# meta-rcar-gen3 This layer provides the support for the evaluation board mounted ARM SoCs of Renesas Electronics, called the R-Car Generation 3. Currently, this supports boards and the SoCs of the following: ```bash - Board: Salvator-X / SoC: R8A7795 (R-Car H3), R8A7796 (R-Car M3), R8A77965 (R-Car M3N) - Board: R-Car Starter Kit premier(H3ULCB) / SoC: R8A7795 (R-Car H3) - Board: R-Car Starter Kit pro(M3ULCB) / SoC: R8A7796 (R-Car M3) - Board: R-Car Starter Kit pro(M3NULCB) / SoC: R8A77965 (R-Car M3N) - Board: Ebisu / SoC: R8A77990 (R-Car E3) ``` ## Branch Policy * This is Community Yocto BSP to follow Yocto/Poky releases. * It is not supported to the level of the Customer Yocto BSP. ## Tag Policy * Releases are created from the respective working branch. * After a Customer Yocto BSP version releases, the Community Yocto BSP will be rebased and released accordingly. * zeus-X: * The versions used on zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) will start on zeus-Yocto-v3.21.0 to keep the major version numbers in sync. ## Contribution * Please submit any patches for this layer to: takamitsu.honda.pv@renesas.com * Please see the MAINTAINERS file for more details. ## Layer Dependencies This layer depends on: * poky ```bash URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky layers: meta, meta-poky, meta-yocto-bsp branch: zeus revision: 94f6b31befda5c496f65e863a6f8152b42d7ebf0 ``` * meta-openembedded ```bash URI: git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded layers: meta-oe, meta-python branch: zeus revision: 1bfaa2e63a184e21a2db5c286444828d5948a8b4 ``` ## Build Instructions The following instructions require a Poky installation (or equivalent). * This also needs git user name and email defined: ```bash $ git config --global user.email "you@example.com" $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" ``` * Initialize a build using the 'oe-init-build-env' script in Poky. e.g.: ```bash $ source poky/oe-init-build-env ``` * After that, initialized configure bblayers.conf by adding meta-rcar-gen3 layer. e.g.: ```bash BBLAYERS ?= " \ <path to layer>/poky/meta \ <path to layer>/poky/meta-poky \ <path to layer>/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \ <path to layer>/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3 \ <path to layer>/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ <path to layer>/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ " ``` * To build a specific target BSP, configure the associated machine in local.conf: ```bash MACHINE ??= "<supported board name>" ``` Board|MACHINE -----|------- Salvator-X/XS|MACHINE="salvator-x" Ebisu|MACHINE="ebisu" Starter Kit Pro (M3ULCB)|MACHINE="m3ulcb" Starter Kit Pro (M3NULCB)|MACHINE="m3nulcb" Starter Kit Premier (H3ULCB)|MACHINE="h3ulcb" * Select the SOC * For H3: r8a7795 ```bash SOC_FAMILY = "r8a7795" ``` * For M3: r8a7796 ```bash SOC_FAMILY = "r8a7796" ``` * For M3N: r8a77965 ```bash SOC_FAMILY = "r8a77965" ``` * For E3: r8a77990 ```bash # Already added in machine config: ebisu.conf SOC_FAMILY = "r8a77990" ``` * Configure for systemd init in local.conf: ```bash DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " systemd" VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemd" ``` * Configure for ivi-shell and ivi-extension ```bash DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " ivi-shell" ``` * Configure for USB 3.0 ```bash MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " usb3" ``` * Enable tuning support for Capacity Aware migration Strategy (CAS) ```bash MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " cas" ``` * For a list of sample local.conf file, please refer to: [docs/sample/conf/](docs/sample/conf/) * Build the target file system image using bitbake: ```bash $ bitbake core-image-minimal ``` After completing the images for the target machine will be available in the output directory 'tmp/deploy/images/<supported board name>'. Images generated: * Image (generic Linux Kernel binary image file) * \<SoC\>-\<machine name\>.dtb (DTB for target machine) * core-image-minimal-\<machine name\>.tar.bz2 (rootfs tar+bzip2) * core-image-minimal-\<machine name\>.ext4 (rootfs ext4 format) ## Build Instructions for SDK NOTE: **This may be changed in the near feature. These instructions are tentative.** Should define the staticdev in SDK image feature for installing the static libs to SDK in local.conf. ```bash SDKIMAGE_FEATURES_append = " staticdev-pkgs" ``` ### For 64-bit target SDK (aarch64) Use `bitbake -c populate_sdk` for generating the toolchain SDK ```bash $ bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk ``` The SDK can be found in the output directory `tmp/deploy/sdk` * `poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-minimal-aarch64-toolchain-x.x.sh` ### Usage of toolchain SDK Install the SDK to the default: `/opt/poky/x.x` * For 64-bit target SDK ```bash $ sh poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-minimal-aarch64-toolchain-x.x.sh ``` * For 64-bit application, using environment script in `/opt/poky/x.x` ```bash $ source /opt/poky/x.x/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux ``` ## R-Car Generation 3 Information Refer to the following for more information from eLinux website https://elinux.org/R-Car