Proprietary libraries for meta-rcar-gen2

The meta-rcar-gen2 of meta-renesas is supported GLES(RGX and SGX) libraries
for x11 and Weston, and proprietary library of multimedia. This README describes
how to use these features and setting to local.conf.
There are 4 main paths:
	I/ Board configuration
	II/ Build with or without GLES
	III/ Build with Renesas multimedia libraries
	IV/ Configuration for unmasking packages

The default package is without GLES and including multimedia feature with H264 decoder.
Therefore, please check section II to config for GLES,
And check section III for configuration of optional multimedia packages.

In addition, these binaries are not provided at the recipes. If you want to use,
you will need to get from Renesas.

I/ Board configuration
* Please add this line to local.conf depending on your board
	A. For Lager board
		   MACHINE ??= "lager"
	B. For Koelsch board
		   MACHINE ??= "koelsch"
	C. For Gose board
		   MACHINE ??= "gose"
	D. For Alt board
		   MACHINE ??= "alt"

II/ Build with or without GLES
	A/ Build with GLES
		* For wayland with rgx/sgx

		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Please set local.conf the following.
			Step 1: Adding features and preferred providers:

			   MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " sgx"
			   MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST += "virtual/libgl virtual/egl virtual/libgles1 virtual/libgles2"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles1 = ""
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 = "gles-user-module"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl = "libegl"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl = ""
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/mesa = ""
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm = "libgbm"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm-dev = "libgbm"

			 NOTE: The r8a7790 uses rgx, r8a7791, r8a7793 and r8a7794 uses sgx.
				   If you want to use rgx, please set to 'rgx' instead of 'sgx'.
				   For r8a7790, if you want to use OPENGLES3,
				   Please set following in local.conf (default is OPENGLES2)
					  OPENGLES3 = "1"
			Step 2: Unmask the graphic recipes

				#BBMASK .= "|gles-kernel-module|gles-user-module"

		  3. Please run 'bitbake core-image-weston'

		* For X11 with rgx/sgx
		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Please set local.conf the following.
			Step 1: Adding features and preferred providers:

			   MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " sgx"
			   MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST += "virtual/libgl virtual/egl virtual/libgles1 virtual/libgles2"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 = "gles-user-module"
			   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl = "gles-user-module"
			   DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "wayland"
			   BBMASK .= "|libegl|libgbm|wayland-kms"

			 NOTE: The r8a7790 uses rgx, r8a7791, r8a7793 and r8a7794 uses sgx.
				   If you want to use rgx, please set to 'rgx' instead of 'sgx'.
				   For r8a7790, if you want to use OPENGLES3,
				   Please set following in local.conf (default is OPENGLES2)
					  OPENGLES3 = "1"
			Step 2: Unmask the graphic recipes

				#BBMASK .= "|gles-kernel-module|gles-user-module"

		  3. Please run 'bitbake core-image-x11'

	B/ Build without GLES
		* For X11 without rgx/sgx
		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Please set local.conf the following.

			  DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "wayland"
			  BBMASK .= "|libegl|libgbm|wayland-kms"

		If you need to install multimedia packages.
		Please check section of 'Build with Renesas multimedia libraries'.

III/ Build with Renesas multimedia libraries
	A/ Configuration for Multimedia and DTV features
		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Please set local.conf the following.

			# For multimedia feature
			This provides package group of plug-ins of the GStreamer, multimedia
			libraries and kernel drivers.

				MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " multimedia"

			# For DTV feature
		    This provides package group of dtv libraries with packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia.
			Step 1 : Adding MACHINE_FEATURES

				MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " dtv"

			Step 2: Unmask dtv recipes

				#BBMASK .= "|dtv-module|ssp-module|scu-module"

	B/ Configuration for optional codecs and middleware
		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Add features to DISTRO_FEATURES_append to local.conf
			# Additional configuration in OMX module
			" h263dec_lib"    - for OMX Media Component H263 Decoder Library
			" vc1dec_lib"     - for OMX Media Component VC-1 Decoder Library
			" mpeg4dec_lib"   - for OMX Media Component MPEG-4 Decoder Library
			" mpeg2dec_lib"   - for VCP3 Driver Adapted for Linux MPEG-2 Decoder Library
			" divxdec_lib"    - for DivX Decoder Library for Linux
			" h264avcenc_lib" - for Encoder Library for Linux

			# Configuration for audio decoders
			" aacp2dec_lib"   - for ARM 5.1ch aacPlus V2 Decoder for Linux
			" mp3dec_lib"     - for ARM MP3 Decoder for Linux
			" wmadec_lib"     - for ARM WMA Decoder for Linux
			" ddddec_lib"     - for ARM 5.1ch Dolby Digital Decoder for Linux
			" alacdec_lib"    - for ARM ALAC Decoder for Linux
			" flacdec_lib"    - for ARM FLAC Decoder for Linux
			" aacenc_lib"     - for ARM AAC Encoder for Linux

			# Configuration for audio middlewares
			" armaccp2dec_mdw"  - for ARM 5.1ch aacPlus V2 Decode Middleware for Linux
			" mp3dec_mdw"       - for ARM MP3 Decode Middleware for Linux
			" wmadec_mdw"       - for ARM WMA Decode Middleware for Linux
			" ddddec_mdw"       - for ARM 5.1ch Dolby Digital Decode Middleware for Linux
			" alacdec_mdw"      - for ARM ALAC Decode Middleware for Linux
			" flacdec_mdw"      - for ARM FLAC Decode Middleware for Linux
			" aacenc_mdw"       - for ARM AAC Encode Middleware for Linux

				DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " mp3dec_lib wmadec_lib mp3dec_mdw wmadec_mdw"

	C/ Configuration for test packages
		1. Please copy proprietary libraries to the directory of recipes.
		2. Add features to DISTRO_FEATURES_append to local.conf

			# Configuration for multimedia test package
			Step 1 : Adding DISTRO_FEATURES

				DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " mm-test"

			Step 2: Unmask multimedia test recipes


			# Configuration for gles test package
			Step 1 : Adding DISTRO_FEATURES

				DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " gles-test"

			Step 2: Unmask gles test recipes

				#BBMASK .= "|gles-test-module"