-- Default policy config file --

default_policy = {}

default_policy.sessions = {
  -- [session name] = { session properties }
  ["audio"] = { ["media.type"] = "Audio" },
  --["video"] = { ["media.type"] = "Video" },

default_policy.endpoints = {
  -- [endpoint name] = { endpoint properties }

  ["endpoint.multimedia"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Multimedia",
  ["endpoint.speech_low"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Speech-Low",
  ["endpoint.custom_low"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Custom-Low",
  ["endpoint.navigation"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Navigation",
  ["endpoint.speech_high"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Speech-High",
  ["endpoint.custom_high"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Custom-High",
  ["endpoint.communication"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Communication",
  ["endpoint.emergency"] = {
    ["media.class"] = "Audio/Sink",
    ["role"] = "Emergency",

default_policy.policy = {
  ["move"] = false,  -- moves session items when metadata target.node changes
  ["follow"] = true, -- moves session items to the default device when it has changed

  ["roles"] = {
    ["Multimedia"] = {
      ["alias"] = { "Movie", "Music", "Game" },
      ["priority"] = 25,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
    ["Speech-Low"] = {
      ["priority"] = 30,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Speech-Low"] = "mix",
    ["Custom-Low"] = {
      ["priority"] = 35,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Custom-Low"] = "mix",
    ["Navigation"] = {
      ["priority"] = 50,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Navigation"] = "mix",
    ["Speech-High"] = {
      ["priority"] = 60,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Speech-High"] = "mix",
    ["Custom-High"] = {
      ["priority"] = 65,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Custom-High"] = "mix",
    ["Communication"] = {
      ["priority"] = 75,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Communication"] = "mix",
    ["Emergency"] = {
      ["alias"] = { "Alert" },
      ["priority"] = 99,
      ["action.default"] = "cork",
      ["action.Emergency"] = "mix",

function default_policy.enable()
  -- Session item factories, building blocks for the session management graph
  -- Do not disable these unless you really know what you are doing

  -- Create sessions statically at startup
  load_script("static-sessions.lua", default_policy.sessions)

  -- Create endpoints statically at startup
  load_script("static-endpoints.lua", default_policy.endpoints)

  -- Create session items for nodes that appear in the graph

  -- Link nodes to each other to make media flow in the graph
  load_script("policy-node.lua", default_policy.policy)

  -- Link client nodes with endpoints to make media flow in the graph
  load_script("policy-endpoint-client.lua", default_policy.policy)
  load_script("policy-endpoint-client-links.lua", default_policy.policy)

  -- Link endpoints with device nodes to make media flow in the graph
  load_script("policy-endpoint-device.lua", default_policy.policy)