DESCRIPTION = "OP-TEE OS" LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = " \ file://LICENSE;md5=69663ab153298557a59c67a60a743e5b \ file://${WORKDIR}/git_official/LICENSE;md5=69663ab153298557a59c67a60a743e5b \ " PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" inherit deploy pythonnative PV = "3.1.0+renesas+git${SRCPV}" BRANCH = "rcar_gen3" SRCREV_renesas = "c3f73c1e8667a829e085c6d2c4d8a6ff1ec3d213" SRCREV_officialgit = "e77020396508fc086d7a4d6137388b116e4a662f" SRCREV_FORMAT = "renesas_officialgit" SRC_URI = " \ git://;branch=${BRANCH};name=renesas \ git://;branch=master;name=officialgit;destsuffix=git_official \ " COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(salvator-x|h3ulcb|m3ulcb|m3nulcb|ebisu)" PLATFORM = "rcar" DEPENDS = "python-pycrypto-native" export CROSS_COMPILE64="${TARGET_PREFIX}" # Let the Makefile handle setting up the flags as it is a standalone application LD[unexport] = "1" LDFLAGS[unexport] = "1" export CCcore="${CC}" export LDcore="${LD}" libdir[unexport] = "1" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" EXTRA_OEMAKE = "-e MAKEFLAGS=" do_configure() { git -C ${WORKDIR}/git_official checkout -B official 3.1.0 git -C ${WORKDIR}/git_official cherry-pick ${SRCREV_officialgit} cp -rn ${WORKDIR}/git_official/core/lib/libtomcrypt ${B}/core/lib/. } do_compile() { oe_runmake PLATFORM=${PLATFORM} CFG_ARM64_core=y NOWERROR=1 } # do_install() nothing do_install[noexec] = "1" do_deploy() { # Create deploy folder install -d ${DEPLOYDIR} # Copy TEE OS to deploy folder install -m 0644 ${S}/out/arm-plat-${PLATFORM}/core/tee.elf ${DEPLOYDIR}/tee-${MACHINE}.elf install -m 0644 ${S}/out/arm-plat-${PLATFORM}/core/tee.bin ${DEPLOYDIR}/tee-${MACHINE}.bin install -m 0644 ${S}/out/arm-plat-${PLATFORM}/core/tee.srec ${DEPLOYDIR}/tee-${MACHINE}.srec } addtask deploy before do_build after do_compile