From 79ff5931fa2dede0a4c2e22e7a83c2edddcc6c20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vladimir Barinov <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 00:50:59 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] media: i2c: ov5642 sensor

Add ov5642 camera sensor driver update

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Barinov <>
 drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.c      | 708 +++++-----------------------
 drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.h      | 592 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642_720p.h | 711 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1418 insertions(+), 593 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642_720p.h

diff --git a/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.c b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.c
index bab9ac0..b58859e 100644
--- a/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.c
+++ b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.c
@@ -22,584 +22,16 @@
 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
 #include <linux/module.h>
 #include <linux/v4l2-mediabus.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
 #include <media/soc_camera.h>
 #include <media/v4l2-clk.h>
 #include <media/v4l2-subdev.h>
-/* OV5642 registers */
-#define REG_CHIP_ID_HIGH		0x300a
-#define REG_CHIP_ID_LOW			0x300b
-#define REG_WINDOW_START_X_HIGH		0x3800
-#define REG_WINDOW_START_X_LOW		0x3801
-#define REG_WINDOW_START_Y_HIGH		0x3802
-#define REG_WINDOW_START_Y_LOW		0x3803
-#define REG_WINDOW_WIDTH_HIGH		0x3804
-#define REG_WINDOW_WIDTH_LOW		0x3805
-#define REG_WINDOW_HEIGHT_HIGH		0x3806
-#define REG_WINDOW_HEIGHT_LOW		0x3807
-#define REG_OUT_WIDTH_HIGH		0x3808
-#define REG_OUT_WIDTH_LOW		0x3809
-#define REG_OUT_HEIGHT_HIGH		0x380a
-#define REG_OUT_HEIGHT_LOW		0x380b
-#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_HIGH	0x380c
-#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_LOW		0x380d
-#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_LOW	0x380f
-#define REG_OUTPUT_FORMAT		0x4300
-#define REG_ISP_CTRL_01			0x5001
-#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_X_HIGH	0x5682
-#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_X_LOW	0x5683
-#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_Y_HIGH	0x5686
-#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_Y_LOW	0x5687
-/* active pixel array size */
-#define OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_X	2592
-#define OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_Y	1944
- * About OV5642 resolution, cropping and binning:
- * This sensor supports it all, at least in the feature description.
- * Unfortunately, no combination of appropriate registers settings could make
- * the chip work the intended way. As it works with predefined register lists,
- * some undocumented registers are presumably changed there to achieve their
- * goals.
- * This driver currently only works for resolutions up to 720 lines with a
- * 1:1 scale. Hopefully these restrictions will be removed in the future.
- */
-#define OV5642_MAX_WIDTH	OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_X
-#define OV5642_MAX_HEIGHT	720
-/* default sizes */
-#define OV5642_DEFAULT_WIDTH	1280
-/* minimum extra blanking */
- * the sensor's autoexposure is buggy when setting total_height low.
- * It tries to expose longer than 1 frame period without taking care of it
- * and this leads to weird output. So we set 1000 lines as minimum.
- */
-#define BLANKING_MIN_HEIGHT		1000
-struct regval_list {
-	u16 reg_num;
-	u8 value;
-static struct regval_list ov5642_default_regs_init[] = {
-	{ 0x3103, 0x93 },
-	{ 0x3008, 0x82 },
-	{ 0x3017, 0x7f },
-	{ 0x3018, 0xfc },
-	{ 0x3810, 0xc2 },
-	{ 0x3615, 0xf0 },
-	{ 0x3000, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3001, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3002, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3003, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3004, 0xff },
-	{ 0x3030, 0x2b },
-	{ 0x3011, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x3010, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x3604, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x3622, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x3621, 0x9  },
-	{ 0x3709, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x4000, 0x21 },
-	{ 0x401d, 0x22 },
-	{ 0x3600, 0x54 },
-	{ 0x3605, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x3606, 0x3f },
-	{ 0x3c01, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x300d, 0x22 },
-	{ 0x3623, 0x22 },
-	{ 0x5000, 0x4f },
-	{ 0x5020, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5181, 0x79 },
-	{ 0x5182, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5185, 0x22 },
-	{ 0x5197, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5500, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x5504, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5505, 0x7f },
-	{ 0x5080, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x300e, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x4610, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x471d, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x4708, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x370c, 0xa0 },
-	{ 0x5687, 0x94 },
-	{ 0x501f, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5000, 0x4f },
-	{ 0x5001, 0xcf },
-	{ 0x4300, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x4300, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x460b, 0x35 },
-	{ 0x471d, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3002, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x3002, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x4713, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x471c, 0x50 },
-	{ 0x4721, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x4402, 0x90 },
-	{ 0x460c, 0x22 },
-	{ 0x3815, 0x44 },
-	{ 0x3503, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x3501, 0x73 },
-	{ 0x3502, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x350b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3818, 0xc8 },
-	{ 0x3824, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x3a00, 0x78 },
-	{ 0x3a1a, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x3a13, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x3a18, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a19, 0x7c },
-	{ 0x3a08, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x3a09, 0xc0 },
-	{ 0x3a0a, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x3a0b, 0xa0 },
-	{ 0x350c, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x350d, 0xd0 },
-	{ 0x3a0d, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x3a0e, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x3500, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3501, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3502, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x350a, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x350b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3503, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a0f, 0x3c },
-	{ 0x3a10, 0x32 },
-	{ 0x3a1b, 0x3c },
-	{ 0x3a1e, 0x32 },
-	{ 0x3a11, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x3a1f, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x3030, 0x2b },
-	{ 0x3a02, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a03, 0x7d },
-	{ 0x3a04, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a14, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a15, 0x7d },
-	{ 0x3a16, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3a00, 0x78 },
-	{ 0x3a08, 0x9  },
-	{ 0x3a09, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x3a0a, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x3a0b, 0xd0 },
-	{ 0x3a0d, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x3a0e, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x4407, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5193, 0x70 },
-	{ 0x589b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x589a, 0xc0 },
-	{ 0x401e, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x4001, 0x42 },
-	{ 0x401c, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x3825, 0xac },
-	{ 0x3827, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x528a, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x528b, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x528c, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x528d, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x528e, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x528f, 0x28 },
-	{ 0x5290, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x5292, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5293, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5294, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5295, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5296, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5297, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5298, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5299, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x529a, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x529b, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x529c, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x529d, 0x28 },
-	{ 0x529e, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x529f, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x5282, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5300, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5301, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x5302, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5303, 0x7c },
-	{ 0x530c, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x530d, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x530e, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x530f, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x5310, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x5311, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x5308, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x5309, 0x40 },
-	{ 0x5304, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5305, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x5306, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5307, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x5314, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5315, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x5319, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x5316, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5317, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5318, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x5380, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5381, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5382, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5383, 0x4e },
-	{ 0x5384, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5385, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5386, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5387, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5388, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5389, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x538a, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x538b, 0x31 },
-	{ 0x538c, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x538d, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x538e, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x538f, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5390, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5391, 0xab },
-	{ 0x5392, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5393, 0xa2 },
-	{ 0x5394, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5480, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x5481, 0x21 },
-	{ 0x5482, 0x36 },
-	{ 0x5483, 0x57 },
-	{ 0x5484, 0x65 },
-	{ 0x5485, 0x71 },
-	{ 0x5486, 0x7d },
-	{ 0x5487, 0x87 },
-	{ 0x5488, 0x91 },
-	{ 0x5489, 0x9a },
-	{ 0x548a, 0xaa },
-	{ 0x548b, 0xb8 },
-	{ 0x548c, 0xcd },
-	{ 0x548d, 0xdd },
-	{ 0x548e, 0xea },
-	{ 0x548f, 0x1d },
-	{ 0x5490, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x5491, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5492, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5493, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x5494, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x5495, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x5496, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x5497, 0xb8 },
-	{ 0x5498, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x5499, 0x86 },
-	{ 0x549a, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x549b, 0x5b },
-	{ 0x549c, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x549d, 0x3b },
-	{ 0x549e, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x549f, 0x1c },
-	{ 0x54a0, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x54a1, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x54a2, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54a3, 0xed },
-	{ 0x54a4, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54a5, 0xc5 },
-	{ 0x54a6, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54a7, 0xa5 },
-	{ 0x54a8, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54a9, 0x6c },
-	{ 0x54aa, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54ab, 0x41 },
-	{ 0x54ac, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54ad, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x54ae, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x54af, 0x16 },
-	{ 0x54b0, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x54b1, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x54b2, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x54b3, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x54b4, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x54b5, 0xf0 },
-	{ 0x54b6, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x54b7, 0xdf },
-	{ 0x5402, 0x3f },
-	{ 0x5403, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3406, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5180, 0xff },
-	{ 0x5181, 0x52 },
-	{ 0x5182, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5183, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x5184, 0x25 },
-	{ 0x5185, 0x24 },
-	{ 0x5186, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x5187, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5188, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5189, 0x7c },
-	{ 0x518a, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x518b, 0xb2 },
-	{ 0x518c, 0xb2 },
-	{ 0x518d, 0x44 },
-	{ 0x518e, 0x3d },
-	{ 0x518f, 0x58 },
-	{ 0x5190, 0x46 },
-	{ 0x5191, 0xf8 },
-	{ 0x5192, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5193, 0x70 },
-	{ 0x5194, 0xf0 },
-	{ 0x5195, 0xf0 },
-	{ 0x5196, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x5197, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5198, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5199, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x519a, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x519b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x519c, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x519d, 0x82 },
-	{ 0x519e, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5025, 0x80 },
-	{ 0x3a0f, 0x38 },
-	{ 0x3a10, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x3a1b, 0x3a },
-	{ 0x3a1e, 0x2e },
-	{ 0x3a11, 0x60 },
-	{ 0x3a1f, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5688, 0xa6 },
-	{ 0x5689, 0x6a },
-	{ 0x568a, 0xea },
-	{ 0x568b, 0xae },
-	{ 0x568c, 0xa6 },
-	{ 0x568d, 0x6a },
-	{ 0x568e, 0x62 },
-	{ 0x568f, 0x26 },
-	{ 0x5583, 0x40 },
-	{ 0x5584, 0x40 },
-	{ 0x5580, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x5000, 0xcf },
-	{ 0x5800, 0x27 },
-	{ 0x5801, 0x19 },
-	{ 0x5802, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x5803, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5804, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5805, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5806, 0x1e },
-	{ 0x5807, 0x2f },
-	{ 0x5808, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5809, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x580a, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x580b, 0x9  },
-	{ 0x580c, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x580d, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x580e, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x580f, 0x19 },
-	{ 0x5810, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x5811, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x5812, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5813, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x5814, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x5815, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x5816, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x5817, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5818, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x5819, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x581a, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x581b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x581c, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x581d, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x581e, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x581f, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5820, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x5821, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x5822, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x5823, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5824, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5825, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x5826, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5827, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5828, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x5829, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x582a, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x582b, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x582c, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x582d, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x582e, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x582f, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x5830, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x5831, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5832, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5833, 0xa  },
-	{ 0x5834, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x5835, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x5836, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5837, 0x19 },
-	{ 0x5838, 0x32 },
-	{ 0x5839, 0x1f },
-	{ 0x583a, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x583b, 0x16 },
-	{ 0x583c, 0x17 },
-	{ 0x583d, 0x1e },
-	{ 0x583e, 0x26 },
-	{ 0x583f, 0x53 },
-	{ 0x5840, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5841, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5842, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x5843, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5844, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x5845, 0x9  },
-	{ 0x5846, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5847, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5848, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5849, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x584a, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x584b, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x584c, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x584d, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x584e, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x584f, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5850, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5851, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5852, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5853, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5854, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5855, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x5856, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x5857, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x5858, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5859, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x585a, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x585b, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x585c, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x585d, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x585e, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x585f, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5860, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5861, 0xc  },
-	{ 0x5862, 0xd  },
-	{ 0x5863, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x5864, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5865, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x5866, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x5867, 0x19 },
-	{ 0x5868, 0x17 },
-	{ 0x5869, 0x19 },
-	{ 0x586a, 0x16 },
-	{ 0x586b, 0x13 },
-	{ 0x586c, 0x13 },
-	{ 0x586d, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x586e, 0x13 },
-	{ 0x586f, 0x16 },
-	{ 0x5870, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x5871, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x5872, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5873, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5874, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5875, 0x16 },
-	{ 0x5876, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x5877, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5878, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x5879, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x587a, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x587b, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x587c, 0x13 },
-	{ 0x587d, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x587e, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x587f, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x5880, 0x12 },
-	{ 0x5881, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5882, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x5883, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5884, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5885, 0x15 },
-	{ 0x5886, 0x13 },
-	{ 0x5887, 0x17 },
-	{ 0x3710, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x3632, 0x51 },
-	{ 0x3702, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x3703, 0xb2 },
-	{ 0x3704, 0x18 },
-	{ 0x370b, 0x40 },
-	{ 0x370d, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x3631, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x3632, 0x52 },
-	{ 0x3606, 0x24 },
-	{ 0x3620, 0x96 },
-	{ 0x5785, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x3a13, 0x30 },
-	{ 0x3600, 0x52 },
-	{ 0x3604, 0x48 },
-	{ 0x3606, 0x1b },
-	{ 0x370d, 0xb  },
-	{ 0x370f, 0xc0 },
-	{ 0x3709, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x3823, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5007, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5009, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5011, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5013, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x519e, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5086, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5087, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5088, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5089, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x302b, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3503, 0x7  },
-	{ 0x3011, 0x8  },
-	{ 0x350c, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x350d, 0xe4 },
-	{ 0x3621, 0xc9 },
-	{ 0x370a, 0x81 },
-	{ 0xffff, 0xff },
-static struct regval_list ov5642_default_regs_finalise[] = {
-	{ 0x3810, 0xc2 },
-	{ 0x3818, 0xc9 },
-	{ 0x381c, 0x10 },
-	{ 0x381d, 0xa0 },
-	{ 0x381e, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x381f, 0xb0 },
-	{ 0x3820, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3821, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x3824, 0x11 },
-	{ 0x3a08, 0x1b },
-	{ 0x3a09, 0xc0 },
-	{ 0x3a0a, 0x17 },
-	{ 0x3a0b, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x3a0d, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x3a0e, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x401c, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x5682, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x5683, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5686, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x5687, 0xcc },
-	{ 0x5001, 0x4f },
-	{ 0x589b, 0x6  },
-	{ 0x589a, 0xc5 },
-	{ 0x3503, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x460c, 0x20 },
-	{ 0x460b, 0x37 },
-	{ 0x471c, 0xd0 },
-	{ 0x471d, 0x5  },
-	{ 0x3815, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x3818, 0xc1 },
-	{ 0x501f, 0x0  },
-	{ 0x5002, 0xe0 },
-	{ 0x4300, 0x32 }, /* UYVY */
-	{ 0x3002, 0x1c },
-	{ 0x4800, 0x14 },
-	{ 0x4801, 0xf  },
-	{ 0x3007, 0x3b },
-	{ 0x300e, 0x4  },
-	{ 0x4803, 0x50 },
-	{ 0x3815, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x4713, 0x2  },
-	{ 0x4842, 0x1  },
-	{ 0x300f, 0xe  },
-	{ 0x3003, 0x3  },
-	{ 0x3003, 0x1  },
-	{ 0xffff, 0xff },
+#define USE_PREDEF
+#include "ov5642.h"
 struct ov5642_datafmt {
 	u32	code;
@@ -608,6 +40,7 @@ struct ov5642_datafmt {
 struct ov5642 {
 	struct v4l2_subdev		subdev;
+	struct media_pad		pad;
 	const struct ov5642_datafmt	*fmt;
 	struct v4l2_rect                crop_rect;
 	struct v4l2_clk			*clk;
@@ -615,10 +48,14 @@ struct ov5642 {
 	/* blanking information */
 	int total_width;
 	int total_height;
+	struct soc_camera_subdev_desc	ssdd_dt;
+	struct gpio_desc		*resetb_gpio;
+	struct gpio_desc		*pwdn_gpio;
 static const struct ov5642_datafmt ov5642_colour_fmts[] = {
 static struct ov5642 *to_ov5642(const struct i2c_client *client)
@@ -676,10 +113,7 @@ static int reg_write(struct i2c_client *client, u16 reg, u8 val)
 	return 0;
- * convenience function to write 16 bit register values that are split up
- * into two consecutive high and low parts
- */
+#if 0
 static int reg_write16(struct i2c_client *client, u16 reg, u16 val16)
 	int ret;
@@ -689,6 +123,7 @@ static int reg_write16(struct i2c_client *client, u16 reg, u16 val16)
 		return ret;
 	return reg_write(client, reg + 1, val16 & 0x00ff);
 static int ov5642_get_register(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_dbg_register *reg)
@@ -733,6 +168,7 @@ static int ov5642_write_array(struct i2c_client *client,
 	return 0;
+#ifndef USE_PREDEF
 static int ov5642_set_resolution(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
 	struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(sd);
@@ -785,6 +221,7 @@ static int ov5642_set_resolution(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
 	return ret;
 static int ov5642_set_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
 		struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
@@ -866,15 +303,15 @@ static int ov5642_s_crop(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, const struct v4l2_crop *a)
 	priv->total_height	= max_t(int, rect.height +
-	priv->crop_rect.width		= rect.width;
-	priv->crop_rect.height		= rect.height;
+#ifdef USE_PREDEF
+	ret = ov5642_write_array(client, OV5642_720P_30FPS);
 	ret = ov5642_write_array(client, ov5642_default_regs_init);
 	if (!ret)
 		ret = ov5642_set_resolution(sd);
 	if (!ret)
 		ret = ov5642_write_array(client, ov5642_default_regs_finalise);
 	return ret;
@@ -909,10 +346,10 @@ static int ov5642_cropcap(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_cropcap *a)
 static int ov5642_g_mbus_config(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
 				struct v4l2_mbus_config *cfg)
-	cfg->type = V4L2_MBUS_CSI2;
-	cfg->flags = V4L2_MBUS_CSI2_2_LANE | V4L2_MBUS_CSI2_CHANNEL_0 |
+	cfg->type = V4L2_MBUS_PARALLEL;
 	return 0;
@@ -930,12 +367,15 @@ static int ov5642_s_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
 	if (ret < 0)
 		return ret;
+#ifdef USE_PREDEF
+	ret = ov5642_write_array(client, OV5642_720P_30FPS);
 	ret = ov5642_write_array(client, ov5642_default_regs_init);
 	if (!ret)
 		ret = ov5642_set_resolution(sd);
 	if (!ret)
 		ret = ov5642_write_array(client, ov5642_default_regs_finalise);
 	return ret;
@@ -966,6 +406,63 @@ static struct v4l2_subdev_ops ov5642_subdev_ops = {
 	.pad	= &ov5642_subdev_pad_ops,
+/* OF probe functions */
+static int ov5642_hw_power(struct device *dev, int on)
+	struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
+	struct ov5642 *priv = to_ov5642(client);
+	dev_dbg(&client->dev, "%s: %s the camera\n",
+			__func__, on ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE");
+	if (priv->pwdn_gpio)
+		gpiod_direction_output(priv->pwdn_gpio, !on);
+	return 0;
+static int ov5642_hw_reset(struct device *dev)
+	struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
+	struct ov5642 *priv = to_ov5642(client);
+	if (priv->resetb_gpio) {
+		/* Active the resetb pin to perform a reset pulse */
+		gpiod_direction_output(priv->resetb_gpio, 1);
+		usleep_range(3000, 5000);
+		gpiod_direction_output(priv->resetb_gpio, 0);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int ov5642_probe_dt(struct i2c_client *client,
+		struct ov5642 *priv)
+	/* Request the reset GPIO deasserted */
+	priv->resetb_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "resetb",
+	if (!priv->resetb_gpio)
+		dev_dbg(&client->dev, "resetb gpio is not assigned!\n");
+	else if (IS_ERR(priv->resetb_gpio))
+		return PTR_ERR(priv->resetb_gpio);
+	/* Request the power down GPIO asserted */
+	priv->pwdn_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "pwdn",
+	if (!priv->pwdn_gpio)
+		dev_dbg(&client->dev, "pwdn gpio is not assigned!\n");
+	else if (IS_ERR(priv->pwdn_gpio))
+		return PTR_ERR(priv->pwdn_gpio);
+	/* Initialize the soc_camera_subdev_desc */
+	priv->ssdd_dt.power = ov5642_hw_power;
+	priv->ssdd_dt.reset = ov5642_hw_reset;
+	client->dev.platform_data = &priv->ssdd_dt;
+	return 0;
 static int ov5642_video_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
 	struct v4l2_subdev *subdev = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
@@ -1008,19 +505,23 @@ static int ov5642_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
 			const struct i2c_device_id *did)
 	struct ov5642 *priv;
+	struct v4l2_subdev *sd;
 	struct soc_camera_subdev_desc *ssdd = soc_camera_i2c_to_desc(client);
 	int ret;
-	if (!ssdd) {
-		dev_err(&client->dev, "OV5642: missing platform data!\n");
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
 	priv = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(struct ov5642), GFP_KERNEL);
 	if (!priv)
 		return -ENOMEM;
+	if (!ssdd) {
+		ret = ov5642_probe_dt(client, priv);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	sd = &priv->subdev;
 	v4l2_i2c_subdev_init(&priv->subdev, client, &ov5642_subdev_ops);
+	priv->subdev.flags |= V4L2_SUBDEV_FL_HAS_DEVNODE;
 	priv->fmt		= &ov5642_colour_fmts[0];
@@ -1036,8 +537,20 @@ static int ov5642_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
 		return PTR_ERR(priv->clk);
 	ret = ov5642_video_probe(client);
-	if (ret < 0)
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		return ret;
+	}
+	priv->pad.flags = MEDIA_PAD_FL_SOURCE;
+	sd->entity.function = MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR;
+	ret = media_entity_pads_init(&sd->entity, 1, &priv->pad);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = v4l2_async_register_subdev(sd);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		media_entity_cleanup(&sd->entity);
 	return ret;
@@ -1060,8 +573,17 @@ static const struct i2c_device_id ov5642_id[] = {
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, ov5642_id);
+static const struct of_device_id ov5642_of_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "ovti,ov5642" },
+	{ /* sentinel */ },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ov5642_of_match);
 static struct i2c_driver ov5642_i2c_driver = {
 	.driver = {
+		.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(ov5642_of_match),
 		.name = "ov5642",
 	.probe		= ov5642_probe,
diff --git a/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.h b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac47a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642.h
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+#ifndef _OV5642_H_
+#define _OV5642_H_
+/* OV5642 registers */
+#define REG_CHIP_ID_HIGH		0x300a
+#define REG_CHIP_ID_LOW			0x300b
+#define REG_WINDOW_START_X_HIGH		0x3800
+#define REG_WINDOW_START_X_LOW		0x3801
+#define REG_WINDOW_START_Y_HIGH		0x3802
+#define REG_WINDOW_START_Y_LOW		0x3803
+#define REG_WINDOW_WIDTH_HIGH		0x3804
+#define REG_WINDOW_WIDTH_LOW		0x3805
+#define REG_WINDOW_HEIGHT_HIGH		0x3806
+#define REG_WINDOW_HEIGHT_LOW		0x3807
+#define REG_OUT_WIDTH_HIGH		0x3808
+#define REG_OUT_WIDTH_LOW		0x3809
+#define REG_OUT_HEIGHT_HIGH		0x380a
+#define REG_OUT_HEIGHT_LOW		0x380b
+#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_HIGH	0x380c
+#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_LOW		0x380d
+#define REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_LOW	0x380f
+#define REG_OUTPUT_FORMAT		0x4300
+#define REG_ISP_CTRL_00			0x5000
+#define REG_ISP_CTRL_01			0x5001
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_START_X_LOW	0x5681
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_X_HIGH	0x5682
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_X_LOW	0x5683
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_START_Y_LOW	0x5685
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_Y_HIGH	0x5686
+#define REG_AVG_WINDOW_END_Y_LOW	0x5687
+/* active pixel array size */
+#define OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_X	2592
+#define OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_Y	1944
+ * About OV5642 resolution, cropping and binning:
+ * This sensor supports it all, at least in the feature description.
+ * Unfortunately, no combination of appropriate registers settings could make
+ * the chip work the intended way. As it works with predefined register lists,
+ * some undocumented registers are presumably changed there to achieve their
+ * goals.
+ * This driver currently only works for resolutions up to 720 lines with a
+ * 1:1 scale. Hopefully these restrictions will be removed in the future.
+ */
+#define OV5642_MAX_WIDTH	OV5642_SENSOR_SIZE_X
+#define OV5642_MAX_HEIGHT	720
+/* default sizes */
+#define OV5642_DEFAULT_WIDTH	1280
+/* minimum extra blanking */
+ * the sensor's autoexposure is buggy when setting total_height low.
+ * It tries to expose longer than 1 frame period without taking care of it
+ * and this leads to weird output. So we set 1000 lines as minimum.
+ */
+#define BLANKING_MIN_HEIGHT		1000
+struct regval_list {
+	u16 reg_num;
+	u8 value;
+#ifdef USE_PREDEF
+	#include "ov5642_720p.h"
+#ifndef USE_PREDEF
+static struct regval_list ov5642_default_regs_init[] = {
+	{ 0x3103, 0x93 },
+	{ 0x3008, 0x82 },
+	{ 0x3017, 0x7f },
+	{ 0x3018, 0xfc },
+	{ 0x3810, 0xc2 },
+	{ 0x3615, 0xf0 },
+	{ 0x3000, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3001, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3002, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3003, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3004, 0xff },
+	{ 0x3030, 0x2b },
+	{ 0x3011, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x3010, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x3604, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x3622, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x3621, 0x9  },
+	{ 0x3709, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x4000, 0x21 },
+	{ 0x401d, 0x22 },
+	{ 0x3600, 0x54 },
+	{ 0x3605, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x3606, 0x3f },
+	{ 0x3c01, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x300d, 0x22 },
+	{ 0x3623, 0x22 },
+	{ 0x5000, 0x4f },
+	{ 0x5020, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5181, 0x79 },
+	{ 0x5182, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5185, 0x22 },
+	{ 0x5197, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5500, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x5504, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5505, 0x7f },
+	{ 0x5080, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x300e, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x4610, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x471d, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x4708, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x370c, 0xa0 },
+	{ 0x5687, 0x94 },
+	{ 0x501f, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5000, 0x4f },
+	{ 0x5001, 0xcf },
+	{ 0x4300, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x4300, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x460b, 0x35 },
+	{ 0x471d, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3002, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x3002, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x4713, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x471c, 0x50 },
+	{ 0x4721, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x4402, 0x90 },
+	{ 0x460c, 0x22 },
+	{ 0x3815, 0x44 },
+	{ 0x3503, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x3501, 0x73 },
+	{ 0x3502, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x350b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3818, 0xc8 },
+	{ 0x3824, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x3a00, 0x78 },
+	{ 0x3a1a, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x3a13, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x3a18, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a19, 0x7c },
+	{ 0x3a08, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x3a09, 0xc0 },
+	{ 0x3a0a, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x3a0b, 0xa0 },
+	{ 0x350c, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x350d, 0xd0 },
+	{ 0x3a0d, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x3a0e, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x3500, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3501, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3502, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x350a, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x350b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3503, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a0f, 0x3c },
+	{ 0x3a10, 0x32 },
+	{ 0x3a1b, 0x3c },
+	{ 0x3a1e, 0x32 },
+	{ 0x3a11, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x3a1f, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x3030, 0x2b },
+	{ 0x3a02, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a03, 0x7d },
+	{ 0x3a04, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a14, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a15, 0x7d },
+	{ 0x3a16, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3a00, 0x78 },
+	{ 0x3a08, 0x9  },
+	{ 0x3a09, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x3a0a, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x3a0b, 0xd0 },
+	{ 0x3a0d, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x3a0e, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x4407, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5193, 0x70 },
+	{ 0x589b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x589a, 0xc0 },
+	{ 0x401e, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x4001, 0x42 },
+	{ 0x401c, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x3825, 0xac },
+	{ 0x3827, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x528a, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x528b, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x528c, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x528d, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x528e, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x528f, 0x28 },
+	{ 0x5290, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x5292, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5293, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5294, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5295, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5296, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5297, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5298, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5299, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x529a, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x529b, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x529c, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x529d, 0x28 },
+	{ 0x529e, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x529f, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x5282, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5300, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5301, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x5302, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5303, 0x7c },
+	{ 0x530c, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x530d, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x530e, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x530f, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x5310, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x5311, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x5308, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x5309, 0x40 },
+	{ 0x5304, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5305, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x5306, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5307, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x5314, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5315, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x5319, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x5316, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5317, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5318, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x5380, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5381, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5382, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5383, 0x4e },
+	{ 0x5384, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5385, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5386, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5387, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5388, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5389, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x538a, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x538b, 0x31 },
+	{ 0x538c, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x538d, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x538e, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x538f, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5390, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5391, 0xab },
+	{ 0x5392, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5393, 0xa2 },
+	{ 0x5394, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5480, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x5481, 0x21 },
+	{ 0x5482, 0x36 },
+	{ 0x5483, 0x57 },
+	{ 0x5484, 0x65 },
+	{ 0x5485, 0x71 },
+	{ 0x5486, 0x7d },
+	{ 0x5487, 0x87 },
+	{ 0x5488, 0x91 },
+	{ 0x5489, 0x9a },
+	{ 0x548a, 0xaa },
+	{ 0x548b, 0xb8 },
+	{ 0x548c, 0xcd },
+	{ 0x548d, 0xdd },
+	{ 0x548e, 0xea },
+	{ 0x548f, 0x1d },
+	{ 0x5490, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x5491, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5492, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5493, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x5494, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x5495, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x5496, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x5497, 0xb8 },
+	{ 0x5498, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x5499, 0x86 },
+	{ 0x549a, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x549b, 0x5b },
+	{ 0x549c, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x549d, 0x3b },
+	{ 0x549e, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x549f, 0x1c },
+	{ 0x54a0, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x54a1, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x54a2, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54a3, 0xed },
+	{ 0x54a4, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54a5, 0xc5 },
+	{ 0x54a6, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54a7, 0xa5 },
+	{ 0x54a8, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54a9, 0x6c },
+	{ 0x54aa, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54ab, 0x41 },
+	{ 0x54ac, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54ad, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x54ae, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x54af, 0x16 },
+	{ 0x54b0, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x54b1, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x54b2, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x54b3, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x54b4, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x54b5, 0xf0 },
+	{ 0x54b6, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x54b7, 0xdf },
+	{ 0x5402, 0x3f },
+	{ 0x5403, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3406, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5180, 0xff },
+	{ 0x5181, 0x52 },
+	{ 0x5182, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5183, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x5184, 0x25 },
+	{ 0x5185, 0x24 },
+	{ 0x5186, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x5187, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5188, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5189, 0x7c },
+	{ 0x518a, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x518b, 0xb2 },
+	{ 0x518c, 0xb2 },
+	{ 0x518d, 0x44 },
+	{ 0x518e, 0x3d },
+	{ 0x518f, 0x58 },
+	{ 0x5190, 0x46 },
+	{ 0x5191, 0xf8 },
+	{ 0x5192, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5193, 0x70 },
+	{ 0x5194, 0xf0 },
+	{ 0x5195, 0xf0 },
+	{ 0x5196, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x5197, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5198, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5199, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x519a, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x519b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x519c, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x519d, 0x82 },
+	{ 0x519e, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5025, 0x80 },
+	{ 0x3a0f, 0x38 },
+	{ 0x3a10, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x3a1b, 0x3a },
+	{ 0x3a1e, 0x2e },
+	{ 0x3a11, 0x60 },
+	{ 0x3a1f, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5688, 0xa6 },
+	{ 0x5689, 0x6a },
+	{ 0x568a, 0xea },
+	{ 0x568b, 0xae },
+	{ 0x568c, 0xa6 },
+	{ 0x568d, 0x6a },
+	{ 0x568e, 0x62 },
+	{ 0x568f, 0x26 },
+	{ 0x5583, 0x40 },
+	{ 0x5584, 0x40 },
+	{ 0x5580, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x5000, 0xcf },
+	{ 0x5800, 0x27 },
+	{ 0x5801, 0x19 },
+	{ 0x5802, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x5803, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5804, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5805, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5806, 0x1e },
+	{ 0x5807, 0x2f },
+	{ 0x5808, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5809, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x580a, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x580b, 0x9  },
+	{ 0x580c, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x580d, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x580e, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x580f, 0x19 },
+	{ 0x5810, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x5811, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x5812, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5813, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x5814, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x5815, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x5816, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x5817, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5818, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x5819, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x581a, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x581b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x581c, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x581d, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x581e, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x581f, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5820, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x5821, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x5822, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x5823, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5824, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5825, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x5826, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5827, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5828, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x5829, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x582a, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x582b, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x582c, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x582d, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x582e, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x582f, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x5830, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x5831, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5832, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5833, 0xa  },
+	{ 0x5834, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x5835, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x5836, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5837, 0x19 },
+	{ 0x5838, 0x32 },
+	{ 0x5839, 0x1f },
+	{ 0x583a, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x583b, 0x16 },
+	{ 0x583c, 0x17 },
+	{ 0x583d, 0x1e },
+	{ 0x583e, 0x26 },
+	{ 0x583f, 0x53 },
+	{ 0x5840, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5841, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5842, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x5843, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5844, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x5845, 0x9  },
+	{ 0x5846, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5847, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5848, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5849, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x584a, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x584b, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x584c, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x584d, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x584e, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x584f, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5850, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5851, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5852, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5853, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5854, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5855, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x5856, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x5857, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x5858, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5859, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x585a, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x585b, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x585c, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x585d, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x585e, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x585f, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5860, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5861, 0xc  },
+	{ 0x5862, 0xd  },
+	{ 0x5863, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x5864, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5865, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x5866, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x5867, 0x19 },
+	{ 0x5868, 0x17 },
+	{ 0x5869, 0x19 },
+	{ 0x586a, 0x16 },
+	{ 0x586b, 0x13 },
+	{ 0x586c, 0x13 },
+	{ 0x586d, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x586e, 0x13 },
+	{ 0x586f, 0x16 },
+	{ 0x5870, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x5871, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x5872, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5873, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5874, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5875, 0x16 },
+	{ 0x5876, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x5877, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5878, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x5879, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x587a, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x587b, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x587c, 0x13 },
+	{ 0x587d, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x587e, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x587f, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x5880, 0x12 },
+	{ 0x5881, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5882, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x5883, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5884, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5885, 0x15 },
+	{ 0x5886, 0x13 },
+	{ 0x5887, 0x17 },
+	{ 0x3710, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x3632, 0x51 },
+	{ 0x3702, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x3703, 0xb2 },
+	{ 0x3704, 0x18 },
+	{ 0x370b, 0x40 },
+	{ 0x370d, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x3631, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x3632, 0x52 },
+	{ 0x3606, 0x24 },
+	{ 0x3620, 0x96 },
+	{ 0x5785, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x3a13, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x3600, 0x52 },
+	{ 0x3604, 0x48 },
+	{ 0x3606, 0x1b },
+	{ 0x370d, 0xb  },
+	{ 0x370f, 0xc0 },
+	{ 0x3709, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x3823, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5007, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5009, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5011, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5013, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x519e, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5086, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5087, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5088, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5089, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x302b, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3503, 0x7  },
+	{ 0x3011, 0x8  },
+	{ 0x350c, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x350d, 0xe4 },
+	{ 0x3621, 0xc9 },
+	{ 0x370a, 0x81 },
+	{ 0xffff, 0xff },
+static struct regval_list ov5642_default_regs_finalise[] = {
+	{ 0x3810, 0xc2 },
+	{ 0x3818, 0xc9 },
+	{ 0x381c, 0x10 },
+	{ 0x381d, 0xa0 },
+	{ 0x381e, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x381f, 0xb0 },
+	{ 0x3820, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3821, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x3824, 0x11 },
+	{ 0x3a08, 0x1b },
+	{ 0x3a09, 0xc0 },
+	{ 0x3a0a, 0x17 },
+	{ 0x3a0b, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x3a0d, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x3a0e, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x401c, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x5682, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x5683, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5686, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x5687, 0xcc },
+	{ 0x5001, 0x4f },
+	{ 0x589b, 0x6  },
+	{ 0x589a, 0xc5 },
+	{ 0x3503, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x460c, 0x20 },
+	{ 0x460b, 0x37 },
+	{ 0x471c, 0xd0 },
+	{ 0x471d, 0x5  },
+	{ 0x3815, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x3818, 0xc1 },
+	{ 0x501f, 0x0  },
+	{ 0x5002, 0xe0 },
+	{ 0x4300, 0x32 }, /* UYVY */
+	{ 0x3002, 0x1c },
+	{ 0x4800, 0x14 },
+	{ 0x4801, 0xf  },
+	{ 0x3007, 0x3b },
+	{ 0x300e, 0x4  },
+	{ 0x4803, 0x50 },
+	{ 0x3815, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x4713, 0x2  },
+	{ 0x4842, 0x1  },
+	{ 0x300f, 0xe  },
+	{ 0x3003, 0x3  },
+	{ 0x3003, 0x1  },
+	{ 0xffff, 0xff },
+#endif /* _OV5642_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642_720p.h b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642_720p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5a52e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/media/i2c/soc_camera/ov5642_720p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+/* Settings array from
+ * From 5e8e49e226b29c144ddf482afe7d3ad659c9897f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+ * From: Kazuya Nishimura <>
+ * Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:12:56 +0900
+ * Subject: [PATCH] Enabled VIN driver for MMB
+ */
+/* 720p 30fps @ 1280x720 */
+/* for the setting , 24MHz Mlck input and 90MHz Plck output */
+/* refer to OV5642.c */
+static struct regval_list OV5642_720P_30FPS[] =
+	{0x3103, 0x93},
+	{0x3008, 0x82},
+	{0x3017, 0x7f},
+	{0x3018, 0xfc},
+	/* drive capability 4x */
+	{ 0x302c, (3 << 5) | 0x02 },
+	{0x3810, 0xc2},
+	{0x3615, 0xf0},
+	{0x3000, 0x00},
+	{0x3001, 0x00},
+	{0x3002, 0x00},
+	{0x3003, 0x00},
+	{0x3000, 0xf8},
+	{0x3001, 0x48},
+	{0x3002, 0x5c},
+	{0x3003, 0x02},
+	{0x3004, 0x07},
+	{0x3005, 0xb7},
+	{0x3006, 0x43},
+	{0x3007, 0x37},
+	{0x3011, 0x0f},	//PLL CONTROL 02 : Bit[5:0] PLL DIVP divider
+	{0x3010, 0x10},	//PLL CONTROL 01 : Bit[7:4] PLL DIVS, Bit[3:0] PLL DIVM (MIPI divider ratio)
+					//29-30fps
+	{0x460c, 0x22},
+	{0x3815, 0x04},
+	{0x370d, 0x06},
+	{0x370c, 0xa0},
+	{0x3602, 0xfc},
+	{0x3612, 0xff},
+	{0x3634, 0xc0},
+	{0x3613, 0x00},
+	{0x3605, 0x7c},
+	{0x3621, 0x09},
+	{0x3622, 0x00},
+	{0x3604, 0x40},
+	{0x3603, 0xa7},
+	{0x3603, 0x27},
+	{0x4000, 0x21},
+	{0x401d, 0x02},
+	{0x3600, 0x54},
+	{0x3605, 0x04},
+	{0x3606, 0x3f},
+	{0x3c01, 0x80},
+	{REG_ISP_CTRL_00, 0x4f},
+	{0x4300, 0x32}, /* YUV422: UYVY... */
+	{0x5020, 0x04},
+	{0x5181, 0x79},
+	{0x5182, 0x00},
+	{0x5185, 0x22},
+	{0x5197, 0x01},
+	{REG_ISP_CTRL_01, 0xff},
+	{0x5500, 0x0a},
+	{0x5504, 0x00},
+	{0x5505, 0x7f},
+	{0x5080, 0x08},
+	{0x300e, 0x18},
+	{0x4610, 0x00},
+	{0x471d, 0x05},
+	{0x4708, 0x06},
+	 * [0] VSYNC - act low
+	 * [1] HREF - act low
+	 * [2] gate PCLK under HREF - no
+	 * [3] gate PCLK under VSYNK - no
+	 * [5] PCLK - falling edge
+	 */
+	{0x4740, 0x20},
+	{0x3710, 0x10},
+	{0x3632, 0x41},
+	{0x3702, 0x40},
+	{0x3620, 0x37},
+	{0x3631, 0x01},
+	{REG_OUT_WIDTH_HIGH, 0x02},	// TIMING DVPHO Bit[3:0] DVP output horizontal width high byte
+	{REG_OUT_WIDTH_LOW, 0x80},	// TIMING DVPHO Bit[7:0] DVP output horizontal width low byte
+					// 0x280 => 640
+	{REG_OUT_HEIGHT_HIGH, 0x01},	// TIMING DVPVO Bit[3:0] DVP output vertical height high byte
+	{REG_OUT_HEIGHT_LOW, 0xe0},	// TIMING DVPVO Bit[7:0] DVP output vertical height low byte
+					// 0x1e0 => 480
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_HIGH, 0x07},	// TIMING VTS Bit[3:0] Total vertical size high byte [11:8]
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_LOW, 0xd0},	// TIMING VTS Bit[7:0] Total vertical size low byte [7:0]
+             	// 0x7d0 => 2000
+	{0x501f, 0x00},
+	{REG_ISP_CTRL_00, 0x4f},
+	{0x3503, 0x07},
+	{0x3501, 0x73},
+	{0x3502, 0x80},
+	{0x350b, 0x00},
+	{0x3503, 0x07},
+	{0x3824, 0x11},
+	{0x3501, 0x1e},
+	{0x3502, 0x80},
+	{0x350b, 0x7f},
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_HIGH, 0x03},	// TIMING VTS Bit[3:0] Total vertical size high byte [11:8]
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_LOW, 0xe8},	// TIMING VTS Bit[7:0] Total vertical size low byte [7:0]
+             	// 0x3e8 => 1000
+	{0x3a0d, 0x04},
+	{0x3a0e, 0x03},
+	{0x3818, 0xc1},
+	{0x3705, 0xdb},
+	{0x370a, 0x81},
+	{0x3621, 0xc7},
+	{0x3827, 0x08},
+	{0x3810, 0xc0},
+	{0x3a00, 0x78},
+	{0x3a1a, 0x04},
+	{0x3a13, 0x30},
+	{0x3a18, 0x00},
+	{0x3a19, 0x7c},
+	{0x3a08, 0x12},
+	{0x3a09, 0xc0},
+	{0x3a0a, 0x0f},
+	{0x3a0b, 0xa0},
+	{0x3004, 0xff},
+	{0x350c, 0x07},
+	{0x350d, 0xd0},
+	{0x3500, 0x00},
+	{0x3501, 0x00},
+	{0x3502, 0x00},
+	{0x350a, 0x00},
+	{0x350b, 0x00},
+	{0x3503, 0x00},
+	{0x528a, 0x02},
+	{0x528b, 0x04},
+	{0x528c, 0x08},
+	{0x528d, 0x08},
+	{0x528e, 0x08},
+	{0x528f, 0x10},
+	{0x5290, 0x10},
+	{0x5292, 0x00},
+	{0x5293, 0x02},
+	{0x5294, 0x00},
+	{0x5295, 0x02},
+	{0x5296, 0x00},
+	{0x5297, 0x02},
+	{0x5298, 0x00},
+	{0x5299, 0x02},
+	{0x529a, 0x00},
+	{0x529b, 0x02},
+	{0x529c, 0x00},
+	{0x529d, 0x02},
+	{0x529e, 0x00},
+	{0x529f, 0x02},
+	{0x3a0f, 0x3c},
+	{0x3a10, 0x30},
+	{0x3a1b, 0x3c},
+	{0x3a1e, 0x30},
+	{0x3a11, 0x70},
+	{0x3a1f, 0x10},
+	{0x3030, 0x0b},
+	{0x3a02, 0x00},
+	{0x3a03, 0x7d},
+	{0x3a04, 0x00},
+	{0x3a14, 0x00},
+	{0x3a15, 0x7d},
+	{0x3a16, 0x00},
+	{0x3a00, 0x78},
+	{0x3a08, 0x09},
+	{0x3a09, 0x60},
+	{0x3a0a, 0x07},
+	{0x3a0b, 0xd0},
+	{0x3a0d, 0x08},
+	{0x3a0e, 0x06},
+	{0x5193, 0x70},
+	{0x3620, 0x57},
+	{0x3703, 0x98},
+	{0x3704, 0x1c},
+	{0x589b, 0x04},
+	{0x589a, 0xc5},
+	{0x528a, 0x00},
+	{0x528b, 0x02},
+	{0x528c, 0x08},
+	{0x528d, 0x10},
+	{0x528e, 0x20},
+	{0x528f, 0x28},
+	{0x5290, 0x30},
+	{0x5292, 0x00},
+	{0x5293, 0x00},
+	{0x5294, 0x00},
+	{0x5295, 0x02},
+	{0x5296, 0x00},
+	{0x5297, 0x08},
+	{0x5298, 0x00},
+	{0x5299, 0x10},
+	{0x529a, 0x00},
+	{0x529b, 0x20},
+	{0x529c, 0x00},
+	{0x529d, 0x28},
+	{0x529e, 0x00},
+	{0x529f, 0x30},
+	{0x5282, 0x00},
+	{0x5300, 0x00},
+	{0x5301, 0x20},
+	{0x5302, 0x00},
+	{0x5303, 0x7c},
+	{0x530c, 0x00},
+	{0x530d, 0x0c},
+	{0x530e, 0x20},
+	{0x530f, 0x80},
+	{0x5310, 0x20},
+	{0x5311, 0x80},
+	{0x5308, 0x20},
+	{0x5309, 0x40},
+	{0x5304, 0x00},
+	{0x5305, 0x30},
+	{0x5306, 0x00},
+	{0x5307, 0x80},
+	{0x5314, 0x08},
+	{0x5315, 0x20},
+	{0x5319, 0x30},
+	{0x5316, 0x10},
+	{0x5317, 0x08},
+	{0x5318, 0x02},
+	{0x5380, 0x01},
+	{0x5381, 0x00},
+	{0x5382, 0x00},
+	{0x5383, 0x4e},
+	{0x5384, 0x00},
+	{0x5385, 0x0f},
+	{0x5386, 0x00},
+	{0x5387, 0x00},
+	{0x5388, 0x01},
+	{0x5389, 0x15},
+	{0x538a, 0x00},
+	{0x538b, 0x31},
+	{0x538c, 0x00},
+	{0x538d, 0x00},
+	{0x538e, 0x00},
+	{0x538f, 0x0f},
+	{0x5390, 0x00},
+	{0x5391, 0xab},
+	{0x5392, 0x00},
+	{0x5393, 0xa2},
+	{0x5394, 0x08},
+	{0x5480, 0x14},
+	{0x5481, 0x21},
+	{0x5482, 0x36},
+	{0x5483, 0x57},
+	{0x5484, 0x65},
+	{0x5485, 0x71},
+	{0x5486, 0x7d},
+	{0x5487, 0x87},
+	{0x5488, 0x91},
+	{0x5489, 0x9a},
+	{0x548a, 0xaa},
+	{0x548b, 0xb8},
+	{0x548c, 0xcd},
+	{0x548d, 0xdd},
+	{0x548e, 0xea},
+	{0x548f, 0x10},
+	{0x5490, 0x05},
+	{0x5491, 0x00},
+	{0x5492, 0x04},
+	{0x5493, 0x20},
+	{0x5494, 0x03},
+	{0x5495, 0x60},
+	{0x5496, 0x02},
+	{0x5497, 0xb8},
+	{0x5498, 0x02},
+	{0x5499, 0x86},
+	{0x549a, 0x02},
+	{0x549b, 0x5b},
+	{0x549c, 0x02},
+	{0x549d, 0x3b},
+	{0x549e, 0x02},
+	{0x549f, 0x1c},
+	{0x54a0, 0x02},
+	{0x54a1, 0x04},
+	{0x54a2, 0x01},
+	{0x54a3, 0xed},
+	{0x54a4, 0x01},
+	{0x54a5, 0xc5},
+	{0x54a6, 0x01},
+	{0x54a7, 0xa5},
+	{0x54a8, 0x01},
+	{0x54a9, 0x6c},
+	{0x54aa, 0x01},
+	{0x54ab, 0x41},
+	{0x54ac, 0x01},
+	{0x54ad, 0x20},
+	{0x54ae, 0x00},
+	{0x54af, 0x16},
+	{0x3406, 0x00},
+	{0x5192, 0x04},
+	{0x5191, 0xf8},
+	{0x5193, 0x70},
+	{0x5194, 0xf0},
+	{0x5195, 0xf0},
+	{0x518d, 0x3d},
+	{0x518f, 0x54},
+	{0x518e, 0x3d},
+	{0x5190, 0x54},
+	{0x518b, 0xc0},
+	{0x518c, 0xbd},
+	{0x5187, 0x18},
+	{0x5188, 0x18},
+	{0x5189, 0x6e},
+	{0x518a, 0x68},
+	{0x5186, 0x1c},
+	{0x5181, 0x50},
+	{0x5184, 0x25},
+	{0x5182, 0x11},
+	{0x5183, 0x14},
+	{0x5184, 0x25},
+	{0x5185, 0x24},
+	{0x5025, 0x82},
+	{0x3a0f, 0x7e},
+	{0x3a10, 0x72},
+	{0x3a1b, 0x80},
+	{0x3a1e, 0x70},
+	{0x3a11, 0xd0},
+	{0x3a1f, 0x40},
+	{0x5583, 0x40},
+	{0x5584, 0x40},
+	{0x5580, 0x02},
+	{0x3633, 0x07},
+	{0x3702, 0x10},
+	{0x3703, 0xb2},
+	{0x3704, 0x18},
+	{0x370b, 0x40},
+	{0x370d, 0x02},
+	{0x3620, 0x52},
+	{0x3c00, 0x04},
+	{REG_ISP_CTRL_01, 0xFF},
+	{0x5583, 0x50},
+	{0x5584, 0x50},
+	{0x5580, 0x02},
+	{0x3c01, 0x80},
+	{0x3c00, 0x04},
+	{0x5800, 0x27},
+	{0x5801, 0x22},
+	{0x5802, 0x1b},
+	{0x5803, 0x17},
+	{0x5804, 0x16},
+	{0x5805, 0x18},
+	{0x5806, 0x20},
+	{0x5807, 0x20},
+	{0x5808, 0x1b},
+	{0x5809, 0x15},
+	{0x580a, 0x0f},
+	{0x580b, 0x0d},
+	{0x580c, 0x0d},
+	{0x580d, 0x0e},
+	{0x580e, 0x11},
+	{0x580f, 0x18},
+	{0x5810, 0x10},
+	{0x5811, 0x0d},
+	{0x5812, 0x08},
+	{0x5813, 0x05},
+	{0x5814, 0x04},
+	{0x5815, 0x06},
+	{0x5816, 0x09},
+	{0x5817, 0x0e},
+	{0x5818, 0x0d},
+	{0x5819, 0x09},
+	{0x581a, 0x03},
+	{0x581b, 0x00},
+	{0x581c, 0x00},
+	{0x581d, 0x01},
+	{0x581e, 0x05},
+	{0x581f, 0x0b},
+	{0x5820, 0x0d},
+	{0x5821, 0x09},
+	{0x5822, 0x03},
+	{0x5823, 0x00},
+	{0x5824, 0x00},
+	{0x5825, 0x01},
+	{0x5826, 0x05},
+	{0x5827, 0x0b},
+	{0x5828, 0x10},
+	{0x5829, 0x0c},
+	{0x582a, 0x08},
+	{0x582b, 0x04},
+	{0x582c, 0x03},
+	{0x582d, 0x05},
+	{0x582e, 0x09},
+	{0x582f, 0x0e},
+	{0x5830, 0x1b},
+	{0x5831, 0x14},
+	{0x5832, 0x0f},
+	{0x5833, 0x0c},
+	{0x5834, 0x0c},
+	{0x5835, 0x0d},
+	{0x5836, 0x10},
+	{0x5837, 0x19},
+	{0x5838, 0x25},
+	{0x5839, 0x23},
+	{0x583a, 0x1a},
+	{0x583b, 0x16},
+	{0x583c, 0x15},
+	{0x583d, 0x18},
+	{0x583e, 0x1f},
+	{0x583f, 0x25},
+	{0x5840, 0x10},
+	{0x5841, 0x0e},
+	{0x5842, 0x0e},
+	{0x5843, 0x0e},
+	{0x5844, 0x0f},
+	{0x5845, 0x0a},
+	{0x5846, 0x08},
+	{0x5847, 0x0f},
+	{0x5848, 0x0f},
+	{0x5849, 0x0f},
+	{0x584a, 0x0c},
+	{0x584b, 0x0f},
+	{0x584c, 0x09},
+	{0x584d, 0x10},
+	{0x584e, 0x11},
+	{0x584f, 0x10},
+	{0x5850, 0x0f},
+	{0x5851, 0x0e},
+	{0x5852, 0x08},
+	{0x5853, 0x10},
+	{0x5854, 0x10},
+	{0x5855, 0x10},
+	{0x5856, 0x0e},
+	{0x5857, 0x0e},
+	{0x5858, 0x0a},
+	{0x5859, 0x0e},
+	{0x585a, 0x0e},
+	{0x585b, 0x0e},
+	{0x585c, 0x0e},
+	{0x585d, 0x0d},
+	{0x585e, 0x08},
+	{0x585f, 0x0b},
+	{0x5860, 0x0a},
+	{0x5861, 0x0a},
+	{0x5862, 0x09},
+	{0x5863, 0x0d},
+	{0x5864, 0x13},
+	{0x5865, 0x0e},
+	{0x5866, 0x10},
+	{0x5867, 0x10},
+	{0x5868, 0x0e},
+	{0x5869, 0x11},
+	{0x586a, 0x12},
+	{0x586b, 0x10},
+	{0x586c, 0x10},
+	{0x586d, 0x10},
+	{0x586e, 0x10},
+	{0x586f, 0x11},
+	{0x5870, 0x15},
+	{0x5871, 0x10},
+	{0x5872, 0x10},
+	{0x5873, 0x10},
+	{0x5874, 0x11},
+	{0x5875, 0x11},
+	{0x5876, 0x14},
+	{0x5877, 0x0f},
+	{0x5878, 0x10},
+	{0x5879, 0x10},
+	{0x587a, 0x10},
+	{0x587b, 0x11},
+	{0x587c, 0x12},
+	{0x587d, 0x0f},
+	{0x587e, 0x0f},
+	{0x587f, 0x10},
+	{0x5880, 0x10},
+	{0x5881, 0x0f},
+	{0x5882, 0x12},
+	{0x5883, 0x0e},
+	{0x5884, 0x10},
+	{0x5885, 0x10},
+	{0x5886, 0x0e},
+	{0x5887, 0x0e},
+	{0x5180, 0xff},
+	{0x5181, 0x52},
+	{0x5182, 0x11},
+	{0x5183, 0x14},
+	{0x5184, 0x25},
+	{0x5185, 0x24},
+	{0x5186, 0x14},
+	{0x5187, 0x14},
+	{0x5188, 0x14},
+	{0x5189, 0x6c},
+	{0x518a, 0x60},
+	{0x518b, 0xbd},
+	{0x518c, 0x9c},
+	{0x518d, 0x3d},
+	{0x518e, 0x34},
+	{0x518f, 0x57},
+	{0x5190, 0x4a},
+	{0x5191, 0xf8},
+	{0x5192, 0x04},
+	{0x5193, 0x70},
+	{0x5194, 0xf0},
+	{0x5195, 0xf0},
+	{0x5196, 0x03},
+	{0x5197, 0x01},
+	{0x5198, 0x04},
+	{0x5199, 0x00},
+	{0x519a, 0x04},
+	{0x519b, 0x35},
+	{0x519c, 0x08},
+	{0x519d, 0xb8},
+	{0x519e, 0xa0},
+	{0x528a, 0x00},
+	{0x528b, 0x01},
+	{0x528c, 0x04},
+	{0x528d, 0x08},
+	{0x528e, 0x10},
+	{0x528f, 0x20},
+	{0x5290, 0x30},
+	{0x5292, 0x00},
+	{0x5293, 0x00},
+	{0x5294, 0x00},
+	{0x5295, 0x01},
+	{0x5296, 0x00},
+	{0x5297, 0x04},
+	{0x5298, 0x00},
+	{0x5299, 0x08},
+	{0x529a, 0x00},
+	{0x529b, 0x10},
+	{0x529c, 0x00},
+	{0x529d, 0x20},
+	{0x529e, 0x00},
+	{0x529f, 0x30},
+	{0x5282, 0x00},
+	{0x5300, 0x00},
+	{0x5301, 0x20},
+	{0x5302, 0x00},
+	{0x5303, 0x7c},
+	{0x530c, 0x00},
+	{0x530d, 0x10},
+	{0x530e, 0x20},
+	{0x530f, 0x80},
+	{0x5310, 0x20},
+	{0x5311, 0x80},
+	{0x5308, 0x20},
+	{0x5309, 0x40},
+	{0x5304, 0x00},
+	{0x5305, 0x30},
+	{0x5306, 0x00},
+	{0x5307, 0x80},
+	{0x5314, 0x08},
+	{0x5315, 0x20},
+	{0x5319, 0x30},
+	{0x5316, 0x10},
+	{0x5317, 0x00},
+	{0x5318, 0x02},
+	{0x5380, 0x01},
+	{0x5381, 0x00},
+	{0x5382, 0x00},
+	{0x5383, 0x1f},
+	{0x5384, 0x00},
+	{0x5385, 0x06},
+	{0x5386, 0x00},
+	{0x5387, 0x00},
+	{0x5388, 0x00},
+	{0x5389, 0xE1},
+	{0x538A, 0x00},
+	{0x538B, 0x2B},
+	{0x538C, 0x00},
+	{0x538D, 0x00},
+	{0x538E, 0x00},
+	{0x538F, 0x10},
+	{0x5390, 0x00},
+	{0x5391, 0xB3},
+	{0x5392, 0x00},
+	{0x5393, 0xA6},
+	{0x5394, 0x08},
+	{0x5480, 0x14},
+	{0x5481, 0x21},
+	{0x5482, 0x36},
+	{0x5483, 0x57},
+	{0x5484, 0x65},
+	{0x5485, 0x71},
+	{0x5486, 0x7D},
+	{0x5487, 0x87},
+	{0x5488, 0x91},
+	{0x5489, 0x9A},
+	{0x548A, 0xAA},
+	{0x548B, 0xB8},
+	{0x548C, 0xCD},
+	{0x548D, 0xDD},
+	{0x548E, 0xEA},
+	{0x548F, 0x1d},
+	{0x5490, 0x05},
+	{0x5491, 0x00},
+	{0x5492, 0x04},
+	{0x5493, 0x20},
+	{0x5494, 0x03},
+	{0x5495, 0x60},
+	{0x5496, 0x02},
+	{0x5497, 0xB8},
+	{0x5498, 0x02},
+	{0x5499, 0x86},
+	{0x549A, 0x02},
+	{0x549B, 0x5B},
+	{0x549C, 0x02},
+	{0x549D, 0x3B},
+	{0x549E, 0x02},
+	{0x549F, 0x1C},
+	{0x54A0, 0x02},
+	{0x54A1, 0x04},
+	{0x54A2, 0x01},
+	{0x54A3, 0xED},
+	{0x54A4, 0x01},
+	{0x54A5, 0xC5},
+	{0x54A6, 0x01},
+	{0x54A7, 0xA5},
+	{0x54A8, 0x01},
+	{0x54A9, 0x6C},
+	{0x54AA, 0x01},
+	{0x54AB, 0x41},
+	{0x54AC, 0x01},
+	{0x54AD, 0x20},
+	{0x54AE, 0x00},
+	{0x54AF, 0x16},
+	{0x54B0, 0x01},
+	{0x54B1, 0x20},
+	{0x54B2, 0x00},
+	{0x54B3, 0x10},
+	{0x54B4, 0x00},
+	{0x54B5, 0xf0},
+	{0x54B6, 0x00},
+	{0x54B7, 0xDF},
+	{0x5402, 0x3f},
+	{0x5403, 0x00},
+	{0x5500, 0x10},
+	{0x5502, 0x00},
+	{0x5503, 0x06},
+	{0x5504, 0x00},
+	{0x5505, 0x7f},
+	{0x5025, 0x80},
+	{0x3a0f, 0x48},	//0x30
+	{0x3a10, 0x38},	//0x28
+	{0x3a1b, 0x50},	//0x30
+	{0x3a1e, 0x30},	//0x28
+	{0x3a11, 0x71},	//0x61
+	{0x3a1f, 0x10},
+	{0x5688, 0xfd},
+	{0x5689, 0xdf},
+	{0x568a, 0xfe},
+	{0x568b, 0xef},
+	{0x568c, 0xfe},
+	{0x568d, 0xef},
+	{0x568e, 0xaa},
+	{0x568f, 0xaa},
+						//0x150 = 336
+						//0x8 = 8
+						//0x500 = 1280
+						//0x3c0 = 960
+	{REG_OUT_WIDTH_HIGH,		0x5 },	// TIMING DVPHO Bit[3:0] DVP output horizontal width high byte
+	{REG_OUT_WIDTH_LOW,		0x00},	// TIMING DVPHO Bit[7:0] DVP output horizontal width low byte
+						// 0x500 => 1280
+	{REG_OUT_HEIGHT_HIGH,		0x2 },	// TIMING DVPVO Bit[3:0] DVP output vertical height high byte
+//	{REG_OUT_HEIGHT_LOW,		0xd0},	// TIMING DVPVO Bit[7:0] DVP output vertical height low byte
+						// 0x2d0 => 720
+	{REG_OUT_HEIGHT_LOW,		0xd5},	// TIMING DVPVO Bit[7:0] DVP output vertical height low byte
+						// 0x2d5 => 725
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_HIGH,	0xc },	// TIMING HTS Bit[3:0] Total horizontal size high byte [11:8]
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_WIDTH_LOW,	0x80},	// TIMING HTS Bit[7:0] Total horizontal size low byte [7:0]
+						// 0xc80 => 3200
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_HIGH,	0x3 },	// TIMING VTS Bit[3:0] Total vertical size high byte [11:8]
+	{REG_OUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT_LOW,	0xe8},	// TIMING VTS Bit[7:0] Total vertical size low byte [7:0]
+						// 0x3e8 => 1000
+	{REG_ISP_CTRL_01,		0x7f},
+	{0x3815, 0x02},
+	{0x3503, 0x00},
+	//{0x4730, 0x01},
+	{0x4730, 0x00},
+	{0xffff, 0xff},