensaf::957:957:::
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5/cve-2017-1000250.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5/cve-2017-1000250.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fac961bc..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5/cve-2017-1000250.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-All versions of the SDP server in BlueZ 5.46 and earlier are vulnerable to an
-information disclosure vulnerability which allows remote attackers to obtain
-sensitive information from the bluetoothd process memory. This vulnerability
-lies in the processing of SDP search attribute requests.
-CVE: CVE-2017-1000250
-Upstream-Status: Backport
-Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
-From 9e009647b14e810e06626dde7f1bb9ea3c375d09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com>
-Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 10:01:40 +0300
-Subject: sdp: Fix Out-of-bounds heap read in service_search_attr_req function
-Check if there is enough data to continue otherwise return an error.
- src/sdpd-request.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/sdpd-request.c b/src/sdpd-request.c
-index 1eefdce..318d044 100644
---- a/src/sdpd-request.c
-+++ b/src/sdpd-request.c
-@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ static int service_search_attr_req(sdp_req_t *req, sdp_buf_t *buf)
- } else {
- /* continuation State exists -> get from cache */
- sdp_buf_t *pCache = sdp_get_cached_rsp(cstate);
-- if (pCache) {
-+ if (pCache && cstate->cStateValue.maxBytesSent < pCache->data_size) {
- uint16_t sent = MIN(max, pCache->data_size - cstate->cStateValue.maxBytesSent);
- pResponse = pCache->data;
- memcpy(buf->data, pResponse + cstate->cStateValue.maxBytesSent, sent);
-cgit v1.1
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5_%.bbappend b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5_%.bbappend
index 543681550..ffb9d5b53 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/bluez5/bluez5_%.bbappend
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-SRC_URI_append = " file://bluetooth.conf \
- file://cve-2017-1000250.patch"
+SRC_URI_append = " file://bluetooth.conf"
do_install_append() {
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/bluetooth.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-disable-when-booting-over-nfs.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-disable-when-booting-over-nfs.patch
index b4704de68..95fc0a905 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-disable-when-booting-over-nfs.patch
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/connman/files/0001-disable-when-booting-over-nfs.patch
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
--- a/src/connman.service.in 2016-08-15 13:51:03.479478140 +0200
+++ b/src/connman.service.in 2016-08-15 13:51:33.469478267 +0200
-@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ RequiresMountsFor=@localstatedir@/lib/co
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ RequiresMountsFor=@localstatedir@/lib/co
After=dbus.service network-pre.target systemd-sysusers.service
Before=network.target multi-user.target shutdown.target
+ Conflicts=systemd-resolved.service
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0001-Add-LightMediaScanner-plugin.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0001-Add-LightMediaScanner-plugin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eca08ee84..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0001-Add-LightMediaScanner-plugin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2541 +0,0 @@
-From 8bb9ae73464dd76f5fa94f2e9ba76b0bd88114df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Manuel Bachmann <manuel.bachmann@iot.bzh>
-Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 04:18:33 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Add LightMediaScanner plugin
-Add a new plugin based on LightMediaScanner :
-Shorty put, this plugin does not do the indexing itself as
-"media-export" does, but defers this task to the
-"lightmediascannerd" daemon, with which it communicates
-via a D-Bus interface.
-The remote indexing daemon installs itself as a separate
-package, and is designed to be ultra-lightweight and fast.
-This commit is the rebase and fusion of all work done
-first on Maemo (lms.garage.maemo.org), then on Tizen IVI
-(review.tizen.org/git/?p=profile/ivi/rygel.git) and right
-now on AGL (automotivelinux.org) where several components
-depend on LightMediaScanner.
-A splitted version (13 commits) can also be seen on :
-It difffers mostly in that it lets "media-export" plugin
-as the default, just adding itself in "rygel.conf" as an
-(note : reporter is not code Author, see patch for details)
-(note 2 : rebased on top of 0.26.1)
-Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-Author: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
-Signed-off-by: Manuel Bachmann <manuel.bachmann@iot.bzh>
- configure.ac | 18 +
- data/rygel.conf | 6 +-
- src/plugins/Makefile.am | 5 +
- src/plugins/lms/Makefile.am | 46 +++
- src/plugins/lms/README | 17 +
- src/plugins/lms/lms.plugin.in | 7 +
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala | 173 +++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala | 175 +++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala | 95 +++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala | 169 ++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala | 123 ++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala | 75 ++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala | 62 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala | 428 +++++++++++++++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-collate.c | 49 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala | 294 ++++++++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala | 30 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.vala | 35 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala | 114 ++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala | 59 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.vala | 36 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala | 40 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.vala | 35 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala | 58 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.vala | 31 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala | 73 ++++
- 26 files changed, 2252 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/Makefile.am
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/README
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/lms.plugin.in
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-collate.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.vala
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index 7ae1105..275fd99 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -170,6 +170,18 @@ AS_IF([test "x$enable_ruih_plugin" = "xyes"],
- libxml-2.0 >= $LIBXML_REQUIRED])
- ])
-+AS_IF([test "x$enable_lms_plugin" = "xyes"],
-+ [
-+ gio-2.0 >= $GIO_REQUIRED
-+ sqlite3 >= $LIBSQLITE3_REQUIRED])
-+ RYGEL_PLUGIN_LMS_DEPS_VALAFLAGS="$RYGEL_COMMON_MODULES_VALAFLAGS --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg gee-0.8 --pkg sqlite3"
-+ ])
- AS_IF([test "x$with_media_engine" = "xgstreamer"],
- [
- RYGEL_ADD_PLUGIN([playbin],[GStreamer playbin],[yes])
-@@ -332,6 +344,11 @@ then
- fi
- fi
-+dnl Check additional requirements for LMS plugin
-+if test "x$enable_lms_plugin" = "xyes";
- RYGEL_ADD_PLUGIN([tracker],[Tracker],[yes])
- AS_IF([test "x$enable_tracker_plugin" = "xyes"],
-@@ -513,6 +530,7 @@ echo "
- version: ${tracker_api_version}
- mediathek: ${enable_mediathek_plugin}
- media-export ${enable_media_export_plugin}
-+ lightmediascanner ${enable_lms_plugin}
- external: ${enable_external_plugin}
- MPRIS2: ${enable_mpris_plugin}
- gst-launch: ${enable_gst_launch_plugin}
-diff --git a/data/rygel.conf b/data/rygel.conf
-index 6b1c1c4..8677a0d 100644
---- a/data/rygel.conf
-+++ b/data/rygel.conf
-@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ strict-sharing=false
- title=@REALNAME@'s media on @PRETTY_HOSTNAME@
- [MediaExport]
- title=@REALNAME@'s media on @PRETTY_HOSTNAME@
- # List of URIs to export. Following variables are automatically substituted by
- # the appropriate XDG standard media folders by Rygel for you.
-@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ monitor-changes=true
- monitor-grace-timeout=5
- virtual-folders=true
-+title=My Media
- [Playbin]
- enabled=true
- title=Audio/Video playback on @PRETTY_HOSTNAME@
-diff --git a/src/plugins/Makefile.am b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
-index d116f09..40791f0 100644
---- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am
-@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ if BUILD_MEDIA_EXPORT_PLUGIN
- MEDIA_EXPORT_PLUGIN = media-export
- endif
-+LMS_PLUGIN = lms
- EXTERNAL_PLUGIN = external
- endif
-@@ -33,6 +37,7 @@ endif
-+ $(LMS_PLUGIN) \
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/Makefile.am b/src/plugins/lms/Makefile.am
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f96a2ab
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/Makefile.am
-@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-+include $(top_srcdir)/common.am
-+plugin_LTLIBRARIES = librygel-lms.la
-+plugin_DATA = lms.plugin
-+librygel_lms_la_SOURCES = \
-+ rygel-lms-plugin.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-root-container.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-music-root.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-image-root.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-category-container.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-all-music.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-album.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-albums.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-artist.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-artists.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-all-videos.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-database.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-all-images.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-image-years.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-image-year.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-sql-function.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala \
-+ rygel-lms-collate.c \
-+ rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
-+librygel_lms_la_VALAFLAGS = \
-+ --enable-experimental \
-+librygel_lms_la_CFLAGS = \
-+ -DG_LOG_DOMAIN='"Lms"'
-+librygel_lms_la_LIBADD = \
-+librygel_lms_la_LDFLAGS = \
-+EXTRA_DIST = lms.plugin.in
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/README b/src/plugins/lms/README
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..b741806
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/README
-@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-+A rygel mediaserver plugin that exposes a lightmediascanner database
-+as a Mediaserver.
-+Configuration in rygel.conf:
-+ [LightMediaScanner]
-+ db-path=/path/to/lightmediascannerd.sqlite3
-+ title=My Media
-+* Supports browsing and searching (but in many cases searches will
-+ still fall back to the inefficient simple_search()).
-+* UpdateIDs are not yet supported as lightmediascanner seems to have
-+ not change signal support yet
-+* No real DLNA CTT testing has been done so far
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/lms.plugin.in b/src/plugins/lms/lms.plugin.in
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9db9895
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/lms.plugin.in
-@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-+Version = @VERSION@
-+Module = lms
-+Name = LMS
-+License = LGPL
-+Description = LMS DMS plugin for Rygel
-+Copyright = Copyright © Intel
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..4fea17a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Album : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audios.id) " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;";
-+ private static const string SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = statement.column_int (0);
-+ var path = statement.column_text (1);
-+ var mime_type = statement.column_text(10);
-+ if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0) {
-+ /* TODO is this correct? */
-+ debug ("Music item %d (%s) has no MIME type",
-+ id,
-+ path);
-+ }
-+ var title = statement.column_text(3);
-+ var song_id = this.build_child_id (id);
-+ var song = new MusicItem (song_id, this, title);
-+ song.ref_id = this.build_reference_id (id);
-+ song.size = statement.column_int(2);
-+ song.track_number = statement.column_int(4);
-+ song.duration = statement.column_int(5);
-+ song.channels = statement.column_int(6);
-+ song.sample_freq = statement.column_int(7);
-+ song.bitrate = statement.column_int(8);
-+ song.dlna_profile = statement.column_text(9);
-+ song.mime_type = mime_type;
-+ song.artist = statement.column_text(11);
-+ song.album = statement.column_text(12);
-+ File file = File.new_for_path (path);
-+ song.add_uri (file.get_uri ());
-+ return song;
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_all (string db_id) {
-+ return (SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_find_object (string db_id) {
-+ return (SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_count (string db_id) {
-+ return (SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_added (string db_id) {
-+ return (SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_removed (string db_id) {
-+ return (SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
-+ }
-+ protected override string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return this.sql_all;
-+ }
-+ var filter_str = "%s AND %s".printf (this.db_id, filter);
-+ return (SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (filter_str));
-+ }
-+ protected override string get_sql_count_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return this.sql_count;
-+ }
-+ var filter_str = "%s AND %s".printf (this.db_id, filter);
-+ return (SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter_str));
-+ }
-+ public Album (string db_id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base (db_id,
-+ parent,
-+ title,
-+ lms_db,
-+ get_sql_all (db_id),
-+ get_sql_find_object (db_id),
-+ get_sql_count (db_id),
-+ get_sql_added (db_id),
-+ get_sql_removed (db_id)
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..309a352
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Albums : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL =
-+ "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "WHERE %s " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id) " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id), audio_albums.name as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "WHERE %s;";
-+ /* count songs inside albums */
-+ private static const string SQL_CHILD_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist " +
-+ "FROM audios, files, audio_albums " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = audio_albums.id %s;";
-+ /* select songs inside albums */
-+ private static const string SQL_CHILD_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name, audio_albums.id " +
-+ "FROM audios, files, audio_albums " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = audio_albums.id %s " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "WHERE audio_albums.id = ?;";
-+ protected override string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return Albums.SQL_ALL;
-+ }
-+ return (Albums.SQL_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter));
-+ }
-+ protected override string get_sql_count_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return Albums.SQL_COUNT;
-+ }
-+ return (Albums.SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter));
-+ }
-+ protected override uint get_child_count_with_filter (string where_filter,
-+ ValueArray args)
-+ {
-+ /* search the children (albums) as usual */
-+ var count = base.get_child_count_with_filter (where_filter, args);
-+ /* now search the album contents */
-+ var filter = "";
-+ if (where_filter.length > 0) {
-+ filter = "AND %s".printf (where_filter);
-+ }
-+ var query = Albums.SQL_CHILD_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter);
-+ try {
-+ var stmt = this.lms_db.prepare_and_init (query, args.values);
-+ if (stmt.step () == Sqlite.ROW) {
-+ count += stmt.column_int (0);
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Query failed: %s", e.message);
-+ }
-+ return count;
-+ }
-+ protected override MediaObjects? get_children_with_filter (string where_filter,
-+ ValueArray args,
-+ string sort_criteria,
-+ uint offset,
-+ uint max_count) {
-+ var children = base. get_children_with_filter (where_filter,
-+ args,
-+ sort_criteria,
-+ offset,
-+ max_count);
-+ var filter = "";
-+ if (where_filter.length > 0) {
-+ filter = "AND %s".printf (where_filter);
-+ }
-+ var query = Albums.SQL_CHILD_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter);
-+ try {
-+ var stmt = this.lms_db.prepare_and_init (query, args.values);
-+ while (Database.get_children_step (stmt)) {
-+ var album_id = stmt.column_text (13);
-+ var album = new Album (album_id, this, "", this.lms_db);
-+ var song = album.object_from_statement (stmt);
-+ song.parent_ref = song.parent;
-+ children.add (song);
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Query failed: %s", e.message);
-+ }
-+ return children;
-+ }
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = "%d".printf (statement.column_int (0));
-+ LMS.Album album = new LMS.Album (id,
-+ this,
-+ statement.column_text (1),
-+ this.lms_db);
-+ return album;
-+ }
-+ public Albums (MediaContainer parent,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base ("albums",
-+ parent,
-+ _("Albums"),
-+ lms_db,
-+ Albums.SQL_ALL,
-+ Albums.SQL_COUNT,
-+ null, null);
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..0b54c7f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.AllImages : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT count(images.id) " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_ADDED =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = statement.column_int(0);
-+ var path = statement.column_text(6);
-+ var mime_type = statement.column_text(9);
-+ if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0){
-+ /* TODO is this correct? */
-+ debug ("Image item %d (%s) has no MIME type",
-+ id,
-+ path);
-+ }
-+ var title = statement.column_text(1);
-+ var image = new ImageItem(this.build_child_id (id), this, title);
-+ image.creator = statement.column_text(2);
-+ TimeVal tv = { (long) statement.column_int(3), (long) 0 };
-+ image.date = tv.to_iso8601 ();
-+ image.width = statement.column_int(4);
-+ image.height = statement.column_int(5);
-+ image.size = statement.column_int(7);
-+ image.mime_type = mime_type;
-+ image.dlna_profile = statement.column_text(8);
-+ File file = File.new_for_path(path);
-+ image.add_uri (file.get_uri ());
-+ return image;
-+ }
-+ public AllImages (MediaContainer parent, LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base ("all",
-+ parent,
-+ _("All"),
-+ lms_db,
-+ AllImages.SQL_ALL,
-+ AllImages.SQL_COUNT,
-+ AllImages.SQL_ADDED,
-+ AllImages.SQL_REMOVED
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..2a7226f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.AllMusic : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name, " +
-+ "files.mtime, " +
-+ "audio_genres.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
-+ "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id %s " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audios.id) " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id %s;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name, " +
-+ "files.mtime, " +
-+ "audio_genres.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
-+ "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_ADDED =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name, " +
-+ "files.mtime, " +
-+ "audio_genres.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
-+ "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
-+ "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
-+ "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
-+ "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
-+ "audio_albums.name, " +
-+ "files.mtime, " +
-+ "audio_genres.name " +
-+ "FROM audios, files " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
-+ "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
-+ "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
-+ "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
-+ "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
-+ "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ protected override string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return this.sql_all;
-+ }
-+ var filter_str = "AND %s".printf (filter);
-+ return (AllMusic.SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (filter_str));
-+ }
-+ protected override string get_sql_count_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ if (filter.length == 0) {
-+ return this.sql_count;
-+ }
-+ var filter_str = "AND %s".printf (filter);
-+ return (AllMusic.SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE.printf (filter_str));
-+ }
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = statement.column_int (0);
-+ var path = statement.column_text (1);
-+ var mime_type = statement.column_text(10);
-+ if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0) {
-+ /* TODO is this correct? */
-+ debug ("Music item %d (%s) has no MIME type",
-+ id,
-+ path);
-+ }
-+ var title = statement.column_text(3);
-+ var song_id = this.build_child_id (id);
-+ var song = new MusicItem (song_id, this, title);
-+ song.size = statement.column_int(2);
-+ song.track_number = statement.column_int(4);
-+ song.duration = statement.column_int(5);
-+ song.channels = statement.column_int(6);
-+ song.sample_freq = statement.column_int(7);
-+ song.bitrate = statement.column_int(8);
-+ song.dlna_profile = statement.column_text(9);
-+ song.mime_type = mime_type;
-+ song.artist = statement.column_text(11);
-+ song.album = statement.column_text(12);
-+ TimeVal tv = { (long) statement.column_int(13), (long) 0 };
-+ song.date = tv.to_iso8601 ();
-+ song.genre = statement.column_text(14);
-+ File file = File.new_for_path (path);
-+ song.add_uri (file.get_uri ());
-+ return song;
-+ }
-+ public AllMusic (MediaContainer parent, LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base("all",
-+ parent,
-+ _("All"),
-+ lms_db,
-+ AllMusic.SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (""),
-+ AllMusic.SQL_COUNT,
-+ AllMusic.SQL_ADDED,
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..dbde0db
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.AllVideos : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL =
-+ "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM videos, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT count(videos.id) " +
-+ "FROM videos, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM videos, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND videos.id = files.id;";
-+ private static const string SQL_ADDED =
-+ "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM videos, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
-+ "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
-+ "FROM videos, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND videos.id = files.id " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = statement.column_int(0);
-+ var mime_type = statement.column_text(8);
-+ var path = statement.column_text(4);
-+ var file = File.new_for_path(path);
-+ /* TODO: Temporary code to extract the MIME TYPE. LMS does not seem
-+ to compute the mime type of videos. Don't know why. */
-+/* if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0) {
-+ try {
-+ FileInfo info = file.query_info(FileAttribute.STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE,
-+ FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null);
-+ mime_type = info.get_content_type();
-+ } catch {}
-+ }
-+ if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0) {
-+ /* TODO is this correct? */
-+ debug ("Video item %d (%s) has no MIME type",
-+ id,
-+ path);
-+ }
-+ var title = statement.column_text(1);
-+ var video = new VideoItem(this.build_child_id (id), this, title);
-+ video.creator = statement.column_text(2);
-+ video.duration = statement.column_int(3);
-+ TimeVal tv = { (long) statement.column_int(5), (long) 0 };
-+ video.date = tv.to_iso8601 ();
-+ video.size = statement.column_int(6);
-+ video.dlna_profile = statement.column_text(7);
-+ video.mime_type = mime_type;
-+ video.add_uri (file.get_uri ());
-+ // Rygel does not support multiple video and audio tracks in a single file,
-+ // so we just take the first one
-+ var video_data = "select videos_videos.bitrate + videos_audios.bitrate, width, height, channels, sampling_rate " +
-+ "from videos, videos_audios, videos_videos where videos.id = ? " +
-+ "and videos.id = videos_audios.video_id and videos.id = videos_videos.video_id;";
-+ try {
-+ var stmt = this.lms_db.prepare(video_data);
-+ Rygel.LMS.Database.find_object("%d".printf(id), stmt);
-+ video.bitrate = stmt.column_int(0) / 8; //convert bits per second into bytes per second
-+ video.width = stmt.column_int(1);
-+ video.height = stmt.column_int(2);
-+ video.channels = stmt.column_int(3);
-+ video.sample_freq = stmt.column_int(4);
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Query failed: %s", e.message);
-+ }
-+ return video;
-+ }
-+ public AllVideos (string id, MediaContainer parent, string title, LMS.Database lms_db){
-+ base (id,
-+ parent,
-+ title,
-+ lms_db,
-+ AllVideos.SQL_ALL,
-+ AllVideos.SQL_COUNT,
-+ AllVideos.SQL_ADDED,
-+ AllVideos.SQL_REMOVED
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..31e9070
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Artist : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "WHERE audio_albums.artist_id = %s " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id) " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "WHERE audio_albums.artist_id = %s";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " +
-+ "FROM audio_albums " +
-+ "WHERE audio_albums.id = ? AND audio_albums.artist_id = %s;";
-+ private static string get_sql_all (string id) {
-+ return (SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_find_object (string id) {
-+ return (SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE.printf (id));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_count (string id) {
-+ return (SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE.printf (id));
-+ }
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var db_id = "%d".printf (statement.column_int (0));
-+ var title = statement.column_text (1);
-+ return new LMS.Album (db_id, this, title, this.lms_db);
-+ }
-+ public Artist (string id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base (id,
-+ parent,
-+ title,
-+ lms_db,
-+ get_sql_all (id),
-+ get_sql_find_object (id),
-+ get_sql_count (id),
-+ null, // LMS does not track adding or removing albums
-+ null
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..a00b2ce
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Artists : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL =
-+ "SELECT audio_artists.id, audio_artists.name " +
-+ "FROM audio_artists " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(audio_artists.id) " +
-+ "FROM audio_artists;";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT audio_artists.id, audio_artists.name " +
-+ "FROM audio_artists " +
-+ "WHERE audio_artists.id = ?;";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var db_id = "%d".printf (statement.column_int (0));
-+ var title = statement.column_text (1);
-+ return new LMS.Artist (db_id, this, title, this.lms_db);
-+ }
-+ public Artists (string id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base (id,
-+ parent,
-+ title,
-+ lms_db,
-+ Artists.SQL_ALL,
-+ Artists.SQL_COUNT,
-+ null, null
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e5430d1
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2009,2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>,
-+ * (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Gee;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public errordomain Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainerError {
-+public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
-+ Rygel.TrackableContainer,
-+ Rygel.SearchableContainer {
-+ public ArrayList<string> search_classes { get; set; }
-+ public unowned LMS.Database lms_db { get; construct; }
-+ public string db_id { get; construct; }
-+ public string sql_all { get; construct; }
-+ public string sql_find_object { get; construct; }
-+ public string sql_count { get; construct; }
-+ public string sql_added { get; construct; }
-+ public string sql_removed { get; construct; }
-+ protected Statement stmt_all;
-+ protected Statement stmt_find_object;
-+ protected Statement stmt_added;
-+ protected Statement stmt_removed;
-+ protected string child_prefix;
-+ protected string ref_prefix;
-+ protected abstract MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement);
-+ /* TODO these should be abstract */
-+ protected virtual string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ return this.sql_all;
-+ }
-+ protected virtual string get_sql_count_with_filter (string filter) {
-+ return this.sql_count;
-+ }
-+ private static string? map_operand_to_column (string operand,
-+ out string? collate = null,
-+ bool for_sort = false)
-+ throws Error {
-+ string column = null;
-+ bool use_collation = false;
-+ // TODO add all used aliases to sql queries
-+ switch (operand) {
-+ case "dc:title":
-+ column = "title";
-+ use_collation = true;
-+ break;
-+ case "upnp:artist":
-+ column = "artist";
-+ use_collation = true;
-+ break;
-+ case "dc:creator":
-+ column = "creator";
-+ use_collation = true;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ var message = "Unsupported column %s".printf (operand);
-+ throw new CategoryContainerError.UNSUPPORTED_SEARCH (message);
-+ }
-+ if (use_collation) {
-+ collate = "COLLATE CASEFOLD";
-+ } else {
-+ collate = "";
-+ }
-+ return column;
-+ }
-+ private static string? relational_expression_to_sql
-+ (RelationalExpression exp,
-+ GLib.ValueArray args)
-+ throws Error {
-+ GLib.Value? v = null;
-+ string collate = null;
-+ string column = CategoryContainer.map_operand_to_column (exp.operand1,
-+ out collate);
-+ SqlOperator operator;
-+ switch (exp.op) {
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.EXISTS:
-+ string sql_function;
-+ if (exp.operand2 == "true") {
-+ sql_function = "%s IS NOT NULL AND %s != ''";
-+ } else {
-+ sql_function = "%s IS NULL OR %s = ''";
-+ }
-+ return sql_function.printf (column, column);
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.EQ:
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.NEQ:
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.LESS:
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.LEQ:
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.GREATER:
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.GEQ:
-+ v = exp.operand2;
-+ operator = new SqlOperator.from_search_criteria_op
-+ (exp.op, column, collate);
-+ break;
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.CONTAINS:
-+ operator = new SqlFunction ("contains", column);
-+ v = exp.operand2;
-+ break;
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN:
-+ operator = new SqlFunction ("NOT contains", column);
-+ v = exp.operand2;
-+ break;
-+ case GUPnP.SearchCriteriaOp.DERIVED_FROM:
-+ operator = new SqlOperator ("LIKE", column);
-+ v = "%s%%".printf (exp.operand2);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ warning ("Unsupported op %d", exp.op);
-+ return null;
-+ }
-+ if (v != null) {
-+ args.append (v);
-+ }
-+ return operator.to_string ();
-+ }
-+ private static string logical_expression_to_sql
-+ (LogicalExpression expression,
-+ GLib.ValueArray args)
-+ throws Error {
-+ string left_sql_string = CategoryContainer.search_expression_to_sql
-+ (expression.operand1,
-+ args);
-+ string right_sql_string = CategoryContainer.search_expression_to_sql
-+ (expression.operand2,
-+ args);
-+ unowned string operator_sql_string = "OR";
-+ if (expression.op == LogicalOperator.AND) {
-+ operator_sql_string = "AND";
-+ }
-+ return "(%s %s %s)".printf (left_sql_string,
-+ operator_sql_string,
-+ right_sql_string);
-+ }
-+ private static string? search_expression_to_sql
-+ (SearchExpression? expression,
-+ GLib.ValueArray args)
-+ throws Error {
-+ if (expression == null) {
-+ return "";
-+ }
-+ if (expression is LogicalExpression) {
-+ return CategoryContainer.logical_expression_to_sql
-+ (expression as LogicalExpression, args);
-+ } else {
-+ return CategoryContainer.relational_expression_to_sql
-+ (expression as RelationalExpression,
-+ args);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ protected virtual uint get_child_count_with_filter (string where_filter,
-+ ValueArray args)
-+ {
-+ var query = this.get_sql_count_with_filter (where_filter);
-+ try {
-+ var stmt = this.lms_db.prepare_and_init (query, args.values);
-+ if (stmt.step () != Sqlite.ROW) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ return stmt.column_int (0);
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Query failed: %s", e.message);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ protected virtual MediaObjects? get_children_with_filter (string where_filter,
-+ ValueArray args,
-+ string sort_criteria,
-+ uint offset,
-+ uint max_count) {
-+ var children = new MediaObjects ();
-+ GLib.Value v = max_count;
-+ args.append (v);
-+ v = offset;
-+ args.append (v);
-+ var query = this.get_sql_all_with_filter (where_filter);
-+ try {
-+ var stmt = this.lms_db.prepare_and_init (query, args.values);
-+ while (Database.get_children_step (stmt)) {
-+ children.add (this.object_from_statement (stmt));
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Query failed: %s", e.message);
-+ }
-+ return children;
-+ }
-+ public async MediaObjects? search (SearchExpression? expression,
-+ uint offset,
-+ uint max_count,
-+ out uint total_matches,
-+ string sort_criteria,
-+ Cancellable? cancellable)
-+ throws Error {
-+ debug ("search()");
-+ try {
-+ var args = new GLib.ValueArray (0);
-+ var filter = CategoryContainer.search_expression_to_sql (expression,
-+ args);
-+ total_matches = this.get_child_count_with_filter (filter, args);
-+ if (expression != null) {
-+ debug (" Original search: %s", expression.to_string ());
-+ debug (" Parsed search expression: %s", filter);
-+ debug (" Filtered cild count is %u", total_matches);
-+ }
-+ if (max_count == 0) {
-+ max_count = uint.MAX;
-+ }
-+ return this.get_children_with_filter (filter,
-+ args,
-+ sort_criteria,
-+ offset,
-+ max_count);
-+ } catch (Error e) {
-+ debug (" Falling back to simple_search(): %s", e.message);
-+ return yield this.simple_search (expression,
-+ offset,
-+ max_count,
-+ out total_matches,
-+ sort_criteria,
-+ cancellable);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ public async override MediaObjects? get_children (uint offset,
-+ uint max_count,
-+ string sort_criteria,
-+ Cancellable? cancellable)
-+ throws Error {
-+ MediaObjects retval = new MediaObjects ();
-+ Database.get_children_init (this.stmt_all,
-+ offset,
-+ max_count,
-+ sort_criteria);
-+ while (Database.get_children_step (this.stmt_all)) {
-+ retval.add (this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_all));
-+ }
-+ return retval;
-+ }
-+ public async override MediaObject? find_object (string id,
-+ Cancellable? cancellable)
-+ throws Error {
-+ if (!id.has_prefix (this.child_prefix)) {
-+ /* can't match anything in this container */
-+ return null;
-+ }
-+ MediaObject object = null;
-+ /* remove parent section from id */
-+ var real_id = id.substring (this.child_prefix.length);
-+ /* remove grandchildren from id */
-+ var index = real_id.index_of_char (':');
-+ if (index > 0) {
-+ real_id = real_id.slice (0, index);
-+ }
-+ try {
-+ Database.find_object (real_id, this.stmt_find_object);
-+ var child = this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_find_object);
-+ if (index < 0) {
-+ object = child;
-+ } else {
-+ /* try grandchildren */
-+ var container = child as CategoryContainer;
-+ object = yield container.find_object (id, cancellable);
-+ /* tell object to keep a reference to the parent --
-+ * otherwise parent is freed before object is serialized */
-+ object.parent_ref = object.parent;
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ debug ("find_object %s in %s: %s", id, this.id, e.message);
-+ /* Happens e.g. if id is not an integer */
-+ }
-+ return object;
-+ }
-+ protected string build_child_id (int db_id) {
-+ return "%s%d".printf (this.child_prefix, db_id);
-+ }
-+ protected string build_reference_id (int db_id) {
-+ return "%s%d".printf (this.ref_prefix, db_id);
-+ }
-+ protected async void add_child (MediaObject object) {
-+ }
-+ protected async void remove_child (MediaObject object) {
-+ }
-+ private void on_db_updated(uint64 old_id, uint64 new_id) {
-+ try {
-+ var stmt_count = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_count);
-+ if (stmt_count.step () == Sqlite.ROW) {
-+ this.child_count = stmt_count.column_int (0);
-+ }
-+ Database.get_children_with_update_id_init (this.stmt_added,
-+ old_id,
-+ new_id);
-+ while (Database.get_children_step (this.stmt_added)) {
-+ this.add_child_tracked.begin(this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_added));
-+ }
-+ Database.get_children_with_update_id_init (this.stmt_removed,
-+ old_id,
-+ new_id);
-+ while (Database.get_children_step (this.stmt_removed)) {
-+ this.remove_child_tracked.begin(this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_removed));
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Can't perform container update: %s", e.message);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ public CategoryContainer (string db_id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db,
-+ string sql_all,
-+ string sql_find_object,
-+ string sql_count,
-+ string? sql_added,
-+ string? sql_removed
-+ ) {
-+ Object (id : "%s:%s".printf (parent.id, db_id),
-+ db_id : db_id,
-+ parent : parent,
-+ title : title,
-+ lms_db : lms_db,
-+ sql_all : sql_all,
-+ sql_find_object : sql_find_object,
-+ sql_count : sql_count,
-+ sql_added : sql_added,
-+ sql_removed: sql_removed
-+ );
-+ }
-+ construct {
-+ this.search_classes = new ArrayList<string> ();
-+ this.child_prefix = "%s:".printf (this.id);
-+ var index = this.id.index_of_char (':');
-+ this.ref_prefix = this.id.slice (0, index) + ":all:";
-+ try {
-+ this.stmt_all = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_all);
-+ this.stmt_find_object = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_find_object);
-+ var stmt_count = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_count);
-+ if (stmt_count.step () == Sqlite.ROW) {
-+ this.child_count = stmt_count.column_int (0);
-+ }
-+ // some container implementations don't have a reasonable way to provide
-+ // id-based statements to fetch added or removed items
-+ if (this.sql_added != null && this.sql_removed != null) {
-+ this.stmt_added = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_added);
-+ this.stmt_removed = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_removed);
-+ lms_db.db_updated.connect(this.on_db_updated);
-+ }
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("Container %s: %s", this.title, e.message);
-+ }
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-collate.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-collate.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8eee80b
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-collate.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+# include <unistr.h>
-+gint rygel_lms_utf8_collate_str (const char *a, gsize alen,
-+ const char *b, gsize blen)
-+ char *a_str, *b_str;
-+ gint result;
-+ /* Make sure the passed strings are null terminated */
-+ a_str = g_strndup (a, alen);
-+ b_str = g_strndup (b, blen);
-+ result = u8_strcoll (a_str, b_str);
-+ return g_utf8_collate (a_str, b_str);
-+ g_free (a_str);
-+ g_free (b_str);
-+ return result;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e898d66
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2009,2011 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>,
-+ * (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Gee;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public errordomain Rygel.LMS.DatabaseError {
-+ OPEN,
-+ BIND,
-+ STEP,
-+namespace Rygel.LMS {
-+ extern static int utf8_collate_str (uint8[] a, uint8[] b);
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Database {
-+ public signal void db_updated(uint64 old_update_id, uint64 new_update_id);
-+ private Sqlite.Database db;
-+ private LMS.DBus lms_proxy;
-+ private uint64 update_id;
-+ /**
-+ * Function to implement the custom SQL function 'contains'
-+ */
-+ private static void utf8_contains (Sqlite.Context context,
-+ Sqlite.Value[] args)
-+ requires (args.length == 2) {
-+ if (args[0].to_text () == null ||
-+ args[1].to_text () == null) {
-+ context.result_int (0);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ var pattern = Regex.escape_string (args[1].to_text ());
-+ if (Regex.match_simple (pattern,
-+ args[0].to_text (),
-+ RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS)) {
-+ context.result_int (1);
-+ } else {
-+ context.result_int (0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /**
-+ * Function to implement the custom SQLite collation 'CASEFOLD'.
-+ *
-+ * Uses utf8 case-fold to compare the strings.
-+ */
-+ private static int utf8_collate (int alen, void* a, int blen, void* b) {
-+ // unowned to prevent array copy
-+ unowned uint8[] _a = (uint8[]) a;
-+ _a.length = alen;
-+ unowned uint8[] _b = (uint8[]) b;
-+ _b.length = blen;
-+ return LMS.utf8_collate_str (_a, _b);
-+ }
-+ public Database () throws DatabaseError {
-+ string db_path;
-+ try {
-+ lms_proxy = Bus.get_proxy_sync (BusType.SESSION,
-+ "org.lightmediascanner",
-+ "/org/lightmediascanner/Scanner1");
-+ db_path = lms_proxy.data_base_path;
-+ debug ("Got db path %s from LMS over dbus", db_path);
-+ update_id = lms_proxy.update_id;
-+ debug ("Got updated id %lld from LMS over dbus", update_id);
-+ lms_proxy.g_properties_changed.connect (this.on_lms_properties_changed);
-+ } catch (IOError e) {
-+ warning("Couldn't get LMS Dbus proxy: %s", e.message);
-+ db_path = Environment.get_user_config_dir() +
-+ "/lightmediascannerd/db.sqlite3";
-+ debug ("Using default sqlite database location %s", db_path);
-+ }
-+ Sqlite.Database.open (db_path, out this.db);
-+ if (this.db.errcode () != Sqlite.OK) {
-+ throw new DatabaseError.OPEN ("Failed to open '%s': %d",
-+ db_path,
-+ this.db.errcode () );
-+ }
-+ this.db.create_function ("contains",
-+ 2,
-+ Sqlite.UTF8,
-+ null,
-+ LMS.Database.utf8_contains,
-+ null,
-+ null);
-+ this.db.create_collation ("CASEFOLD",
-+ Sqlite.UTF8,
-+ LMS.Database.utf8_collate);
-+ }
-+ private void on_lms_properties_changed (DBusProxy lms_proxy,
-+ Variant changed,
-+ string[] invalidated) {
-+ if (!changed.get_type().equal (VariantType.VARDICT)) {
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ foreach (var changed_prop in changed) {
-+ var key = (string) changed_prop.get_child_value (0);
-+ var value = changed_prop.get_child_value (1).get_child_value (0);
-+ debug ("LMS property %s changed value to %s", key, value.print(true));
-+ switch (key) {
-+ case "UpdateID":
-+ db_updated(update_id, (uint64)value);
-+ update_id = (uint64)value;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ public Statement prepare (string query_string) throws DatabaseError {
-+ Statement statement;
-+ var err = this.db.prepare_v2 (query_string, -1, out statement);
-+ if (err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.PREPARE ("Unable to create statement '%s': %d",
-+ query_string,
-+ err);
-+ return statement;
-+ }
-+ public Statement prepare_and_init (string query,
-+ GLib.Value[]? arguments)
-+ throws DatabaseError {
-+ Statement statement;
-+ var err = this.db.prepare_v2 (query, -1, out statement);
-+ if (err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.PREPARE ("Unable to create statement '%s': %d",
-+ query,
-+ err);
-+ for (var i = 1; i <= arguments.length; ++i) {
-+ int sqlite_err;
-+ unowned GLib.Value current_value = arguments[i - 1];
-+ if (current_value.holds (typeof (int))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_int (i, current_value.get_int ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (int64))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_int64 (i, current_value.get_int64 ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (uint64))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_int64 (i, (int64) current_value.get_uint64 ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (long))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_int64 (i, current_value.get_long ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (uint))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_int64 (i, current_value.get_uint ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (string))) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_text (i, current_value.get_string ());
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else if (current_value.holds (typeof (void *))) {
-+ if (current_value.peek_pointer () == null) {
-+ sqlite_err = statement.bind_null (i);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind value %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ } else {
-+ assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ var type = current_value.type ();
-+ warning (_("Unsupported type %s"), type.name ());
-+ assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return statement;
-+ }
-+ public static void find_object(string id, Statement stmt) throws DatabaseError {
-+ (void) stmt.reset();
-+ int integer_id = int.parse(id);
-+ int sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int(1, integer_id);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind id %d", sqlite_err);
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.step();
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.ROW)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.STEP("Unable to find id %s", id);
-+ }
-+ public static void get_children_init (Statement stmt,
-+ uint offset, uint max_count, string sort_criteria) throws DatabaseError {
-+ int sqlite_err;
-+ (void) stmt.reset();
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int(1, (int) max_count);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind max_count %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int(2, (int) offset);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind offset %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ }
-+ public static void get_children_with_update_id_init (Statement stmt,
-+ uint64 old_id, uint64 new_id) throws DatabaseError {
-+ int sqlite_err;
-+ (void) stmt.reset();
-+ if (new_id < old_id) // id value wrapped over
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(1, 0);
-+ else
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(1, (int64)old_id);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind old_id %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(2, (int64)new_id);
-+ if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
-+ throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind new_id %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ }
-+ public static bool get_children_step(Statement stmt) throws DatabaseError {
-+ bool retval;
-+ int sqlite_err;
-+ sqlite_err = stmt.step();
-+ retval = sqlite_err == Sqlite.ROW;
-+ if (!retval && (sqlite_err != Sqlite.DONE))
-+ throw new DatabaseError.STEP("Error iterating through rows %d",
-+ sqlite_err);
-+ return retval;
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..13f00cb
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+[DBus (name = "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1")]
-+interface Rygel.LMS.DBus : DBusProxy {
-+ public abstract string data_base_path { owned get; }
-+ [DBus (name = "UpdateID")]
-+ public abstract uint64 update_id { get; }
-+ //TODO: add all the other API items which are currently unused
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..466bbe2
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.ImageRoot : Rygel.SimpleContainer {
-+ public ImageRoot (string id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base (id, parent, title);
-+ this.add_child_container (new AllImages (this, lms_db));
-+ this.add_child_container (new ImageYears (this, lms_db));
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..a7768f0
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYear : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT count(images.id), strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s';";
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s';";
-+ private static const string SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE =
-+ "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images, files " +
-+ "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " +
-+ "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ var id = statement.column_int(0);
-+ var path = statement.column_text(6);
-+ var mime_type = statement.column_text(9);
-+ if (mime_type == null || mime_type.length == 0){
-+ /* TODO is this correct? */
-+ debug ("Image item %d (%s) has no MIME type",
-+ id,
-+ path);
-+ }
-+ var title = statement.column_text(1);
-+ var image = new ImageItem(this.build_child_id (id), this, title);
-+ image.ref_id = this.build_reference_id (id);
-+ image.creator = statement.column_text(2);
-+ TimeVal tv = { (long) statement.column_int(3), (long) 0 };
-+ image.date = tv.to_iso8601 ();
-+ image.width = statement.column_int(4);
-+ image.height = statement.column_int(5);
-+ image.size = statement.column_int(7);
-+ image.mime_type = mime_type;
-+ image.dlna_profile = statement.column_text(8);
-+ File file = File.new_for_path(path);
-+ image.add_uri (file.get_uri ());
-+ return image;
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_all (string year) {
-+ return (SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_find_object (string year) {
-+ return (SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_count (string year) {
-+ return (SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_added (string year) {
-+ return (SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
-+ }
-+ private static string get_sql_removed (string year) {
-+ return (SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
-+ }
-+ public ImageYear (MediaContainer parent,
-+ string year,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base ("%s".printf (year),
-+ parent,
-+ year,
-+ lms_db,
-+ get_sql_all (year),
-+ get_sql_find_object (year),
-+ get_sql_count (year),
-+ get_sql_added (year),
-+ get_sql_removed (year)
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..636f4d1
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYears : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-+ private static const string SQL_ALL =
-+ "SELECT DISTINCT(strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch')) as year " +
-+ "FROM images " +
-+ "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;";
-+ private static const string SQL_COUNT =
-+ "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch'))) " +
-+ "FROM images;";
-+ /* actually returns multiple times the same result (because no DISTINCT) */
-+ /* Casting the year is a workaround so we can keep using
-+ * Database.find_object() without making the argument a variant or something like it*/
-+ private static const string SQL_FIND_OBJECT =
-+ "SELECT strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
-+ "FROM images " +
-+ "WHERE year = CAST(? AS TEXT)";
-+ protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
-+ return new LMS.ImageYear (this, statement.column_text (0), this.lms_db);
-+ }
-+ public ImageYears (MediaContainer parent, LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base ("years",
-+ parent,
-+ _("Years"),
-+ lms_db,
-+ ImageYears.SQL_ALL,
-+ ImageYears.SQL_FIND_OBJECT,
-+ ImageYears.SQL_COUNT,
-+ null, null
-+ );
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..7b1eb0f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.MusicRoot : Rygel.SimpleContainer {
-+ public MusicRoot (string id,
-+ MediaContainer parent,
-+ string title,
-+ LMS.Database lms_db) {
-+ base (id, parent, title);
-+ this.add_child_container (new AllMusic (this, lms_db));
-+ this.add_child_container (new Artists ("artists", this, _("Artists"), lms_db));
-+ this.add_child_container (new Albums (this, lms_db));
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9fa8ccd
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+private Rygel.LMS.PluginFactory plugin_factory;
-+public void module_init(PluginLoader loader) {
-+ plugin_factory = new Rygel.LMS.PluginFactory(loader);
-+public class Rygel.LMS.PluginFactory {
-+ PluginLoader loader;
-+ public PluginFactory(PluginLoader loader) {
-+ this.loader = loader;
-+ this.loader.add_plugin(new LMS.Plugin());
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8bf1284
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.Plugin : Rygel.MediaServerPlugin {
-+ public const string NAME = "LMS";
-+ private static RootContainer root;
-+ public Plugin() {
-+ if (root == null)
-+ root = new RootContainer();
-+ base(root, Plugin.NAME, null, PluginCapabilities.TRACK_CHANGES);
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..1623fa3
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using Rygel;
-+using Sqlite;
-+public class Rygel.LMS.RootContainer : Rygel.SimpleContainer {
-+ private LMS.Database lms_db = null;
-+ public RootContainer() {
-+ var config = MetaConfig.get_default ();
-+ var title = _("Shared media");
-+ try {
-+ title = config.get_string ("LightMediaScanner", "title");
-+ } catch (GLib.Error error) {}
-+ base.root(title);
-+ try {
-+ this.lms_db = new LMS.Database ();
-+ this.add_child_container (new MusicRoot ("music", this, _("Music"), this.lms_db));
-+ this.add_child_container (new AllVideos ("all-videos", this, _("Videos"), this.lms_db));
-+ this.add_child_container (new ImageRoot ("images", this, _("Pictures"), this.lms_db));
-+ } catch (DatabaseError e) {
-+ warning ("%s\n", e.message);
-+ /* TODO if db does not exist we should
-+ wait for it to be created and then add folders. Best to wait for the
-+ LMS notification API. */
-+ }
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e8580cc
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+internal class Rygel.LMS.SqlFunction : SqlOperator {
-+ public SqlFunction (string name, string arg) {
-+ base (name, arg);
-+ }
-+ public override string to_string () {
-+ return "%s(%s,?)".printf (name, arg);
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..fc4e907
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala
-@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+using GUPnP;
-+internal class Rygel.LMS.SqlOperator : GLib.Object {
-+ protected string name;
-+ protected string arg;
-+ protected string collate;
-+ public SqlOperator (string name,
-+ string arg,
-+ string collate = "") {
-+ this.name = name;
-+ this.arg = arg;
-+ this.collate = collate;
-+ }
-+ public SqlOperator.from_search_criteria_op (SearchCriteriaOp op,
-+ string arg,
-+ string collate) {
-+ string sql = null;
-+ switch (op) {
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.EQ:
-+ sql = "=";
-+ break;
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.NEQ:
-+ sql = "!=";
-+ break;
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.LESS:
-+ sql = "<";
-+ break;
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.LEQ:
-+ sql = "<=";
-+ break;
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.GREATER:
-+ sql = ">";
-+ break;
-+ case SearchCriteriaOp.GEQ:
-+ sql = ">=";
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ this (sql, arg, collate);
-+ }
-+ public virtual string to_string () {
-+ return "(%s %s ? %s)".printf (arg, name, collate);
-+ }
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0002-lms-add-C-source-files.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0002-lms-add-C-source-files.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd61aa27..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/files/0002-lms-add-C-source-files.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9455 +0,0 @@
-From 5a91b6b6efdaf28a6640126a32e819aef7e10a74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Manuel Bachmann <manuel.bachmann@iot.bzh>
-Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 14:21:28 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] lms: add C source files
-C source files are normally generated by Vala at compile
-time, but we do not use Vala for Rygel under OpenEmbedded
-(because it requires GObject-Introspection support in
-dependencies such as GUPnP, and that is still buggy).
-A full tarball release would contain the C files anyway,
-so let us include them so the build succeeds with OE.
-Signed-off-by: Manuel Bachmann <manuel.bachmann@iot.bzh>
- src/plugins/lms/librygel_lms_la_vala.stamp | 1 +
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.c | 514 +++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.c | 569 +++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.c | 305 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.c | 417 ++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.c | 456 ++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.c | 274 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.c | 214 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.c | 2772 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.c | 1349 ++++++++++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c | 261 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.c | 178 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.c | 422 ++++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.c | 196 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.c | 202 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c | 307 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.c | 134 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.c | 318 +++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.c | 146 ++
- src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.c | 240 ++
- 21 files changed, 9276 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/librygel_lms_la_vala.stamp
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.c
- create mode 100644 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.c
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/librygel_lms_la_vala.stamp b/src/plugins/lms/librygel_lms_la_vala.stamp
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..859afb1
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/librygel_lms_la_vala.stamp
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..9da60bc
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-album.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-album.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUM (rygel_lms_album_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbum RygelLMSAlbum;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumClass RygelLMSAlbumClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumPrivate RygelLMSAlbumPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSAlbum {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSAlbumPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSAlbumClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_album_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_album_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audios.id) " "FROM audios, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.s" \
-+"ampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " "audio_artists.name, " "audio_albums.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.a" \
-+"lbum_id = %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_album_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_all (const gchar* db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_count (const gchar* db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_added (const gchar* db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_removed (const gchar* db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_new (const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_album_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbum * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gint id = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* path = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* mime_type = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* song_id = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMusicItem* song = NULL;
-+ RygelMusicItem* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp21_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp25_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp27_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp29_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp31_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp33_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp35_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* file = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp43_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp46_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbum*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ id = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = statement;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp2_, 1);
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ path = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = statement;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp5_, 10);
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
-+ mime_type = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp9_ = mime_type;
-+ if (_tmp9_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp8_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ _tmp10_ = mime_type;
-+ _tmp11_ = strlen (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp12_ == 0;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp8_) {
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = id;
-+ _tmp14_ = path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-album.vala:101: Music item %d (%s) has no MIME type", _tmp13_, _tmp14_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp15_ = statement;
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp15_, 3);
-+ _tmp17_ = g_strdup (_tmp16_);
-+ title = _tmp17_;
-+ _tmp18_ = id;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp18_);
-+ song_id = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp20_ = rygel_music_item_new (song_id, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, RYGEL_MUSIC_ITEM_UPNP_CLASS);
-+ song = _tmp20_;
-+ _tmp21_ = id;
-+ _tmp22_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp21_);
-+ _tmp23_ = _tmp22_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_ref_id ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp23_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp23_);
-+ _tmp24_ = statement;
-+ _tmp25_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp24_, 2);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_size ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, (gint64) _tmp25_);
-+ _tmp26_ = statement;
-+ _tmp27_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp26_, 4);
-+ rygel_music_item_set_track_number (song, _tmp27_);
-+ _tmp28_ = statement;
-+ _tmp29_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp28_, 5);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_duration ((RygelAudioItem*) song, (glong) _tmp29_);
-+ _tmp30_ = statement;
-+ _tmp31_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp30_, 6);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_channels ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp31_);
-+ _tmp32_ = statement;
-+ _tmp33_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp32_, 7);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_sample_freq ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp33_);
-+ _tmp34_ = statement;
-+ _tmp35_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp34_, 8);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_bitrate ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp35_);
-+ _tmp36_ = statement;
-+ _tmp37_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp36_, 9);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_dlna_profile ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, _tmp37_);
-+ _tmp38_ = mime_type;
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_mime_type ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, _tmp38_);
-+ _tmp39_ = statement;
-+ _tmp40_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp39_, 11);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_artist ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp40_);
-+ _tmp41_ = statement;
-+ _tmp42_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp41_, 12);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_album ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp42_);
-+ _tmp43_ = path;
-+ _tmp44_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp43_);
-+ file = _tmp44_;
-+ _tmp45_ = g_file_get_uri (file);
-+ _tmp46_ = _tmp45_;
-+ rygel_media_object_add_uri ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp46_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp46_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) song;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (song_id);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_all (const gchar* db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_count (const gchar* db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_added (const gchar* db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_get_sql_removed (const gchar* db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbum * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ gchar* filter_str = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbum*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp8_ = filter;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s AND %s", _tmp7_, _tmp8_);
-+ filter_str = _tmp9_;
-+ _tmp10_ = filter_str;
-+ _tmp11_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, _tmp10_);
-+ result = _tmp11_;
-+ _g_free0 (filter_str);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbum * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ gchar* filter_str = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbum*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp8_ = filter;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s AND %s", _tmp7_, _tmp8_);
-+ filter_str = _tmp9_;
-+ _tmp10_ = filter_str;
-+ _tmp11_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUM_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp10_);
-+ result = _tmp11_;
-+ _g_free0 (filter_str);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbum * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp4_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp5_ = rygel_lms_album_get_sql_all (_tmp4_);
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp7_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_album_get_sql_find_object (_tmp7_);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ _tmp10_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp11_ = rygel_lms_album_get_sql_count (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp13_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp14_ = rygel_lms_album_get_sql_added (_tmp13_);
-+ _tmp15_ = _tmp14_;
-+ _tmp16_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp17_ = rygel_lms_album_get_sql_removed (_tmp16_);
-+ _tmp18_ = _tmp17_;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbum*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, _tmp6_, _tmp9_, _tmp12_, _tmp15_, _tmp18_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp18_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp15_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp12_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp9_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp6_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_new (const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_album_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUM, db_id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_album_class_init (RygelLMSAlbumClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_album_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_album_real_object_from_statement;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_all_with_filter = rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_all_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_album_real_get_sql_count_with_filter;
-+static void rygel_lms_album_instance_init (RygelLMSAlbum * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_album_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_album_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_album_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSAlbumClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_album_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSAlbum), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_album_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_album_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_album_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSAlbum", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_album_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_album_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_album_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f9fabe7
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-albums.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-albums.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gee.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUMS (rygel_lms_albums_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbums RygelLMSAlbums;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumsClass RygelLMSAlbumsClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumsPrivate RygelLMSAlbumsPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define _sqlite3_finalize0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (sqlite3_finalize (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUM (rygel_lms_album_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbum RygelLMSAlbum;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumClass RygelLMSAlbumClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSAlbums {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSAlbumsPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSAlbumsClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSDatabaseError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR rygel_lms_database_error_quark ()
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_albums_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_albums_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_ALL "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist " "FROM audio_albums " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist " "FROM audio_albums " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "WHERE %s " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_COUNT "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id) " "FROM audio_albums;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id), audio_albums.name as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist " "FROM audio_albums " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audio_albums.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "WHERE %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_CHILD_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist " "FROM audios, files, audio_albums " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = audio_a" \
-+"lbums.id %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_CHILD_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name, audio_albums.id " "FROM audios, files, audio_albums " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = audio_a" \
-+"lbums.id %s " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " "FROM audio_albums " "WHERE audio_albums.id = ?;"
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+static guint rygel_lms_albums_real_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+guint rygel_lms_category_container_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query, GValue* arguments, int arguments_length1, GError** error);
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+gboolean rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+GType rygel_lms_album_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_new (const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_albums_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_ALL);
-+ result = _tmp3_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp4_ = filter;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_COUNT);
-+ result = _tmp3_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp4_ = filter;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+static guint rygel_lms_albums_real_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self;
-+ guint result = 0U;
-+ guint count = 0U;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp2_ = 0U;
-+ gchar* filter = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ gchar* query = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (where_filter != NULL, 0U);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, 0U);
-+ _tmp0_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = args;
-+ _tmp2_ = RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_CLASS (rygel_lms_albums_parent_class)->get_child_count_with_filter (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (self, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, RygelLMSCategoryContainer), _tmp0_, _tmp1_);
-+ count = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup ("");
-+ filter = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp5_ = strlen (_tmp4_);
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
-+ if (_tmp6_ > 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp7_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp8_ = g_strdup_printf ("AND %s", _tmp7_);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ filter = _tmp8_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = filter;
-+ _tmp10_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_CHILD_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp9_);
-+ query = _tmp10_;
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp14__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp16_ = 0;
-+ _tmp11_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp13_ = args;
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp13_->values;
-+ _tmp14__length1 = (gint) _tmp13_->n_values;
-+ _tmp15_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (_tmp12_, query, _tmp14_, _tmp14__length1, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt = _tmp15_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch8_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return 0U;
-+ }
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_step (stmt);
-+ if (_tmp16_ == SQLITE_ROW) {
-+ guint _tmp17_ = 0U;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ _tmp17_ = count;
-+ _tmp18_ = sqlite3_column_int (stmt, 0);
-+ count = _tmp17_ + _tmp18_;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally8;
-+ __catch8_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp19_ = e;
-+ _tmp20_ = _tmp19_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-albums.vala:116: Query failed: %s", _tmp20_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally8:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return 0U;
-+ }
-+ result = count;
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ return result;
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_albums_real_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* children = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp3_ = 0U;
-+ guint _tmp4_ = 0U;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* filter = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp8_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp9_ = 0;
-+ gchar* query = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (where_filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (sort_criteria != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = args;
-+ _tmp2_ = sort_criteria;
-+ _tmp3_ = offset;
-+ _tmp4_ = max_count;
-+ _tmp5_ = RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_CLASS (rygel_lms_albums_parent_class)->get_children_with_filter (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (self, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, RygelLMSCategoryContainer), _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, _tmp4_);
-+ children = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp6_ = g_strdup ("");
-+ filter = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp7_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp8_ = strlen (_tmp7_);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ if (_tmp9_ > 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp10_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp11_ = g_strdup_printf ("AND %s", _tmp10_);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ filter = _tmp11_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp12_ = filter;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_CHILD_ALL_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp12_);
-+ query = _tmp13_;
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp18__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp14_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp15_ = _tmp14_;
-+ _tmp16_ = query;
-+ _tmp17_ = args;
-+ _tmp18_ = _tmp17_->values;
-+ _tmp18__length1 = (gint) _tmp17_->n_values;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (_tmp15_, _tmp16_, _tmp18_, _tmp18__length1, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt = _tmp19_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch9_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ gboolean _tmp20_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp22_ = FALSE;
-+ gchar* album_id = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* album = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* song = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp31_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp21_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp22_ = rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (_tmp21_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp20_ = _tmp22_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch9_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (!_tmp20_) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp23_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp24_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp23_, 13);
-+ _tmp25_ = g_strdup (_tmp24_);
-+ album_id = _tmp25_;
-+ _tmp26_ = album_id;
-+ _tmp27_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp28_ = _tmp27_;
-+ _tmp29_ = rygel_lms_album_new (_tmp26_, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, "", _tmp28_);
-+ album = _tmp29_;
-+ _tmp30_ = album;
-+ _tmp31_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp32_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) _tmp30_, _tmp31_);
-+ song = _tmp32_;
-+ _tmp33_ = song;
-+ _tmp34_ = song;
-+ _tmp35_ = rygel_media_object_get_parent (_tmp34_);
-+ _tmp36_ = _tmp35_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_parent_ref (_tmp33_, _tmp36_);
-+ _tmp37_ = children;
-+ _tmp38_ = song;
-+ gee_abstract_collection_add ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _tmp37_, _tmp38_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (song);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (album);
-+ _g_free0 (album_id);
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally9;
-+ __catch9_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp39_ = e;
-+ _tmp40_ = _tmp39_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-albums.vala:149: Query failed: %s", _tmp40_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally9:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ result = children;
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ _g_free0 (filter);
-+ return result;
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_albums_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gchar* id = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* album = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%d", _tmp1_);
-+ id = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = statement;
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp3_, 1);
-+ _tmp5_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp7_ = rygel_lms_album_new (id, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp4_, _tmp6_);
-+ album = _tmp7_;
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) album;
-+ _g_free0 (id);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSAlbums * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = parent;
-+ _tmp1_ = _ ("Albums");
-+ _tmp2_ = lms_db;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAlbums*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, "albums", _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_ALL, RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_ALBUMS_SQL_COUNT, NULL, NULL);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_albums_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUMS, parent, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_albums_class_init (RygelLMSAlbumsClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_albums_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_all_with_filter = rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_all_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_albums_real_get_sql_count_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_child_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_albums_real_get_child_count_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_children_with_filter = rygel_lms_albums_real_get_children_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_albums_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_albums_instance_init (RygelLMSAlbums * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_albums_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_albums_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_albums_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSAlbumsClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_albums_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSAlbums), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_albums_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_albums_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_albums_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSAlbums", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_albums_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_albums_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_albums_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..33fb8c1
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-all-images.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-all-images.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_IMAGES (rygel_lms_all_images_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllImages RygelLMSAllImages;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllImagesClass RygelLMSAllImagesClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllImagesPrivate RygelLMSAllImagesPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSAllImages {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSAllImagesPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSAllImagesClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_all_images_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_images_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_ALL "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_COUNT "SELECT count(images.id) " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_ADDED "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_REMOVED "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_images_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_images_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSAllImages * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gint id = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* path = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* mime_type = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* image = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ GTimeVal tv = {0};
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp26_ = 0;
-+ GTimeVal _tmp27_ = {0};
-+ gchar* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp31_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp33_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp35_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* file = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllImages*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ id = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = statement;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp2_, 6);
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ path = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = statement;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp5_, 9);
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
-+ mime_type = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp9_ = mime_type;
-+ if (_tmp9_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp8_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ _tmp10_ = mime_type;
-+ _tmp11_ = strlen (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp12_ == 0;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp8_) {
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = id;
-+ _tmp14_ = path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-all-images.vala:62: Image item %d (%s) has no MIME type", _tmp13_, _tmp14_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp15_ = statement;
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp15_, 1);
-+ _tmp17_ = g_strdup (_tmp16_);
-+ title = _tmp17_;
-+ _tmp18_ = id;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp18_);
-+ _tmp20_ = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_image_item_new (_tmp20_, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, RYGEL_IMAGE_ITEM_UPNP_CLASS);
-+ _tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp20_);
-+ image = _tmp22_;
-+ _tmp23_ = statement;
-+ _tmp24_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp23_, 2);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_creator ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp24_);
-+ _tmp25_ = statement;
-+ _tmp26_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp25_, 3);
-+ _tmp27_.tv_sec = (glong) _tmp26_;
-+ _tmp27_.tv_usec = (glong) 0;
-+ tv = _tmp27_;
-+ _tmp28_ = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&tv);
-+ _tmp29_ = _tmp28_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_date ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp29_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp29_);
-+ _tmp30_ = statement;
-+ _tmp31_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp30_, 4);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_width ((RygelVisualItem*) image, _tmp31_);
-+ _tmp32_ = statement;
-+ _tmp33_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp32_, 5);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_height ((RygelVisualItem*) image, _tmp33_);
-+ _tmp34_ = statement;
-+ _tmp35_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp34_, 7);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_size ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, (gint64) _tmp35_);
-+ _tmp36_ = mime_type;
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_mime_type ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, _tmp36_);
-+ _tmp37_ = statement;
-+ _tmp38_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp37_, 8);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_dlna_profile ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, _tmp38_);
-+ _tmp39_ = path;
-+ _tmp40_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp39_);
-+ file = _tmp40_;
-+ _tmp41_ = g_file_get_uri (file);
-+ _tmp42_ = _tmp41_;
-+ rygel_media_object_add_uri ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp42_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp42_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) image;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSAllImages * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = parent;
-+ _tmp1_ = _ ("All");
-+ _tmp2_ = lms_db;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllImages*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, "all", _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_ALL, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_COUNT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_ADDED, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_IMAGES_SQL_REMOVED);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_all_images_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_IMAGES, parent, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_all_images_class_init (RygelLMSAllImagesClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_all_images_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_all_images_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_all_images_instance_init (RygelLMSAllImages * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_all_images_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_all_images_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_all_images_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSAllImagesClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_images_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSAllImages), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_images_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_all_images_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_all_images_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSAllImages", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_all_images_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_all_images_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_all_images_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..ee6118f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-all-music.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-all-music.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_MUSIC (rygel_lms_all_music_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllMusic RygelLMSAllMusic;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllMusicClass RygelLMSAllMusicClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllMusicPrivate RygelLMSAllMusicPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSAllMusic {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSAllMusicPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSAllMusicClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_all_music_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_music_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name, " "files.mtime, " "audio_genres.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id %s " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_COUNT "SELECT COUNT(audios.id) " "FROM audios, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audios.id), audios.title as title, " "audio_artists.name as artist " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id %s;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.s" \
-+"ampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " "audio_artists.name, " "audio_albums.name, " "files.mtime, " "audio_genres.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_ADDED "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name, " "files.mtime, " "audio_genres.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_REMOVED "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels," \
-+" audios.sampling_rate, audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dln" \
-+"a_mime, " "audio_artists.name as artist, " "audio_albums.name, " "files.mtime, " "audio_genres.name " "FROM audios, files " "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_music_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ gchar* filter_str = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllMusic*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp6_ = filter;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup_printf ("AND %s", _tmp6_);
-+ filter_str = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp8_ = filter_str;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, _tmp8_);
-+ result = _tmp9_;
-+ _g_free0 (filter_str);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, const gchar* filter) {
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ gchar* filter_str = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllMusic*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = strlen (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ if (_tmp2_ == 0) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ result = _tmp5_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp6_ = filter;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup_printf ("AND %s", _tmp6_);
-+ filter_str = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp8_ = filter_str;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_COUNT_WITH_FILTER_TEMPLATE, _tmp8_);
-+ result = _tmp9_;
-+ _g_free0 (filter_str);
-+ return result;
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_music_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gint id = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* path = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* mime_type = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* song_id = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMusicItem* song = NULL;
-+ RygelMusicItem* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp22_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp24_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp26_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp28_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp30_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp31_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp32_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ GTimeVal tv = {0};
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp41_ = 0;
-+ GTimeVal _tmp42_ = {0};
-+ gchar* _tmp43_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp46_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* file = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp47_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp48_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp49_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp50_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllMusic*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ id = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = statement;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp2_, 1);
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ path = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = statement;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp5_, 10);
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
-+ mime_type = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp9_ = mime_type;
-+ if (_tmp9_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp8_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ _tmp10_ = mime_type;
-+ _tmp11_ = strlen (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp12_ == 0;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp8_) {
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = id;
-+ _tmp14_ = path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-all-music.vala:130: Music item %d (%s) has no MIME type", _tmp13_, _tmp14_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp15_ = statement;
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp15_, 3);
-+ _tmp17_ = g_strdup (_tmp16_);
-+ title = _tmp17_;
-+ _tmp18_ = id;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp18_);
-+ song_id = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp20_ = rygel_music_item_new (song_id, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, RYGEL_MUSIC_ITEM_UPNP_CLASS);
-+ song = _tmp20_;
-+ _tmp21_ = statement;
-+ _tmp22_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp21_, 2);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_size ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, (gint64) _tmp22_);
-+ _tmp23_ = statement;
-+ _tmp24_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp23_, 4);
-+ rygel_music_item_set_track_number (song, _tmp24_);
-+ _tmp25_ = statement;
-+ _tmp26_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp25_, 5);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_duration ((RygelAudioItem*) song, (glong) _tmp26_);
-+ _tmp27_ = statement;
-+ _tmp28_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp27_, 6);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_channels ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp28_);
-+ _tmp29_ = statement;
-+ _tmp30_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp29_, 7);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_sample_freq ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp30_);
-+ _tmp31_ = statement;
-+ _tmp32_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp31_, 8);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_bitrate ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp32_);
-+ _tmp33_ = statement;
-+ _tmp34_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp33_, 9);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_dlna_profile ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, _tmp34_);
-+ _tmp35_ = mime_type;
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_mime_type ((RygelMediaFileItem*) song, _tmp35_);
-+ _tmp36_ = statement;
-+ _tmp37_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp36_, 11);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_artist ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp37_);
-+ _tmp38_ = statement;
-+ _tmp39_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp38_, 12);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_album ((RygelAudioItem*) song, _tmp39_);
-+ _tmp40_ = statement;
-+ _tmp41_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp40_, 13);
-+ _tmp42_.tv_sec = (glong) _tmp41_;
-+ _tmp42_.tv_usec = (glong) 0;
-+ tv = _tmp42_;
-+ _tmp43_ = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&tv);
-+ _tmp44_ = _tmp43_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_date ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp44_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp44_);
-+ _tmp45_ = statement;
-+ _tmp46_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp45_, 14);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_genre ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp46_);
-+ _tmp47_ = path;
-+ _tmp48_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp47_);
-+ file = _tmp48_;
-+ _tmp49_ = g_file_get_uri (file);
-+ _tmp50_ = _tmp49_;
-+ rygel_media_object_add_uri ((RygelMediaObject*) song, _tmp50_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp50_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) song;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (song_id);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = parent;
-+ _tmp1_ = _ ("All");
-+ _tmp2_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, "");
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllMusic*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, "all", _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp4_, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_COUNT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_ADDED, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_MUSIC_SQL_REMOVED);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp4_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_all_music_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_MUSIC, parent, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_all_music_class_init (RygelLMSAllMusicClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_all_music_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_all_with_filter = rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_all_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_all_music_real_get_sql_count_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_all_music_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_all_music_instance_init (RygelLMSAllMusic * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_all_music_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_all_music_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_all_music_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSAllMusicClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_music_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSAllMusic), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_music_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_all_music_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_all_music_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSAllMusic", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_all_music_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_all_music_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_all_music_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..51ba52c
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-all-videos.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-all-videos.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_VIDEOS (rygel_lms_all_videos_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllVideos RygelLMSAllVideos;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllVideosClass RygelLMSAllVideosClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllVideosPrivate RygelLMSAllVideosPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _sqlite3_finalize0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (sqlite3_finalize (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSAllVideos {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSAllVideosPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSAllVideosClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSDatabaseError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR rygel_lms_database_error_quark ()
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_all_videos_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_videos_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_ALL "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profi" \
-+"le, dlna_mime " "FROM videos, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_COUNT "SELECT count(videos.id) " "FROM videos, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profi" \
-+"le, dlna_mime " "FROM videos, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND videos.id = files.id;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_ADDED "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profi" \
-+"le, dlna_mime " "FROM videos, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_REMOVED "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profi" \
-+"le, dlna_mime " "FROM videos, files " "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND videos.id = files.id " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_videos_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query_string, GError** error);
-+void rygel_lms_database_find_object (const gchar* id, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_all_videos_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSAllVideos * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gint id = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* mime_type = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* path = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* file = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* video = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp20_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp31_ = 0;
-+ GTimeVal tv = {0};
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp33_ = 0;
-+ GTimeVal _tmp34_ = {0};
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp40_ = 0;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp43_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp46_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp47_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp48_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp49_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* video_data = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp50_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllVideos*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ id = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = statement;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp2_, 8);
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ mime_type = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = statement;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp5_, 4);
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
-+ path = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp8_ = path;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp8_);
-+ file = _tmp9_;
-+ _tmp11_ = mime_type;
-+ if (_tmp11_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp10_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp14_ = 0;
-+ _tmp12_ = mime_type;
-+ _tmp13_ = strlen (_tmp12_);
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
-+ _tmp10_ = _tmp14_ == 0;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp10_) {
-+ gint _tmp15_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp15_ = id;
-+ _tmp16_ = path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-all-videos.vala:75: Video item %d (%s) has no MIME type", _tmp15_, _tmp16_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp17_ = statement;
-+ _tmp18_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp17_, 1);
-+ _tmp19_ = g_strdup (_tmp18_);
-+ title = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp20_ = id;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp20_);
-+ _tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
-+ _tmp23_ = title;
-+ _tmp24_ = rygel_video_item_new (_tmp22_, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp23_, RYGEL_VIDEO_ITEM_UPNP_CLASS);
-+ _tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp22_);
-+ video = _tmp25_;
-+ _tmp26_ = video;
-+ _tmp27_ = statement;
-+ _tmp28_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp27_, 2);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_creator ((RygelMediaObject*) _tmp26_, _tmp28_);
-+ _tmp29_ = video;
-+ _tmp30_ = statement;
-+ _tmp31_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp30_, 3);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_duration ((RygelAudioItem*) _tmp29_, (glong) _tmp31_);
-+ _tmp32_ = statement;
-+ _tmp33_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp32_, 5);
-+ _tmp34_.tv_sec = (glong) _tmp33_;
-+ _tmp34_.tv_usec = (glong) 0;
-+ tv = _tmp34_;
-+ _tmp35_ = video;
-+ _tmp36_ = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&tv);
-+ _tmp37_ = _tmp36_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_date ((RygelMediaObject*) _tmp35_, _tmp37_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp37_);
-+ _tmp38_ = video;
-+ _tmp39_ = statement;
-+ _tmp40_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp39_, 6);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_size ((RygelMediaFileItem*) _tmp38_, (gint64) _tmp40_);
-+ _tmp41_ = video;
-+ _tmp42_ = statement;
-+ _tmp43_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp42_, 7);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_dlna_profile ((RygelMediaFileItem*) _tmp41_, _tmp43_);
-+ _tmp44_ = video;
-+ _tmp45_ = mime_type;
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_mime_type ((RygelMediaFileItem*) _tmp44_, _tmp45_);
-+ _tmp46_ = video;
-+ _tmp47_ = file;
-+ _tmp48_ = g_file_get_uri (_tmp47_);
-+ _tmp49_ = _tmp48_;
-+ rygel_media_object_add_uri ((RygelMediaObject*) _tmp46_, _tmp49_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp49_);
-+ _tmp50_ = g_strdup ("select videos_videos.bitrate + videos_audios.bitrate, width, height, c" \
-+"hannels, sampling_rate " "from videos, videos_audios, videos_videos where videos.id = ? " "and videos.id = videos_audios.video_id and videos.id = videos_videos.v" \
-+ video_data = _tmp50_;
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp51_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp52_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp53_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp54_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp55_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp56_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp57_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp58_ = NULL;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp59_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp60_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp61_ = 0;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp62_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp63_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp64_ = 0;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp65_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp66_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp67_ = 0;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp68_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp69_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp70_ = 0;
-+ RygelVideoItem* _tmp71_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp72_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp73_ = 0;
-+ _tmp51_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp52_ = _tmp51_;
-+ _tmp53_ = video_data;
-+ _tmp54_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp52_, _tmp53_, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt = _tmp54_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch10_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (video_data);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (video);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp55_ = id;
-+ _tmp56_ = g_strdup_printf ("%d", _tmp55_);
-+ _tmp57_ = _tmp56_;
-+ _tmp58_ = stmt;
-+ rygel_lms_database_find_object (_tmp57_, _tmp58_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp57_);
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch10_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ _g_free0 (video_data);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (video);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp59_ = video;
-+ _tmp60_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp61_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp60_, 0);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_bitrate ((RygelAudioItem*) _tmp59_, _tmp61_ / 8);
-+ _tmp62_ = video;
-+ _tmp63_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp64_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp63_, 1);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_width ((RygelVisualItem*) _tmp62_, _tmp64_);
-+ _tmp65_ = video;
-+ _tmp66_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp67_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp66_, 2);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_height ((RygelVisualItem*) _tmp65_, _tmp67_);
-+ _tmp68_ = video;
-+ _tmp69_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp70_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp69_, 3);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_channels ((RygelAudioItem*) _tmp68_, _tmp70_);
-+ _tmp71_ = video;
-+ _tmp72_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp73_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp72_, 4);
-+ rygel_audio_item_set_sample_freq ((RygelAudioItem*) _tmp71_, _tmp73_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally10;
-+ __catch10_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp74_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp75_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp74_ = e;
-+ _tmp75_ = _tmp74_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-all-videos.vala:105: Query failed: %s", _tmp75_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally10:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (video_data);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (video);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) video;
-+ _g_free0 (video_data);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSAllVideos * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ self = (RygelLMSAllVideos*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_ALL, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_COUNT, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_ADDED, RYGEL_LMS_ALL_VIDEOS_SQL_REMOVED);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_all_videos_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_VIDEOS, id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_all_videos_class_init (RygelLMSAllVideosClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_all_videos_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_all_videos_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_all_videos_instance_init (RygelLMSAllVideos * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_all_videos_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSAllVideosClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_videos_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSAllVideos), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_all_videos_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSAllVideos", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_all_videos_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e686ea4
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-artist.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-artist.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTIST (rygel_lms_artist_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtist RygelLMSArtist;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistClass RygelLMSArtistClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistPrivate RygelLMSArtistPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUM (rygel_lms_album_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbum RygelLMSAlbum;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumClass RygelLMSAlbumClass;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSArtist {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSArtistPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSArtistClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_artist_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_artist_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " "FROM audio_albums " "WHERE audio_albums.artist_id = %s " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE "SELECT COUNT(audio_albums.id) " "FROM audio_albums " "WHERE audio_albums.artist_id = %s"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE "SELECT audio_albums.id, audio_albums.name " "FROM audio_albums " "WHERE audio_albums.id = ? AND audio_albums.artist_id = %s;"
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_all (const gchar* id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_count (const gchar* id);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_artist_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_new (const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAlbum* rygel_lms_album_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_album_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_all (const gchar* id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_count (const gchar* id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_ARTIST_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_artist_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSArtist * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gchar* db_id = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbum* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSArtist*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%d", _tmp1_);
-+ db_id = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = statement;
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp3_, 1);
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ title = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_album_new (db_id, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, _tmp7_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) _tmp8_;
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (db_id);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSArtist * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp4_ = id;
-+ _tmp5_ = rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_all (_tmp4_);
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp7_ = id;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_find_object (_tmp7_);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ _tmp10_ = id;
-+ _tmp11_ = rygel_lms_artist_get_sql_count (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ self = (RygelLMSArtist*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, _tmp6_, _tmp9_, _tmp12_, NULL, NULL);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp12_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp9_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp6_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_artist_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTIST, id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_artist_class_init (RygelLMSArtistClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_artist_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_artist_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_artist_instance_init (RygelLMSArtist * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_artist_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_artist_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_artist_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSArtistClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_artist_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSArtist), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_artist_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_artist_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_artist_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSArtist", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_artist_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_artist_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_artist_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..3ac85bc
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-artists.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-artists.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTISTS (rygel_lms_artists_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtists RygelLMSArtists;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistsClass RygelLMSArtistsClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistsPrivate RygelLMSArtistsPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTIST (rygel_lms_artist_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtist RygelLMSArtist;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistClass RygelLMSArtistClass;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSArtists {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSArtistsPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSArtistsClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_artists_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_artists_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_ALL "SELECT audio_artists.id, audio_artists.name " "FROM audio_artists " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_COUNT "SELECT COUNT(audio_artists.id) " "FROM audio_artists;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT audio_artists.id, audio_artists.name " "FROM audio_artists " "WHERE audio_artists.id = ?;"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_artists_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSArtist* rygel_lms_artist_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_artist_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_artists_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSArtists * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gchar* db_id = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSArtist* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSArtists*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%d", _tmp1_);
-+ db_id = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = statement;
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp3_, 1);
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ title = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_artist_new (db_id, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, _tmp7_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) _tmp8_;
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (db_id);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSArtists * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ self = (RygelLMSArtists*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_ALL, RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_ARTISTS_SQL_COUNT, NULL, NULL);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_artists_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTISTS, id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_artists_class_init (RygelLMSArtistsClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_artists_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_artists_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_artists_instance_init (RygelLMSArtists * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_artists_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_artists_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_artists_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSArtistsClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_artists_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSArtists), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_artists_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_artists_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_artists_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSArtists", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_artists_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_artists_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_artists_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..21692d0
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,2772 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-category-container.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-category-container.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2009,2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>,
-+ * (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gee.h>
-+#include <libgupnp-av/gupnp-av.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _sqlite3_finalize0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (sqlite3_finalize (var), NULL)))
-+#define __vala_GValue_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (_vala_GValue_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR (rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperator RygelLMSSqlOperator;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_FUNCTION (rygel_lms_sql_function_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlFunction RygelLMSSqlFunction;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass;
-+#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define _rygel_search_expression_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (rygel_search_expression_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_value_array_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_value_array_free (var), NULL)))
-+typedef struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData;
-+typedef struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData;
-+typedef struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData;
-+typedef struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData;
-+typedef struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData;
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSCategoryContainerError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_ERROR rygel_lms_category_container_error_quark ()
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate {
-+ GeeArrayList* _search_classes;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _lms_db;
-+ gchar* _db_id;
-+ gchar* _sql_all;
-+ gchar* _sql_find_object;
-+ gchar* _sql_count;
-+ gchar* _sql_added;
-+ gchar* _sql_removed;
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSDatabaseError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR rygel_lms_database_error_quark ()
-+struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData {
-+ int _state_;
-+ GObject* _source_object_;
-+ GAsyncResult* _res_;
-+ GSimpleAsyncResult* _async_result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* expression;
-+ guint offset;
-+ guint max_count;
-+ guint total_matches;
-+ gchar* sort_criteria;
-+ GCancellable* cancellable;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result;
-+ GValueArray* args;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp0_;
-+ gchar* filter;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp1_;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp2_;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp5_;
-+ guint _tmp6_;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp7_;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp8_;
-+ gchar* _tmp9_;
-+ gchar* _tmp10_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_;
-+ guint _tmp12_;
-+ guint _tmp13_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp15_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_;
-+ guint _tmp17_;
-+ guint _tmp18_;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp19_;
-+ GError* e;
-+ GError* _tmp20_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp21_;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp22_;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp23_;
-+ guint _tmp24_;
-+ guint _tmp25_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp26_;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp27_;
-+ guint _tmp28_;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp29_;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp30_;
-+ GError * _inner_error_;
-+struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData {
-+ int _state_;
-+ GObject* _source_object_;
-+ GAsyncResult* _res_;
-+ GSimpleAsyncResult* _async_result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ guint offset;
-+ guint max_count;
-+ gchar* sort_criteria;
-+ GCancellable* cancellable;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* retval;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp0_;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp1_;
-+ guint _tmp2_;
-+ guint _tmp3_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_;
-+ gboolean _tmp5_;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp6_;
-+ gboolean _tmp7_;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp8_;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp9_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp10_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp11_;
-+ GError * _inner_error_;
-+struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData {
-+ int _state_;
-+ GObject* _source_object_;
-+ GAsyncResult* _res_;
-+ GSimpleAsyncResult* _async_result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ gchar* id;
-+ GCancellable* cancellable;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_;
-+ gboolean _tmp2_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* object;
-+ gchar* real_id;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_;
-+ gint _tmp5_;
-+ gint _tmp6_;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_;
-+ gint index;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_;
-+ gint _tmp9_;
-+ gint _tmp10_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_;
-+ gint _tmp12_;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* child;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp16_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp17_;
-+ gint _tmp18_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp19_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp20_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* container;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp21_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp22_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp23_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp24_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp25_;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp26_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp27_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp28_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp29_;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp30_;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp31_;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp32_;
-+ GError* e;
-+ const gchar* _tmp33_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp34_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp35_;
-+ GError* _tmp36_;
-+ const gchar* _tmp37_;
-+ GError * _inner_error_;
-+struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData {
-+ int _state_;
-+ GObject* _source_object_;
-+ GAsyncResult* _res_;
-+ GSimpleAsyncResult* _async_result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* object;
-+struct _RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData {
-+ int _state_;
-+ GObject* _source_object_;
-+ GAsyncResult* _res_;
-+ GSimpleAsyncResult* _async_result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* object;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_category_container_parent_class = NULL;
-+static RygelTrackableContainerIface* rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_trackable_container_parent_iface = NULL;
-+static RygelSearchableContainerIface* rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_searchable_container_parent_iface = NULL;
-+GQuark rygel_lms_category_container_error_quark (void);
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_map_operand_to_column (const gchar* operand, gchar** collate, gboolean for_sort, GError** error);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_relational_expression_to_sql (RygelRelationalExpression* exp, GValueArray* args, GError** error);
-+static void _vala_GValue_free (GValue* self);
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new_from_search_criteria_op (GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct_from_search_criteria_op (GType object_type, GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg);
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg);
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_function_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_sql_operator_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_logical_expression_to_sql (RygelLogicalExpression* expression, GValueArray* args, GError** error);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_search_expression_to_sql (RygelSearchExpression* expression, GValueArray* args, GError** error);
-+guint rygel_lms_category_container_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+static guint rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query, GValue* arguments, int arguments_length1, GError** error);
-+RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+gboolean rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_data_free (gpointer _data);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_search (RygelSearchableContainer* base, RygelSearchExpression* expression, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_search_ready (GObject* source_object, GAsyncResult* _res_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_data_free (gpointer _data);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children (RygelMediaContainer* base, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData* _data_);
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GError** error);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_data_free (gpointer _data);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object (RygelMediaContainer* base, const gchar* id, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_);
-+void rygel_lms_database_find_object (const gchar* id, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_find_object_ready (GObject* source_object, GAsyncResult* _res_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_data_free (gpointer _data);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child (RygelTrackableContainer* base, RygelMediaObject* object, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData* _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_data_free (gpointer _data);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child (RygelTrackableContainer* base, RygelMediaObject* object, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData* _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, guint64 old_id, guint64 new_id);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query_string, GError** error);
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_with_update_id_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint64 old_id, guint64 new_id, GError** error);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, RygelLMSDatabase* value);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_db_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_find_object (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_find_object (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_added (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_added (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_removed (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_removed (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value);
-+static GObject * rygel_lms_category_container_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam * construct_properties);
-+static void _rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated_rygel_lms_database_db_updated (RygelLMSDatabase* _sender, guint64 old_update_id, guint64 new_update_id, gpointer self);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_finalize (GObject* obj);
-+static void _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
-+static void _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_category_container_error_quark (void) {
-+ return g_quark_from_static_string ("rygel_lms_category_container_error-quark");
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ g_critical ("Type `%s' does not implement abstract method `rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement'", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (self)));
-+ return NULL;
-+RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (self)->object_from_statement (self, statement);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_all;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (self)->get_sql_all_with_filter (self, filter);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_count;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (self)->get_sql_count_with_filter (self, filter);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_map_operand_to_column (const gchar* operand, gchar** collate, gboolean for_sort, GError** error) {
-+ gchar* _vala_collate = NULL;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ gchar* column = NULL;
-+ gboolean use_collation = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ GQuark _tmp3_ = 0U;
-+ static GQuark _tmp2_label0 = 0;
-+ static GQuark _tmp2_label1 = 0;
-+ static GQuark _tmp2_label2 = 0;
-+ gboolean _tmp11_ = FALSE;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (operand != NULL, NULL);
-+ column = NULL;
-+ use_collation = FALSE;
-+ _tmp0_ = operand;
-+ _tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp3_ = (NULL == _tmp1_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp1_);
-+ if (_tmp3_ == ((0 != _tmp2_label0) ? _tmp2_label0 : (_tmp2_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("dc:title")))) {
-+ switch (0) {
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup ("title");
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ column = _tmp4_;
-+ use_collation = TRUE;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else if (_tmp3_ == ((0 != _tmp2_label1) ? _tmp2_label1 : (_tmp2_label1 = g_quark_from_static_string ("upnp:artist")))) {
-+ switch (0) {
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup ("artist");
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ column = _tmp5_;
-+ use_collation = TRUE;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else if (_tmp3_ == ((0 != _tmp2_label2) ? _tmp2_label2 : (_tmp2_label2 = g_quark_from_static_string ("dc:creator")))) {
-+ switch (0) {
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp6_ = g_strdup ("creator");
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ column = _tmp6_;
-+ use_collation = TRUE;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ switch (0) {
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ gchar* message = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp7_ = operand;
-+ _tmp8_ = g_strdup_printf ("Unsupported column %s", _tmp7_);
-+ message = _tmp8_;
-+ _tmp9_ = message;
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp10_;
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (message);
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp11_ = use_collation;
-+ if (_tmp11_) {
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp12_ = g_strdup ("COLLATE CASEFOLD");
-+ _g_free0 (_vala_collate);
-+ _vala_collate = _tmp12_;
-+ } else {
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_strdup ("");
-+ _g_free0 (_vala_collate);
-+ _vala_collate = _tmp13_;
-+ }
-+ result = column;
-+ if (collate) {
-+ *collate = _vala_collate;
-+ } else {
-+ _g_free0 (_vala_collate);
-+ }
-+ return result;
-+static void _vala_GValue_free (GValue* self) {
-+ g_value_unset (self);
-+ g_free (self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_relational_expression_to_sql (RygelRelationalExpression* exp, GValueArray* args, GError** error) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ GValue* v = NULL;
-+ gchar* collate = NULL;
-+ gchar* column = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator* operator = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (exp != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, NULL);
-+ v = NULL;
-+ collate = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = exp;
-+ _tmp1_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp0_)->operand1;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_map_operand_to_column ((const gchar*) _tmp1_, &_tmp2_, FALSE, &_inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (collate);
-+ collate = _tmp2_;
-+ column = _tmp3_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (collate);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp4_ = exp;
-+ _tmp5_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp4_)->op;
-+ switch ((GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp) ((gintptr) _tmp5_)) {
-+ {
-+ gchar* sql_function = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp6_ = exp;
-+ _tmp7_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp6_)->operand2;
-+ if (g_strcmp0 ((const gchar*) _tmp7_, "true") == 0) {
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp8_ = g_strdup ("%s IS NOT NULL AND %s != ''");
-+ _g_free0 (sql_function);
-+ sql_function = _tmp8_;
-+ } else {
-+ gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_strdup ("%s IS NULL OR %s = ''");
-+ _g_free0 (sql_function);
-+ sql_function = _tmp9_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp10_ = sql_function;
-+ _tmp11_ = column;
-+ _tmp12_ = column;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_strdup_printf (_tmp10_, _tmp11_, _tmp12_);
-+ result = _tmp13_;
-+ _g_free0 (sql_function);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ _g_free0 (collate);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp14_ = exp;
-+ _tmp15_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp14_)->operand2;
-+ _tmp16_ = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-+ g_value_init (_tmp16_, G_TYPE_STRING);
-+ g_value_set_string (_tmp16_, (const gchar*) _tmp15_);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ v = _tmp16_;
-+ _tmp17_ = exp;
-+ _tmp18_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp17_)->op;
-+ _tmp19_ = column;
-+ _tmp20_ = collate;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_lms_sql_operator_new_from_search_criteria_op ((GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp) ((gintptr) _tmp18_), _tmp19_, _tmp20_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ operator = _tmp21_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ const gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlFunction* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp22_ = column;
-+ _tmp23_ = rygel_lms_sql_function_new ("contains", _tmp22_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ operator = (RygelLMSSqlOperator*) _tmp23_;
-+ _tmp24_ = exp;
-+ _tmp25_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp24_)->operand2;
-+ _tmp26_ = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-+ g_value_init (_tmp26_, G_TYPE_STRING);
-+ g_value_set_string (_tmp26_, (const gchar*) _tmp25_);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ v = _tmp26_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ const gchar* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlFunction* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp31_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp27_ = column;
-+ _tmp28_ = rygel_lms_sql_function_new ("NOT contains", _tmp27_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ operator = (RygelLMSSqlOperator*) _tmp28_;
-+ _tmp29_ = exp;
-+ _tmp30_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp29_)->operand2;
-+ _tmp31_ = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-+ g_value_init (_tmp31_, G_TYPE_STRING);
-+ g_value_set_string (_tmp31_, (const gchar*) _tmp30_);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ v = _tmp31_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ const gchar* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator* _tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp32_ = column;
-+ _tmp33_ = rygel_lms_sql_operator_new ("LIKE", _tmp32_, "");
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ operator = _tmp33_;
-+ _tmp34_ = exp;
-+ _tmp35_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp34_)->operand2;
-+ _tmp36_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s%%", (const gchar*) _tmp35_);
-+ _tmp37_ = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-+ g_value_init (_tmp37_, G_TYPE_STRING);
-+ g_value_take_string (_tmp37_, _tmp36_);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ v = _tmp37_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ RygelRelationalExpression* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp38_ = exp;
-+ _tmp39_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp38_)->op;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:148: Unsupported op %d", (gint) ((GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp) ((gintptr) _tmp39_)));
-+ result = NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ _g_free0 (collate);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp40_ = v;
-+ if (_tmp40_ != NULL) {
-+ GValueArray* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ GValue _tmp43_ = {0};
-+ _tmp41_ = args;
-+ _tmp42_ = v;
-+ _tmp43_ = *_tmp42_;
-+ g_value_array_append (_tmp41_, &_tmp43_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp44_ = operator;
-+ _tmp45_ = rygel_lms_sql_operator_to_string (_tmp44_);
-+ result = _tmp45_;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (operator);
-+ _g_free0 (column);
-+ _g_free0 (collate);
-+ __vala_GValue_free0 (v);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_logical_expression_to_sql (RygelLogicalExpression* expression, GValueArray* args, GError** error) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ gchar* left_sql_string = NULL;
-+ RygelLogicalExpression* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* right_sql_string = NULL;
-+ RygelLogicalExpression* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* operator_sql_string = NULL;
-+ RygelLogicalExpression* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gconstpointer _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (expression != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = expression;
-+ _tmp1_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp0_)->operand1;
-+ _tmp2_ = args;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_search_expression_to_sql ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp1_, _tmp2_, &_inner_error_);
-+ left_sql_string = _tmp3_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp4_ = expression;
-+ _tmp5_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp4_)->operand2;
-+ _tmp6_ = args;
-+ _tmp7_ = rygel_lms_category_container_search_expression_to_sql ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp5_, _tmp6_, &_inner_error_);
-+ right_sql_string = _tmp7_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (left_sql_string);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ operator_sql_string = "OR";
-+ _tmp8_ = expression;
-+ _tmp9_ = ((RygelSearchExpression*) _tmp8_)->op;
-+ if (((RygelLogicalOperator) ((gintptr) _tmp9_)) == RYGEL_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND) {
-+ operator_sql_string = "AND";
-+ }
-+ _tmp10_ = left_sql_string;
-+ _tmp11_ = operator_sql_string;
-+ _tmp12_ = right_sql_string;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_strdup_printf ("(%s %s %s)", _tmp10_, _tmp11_, _tmp12_);
-+ result = _tmp13_;
-+ _g_free0 (right_sql_string);
-+ _g_free0 (left_sql_string);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_search_expression_to_sql (RygelSearchExpression* expression, GValueArray* args, GError** error) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = expression;
-+ if (_tmp0_ == NULL) {
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup ("");
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp2_ = expression;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = expression;
-+ _tmp5_ = args;
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_logical_expression_to_sql (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (_tmp4_, RYGEL_TYPE_LOGICAL_EXPRESSION) ? ((RygelLogicalExpression*) _tmp4_) : NULL, _tmp5_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp6_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ result = _tmp7_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp3_);
-+ return result;
-+ } else {
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp9_ = expression;
-+ _tmp10_ = args;
-+ _tmp11_ = rygel_lms_category_container_relational_expression_to_sql (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (_tmp9_, RYGEL_TYPE_RELATIONAL_EXPRESSION) ? ((RygelRelationalExpression*) _tmp9_) : NULL, _tmp10_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp11_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp8_;
-+ _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ result = _tmp12_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp8_);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+static guint rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args) {
-+ guint result = 0U;
-+ gchar* query = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (where_filter != NULL, 0U);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, 0U);
-+ _tmp0_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp1_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count_with_filter (self, _tmp0_);
-+ query = _tmp1_;
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp5__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp8_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
-+ _tmp2_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp3_ = query;
-+ _tmp4_ = args;
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_->values;
-+ _tmp5__length1 = (gint) _tmp4_->n_values;
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (_tmp2_, _tmp3_, _tmp5_, _tmp5__length1, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt = _tmp6_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch2_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return 0U;
-+ }
-+ _tmp7_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp8_ = sqlite3_step (_tmp7_);
-+ if (_tmp8_ != SQLITE_ROW) {
-+ result = (guint) 0;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp10_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp9_, 0);
-+ result = (guint) _tmp10_;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ goto __finally2;
-+ __catch2_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp11_ = e;
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:209: Query failed: %s", _tmp12_);
-+ result = (guint) 0;
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ __finally2:
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return 0U;
-+guint rygel_lms_category_container_get_child_count_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0U);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (self)->get_child_count_with_filter (self, where_filter, args);
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count) {
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* children = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ GValue v = {0};
-+ guint _tmp1_ = 0U;
-+ GValue _tmp2_ = {0};
-+ GValueArray* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ GValue _tmp4_ = {0};
-+ guint _tmp5_ = 0U;
-+ GValue _tmp6_ = {0};
-+ GValueArray* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ GValue _tmp8_ = {0};
-+ gchar* query = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (where_filter != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (args != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (sort_criteria != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = rygel_media_objects_new ();
-+ children = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = max_count;
-+ g_value_init (&_tmp2_, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+ g_value_set_uint (&_tmp2_, _tmp1_);
-+ v = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = args;
-+ _tmp4_ = v;
-+ g_value_array_append (_tmp3_, &_tmp4_);
-+ _tmp5_ = offset;
-+ g_value_init (&_tmp6_, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+ g_value_set_uint (&_tmp6_, _tmp5_);
-+ G_IS_VALUE (&v) ? (g_value_unset (&v), NULL) : NULL;
-+ v = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp7_ = args;
-+ _tmp8_ = v;
-+ g_value_array_append (_tmp7_, &_tmp8_);
-+ _tmp9_ = where_filter;
-+ _tmp10_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all_with_filter (self, _tmp9_);
-+ query = _tmp10_;
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ GValueArray* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GValue* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp14__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp11_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp12_ = query;
-+ _tmp13_ = args;
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp13_->values;
-+ _tmp14__length1 = (gint) _tmp13_->n_values;
-+ _tmp15_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (_tmp11_, _tmp12_, _tmp14_, _tmp14__length1, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt = _tmp15_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch3_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ G_IS_VALUE (&v) ? (g_value_unset (&v), NULL) : NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ gboolean _tmp16_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp18_ = FALSE;
-+ RygelMediaObjects* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp17_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp18_ = rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (_tmp17_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp16_ = _tmp18_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch3_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ G_IS_VALUE (&v) ? (g_value_unset (&v), NULL) : NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (!_tmp16_) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp19_ = children;
-+ _tmp20_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (self, _tmp20_);
-+ _tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
-+ gee_abstract_collection_add ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _tmp19_, _tmp22_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp22_);
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally3;
-+ __catch3_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp23_ = e;
-+ _tmp24_ = _tmp23_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:232: Query failed: %s", _tmp24_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally3:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ G_IS_VALUE (&v) ? (g_value_unset (&v), NULL) : NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (children);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ result = children;
-+ _g_free0 (query);
-+ G_IS_VALUE (&v) ? (g_value_unset (&v), NULL) : NULL;
-+ return result;
-+RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_get_children_with_filter (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_GET_CLASS (self)->get_children_with_filter (self, where_filter, args, sort_criteria, offset, max_count);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_data_free (gpointer _data) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _data;
-+ _rygel_search_expression_unref0 (_data_->expression);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->sort_criteria);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->result);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->self);
-+ g_slice_free (RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData, _data_);
-+static gpointer _g_object_ref0 (gpointer self) {
-+ return self ? g_object_ref (self) : NULL;
-+static gpointer _rygel_search_expression_ref0 (gpointer self) {
-+ return self ? rygel_search_expression_ref (self) : NULL;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_search (RygelSearchableContainer* base, RygelSearchExpression* expression, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelSearchExpression* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp3_ = 0U;
-+ guint _tmp4_ = 0U;
-+ const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _data_ = g_slice_new0 (RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData);
-+ _data_->_async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), _callback_, _user_data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_search);
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (_data_->_async_result, _data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_data_free);
-+ _tmp0_ = _g_object_ref0 (self);
-+ _data_->self = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = expression;
-+ _tmp2_ = _rygel_search_expression_ref0 (_tmp1_);
-+ _rygel_search_expression_unref0 (_data_->expression);
-+ _data_->expression = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = offset;
-+ _data_->offset = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = max_count;
-+ _data_->max_count = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = sort_criteria;
-+ _tmp6_ = g_strdup (_tmp5_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->sort_criteria);
-+ _data_->sort_criteria = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp7_ = cancellable;
-+ _tmp8_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp7_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _data_->cancellable = _tmp8_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_co (_data_);
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_finish (RygelSearchableContainer* base, GAsyncResult* _res_, guint* total_matches, GError** error) {
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_;
-+ if (g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_), error)) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _data_ = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_));
-+ if (total_matches) {
-+ *total_matches = _data_->total_matches;
-+ }
-+ result = _data_->result;
-+ _data_->result = NULL;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_search_ready (GObject* source_object, GAsyncResult* _res_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _user_data_;
-+ _data_->_source_object_ = source_object;
-+ _data_->_res_ = _res_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_co (_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerSearchData* _data_) {
-+ switch (_data_->_state_) {
-+ case 0:
-+ goto _state_0;
-+ case 1:
-+ goto _state_1;
-+ default:
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ _state_0:
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:245: search()");
-+ {
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = g_value_array_new ((guint) 0);
-+ _data_->args = _data_->_tmp0_;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = _data_->expression;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = _data_->args;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = rygel_lms_category_container_search_expression_to_sql (_data_->_tmp1_, _data_->_tmp2_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _data_->filter = _data_->_tmp3_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_value_array_free0 (_data_->args);
-+ goto __catch4_g_error;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = _data_->filter;
-+ _data_->_tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp5_ = _data_->args;
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_child_count_with_filter (_data_->self, _data_->_tmp4_, _data_->_tmp5_);
-+ _data_->total_matches = _data_->_tmp6_;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = _data_->expression;
-+ if (_data_->_tmp7_ != NULL) {
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = _data_->expression;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = rygel_search_expression_to_string (_data_->_tmp8_);
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = _data_->_tmp9_;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:253: Original search: %s", _data_->_tmp10_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->_tmp10_);
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = _data_->filter;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:254: Parsed search expression: %s", _data_->_tmp11_);
-+ _data_->_tmp12_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp12_ = _data_->total_matches;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:255: Filtered cild count is %u", _data_->_tmp12_);
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp13_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp13_ = _data_->max_count;
-+ if (_data_->_tmp13_ == ((guint) 0)) {
-+ _data_->max_count = G_MAXUINT;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp14_ = _data_->filter;
-+ _data_->_tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp15_ = _data_->args;
-+ _data_->_tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp16_ = _data_->sort_criteria;
-+ _data_->_tmp17_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp17_ = _data_->offset;
-+ _data_->_tmp18_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp18_ = _data_->max_count;
-+ _data_->_tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp19_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_children_with_filter (_data_->self, _data_->_tmp14_, _data_->_tmp15_, _data_->_tmp16_, _data_->_tmp17_, _data_->_tmp18_);
-+ _data_->result = _data_->_tmp19_;
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->filter);
-+ _g_value_array_free0 (_data_->args);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ goto __finally4;
-+ __catch4_g_error:
-+ {
-+ _data_->e = _data_->_inner_error_;
-+ _data_->_inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp20_ = _data_->e;
-+ _data_->_tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp21_ = _data_->_tmp20_->message;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:267: Falling back to simple_search" \
-+"(): %s", _data_->_tmp21_);
-+ _data_->_tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp23_ = _data_->expression;
-+ _data_->_tmp24_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp24_ = _data_->offset;
-+ _data_->_tmp25_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp25_ = _data_->max_count;
-+ _data_->_tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp26_ = _data_->sort_criteria;
-+ _data_->_tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp27_ = _data_->cancellable;
-+ _data_->_tmp28_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_state_ = 1;
-+ rygel_searchable_container_simple_search ((RygelSearchableContainer*) _data_->self, _data_->_tmp23_, _data_->_tmp24_, _data_->_tmp25_, _data_->_tmp26_, _data_->_tmp27_, rygel_lms_category_container_search_ready, _data_);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ _state_1:
-+ _data_->_tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp29_ = rygel_searchable_container_simple_search_finish ((RygelSearchableContainer*) _data_->self, _data_->_res_, &_data_->_tmp28_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _data_->total_matches = _data_->_tmp28_;
-+ _data_->_tmp22_ = _data_->_tmp29_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_error_free0 (_data_->e);
-+ goto __finally4;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp30_ = _data_->_tmp22_;
-+ _data_->_tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->result = _data_->_tmp30_;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->_tmp22_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (_data_->e);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ __finally4:
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (_data_->_async_result, _data_->_inner_error_);
-+ g_error_free (_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_data_free (gpointer _data) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _data;
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->sort_criteria);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->result);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->self);
-+ g_slice_free (RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData, _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children (RygelMediaContainer* base, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData* _data_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp1_ = 0U;
-+ guint _tmp2_ = 0U;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _data_ = g_slice_new0 (RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData);
-+ _data_->_async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), _callback_, _user_data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children);
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (_data_->_async_result, _data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_data_free);
-+ _tmp0_ = _g_object_ref0 (self);
-+ _data_->self = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = offset;
-+ _data_->offset = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = max_count;
-+ _data_->max_count = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = sort_criteria;
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->sort_criteria);
-+ _data_->sort_criteria = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = cancellable;
-+ _tmp6_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp5_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _data_->cancellable = _tmp6_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_co (_data_);
-+static RygelMediaObjects* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_finish (RygelMediaContainer* base, GAsyncResult* _res_, GError** error) {
-+ RygelMediaObjects* result;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData* _data_;
-+ if (g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_), error)) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _data_ = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_));
-+ result = _data_->result;
-+ _data_->result = NULL;
-+ return result;
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerGetChildrenData* _data_) {
-+ switch (_data_->_state_) {
-+ case 0:
-+ goto _state_0;
-+ default:
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ _state_0:
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = rygel_media_objects_new ();
-+ _data_->retval = _data_->_tmp0_;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = _data_->self->stmt_all;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = _data_->offset;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = 0U;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = _data_->max_count;
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = _data_->sort_criteria;
-+ rygel_lms_database_get_children_init (_data_->_tmp1_, _data_->_tmp2_, _data_->_tmp3_, _data_->_tmp4_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (_data_->_async_result, _data_->_inner_error_);
-+ g_error_free (_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->retval);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = _data_->self->stmt_all;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = FALSE;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (_data_->_tmp6_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _data_->_tmp5_ = _data_->_tmp7_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (_data_->_async_result, _data_->_inner_error_);
-+ g_error_free (_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->retval);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ if (!_data_->_tmp5_) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = _data_->retval;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = _data_->self->stmt_all;
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (_data_->self, _data_->_tmp9_);
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = _data_->_tmp10_;
-+ gee_abstract_collection_add ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _data_->_tmp8_, _data_->_tmp11_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->_tmp11_);
-+ }
-+ _data_->result = _data_->retval;
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->retval);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_data_free (gpointer _data) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _data;
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->id);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->result);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->self);
-+ g_slice_free (RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData, _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object (RygelMediaContainer* base, const gchar* id, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ GCancellable* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _data_ = g_slice_new0 (RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData);
-+ _data_->_async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), _callback_, _user_data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object);
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (_data_->_async_result, _data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_data_free);
-+ _tmp0_ = _g_object_ref0 (self);
-+ _data_->self = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = id;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup (_tmp1_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->id);
-+ _data_->id = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = cancellable;
-+ _tmp4_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp3_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->cancellable);
-+ _data_->cancellable = _tmp4_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_co (_data_);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_finish (RygelMediaContainer* base, GAsyncResult* _res_, GError** error) {
-+ RygelMediaObject* result;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_;
-+ if (g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_), error)) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _data_ = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_));
-+ result = _data_->result;
-+ _data_->result = NULL;
-+ return result;
-+static glong string_strnlen (gchar* str, glong maxlen) {
-+ glong result = 0L;
-+ gchar* end = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ glong _tmp1_ = 0L;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = str;
-+ _tmp1_ = maxlen;
-+ _tmp2_ = memchr (_tmp0_, 0, (gsize) _tmp1_);
-+ end = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = end;
-+ if (_tmp3_ == NULL) {
-+ glong _tmp4_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp4_ = maxlen;
-+ result = _tmp4_;
-+ return result;
-+ } else {
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = end;
-+ _tmp6_ = str;
-+ result = (glong) (_tmp5_ - _tmp6_);
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+static gchar* string_substring (const gchar* self, glong offset, glong len) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ glong string_length = 0L;
-+ gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
-+ glong _tmp1_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp8_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp14_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp17_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp18_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp19_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp20_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp21_ = 0L;
-+ gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp1_ = offset;
-+ if (_tmp1_ >= ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp2_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp2_ = len;
-+ _tmp0_ = _tmp2_ >= ((glong) 0);
-+ } else {
-+ _tmp0_ = FALSE;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp0_) {
-+ glong _tmp3_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp4_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp5_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp3_ = offset;
-+ _tmp4_ = len;
-+ _tmp5_ = string_strnlen ((gchar*) self, _tmp3_ + _tmp4_);
-+ string_length = _tmp5_;
-+ } else {
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp7_ = 0;
-+ _tmp6_ = strlen (self);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
-+ string_length = (glong) _tmp7_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp8_ = offset;
-+ if (_tmp8_ < ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp9_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp10_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp11_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp9_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp10_ = offset;
-+ offset = _tmp9_ + _tmp10_;
-+ _tmp11_ = offset;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp11_ >= ((glong) 0), NULL);
-+ } else {
-+ glong _tmp12_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp13_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp12_ = offset;
-+ _tmp13_ = string_length;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp12_ <= _tmp13_, NULL);
-+ }
-+ _tmp14_ = len;
-+ if (_tmp14_ < ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp15_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp16_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp15_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp16_ = offset;
-+ len = _tmp15_ - _tmp16_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp17_ = offset;
-+ _tmp18_ = len;
-+ _tmp19_ = string_length;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail ((_tmp17_ + _tmp18_) <= _tmp19_, NULL);
-+ _tmp20_ = offset;
-+ _tmp21_ = len;
-+ _tmp22_ = g_strndup (((gchar*) self) + _tmp20_, (gsize) _tmp21_);
-+ result = _tmp22_;
-+ return result;
-+static gint string_index_of_char (const gchar* self, gunichar c, gint start_index) {
-+ gint result = 0;
-+ gchar* _result_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp0_ = 0;
-+ gunichar _tmp1_ = 0U;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0);
-+ _tmp0_ = start_index;
-+ _tmp1_ = c;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_utf8_strchr (((gchar*) self) + _tmp0_, (gssize) (-1), _tmp1_);
-+ _result_ = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = _result_;
-+ if (_tmp3_ != NULL) {
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = _result_;
-+ result = (gint) (_tmp4_ - ((gchar*) self));
-+ return result;
-+ } else {
-+ result = -1;
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+static gchar* string_slice (const gchar* self, glong start, glong end) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ glong string_length = 0L;
-+ gint _tmp0_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ glong _tmp2_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp5_ = 0L;
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ glong _tmp9_ = 0L;
-+ gboolean _tmp12_ = FALSE;
-+ glong _tmp13_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp16_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp17_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp18_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp19_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp20_ = 0L;
-+ gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = strlen (self);
-+ _tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
-+ string_length = (glong) _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = start;
-+ if (_tmp2_ < ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp3_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp4_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp3_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp4_ = start;
-+ start = _tmp3_ + _tmp4_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp5_ = end;
-+ if (_tmp5_ < ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp6_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp7_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp6_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp7_ = end;
-+ end = _tmp6_ + _tmp7_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = start;
-+ if (_tmp9_ >= ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp10_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp11_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp10_ = start;
-+ _tmp11_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp10_ <= _tmp11_;
-+ } else {
-+ _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ }
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp8_, NULL);
-+ _tmp13_ = end;
-+ if (_tmp13_ >= ((glong) 0)) {
-+ glong _tmp14_ = 0L;
-+ glong _tmp15_ = 0L;
-+ _tmp14_ = end;
-+ _tmp15_ = string_length;
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp14_ <= _tmp15_;
-+ } else {
-+ _tmp12_ = FALSE;
-+ }
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp12_, NULL);
-+ _tmp16_ = start;
-+ _tmp17_ = end;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (_tmp16_ <= _tmp17_, NULL);
-+ _tmp18_ = start;
-+ _tmp19_ = end;
-+ _tmp20_ = start;
-+ _tmp21_ = g_strndup (((gchar*) self) + _tmp18_, (gsize) (_tmp19_ - _tmp20_));
-+ result = _tmp21_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_find_object_ready (GObject* source_object, GAsyncResult* _res_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _user_data_;
-+ _data_->_source_object_ = source_object;
-+ _data_->_res_ = _res_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_co (_data_);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerFindObjectData* _data_) {
-+ switch (_data_->_state_) {
-+ case 0:
-+ goto _state_0;
-+ case 1:
-+ goto _state_1;
-+ default:
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ _state_0:
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp0_ = _data_->id;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp1_ = _data_->self->child_prefix;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = FALSE;
-+ _data_->_tmp2_ = g_str_has_prefix (_data_->_tmp0_, _data_->_tmp1_);
-+ if (!_data_->_tmp2_) {
-+ _data_->result = NULL;
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ _data_->object = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp3_ = _data_->id;
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp4_ = _data_->self->child_prefix;
-+ _data_->_tmp5_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp5_ = strlen (_data_->_tmp4_);
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp6_ = _data_->_tmp5_;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp7_ = string_substring (_data_->_tmp3_, (glong) _data_->_tmp6_, (glong) (-1));
-+ _data_->real_id = _data_->_tmp7_;
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp8_ = _data_->real_id;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp9_ = string_index_of_char (_data_->_tmp8_, (gunichar) ':', 0);
-+ _data_->index = _data_->_tmp9_;
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp10_ = _data_->index;
-+ if (_data_->_tmp10_ > 0) {
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp11_ = _data_->real_id;
-+ _data_->_tmp12_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp12_ = _data_->index;
-+ _data_->_tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp13_ = string_slice (_data_->_tmp11_, (glong) 0, (glong) _data_->_tmp12_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->real_id);
-+ _data_->real_id = _data_->_tmp13_;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ _data_->_tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp14_ = _data_->real_id;
-+ _data_->_tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp15_ = _data_->self->stmt_find_object;
-+ rygel_lms_database_find_object (_data_->_tmp14_, _data_->_tmp15_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_data_->_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch5_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->real_id);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _data_->_inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_data_->_inner_error_->domain), _data_->_inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp16_ = _data_->self->stmt_find_object;
-+ _data_->_tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp17_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (_data_->self, _data_->_tmp16_);
-+ _data_->child = _data_->_tmp17_;
-+ _data_->_tmp18_ = 0;
-+ _data_->_tmp18_ = _data_->index;
-+ if (_data_->_tmp18_ < 0) {
-+ _data_->_tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp19_ = _data_->child;
-+ _data_->_tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp20_ = _g_object_ref0 (_data_->_tmp19_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _data_->object = _data_->_tmp20_;
-+ } else {
-+ _data_->_tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp21_ = _data_->child;
-+ _data_->_tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp22_ = _g_object_ref0 (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (_data_->_tmp21_, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER) ? ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) _data_->_tmp21_) : NULL);
-+ _data_->container = _data_->_tmp22_;
-+ _data_->_tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp24_ = _data_->container;
-+ _data_->_tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp25_ = _data_->id;
-+ _data_->_tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp26_ = _data_->cancellable;
-+ _data_->_state_ = 1;
-+ rygel_media_container_find_object ((RygelMediaContainer*) _data_->_tmp24_, _data_->_tmp25_, _data_->_tmp26_, rygel_lms_category_container_find_object_ready, _data_);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ _state_1:
-+ _data_->_tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp27_ = rygel_media_container_find_object_finish ((RygelMediaContainer*) _data_->_tmp24_, _data_->_res_, &_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _data_->_tmp23_ = _data_->_tmp27_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->container);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->child);
-+ if (_data_->_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch5_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ goto __finally5;
-+ }
-+ _data_->_tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp28_ = _data_->_tmp23_;
-+ _data_->_tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _data_->object = _data_->_tmp28_;
-+ _data_->_tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp29_ = _data_->object;
-+ _data_->_tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp30_ = _data_->object;
-+ _data_->_tmp31_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp31_ = rygel_media_object_get_parent (_data_->_tmp30_);
-+ _data_->_tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp32_ = _data_->_tmp31_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_parent_ref (_data_->_tmp29_, _data_->_tmp32_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->_tmp23_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->container);
-+ }
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->child);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally5;
-+ __catch5_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ _data_->e = _data_->_inner_error_;
-+ _data_->_inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp33_ = _data_->id;
-+ _data_->_tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp34_ = rygel_media_object_get_id ((RygelMediaObject*) _data_->self);
-+ _data_->_tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp35_ = _data_->_tmp34_;
-+ _data_->_tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp36_ = _data_->e;
-+ _data_->_tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ _data_->_tmp37_ = _data_->_tmp36_->message;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:328: find_object %s in %s: %s", _data_->_tmp33_, _data_->_tmp35_, _data_->_tmp37_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (_data_->e);
-+ }
-+ __finally5:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_data_->_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_from_error (_data_->_async_result, _data_->_inner_error_);
-+ g_error_free (_data_->_inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->real_id);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ _data_->result = _data_->object;
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->real_id);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ _g_free0 (_data_->real_id);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->child_prefix;
-+ _tmp1_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", _tmp0_, _tmp1_);
-+ result = _tmp2_;
-+ return result;
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->ref_prefix;
-+ _tmp1_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", _tmp0_, _tmp1_);
-+ result = _tmp2_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_data_free (gpointer _data) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _data;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->self);
-+ g_slice_free (RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData, _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child (RygelTrackableContainer* base, RygelMediaObject* object, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData* _data_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _data_ = g_slice_new0 (RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData);
-+ _data_->_async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), _callback_, _user_data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child);
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (_data_->_async_result, _data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_data_free);
-+ _tmp0_ = _g_object_ref0 (self);
-+ _data_->self = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = object;
-+ _tmp2_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp1_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _data_->object = _tmp2_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_co (_data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_finish (RygelTrackableContainer* base, GAsyncResult* _res_) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_));
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerAddChildData* _data_) {
-+ switch (_data_->_state_) {
-+ case 0:
-+ goto _state_0;
-+ default:
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ _state_0:
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_data_free (gpointer _data) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = _data;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->self);
-+ g_slice_free (RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData, _data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child (RygelTrackableContainer* base, RygelMediaObject* object, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData* _data_;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _data_ = g_slice_new0 (RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData);
-+ _data_->_async_result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), _callback_, _user_data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child);
-+ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer (_data_->_async_result, _data_, rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_data_free);
-+ _tmp0_ = _g_object_ref0 (self);
-+ _data_->self = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = object;
-+ _tmp2_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp1_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_data_->object);
-+ _data_->object = _tmp2_;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_co (_data_);
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_finish (RygelTrackableContainer* base, GAsyncResult* _res_) {
-+ RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData* _data_;
-+ _data_ = g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (_res_));
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_co (RygelLmsCategoryContainerRemoveChildData* _data_) {
-+ switch (_data_->_state_) {
-+ case 0:
-+ goto _state_0;
-+ default:
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ _state_0:
-+ if (_data_->_state_ == 0) {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (_data_->_async_result);
-+ } else {
-+ g_simple_async_result_complete (_data_->_async_result);
-+ }
-+ g_object_unref (_data_->_async_result);
-+ return FALSE;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, guint64 old_id, guint64 new_id) {
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_count = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp4_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp8_ = 0ULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp9_ = 0ULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp17_ = 0ULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp18_ = 0ULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp1_ = self->priv->_sql_count;
-+ _tmp2_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp0_, _tmp1_, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt_count = _tmp2_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ _tmp3_ = stmt_count;
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_step (_tmp3_);
-+ if (_tmp4_ == SQLITE_ROW) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ _tmp5_ = stmt_count;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp5_, 0);
-+ rygel_media_container_set_child_count ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp6_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp7_ = self->stmt_added;
-+ _tmp8_ = old_id;
-+ _tmp9_ = new_id;
-+ rygel_lms_database_get_children_with_update_id_init (_tmp7_, _tmp8_, _tmp9_, &_inner_error_);
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp12_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp11_ = self->stmt_added;
-+ _tmp12_ = rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (_tmp11_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp10_ = _tmp12_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (!_tmp10_) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp13_ = self->stmt_added;
-+ _tmp14_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (self, _tmp13_);
-+ _tmp15_ = _tmp14_;
-+ rygel_trackable_container_add_child_tracked ((RygelTrackableContainer*) self, _tmp15_, NULL, NULL);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp15_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp16_ = self->stmt_removed;
-+ _tmp17_ = old_id;
-+ _tmp18_ = new_id;
-+ rygel_lms_database_get_children_with_update_id_init (_tmp16_, _tmp17_, _tmp18_, &_inner_error_);
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ gboolean _tmp19_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp21_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaObject* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp20_ = self->stmt_removed;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (_tmp20_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp19_ = _tmp21_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (!_tmp19_) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp22_ = self->stmt_removed;
-+ _tmp23_ = rygel_lms_category_container_object_from_statement (self, _tmp22_);
-+ _tmp24_ = _tmp23_;
-+ rygel_trackable_container_remove_child_tracked ((RygelTrackableContainer*) self, _tmp24_, NULL, NULL);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp24_);
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally6;
-+ __catch6_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp25_ = e;
-+ _tmp26_ = _tmp25_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:372: Can't perform container update:" \
-+" %s", _tmp26_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally6:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (db_id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (sql_all != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (sql_find_object != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (sql_count != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = parent;
-+ _tmp1_ = rygel_media_object_get_id ((RygelMediaObject*) _tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp3_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s:%s", _tmp2_, _tmp3_);
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp6_ = db_id;
-+ _tmp7_ = parent;
-+ _tmp8_ = title;
-+ _tmp9_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp10_ = sql_all;
-+ _tmp11_ = sql_find_object;
-+ _tmp12_ = sql_count;
-+ _tmp13_ = sql_added;
-+ _tmp14_ = sql_removed;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) g_object_new (object_type, "id", _tmp5_, "db-id", _tmp6_, "parent", _tmp7_, "title", _tmp8_, "lms-db", _tmp9_, "sql-all", _tmp10_, "sql-find-object", _tmp11_, "sql-count", _tmp12_, "sql-added", _tmp13_, "sql-removed", _tmp14_, NULL);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp5_);
-+ return self;
-+static GeeArrayList* rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_search_classes (RygelSearchableContainer* base) {
-+ GeeArrayList* result;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ GeeArrayList* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_search_classes;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_real_set_search_classes (RygelSearchableContainer* base, GeeArrayList* value) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self;
-+ GeeArrayList* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ GeeArrayList* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) base;
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->_search_classes);
-+ self->priv->_search_classes = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "search-classes");
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* result;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, RygelLMSDatabase* value) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ self->priv->_lms_db = _tmp0_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "lms-db");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_db_id;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_db_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_db_id);
-+ self->priv->_db_id = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "db-id");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_all;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_all (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_all);
-+ self->priv->_sql_all = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "sql-all");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_find_object (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_find_object;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_find_object (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_find_object);
-+ self->priv->_sql_find_object = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "sql-find-object");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_count;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_count (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_count);
-+ self->priv->_sql_count = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "sql-count");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_added (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_added;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_added (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_added);
-+ self->priv->_sql_added = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "sql-added");
-+const gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_removed (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self) {
-+ const gchar* result;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->_sql_removed;
-+ result = _tmp0_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_removed (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* value) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = value;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_removed);
-+ self->priv->_sql_removed = _tmp1_;
-+ g_object_notify ((GObject *) self, "sql-removed");
-+static void _rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated_rygel_lms_database_db_updated (RygelLMSDatabase* _sender, guint64 old_update_id, guint64 new_update_id, gpointer self) {
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, old_update_id, new_update_id);
-+static GObject * rygel_lms_category_container_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam * construct_properties) {
-+ GObject * obj;
-+ GObjectClass * parent_class;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ GeeArrayList* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ GeeArrayList* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gint index = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp7_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ parent_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (rygel_lms_category_container_parent_class);
-+ obj = parent_class->constructor (type, n_construct_properties, construct_properties);
-+ _tmp0_ = gee_array_list_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp1_ = _tmp0_;
-+ rygel_searchable_container_set_search_classes ((RygelSearchableContainer*) self, _tmp1_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp1_);
-+ _tmp2_ = rygel_media_object_get_id ((RygelMediaObject*) self);
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s:", _tmp3_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->child_prefix);
-+ self->child_prefix = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = rygel_media_object_get_id ((RygelMediaObject*) self);
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp7_ = string_index_of_char (_tmp6_, (gunichar) ':', 0);
-+ index = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_media_object_get_id ((RygelMediaObject*) self);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ _tmp10_ = index;
-+ _tmp11_ = string_slice (_tmp9_, (glong) 0, (glong) _tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_strconcat (_tmp12_, ":all:", NULL);
-+ _g_free0 (self->ref_prefix);
-+ self->ref_prefix = _tmp13_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp12_);
-+ {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_count = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp28_ = 0;
-+ gboolean _tmp31_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp15_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp16_ = self->priv->_sql_all;
-+ _tmp17_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp15_, _tmp16_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp17_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp18_ = _tmp14_;
-+ _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_all);
-+ self->stmt_all = _tmp18_;
-+ _tmp20_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp21_ = self->priv->_sql_find_object;
-+ _tmp22_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp20_, _tmp21_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp19_ = _tmp22_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp23_ = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_find_object);
-+ self->stmt_find_object = _tmp23_;
-+ _tmp24_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp25_ = self->priv->_sql_count;
-+ _tmp26_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp24_, _tmp25_, &_inner_error_);
-+ stmt_count = _tmp26_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp27_ = stmt_count;
-+ _tmp28_ = sqlite3_step (_tmp27_);
-+ if (_tmp28_ == SQLITE_ROW) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp29_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp30_ = 0;
-+ _tmp29_ = stmt_count;
-+ _tmp30_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp29_, 0);
-+ rygel_media_container_set_child_count ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp30_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp32_ = self->priv->_sql_added;
-+ if (_tmp32_ != NULL) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp33_ = self->priv->_sql_removed;
-+ _tmp31_ = _tmp33_ != NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _tmp31_ = FALSE;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp31_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp36_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp43_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp35_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp36_ = self->priv->_sql_added;
-+ _tmp37_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp35_, _tmp36_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp34_ = _tmp37_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp38_ = _tmp34_;
-+ _tmp34_ = NULL;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_added);
-+ self->stmt_added = _tmp38_;
-+ _tmp40_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ _tmp41_ = self->priv->_sql_removed;
-+ _tmp42_ = rygel_lms_database_prepare (_tmp40_, _tmp41_, &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp39_ = _tmp42_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp34_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp34_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp43_ = _tmp39_;
-+ _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_removed);
-+ self->stmt_removed = _tmp43_;
-+ _tmp44_ = self->priv->_lms_db;
-+ g_signal_connect_object (_tmp44_, "db-updated", (GCallback) _rygel_lms_category_container_on_db_updated_rygel_lms_database_db_updated, self, 0);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp39_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp34_);
-+ }
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (stmt_count);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp19_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (_tmp14_);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally7;
-+ __catch7_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp46_ = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp47_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp48_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp45_ = rygel_media_object_get_title ((RygelMediaObject*) self);
-+ _tmp46_ = _tmp45_;
-+ _tmp47_ = e;
-+ _tmp48_ = _tmp47_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-category-container.vala:424: Container %s: %s", _tmp46_, _tmp48_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally7:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ }
-+ return obj;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_class_init (RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate));
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_category_container_real_object_from_statement;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_all_with_filter = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_all_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_sql_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_sql_count_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_child_count_with_filter = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_child_count_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->get_children_with_filter = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_with_filter;
-+ ((RygelMediaContainerClass *) klass)->get_children = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children;
-+ ((RygelMediaContainerClass *) klass)->get_children_finish = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_children_finish;
-+ ((RygelMediaContainerClass *) klass)->find_object = rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object;
-+ ((RygelMediaContainerClass *) klass)->find_object_finish = rygel_lms_category_container_real_find_object_finish;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->get_property = _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_get_property;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->set_property = _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_set_property;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->constructor = rygel_lms_category_container_constructor;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_category_container_finalize;
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SEARCH_CLASSES, g_param_spec_object ("search-classes", "search-classes", "search-classes", GEE_TYPE_ARRAY_LIST, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE));
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SQL_ALL, g_param_spec_string ("sql-all", "sql-all", "sql-all", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, g_param_spec_string ("sql-find-object", "sql-find-object", "sql-find-object", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SQL_COUNT, g_param_spec_string ("sql-count", "sql-count", "sql-count", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SQL_ADDED, g_param_spec_string ("sql-added", "sql-added", "sql-added", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-+ g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), RYGEL_LMS_CATEGORY_CONTAINER_SQL_REMOVED, g_param_spec_string ("sql-removed", "sql-removed", "sql-removed", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY));
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_trackable_container_interface_init (RygelTrackableContainerIface * iface) {
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_trackable_container_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
-+ iface->add_child = (void (*)(RygelTrackableContainer*, RygelMediaObject*)) rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child;
-+ iface->add_child_finish = rygel_lms_category_container_real_add_child_finish;
-+ iface->remove_child = (void (*)(RygelTrackableContainer*, RygelMediaObject*)) rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child;
-+ iface->remove_child_finish = rygel_lms_category_container_real_remove_child_finish;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_searchable_container_interface_init (RygelSearchableContainerIface * iface) {
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_searchable_container_parent_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
-+ iface->search = (RygelMediaObjects* (*)(RygelSearchableContainer*, RygelSearchExpression*, guint, guint, guint*, const gchar*, GCancellable*, GError**)) rygel_lms_category_container_real_search;
-+ iface->search_finish = rygel_lms_category_container_real_search_finish;
-+ iface->get_search_classes = rygel_lms_category_container_real_get_search_classes;
-+ iface->set_search_classes = rygel_lms_category_container_real_set_search_classes;
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_instance_init (RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self) {
-+static void rygel_lms_category_container_finalize (GObject* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->_search_classes);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_db_id);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_all);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_find_object);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_count);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_added);
-+ _g_free0 (self->priv->_sql_removed);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_all);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_find_object);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_added);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (self->stmt_removed);
-+ _g_free0 (self->child_prefix);
-+ _g_free0 (self->ref_prefix);
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (rygel_lms_category_container_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_category_container_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_category_container_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_category_container_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSCategoryContainer), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_category_container_instance_init, NULL };
-+ static const GInterfaceInfo rygel_trackable_container_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_trackable_container_interface_init, (GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL};
-+ static const GInterfaceInfo rygel_searchable_container_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) rygel_lms_category_container_rygel_searchable_container_interface_init, (GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL};
-+ GType rygel_lms_category_container_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_TYPE_MEDIA_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSCategoryContainer", &g_define_type_info, G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT);
-+ g_type_add_interface_static (rygel_lms_category_container_type_id, RYGEL_TYPE_TRACKABLE_CONTAINER, &rygel_trackable_container_info);
-+ g_type_add_interface_static (rygel_lms_category_container_type_id, RYGEL_TYPE_SEARCHABLE_CONTAINER, &rygel_searchable_container_info);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_category_container_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_category_container_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_category_container_type_id__volatile;
-+static void _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ switch (property_id) {
-+ g_value_set_object (value, rygel_searchable_container_get_search_classes ((RygelSearchableContainer*) self));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_value_set_database (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_db_id (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_all (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_find_object (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_count (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_added (self));
-+ break;
-+ g_value_set_string (value, rygel_lms_category_container_get_sql_removed (self));
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+static void _vala_rygel_lms_category_container_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec) {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer * self;
-+ switch (property_id) {
-+ rygel_searchable_container_set_search_classes ((RygelSearchableContainer*) self, g_value_get_object (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_lms_db (self, rygel_lms_value_get_database (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_db_id (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_all (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_find_object (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_count (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_added (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ rygel_lms_category_container_set_sql_removed (self, g_value_get_string (value));
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
-+ break;
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..687ef64
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-database.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-database.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2009,2011 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>,
-+ * (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabasePrivate RygelLMSDatabasePrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS (rygel_lms_dbus_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDBus RygelLMSDBus;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDBusIface RygelLMSDBusIface;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY (rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_get_type ())
-+#define _sqlite3_close0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (sqlite3_close (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define _rygel_lms_database_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (rygel_lms_database_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_variant_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_variant_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_variant_iter_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_variant_iter_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define _sqlite3_finalize0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (sqlite3_finalize (var), NULL)))
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSParamSpecDatabase RygelLMSParamSpecDatabase;
-+#define _vala_assert(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_assertion_message_expr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg);
-+#define _vala_return_if_fail(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else { g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_STRFUNC, msg); return; }
-+#define _vala_return_val_if_fail(expr, msg, val) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else { g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_STRFUNC, msg); return val; }
-+#define _vala_warn_if_fail(expr, msg) if G_LIKELY (expr) ; else g_warn_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg);
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSDatabaseError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR rygel_lms_database_error_quark ()
-+struct _RygelLMSDatabase {
-+ GTypeInstance parent_instance;
-+ volatile int ref_count;
-+ RygelLMSDatabasePrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass {
-+ GTypeClass parent_class;
-+ void (*finalize) (RygelLMSDatabase *self);
-+struct _RygelLMSDBusIface {
-+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
-+ gchar* (*get_data_base_path) (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+ guint64 (*get_update_id) (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+struct _RygelLMSDatabasePrivate {
-+ sqlite3* db;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* lms_proxy;
-+ guint64 update_id;
-+struct _RygelLMSParamSpecDatabase {
-+ GParamSpec parent_instance;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_database_parent_class = NULL;
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void);
-+gint rygel_lms_utf8_collate_str (guint8* a, int a_length1, guint8* b, int b_length1);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_dbus_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+guint rygel_lms_dbus_register_object (void* object, GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* path, GError** error);
-+enum {
-+static void rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains (sqlite3_context* context, sqlite3_value** args, int args_length1);
-+static gint rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate (gint alen, void* a, gint blen, void* b);
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_new (GError** error);
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_construct (GType object_type, GError** error);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+guint64 rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed (RygelLMSDatabase* self, GDBusProxy* lms_proxy, GVariant* changed, gchar** invalidated, int invalidated_length1);
-+static void _rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed_g_dbus_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy* _sender, GVariant* changed_properties, gchar** invalidated_properties, gpointer self);
-+static void _rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains_sqlite_user_func_callback (sqlite3_context* context, int values_length1, sqlite3_value** values);
-+static gint _rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate_sqlite_compare_callback (gpointer self, gint alen, void* a, gint blen, void* b);
-+static gchar* _variant_get1 (GVariant* value);
-+static guint64 _variant_get2 (GVariant* value);
-+static guint64 _variant_get3 (GVariant* value);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query_string, GError** error);
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query, GValue* arguments, int arguments_length1, GError** error);
-+void rygel_lms_database_find_object (const gchar* id, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GError** error);
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_with_update_id_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint64 old_id, guint64 new_id, GError** error);
-+gboolean rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error);
-+static void g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT64_UINT64 (GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint, gpointer marshal_data);
-+static void rygel_lms_database_finalize (RygelLMSDatabase* obj);
-+static gint _vala_array_length (gpointer array);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void) {
-+ return g_quark_from_static_string ("rygel_lms_database_error-quark");
-+ * Function to implement the custom SQL function 'contains'
-+ */
-+static void rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains (sqlite3_context* context, sqlite3_value** args, int args_length1) {
-+ sqlite3_value** _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp0__length1 = 0;
-+ gboolean _tmp1_ = FALSE;
-+ sqlite3_value** _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp2__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_value* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* pattern = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_value** _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp9__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_value* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_value** _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp14__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_value* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp17_ = FALSE;
-+ g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = args;
-+ _tmp0__length1 = args_length1;
-+ _vala_return_if_fail (_tmp0__length1 == 2, "args.length == 2");
-+ _tmp2_ = args;
-+ _tmp2__length1 = args_length1;
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp2_[0];
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_value_text (_tmp3_);
-+ if (_tmp4_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp1_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ sqlite3_value** _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp5__length1 = 0;
-+ sqlite3_value* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = args;
-+ _tmp5__length1 = args_length1;
-+ _tmp6_ = _tmp5_[1];
-+ _tmp7_ = sqlite3_value_text (_tmp6_);
-+ _tmp1_ = _tmp7_ == NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp1_) {
-+ sqlite3_context* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp8_ = context;
-+ sqlite3_result_int (_tmp8_, 0);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = args;
-+ _tmp9__length1 = args_length1;
-+ _tmp10_ = _tmp9_[1];
-+ _tmp11_ = sqlite3_value_text (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = g_regex_escape_string (_tmp11_, -1);
-+ pattern = _tmp12_;
-+ _tmp13_ = pattern;
-+ _tmp14_ = args;
-+ _tmp14__length1 = args_length1;
-+ _tmp15_ = _tmp14_[0];
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_value_text (_tmp15_);
-+ _tmp17_ = g_regex_match_simple (_tmp13_, _tmp16_, G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0);
-+ if (_tmp17_) {
-+ sqlite3_context* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp18_ = context;
-+ sqlite3_result_int (_tmp18_, 1);
-+ } else {
-+ sqlite3_context* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp19_ = context;
-+ sqlite3_result_int (_tmp19_, 0);
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (pattern);
-+ * Function to implement the custom SQLite collation 'CASEFOLD'.
-+ *
-+ * Uses utf8 case-fold to compare the strings.
-+ */
-+static gint rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate (gint alen, void* a, gint blen, void* b) {
-+ gint result = 0;
-+ guint8* _a = NULL;
-+ void* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _a_length1 = 0;
-+ gint __a_size_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ guint8* _b = NULL;
-+ void* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gint _b_length1 = 0;
-+ gint __b_size_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp4_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ _tmp0_ = a;
-+ _a = (guint8*) _tmp0_;
-+ _a_length1 = -1;
-+ __a_size_ = _a_length1;
-+ _tmp1_ = alen;
-+ _a_length1 = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = _a_length1;
-+ _tmp3_ = b;
-+ _b = (guint8*) _tmp3_;
-+ _b_length1 = -1;
-+ __b_size_ = _b_length1;
-+ _tmp4_ = blen;
-+ _b_length1 = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = _b_length1;
-+ _tmp6_ = rygel_lms_utf8_collate_str (_a, _a_length1, _b, _b_length1);
-+ result = _tmp6_;
-+ return result;
-+static void _rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed_g_dbus_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy* _sender, GVariant* changed_properties, gchar** invalidated_properties, gpointer self) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed ((RygelLMSDatabase*) self, _sender, changed_properties, invalidated_properties, _vala_array_length (invalidated_properties));
-+static void _rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains_sqlite_user_func_callback (sqlite3_context* context, int values_length1, sqlite3_value** values) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains (context, values, values_length1);
-+static gint _rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate_sqlite_compare_callback (gpointer self, gint alen, void* a, gint blen, void* b) {
-+ gint result;
-+ result = rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate (alen, a, blen, b);
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_construct (GType object_type, GError** error) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* self = NULL;
-+ gchar* db_path = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp20_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSDatabase*) g_type_create_instance (object_type);
-+ {
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp8_ = 0ULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp9_ = 0ULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp10_ = 0ULL;
-+ RygelLMSDBus* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_initable_new (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY, NULL, &_inner_error_, "g-flags", 0, "g-name", "org.lightmediascanner", "g-bus-type", G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, "g-object-path", "/org/lightmediascanner/Scanner1", "g-interface-name", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", "g-interface-info", g_type_get_qdata (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS, g_quark_from_static_string ("vala-dbus-interface-info")), NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = (RygelLMSDBus*) _tmp1_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == G_IO_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch11_g_io_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->lms_proxy);
-+ self->priv->lms_proxy = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp3_ = self->priv->lms_proxy;
-+ _tmp4_ = rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (_tmp3_);
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ db_path = _tmp5_;
-+ _tmp6_ = db_path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-database.vala:94: Got db path %s from LMS over dbus", _tmp6_);
-+ _tmp7_ = self->priv->lms_proxy;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (_tmp7_);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ self->priv->update_id = _tmp9_;
-+ _tmp10_ = self->priv->update_id;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-database.vala:96: Got updated id %lld from LMS over dbus", _tmp10_);
-+ _tmp11_ = self->priv->lms_proxy;
-+ g_signal_connect ((GDBusProxy*) _tmp11_, "g-properties-changed", (GCallback) _rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed_g_dbus_proxy_g_properties_changed, self);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp0_);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally11;
-+ __catch11_g_io_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp12_ = e;
-+ _tmp13_ = _tmp12_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-database.vala:100: Couldn't get LMS Dbus proxy: %s", _tmp13_);
-+ _tmp14_ = g_get_user_config_dir ();
-+ _tmp15_ = g_strconcat (_tmp14_, "/lightmediascannerd/db.sqlite3", NULL);
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ db_path = _tmp15_;
-+ _tmp16_ = db_path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-database.vala:103: Using default sqlite database location %s", _tmp16_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally11:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ _rygel_lms_database_unref0 (self);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp17_ = db_path;
-+ sqlite3_open (_tmp17_, &_tmp18_);
-+ _sqlite3_close0 (self->priv->db);
-+ self->priv->db = _tmp18_;
-+ _tmp19_ = self->priv->db;
-+ _tmp20_ = sqlite3_errcode (_tmp19_);
-+ if (_tmp20_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp23_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp21_ = db_path;
-+ _tmp22_ = self->priv->db;
-+ _tmp23_ = sqlite3_errcode (_tmp22_);
-+ _tmp24_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_OPEN, "Failed to open '%s': %d", _tmp21_, _tmp23_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp24_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ _rygel_lms_database_unref0 (self);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp25_ = self->priv->db;
-+ sqlite3_create_function (_tmp25_, "contains", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, _rygel_lms_database_utf8_contains_sqlite_user_func_callback, NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp26_ = self->priv->db;
-+ sqlite3_create_collation (_tmp26_, "CASEFOLD", SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, (int (*)(void *, int, const void *, int, const void *)) _rygel_lms_database_utf8_collate_sqlite_compare_callback);
-+ _g_free0 (db_path);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_new (GError** error) {
-+ return rygel_lms_database_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE, error);
-+static gchar* _variant_get1 (GVariant* value) {
-+ return g_variant_dup_string (value, NULL);
-+static guint64 _variant_get2 (GVariant* value) {
-+ return g_variant_get_uint64 (value);
-+static guint64 _variant_get3 (GVariant* value) {
-+ return g_variant_get_uint64 (value);
-+static void rygel_lms_database_on_lms_properties_changed (RygelLMSDatabase* self, GDBusProxy* lms_proxy, GVariant* changed, gchar** invalidated, int invalidated_length1) {
-+ GVariant* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const GVariantType* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const GVariantType* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE;
-+ g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
-+ g_return_if_fail (lms_proxy != NULL);
-+ g_return_if_fail (changed != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = changed;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_variant_get_type (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp3_ = g_variant_type_equal (_tmp1_, _tmp2_);
-+ if (!_tmp3_) {
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ GVariantIter* _changed_prop_it = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ GVariantIter* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* changed_prop = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = changed;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_variant_iter_new (_tmp4_);
-+ _changed_prop_it = _tmp5_;
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ GVariantIter* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* key = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* value = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ GQuark _tmp26_ = 0U;
-+ static GQuark _tmp25_label0 = 0;
-+ _tmp6_ = _changed_prop_it;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_variant_iter_next_value (_tmp6_);
-+ _g_variant_unref0 (changed_prop);
-+ changed_prop = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp8_ = changed_prop;
-+ if (!(_tmp8_ != NULL)) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = changed_prop;
-+ _tmp10_ = g_variant_get_child_value (_tmp9_, (gsize) 0);
-+ _tmp11_ = _tmp10_;
-+ _tmp12_ = _variant_get1 (_tmp11_);
-+ _tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
-+ _g_variant_unref0 (_tmp11_);
-+ key = _tmp13_;
-+ _tmp14_ = changed_prop;
-+ _tmp15_ = g_variant_get_child_value (_tmp14_, (gsize) 1);
-+ _tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
-+ _tmp17_ = g_variant_get_child_value (_tmp16_, (gsize) 0);
-+ _tmp18_ = _tmp17_;
-+ _g_variant_unref0 (_tmp16_);
-+ value = _tmp18_;
-+ _tmp19_ = key;
-+ _tmp20_ = value;
-+ _tmp21_ = g_variant_print (_tmp20_, TRUE);
-+ _tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-database.vala:138: LMS property %s changed value to %s", _tmp19_, _tmp22_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp22_);
-+ _tmp23_ = key;
-+ _tmp24_ = _tmp23_;
-+ _tmp26_ = (NULL == _tmp24_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp24_);
-+ if (_tmp26_ == ((0 != _tmp25_label0) ? _tmp25_label0 : (_tmp25_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("UpdateID")))) {
-+ switch (0) {
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ guint64 _tmp27_ = 0ULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp29_ = 0ULL;
-+ GVariant* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp31_ = 0ULL;
-+ _tmp27_ = self->priv->update_id;
-+ _tmp28_ = value;
-+ _tmp29_ = _variant_get2 (_tmp28_);
-+ g_signal_emit_by_name (self, "db-updated", _tmp27_, _tmp29_);
-+ _tmp30_ = value;
-+ _tmp31_ = _variant_get3 (_tmp30_);
-+ self->priv->update_id = _tmp31_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _g_variant_unref0 (value);
-+ _g_free0 (key);
-+ }
-+ _g_variant_unref0 (changed_prop);
-+ _g_variant_iter_free0 (_changed_prop_it);
-+ }
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query_string, GError** error) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* result = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* statement = NULL;
-+ gint err = 0;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp3_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp4_ = 0;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (query_string != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->db;
-+ _tmp1_ = query_string;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (_tmp0_, _tmp1_, -1, &_tmp2_, NULL);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ statement = _tmp2_;
-+ err = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = err;
-+ if (_tmp4_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = query_string;
-+ _tmp6_ = err;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_PREPARE, "Unable to create statement '%s': %d", _tmp5_, _tmp6_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp7_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ result = statement;
-+ return result;
-+sqlite3_stmt* rygel_lms_database_prepare_and_init (RygelLMSDatabase* self, const gchar* query, GValue* arguments, int arguments_length1, GError** error) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* result = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* statement = NULL;
-+ gint err = 0;
-+ sqlite3* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp3_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp4_ = 0;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (query != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = self->priv->db;
-+ _tmp1_ = query;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (_tmp0_, _tmp1_, -1, &_tmp2_, NULL);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ statement = _tmp2_;
-+ err = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = err;
-+ if (_tmp4_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = query;
-+ _tmp6_ = err;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_PREPARE, "Unable to create statement '%s': %d", _tmp5_, _tmp6_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp7_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gint i = 0;
-+ i = 1;
-+ {
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp8_ = TRUE;
-+ while (TRUE) {
-+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
-+ GValue* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11__length1 = 0;
-+ gint sqlite_err = 0;
-+ GValue current_value = {0};
-+ GValue* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp12__length1 = 0;
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ GValue _tmp14_ = {0};
-+ gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE;
-+ if (!_tmp8_) {
-+ gint _tmp9_ = 0;
-+ _tmp9_ = i;
-+ i = _tmp9_ + 1;
-+ }
-+ _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp10_ = i;
-+ _tmp11_ = arguments;
-+ _tmp11__length1 = arguments_length1;
-+ if (!(_tmp10_ <= _tmp11__length1)) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ _tmp12_ = arguments;
-+ _tmp12__length1 = arguments_length1;
-+ _tmp13_ = i;
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp12_[_tmp13_ - 1];
-+ current_value = _tmp14_;
-+ _tmp15_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-+ if (_tmp15_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp17_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp19_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp20_ = 0;
-+ _tmp16_ = statement;
-+ _tmp17_ = i;
-+ _tmp18_ = g_value_get_int (&current_value);
-+ _tmp19_ = sqlite3_bind_int (_tmp16_, _tmp17_, _tmp18_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp20_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp20_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp21_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp21_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp22_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp21_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp22_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp23_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp23_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_INT64);
-+ if (_tmp23_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp25_ = 0;
-+ gint64 _tmp26_ = 0LL;
-+ gint _tmp27_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp28_ = 0;
-+ _tmp24_ = statement;
-+ _tmp25_ = i;
-+ _tmp26_ = g_value_get_int64 (&current_value);
-+ _tmp27_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp24_, _tmp25_, _tmp26_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp27_;
-+ _tmp28_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp28_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp29_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp30_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp29_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp30_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp29_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp30_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp31_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp31_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_UINT64);
-+ if (_tmp31_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp33_ = 0;
-+ guint64 _tmp34_ = 0ULL;
-+ gint _tmp35_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp36_ = 0;
-+ _tmp32_ = statement;
-+ _tmp33_ = i;
-+ _tmp34_ = g_value_get_uint64 (&current_value);
-+ _tmp35_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp32_, _tmp33_, (gint64) _tmp34_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp35_;
-+ _tmp36_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp36_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp37_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp38_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp37_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp38_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp37_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp38_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp39_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp39_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_LONG);
-+ if (_tmp39_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp41_ = 0;
-+ glong _tmp42_ = 0L;
-+ gint _tmp43_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp44_ = 0;
-+ _tmp40_ = statement;
-+ _tmp41_ = i;
-+ _tmp42_ = g_value_get_long (&current_value);
-+ _tmp43_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp40_, _tmp41_, (gint64) _tmp42_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp43_;
-+ _tmp44_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp44_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp45_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp46_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp45_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp46_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp45_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp46_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp47_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp47_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-+ if (_tmp47_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp48_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp49_ = 0;
-+ guint _tmp50_ = 0U;
-+ gint _tmp51_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp52_ = 0;
-+ _tmp48_ = statement;
-+ _tmp49_ = i;
-+ _tmp50_ = g_value_get_uint (&current_value);
-+ _tmp51_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp48_, _tmp49_, (gint64) _tmp50_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp51_;
-+ _tmp52_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp52_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp53_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp54_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp53_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp54_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp53_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp54_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp55_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp55_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_STRING);
-+ if (_tmp55_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp56_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp57_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp58_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp59_ = NULL;
-+ GDestroyNotify _tmp60_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp61_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp62_ = 0;
-+ _tmp56_ = statement;
-+ _tmp57_ = i;
-+ _tmp58_ = g_value_get_string (&current_value);
-+ _tmp59_ = g_strdup (_tmp58_);
-+ _tmp60_ = g_free;
-+ _tmp61_ = sqlite3_bind_text (_tmp56_, _tmp57_, _tmp59_, -1, _tmp60_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp61_;
-+ _tmp62_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp62_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp63_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp64_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp63_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp64_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp63_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp64_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ gboolean _tmp65_ = FALSE;
-+ _tmp65_ = G_VALUE_HOLDS (&current_value, G_TYPE_POINTER);
-+ if (_tmp65_) {
-+ void* _tmp66_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp66_ = g_value_peek_pointer (&current_value);
-+ if (_tmp66_ == NULL) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp67_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp68_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp69_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp70_ = 0;
-+ _tmp67_ = statement;
-+ _tmp68_ = i;
-+ _tmp69_ = sqlite3_bind_null (_tmp67_, _tmp68_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp69_;
-+ _tmp70_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp70_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp71_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp72_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp71_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp72_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind value %d", _tmp71_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp72_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ _sqlite3_finalize0 (statement);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ GType type = 0UL;
-+ GType _tmp73_ = 0UL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp74_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp75_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp73_ = G_VALUE_TYPE (&current_value);
-+ type = _tmp73_;
-+ _tmp74_ = _ ("Unsupported type %s");
-+ _tmp75_ = g_type_name (type);
-+ g_warning (_tmp74_, _tmp75_);
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ result = statement;
-+ return result;
-+void rygel_lms_database_find_object (const gchar* id, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint integer_id = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp3_ = 0;
-+ gint sqlite_err = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp7_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (id != NULL);
-+ g_return_if_fail (stmt != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_reset (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = id;
-+ _tmp3_ = atoi (_tmp2_);
-+ integer_id = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp5_ = integer_id;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_bind_int (_tmp4_, 1, _tmp5_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp6_;
-+ _tmp7_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp7_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp8_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp8_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp9_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind id %d", _tmp8_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp9_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp10_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp11_ = sqlite3_step (_tmp10_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp12_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp12_ != SQLITE_ROW) {
-+ const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = id;
-+ _tmp14_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_STEP, "Unable to find id %s", _tmp13_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp14_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint offset, guint max_count, const gchar* sort_criteria, GError** error) {
-+ gint sqlite_err = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp3_ = 0U;
-+ gint _tmp4_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ guint _tmp9_ = 0U;
-+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (stmt != NULL);
-+ g_return_if_fail (sort_criteria != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_reset (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp3_ = max_count;
-+ _tmp4_ = sqlite3_bind_int (_tmp2_, 1, (gint) _tmp3_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp5_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind max_count %d", _tmp6_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp7_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp8_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp9_ = offset;
-+ _tmp10_ = sqlite3_bind_int (_tmp8_, 2, (gint) _tmp9_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp10_;
-+ _tmp11_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp11_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp12_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp13_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind offset %d", _tmp12_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp13_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+void rygel_lms_database_get_children_with_update_id_init (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, guint64 old_id, guint64 new_id, GError** error) {
-+ gint sqlite_err = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ guint64 _tmp2_ = 0ULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp3_ = 0ULL;
-+ gint _tmp9_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp13_ = 0ULL;
-+ gint _tmp14_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp15_ = 0;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (stmt != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_reset (_tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = new_id;
-+ _tmp3_ = old_id;
-+ if (_tmp2_ < _tmp3_) {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ _tmp4_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp5_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp4_, 1, (gint64) 0);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp5_;
-+ } else {
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ guint64 _tmp7_ = 0ULL;
-+ gint _tmp8_ = 0;
-+ _tmp6_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp7_ = old_id;
-+ _tmp8_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp6_, 1, (gint64) _tmp7_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp8_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp9_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp10_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp10_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp11_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind old_id %d", _tmp10_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp11_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp12_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp13_ = new_id;
-+ _tmp14_ = sqlite3_bind_int64 (_tmp12_, 2, (gint64) _tmp13_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp14_;
-+ _tmp15_ = sqlite_err;
-+ if (_tmp15_ != SQLITE_OK) {
-+ gint _tmp16_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp17_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND, "Unable to bind new_id %d", _tmp16_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp17_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+gboolean rygel_lms_database_get_children_step (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, GError** error) {
-+ gboolean result = FALSE;
-+ gboolean retval = FALSE;
-+ gint sqlite_err = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp2_ = 0;
-+ gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE;
-+ gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (stmt != NULL, FALSE);
-+ _tmp0_ = stmt;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_step (_tmp0_);
-+ sqlite_err = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = sqlite_err;
-+ retval = _tmp2_ == SQLITE_ROW;
-+ _tmp4_ = retval;
-+ if (!_tmp4_) {
-+ gint _tmp5_ = 0;
-+ _tmp5_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp5_ != SQLITE_DONE;
-+ } else {
-+ _tmp3_ = FALSE;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp3_) {
-+ gint _tmp6_ = 0;
-+ GError* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite_err;
-+ _tmp7_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR, RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR_STEP, "Error iterating through rows %d", _tmp6_);
-+ _inner_error_ = _tmp7_;
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ } else {
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ result = retval;
-+ return result;
-+static void g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT64_UINT64 (GClosure * closure, GValue * return_value, guint n_param_values, const GValue * param_values, gpointer invocation_hint, gpointer marshal_data) {
-+ typedef void (*GMarshalFunc_VOID__UINT64_UINT64) (gpointer data1, guint64 arg_1, guint64 arg_2, gpointer data2);
-+ register GMarshalFunc_VOID__UINT64_UINT64 callback;
-+ register GCClosure * cc;
-+ register gpointer data1;
-+ register gpointer data2;
-+ cc = (GCClosure *) closure;
-+ g_return_if_fail (n_param_values == 3);
-+ if (G_CCLOSURE_SWAP_DATA (closure)) {
-+ data1 = closure->data;
-+ data2 = param_values->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ } else {
-+ data1 = param_values->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ data2 = closure->data;
-+ }
-+ callback = (GMarshalFunc_VOID__UINT64_UINT64) (marshal_data ? marshal_data : cc->callback);
-+ callback (data1, g_value_get_uint64 (param_values + 1), g_value_get_uint64 (param_values + 2), data2);
-+static void rygel_lms_value_database_init (GValue* value) {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+static void rygel_lms_value_database_free_value (GValue* value) {
-+ if (value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ }
-+static void rygel_lms_value_database_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) {
-+ if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = rygel_lms_database_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ } else {
-+ dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_value_database_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) {
-+ return value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_value_database_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
-+ if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* object;
-+ object = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) {
-+ return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
-+ } else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) {
-+ return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
-+ }
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = rygel_lms_database_ref (object);
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_value_database_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase** object_p;
-+ object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (!object_p) {
-+ return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value));
-+ }
-+ if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ *object_p = NULL;
-+ } else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) {
-+ *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ } else {
-+ *object_p = rygel_lms_database_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) {
-+ RygelLMSParamSpecDatabase* spec;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE), NULL);
-+ spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags);
-+ G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type;
-+ return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE), NULL);
-+ return value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* old;
-+ g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE));
-+ old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (v_object) {
-+ g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE));
-+ g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
-+ rygel_lms_database_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (old) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_unref (old);
-+ }
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* old;
-+ g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE (value, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE));
-+ old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (v_object) {
-+ g_return_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (v_object, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE));
-+ g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (old) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_unref (old);
-+ }
-+static void rygel_lms_database_class_init (RygelLMSDatabaseClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_database_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSDatabaseClass *) klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_database_finalize;
-+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RygelLMSDatabasePrivate));
-+ g_signal_new ("db_updated", RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT64_UINT64, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_UINT64, G_TYPE_UINT64);
-+static void rygel_lms_database_instance_init (RygelLMSDatabase * self) {
-+ self->priv = RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-+ self->ref_count = 1;
-+static void rygel_lms_database_finalize (RygelLMSDatabase* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase * self;
-+ g_signal_handlers_destroy (self);
-+ _sqlite3_close0 (self->priv->db);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->lms_proxy);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_database_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_database_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { rygel_lms_value_database_init, rygel_lms_value_database_free_value, rygel_lms_value_database_copy_value, rygel_lms_value_database_peek_pointer, "p", rygel_lms_value_database_collect_value, "p", rygel_lms_value_database_lcopy_value };
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSDatabaseClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_database_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSDatabase), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_database_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table };
-+ static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) };
-+ GType rygel_lms_database_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_database_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "RygelLMSDatabase", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_database_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_database_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_database_type_id__volatile;
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* self;
-+ self = instance;
-+ g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count);
-+ return instance;
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance) {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* self;
-+ self = instance;
-+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) {
-+ RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_GET_CLASS (self)->finalize (self);
-+ g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self);
-+ }
-+static gint _vala_array_length (gpointer array) {
-+ int length;
-+ length = 0;
-+ if (array) {
-+ while (((gpointer*) array)[length]) {
-+ length++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return length;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..b511b17
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS (rygel_lms_dbus_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDBus RygelLMSDBus;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDBusIface RygelLMSDBusIface;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY (rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_get_type ())
-+typedef GDBusProxy RygelLMSDBusProxy;
-+typedef GDBusProxyClass RygelLMSDBusProxyClass;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+struct _RygelLMSDBusIface {
-+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
-+ gchar* (*get_data_base_path) (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+ guint64 (*get_update_id) (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+GType rygel_lms_dbus_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+guint rygel_lms_dbus_register_object (void* object, GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* path, GError** error);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+guint64 rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy* proxy, const gchar* sender_name, const gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static guint64 rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_rygel_lms_dbus_interface_init (RygelLMSDBusIface* iface);
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_method_call (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* method_name, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation, gpointer user_data);
-+static GVariant* rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_get_property (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* property_name, GError** error, gpointer user_data);
-+static GVariant* _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static GVariant* _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self);
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_set_property (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* property_name, GVariant* value, GError** error, gpointer user_data);
-+static void _rygel_lms_dbus_unregister_object (gpointer user_data);
-+static const GDBusMethodInfo * const _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_method_info[] = {NULL};
-+static const GDBusSignalInfo * const _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_signal_info[] = {NULL};
-+static const GDBusPropertyInfo _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info_data_base_path = {-1, "DataBasePath", "s", G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE};
-+static const GDBusPropertyInfo _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info_update_id = {-1, "UpdateID", "t", G_DBUS_PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS_READABLE};
-+static const GDBusPropertyInfo * const _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info[] = {&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info_data_base_path, &_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info_update_id, NULL};
-+static const GDBusInterfaceInfo _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_info = {-1, "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", (GDBusMethodInfo **) (&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_method_info), (GDBusSignalInfo **) (&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_signal_info), (GDBusPropertyInfo **) (&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_property_info)};
-+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_vtable = {rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_method_call, rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_get_property, rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_set_property};
-+gchar* rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_DBUS_GET_INTERFACE (self)->get_data_base_path (self);
-+guint64 rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, 0ULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_DBUS_GET_INTERFACE (self)->get_update_id (self);
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_base_init (RygelLMSDBusIface * iface) {
-+ static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
-+ if (!initialized) {
-+ initialized = TRUE;
-+ }
-+GType rygel_lms_dbus_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_dbus_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_dbus_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSDBusIface), (GBaseInitFunc) rygel_lms_dbus_base_init, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) NULL, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, 0, 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_dbus_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_dbus_type_id = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_INTERFACE, "RygelLMSDBus", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_type_interface_add_prerequisite (rygel_lms_dbus_type_id, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY);
-+ g_type_set_qdata (rygel_lms_dbus_type_id, g_quark_from_static_string ("vala-dbus-proxy-type"), (void*) rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_get_type);
-+ g_type_set_qdata (rygel_lms_dbus_type_id, g_quark_from_static_string ("vala-dbus-interface-name"), "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1");
-+ g_type_set_qdata (rygel_lms_dbus_type_id, g_quark_from_static_string ("vala-dbus-interface-info"), (void*) (&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_info));
-+ g_type_set_qdata (rygel_lms_dbus_type_id, g_quark_from_static_string ("vala-dbus-register-object"), (void*) rygel_lms_dbus_register_object);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_dbus_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_dbus_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_dbus_type_id__volatile;
-+G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED (RygelLMSDBusProxy, rygel_lms_dbus_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY, 0, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DBUS, rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_rygel_lms_dbus_interface_init) )
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_class_init (RygelLMSDBusProxyClass* klass) {
-+ G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass)->g_signal = rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_g_signal;
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy* proxy, const gchar* sender_name, const gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters) {
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_init (RygelLMSDBusProxy* self) {
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ GVariant *_inner_reply;
-+ gchar* _result;
-+ _inner_reply = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property ((GDBusProxy *) self, "DataBasePath");
-+ if (!_inner_reply) {
-+ GVariant *_arguments;
-+ GVariant *_reply;
-+ GVariantBuilder _arguments_builder;
-+ g_variant_builder_init (&_arguments_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_TUPLE);
-+ g_variant_builder_add_value (&_arguments_builder, g_variant_new_string ("org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1"));
-+ g_variant_builder_add_value (&_arguments_builder, g_variant_new_string ("DataBasePath"));
-+ _arguments = g_variant_builder_end (&_arguments_builder);
-+ _reply = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) self, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get", _arguments, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL);
-+ if (!_reply) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ g_variant_get (_reply, "(v)", &_inner_reply);
-+ g_variant_unref (_reply);
-+ }
-+ _result = g_variant_dup_string (_inner_reply, NULL);
-+ g_variant_unref (_inner_reply);
-+ return _result;
-+static guint64 rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ GVariant *_inner_reply;
-+ guint64 _result;
-+ _inner_reply = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property ((GDBusProxy *) self, "UpdateID");
-+ if (!_inner_reply) {
-+ GVariant *_arguments;
-+ GVariant *_reply;
-+ GVariantBuilder _arguments_builder;
-+ g_variant_builder_init (&_arguments_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_TUPLE);
-+ g_variant_builder_add_value (&_arguments_builder, g_variant_new_string ("org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1"));
-+ g_variant_builder_add_value (&_arguments_builder, g_variant_new_string ("UpdateID"));
-+ _arguments = g_variant_builder_end (&_arguments_builder);
-+ _reply = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) self, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get", _arguments, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL);
-+ if (!_reply) {
-+ return 0ULL;
-+ }
-+ g_variant_get (_reply, "(v)", &_inner_reply);
-+ g_variant_unref (_reply);
-+ }
-+ _result = g_variant_get_uint64 (_inner_reply);
-+ g_variant_unref (_inner_reply);
-+ return _result;
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_proxy_rygel_lms_dbus_interface_init (RygelLMSDBusIface* iface) {
-+ iface->get_data_base_path = rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_data_base_path;
-+ iface->get_update_id = rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_proxy_get_update_id;
-+static void rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_method_call (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* method_name, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation, gpointer user_data) {
-+ gpointer* data;
-+ gpointer object;
-+ data = user_data;
-+ object = data[0];
-+ g_object_unref (invocation);
-+static GVariant* _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ gchar* result;
-+ GVariant* _reply;
-+ result = rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (self);
-+ _reply = g_variant_new_string (result);
-+ _g_free0 (result);
-+ return _reply;
-+static GVariant* _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (RygelLMSDBus* self) {
-+ guint64 result;
-+ GVariant* _reply;
-+ result = rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (self);
-+ _reply = g_variant_new_uint64 (result);
-+ return _reply;
-+static GVariant* rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_get_property (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* property_name, GError** error, gpointer user_data) {
-+ gpointer* data;
-+ gpointer object;
-+ data = user_data;
-+ object = data[0];
-+ if (strcmp (property_name, "DataBasePath") == 0) {
-+ return _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_data_base_path (object);
-+ } else if (strcmp (property_name, "UpdateID") == 0) {
-+ return _dbus_rygel_lms_dbus_get_update_id (object);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static gboolean rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_set_property (GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* sender, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* property_name, GVariant* value, GError** error, gpointer user_data) {
-+ gpointer* data;
-+ gpointer object;
-+ data = user_data;
-+ object = data[0];
-+ return FALSE;
-+guint rygel_lms_dbus_register_object (gpointer object, GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* path, GError** error) {
-+ guint result;
-+ gpointer *data;
-+ data = g_new (gpointer, 3);
-+ data[0] = g_object_ref (object);
-+ data[1] = g_object_ref (connection);
-+ data[2] = g_strdup (path);
-+ result = g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, path, (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) (&_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_info), &_rygel_lms_dbus_dbus_interface_vtable, data, _rygel_lms_dbus_unregister_object, error);
-+ if (!result) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ return result;
-+static void _rygel_lms_dbus_unregister_object (gpointer user_data) {
-+ gpointer* data;
-+ data = user_data;
-+ g_object_unref (data[0]);
-+ g_object_unref (data[1]);
-+ g_free (data[2]);
-+ g_free (data);
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..5ef358a
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-root.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-image-root.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-image-root.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_ROOT (rygel_lms_image_root_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageRoot RygelLMSImageRoot;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageRootClass RygelLMSImageRootClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageRootPrivate RygelLMSImageRootPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_IMAGES (rygel_lms_all_images_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllImages RygelLMSAllImages;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllImagesClass RygelLMSAllImagesClass;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEARS (rygel_lms_image_years_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYears RygelLMSImageYears;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearsClass RygelLMSImageYearsClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSImageRoot {
-+ RygelSimpleContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSImageRootPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSImageRootClass {
-+ RygelSimpleContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_image_root_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_image_root_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllImages* rygel_lms_all_images_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_images_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_image_years_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSImageRoot * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllImages* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllImages* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSImageYears* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSImageYears* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ self = (RygelLMSImageRoot*) rygel_simple_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_);
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp4_ = rygel_lms_all_images_new ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp3_);
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp5_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp5_);
-+ _tmp6_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp7_ = rygel_lms_image_years_new ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp6_);
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp8_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp8_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_image_root_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_ROOT, id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_image_root_class_init (RygelLMSImageRootClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_image_root_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+static void rygel_lms_image_root_instance_init (RygelLMSImageRoot * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_image_root_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_image_root_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_image_root_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSImageRootClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_root_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSImageRoot), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_root_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_image_root_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_image_root_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_TYPE_SIMPLE_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSImageRoot", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_image_root_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_image_root_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_image_root_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..5eb2721
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-image-year.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-image-year.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <gio/gio.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEAR (rygel_lms_image_year_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYear RygelLMSImageYear;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearClass RygelLMSImageYearClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearPrivate RygelLMSImageYearPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSImageYear {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSImageYearPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSImageYearClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_image_year_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_image_year_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE "SELECT count(images.id), strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s';"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id AND year = '" \
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna" \
-+"_profile, dlna_mime, strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images, files " "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_image_year_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, gint db_id);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_all (const gchar* year);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* year);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_count (const gchar* year);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_added (const gchar* year);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_removed (const gchar* year);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_image_year_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSImageYear * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ gint id = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp1_ = 0;
-+ gchar* path = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* mime_type = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* image = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp18_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ RygelImageItem* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp23_ = 0;
-+ gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp25_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp26_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp27_ = NULL;
-+ GTimeVal tv = {0};
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp28_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp29_ = 0;
-+ GTimeVal _tmp30_ = {0};
-+ gchar* _tmp31_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp32_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp33_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp34_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp35_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp36_ = 0;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp37_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp38_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp39_ = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp40_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp41_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* file = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp42_ = NULL;
-+ GFile* _tmp43_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp44_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp45_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSImageYear*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ id = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = statement;
-+ _tmp3_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp2_, 6);
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup (_tmp3_);
-+ path = _tmp4_;
-+ _tmp5_ = statement;
-+ _tmp6_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp5_, 9);
-+ _tmp7_ = g_strdup (_tmp6_);
-+ mime_type = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp9_ = mime_type;
-+ if (_tmp9_ == NULL) {
-+ _tmp8_ = TRUE;
-+ } else {
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gint _tmp11_ = 0;
-+ gint _tmp12_ = 0;
-+ _tmp10_ = mime_type;
-+ _tmp11_ = strlen (_tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp12_ == 0;
-+ }
-+ if (_tmp8_) {
-+ gint _tmp13_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp13_ = id;
-+ _tmp14_ = path;
-+ g_debug ("rygel-lms-image-year.vala:62: Image item %d (%s) has no MIME type", _tmp13_, _tmp14_);
-+ }
-+ _tmp15_ = statement;
-+ _tmp16_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp15_, 1);
-+ _tmp17_ = g_strdup (_tmp16_);
-+ title = _tmp17_;
-+ _tmp18_ = id;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_child_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp18_);
-+ _tmp20_ = _tmp19_;
-+ _tmp21_ = rygel_image_item_new (_tmp20_, (RygelMediaContainer*) self, title, RYGEL_IMAGE_ITEM_UPNP_CLASS);
-+ _tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp20_);
-+ image = _tmp22_;
-+ _tmp23_ = id;
-+ _tmp24_ = rygel_lms_category_container_build_reference_id ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self, _tmp23_);
-+ _tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_ref_id ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp25_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp25_);
-+ _tmp26_ = statement;
-+ _tmp27_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp26_, 2);
-+ rygel_media_object_set_creator ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp27_);
-+ _tmp28_ = statement;
-+ _tmp29_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp28_, 3);
-+ _tmp30_.tv_sec = (glong) _tmp29_;
-+ _tmp30_.tv_usec = (glong) 0;
-+ tv = _tmp30_;
-+ _tmp31_ = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&tv);
-+ _tmp32_ = _tmp31_;
-+ rygel_media_object_set_date ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp32_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp32_);
-+ _tmp33_ = statement;
-+ _tmp34_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp33_, 4);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_width ((RygelVisualItem*) image, _tmp34_);
-+ _tmp35_ = statement;
-+ _tmp36_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp35_, 5);
-+ rygel_visual_item_set_height ((RygelVisualItem*) image, _tmp36_);
-+ _tmp37_ = statement;
-+ _tmp38_ = sqlite3_column_int (_tmp37_, 7);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_size ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, (gint64) _tmp38_);
-+ _tmp39_ = mime_type;
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_mime_type ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, _tmp39_);
-+ _tmp40_ = statement;
-+ _tmp41_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp40_, 8);
-+ rygel_media_file_item_set_dlna_profile ((RygelMediaFileItem*) image, _tmp41_);
-+ _tmp42_ = path;
-+ _tmp43_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp42_);
-+ file = _tmp43_;
-+ _tmp44_ = g_file_get_uri (file);
-+ _tmp45_ = _tmp44_;
-+ rygel_media_object_add_uri ((RygelMediaObject*) image, _tmp45_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp45_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) image;
-+ _g_object_unref0 (file);
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_free0 (mime_type);
-+ _g_free0 (path);
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_all (const gchar* year) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_find_object (const gchar* year) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_FIND_OBJECT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_count (const gchar* year) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_added (const gchar* year) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_removed (const gchar* year) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf (RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEAR_SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE, _tmp0_);
-+ result = _tmp1_;
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSImageYear * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (year != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = year;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s", _tmp0_);
-+ _tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp3_ = parent;
-+ _tmp4_ = year;
-+ _tmp5_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp6_ = year;
-+ _tmp7_ = rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_all (_tmp6_);
-+ _tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp9_ = year;
-+ _tmp10_ = rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_find_object (_tmp9_);
-+ _tmp11_ = _tmp10_;
-+ _tmp12_ = year;
-+ _tmp13_ = rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_count (_tmp12_);
-+ _tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
-+ _tmp15_ = year;
-+ _tmp16_ = rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_added (_tmp15_);
-+ _tmp17_ = _tmp16_;
-+ _tmp18_ = year;
-+ _tmp19_ = rygel_lms_image_year_get_sql_removed (_tmp18_);
-+ _tmp20_ = _tmp19_;
-+ self = (RygelLMSImageYear*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, _tmp2_, _tmp3_, _tmp4_, _tmp5_, _tmp8_, _tmp11_, _tmp14_, _tmp17_, _tmp20_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp20_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp17_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp14_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp11_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp8_);
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp2_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_image_year_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEAR, parent, year, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_image_year_class_init (RygelLMSImageYearClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_image_year_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_image_year_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_image_year_instance_init (RygelLMSImageYear * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_image_year_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_image_year_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_image_year_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSImageYearClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_year_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSImageYear), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_year_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_image_year_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_image_year_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSImageYear", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_image_year_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_image_year_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_image_year_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..35033a0
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-image-years.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-image-years.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <sqlite3.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEARS (rygel_lms_image_years_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYears RygelLMSImageYears;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearsClass RygelLMSImageYearsClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearsPrivate RygelLMSImageYearsPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEAR (rygel_lms_image_year_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYear RygelLMSImageYear;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageYearClass RygelLMSImageYearClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer {
-+ RygelMediaContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerPrivate * priv;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_all;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_find_object;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_added;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* stmt_removed;
-+ gchar* child_prefix;
-+ gchar* ref_prefix;
-+struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass {
-+ RygelMediaContainerClass parent_class;
-+ RygelMediaObject* (*object_from_statement) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_all_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ gchar* (*get_sql_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* filter);
-+ guint (*get_child_count_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args);
-+ RygelMediaObjects* (*get_children_with_filter) (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self, const gchar* where_filter, GValueArray* args, const gchar* sort_criteria, guint offset, guint max_count);
-+struct _RygelLMSImageYears {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSImageYearsPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSImageYearsClass {
-+ RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_image_years_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_image_years_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_ALL "SELECT DISTINCT(strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch')) as year " "FROM images " "LIMIT ? OFFSET ?;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_COUNT "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch'))) " "FROM images;"
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT "SELECT strftime('%Y', images.date, 'unixepoch') as year " "FROM images " "WHERE year = CAST(? AS TEXT)"
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_image_years_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* self);
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageYear* rygel_lms_image_year_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* year, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_image_year_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSCategoryContainer* rygel_lms_category_container_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* db_id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db, const gchar* sql_all, const gchar* sql_find_object, const gchar* sql_count, const gchar* sql_added, const gchar* sql_removed);
-+static RygelMediaObject* rygel_lms_image_years_real_object_from_statement (RygelLMSCategoryContainer* base, sqlite3_stmt* statement) {
-+ RygelLMSImageYears * self;
-+ RygelMediaObject* result = NULL;
-+ sqlite3_stmt* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSImageYear* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSImageYears*) base;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (statement != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = statement;
-+ _tmp1_ = sqlite3_column_text (_tmp0_, 0);
-+ _tmp2_ = rygel_lms_category_container_get_lms_db ((RygelLMSCategoryContainer*) self);
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
-+ _tmp4_ = rygel_lms_image_year_new ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp1_, _tmp3_);
-+ result = (RygelMediaObject*) _tmp4_;
-+ return result;
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSImageYears * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = parent;
-+ _tmp1_ = _ ("Years");
-+ _tmp2_ = lms_db;
-+ self = (RygelLMSImageYears*) rygel_lms_category_container_construct (object_type, "years", _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_, RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_ALL, RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_FIND_OBJECT, RYGEL_LMS_IMAGE_YEARS_SQL_COUNT, NULL, NULL);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSImageYears* rygel_lms_image_years_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_image_years_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_YEARS, parent, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_image_years_class_init (RygelLMSImageYearsClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_image_years_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass *) klass)->object_from_statement = rygel_lms_image_years_real_object_from_statement;
-+static void rygel_lms_image_years_instance_init (RygelLMSImageYears * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_image_years_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_image_years_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_image_years_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSImageYearsClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_years_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSImageYears), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_image_years_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_image_years_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_image_years_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSImageYears", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_image_years_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_image_years_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_image_years_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..753906d
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-music-root.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-music-root.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-music-root.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_MUSIC_ROOT (rygel_lms_music_root_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSMusicRoot RygelLMSMusicRoot;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSMusicRootClass RygelLMSMusicRootClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSMusicRootPrivate RygelLMSMusicRootPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_MUSIC (rygel_lms_all_music_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllMusic RygelLMSAllMusic;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllMusicClass RygelLMSAllMusicClass;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ARTISTS (rygel_lms_artists_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtists RygelLMSArtists;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSArtistsClass RygelLMSArtistsClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALBUMS (rygel_lms_albums_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbums RygelLMSAlbums;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAlbumsClass RygelLMSAlbumsClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSMusicRoot {
-+ RygelSimpleContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSMusicRootPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSMusicRootClass {
-+ RygelSimpleContainerClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_music_root_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_music_root_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllMusic* rygel_lms_all_music_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_music_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSArtists* rygel_lms_artists_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_artists_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_new (RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAlbums* rygel_lms_albums_construct (GType object_type, RygelMediaContainer* parent, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_albums_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ RygelLMSMusicRoot * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelMediaContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllMusic* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSArtists* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSArtists* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbums* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAlbums* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (id != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (parent != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (title != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (lms_db != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = id;
-+ _tmp1_ = parent;
-+ _tmp2_ = title;
-+ self = (RygelLMSMusicRoot*) rygel_simple_container_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_);
-+ _tmp3_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp4_ = rygel_lms_all_music_new ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp3_);
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp5_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp5_);
-+ _tmp6_ = _ ("Artists");
-+ _tmp7_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_artists_new ("artists", (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp6_, _tmp7_);
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp9_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp9_);
-+ _tmp10_ = lms_db;
-+ _tmp11_ = rygel_lms_albums_new ((RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp10_);
-+ _tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp12_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp12_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db) {
-+ return rygel_lms_music_root_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_MUSIC_ROOT, id, parent, title, lms_db);
-+static void rygel_lms_music_root_class_init (RygelLMSMusicRootClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_music_root_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+static void rygel_lms_music_root_instance_init (RygelLMSMusicRoot * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_music_root_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_music_root_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_music_root_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSMusicRootClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_music_root_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSMusicRoot), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_music_root_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_music_root_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_music_root_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_TYPE_SIMPLE_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSMusicRoot", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_music_root_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_music_root_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_music_root_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..de4a5ab
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-plugin-factory.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-plugin-factory.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-core.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN_FACTORY (rygel_lms_plugin_factory_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginFactory RygelLMSPluginFactory;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass;
-+#define _rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (var), NULL)))
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginFactoryPrivate RygelLMSPluginFactoryPrivate;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN (rygel_lms_plugin_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPlugin RygelLMSPlugin;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginClass RygelLMSPluginClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSParamSpecPluginFactory RygelLMSParamSpecPluginFactory;
-+struct _RygelLMSPluginFactory {
-+ GTypeInstance parent_instance;
-+ volatile int ref_count;
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactoryPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass {
-+ GTypeClass parent_class;
-+ void (*finalize) (RygelLMSPluginFactory *self);
-+struct _RygelLMSPluginFactoryPrivate {
-+ RygelPluginLoader* loader;
-+struct _RygelLMSParamSpecPluginFactory {
-+ GParamSpec parent_instance;
-+extern RygelLMSPluginFactory* plugin_factory;
-+RygelLMSPluginFactory* plugin_factory = NULL;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_plugin_factory_parent_class = NULL;
-+gpointer rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_plugin_factory (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_plugin_factory (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_plugin_factory (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_plugin_factory (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_plugin_factory_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+void module_init (RygelPluginLoader* loader);
-+RygelLMSPluginFactory* rygel_lms_plugin_factory_new (RygelPluginLoader* loader);
-+RygelLMSPluginFactory* rygel_lms_plugin_factory_construct (GType object_type, RygelPluginLoader* loader);
-+enum {
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_new (void);
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_construct (GType object_type);
-+GType rygel_lms_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_finalize (RygelLMSPluginFactory* obj);
-+void module_init (RygelPluginLoader* loader) {
-+ RygelPluginLoader* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_if_fail (loader != NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = loader;
-+ _tmp1_ = rygel_lms_plugin_factory_new (_tmp0_);
-+ _rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref0 (plugin_factory);
-+ plugin_factory = _tmp1_;
-+static gpointer _g_object_ref0 (gpointer self) {
-+ return self ? g_object_ref (self) : NULL;
-+RygelLMSPluginFactory* rygel_lms_plugin_factory_construct (GType object_type, RygelPluginLoader* loader) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* self = NULL;
-+ RygelPluginLoader* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelPluginLoader* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ RygelPluginLoader* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSPlugin* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSPlugin* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (loader != NULL, NULL);
-+ self = (RygelLMSPluginFactory*) g_type_create_instance (object_type);
-+ _tmp0_ = loader;
-+ _tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->loader);
-+ self->priv->loader = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = self->priv->loader;
-+ _tmp3_ = rygel_lms_plugin_new ();
-+ _tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
-+ rygel_plugin_loader_add_plugin (_tmp2_, (RygelPlugin*) _tmp4_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp4_);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSPluginFactory* rygel_lms_plugin_factory_new (RygelPluginLoader* loader) {
-+ return rygel_lms_plugin_factory_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN_FACTORY, loader);
-+static void rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_init (GValue* value) {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+static void rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_free_value (GValue* value) {
-+ if (value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ }
-+static void rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_copy_value (const GValue* src_value, GValue* dest_value) {
-+ if (src_value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (src_value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ } else {
-+ dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_peek_pointer (const GValue* value) {
-+ return value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_collect_value (GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
-+ if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* object;
-+ object = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) {
-+ return g_strconcat ("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
-+ } else if (!g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value))) {
-+ return g_strconcat ("invalid object type `", g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value), "'", NULL);
-+ }
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (object);
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_lcopy_value (const GValue* value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue* collect_values, guint collect_flags) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory** object_p;
-+ object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (!object_p) {
-+ return g_strdup_printf ("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (value));
-+ }
-+ if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) {
-+ *object_p = NULL;
-+ } else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) {
-+ *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ } else {
-+ *object_p = rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_plugin_factory (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags) {
-+ RygelLMSParamSpecPluginFactory* spec;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (object_type, RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN_FACTORY), NULL);
-+ spec = g_param_spec_internal (G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT, name, nick, blurb, flags);
-+ G_PARAM_SPEC (spec)->value_type = object_type;
-+ return G_PARAM_SPEC (spec);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_plugin_factory (const GValue* value) {
-+ return value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_plugin_factory (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* old;
-+ old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (v_object) {
-+ g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (old) {
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (old);
-+ }
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_plugin_factory (GValue* value, gpointer v_object) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* old;
-+ old = value->data[0].v_pointer;
-+ if (v_object) {
-+ g_return_if_fail (g_value_type_compatible (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (v_object), G_VALUE_TYPE (value)));
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = v_object;
-+ } else {
-+ value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (old) {
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (old);
-+ }
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_class_init (RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass *) klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_plugin_factory_finalize;
-+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RygelLMSPluginFactoryPrivate));
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_instance_init (RygelLMSPluginFactory * self) {
-+ self->ref_count = 1;
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_finalize (RygelLMSPluginFactory* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory * self;
-+ g_signal_handlers_destroy (self);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (self->priv->loader);
-+GType rygel_lms_plugin_factory_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_init, rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_free_value, rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_copy_value, rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_peek_pointer, "p", rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_collect_value, "p", rygel_lms_value_plugin_factory_lcopy_value };
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSPluginFactoryClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_plugin_factory_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSPluginFactory), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_plugin_factory_instance_init, &g_define_type_value_table };
-+ static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) };
-+ GType rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental (g_type_fundamental_next (), "RygelLMSPluginFactory", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_plugin_factory_type_id__volatile;
-+gpointer rygel_lms_plugin_factory_ref (gpointer instance) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* self;
-+ self = instance;
-+ g_atomic_int_inc (&self->ref_count);
-+ return instance;
-+void rygel_lms_plugin_factory_unref (gpointer instance) {
-+ RygelLMSPluginFactory* self;
-+ self = instance;
-+ if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&self->ref_count)) {
-+ RYGEL_LMS_PLUGIN_FACTORY_GET_CLASS (self)->finalize (self);
-+ g_type_free_instance ((GTypeInstance *) self);
-+ }
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..980de64
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-plugin.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-plugin.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-plugin.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <rygel-core.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN (rygel_lms_plugin_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPlugin RygelLMSPlugin;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginClass RygelLMSPluginClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSPluginPrivate RygelLMSPluginPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ROOT_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_root_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSRootContainer RygelLMSRootContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSRootContainerClass RygelLMSRootContainerClass;
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+struct _RygelLMSPlugin {
-+ RygelMediaServerPlugin parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSPluginPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSPluginClass {
-+ RygelMediaServerPluginClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_plugin_parent_class = NULL;
-+static RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_plugin_root;
-+static RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_plugin_root = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+GType rygel_lms_root_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_new (void);
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_construct (GType object_type);
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_new (void);
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_construct (GType object_type);
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_finalize (GObject* obj);
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_construct (GType object_type) {
-+ RygelLMSPlugin * self = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSRootContainer* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSRootContainer* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = rygel_lms_plugin_root;
-+ if (_tmp0_ == NULL) {
-+ RygelLMSRootContainer* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp1_ = rygel_lms_root_container_new ();
-+ _g_object_unref0 (rygel_lms_plugin_root);
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_root = _tmp1_;
-+ }
-+ _tmp2_ = rygel_lms_plugin_root;
-+ self = (RygelLMSPlugin*) rygel_media_server_plugin_construct (object_type, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp2_, RYGEL_LMS_PLUGIN_NAME, NULL, RYGEL_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_TRACK_CHANGES);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSPlugin* rygel_lms_plugin_new (void) {
-+ return rygel_lms_plugin_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_PLUGIN);
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_class_init (RygelLMSPluginClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_plugin_finalize;
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_instance_init (RygelLMSPlugin * self) {
-+static void rygel_lms_plugin_finalize (GObject* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSPlugin * self;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (rygel_lms_plugin_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
-+GType rygel_lms_plugin_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_plugin_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_plugin_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSPluginClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_plugin_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSPlugin), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_plugin_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_plugin_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_plugin_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_TYPE_MEDIA_SERVER_PLUGIN, "RygelLMSPlugin", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_plugin_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_plugin_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_plugin_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..625ed2f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-root-container.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-root-container.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jussi Kukkonen <jussi.kukkonen@intel.com>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <rygel-server.h>
-+#include <rygel-core.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ROOT_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_root_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSRootContainer RygelLMSRootContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSRootContainerClass RygelLMSRootContainerClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSRootContainerPrivate RygelLMSRootContainerPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_DATABASE (rygel_lms_database_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabase RygelLMSDatabase;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSDatabaseClass RygelLMSDatabaseClass;
-+#define _rygel_lms_database_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (rygel_lms_database_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+#define _g_error_free0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_error_free (var), NULL)))
-+#define _g_object_unref0(var) ((var == NULL) ? NULL : (var = (g_object_unref (var), NULL)))
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_MUSIC_ROOT (rygel_lms_music_root_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSMusicRoot RygelLMSMusicRoot;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSMusicRootClass RygelLMSMusicRootClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_CATEGORY_CONTAINER (rygel_lms_category_container_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainer RygelLMSCategoryContainer;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass RygelLMSCategoryContainerClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ALL_VIDEOS (rygel_lms_all_videos_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllVideos RygelLMSAllVideos;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSAllVideosClass RygelLMSAllVideosClass;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_IMAGE_ROOT (rygel_lms_image_root_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageRoot RygelLMSImageRoot;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSImageRootClass RygelLMSImageRootClass;
-+struct _RygelLMSRootContainer {
-+ RygelSimpleContainer parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSRootContainerPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSRootContainerClass {
-+ RygelSimpleContainerClass parent_class;
-+struct _RygelLMSRootContainerPrivate {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db;
-+typedef enum {
-+} RygelLMSDatabaseError;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR rygel_lms_database_error_quark ()
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_root_container_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_root_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+gpointer rygel_lms_database_ref (gpointer instance);
-+void rygel_lms_database_unref (gpointer instance);
-+GParamSpec* rygel_lms_param_spec_database (const gchar* name, const gchar* nick, const gchar* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags);
-+void rygel_lms_value_set_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+void rygel_lms_value_take_database (GValue* value, gpointer v_object);
-+gpointer rygel_lms_value_get_database (const GValue* value);
-+GType rygel_lms_database_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_new (void);
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_construct (GType object_type);
-+GQuark rygel_lms_database_error_quark (void);
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_new (GError** error);
-+RygelLMSDatabase* rygel_lms_database_construct (GType object_type, GError** error);
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSMusicRoot* rygel_lms_music_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_music_root_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSAllVideos* rygel_lms_all_videos_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_category_container_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_all_videos_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_new (const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+RygelLMSImageRoot* rygel_lms_image_root_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* id, RygelMediaContainer* parent, const gchar* title, RygelLMSDatabase* lms_db);
-+GType rygel_lms_image_root_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+static void rygel_lms_root_container_finalize (GObject* obj);
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_construct (GType object_type) {
-+ RygelLMSRootContainer * self = NULL;
-+ RygelMetaConfig* config = NULL;
-+ RygelMetaConfig* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* title = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = rygel_meta_config_get_default ();
-+ config = _tmp0_;
-+ _tmp1_ = _ ("Shared media");
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup (_tmp1_);
-+ title = _tmp2_;
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = rygel_configuration_get_string ((RygelConfiguration*) config, "LightMediaScanner", "title", &_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp3_ = _tmp4_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ goto __catch0_g_error;
-+ }
-+ _tmp5_ = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ title = _tmp5_;
-+ _g_free0 (_tmp3_);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally0;
-+ __catch0_g_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* _error_ = NULL;
-+ _error_ = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _g_error_free0 (_error_);
-+ }
-+ __finally0:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (config);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp6_ = title;
-+ self = (RygelLMSRootContainer*) rygel_simple_container_construct_root (object_type, _tmp6_);
-+ {
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp10_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp11_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSMusicRoot* _tmp12_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSMusicRoot* _tmp13_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp14_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp15_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllVideos* _tmp16_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSAllVideos* _tmp17_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSDatabase* _tmp19_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSImageRoot* _tmp20_ = NULL;
-+ RygelLMSImageRoot* _tmp21_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp8_ = rygel_lms_database_new (&_inner_error_);
-+ _tmp7_ = _tmp8_;
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_LMS_DATABASE_ERROR) {
-+ goto __catch1_rygel_lms_database_error;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (config);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: unexpected error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _tmp9_ = _tmp7_;
-+ _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ _rygel_lms_database_unref0 (self->priv->lms_db);
-+ self->priv->lms_db = _tmp9_;
-+ _tmp10_ = _ ("Music");
-+ _tmp11_ = self->priv->lms_db;
-+ _tmp12_ = rygel_lms_music_root_new ("music", (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp10_, _tmp11_);
-+ _tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp13_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp13_);
-+ _tmp14_ = _ ("Videos");
-+ _tmp15_ = self->priv->lms_db;
-+ _tmp16_ = rygel_lms_all_videos_new ("all-videos", (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp14_, _tmp15_);
-+ _tmp17_ = _tmp16_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp17_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp17_);
-+ _tmp18_ = _ ("Pictures");
-+ _tmp19_ = self->priv->lms_db;
-+ _tmp20_ = rygel_lms_image_root_new ("images", (RygelMediaContainer*) self, _tmp18_, _tmp19_);
-+ _tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
-+ rygel_simple_container_add_child_container ((RygelSimpleContainer*) self, (RygelMediaContainer*) _tmp21_);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (_tmp21_);
-+ _rygel_lms_database_unref0 (_tmp7_);
-+ }
-+ goto __finally1;
-+ __catch1_rygel_lms_database_error:
-+ {
-+ GError* e = NULL;
-+ GError* _tmp22_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
-+ e = _inner_error_;
-+ _inner_error_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp22_ = e;
-+ _tmp23_ = _tmp22_->message;
-+ g_warning ("rygel-lms-root-container.vala:49: %s\n", _tmp23_);
-+ _g_error_free0 (e);
-+ }
-+ __finally1:
-+ if (G_UNLIKELY (_inner_error_ != NULL)) {
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (config);
-+ g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
-+ g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ _g_free0 (title);
-+ _g_object_unref0 (config);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSRootContainer* rygel_lms_root_container_new (void) {
-+ return rygel_lms_root_container_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_ROOT_CONTAINER);
-+static void rygel_lms_root_container_class_init (RygelLMSRootContainerClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_root_container_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (RygelLMSRootContainerPrivate));
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_root_container_finalize;
-+static void rygel_lms_root_container_instance_init (RygelLMSRootContainer * self) {
-+ self->priv->lms_db = NULL;
-+static void rygel_lms_root_container_finalize (GObject* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSRootContainer * self;
-+ _rygel_lms_database_unref0 (self->priv->lms_db);
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (rygel_lms_root_container_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
-+GType rygel_lms_root_container_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_root_container_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_root_container_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSRootContainerClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_root_container_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSRootContainer), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_root_container_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_root_container_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_root_container_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_TYPE_SIMPLE_CONTAINER, "RygelLMSRootContainer", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_root_container_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_root_container_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_root_container_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..a56c7be
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-function.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-sql-function.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-sql-function.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR (rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperator RygelLMSSqlOperator;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate;
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_FUNCTION (rygel_lms_sql_function_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlFunction RygelLMSSqlFunction;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlFunctionPrivate RygelLMSSqlFunctionPrivate;
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlOperator {
-+ GObject parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate * priv;
-+ gchar* name;
-+ gchar* arg;
-+ gchar* collate;
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass {
-+ GObjectClass parent_class;
-+ gchar* (*to_string) (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self);
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlFunction {
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSSqlFunctionPrivate * priv;
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass {
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass parent_class;
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_sql_function_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_function_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg);
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_sql_function_real_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* base);
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg) {
-+ RygelLMSSqlFunction * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (arg != NULL, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = name;
-+ _tmp1_ = arg;
-+ self = (RygelLMSSqlFunction*) rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (object_type, _tmp0_, _tmp1_, "");
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSSqlFunction* rygel_lms_sql_function_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg) {
-+ return rygel_lms_sql_function_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_FUNCTION, name, arg);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_sql_function_real_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* base) {
-+ RygelLMSSqlFunction * self;
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ self = (RygelLMSSqlFunction*) base;
-+ _tmp0_ = ((RygelLMSSqlOperator*) self)->name;
-+ _tmp1_ = ((RygelLMSSqlOperator*) self)->arg;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup_printf ("%s(%s,?)", _tmp0_, _tmp1_);
-+ result = _tmp2_;
-+ return result;
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_function_class_init (RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_sql_function_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass *) klass)->to_string = rygel_lms_sql_function_real_to_string;
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_function_instance_init (RygelLMSSqlFunction * self) {
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_function_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSSqlFunctionClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_sql_function_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSSqlFunction), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_sql_function_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id = g_type_register_static (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR, "RygelLMSSqlFunction", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_sql_function_type_id__volatile;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.c b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..90db1a9
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-sql-operator.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
-+/* rygel-lms-sql-operator.c generated by valac 0.28.0, the Vala compiler
-+ * generated from rygel-lms-sql-operator.vala, do not modify */
-+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>.
-+ *
-+ * Author: Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
-+ *
-+ * This file is part of Rygel.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ * (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-+ */
-+#include <glib.h>
-+#include <glib-object.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <libgupnp-av/gupnp-av.h>
-+#define RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR (rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type ())
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperator RygelLMSSqlOperator;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass;
-+typedef struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate;
-+#define _g_free0(var) (var = (g_free (var), NULL))
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlOperator {
-+ GObject parent_instance;
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperatorPrivate * priv;
-+ gchar* name;
-+ gchar* arg;
-+ gchar* collate;
-+struct _RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass {
-+ GObjectClass parent_class;
-+ gchar* (*to_string) (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self);
-+static gpointer rygel_lms_sql_operator_parent_class = NULL;
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-+enum {
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new_from_search_criteria_op (GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct_from_search_criteria_op (GType object_type, GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate);
-+gchar* rygel_lms_sql_operator_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_sql_operator_real_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self);
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_operator_finalize (GObject* obj);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (GType object_type, const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate) {
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator * self = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (arg != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (collate != NULL, NULL);
-+ self = (RygelLMSSqlOperator*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
-+ _tmp0_ = name;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup (_tmp0_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->name);
-+ self->name = _tmp1_;
-+ _tmp2_ = arg;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup (_tmp2_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->arg);
-+ self->arg = _tmp3_;
-+ _tmp4_ = collate;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (_tmp4_);
-+ _g_free0 (self->collate);
-+ self->collate = _tmp5_;
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new (const gchar* name, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate) {
-+ return rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR, name, arg, collate);
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct_from_search_criteria_op (GType object_type, GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate) {
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator * self = NULL;
-+ gchar* sql = NULL;
-+ GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp _tmp0_ = 0;
-+ const gchar* _tmp7_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp8_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp9_ = NULL;
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (arg != NULL, NULL);
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (collate != NULL, NULL);
-+ sql = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = op;
-+ switch (_tmp0_) {
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp1_ = g_strdup ("=");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp1_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp2_ = g_strdup ("!=");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp2_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup ("<");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp3_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp4_ = g_strdup ("<=");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp4_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp5_ = g_strdup (">");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp5_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp6_ = g_strdup (">=");
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ sql = _tmp6_;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ default:
-+ {
-+ g_assert_not_reached ();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ _tmp7_ = sql;
-+ _tmp8_ = arg;
-+ _tmp9_ = collate;
-+ self = (RygelLMSSqlOperator*) rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct (object_type, _tmp7_, _tmp8_, _tmp9_);
-+ _g_free0 (sql);
-+ return self;
-+RygelLMSSqlOperator* rygel_lms_sql_operator_new_from_search_criteria_op (GUPnPSearchCriteriaOp op, const gchar* arg, const gchar* collate) {
-+ return rygel_lms_sql_operator_construct_from_search_criteria_op (RYGEL_LMS_TYPE_SQL_OPERATOR, op, arg, collate);
-+static gchar* rygel_lms_sql_operator_real_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self) {
-+ gchar* result = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
-+ const gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
-+ gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
-+ _tmp0_ = self->arg;
-+ _tmp1_ = self->name;
-+ _tmp2_ = self->collate;
-+ _tmp3_ = g_strdup_printf ("(%s %s ? %s)", _tmp0_, _tmp1_, _tmp2_);
-+ result = _tmp3_;
-+ return result;
-+gchar* rygel_lms_sql_operator_to_string (RygelLMSSqlOperator* self) {
-+ g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
-+ return RYGEL_LMS_SQL_OPERATOR_GET_CLASS (self)->to_string (self);
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_operator_class_init (RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass * klass) {
-+ rygel_lms_sql_operator_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-+ ((RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass *) klass)->to_string = rygel_lms_sql_operator_real_to_string;
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = rygel_lms_sql_operator_finalize;
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_operator_instance_init (RygelLMSSqlOperator * self) {
-+static void rygel_lms_sql_operator_finalize (GObject* obj) {
-+ RygelLMSSqlOperator * self;
-+ _g_free0 (self->name);
-+ _g_free0 (self->arg);
-+ _g_free0 (self->collate);
-+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (rygel_lms_sql_operator_parent_class)->finalize (obj);
-+GType rygel_lms_sql_operator_get_type (void) {
-+ static volatile gsize rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id__volatile = 0;
-+ if (g_once_init_enter (&rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id__volatile)) {
-+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof (RygelLMSSqlOperatorClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) rygel_lms_sql_operator_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, sizeof (RygelLMSSqlOperator), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) rygel_lms_sql_operator_instance_init, NULL };
-+ GType rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id;
-+ rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "RygelLMSSqlOperator", &g_define_type_info, 0);
-+ g_once_init_leave (&rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id__volatile, rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id);
-+ }
-+ return rygel_lms_sql_operator_type_id__volatile;
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/rygel_%.bbappend b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/rygel_%.bbappend
index bfee4f569..4ae59259f 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/rygel_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-connectivity/rygel/rygel_%.bbappend
@@ -5,28 +5,21 @@ PACKAGECONFIG = "media-export lms"
PACKAGECONFIG[lms] = "--enable-lms-plugin,--disable-lms-plugin,sqlite3"
# LightMediaScanner plugin patches
-SRC_URI += "file://0001-Add-LightMediaScanner-plugin.patch \
- file://0002-lms-add-C-source-files.patch \
- file://0001-Fix-missing-link-to-unistring-for-lms-plugin.patch \
- file://rygel.service \
- "
+SRC_URI += "\
+ file://0001-Fix-missing-link-to-unistring-for-lms-plugin.patch \
+ file://rygel.service \
-inherit systemd
+do_install_prepend() {
+ # Install rygel systemd service
+ if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
+ install -m 644 -p -D ${WORKDIR}/rygel.service ${D}${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service
-do_install_append() {
- # Install rygel systemd service
- if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
- install -m 644 -p -D ${WORKDIR}/rygel.service ${D}${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service
- # Execute these manually on behalf of systemctl script (from systemd-systemctl-native.bb)
- # because it does not support systemd's user mode.
- # However, systemctl --global should be checked
- #mkdir -p ${D}/etc/systemd/user/default.target.wants/
- #ln -sf ${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service ${D}/etc/systemd/user/dbus-org.gnome.Rygel1.service
- #ln -sf ${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service ${D}/etc/systemd/user/default.target.wants/rygel.service
- fi
+ # Execute these manually on behalf of systemctl script (from systemd-systemctl-native.bb)
+ # because it does not support systemd's user mode.
+ # However, systemctl --global should be checked
+ #mkdir -p ${D}/etc/systemd/user/default.target.wants/
+ #ln -sf ${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service ${D}/etc/systemd/user/dbus-org.gnome.Rygel1.service
+ #ln -sf ${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service ${D}/etc/systemd/user/default.target.wants/rygel.service
+ fi
-FILES_${PN} += " \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', '${systemd_user_unitdir}/rygel.service', '', d)} \
- "
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/arm/local-arm-futex.diff b/meta-agl/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/arm/local-arm-futex.diff
index c6b9d53a1..27d1144d0 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/arm/local-arm-futex.diff
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/arm/local-arm-futex.diff
@@ -18,6 +18,5 @@ Last-Update: 2015-03-25
configuration. */
-#if __LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION < 0x030E03
+#if __LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION < 0x020620
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/backport-v234-e266c06.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/backport-v234-e266c06.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4a23ea7..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/backport-v234-e266c06.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-commit e266c068b5597e18b2299f9c9d3ee6cf04198c41
-Author: Michal Sekletar <msekleta@redhat.com>
-Date: Mon Jan 23 17:12:35 2017 +0100
- service: serialize information about currently executing command
- Stored information will help us to resume execution after the
- daemon-reload.
- This commit implements following scheme,
- * On serialization:
- - we count rank of the currently executing command
- - we store command type, its rank and command line arguments
- * On deserialization:
- - configuration is parsed and loaded
- - we deserialize stored data, command type, rank and arguments
- - we look at the given rank in the list and if command there has same
- arguments then we restore execution at that point
- - otherwise we search respective command list and we look for command
- that has the same arguments
- - if both methods fail we do not do not resume execution at all
- To better illustrate how does above scheme works, please consider
- following cases (<<< denotes position where we resume execution after reload)
- ; Original unit file
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/bin/true <<<
- ExecStart=/bin/false
- ; Swapped commands
- ; Second command is not going to be executed
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/bin/false
- ExecStart=/bin/true <<<
- ; Commands added before
- ; Same commands are problematic and execution could be restarted at wrong place
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/bin/foo
- ExecStart=/bin/bar
- ExecStart=/bin/true <<<
- ExecStart=/bin/false
- ; Commands added after
- ; Same commands are not an issue in this case
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/bin/true <<<
- ExecStart=/bin/false
- ExecStart=/bin/foo
- ExecStart=/bin/bar
- ; New commands interleaved with old commands
- ; Some new commands will be executed while others won't
- ExecStart=/bin/foo
- ExecStart=/bin/true <<<
- ExecStart=/bin/bar
- ExecStart=/bin/false
- As you can see, above scheme has some drawbacks. However, in most
- cases (we assume that in most common case unit file command list is not
- changed while some other command is running for the same unit) it
- should cause that systemd does the right thing, which is restoring
- execution exactly at the point we were before daemon-reload.
- Fixes #518
-Signed-off-by: Scott Murray <scott.murray@konsulko.com>
-Upstream-Status: backport
-diff --git a/src/core/service.c b/src/core/service.c
-index 74054887b..5e681fb71 100644
---- a/src/core/service.c
-+++ b/src/core/service.c
-@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
- #include "service.h"
- #include "signal-util.h"
- #include "special.h"
-+#include "stdio-util.h"
- #include "string-table.h"
- #include "string-util.h"
- #include "strv.h"
-@@ -2140,6 +2141,80 @@ _pure_ static bool service_can_reload(Unit *u) {
- return !!s->exec_command[SERVICE_EXEC_RELOAD];
- }
-+static unsigned service_exec_command_index(Unit *u, ServiceExecCommand id, ExecCommand *current) {
-+ Service *s = SERVICE(u);
-+ unsigned idx = 0;
-+ ExecCommand *first, *c;
-+ assert(s);
-+ first = s->exec_command[id];
-+ /* Figure out where we are in the list by walking back to the beginning */
-+ for (c = current; c != first; c = c->command_prev)
-+ idx++;
-+ return idx;
-+static int service_serialize_exec_command(Unit *u, FILE *f, ExecCommand *command) {
-+ Service *s = SERVICE(u);
-+ ServiceExecCommand id;
-+ unsigned idx;
-+ const char *type;
-+ char **arg;
-+ _cleanup_strv_free_ char **escaped_args = NULL;
-+ _cleanup_free_ char *args = NULL, *p = NULL;
-+ size_t allocated = 0, length = 0;
-+ assert(s);
-+ assert(f);
-+ if (!command)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (command == s->control_command) {
-+ type = "control";
-+ id = s->control_command_id;
-+ } else {
-+ type = "main";
-+ }
-+ idx = service_exec_command_index(u, id, command);
-+ STRV_FOREACH(arg, command->argv) {
-+ size_t n;
-+ _cleanup_free_ char *e = NULL;
-+ e = xescape(*arg, WHITESPACE);
-+ if (!e)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ n = strlen(e);
-+ if (!GREEDY_REALLOC(args, allocated, length + 1 + n + 1))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (length > 0)
-+ args[length++] = ' ';
-+ memcpy(args + length, e, n);
-+ length += n;
-+ }
-+ if (!GREEDY_REALLOC(args, allocated, length + 1))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ args[length++] = 0;
-+ p = xescape(command->path, WHITESPACE);
-+ if (!p)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ fprintf(f, "%s-command=%s %u %s %s\n", type, service_exec_command_to_string(id), idx, p, args);
-+ return 0;
- static int service_serialize(Unit *u, FILE *f, FDSet *fds) {
- Service *s = SERVICE(u);
- ServiceFDStore *fs;
-@@ -2167,11 +2242,8 @@ static int service_serialize(Unit *u, FILE *f, FDSet *fds) {
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
-- /* FIXME: There's a minor uncleanliness here: if there are
-- * multiple commands attached here, we will start from the
-- * first one again */
-- if (s->control_command_id >= 0)
-- unit_serialize_item(u, f, "control-command", service_exec_command_to_string(s->control_command_id));
-+ service_serialize_exec_command(u, f, s->control_command);
-+ service_serialize_exec_command(u, f, s->main_command);
- r = unit_serialize_item_fd(u, f, fds, "stdin-fd", s->stdin_fd);
- if (r < 0)
-@@ -2227,6 +2299,106 @@ static int service_serialize(Unit *u, FILE *f, FDSet *fds) {
- return 0;
- }
-+static int service_deserialize_exec_command(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value) {
-+ Service *s = SERVICE(u);
-+ int r;
-+ unsigned idx = 0, i;
-+ bool control, found = false;
-+ ServiceExecCommand id = _SERVICE_EXEC_COMMAND_INVALID;
-+ ExecCommand *command = NULL;
-+ _cleanup_free_ char *args = NULL, *path = NULL;
-+ _cleanup_strv_free_ char **argv = NULL;
-+ enum ExecCommandState {
-+ } state;
-+ assert(s);
-+ assert(key);
-+ assert(value);
-+ control = streq(key, "control-command");
-+ for (;;) {
-+ _cleanup_free_ char *arg = NULL;
-+ r = extract_first_word(&value, &arg, NULL, EXTRACT_CUNESCAPE);
-+ if (r == 0)
-+ break;
-+ else if (r < 0)
-+ return r;
-+ switch (state) {
-+ id = service_exec_command_from_string(arg);
-+ if (id < 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ break;
-+ r = safe_atou(arg, &idx);
-+ if (r < 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ break;
-+ path = arg;
-+ arg = NULL;
-+ if (!path_is_absolute(path))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ break;
-+ r = strv_extend(&argv, arg);
-+ if (r < 0)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ assert_not_reached("Unknown error at deserialization of exec command");
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (state != STATE_EXEC_COMMAND_ARGS)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ /* Let's check whether exec command on given offset matches data that we just deserialized */
-+ for (command = s->exec_command[id], i = 0; command; command = command->command_next, i++) {
-+ if (i != idx)
-+ continue;
-+ found = strv_equal(argv, command->argv) && streq(command->path, path);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (!found) {
-+ /* Command at the index we serialized is different, let's look for command that exactly
-+ * matches but is on different index. If there is no such command we will not resume execution. */
-+ for (command = s->exec_command[id]; command; command = command->command_next)
-+ if (strv_equal(command->argv, argv) && streq(command->path, path))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (command && control)
-+ s->control_command = command;
-+ else if (command)
-+ s->main_command = command;
-+ else
-+ log_unit_warning(u, "Current command vanished from the unit file, execution of the command list won't be resumed.");
-+ return 0;
- static int service_deserialize_item(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value, FDSet *fds) {
- Service *s = SERVICE(u);
- int r;
-@@ -2309,16 +2481,6 @@ static int service_deserialize_item(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value,
- s->status_text = t;
- }
-- } else if (streq(key, "control-command")) {
-- ServiceExecCommand id;
-- id = service_exec_command_from_string(value);
-- if (id < 0)
-- log_unit_debug(u, "Failed to parse exec-command value: %s", value);
-- else {
-- s->control_command_id = id;
-- s->control_command = s->exec_command[id];
-- }
- } else if (streq(key, "accept-socket")) {
- Unit *socket;
-@@ -2437,6 +2599,10 @@ static int service_deserialize_item(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value,
- s->watchdog_override_enable = true;
- s->watchdog_override_usec = watchdog_override_usec;
- }
-+ } else if (STR_IN_SET(key, "main-command", "control-command")) {
-+ r = service_deserialize_exec_command(u, key, value);
-+ if (r < 0)
-+ log_unit_debug_errno(u, r, "Failed to parse serialized command \"%s\": %m", value);
- } else
- log_unit_debug(u, "Unknown serialization key: %s", key);
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend b/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend
index 354464c12..f64ca8c8a 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-SRC_URI += "file://backport-v234-e266c06.patch \
- file://e2fsck.conf \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_net_manager','systemd','file://wired.network','',d)} \
- "
+SRC_URI += "\
+ file://e2fsck.conf \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_net_manager','systemd','file://wired.network','',d)} \
# enable networkd/resolved support
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-systemd = " \
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/autogen-native_5.18.12.bbappend b/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/autogen-native_5.18.12.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f697cdb..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/autogen-native_5.18.12.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
-SRC_URI_append = "file://0003-autoopts-mk-tpl-config.sh-fix-shell-path.patch"
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/files/0003-autoopts-mk-tpl-config.sh-fix-shell-path.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/files/0003-autoopts-mk-tpl-config.sh-fix-shell-path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index db6b0cdf8..000000000
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-devtools/autogen/files/0003-autoopts-mk-tpl-config.sh-fix-shell-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From df4f5ccc376a630b1a587a8ca3b1f35a305867dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Robert Berger <robert.berger@ReliableEmbeddedSystems.com>
-Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 07:19:03 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh: fix shell path
-POSIX_SHELL as shebang doesn't work when it is longer than
-BINPRM_BUF_SIZE which is 128 usually. So use "/bin/sh".
-Signed-off-by: Robert Berger <robert.berger@ReliableEmbeddedSystems.com>
- autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh b/autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh
-index c4708a2..550870e 100755
---- a/autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh
-+++ b/autoopts/mk-tpl-config.sh
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fix_scripts() {
- sed 1d $f
- ;;
-- */sh ) echo '#!' ${POSIX_SHELL}
-+ */sh ) echo '#!/bin/sh'
- sed 1d $f
- ;;
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/0001-Define-comparison_fn_t-for-non-glibc-systems.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/0001-Define-comparison_fn_t-for-non-glibc-systems.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15d4b3f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/0001-Define-comparison_fn_t-for-non-glibc-systems.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 5bc5b8c5dad3edec6736fd7e7ce61250c4ce3725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 17:13:19 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Define comparison_fn_t for non-glibc systems
+lightmediascanner.c:324:12: error: 'comparison_fn_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
+ (comparison_fn_t)_plugin_sort);
+ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/lib/lightmediascanner.c | 5 +++++
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/lib/lightmediascanner.c b/src/lib/lightmediascanner.c
+index 344b247..b866883 100644
+--- a/src/lib/lightmediascanner.c
++++ b/src/lib/lightmediascanner.c
+@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
++#if !defined(__GLIBC__)
++typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void*, const void*);
++typedef __compar_fn_t comparison_fn_t;
+ #ifdef HAVE_MAGIC_H
+ static magic_t _magic_handle;
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/id3-plugin-support-out-of-tree-build.patch b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/id3-plugin-support-out-of-tree-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9528bec79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/files/id3-plugin-support-out-of-tree-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am 2015-10-25 16:12:29.331415823 +0000
++++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am 2015-10-25 16:14:37.593415808 +0000
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
+ id3_id3_la_SOURCES = id3/id3.c id3/id3v1_genres.c
+ id3_id3_la_LIBADD = $(PLUGINS_LIBADD)
+-id3/id3v1_genres.c: $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres.def $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres_gen.awk
++$(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres.c: $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres.def $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres_gen.awk
+ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres_gen.awk $(srcdir)/id3/id3v1_genres.def > $@
+ EXTRA_DIST += id3/id3v1_genres.def id3/id3v1_genres_gen.awk
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/lightmediascanner_0.5.1.bb b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/lightmediascanner_0.5.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2158760f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner/lightmediascanner_0.5.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+SUMMARY = "Lightweight media scanner"
+DESCRIPTION = "Lightweight media scanner meant to be used in not-so-powerful devices, like embedded systems or old machines."
+SECTION = "libs/multimedia"
+LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 \
+ file://src/lib/lightmediascanner.c;endline=21;md5=6d8889bccb4c6c27e8b786342a3eb267"
+DEPENDS = "file gawk glib-2.0 sqlite3"
+PV = "0.5.1+git${SRCPV}"
+SRCREV = "adfddb3486276a5ed2f5008c9e43a811e1271cc9"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/profusion/lightmediascanner.git \
+ file://id3-plugin-support-out-of-tree-build.patch \
+ file://0001-Define-comparison_fn_t-for-non-glibc-systems.patch \
+ "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-static --disable-mp4"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "ogg flac wave id3 m3u pls asf rm jpeg png"
+PACKAGECONFIG[generic] = "--enable-generic,--disable-generic,libav"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ogg] = "--enable-ogg,--disable-ogg,libogg libvorbis libtheora"
+PACKAGECONFIG[flac] = "--enable-flac,--disable-flac,flac"
+PACKAGECONFIG[wave] = "--enable-wave,--disable-wave"
+PACKAGECONFIG[id3] = "--enable-id3,--disable-id3"
+PACKAGECONFIG[m3u] = "--enable-m3u,--disable-m3u"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pls] = "--enable-pls,--disable-pls"
+PACKAGECONFIG[asf] = "--enable-asf,--disable-asf"
+PACKAGECONFIG[rm] = "--enable-rm,--disable-rm"
+PACKAGECONFIG[jpeg] = "--enable-jpeg,--disable-jpeg"
+PACKAGECONFIG[png] = "--enable-png,--disable-png"
+do_install_append() {
+ # Install "test" binary for corresponding package
+ install -d ${D}/${bindir}
+ install -m 755 ${B}/src/bin/.libs/test ${D}/${bindir}/test-lms
+ # Remove .la files for loadable modules
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/${PN}/plugins/*.la
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/dbus-1"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${PN}/plugins/.debug"
+PACKAGES_prepend = "${PN}-test "
+FILES_${PN}-test_prepend = "${bindir}/test-lms "
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-meta"
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-meta = "1"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "${PN}-plugin-*"
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ lms_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}/${PN}')
+ pkgs = []
+ pkgs += do_split_packages(d, oe.path.join(lms_libdir, "plugins"), '^(.*)\.so$', d.expand('${PN}-plugin-%s'), 'LightMediaScanner plugin for %s', prepend=True, extra_depends=d.expand('${PN}'))
+ metapkg = d.getVar('PN') + '-meta'
+ d.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + metapkg, ' '.join(pkgs))
diff --git a/meta-agl/recipes-navigation/geoclue/geoclue_%.bbappend b/meta-agl/recipes-navigation/geoclue/geoclue_%.bbappend
index 1025e0e79..9d61a9f61 100644
--- a/meta-agl/recipes-navigation/geoclue/geoclue_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl/recipes-navigation/geoclue/geoclue_%.bbappend
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-DEPENDS += "gobject-introspection-native"
inherit gobject-introspection
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/conf/include/agl-appfw-smack.inc b/meta-app-framework/conf/include/agl-appfw-smack.inc
index 1d8ab0a77..b77a5d17c 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/conf/include/agl-appfw-smack.inc
+++ b/meta-app-framework/conf/include/agl-appfw-smack.inc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " smack dbus-cynara xattr"
# use tar-native to support SMACK extended attributes independently of host config
IMAGE_CMD_TAR = "tar --xattrs --xattrs-include='*'"
-IMAGE_DEPENDS_tar_append = " tar-replacement-native"
+do_image_tar[depends] += "tar-replacement-native:do_populate_sysroot"
EXTRANATIVEPATH += "tar-native"
# security: enable ssh server in place of dropbear to support PAM on user sessions
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b6845abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+From ed1c105db9d7b1ceb52ec16f35b0a2c959c19c6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:40:58 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] gcc-7 requires include <functional> for std::function
+Signed-off-by: Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
+ src/client/client-common.cpp | 1 +
+ src/common/smack-labels.cpp | 1 +
+ src/dpl/core/src/binary_queue.cpp | 1 +
+ 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/client/client-common.cpp b/src/client/client-common.cpp
+index 883ab8d..1babdf7 100644
+--- a/src/client/client-common.cpp
++++ b/src/client/client-common.cpp
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <sys/xattr.h>
+ #include <linux/xattr.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
++#include <functional>
+ #include <dpl/log/log.h>
+ #include <dpl/serialization.h>
+diff --git a/src/common/smack-labels.cpp b/src/common/smack-labels.cpp
+index 0294a42..1598099 100644
+--- a/src/common/smack-labels.cpp
++++ b/src/common/smack-labels.cpp
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include <sys/xattr.h>
+ #include <linux/xattr.h>
+ #include <memory>
++#include <functional>
+ #include <fts.h>
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include <string>
+diff --git a/src/dpl/core/src/binary_queue.cpp b/src/dpl/core/src/binary_queue.cpp
+index 72817a6..838409f 100644
+--- a/src/dpl/core/src/binary_queue.cpp
++++ b/src/dpl/core/src/binary_queue.cpp
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #include <cstring>
+ #include <new>
++#include <functional>
+ namespace SecurityManager {
+ BinaryQueue::BinaryQueue() :
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager_%.bbappend b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager_%.bbappend
index bd1a43ea3..92b79572f 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-core/security-manager/security-manager_%.bbappend
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ SRC_URI += " file://0001-Adapt-rules-to-AGL.patch \
file://init-security-manager-db.sh \
file://0001-Fix-gcc6-build.patch \
file://0001-Fix-Cmake-conf-for-gcc6-build.patch \
+ file://0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch \
FILES_${PN}_append = "${bindir}/init-security-manager-db.sh \
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.1.bbappend b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.1.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c657201..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.1.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux/linux-yocto-4.1:"
-# smack patches for handling bluetooth
-SRC_URI_append_smack = "\
- file://0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch \
- file://0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch \
- file://0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch \
- file://0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch \
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend
index 51df08719..b1eadaffa 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.4.bbappend
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_4.12.bbappend
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux/linux-yocto-4.4:"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux/linux-yocto-4.12:"
# smack patches for handling bluetooth
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c5ee8f4..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-From 2e65b888820ea372984d412cee3bd7dcba05d7d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Casey Schaufler <casey@schaufler-ca.com>
-Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 14:34:32 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Smack: File receive for sockets
-The existing file receive hook checks for access on
-the file inode even for UDS. This is not right, as
-the inode is not used by Smack to make access checks
-for sockets. This change checks for an appropriate
-access relationship between the receiving (current)
-process and the socket. If the process can't write
-to the socket's send label or the socket's receive
-label can't write to the process fail.
-This will allow the legitimate cases, where the
-socket sender and socket receiver can freely communicate.
-Only strangly set socket labels should cause a problem.
-Signed-off-by: Casey Schaufler <casey@schaufler-ca.com>
- security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-index b644757..487b2f3 100644
---- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-+++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-@@ -1672,9 +1672,31 @@ static int smack_file_receive(struct file *file)
- int may = 0;
- struct smk_audit_info ad;
- struct inode *inode = file_inode(file);
-+ struct socket *sock;
-+ struct task_smack *tsp;
-+ struct socket_smack *ssp;
- smk_ad_init(&ad, __func__, LSM_AUDIT_DATA_PATH);
- smk_ad_setfield_u_fs_path(&ad, file->f_path);
-+ if (S_ISSOCK(inode->i_mode)) {
-+ sock = SOCKET_I(inode);
-+ ssp = sock->sk->sk_security;
-+ tsp = current_security();
-+ /*
-+ * If the receiving process can't write to the
-+ * passed socket or if the passed socket can't
-+ * write to the receiving process don't accept
-+ * the passed socket.
-+ */
-+ rc = smk_access(tsp->smk_task, ssp->smk_out, MAY_WRITE, &ad);
-+ rc = smk_bu_file(file, may, rc);
-+ if (rc < 0)
-+ return rc;
-+ rc = smk_access(ssp->smk_in, tsp->smk_task, MAY_WRITE, &ad);
-+ rc = smk_bu_file(file, may, rc);
-+ return rc;
-+ }
- /*
- * This code relies on bitmasks.
- */
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c3b31ec..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 5bcea0fc4e5360deca133e211fdc76717a1693a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Jos=C3=A9=20Bollo?= <jobol@nonadev.net>
-Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 21:23:40 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 2/4] smack: fix cache of access labels
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Before this commit, removing the access property of
-a file, aka, the extended attribute security.SMACK64
-was not effictive until the cache had been cleaned.
-This patch fixes that problem.
-Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jobol@nonadev.net>
-Acked-by: Casey Schaufler <casey@schaufler-ca.com>
- security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 8 ++++++--
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-index 487b2f3..b9393e3 100644
---- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-+++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-@@ -1256,9 +1256,13 @@ static int smack_inode_removexattr(struct dentry *dentry, const char *name)
- * Don't do anything special for these.
- */
-- if (strcmp(name, XATTR_NAME_SMACK) == 0)
-+ if (strcmp(name, XATTR_NAME_SMACK) == 0) {
-+ struct super_block *sbp = d_backing_inode(dentry)->i_sb;
-+ struct superblock_smack *sbsp = sbp->s_security;
-+ isp->smk_inode = sbsp->smk_default;
-+ } else if (strcmp(name, XATTR_NAME_SMACKEXEC) == 0)
- isp->smk_task = NULL;
- else if (strcmp(name, XATTR_NAME_SMACKMMAP) == 0)
- isp->smk_mmap = NULL;
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 67761ae46..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-From aa63c4f8ece0c54a9be735ac38667f11fcd6f44a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Rafal Krypa <r.krypa@samsung.com>
-Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 11:14:53 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Smack: ignore null signal in smack_task_kill
-Kill with signal number 0 is commonly used for checking PID existence.
-Smack treated such cases like any other kills, although no signal is
-actually delivered when sig == 0.
-Checking permissions when sig == 0 didn't prevent an unprivileged caller
-from learning whether PID exists or not. When it existed, kernel returned
-EPERM, when it didn't - ESRCH. The only effect of policy check in such
-case is noise in audit logs.
-This change lets Smack silently ignore kill() invocations with sig == 0.
-Signed-off-by: Rafal Krypa <r.krypa@samsung.com>
-Acked-by: Casey Schaufler <casey@schaufler-ca.com>
- security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-index b9393e3..c916f58 100644
---- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-+++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-@@ -2056,6 +2056,9 @@ static int smack_task_kill(struct task_struct *p, struct siginfo *info,
- struct smack_known *tkp = smk_of_task_struct(p);
- int rc;
-+ if (!sig)
-+ return 0; /* null signal; existence test */
- smk_ad_init(&ad, __func__, LSM_AUDIT_DATA_TASK);
- smk_ad_setfield_u_tsk(&ad, p);
- /*
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4281c201c..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.1/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-From b2b9e7ec8e79ede841104f76464f4b77c057b011 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: jooseong lee <jooseong.lee@samsung.com>
-Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2016 10:55:43 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Smack: Assign smack_known_web label for kernel thread's
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-Assign smack_known_web label for kernel thread's socket in the sk_alloc_security hook
-Creating struct sock by sk_alloc function in various kernel subsystems
-like bluetooth dosen't call smack_socket_post_create(). In such case,
-received sock label is the floor('_') label and makes access deny.
-Refers-to: https://review.tizen.org/gerrit/#/c/80717/4
-Change-Id: I2e5c9359bfede84a988fd4d4d74cdb9dfdfc52d8
-Signed-off-by: jooseong lee <jooseong.lee@samsung.com>
-Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
- security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 12 ++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-index c916f58..cc6769b 100644
---- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-+++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
-@@ -2138,8 +2138,16 @@ static int smack_sk_alloc_security(struct sock *sk, int family, gfp_t gfp_flags)
- if (ssp == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- ssp->smk_in = skp;
-- ssp->smk_out = skp;
-+ /*
-+ * Sockets created by kernel threads receive web label.
-+ */
-+ if (unlikely(current->flags & PF_KTHREAD)) {
-+ ssp->smk_in = &smack_known_web;
-+ ssp->smk_out = &smack_known_web;
-+ } else {
-+ ssp->smk_in = skp;
-+ ssp->smk_out = skp;
-+ }
- ssp->smk_packet = NULL;
- sk->sk_security = ssp;
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch
index 4021e5d38..4021e5d38 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0001-Smack-File-receive-for-sockets.patch
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch
index c516f3aa5..c516f3aa5 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0002-smack-fix-cache-of-access-labels.patch
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch
index c9180bb9f..c9180bb9f 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0003-Smack-ignore-null-signal-in-smack_task_kill.patch
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
index a1eeac3d7..a1eeac3d7 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.4/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-kernel/linux/linux/linux-yocto-4.12/0004-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch b/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd060b26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara/0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 2169344adbb42ff580856204e2b290e3b04fd447 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:28:28 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] gcc-7 requires include <functional> for std::function
+Signed-off-by: Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
+ src/common/types/PolicyBucket.h | 1 +
+ src/cyad/AdminPolicyParser.h | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/common/types/PolicyBucket.h b/src/common/types/PolicyBucket.h
+index 029d3dd..1bceeca 100644
+--- a/src/common/types/PolicyBucket.h
++++ b/src/common/types/PolicyBucket.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <set>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <vector>
++#include <functional>
+ #include <exceptions/NotImplementedException.h>
+ #include <types/pointers.h>
+diff --git a/src/cyad/AdminPolicyParser.h b/src/cyad/AdminPolicyParser.h
+index 53dde23..f38c194 100644
+--- a/src/cyad/AdminPolicyParser.h
++++ b/src/cyad/AdminPolicyParser.h
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <istream>
+ #include <memory>
++#include <functional>
+ #include <cyad/CynaraAdminPolicies.h>
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara_git.bbappend b/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara_git.bbappend
index 9a61e7044..4c38da1cc 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara_git.bbappend
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-security/cynara/cynara_git.bbappend
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+SRC_URI_append = " file://0001-gcc-7-requires-include-functional-for-std-function.patch"
+CXXFLAGS_append = " -Wimplicit-fallthrough=0"
pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
# Fail on error.
set -e
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libcap/libcap_%.bbappend b/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libcap/libcap_%.bbappend
index fbe893501..c4561db22 100644
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libcap/libcap_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libcap/libcap_%.bbappend
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
FILESEXTRAPATHS_append_class-native := ":${THISDIR}/${PN}"
SRC_URI_append_class-native = " file://removing-capability-enforcement.patch"
-PACKAGECONFIG_class-native ?= "attr"
-DEPENDS_append_class-native = " attr-native"
diff --git a/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd_0.9.55.bb b/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd_0.9.55.bb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb650ce23..000000000
--- a/meta-app-framework/recipes-support/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd_0.9.55.bb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application"
-HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/"
-LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9331186f4f80db7da0e724bdd6554ee5"
-SECTION = "net"
-DEPENDS = "libgcrypt gnutls file"
-SRC_URI = "http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libmicrohttpd/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "1c20f84a8b9cf692dd50b558b3571a3a"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "0c1cab8dc9f2588bd3076a28f77a7f8de9560cbf2d80e53f9a8696ada80ed0f8"
-inherit autotools lib_package pkgconfig gettext
-EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-static --with-gnutls=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/../"
-PACKAGECONFIG_append_class-target = "\
- ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'largefile', 'largefile', '', d)} \
-PACKAGECONFIG[largefile] = "--enable-largefile,--disable-largefile,,"
-PACKAGECONFIG[curl] = "--enable-curl,--disable-curl,curl,"
-do_compile_append() {
- sed -i s:-L${STAGING_LIBDIR}::g libmicrohttpd.pc
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.7.1.bbappend b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.8.bbappend
index 0593cf573..282ce784a 100644
--- a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.7.1.bbappend
+++ b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/freetype/freetype_2.8.bbappend
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ SRC_URI =+ "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/freetype/ft2demos-${PV}.tar.bz2;name=ft2demos
file://0001-Makefile-dont-build-gfx-demos.patch;patchdir=../ft2demos-${PV} \
file://0001-ft2demos-Makefile-Do-not-hardcode-libtool-path.patch;patchdir=../ft2demos-${PV} \
-SRC_URI[ft2demos.md5sum] = "5c10cb35bec755dbd3f7999e0f97aee3"
-SRC_URI[ft2demos.sha256sum] = "d3f8a0d5a3f0d58701133458a8c1d3f97f658869f3c904b1fda447ed3b290ecd"
+SRC_URI[ft2demos.md5sum] = "61db5831e213acb843f0fc6d10186054"
+SRC_URI[ft2demos.sha256sum] = "2b6ce0d36bcb43fcc8aac07a0287982d855571ee271c3803c768e501f9c1a233"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-demos"
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/packagegroups/packagegroup-ivi-common-test.bb b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/packagegroups/packagegroup-ivi-common-test.bb
index bd42820fc..44fabae06 100644
--- a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/packagegroups/packagegroup-ivi-common-test.bb
+++ b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/packagegroups/packagegroup-ivi-common-test.bb
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
# to be added, but needs LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST="non-commercial"
# netperf
-# wayland-fits is broken in jethro, https://www.mail-archive.com/openembedded-devel@lists.openembedded.org/msg46505.html
-# http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Details/35141/
-# wayland-fits
# FTBS, SPEC-316
# himeno
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_%.bbappend b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_%.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 772f81b0f..000000000
--- a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_%.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Disable GTK+ and EFL tests
-# UInput driver is necessary on QEMU
-RDEPENDS_${PN}_append_qemux86-64 = " kernel-module-uinput"
diff --git a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_git.bbappend b/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_git.bbappend
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c7cfdbe..000000000
--- a/meta-ivi-common/recipes-test/wayland/wayland-fits_git.bbappend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Updating to latest version is necessary for Weston >= 1.9.0
-SRCREV = "f108335e374772ae2818a30ae37fe6fcda81980f"
diff --git a/meta-netboot/classes/netboot.bbclass b/meta-netboot/classes/netboot.bbclass
index 65ca4a15d..363e6bcc9 100644
--- a/meta-netboot/classes/netboot.bbclass
+++ b/meta-netboot/classes/netboot.bbclass
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
# Enable network bootable image and initrd/initramfs
-# add image classes for uboot
-IMAGE_CLASSES += "${@'image_types_uboot' if (d.getVar("KERNEL_IMAGETYPE", True) == "uImage") else ''}"
python () {
- if (bb.utils.contains_any("IMAGE_FSTYPES",["live","vmdk","vmdk.xz"],True,False,d)):
+ if (bb.utils.contains_any("IMAGE_FSTYPES",["live","wic.vmdk"],True,False,d)):
# typical case for Minnowboard Max
diff --git a/templates/base/00_local.conf.agl.inc b/templates/base/00_local.conf.agl.inc
index 1cfd90557..1128b323b 100644
--- a/templates/base/00_local.conf.agl.inc
+++ b/templates/base/00_local.conf.agl.inc
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ DISTRO = "poky-agl"
#see meta-agl/meta-agl/conf/include/base-agl.inc
require conf/include/base-agl.inc
+# Temporarily disable GObject Introspection Data
diff --git a/templates/base/bblayers.conf.sample b/templates/base/bblayers.conf.sample
index 6bccb7932..d86954698 100644
--- a/templates/base/bblayers.conf.sample
+++ b/templates/base/bblayers.conf.sample
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ AGL_CORE_LAYERS = " \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
- ${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-efl \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems \
diff --git a/templates/feature/agl-sota/50_bblayers.conf.inc b/templates/feature/agl-sota/50_bblayers.conf.inc
index bdcf07605..22a718f43 100644
--- a/templates/feature/agl-sota/50_bblayers.conf.inc
+++ b/templates/feature/agl-sota/50_bblayers.conf.inc
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ BBLAYERS =+ " \
${METADIR}/meta-updater \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems \
${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
- ${METADIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-ruby \
${METADIR}/meta-rust \
diff --git a/templates/machine/dragonboard-410c/50_setup.sh b/templates/machine/dragonboard-410c/50_setup.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be1dad32..000000000
--- a/templates/machine/dragonboard-410c/50_setup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-find_and_ack_eula $METADIR/meta-qcom