require af-main_${PV}.inc # NOTE: using libcap-native and setcap in install doesn't work # NOTE: maybe setting afm_name to agl-framework is cleaner but has implications # NOTE: there is a hack of security for using groups and dbus (to be checked) # NOTE: using ZIP programs creates directories with mode 777 (very bad) inherit cmake pkgconfig useradd systemd BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" SECTION = "base" DEPENDS = "openssl libxml2 xmlsec1 systemd libzip json-c systemd security-manager af-binder sed m4" DEPENDS:class-native = "openssl libxml2 xmlsec1 libzip json-c" RDEPENDS:${PN}:class-target += "af-binder-tools nss-localuser cynagoauth" PACKAGE_WRITE_DEPS:append:with-lsm-smack = " smack-native libcap-native" EXTRA_OECMAKE:append:class-native = "\ -DUSE_LIBZIP=1 \ -DUSE_SIMULATION=1 \ -DUSE_SDK=1 \ -DAGLVERSION=${AGLVERSION} \ -Dafm_name=${afm_name} \ -Dafm_confdir=${afm_confdir} \ -Dafm_datadir=${afm_datadir} \ " EXTRA_OECMAKE:append:class-target = "\ -DUSE_LIBZIP=1 \ -DUSE_SIMULATION=0 \ -DUSE_SDK=0 \ -DAGLVERSION=${AGLVERSION} \ -Dafm_name=${afm_name} \ -Dafm_confdir=${afm_confdir} \ -Dafm_datadir=${afm_datadir} \ -Dsystemd_units_root=${systemd_units_root} \ -DUNITDIR_USER=${systemd_user_unitdir} \ -DUNITDIR_SYSTEM=${systemd_system_unitdir} \ " # ------------------------ WARNING WARNING WARNNING --------------------------- # # ATM (FF.rc2), forcing all apps to be signed is an issue when building without # agl-devel feature. A workaround is to define ALLOW_NO_SIGNATURE=ON for all # builds but this must be removed later. See SPEC-1614 for more details. # # A variable AGL_FORBID_UNSIGNED_APPS is introduced to enable/disable this # workaround in local.conf and allow transition to signed apps: # * forbid unsigned apps by setting: AGL_FORBID_UNSIGNED_APPS="1" # * [DEFAULT] allow unsigned apps: do nothing (or set: AGL_FORBID_UNSIGNED_APPS="0") AGL_FORBID_UNSIGNED_APPS ?= "0" # # WORKAROUND: EXTRA_OECMAKE:append:agl-devel = " -DAGL_DEVEL=1" EXTRA_OECMAKE:append = " ${@bb.utils.contains('AGL_FORBID_UNSIGNED_APPS','1','','-DALLOW_NO_SIGNATURE=ON', d)}" # # Correct version (IMPORTANT TODO: to be restored later): #EXTRA_OECMAKE:append:agl-devel = " -DAGL_DEVEL=1 -DALLOW_NO_SIGNATURE=ON" # # ------------------------ WARNING WARNING WARNNING --------------------------- USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}" USERADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system --gid ${afm_name} --home-dir ${afm_datadir} ${afm_name}" GROUPADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system ${afm_name}" RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:with-lsm-smack = " smack bash" DEPENDS:append:with-lsm-smack = " smack-native" do_install:append:class-target() { install -d ${D}${bindir} install -d -m 0775 ${D}${systemd_units_root}/system install -d -m 0775 "${D}${systemd_units_root}/system/" install -d -m 0775 "${D}${systemd_units_root}/system/" install -d -m 0775 ${D}${systemd_units_root}/user install -d -m 0775 ${D}${systemd_units_root}/user/ install -d -m 0775 ${D}${systemd_units_root}/user/ install -d ${D}${afm_datadir}/applications install -d ${D}${afm_datadir}/icons if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then install -d -m 0755 ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ install -d -m 0755 ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ ln -sf ../afm-system-setup.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ ln -sf ../afm-system-daemon.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ ln -sf ../afm-system-daemon.socket ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/ fi } pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN}() { if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then chgrp ${afm_name} $D${systemd_units_root}/system chgrp ${afm_name} $D${systemd_units_root}/system/ chgrp ${afm_name} $D${systemd_units_root}/user/ chgrp ${afm_name} $D${systemd_units_root}/user/ fi chown ${afm_name}:${afm_name} $D${afm_datadir} chown ${afm_name}:${afm_name} $D${afm_datadir}/applications chown ${afm_name}:${afm_name} $D${afm_datadir}/icons } pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN}:append:with-lsm-smack() { if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${systemd_units_root}/system chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${systemd_units_root}/system/ chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${systemd_units_root}/user/ chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${systemd_units_root}/user/ fi chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${afm_datadir} chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${afm_datadir}/applications chsmack -a 'System::Shared' -t $D${afm_datadir}/icons } FILES:${PN} += "${systemd_units_root}/* ${systemd_system_unitdir} ${systemd_user_unitdir}" FILES:${PN}:append:agl-sign-wgts = " ${datadir}/afm" PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-binding ${PN}-binding-dbg" FILES:${PN}-binding = " ${afb_binding_dir}/ " FILES:${PN}-binding-dbg = " ${afb_binding_dir}/.debug/ " PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-tools ${PN}-tools-dbg" FILES:${PN}-tools = "${bindir}/wgtpkg-*" FILES:${PN}-tools-dbg = "${bindir}/.debug/wgtpkg-*"