/* * Copyright © 2019 Collabora Ltd. * Copyright © 2019 Konsulko Group * @author George Kiagiadakis <george.kiagiadakis@collabora.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <string.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include <systemd/sd-event.h> #include "audiomixer.h" static struct audiomixer *audiomixer; static afb_event_t controls_changed; static afb_event_t volume_changed; static afb_event_t mute_changed; static const char *signalcomposer_events[] = { "event.volume.up", "event.volume.down", "event.volume.mute", NULL, }; static void audiomixer_controls_changed_deferred(int signum, void *arg) { AFB_DEBUG("controls changed"); afb_event_push(controls_changed, NULL); } struct value_changed_data { unsigned int change_mask; struct mixer_control control; }; static void audiomixer_value_changed_deferred(int signum, void *data) { struct value_changed_data *d = data; json_object *json; AFB_DEBUG("value changed"); json = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json, "control", json_object_new_string(d->control.name)); if (d->change_mask & MIXER_CONTROL_CHANGE_FLAG_VOLUME) { json_object_object_add(json, "value", json_object_new_double(d->control.volume)); afb_event_push(volume_changed, json); } else if (d->change_mask & MIXER_CONTROL_CHANGE_FLAG_MUTE) { json_object_object_add(json, "value", json_object_new_int(d->control.mute)); afb_event_push(mute_changed, json); } free(d); } /* called in audiomixer's thread */ static void audiomixer_controls_changed(void *data) { afb_api_t api = data; afb_api_queue_job (api, audiomixer_controls_changed_deferred, NULL, (void *) 0x1, 0); } /* called in audiomixer's thread */ static void audiomixer_value_changed(void *data, unsigned int change_mask, const struct mixer_control *control) { afb_api_t api = data; struct value_changed_data *d = calloc(1, sizeof(*d)); d->change_mask = change_mask; d->control = *control; afb_api_queue_job (api, audiomixer_value_changed_deferred, d, (void *) 0x1, 0); } static const struct audiomixer_events audiomixer_events = { .controls_changed = audiomixer_controls_changed, .value_changed = audiomixer_value_changed, }; static int cleanup(sd_event_source *s, void *data) { audiomixer_free(audiomixer); audiomixer = NULL; return 0; } static int init(afb_api_t api) { int ret; ret = afb_daemon_require_api("signal-composer", 1); if (ret) { AFB_WARNING("unable to initialize signal-composer binding"); } else { const char **tmp = signalcomposer_events; json_object *args = json_object_new_object(); json_object *signals = json_object_new_array(); while (*tmp) { json_object_array_add(signals, json_object_new_string(*tmp++)); } json_object_object_add(args, "signal", signals); if(json_object_array_length(signals)) { afb_api_call_sync(api, "signal-composer", "subscribe", args, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { json_object_put(args); } } sd_event *e = afb_daemon_get_event_loop(); controls_changed = afb_api_make_event(api, "controls_changed"); volume_changed = afb_api_make_event(api, "volume_changed"); mute_changed = afb_api_make_event(api, "mute_changed"); audiomixer = audiomixer_new(); sd_event_add_exit(e, NULL, cleanup, NULL); audiomixer_add_event_listener(audiomixer, &audiomixer_events, api); return 0; } static void list_controls_cb(afb_req_t request) { json_object *ret_json, *nest_json; const struct mixer_control **ctls; unsigned int n_controls, i; audiomixer_lock(audiomixer); if (audiomixer_ensure_controls(audiomixer, 3) < 0) { AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "No mixer controls were exposed " "in PipeWire after 3 seconds"); } ctls = audiomixer_get_active_controls(audiomixer, &n_controls); ret_json = json_object_new_array(); for (i = 0; i < n_controls; i++) { nest_json = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(nest_json, "control", json_object_new_string(ctls[i]->name)); json_object_object_add(nest_json, "volume", json_object_new_double(ctls[i]->volume)); json_object_object_add(nest_json, "mute", json_object_new_int(ctls[i]->mute)); json_object_array_add(ret_json, nest_json); } afb_req_success(request, ret_json, NULL); audiomixer_unlock(audiomixer); } static void volume_cb(afb_req_t request) { json_object *ret_json; const char *control = afb_req_value(request, "control"); const char *value = afb_req_value(request, "value"); const struct mixer_control *ctl; double volume; audiomixer_lock(audiomixer); if (!control) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid arguments: missing 'control'"); goto unlock; } if (audiomixer_ensure_controls(audiomixer, 3) < 0) { AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "No mixer controls were exposed " "in PipeWire after 3 seconds"); } ctl = audiomixer_find_control(audiomixer, control); if (!ctl) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Could not find control"); goto unlock; } if(value) { char *endptr; volume = strtod(value, &endptr); if (endptr == value || volume < -0.00001 || volume > 1.00001) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid volume value (must be between 0.0 and 1.0)"); goto unlock; } audiomixer_change_volume(audiomixer, ctl, volume); } else { volume = ctl->volume; } ret_json = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(ret_json, "volume", json_object_new_double(volume)); afb_req_success(request, ret_json, NULL); unlock: audiomixer_unlock(audiomixer); } static void mute_cb(afb_req_t request) { json_object *ret_json; const char *control = afb_req_value(request, "control"); const char *value = afb_req_value(request, "value"); const struct mixer_control *ctl; int mute; audiomixer_lock(audiomixer); if (!control) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid arguments: missing 'control'"); goto unlock; } if (audiomixer_ensure_controls(audiomixer, 3) < 0) { AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "No mixer controls were exposed " "in PipeWire after 3 seconds"); } ctl = audiomixer_find_control(audiomixer, control); if (!ctl) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Could not find control"); goto unlock; } if(value) { char *endptr; mute = (int) strtol(value, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == value || mute < 0 || mute > 1) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid mute value (must be integer 0 or 1)"); goto unlock; } audiomixer_change_mute(audiomixer, ctl, mute); } else { mute = ctl->mute; } ret_json = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(ret_json, "mute", json_object_new_int(mute)); afb_req_success(request, ret_json, NULL); unlock: audiomixer_unlock(audiomixer); } static void subscribe_cb(afb_req_t request) { const char *eventstr = afb_req_value(request, "event"); afb_event_t event; if (!eventstr) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid arguments: missing 'event'"); return; } if (!strcmp(eventstr, "controls_changed")) event = controls_changed; else if (!strcmp(eventstr, "volume_changed")) event = volume_changed; else if (!strcmp(eventstr, "mute_changed")) event = mute_changed; else { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid event name"); return; } if (afb_req_subscribe(request, event) != 0) afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Failed to subscribe to event"); else afb_req_success(request, NULL, "Subscribed"); } static void unsubscribe_cb(afb_req_t request) { const char *eventstr = afb_req_value(request, "event"); afb_event_t event; if (!eventstr) { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid arguments: missing 'event'"); return; } if (!strcmp(eventstr, "controls_changed")) event = controls_changed; else if (!strcmp(eventstr, "volume_changed")) event = volume_changed; else if (!strcmp(eventstr, "mute_changed")) event = mute_changed; else { afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid event name"); return; } if (afb_req_unsubscribe(request, event) != 0) afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Failed to unsubscribe from event"); else afb_req_success(request, NULL, "Unsubscribed"); } static void onevent(afb_api_t api, const char *event, struct json_object *object) { const struct mixer_control *ctl; json_object *tmp = NULL; const char *uid; const char *value; json_object_object_get_ex(object, "uid", &tmp); if (tmp == NULL) return; uid = json_object_get_string(tmp); if (strncmp(uid, "event.volume.", 13)) return; json_object_object_get_ex(object, "value", &tmp); if (tmp == NULL) return; value = json_object_get_string(tmp); if (strncmp(value, "true", 4)) return; audiomixer_lock(audiomixer); ctl = audiomixer_find_control(audiomixer, "Master Playback"); if (!ctl) goto unlock; if (!strcmp(uid, "event.volume.mute")) { audiomixer_change_mute(audiomixer, ctl, !ctl->mute); } else { double volume = ctl->volume; if (!strcmp(uid, "event.volume.up")) { volume += 0.05; // up 5% if (volume > 1.0) volume = 1.0; // clamp to 100% } else if (!strcmp(uid, "event.volume.down")) { volume -= 0.05; // down 5% if (volume < 0.0) volume = 0.0; // clamp to 0% } else { AFB_WARNING("Unhandled signal-composer uid '%s'", uid); goto unlock; } audiomixer_change_volume(audiomixer, ctl, volume); } unlock: audiomixer_unlock(audiomixer); } static const afb_verb_t verbs[]= { { .verb = "list_controls", .callback = list_controls_cb, .info = "List the available controls" }, { .verb = "volume", .callback = volume_cb, .info = "Get/Set volume" }, { .verb = "mute", .callback = mute_cb, .info = "Get/Set mute" }, { .verb = "subscribe", .callback = subscribe_cb, .info = "Subscribe to mixer events" }, { .verb = "unsubscribe", .callback = unsubscribe_cb, .info = "Unsubscribe from mixer events" }, { } }; const afb_binding_t afbBindingV3 = { .api = "audiomixer", .specification = "AudioMixer API", .verbs = verbs, .onevent = onevent, .init = init, };