# # aglwgt bbclass # # Jan-Simon Moeller, jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org # # This class expects a "make package" target in the makefile # which creates the wgt files in the package/ subfolder. # The makefile needs to use wgtpkg-pack. # # 'wgtpkg-pack' in af-main-native is required. DEPENDS_append = " af-main-native" # for bindings af-binder is required. DEPENDS_append = " af-binder" # for bindings that use the cmake-apps-module DEPENDS_append = " cmake-apps-module-native" # for hal bindings genskel is required. DEPENDS_append = " af-binder-devtools-native" # Set the default build type for cmake based projects # NOTE: This can be removed after switching to using the autobuild # script to do compilation EXTRA_OECMAKE_append = " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE" # FIXME: Remove once CMake+ninja issues are resolved OECMAKE_GENERATOR = "Unix Makefiles" AGLWGT_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS = "VERBOSE=TRUE ${PARALLEL_MAKE}" # Only widgets with recipe names starting with agl-service- are # assumed to have tests by default, set this to "true" to force # building/packaging of the test widget for other widgets. AGLWGT_HAVE_TESTS = "false" # Warning on missing test/debug/coverage packages disabled by default # for now to reduce build output clutter. AGLWGT_PACKAGE_WARN = "false" # There are some widgets with build issues wrt test/debug/coverage # that are currently non-fatal but do not yield a widget, allow empty # test and coverage packages for now to allow the build to proceed. # This matches the default behavior for -dbg packages. # # NOTE: This should revisited after a round of autobuild script rework # to address SPEC-3300. ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-coverage = "1" ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-test = "1" do_aglwgt_package() { bldcmd=${S}/autobuild/agl/autobuild if [ ! -x "$bldcmd" ]; then bbfatal "Missing autobuild/agl/autobuild script" fi cd ${B} if ! $bldcmd package BUILD_DIR=${B} DEST=${B}/build-release ${AGLWGT_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS}; then bbwarn "Target: package failed" fi if echo ${BPN} | grep -q '^agl-service-' || [ "${AGLWGT_HAVE_TESTS}" = "true" ]; then mkdir -p ${S}/build-test cd ${S}/build-test if ! $bldcmd package-test BUILD_DIR=${S}/build-test DEST=${B}/build-test ${AGLWGT_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS}; then bbwarn "Target: package-test failed" fi fi mkdir -p ${S}/build-debug cd ${S}/build-debug if ! $bldcmd package-debug BUILD_DIR=${S}/build-debug DEST=${B}/build-debug ${AGLWGT_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS}; then bbwarn "Target: package-debug failed" fi mkdir -p ${S}/build-coverage cd ${S}/build-coverage if ! $bldcmd package-coverage BUILD_DIR=${S}/build-coverage DEST=${B}/build-coverage ${AGLWGT_EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS}; then bbwarn "Target: package-coverage failed" fi } python () { d.setVarFlag('do_aglwgt_deploy', 'fakeroot', '1') } POST_INSTALL_LEVEL ?= "10" POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT ?= "${POST_INSTALL_LEVEL}-${PN}.sh" EXTRA_WGT_POSTINSTALL ?= "" do_aglwgt_deploy() { DEST=release if [ "${AGLWGT_AUTOINSTALL_${PN}}" = "0" ]; then DEST=manualinstall fi if [ "$(find ${B}/build-release -name '*.wgt')" ]; then install -d ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/$DEST install -m 0644 ${B}/build-release/*.wgt ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/$DEST/ else bberror "no package found in widget directory" fi for t in test debug coverage; do if [ "$(find ${B}/build-${t} -name *-${t}.wgt)" ]; then install -d ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/${t} install -m 0644 ${B}/build-${t}/*-${t}.wgt ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/${t}/ elif [ "${AGLWGT_PACKAGE_WARN}" = "true" ]; then if [ "$t" != "test" ]; then bbwarn "no package found in ${t} widget directory" elif echo ${BPN} | grep -q '^agl-service-' || [ "${AGLWGT_HAVE_TESTS}" = "true" ]; then bbwarn "no package found in ${t} widget directory" fi fi done if [ "${AGLWGT_AUTOINSTALL_${PN}}" != "0" ]; then # For now assume autoinstall of the release versions rm -rf ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/autoinstall ln -sf release ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/autoinstall APP_FILES="" for file in ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/autoinstall/*.wgt; do APP_FILES="${APP_FILES} $(basename $file)"; done install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts cat > ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT} <<EOF #!/bin/sh -e for file in ${APP_FILES}; do /usr/bin/afm-install install /usr/AGL/apps/autoinstall/\$file done sync ${EXTRA_WGT_POSTINSTALL} EOF chmod a+x ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT} fi } do_install() { } addtask aglwgt_deploy before do_package after do_install addtask aglwgt_package before do_aglwgt_deploy after do_compile PACKAGES += "${PN}-test ${PN}-coverage" FILES_${PN} += " \ /usr/AGL/apps/release/*.wgt \ /usr/AGL/apps/autoinstall \ /usr/AGL/apps/manualinstall \ ${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT} \ " FILES_${PN}-test = "/usr/AGL/apps/test/*.wgt" FILES_${PN}-dbg = "/usr/AGL/apps/debug/*.wgt" FILES_${PN}-coverage = "/usr/AGL/apps/coverage/*.wgt" # Test widgets need the base widget RDEPENDS_${PN}-test = "${PN}" # Signature keys # These are default keys for development purposes ! # Change it for production. WGTPKG_AUTOSIGN_0_agl-sign-wgts ??= "${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/share/afm/keys/developer.key.pem:${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/share/afm/certs/developer.cert.pem" WGTPKG_AUTOSIGN_1_agl-sign-wgts ??= "${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/share/afm/keys/platform.key.pem:${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/share/afm/certs/platform.cert.pem" export WGTPKG_AUTOSIGN_0 export WGTPKG_AUTOSIGN_1