# Configurations to run on VirtualBox/VMWare # # To get wide screen than default, there are a selection of resolutions # available: # #APPEND += "uvesafb.mode_option=1024x768-32" #APPEND += "uvesafb.mode_option=1280x1024-32" #APPEND += "uvesafb.mode_option=1600x1200-32" # # To avoid corrupt boot screen by systemd message, you can use serial # console separated from VGA console or disable all boot messages by # kernel command line. # # Configuration for serial console APPEND += "console=ttyS0,115200n8 reboot=efi" # # All boot message will be off #APPEND += "quiet" # Enable Libvaapi for HW accelerated video support # IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ libva \ va-intel \ gstreamer1.0-vaapi" AGL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_FSTYPES := "wic hddimg" INITRD_LIVE = "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRD_IMAGE_LIVE}-${MACHINE}.ext4.gz" NOISO = "1"