Proprietary libraries for meta-rcar-gen3 ======================================== The meta-rcar-gen3 layer of meta-renesas is supported Graphic GLES(GSX) libraries, proprietary library of multimedia, and ICCOM software. This README describes how to use these features and setting to local.conf. There are 2 main paths: I/ Board configuration II/ Build with GLES III/ Build with Renesas multimedia libraries Please check section II to config for GLES. Please check section III to enable Multimedia functions. If you would like to use Linux ICCOM driver and Linux ICCOM library, please check section IV. However, to have a completed local.conf, please also refer to Build Instruction in meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/README. In addition, these libraries are not provided with recipes. If you would like to use, you will need to get them from Renesas. I/ Board configuration ================== * Add this line to local.conf For Salvator-X board MACHINE = "salvator-x" For R-Car Starter Kit Premier(H3ULCB) board MACHINE = "h3ulcb" For R-Car Starter Kit Pro(M3ULCB) board MACHINE = "m3ulcb" * Set SOC family name: For H3: r8a7795 SOC_FAMILY = "r8a7795" For M3: r8a7796 SOC_FAMILY = "r8a7796" For M3N: r8a77965 SOC_FAMILY = "r8a77965" II/ Build with GLES ================== * For wayland with GSX 1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes. 2. Set local.conf the following. # Enable Gfx Pkgs MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " gsx" MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST += "virtual/libgl virtual/egl virtual/libgles1 virtual/libgles2" # for Wayland/Weston DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " pam" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles1 = "" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 = "gles-user-module" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl = "libegl" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl = "" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/mesa = "" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm = "libgbm" PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm-dev = "libgbm" BBMASK = "mesa-gl" 3. Run 'bitbake core-image-weston' III/ Build with Renesas multimedia libraries ============================================ Multimedia portions depend on GLES portions. A/ Configuration for Multimedia features 1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes. 2. Please set local.conf the following. # Enable multimedia features. # This provides package group of plug-ins of the GStreamer, multimedia # libraries and kernel drivers. MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " multimedia" B/ Configuration for optional codecs and middleware 1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes. 2. Add features to DISTRO_FEATURES_append to local.conf # Additional configuration in OMX module " h263dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component H263 Decoder Library " h264dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component H264 Decoder Library " h264enc_lib" - for OMX Media Component H.264 Encoder Library " h265dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component H265 Decoder Library " mpeg2dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component MPEG2 Decoder Library " mpeg4dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component MPEG4 Decoder Library " vc1dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component VC-1 Decoder Library " divxdec_lib" - for OMX Media Component DivX Decoder Library " rvdec_lib" - for OMX Media Component RealVideo Decoder Library " alacdec_lib" - for OMX Media Component ALAC Decoder Library " flacdec_lib" - for OMX Media Component FLAC Decoder Library " aaclcdec_lib" - for OMX Media Component AAC-LC Decoder Library " aaclcdec_mdw" - for AAC-LC 2ch Decoder Middleware for Linux " aacpv2dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component aacPlus V2 Decoder Library " aacpv2dec_mdw" - for aacPlus V2 Decoder Middleware for Linux " mp3dec_lib" - for OMX Media Component MP3 Decoder Library " mp3dec_mdw" - for MP3 Decoder Middleware for Linux " wmadec_lib" - for OMX Media Component WMA Standard Decoder Library " wmadec_mdw" - for WMA Standard Decoder Middleware for Linux " dddec_lib" - for OMX Media Component Dolby(R) Digital Decoder Library " dddec_mdw" - for Dolby(R) Digital Decoder Middleware for Linux " aaclcenc_lib" - for OMX Media Component AAC-LC Encoder Library " aaclcenc_mdw" - for AAC-LC Encoder Middleware for Linux " cmsbcm" - for CMS Basic Color Management Middleware for Linux " cmsblc" - for CMS CMM3 Backlight Control Middleware for Linux " cmsdgc" - for CMS VSP2 Dynamic Gamma Correction Middleware for Linux " dtv" - for ISDB-T DTV Software Package for Linux " dvd" - for DVD Core-Middleware for Linux " adsp" - for ADSP driver, ADSP interface and ADSP framework for Linux " avb" - for AVB Software Package for Linux Ex: DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " h264dec_lib h265dec_lib mpeg2dec_lib aaclcdec_lib aaclcdec_mdw" C/ Configuration for test packages Must ensure that Multimedia features have been enabled. (Please refer to III/A to enable Multimedia.) Please add feature to DISTRO_FEATURES_append to local.conf. # Configuration for multimedia test package DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " mm-test" IV/ Enable Linux ICCOM driver and Linux ICCOM library ===================================================== For Linux ICCOM driver and Linux ICCOM library 1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes. 2. Please set local.conf the following. DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " iccom" END.