##Generate a weston.ini file:

To modify any of the default sections (core, shell, ivi-shell), add a
do_configure() function to your bbappend:

do_configure() {
    echo repaint-window=34 >> ${WORKDIR}/core.cfg

    echo transition-duration=300 >> ${WORKDIR}/ivishell.cfg
    echo cursor-theme=default >> ${WORKDIR}/ivishell.cfg
do_configure() {
    sed -i -e 's/drm-backend/fbdev-backend/' ${WORKDIR}/core.cfg

To change the display from the default assumption of an HDMI-1-A connected
screen that needs to be rotated 270 degrees:

SRC_URI_remove = "file://hdmi-a-1-270.cfg"
SRC_URI += "file://hdmi-a-1-90.cfg"

To add new sections just list them in SRC_URI:

SRC_URI += "file://dsi.cfg"