#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import jinja2 import ConfigParser import urlparse import ast def get_extension(path): return path.split('.')[-1] def parse_cfg_file(template_path, cfg_file, build_type): url_file_path = template_path + '/config/' + cfg_file try: with open(url_file_path): cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(url_file_path) return cfg.items(build_type), cfg.get('infra', 'style') except IOError as err: raise err def parse_callback_file(template_path, lava_callback, kci_callback): callback_file_path = template_path + '/callback/' + lava_callback + '.cfg' try: with open(callback_file_path): cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(callback_file_path) if kci_callback is None: kci_callback = cfg.get('default', 'section') kci_callback = kci_callback.split(',') cb_data = [] for callback_target in kci_callback: cb_data.append(dict(cfg.items(callback_target))) return cb_data except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError) as err: str_err = "'--callback-to {}': must correspond to a section [{}] in the file '{}.cfg'".format( kci_callback, kci_callback, lava_callback) raise ConfigParser.NoSectionError(str_err) except (IOError) as err: str_err = "\n'--callback-from {}': must correspond to a file located in: ".format(lava_callback) str_err += "[releng-scripts]/templates/callback/{}.cfg".format(lava_callback) raise IOError(err, str_err) class Agljobtemplate(object): DEFAULT_PATH = "templates" CALLBACK_DIR = "callback" MACHINES_DIR = "machines" TESTS_DIR = "tests" RFS_TYPE = ['nbd', 'ramdisk'] def __init__(self, path=DEFAULT_PATH): try: from jinja2 import select_autoescape except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please make sure your version of jinja2 is >= 2.9") self._template_path = os.path.normpath(path) if not (os.path.isdir(self._template_path) and os.access(self._template_path, os.F_OK)): raise OSError("Cannot access {}".format(self._template_path)) if self.machines is None: raise RuntimeError("No machine directory found at {}".format(self._template_path)) def __list_jinjas(self, directory): d = os.path.join(self._template_path, directory) return [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] for f in os.listdir(d) if f.endswith('.jinja2')] @property def machines(self): """ List the availables machines """ return self.__list_jinjas(self.MACHINES_DIR) @property def tests(self): """ List the availables tests """ return self.__list_jinjas(self.TESTS_DIR) @property def rfs_types(self): return self.RFS_TYPE def render_job(self, machine, url=None, url_branch=None, url_version=None, job_name="AGL-short-smoke", priority="medium", tests=[], rfs_type=None, lava_callback=None, kci_callback=None, rfs_image=None, kernel_image=None, dtb_image=None, modules_image=None, build_type=None, build_version=None, device_tags=""): if machine not in self.machines: raise RuntimeError("{} is not a available machine".format(machine)) # Populate jinja substitution dict job = {} job['name'] = job_name job['yocto_machine'] = machine job['priority'] = priority job['build_type'] = build_type job['image_type'] = "AGL-%s" % build_type defaults, infra = parse_cfg_file(self._template_path, 'default.cfg', build_type) # If the user doesn't specify an URL, use the default one from the build-type build_version_default = None if url is None: if infra == 'AGL': url_base = '' for section in defaults: if section[0] == "urlbase": url_base = section[1] # If not set, create a build_version from other args if (not build_version) and (url_branch) and (url_version): build_version_default = 'AGL-' + build_type + '-' + url_branch + '-' + url_version url_fragment = '' if (build_type != 'default'): url_fragment += url_branch + '/' + url_version + '/' if (machine == 'm3ulcb') or (machine == 'porter'): url_fragment += machine + '-nogfx' else: url_fragment += machine if (build_type != 'ci'): url_fragment += '/deploy/images/' + machine url = urlparse.urljoin(url_base, url_fragment) device_tags = ' '.join(device_tags) job['DEVICE_TAGS'] = device_tags test_templates = [] # If the user doesn't specify tests, use the default ones from the build-type if not tests: if infra == 'AGL': for section in defaults: if section[0] == "test_plan": tests = ast.literal_eval(section[1]) if 'all' in tests: tests = self.tests for t in tests: if t in self.tests: test_templates.append(os.path.join(self.TESTS_DIR, t + '.jinja2')) else: raise RuntimeError("{} is not an available test".format(t)) job['urlbase'] = url job['test_templates'] = test_templates if build_version is not None: job['kernel_version'] = build_version elif url_version: kernel_version = url_version # if this is an 'int', then it was --patchset try: kernel_version = "patchset-%d" % int(kernel_version) except: pass job['kernel_version'] = kernel_version elif build_version_default: job['kernel_version'] = build_version_default if url_branch: vcs_branch = url_branch # if this is an 'int', then it was --changeid try: vcs_branch = "gerrit-%d" % int(vcs_branch) except: pass job['vcs_branch'] = vcs_branch if rfs_type is not None: job['rootfs_type'] = rfs_type if rfs_image is not None: job['rfs_image'] = rfs_image if kernel_image is not None: job['kernel_image'] = kernel_image if dtb_image is not None: job['dtb'] = dtb_image if modules_image is not None: job['modules'] = modules_image if lava_callback: job['do_callback'] = True job['callback_to_list'] = parse_callback_file(self._template_path, lava_callback, kci_callback) env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self._template_path)) env.filters['get_extension'] = get_extension template = env.get_template(os.path.join(self.MACHINES_DIR, machine + ".jinja2")) return template.render(job)