# releng-scripts This is an AGL job generation tool for [LAVA](https://staging.validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/).\ It is written in Python and uses jinja2 templates to generate yaml job files following the LAVA specifications. This tool **only** generates jobs. It does not provide a way for submitting jobs to a LAVA server.\ Please refer to the lava-tool [documentation](https://validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/lava-tool.html) for submitting jobs. ## Prerequisites - Python >= 2.7.1 ## Usage instructions The tool for generating job is located in the ./utils folder, it is named "create-jobs.py". ### create-jobs.py Command line tool to generate AGL jobs for LAVA. ##### Required arguments: - Machine name ##### Artifacts fetching from URL: The tool will create an URL to fetch the build artifacts as follows: "URL_BASE/MACHINE_NAME". Optionnal extra parameters can be used to extend the URL_BASE: `--jobid` and `--jobidx`. The fetching URL will then be constructed like this: "URL_BASE/JOB_ID/JOB_INDEX/MACHINE_NAME" The default URL_BASE is the AGL CI build repo.\ The job id and index parameters sould be passed to create a valid fetching URL from this repo.\ If using another URL these parameters can be omitted. ##### Example: From default URL (https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/upload/ci/):\ `$ ./utils/create-jobs.py raspberrypi3 --jobid 10763 --jobidx 3`\ From other URLs:\ `$ ./utils/create-jobs.py raspberrypi3 --urlbase http://www.baylibre.com/pub/agl/ci/`\ `$ ./utils/create-jobs.py raspberrypi3 --urlbase https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/snapshots/master/latest/raspberrypi3/deploy/images/`\ `$ ./utils/create-jobs.py raspberrypi3 --urlbase https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/release/dab/4.0.0/raspberrypi3/deploy/images/` The full list of arguments with default values is available using the helper:\ `$ ./utils/create-jobs.py --help`