#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) Renesas Electronics Corporation 2016-2018 All rights reserved. usage() { cat << EOF usage: `basename $0` [-f] [-d] source-directory -f: fource copy. ignore md5check -d: debug mode Ex) `basename $0` -f my_package_dir EOF } ##### MD5 list ##### . `dirname $0`/md5list.txt ##### Library List ##### # Audio Library # Please add omx audio library to "_audio_list" # Don't use space in xxx_name. # audio_list=",, \ # ,, \ # ,," _audio_list="AAC-LC_decoder_lib,EVARTM0AC0000XAAACD30SL41C,RTM0AC0000XAAACD30SL41C.tar.gz \ AAC-LC_encoder_lib,EVARTM0AC0000XAAACE30SL41C,RTM0AC0000XAAACE30SL41C.tar.gz" # Audio M/W Library # Please add omx audio library to "_audio_mw_list" # Don't use space in xxx_name. # audio_mw_list=",, \ # ,, \ # ,," _audio_mw_list="AAC-LC_decoder_M/W,EVARTM0AC0000ADAACMZ1SL41C,RTM0AC0000ADAACMZ1SL41C.tar.gz \ AAC-LC_encoder_M/W,EVARTM0AC0000AEAACMZ1SL41C,RTM0AC0000AEAACMZ1SL41C.tar.gz" # Video Decoder Library # Please add omx video decoder library to "_video_dec_list" # Don't use space in xxx_name. # video_dec_list=",, \ # ,, \ # ,," _video_dec_list="H264_decoder,EVARTM0AC0000XV264D30SL41C,EVARTM0AC0000XV264D30SL41C.tar.bz2" # Video Encoder Library # Please add omx video encoder library to "_video_enc_list" # Don't use space in xxx_name. # video_enc_list=",, \ # ,, \ # ,," _video_enc_list="H264_encoder,EVARTM0AC0000XV264E30SL41C,EVARTM0AC0000XV264E30SL41C.tar.bz2" # Common library packages # Don't use space in xxx_name. # XXX_list=",, \ # ,, \ # ,," _omx_common_list="omx_common_lib,EVARTM0AC0000XCMCTL30SL41C,EVARTM0AC0000XCMCTL30SL41C.tar.bz2" _uvcs_list="uvcs_lib,RCG3VUDRL4101ZDO,RCG3VUDRL4101ZDO.tar.bz2" _video_enc_common_list="video_enc_common,EVARTM0AC0000XVCMNE30SL41C,EVARTM0AC0000XVCMNE30SL41C.tar.bz2" _video_dec_common_list="video_dec_common,EVARTM0AC0000XVCMND30SL41C,EVARTM0AC0000XVCMND30SL41C.tar.bz2" _audio_common_list="audio_common,EVARTM0AC0000XACMND30SL41C,RTM0AC0000XACMND30SL41C.tar.gz" # GFX # Please add GFX to "_gfx_list" # Don't use space in xxx_name. # gfx_list=",,, \ # ,,, \ # ,,," _gfx_list="EVARTM0RC7795GLPG0001SL41C,EVA_r8a7795_linux_gsx_binaries_gles.tar.bz2,RCH3G001L4101ZDO,GSX_KM_H3.tar.bz2 \ EVARTM0RC7796GLPG0001SL41C,EVA_r8a7796_linux_gsx_binaries_gles.tar.bz2,RCM3G001L4101ZDO,GSX_KM_M3.tar.bz2" ##### static value _MODE_ZIP=1 _MODE_TAR=2 _GFX_KM_INST_DIR="../meta-rcar-gen3/recipes-kernel/kernel-module-gles/kernel-module-gles" _GFX_UM_INST_DIR="../meta-rcar-gen3/recipes-graphics/gles-module/gles-user-module" _UVCS_INST_DIR="../meta-rcar-gen3/recipes-kernel/kernel-module-uvcs/kernel-module-uvcs-drv" _OMX_UM_INST_DIR="../meta-rcar-gen3/recipes-multimedia/omx-module/omx-user-module" ##### common function # $1: search file name # $2: search directory # return global variable # _find_filename: find filename # _extract_mode: _MODE_ZIP or _MODE_TAR func_cmn_find_file() { # echo "$1" # echo "$2" if [ -z "$1" ]; then func_error "ERROR: func_cmn_find_file: empty filename" fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then _search_dir=${_src_full} else _search_dir=$2 fi # search zip file # zip_count=`find ${_search_dir} -maxdepth 1 -name "$1*.zip" | wc -l` zip_count=`ls ${_search_dir}/$1*.zip 2>/dev/null | wc -l` # search tar file # tar_count=`find ${_search_dir} -maxdepth 1 -name "$1*.tar.*" | wc -l` tar_count=`ls ${_search_dir}/$1*.tar.* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` # duplicate file check if [ 1 -lt `expr $zip_count + $tar_count` ]; then echo "file1_zip = $zip_count" echo "file1_tar = $tar_count" func_error "ERROR: $1: too many files" fi # set result if [ 1 = $zip_count ]; then _find_filename=$(ls ${_search_dir}/$1*.zip) _extract_mode=${_MODE_ZIP} elif [ 1 = $tar_count ]; then _find_filename=$(ls ${_search_dir}/$1*.tar.*) _extract_mode=${_MODE_TAR} else _find_filename="" fi } # $1: Mode # $2: archive file name func_cmn_extract_archive() { case $1 in $_MODE_ZIP) # echo "Zip mode" unzip -oq $2 ;; $_MODE_TAR) # echo "Tar mode" tar xf $2 ;; *) func_error "ERROR: func_cmn_extract_archive: mode error." exit 1 ;; esac } # $1: set target filename. # $2: set MD5 expectation value. func_cmn_md5_check() { _md5_func_param_filename=$1 _md5_func_param_expectation=$2 if [ ! -e ${_md5_func_param_filename} ]; then func_error "func_cmn_md5_check : ERROR ${_md5_func_param_filename} not found." fi _calc_md5=$(md5sum ${_md5_func_param_filename} | cut -d " " -f1) if [ -n "${_no_md5check}" ] || [ -z ${_md5_func_param_expectation} ]; then echo "Skip MD5 : `basename ${_md5_func_param_filename}`" return fi if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "MD5 target file = ${_md5_func_param_filename}" echo "calc_md5 = ${_calc_md5}" echo "expect_value = ${_md5_func_param_expectation}" fi if [ ${_calc_md5} = ${_md5_func_param_expectation} ]; then echo "MD5 OK : `basename ${_md5_func_param_filename}`" else echo "calc_md5 = ${_calc_md5}" echo "expect_value = ${_md5_func_param_expectation}" func_error "MD5 ERROR : ${_md5_func_param_filename}" fi } ##### Error function # $1: error message func_error() { echo "$1" # cleanup temp directory. func_clean_tempdir exit 1 } ##### cleanup temp directory func_clean_tempdir() { echo "cleanup temp directory" rm -rf ${TMPWORK} } ##### Template function for Single package # $1: package name # $2: search target filename # $3: search directory (full path) # return # _find_filename : the found file (full path) # _extract_top_dir_name func_search_file_in_package() { # search package file func_cmn_find_file $1 $3 if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "FileName = ${_find_filename}" echo "Mode = ${_extract_mode}" fi if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then return fi # extract func_cmn_extract_archive ${_extract_mode} "${_find_filename}" # Get directory name # {PATH}/Package_Version.tar.gz or XXXX.zip --> Package_Version top_dir=$(basename ${_find_filename}) top_dir=${top_dir%.*} # search file num=`find ${top_dir} -name $2 | wc -l` if [ ${num} -eq 1 ]; then _find_filename=`find ${top_dir} -name $2` else # same filename exists. _find_filename=`find ${top_dir} -name $2 | grep Software` fi # set mode if [ `echo ${_find_filename} | grep '\.'zip` ]; then _extract_mode=${_MODE_ZIP} else _extract_mode=${_MODE_TAR} fi # set return value _extract_top_dir_name=${top_dir} } # $1: package name # $2: copy filename (md5 target) # $3: expect MD5 value # $4: search directory (full path) # return # _find_file_name # _extract_top_dir_name func_search_and_md5check() { # search package file func_cmn_find_file $1 $4 if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "FileName = ${_find_filename}" echo "Mode = ${_extract_mode}" fi if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then return fi # extract func_cmn_extract_archive ${_extract_mode} "${_find_filename}" # MD5 # Get directory name # {PATH}/Package_Version.tar.gz or XXXX.zip --> Package_Version top_dir=$(basename ${_find_filename}) top_dir=${top_dir%.*} # call func_cmn_md5_check # func_cmn_md5_check "${top_dir}/$1/Software/$2" "$3" # set return value _extract_top_dir_name=${top_dir} } ##### Template function for Group package # $1: group package name # $2: single package name # $3: copy filename (md5 target) # $4: expect MD5 value # $5: search directory (full path) # return # _find_file_name # _extract_top_dir_name # # NOTE) This function support level1 packaging. "grp pkg in grp pkg" dose note support. func_search_and_md5check_grp() { # search group package @SRCDIR func_cmn_find_file $1 $5 if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "search group package" echo "FileName = ${_find_filename}" echo "Mode = ${_extract_mode}" echo "" fi if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then return fi # extract group package @TMPWORK func_cmn_extract_archive ${_extract_mode} "${_find_filename}" cd ${_find_filename} # check group pachage structure # _/Package_Info.txt top_dir=$(basename ${_find_filename}) top_dir=${top_dir%.*} if [ ! -e ${top_dir}/Package_Info.txt ]; then echo "grp package = $1" echo "single package = $2" func_error "ERROR: Package_Info.txt not found in Group package." fi # search single package @TMPWORK/TOPDIR// func_cmn_find_file $2 "${TMPWORK}/${top_dir}/$1" if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "search single package" echo "FileName = ${_find_filename}" echo "Mode = ${_extract_mode}" echo "" fi if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then return fi # mv TMPWORK/. mv ${_find_filename} ${TMPWORK}/. # delete group package rm -rf ${TMPWORK}/${top_dir} # call search and md5check @TMPWORK func_search_and_md5check $2 $3 $4 ${TMPWORK} } ##### File search and MD5check for Package list # $1: package list # $2: rigid flag (1: true, other: false) # # return # 1: [Success] One or more files were found. # 0: [Fail] File not found # # package list format # list =",,, \ # ,,, \ # ,,," # # Note) Don't use space in xxx_name. # Note) md5_variable_name is defined in md5list.txt. # Prefix "_MD5_" is added automaticary. ex) FOO --> _MD5_FOO # It is omissible. The default is "_MD5_". func_list_search_and_md5check () { find_flag=0 for i in $1 do sw_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 1` pkg_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 2` copyfile_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 3` md5_val=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 4` # is empty. Default MD5 name is "_MD5_" if [ -z "${md5_val}" ]; then md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${pkg_name}` else md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${md5_val}` fi if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "sw_name = $sw_name" echo "pkg_name = $pkg_name" echo "copyfile_name = $copyfile_name" echo "md5_val = $md5_val" fi func_search_and_md5check "${pkg_name}" "${copyfile_name}" "${md5_val}" "${_src_full}" if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then echo "${sw_name} not found!" # rigid flag = TRUE. Not found = ERROR if [ "X$2" = "X1" ]; then return 0 fi else find_flag=1 fi done return ${find_flag} } ##### File search and install (without MD5check) for Package list # # $1: package list # $2: install directory # # return # 1: [Success] One or more files were installed. # 0: [Fail] File not found # # package list format # list =",,, \ # ,,, \ # ,,," # # Note) Don't use space in xxx_name. # Note) md5_variable_name is defined in md5list.txt. # Prefix "_MD5_" is added automaticary. ex) FOO --> _MD5_FOO # It is omissible. The default is "_MD5_". func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check() { find_flag=0 for i in $1 do sw_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 1` pkg_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 2` copyfile_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 3` md5_val=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 4` # is empty. Default MD5 name is "_MD5_" if [ -z "${md5_val}" ]; then md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'$pkg_name` else md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${md5_val}` fi copyfile_name=$(basename ${copyfile_name}) if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "sw_name = $sw_name" echo "pkg_name = $pkg_name" echo "copyfile_name = $copyfile_name" echo "md5_val = $md5_val" fi # file search func_search_file_in_package "${pkg_name}" "${copyfile_name}" "${_src_full}" if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then echo "${sw_name} not found!" else find_flag=1 # install install -d $2 install -m 0644 ${_find_filename} $2 echo "Installed $sw_name" echo " : ${pkg_name}" fi done return ${find_flag} } ##### File search and install for Package list # # $1: package list # $2: install directory # # return # 1: [Success] One or more files were installed. # 0: [Fail] File not found # # package list format # list =",,, \ # ,,, \ # ,,," # # Note) Don't use space in xxx_name. # Note) md5_variable_name is defined in md5list.txt. # Prefix "_MD5_" is added automaticary. ex) FOO --> _MD5_FOO # It is omissible. The default is "_MD5_". func_list_search_and_install() { find_flag=0 for i in $1 do sw_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 1` pkg_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 2` copyfile_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 3` md5_val=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 4` # is empty. Default MD5 name is "_MD5_" if [ -z "${md5_val}" ]; then md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'$pkg_name` else md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${md5_val}` fi if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "sw_name = $sw_name" echo "pkg_name = $pkg_name" echo "copyfile_name = $copyfile_name" echo "md5_val = $md5_val" fi # seach & MD5 check func_search_and_md5check "${pkg_name}" "${copyfile_name}" "${md5_val}" "${_src_full}" if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then echo "${sw_name} not found!" else find_flag=1 # Get directory name # _find_filename = pkg file (full path). It is not copyfile. top_dir=$(basename ${_find_filename}) top_dir=${top_dir%.*} # install install -d $2 install -m 0644 ${top_dir}/${pkg_name}/Software/${copyfile_name} $2 echo "Installed $sw_name" echo " : ${pkg_name}" fi done return ${find_flag} } ##### Package function # For 3D graphics packages func_gfx() { echo "" echo "Copying for Graphic Packages" copy_flag=0 for i in ${_gfx_list} do user_pkg_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 1` user_copyfile_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 2` user_md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${user_pkg_name}` kern_pkg_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 3` kern_copyfile_name=`echo $i | cut -d "," -f 4` kern_md5_val=`eval echo '$_MD5_'${kern_pkg_name}` if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "" echo "user_pkg_name = ${user_pkg_name}" echo "user_copyfile_name= ${user_copyfile_name}" echo "user_md5_val = ${user_md5_val}" echo "kern_pkg_name = ${kern_pkg_name}" echo "kern_copyfile_name= ${kern_copyfile_name}" echo "kern_md5_val = ${kern_md5_val}" fi # user module (file1) func_search_and_md5check "${user_pkg_name}" "${user_copyfile_name}" "${user_md5_val}" "${_src_full}" if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then echo "${user_pkg_name} not found!" continue fi file1_top_dir=${_extract_top_dir_name} echo "file1 top : ${file1_top_dir}" # kernel module (file2) func_search_and_md5check "${kern_pkg_name}" "${kern_copyfile_name}" "${kern_md5_val}" "${_src_full}" # file1 exist, but file2 not exist if [ -z "${_find_filename}" ]; then func_error "ERROR: func_gfx: package file for Graphic is incomplete." fi file2_top_dir=${_extract_top_dir_name} echo "file2 top : ${file2_top_dir}" # Finally copy is performed copy_flag=1 install -d ${_GFX_UM_INST_DIR} install -m 0644 ${file1_top_dir}/${user_pkg_name}/Software/${user_copyfile_name} ${_GFX_UM_INST_DIR}/`echo ${user_copyfile_name} | cut -b 5-200` install -d ${_GFX_KM_INST_DIR} install -m 0644 ${file2_top_dir}/${kern_pkg_name}/Software/${kern_copyfile_name} ${_GFX_KM_INST_DIR} echo "Installed GFX package" echo " : ${user_pkg_name}" echo " : ${kern_pkg_name}" echo "" done if [ ${copy_flag} -eq 0 ]; then return fi echo "" echo "Packages for GFX module were found and copied." echo /=======================================================/ } ##### For Multi Media # For Audio library copy # # Global # _audio_list: audio library list # Return # 0: Not found # 1: Success func_audio_lib() { # MD5 check: OMX Media Component Audio Common Library for Linux func_list_search_and_md5check "${_audio_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Audio Common Library not found!" echo "" return 0 fi # MD5 check: audio library. func_list_search_and_md5check "${_audio_list}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # library not found. echo "" echo "Audio library not found." return 0 fi # Add audio common library to list _audio_list="${_audio_common_list} ${_audio_list}" # Install omx common lib (if not installed) func_install_omx_common # Install Audio library packages func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_audio_list}" "${_OMX_UM_INST_DIR}" _audio_common_install=1 return 1 } # For Audio library func_audio() { echo "" echo "Copying for Audio Common Packages" _audio_common_install=0 # Audio requires OMX common library if [ ${_omx_common_install} -eq 0 ]; then # MD5 check (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_omx_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OMX Common Library not found!" echo "" return fi else echo "OMX Common Library already installed" fi # Audio Library func_audio_lib if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Skip Audio Packages" echo "" return fi echo "" echo "Packages for Audio module were found and copied." echo /=======================================================/ } # For Audio M/W # Global # _audio_mw_list: audio M/W library list # Return # 0: Not found # 1: Success func_audio_mw() { echo "" echo "Copying for Audio M/W Packages" # MD5 check func_list_search_and_md5check "${_audio_mw_list}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # library not found. echo "" echo "Packages for Audio M/W module were not found." return 0 fi # Install Audio M/W library packages func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_audio_mw_list}" "${_OMX_UM_INST_DIR}" echo "" echo "Packages for Audio M/W module were found and copied." echo /=======================================================/ return 1 } # install OMX common library func_install_omx_common() { if [ ${_omx_common_install} -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Install for OMX Common Packages" func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_omx_common_list}" "${_OMX_UM_INST_DIR}" _omx_common_install=1 fi } # install uvcs driver func_install_uvcs() { if [ ${_uvcs_install} -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Installed UVCS driver" func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_uvcs_list}" "${_UVCS_INST_DIR}" _uvcs_install=1 fi } # search & MD5 check for OMX Video Decoder library # Global # _video_dec_list: video decoder list # Return # 0: Not found # 1: Success func_video_decoder_lib() { echo "" echo "Copying for Video Decoder Library Packages" # MD5 check: Decoder Common Library (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_video_dec_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OMX Video Decoder Common Library not found!" return 0 fi # MD5 check: Video Decoder Library func_list_search_and_md5check "${_video_dec_list}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # library not found. return 0 fi # install OMX common lib (if not installed) func_install_omx_common # install UVCS driver (if not installed) func_install_uvcs # Add video decoder common lib to list _video_dec_list="${_video_dec_common_list} ${_video_dec_list}" # install searched library func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_video_dec_list}" "${_OMX_UM_INST_DIR}" _video_decoder_common_install=1 return 1 } # search & MD5 check for OMX Video Encoder library # Global # _video_enc_list: video encoder list # Return # 0: Not found # 1: Success func_video_encoder_lib() { echo "" echo "Copying for Video Encoder Library Packages" # MD5 check Encoder Common Library (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_video_enc_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OMX Video Encoder Common Library not found!" return 0 fi _video_encoder_common_install=0 # Video Encoder Library # MD5 check func_list_search_and_md5check "${_video_enc_list}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # library not found. return 0 fi # install common lib (if not installed) func_install_omx_common # install UVCS driver (if not installed) func_install_uvcs # Add Video encoder common library to list _video_enc_list="${_video_enc_common_list} ${_video_enc_list}" # install searched library func_list_search_and_install_wo_md5check "${_video_enc_list}" "${_OMX_UM_INST_DIR}" _video_encoder_common_install=1 return 1 } # For Video decoder # Global # _video_dec_list: video decoder list # Return # 0: Not found # 1: Success func_video_decoder() { echo "" echo "Copying for Video Decoder Packages" # OMX Common library if [ ${_omx_common_install} -eq 0 ]; then # MD5 check (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_omx_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OMX Common Library not found!" echo "" return fi else echo "OMX Common Library already installed" fi # UVCS driver if [ ${_uvcs_install} -eq 0 ]; then # MD5 check (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_uvcs_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "UVCS driver not found!" echo "" return fi else echo "UVCS driver already installed" fi # OMX Decoder # Decoder common Lib func_video_decoder_lib if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Skip Video Decoder Packages" echo "" return fi echo "" echo "Packages for video decoder module were found and copied." echo /=======================================================/ } # For Video encoder func_video_encoder() { echo "" echo "Copying for Video Encoder Packages" # OMX Common library if [ ${_omx_common_install} -eq 0 ]; then # MD5 check (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_omx_common_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OMX Common Library not found!" echo "" return fi else echo "OMX Common Library already installed" fi # UVCS driver if [ ${_uvcs_install} -eq 0 ]; then # MD5 check (rigid flag=TRUE) func_list_search_and_md5check "${_uvcs_list}" "1" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "UVCS driver not found!" echo "" return fi else echo "UVCS driver already installed" fi # OMX Encoder # Encoder common Lib func_video_encoder_lib if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Skip Video Encoder Packages" echo "" return fi echo "" echo "Packages for video encoder module were found and copied." echo /=======================================================/ } ################################ # Copy Script Main routine ################################ echo "Copyscript for R-Car Gen3" echo #### 1) Checking current directory if [ ! -d meta-rcar-gen3 ]; then echo "ERROR: Please extract meta-renesas and cd to it, before execute $0" exit 1 fi #### 2) Checking Arguments if [ "X$1" = "X" ]; then usage exit 1 fi while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do case "$1" in -f|--force) _no_md5check=1 ;; -d|--debug) _debug=1 ;; *) _src_dirname=$(basename $1) _src_path=$(cd $(dirname $1) && pwd) _src_full=${_src_path}/${_src_dirname} ;; esac shift done #### 3) Checking ClickThrough present if [ ! -f ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.zip ]; then echo "R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.zip not found!" usage exit 1 fi if [ ! -f ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.zip ]; then echo "R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.zip not found!" usage exit 1 fi unzip -d ${_src_full} -oq ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.zip unzip -d ${_src_full} -oq ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.zip tar -C ${_src_full} -zxf ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.tar.gz --strip-components 2 tar -C ${_src_full} -zxf ${_src_full}/R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.tar.gz --strip-components 2 # source directory check if [ ! -d ${_src_path}/${_src_dirname} ]; then echo "${_src_path}/${_src_dirname} not found." usage exit 1 fi if [ -n "${_debug}" ]; then echo "src = ${_src_dirname}" echo "src_path = ${_src_path}" echo "src_full = ${_src_full}" echo "no_md5check = ${_no_md5check}" echo "" fi ##### 3) create temp directory TMPWORK=${PWD}/CP_SCRIPT_TEMP if [ -d ${TMPWORK} ]; then echo "ERROR: Work directory already exist." exit 1 fi install -d -m 700 ${TMPWORK} cd ${TMPWORK} ##### 4) copy # initialize flag _omx_common_install=0 _uvcs_install=0 _audio_common_install=0 _video_decoder_common_install=0 _video_encoder_common_install=0 func_gfx func_audio func_audio_mw func_video_decoder func_video_encoder ##### 5) cleanup temp directory func_clean_tempdir ##### End echo "Complete copying !"