DESCRIPTION = "A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9331186f4f80db7da0e724bdd6554ee5" SECTION = "net" DEPENDS = "libgcrypt gnutls file" SRC_URI = "${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9c298c890088a91fe0d7ac3fec9d0097" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "87667e158f2bf8c691a002e256ffe30885d4121a9ee4143af0320c47cdf8a2a4" inherit autotools lib_package # disable spdy, because it depends on openssl EXTRA_OECONF += "--disable-static --with-gnutls=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/../" PACKAGECONFIG ?= "curl" PACKAGECONFIG_append_class-target = "\ ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'largefile', 'largefile', '', d)} \ " PACKAGECONFIG[largefile] = "--enable-largefile,--disable-largefile,," PACKAGECONFIG[curl] = "--enable-curl,--disable-curl,curl," do_compile_append() { sed -i s:-L${STAGING_LIBDIR}::g libmicrohttpd.pc }