/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtWebSockets 1.0 import QtLocation 5.9 import QtPositioning 5.6 ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true width: 1080 height: 1488 title: qsTr("navigation") property real car_position_lat: fileOperation.getStartLatitude() property real car_position_lon: fileOperation.getStartLongitute() property real car_direction: 0 //North property real car_driving_speed: fileOperation.getCarSpeed() // set Km/h property bool st_heading_up: false property real default_zoom_level : 18 property real default_car_direction : 0 property real car_accumulated_distance : 0 property real positionTimer_interval : fileOperation.getUpdateInterval() // set millisecond property real car_moving_distance : (car_driving_speed / 3.6) / (1000/positionTimer_interval) // Metric unit Map{ id: map property int pathcounter : 0 property int segmentcounter : 0 property int waypoint_count: -1 property int lastX : -1 property int lastY : -1 property int pressX : -1 property int pressY : -1 property int jitterThreshold : 30 property variant currentpostion : QtPositioning.coordinate(car_position_lat, car_position_lon) property int last_segmentcounter : -1 signal qmlSignalRouteInfo(double srt_lat,double srt_lon,double end_lat,double end_lon); signal qmlSignalPosInfo(double lat,double lon,double drc,double dst); signal qmlSignalStopDemo(); signal qmlSignalArrvied(); signal qmlCheckDirection(double cur_dir,double next_dir,double is_rot); width: parent.width height: parent.height plugin: MapPlugin { } center: QtPositioning.coordinate(car_position_lat, car_position_lon) zoomLevel: default_zoom_level bearing: 0 objectName: "map" GeocodeModel { id: geocodeModel plugin: map.plugin onStatusChanged: { if ((status == GeocodeModel.Ready) || (status == GeocodeModel.Error)) map.geocodeFinished() } onLocationsChanged: { if (count == 1) { map.center.latitude = get(0).coordinate.latitude map.center.longitude = get(0).coordinate.longitude } } } MapItemView { model: geocodeModel delegate: pointDelegate } Component { id: pointDelegate MapCircle { id: point radius: 1000 color: "#46a2da" border.color: "#190a33" border.width: 2 smooth: true opacity: 0.25 center: locationData.coordinate } } function geocode(fromAddress) { // send the geocode request geocodeModel.query = fromAddress geocodeModel.update() } MapQuickItem { id: poi sourceItem: Rectangle { width: 14; height: 14; color: "#e41e25"; border.width: 2; border.color: "white"; smooth: true; radius: 7 } coordinate { latitude: 36.136261 longitude: -115.151254 } opacity: 1.0 anchorPoint: Qt.point(sourceItem.width/2, sourceItem.height/2) } MapQuickItem { sourceItem: Text{ text: "Westgate" color:"#242424" font.bold: true styleColor: "#ECECEC" style: Text.Outline } coordinate: poi.coordinate z:11 anchorPoint: Qt.point(-poi.sourceItem.width * 0.5, poi.sourceItem.height * 1.5) } MapQuickItem { id: car_position_mapitem property int isRotating: 0 sourceItem: Image { id: car_position_mapitem_image width: 48 height: 48 source: "images/position02.svg" transform: Rotation { id: car_position_mapitem_image_rotate origin.x: car_position_mapitem_image.width/2 origin.y: car_position_mapitem_image.height/2 angle: car_direction } } anchorPoint: Qt.point(car_position_mapitem_image.width/2, car_position_mapitem_image.height/2) coordinate: map.currentpostion z:12 states: [ State { name: "HeadingUp" PropertyChanges { target: car_position_mapitem_image_rotate; angle: 0 } }, State { name: "NorthUp" PropertyChanges { target: car_position_mapitem_image_rotate; angle: root.car_direction } } ] transitions: Transition { RotationAnimation { properties: "angle"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest; duration: 200 } } } MapQuickItem { id: icon_start_point anchorPoint.x: icon_start_point_image.width/2 anchorPoint.y: icon_start_point_image.height z:11 sourceItem: Image { id: icon_start_point_image
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-agl.inc
routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].path[0].latitude, routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].path[0].longitude); // map rotateAnimation cntrol if(root.st_heading_up) { var is_rotating = 0; var cur_direction = Math.floor(map.bearing); // check is_rorating if(cur_direction > Math.floor(next_direction)){ is_rotating = Math.floor(cur_direction - next_direction); }else{ is_rotating = Math.floor(next_direction - cur_direction); } if(is_rotating > 180){ is_rotating = 360 - is_rotating; } // rotation angle case if(is_rotating > 180){ // driving stop hard turn root.car_moving_distance = 0; rot_anim.duration = 1600; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutQuint; } else if(is_rotating > 90){ // driving stop normal turn root.car_moving_distance = 0; rot_anim.duration = 800; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutQuart; } else if(is_rotating > 60){ // driving slow speed normal turn root.car_moving_distance = ((car_driving_speed / 3.6) / (1000/positionTimer_interval)) * 0.3; rot_anim.duration = 400; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutCubic; } else if(is_rotating > 30){ // driving half speed soft turn root.car_moving_distance = ((car_driving_speed / 3.6) / (1000/positionTimer_interval)) * 0.5; rot_anim.duration = 300; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutQuad; } else { // driving nomal speed soft turn root.car_moving_distance = (car_driving_speed / 3.6) / (1000/positionTimer_interval); rot_anim.duration = 200; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutQuad; } }else{ // NorthUp root.car_moving_distance = (car_driving_speed / 3.6) / (1000/positionTimer_interval); rot_anim.duration = 200; rot_anim.easing.type = Easing.OutQuad; } root.car_direction = next_direction; // set next coordidnate if(next_distance < (root.car_moving_distance * 1.5)) { map.currentpostion = routeModel.get(0).path[pathcounter] car_accumulated_distance += next_distance map.qmlSignalPosInfo(map.currentpostion.latitude, map.currentpostion.longitude,next_direction,car_accumulated_distance) if(pathcounter < routeModel.get(0).path.length - 1){ pathcounter++ } else { // Arrive at your destination btn_guidance.sts_guide = 0 map.qmlSignalArrvied() } }else{ setNextCoordinate(map.currentpostion.latitude, map.currentpostion.longitude,next_direction,root.car_moving_distance) if(pathcounter != 0){ car_accumulated_distance += root.car_moving_distance } map.qmlSignalPosInfo(map.currentpostion.latitude, map.currentpostion.longitude,next_direction,car_accumulated_distance) } if(btn_present_position.state === "Flowing") { // update map.center map.center = map.currentpostion } rotateMapSmooth() // report a new instruction if current position matches with the head position of the segment if(segmentcounter <= routeModel.get(0).segments.length - 1){ if(next_cross_distance < 2){ progress_next_cross.setProgress(0) if(segmentcounter < routeModel.get(0).segments.length - 1){ segmentcounter++ } if(segmentcounter === routeModel.get(0).segments.length - 1){ img_destination_direction.state = "12" map.removeMapItem(icon_segment_point) }else{ img_destination_direction.state = routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].maneuver.direction icon_segment_point.coordinate = routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].path[0] map.addMapItem(icon_segment_point) } }else{ if(next_cross_distance <= 330 && last_segmentcounter != segmentcounter) { last_segmentcounter = segmentcounter guidanceModule.guidance(routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].maneuver.instructionText) } // update progress_next_cross progress_next_cross.setProgress(next_cross_distance) } } } } function doGetRouteInfoSlot(){ if(btn_guidance.sts_guide == 0){ // idle map.qmlSignalPosInfo(car_position_lat, car_position_lon,car_direction,car_accumulated_distance); }else if(btn_guidance.sts_guide == 1){ // Routing map.qmlSignalPosInfo(car_position_lat, car_position_lon,car_direction,car_accumulated_distance); map.qmlSignalRouteInfo(car_position_lat, car_position_lon,routeQuery.waypoints[1].latitude,routeQuery.waypoints[1].longitude); }else if(btn_guidance.sts_guide == 2){ // onGuide map.qmlSignalRouteInfo(car_position_lat, car_position_lon,routeQuery.waypoints[1].latitude,routeQuery.waypoints[1].longitude); } } function rotateMapSmooth(){ if(root.st_heading_up){ map.state = "none" map.state = "smooth_rotate" }else{ map.state = "smooth_rotate_north" } } function stopMapRotation(){ map.state = "none" rot_anim.stop() } function doPauseSimulationSlot(){ btn_guidance.discardWaypoints(); } function doGetAllRoutesSlot(){ return routeModel.count; } function doSetWaypointsSlot(latitude,longitue,startFromCurrentPosition){ if(btn_guidance.state !== "idle") btn_guidance.discardWaypoints(startFromCurrentPosition); if(btn_present_position.state === "Optional"){ map.center = map.currentpostion btn_present_position.state = "Flowing" } if((btn_guidance.state !== "onGuide") && (btn_guidance.state !== "Routing")) map.addDestination(QtPositioning.coordinate(latitude,longitue)) } states: [ State { name: "none" }, State { name: "smooth_rotate" PropertyChanges { target: map; bearing: root.car_direction } }, State { name: "smooth_rotate_north" PropertyChanges { target: map; bearing: 0 } } ] transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "center"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } RotationAnimation { id: rot_anim property: "bearing" direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest easing.type: Easing.OutQuad duration: 200 } } } BtnPresentPosition { id: btn_present_position anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 125 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 125 } BtnMapDirection { id: btn_map_direction anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 25 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 25 } BtnGuidance { id: btn_guidance anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 25 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 125 } BtnShrink { id: btn_shrink anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 25 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 250 } BtnEnlarge { id: btn_enlarge anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 25 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 125 } ImgDestinationDirection { id: img_destination_direction anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 25 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 150 } ProgressNextCross { id: progress_next_cross anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 25 anchors.left: img_destination_direction.right anchors.leftMargin: 20 } }