/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */ /* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */ /* */ /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program. If not, see . */ /* */ /* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */ /* Please contact Microchip for further information. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \file * \brief Implementation of the Programming Service. * * \cond UCS_INTERNAL_DOC * \addtogroup G_PROG_MODE * @{ */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Includes */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ucs_inic_pb.h" #include "ucs_prog.h" #include "ucs_misc.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal constants */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PRG_NUM_STATES 6U /*!< \brief Number of state machine states */ #define PRG_NUM_EVENTS 13U /*!< \brief Number of state machine events */ #define PRG_TIMEOUT_COMMAND 100U /*!< \brief supervise EXC commands */ #define PRG_SIGNATURE_VERSION 1U /*!< \brief signature version used for Node Discovery */ #define PRG_ADMIN_BASE_ADDR 0x0F00U /*!< \brief bas admin address */ /* Error values */ #define PRG_HW_RESET_REQ 0x200110U /* HW reset required */ #define PRG_SESSION_ACTIVE 0x200111U /* Session already active */ #define PRG_CFG_STRING_ERROR 0x200220U /* A configuration string erase error has occurred. */ #define PRG_MEM_ERASE_ERROR 0x200221U /* An error memory erase error has occurred.*/ #define PRG_CFG_WRITE_ERROR 0x200225U /* Configuration memory write error. */ #define PRG_CFG_FULL_ERROR 0x200226U /* Configuration memory is full. */ #define PRG_HDL_MATCH_ERROR 0x200330U /* The SessionHandle does not match the current memory session. */ #define PRG_MEMID_ERROR 0x200331U /* The memory session does not support the requested MemID. */ #define PRG_ADDR_EVEN_ERROR 0x200332U /* The Address is not even when writing the configuration memory. */ #define PRG_LEN_EVEN_ERROR 0x200333U /* The UnitLen is not even when writing the configuration memory. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Service parameters */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Priority of the Programming service used by scheduler */ static const uint8_t PRG_SRV_PRIO = 248U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */ /*! Main event for the Programming service */ static const Srv_Event_t PRG_EVENT_SERVICE = 1U; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal enumerators */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Possible events of the system diagnosis state machine */ typedef enum Prg_Events_ { PRG_E_NIL = 0U, /*!< \brief NIL Event */ PRG_E_START = 1U, /*!< \brief API start command was called. */ PRG_E_STOP = 2U, /*!< \brief Stop request occurred. */ PRG_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS = 3U, /*!< \brief Welcome command was successful. */ PRG_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS = 4U, /*!< \brief Welcome command was not successful. */ PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_CMD = 5U, /*!< \brief MemorySessionOpen command was succcessful */ PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_FINISH = 6U, /*!< \
# short-description: Custom EFI disk image with systemd-boot
# long-description: Creates a partitioned EFI disk image that the user
# can directly dd to boot media. The selected bootloader is systemd-boot
# and we do not have swap.  We assume a Joule system and provide an
# appropriate kernel command line.

part /boot --source bootimg-efi --sourceparams="loader=systemd-boot,initrd=microcode.cpio" --ondisk sda --label msdos --active --align 1024

part / --source rootfs --ondisk sda --fstype=ext4 --label platform --align 1024 --use-uuid

# Modify the append line here as needed to suit the environment
bootloader --ptable gpt --timeout=5 --append="rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 video=efifb maxcpus=4 noxsave reboot=efi kmemleak=off"
PRG_S_IDLE }, /* PRG_E_TIMEOUT */ {Prg_A_Timeout, PRG_S_IDLE }, /* PRG_E_ERROR */ {Prg_A_Error, PRG_S_IDLE }, /* PRG_E_ERROR_INIT */ {Prg_A_Error_Init, PRG_S_IDLE }, /* PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT */ {Prg_A_Error, PRG_S_IDLE }, } }; /*! \brief Constructor of class CProgramming. * \param self Reference to CProgramming instance * \param inic Reference to CInic instance * \param base Reference to CBase instance * \param exc Reference to CExc instance */ /* \param init_ptr Report callback function*/ void Prg_Ctor(CProgramming *self, CInic *inic, CBase *base, CExc *exc) { MISC_MEM_SET((void *)self, 0, sizeof(*self)); self->inic = inic; self->exc = exc; self->base = base; Fsm_Ctor(&self->fsm, self, &(prg_trans_tab[0][0]), PRG_NUM_EVENTS, PRG_E_NIL); Sobs_Ctor(&self->prg_welcome, self, &Prg_WelcomeResultCb); Sobs_Ctor(&self->prg_memopen, self, &Prg_MemOpenResultCb); Sobs_Ctor(&self->prg_memwrite, self, &Prg_MemWriteResultCb); Sobs_Ctor(&self->prg_memclose, self, &Prg_MemCloseResultCb); /* register termination events */ Mobs_Ctor(&self->prg_terminate, self, EH_M_TERMINATION_EVENTS, &Prg_OnTerminateEventCb); Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self->base->eh, &self->prg_terminate); /* Register NetOn and MPR events */ Obs_Ctor(&self->prg_nwstatus, self, &Prg_NetworkStatusCb); Inic_AddObsrvNwStatus(self->inic, &self->prg_nwstatus); self->neton = false; /* Initialize Programming service */ Srv_Ctor(&self->service, PRG_SRV_PRIO, self, &Prg_Service); /* Add Programming service to scheduler */ (void)Scd_AddService(&self->base->scd, &self->service); } /*! \brief Service function of the Node Discovery service. * \param self Reference to Programming service object */ static void Prg_Service(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Srv_Event_t event_mask; Srv_GetEvent(&self_->service, &event_mask); if(PRG_EVENT_SERVICE == (event_mask & PRG_EVENT_SERVICE)) /* Is event pending? */ { Fsm_State_t result; Srv_ClearEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "FSM __ %d %d", 2U, self_->fsm.current_state, self_->fsm.event_occured)); result = Fsm_Service(&self_->fsm); TR_ASSERT(self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", (result != FSM_STATE_ERROR)); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "FSM -> %d", 1U, self_->fsm.current_state)); MISC_UNUSED(result); } } /**************************************************************************************************/ /* API functions */ /**************************************************************************************************/ /*! * * \param *self Reference to Programming service object */ /*! \brief Program a node * * \param *self Reference to Programming service object * \param node_id Node position address of the node to be programmed * \param *signature Signature of the node to be programmed * \param session_type Defines the memory access type. * \param command_list Refers to array of programming tasks. * \param report_fptr Report callback function */ void Prg_Start(CProgramming *self, uint16_t node_id, Ucs_Signature_t *signature, Ucs_Prg_SessionType_t session_type, Ucs_Prg_Command_t* command_list, Ucs_Prg_ReportCb_t report_fptr) { self->node_id = node_id; self->signature = *signature; self->session_type = session_type; self->command_list = command_list; self->report_fptr = report_fptr; self->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_DUMMY; if (self->neton == true) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self->fsm, PRG_E_START); Srv_SetEvent(&self->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_Start", 0U)); } else { if (self->report_fptr != NULL) { self->report_fptr(UCS_PRG_RES_NET_OFF, self->current_function, 0U, NULL, self->base->ucs_user_ptr); } TR_INFO((self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_Start failed: NET_OFF", 0U)); } } /**************************************************************************************************/ /* FSM Actions */ /**************************************************************************************************/ /*! Action on Start command * * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object */ static void Prg_A_Start(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; if (self_->node_id == 0x0400U) { self_->target_address = UCS_ADDR_LOCAL_INIC; } else { self_->target_address = self_->node_id; } self_->admin_node_address = PRG_ADMIN_BASE_ADDR + ((self_->node_id) & 0x00FFU); self_->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_WELCOME; ret_val = Exc_Welcome_Sr(self_->exc, self_->target_address, self_->admin_node_address, PRG_SIGNATURE_VERSION, self_->signature, &self_->prg_welcome); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); } static void Prg_A_MemOpen(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; self_->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_OPEN; ret_val = Exc_MemSessionOpen_Sr(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, self_->session_type, &self_->prg_memopen); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); } static void Prg_A_MemWrite(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; self_->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_WRITE; ret_val = Exc_MemoryWrite_Sr(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, self_->session_handle, self_->command_list[self_->command_index].mem_id, self_->command_list[self_->command_index].address, self_->command_list[self_->command_index].unit_length, self_->command_list[self_->command_index].data, &self_->prg_memwrite); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); } static void Prg_A_MemClose(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; self_->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_CLOSE; ret_val = Exc_MemSessionClose_Sr(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, self_->session_handle, &self_->prg_memclose); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); } static void Prg_A_InitDevice(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; self_->current_function = UCS_PRG_FKT_INIT; ret_val = Exc_DeviceInit_Start(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, NULL); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); if (ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS) { if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(UCS_PRG_RES_SUCCESS, UCS_PRG_FKT_DUMMY, 0U, NULL, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } } static void Prg_A_NetOff(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(UCS_PRG_RES_NET_OFF, self_->current_function, 0U, NULL, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } static void Prg_A_Timeout(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(UCS_PRG_RES_TIMEOUT, self_->current_function, 0U, NULL, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } static void Prg_A_Error(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; uint8_t *data_ptr = NULL; if ( (self_->error.code == UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH) && (self_->error.ret_len != 0U)) { data_ptr = &(self_->error.parm[0]); } if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(self_->error.code, self_->error.function, self_->error.ret_len, data_ptr, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } static void Prg_A_Error_Init(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; uint8_t *data_ptr = NULL; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; ret_val = Exc_DeviceInit_Start(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, NULL); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); if ( (self_->error.code == UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH) && (self_->error.ret_len != 0U)) { data_ptr = &(self_->error.parm[0]); } if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(self_->error.code, self_->error.function, self_->error.ret_len, data_ptr, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } static void Prg_A_Error_Close_Init(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; uint8_t *data_ptr = NULL; Ucs_Return_t ret_val; ret_val = Exc_DeviceInit_Start(self_->exc, self_->admin_node_address, NULL); Prg_Check_RetVal(self_, ret_val); if ( (self_->error.code == UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH) && (self_->error.ret_len != 0U)) { data_ptr = &(self_->error.parm[0]); } if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(self_->error.code, self_->error.function, self_->error.ret_len, data_ptr, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } } /**************************************************************************************************/ /* Callback functions */ /**************************************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Function is called on reception of the Welcome.Result messsage * \param self Reference to Programming service object * \param result_ptr Pointer to the result of the Welcome message */ static void Prg_WelcomeResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr; Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer); if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS) { Exc_WelcomeResult_t welcome_result; /* read signature and store it */ welcome_result = *(Exc_WelcomeResult_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info); if (welcome_result.res == EXC_WELCOME_SUCCESS) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_WelcomeResultCb PRG_E_WELCOME_SUCCESS", 0U)); } else { /* store error paramters */ self_->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH; self_->error.function = UCS_PRG_FKT_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS; self_->error.ret_len = 0U; Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_WelcomeResultCb PRG_E_WELCOME_NOSUCCESS", 0U)); } } else { uint8_t i; /* store error paramters */ self_->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH; self_->error.function = UCS_PRG_FKT_WELCOME; self_->error.ret_len = result_ptr_->result.info_size; for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i) { self_->error.parm[i] = result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i]; } Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_WelcomeResultCb Error (code) 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code)); for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i) { TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_WelcomeResultCb Error (info) 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i])); } } Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /*! \brief Function is called on reception of the MemorySessionOpen.Result messsage * \param self Reference to Programming service object * \param result_ptr Pointer to the result of the Welcome message */ static void Prg_MemOpenResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr; Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer); if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS) { self_->session_handle = *(uint16_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info); self_->command_index = 0U; if ( (self_->command_list[self_->command_index].data_length == 0U) || (self_->command_list[self_->command_index].data == NULL)) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_FINISH); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemOpenResultCb No Tasks", 0U)); } else { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_CMD); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemOpenResultCb successful", 0U)); } } else { uint8_t i; uint32_t fs_error; /* store error paramters */ self_->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH; self_->error.function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_OPEN; self_->error.ret_len = result_ptr_->result.info_size; for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i) { self_->error.parm[i] = result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i]; } fs_error = Prg_CalcError(&(self_->error.parm[0])); switch (fs_error) { case PRG_HW_RESET_REQ: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_INIT); break; case PRG_SESSION_ACTIVE: self_->session_handle = (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(self_->error.parm[3])) << 8U) + self_->error.parm[4]; /* get correct session handle */ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; default: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR); break; } TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemOpenResultCb Error 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code)); } Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /*! \brief Function is called on reception of the MemoryWrite.Result messsage * \param self Reference to Programming service object * \param result_ptr Pointer to the result of the Welcome message */ static void Prg_MemWriteResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr; Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer); if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS) { self_->command_index++; if ( (self_->command_list[self_->command_index].data_length == 0U) || (self_->command_list[self_->command_index].data == NULL)) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_FINISH); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemWriteResultCb PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_FINISH", 0U)); } else { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_MEM_WRITE_CMD); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemWriteResultCb successful", 0U)); } } else { uint8_t i; uint32_t fs_error; /* store error paramters */ self_->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH; self_->error.function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_WRITE; self_->error.ret_len = result_ptr_->result.info_size; for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i) { self_->error.parm[i] = result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i]; } fs_error = Prg_CalcError(&(self_->error.parm[0])); switch (fs_error) { case PRG_CFG_WRITE_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; case PRG_CFG_FULL_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; case PRG_HDL_MATCH_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_INIT); break; case PRG_MEMID_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; case PRG_ADDR_EVEN_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; case PRG_LEN_EVEN_ERROR: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_CLOSE_INIT); break; default: Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR); break; } TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemWriteResultCb Error 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code)); } Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /*! \brief Function is called on reception of the MemorySessionClose.Result messsage * \param self Reference to Programming service object * \param result_ptr Pointer to the result of the Welcome message */ static void Prg_MemCloseResultCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Exc_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Exc_StdResult_t *)result_ptr; Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer); if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS) { uint8_t session_result = *(uint8_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info); if (session_result == 0U) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_MEM_CLOSE_SUCCESS); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemCloseResultCb PRG_E_MEM_CLOSE_SUCCESS", 0U)); } else { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_INIT); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemCloseResultCb ErrResult PRG_E_ERROR_INIT", 0U)); } } else { uint8_t i; uint32_t fs_error; /* store error paramters */ self_->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_ASYNCH; self_->error.function = UCS_PRG_FKT_MEM_CLOSE; self_->error.ret_len = result_ptr_->result.info_size; for (i=0U; i< result_ptr_->result.info_size; ++i) { self_->error.parm[i] = result_ptr_->result.info_ptr[i]; } fs_error = Prg_CalcError(&(self_->error.parm[0])); if (fs_error == PRG_HDL_MATCH_ERROR) { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR_INIT); } else { Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR); } TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_MemCloseResultCb Error 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code)); } Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /*! Function is called on severe internal errors * * \param *self Reference to Programming object * \param *result_ptr Reference to data */ static void Prg_OnTerminateEventCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; MISC_UNUSED(result_ptr); if (self_->fsm.current_state != PRG_S_IDLE) { Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->base->tm, &self_->timer); if (self_->report_fptr != NULL) { self_->report_fptr(UCS_PRG_RES_ERROR, self_->current_function, 0U, NULL, self_->base->ucs_user_ptr); } /* reset FSM */ self_->fsm.current_state = PRG_S_IDLE; } } /*! \brief Callback function for the INIC.NetworkStatus status and error messages * * \param *self Reference to Node Discovery object * \param *result_ptr Pointer to the result of the INIC.NetworkStatus message */ static void Prg_NetworkStatusCb(void *self, void *result_ptr) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr; if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS) { TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_NetworkStatusCb 0x%x", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code)); /* check for NetOn/NetOff events */ if ( (self_->neton == true) && ((((Inic_NetworkStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info))->availability) == UCS_NW_NOT_AVAILABLE) ) { self_->neton = false; Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_NET_OFF); } else if ( (self_->neton == false) && ((((Inic_NetworkStatus_t *)(result_ptr_->data_info))->availability) == UCS_NW_AVAILABLE) ) { self_->neton = true; } } Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /*! \brief Timer callback used for supervising INIC command timeouts. * \param self Reference to System Diagnosis object */ static void Prg_TimerCb(void *self) { CProgramming *self_ = (CProgramming *)self; Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, PRG_E_TIMEOUT); TR_INFO((self_->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", "Prg_TimerCb PRG_E_TIMEOUT", 0U)); Srv_SetEvent(&self_->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } /**************************************************************************************************/ /* Helper functions */ /**************************************************************************************************/ static void Prg_Check_RetVal(CProgramming *self, Ucs_Return_t ret_val) { if (ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS) { Tm_SetTimer(&self->base->tm, &self->timer, &Prg_TimerCb, self, PRG_TIMEOUT_COMMAND, 0U); } else { TR_ASSERT(self->base->ucs_user_ptr, "[PRG]", ret_val == UCS_RET_SUCCESS); /* store error paramter */ self->error.code = UCS_PRG_RES_FKT_SYNCH; self->error.function = self->current_function; self->error.ret_len = (uint8_t)ret_val; Fsm_SetEvent(&self->fsm, PRG_E_ERROR); Srv_SetEvent(&self->service, PRG_EVENT_SERVICE); } } static uint32_t Prg_CalcError(uint8_t val[]) { uint32_t temp; temp = val[0] + (((uint32_t)val[1]) << 8U) + (((uint32_t)val[2]) << 16U); return temp; } /*! * @} * \endcond */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End of file */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/