index 67619b8f..e9ddf9a4 100644
--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
+++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-shell.c
@@ -497,44 +497,53 @@ wet_shell_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor,
 	struct ivi_shell *shell;
 	struct ivi_shell_setting setting = { };
-	int retval = -1;
 	shell = zalloc(sizeof *shell);
 	if (shell == NULL)
 		return -1;
 	if (ivi_shell_setting_create(&setting, compositor, argc, argv) != 0)
-		return -1;
+		goto err_shell;
 	init_ivi_shell(compositor, shell, &setting);
+	/* TODO deinit_ivi_shell should be implemented, since init_ivi_shell is
+	 * initializing multiple lists. */
 	shell->destroy_listener.notify = shell_destroy;
 	wl_signal_add(&compositor->destroy_signal, &shell->destroy_listener);
 	if (input_panel_setup(shell) < 0)
-		goto out_settings;
+		goto err_settings;
 	shell->text_backend = text_backend_init(compositor);
 	if (!shell->text_backend)
-		goto out_settings;
+		goto err_settings;
 	if (wl_global_create(compositor->wl_display,
 			     &ivi_application_interface, 1,
 			     shell, bind_ivi_application) == NULL)
-		goto out_settings;
+		goto err_text_backend;
+	/* TODO ivi_layout_destroy should be implemented, since multiple lists
+	 * and signals are initialized.*/
 	shell_add_bindings(compositor, shell);
 	/* Call module_init of ivi-modules which are defined in weston.ini */
 	if (load_controller_modules(compositor, setting.ivi_module,
 				    argc, argv) < 0)
-		goto out_settings;
+		goto err_text_backend;
-	retval = 0;
+	text_backend_destroy(shell->text_backend);
-	return retval;
+	free(shell);
+	return IVI_FAILED;