DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for the R-Car Generation 3 based board"

require include/
require include/
require recipes-kernel/linux/
require include/

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "salvator-x|h3ulcb|m3ulcb|ebisu"

RENESAS_BSP_URL = "git://"
BRANCH = "v4.14/rcar-3.7.3"
SRCREV = "c5090444b63749f899a39c7d39fbbd65e614eeba"

SRC_URI = "${RENESAS_BSP_URL};protocol=git;nocheckout=1;branch=${BRANCH}"

# Fix micro SD card issue on M3ULCB
SRC_URI_append = " \
    file://0001-Revert-mmc-renesas_sdhi_internal_dmac-limit-DMA-RX-f.patch \

LINUX_VERSION ?= "4.14.35"
PR = "r1"

SRC_URI_append = " \
    file://defconfig \
    file://touch.cfg \
    ${@base_conditional("USE_AVB", "1", " file://usb-video-class.cfg", "", d)} \

# Enable RPMSG_VIRTIO depend on ICCOM
    file://0001-rpmsg-Add-message-to-be-able-to-configure-RPMSG_VIRT.patch \
    file://iccom.cfg \

SRC_URI_append = " \
    ${@base_conditional("USE_ICCOM", "1", "${SUPPORT_ICCOM}", "", d)} \

# Add SCHED_DEBUG config fragment to support CAS
SRC_URI_append = " \
    ${@base_conditional("USE_CAS", "1", " file://capacity_aware_migration_strategy.cfg", "",d)} \

# Install USB3.0 firmware to rootfs
USB3_FIRMWARE_V2 = ";md5sum=645db7e9056029efa15f158e51cc8a11"
USB3_FIRMWARE_V3 = ";md5sum=687d5d42f38f9850f8d5a6071dca3109"

SRC_URI_append = " \
    ${USB3_FIRMWARE_V2} \
    ${USB3_FIRMWARE_V3} \
    ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES','usb3','file://usb3.cfg','',d)} \

do_download_firmware () {
    install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/r8a779x_usb3_v*.dlmem ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/firmware

addtask do_download_firmware after do_configure before do_compile