/* * Copyright (C) 2022,2023 Konsulko Group * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <thread> #include <chrono> #include "AudiomixerService.h" static const std::string VSS_VOLUME = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Media.Volume"; static const std::string VSS_NAV_VOLUME = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Navigation.Volume"; static const std::string VSS_NAV_MUTE = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Navigation.Mute"; static const std::string VSS_SWITCH_VOL_UP = "Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeUp"; static const std::string VSS_SWITCH_VOL_DOWN = "Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeDown"; static const std::string VSS_SWITCH_VOL_MUTE = "Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeMute"; static const std::string VSS_BALANCE = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Media.Audio.Balance"; static const std::string VSS_FADE = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Media.Audio.Fade"; static const std::string VSS_BASS = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Media.Audio.Bass"; static const std::string VSS_TREBLE = "Vehicle.Cabin.Infotainment.Media.Audio.Treble"; static const char* PLAYBACK_MAIN = "Master Playback"; static const char* PLAYBACK_NAV = "Playback: Navigation"; AudiomixerService::AudiomixerService(const KuksaConfig &config, GMainLoop *loop) : m_loop(loop), m_config(config) { m_audiomixer = audiomixer_new(); if (m_audiomixer) { // Set up callbacks for WirePlumber events m_audiomixer_events.controls_changed = mixer_control_change_cb; m_audiomixer_events.value_changed = mixer_value_change_cb; audiomixer_add_event_listener(m_audiomixer, &m_audiomixer_events, this); // Drive connecting to PipeWire core and refreshing controls list audiomixer_lock(m_audiomixer); audiomixer_ensure_controls(m_audiomixer, 3); audiomixer_unlock(m_audiomixer); } else { std::cerr << "Could not create WirePlumber connection" << std::endl; } // Create gRPC channel std::string host = m_config.hostname(); host += ":"; std::stringstream ss; ss << m_config.port(); host += ss.str(); std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel; if (!m_config.caCert().empty()) { grpc::SslCredentialsOptions options; options.pem_root_certs = m_config.caCert(); if (!m_config.tlsServerName().empty()) { grpc::ChannelArguments args; auto target = m_config.tlsServerName(); std::cout << "Overriding TLS target name with " << target << std::endl; args.SetString(GRPC_SSL_TARGET_NAME_OVERRIDE_ARG, target); channel = grpc::CreateCustomChannel(host, grpc::SslCredentials(options), args); } else { channel = grpc::CreateChannel(host, grpc::SslCredentials(options)); } } else { channel = grpc::CreateChannel(host, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()); } // Wait for the channel to be ready std::cout << "Waiting for Databroker gRPC channel" << std::endl; while (!channel->WaitForConnected(std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) ; std::cout << "Databroker gRPC channel ready" << std::endl; m_broker = new KuksaClient(channel, m_config); if (m_broker) { // Listen to actuator target updates for the volume signal and // values for the steering wheel volume switch signals. std::map<std::string, bool> signals; signals[VSS_VOLUME] = true; signals[VSS_NAV_VOLUME] = true; signals[VSS_NAV_MUTE] = true; // AGL additions signals[VSS_SWITCH_VOL_UP] = false; signals[VSS_SWITCH_VOL_DOWN] = false; signals[VSS_SWITCH_VOL_MUTE] = false; signals[VSS_BALANCE] = true; signals[VSS_FADE] = true; signals[VSS_BASS] = true; signals[VSS_TREBLE] = true; m_broker->subscribe(signals, [this](const std::string &path, const Datapoint &dp) { HandleSignalChange(path, dp); }, [this](const SubscribeRequest *request, const Status &s) { HandleSubscribeDone(request, s); }); // Set initial volume // Push out default value of 50%, ideally there would be some // form of persistence scheme to restore the last value on // restart. SetMainVolume(); // Push out new value // NOTE: This is a workaround for current observed behavior // where no updates seem to get processed until playback // has happened. uint32_t value = (m_volume + 0.005) * 100; if (value <= 100) { m_broker->set(VSS_VOLUME, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } } else { std::cerr << "Could not create Kuksa API client" << std::endl; } } AudiomixerService::~AudiomixerService() { delete m_broker; audiomixer_free(m_audiomixer); } // Private void AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange(const std::string &path, const Datapoint &dp) { if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange: Value received for " << path << std::endl; if (!m_audiomixer) return; audiomixer_lock(m_audiomixer); if (path == VSS_VOLUME) { if (dp.has_uint32()) { double volume = (double) dp.uint32() / 100.0; if (volume >= 0.0 && volume <= 1.0) { m_volume = volume; SetMainVolume(); } } } else if (path == VSS_NAV_VOLUME) { if (dp.has_uint32()) { double volume = (double) dp.uint32() / 100.0; if (volume >= 0.0 && volume <= 1.0) { m_nav_volume = volume; SetMixerVolume(path, PLAYBACK_NAV, volume); } } } else if (path == VSS_NAV_MUTE) { if (dp.has_string()) { std::string value = dp.string(); bool mute = false; if (value.length()) { if (value == "MUTED") mute = true; // else UNMUTED or ALERT_ONLY (which is not handled) m_nav_mute = mute; SetMixerMute(path, PLAYBACK_NAV, mute); } } } else if (path == VSS_SWITCH_VOL_UP) { if (dp.has_bool_() && dp.bool_()) { double volume = m_volume; volume += 0.05; // up 5% if (volume > 1.0) volume = 1.0; // clamp to 100% if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Increasing volume to " << volume << std::endl; m_volume = volume; SetMainVolume(); } } else if (path == VSS_SWITCH_VOL_DOWN) { if (dp.has_bool_() && dp.bool_()) { double volume = m_volume; volume -= 0.05; // down 5% if (volume < 0.0) volume = 0.0; // clamp to 0% if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Decreasing volume to " << volume << std::endl; m_volume = volume; SetMainVolume(); } } else if (path == VSS_SWITCH_VOL_MUTE) { if (dp.has_bool_() && dp.bool_()) { // No equivalent VSS signal, so call audiomixer API directly const struct mixer_control *ctl = audiomixer_find_control(m_audiomixer, PLAYBACK_MAIN); if (!ctl) goto control_error; if (m_config.verbose() > 1) { if (ctl->mute) std::cout << "Unmuting" << std::endl; else std::cout << "Muting" << std::endl; } audiomixer_change_mute(m_audiomixer, ctl, !ctl->mute); } } else if (path == VSS_BALANCE) { if (dp.has_int32()) { int32_t value = dp.int32(); if (value >= -100 && value <= 100) { if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange: Value = " << value << std::endl; m_balance = value; SetMainVolume(); // Push out new value m_broker->set(VSS_BALANCE, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } } } else if (path == VSS_FADE) { if (dp.has_int32()) { int32_t value = dp.int32(); if (value >= -100 && value <= 100) { if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange: Value = " << value << std::endl; m_fade = value; SetMainVolume(); // Push out new value m_broker->set(VSS_FADE, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } } } else if (path == VSS_BASS) { if (dp.has_int32()) { int32_t value = dp.int32(); if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange: Value = " << value << std::endl; float gain = value * 0.12; SetEqualizerGain(path, "bass", gain); } } else if (path == VSS_TREBLE) { if (dp.has_int32()) { int32_t value = dp.int32(); if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "AudiomixerService::HandleSignalChange: Value = " << value << std::endl; float gain = value * 0.12; SetEqualizerGain(path, "treble", gain); } } // else ignore control_error: audiomixer_unlock(m_audiomixer); } void AudiomixerService::HandleSignalSetError(const std::string &path, const Error &error) { std::cerr << "Error setting " << path << ": " << error.code() << " - " << error.reason() << std::endl; } void AudiomixerService::HandleSubscribeDone(const SubscribeRequest *request, const Status &status) { if (m_config.verbose()) std::cout << "Subscribe status = " << status.error_code() << " (" << status.error_message() << ")" << std::endl; if (status.error_code() == grpc::CANCELLED) { if (m_config.verbose()) std::cerr << "Subscribe canceled, assuming shutdown" << std::endl; return; } // Queue up a resubcribe via the GLib event loop callback struct resubscribe_data *data = new (struct resubscribe_data); if (!data) { std::cerr << "Could not create resubcribe_data" << std::endl; exit(1); } data->self = this; // Need to copy request since the one we have been handed is from the // finished subscribe and will be going away. data->request = new SubscribeRequest(*request); if (!data->request) { std::cerr << "Could not create resubscribe SubscribeRequest" << std::endl; exit(1); } // NOTE: Waiting 100 milliseconds for now; it is possible that some // randomization and/or back-off may need to be added if many // subscribes are active, or switching to some other resubscribe // scheme altogether (e.g. post subscribes to a thread that waits // for the channel to become connected again). g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 100, resubscribe_cb, data, NULL); } void AudiomixerService::Resubscribe(const SubscribeRequest *request) { if (!(m_broker && request)) return; m_broker->subscribe(request, [this](const std::string &path, const Datapoint &dp) { HandleSignalChange(path, dp); }, [this](const SubscribeRequest *request, const Status &s) { HandleSubscribeDone(request, s); }); } void AudiomixerService::HandleMixerControlChange(void) { // Ignore for now } void AudiomixerService::HandleMixerValueChange(unsigned int change_mask, const struct mixer_control *control) { if (!control) return; if (change_mask & MIXER_CONTROL_CHANGE_FLAG_VOLUME) { if (std::string(control->name) == PLAYBACK_MAIN) { // Detecting changes is complicated by the reported volume // always being the same as the left channel volume. // With our balance logic, the greater of the two volumes // should always equal what we consider the overall volume // to be. We do not handle calculating a new balance // value from an external change. double volume = control->lvolume; if (control->rvolume > control->lvolume) volume = control->rvolume; if (fabs(m_volume_faded - volume) >= 0.00001) { std::cout << "WARNING: external volume change seen" << std::endl; // Attempt to rebase our state m_volume_faded = volume; if (m_fade < 0) m_volume = volume / (1.0 - (m_fade / -100.0)); else m_volume = volume; } // Push out new value uint32_t value = (m_volume + 0.005) * 100; if (value <= 100) { m_broker->set(VSS_VOLUME, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } } else if (std::string(control->name) == PLAYBACK_NAV) { if (control->volume != m_nav_volume) { std::cout << "WARNING: external Navigation volume change seen" << std::endl; m_nav_volume = control->volume; } // Push out new value uint32_t value = (control->volume + 0.005) * 100; if (value <= 100) { m_broker->set(VSS_NAV_VOLUME, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } } } else if (change_mask & MIXER_CONTROL_CHANGE_FLAG_MUTE) { if (std::string(control->name) == PLAYBACK_NAV) { if (control->mute != m_nav_mute) { std::cout << "WARNING: external Navigation mute change seen" << std::endl; m_nav_mute = control->mute; } // Push out new value const char *value = "UNMUTED"; if (control->mute) value = "MUTED"; m_broker->set(VSS_NAV_MUTE, value, [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); } // Else, do nothing, new state is in control->mute } // External gain control changes ignored for now } // NOTE: These functions assume the audiomixer lock is held void AudiomixerService::SetMainVolume() { const struct mixer_control *ctl = audiomixer_find_control(m_audiomixer, PLAYBACK_MAIN); if (!ctl) return; if (m_balance == 0) { if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Setting 'Master Playback' volume to " << m_volume << std::endl; // Handle fade m_volume_faded = m_volume; if (m_fade < 0) m_volume_faded *= (1.0 - (m_fade / -100.0)); audiomixer_change_volume(m_audiomixer, ctl, m_volume_faded); } else { // Handle fade m_volume_faded = m_volume; if (m_fade < 0) m_volume_faded *= (1.0 - (m_fade / -100.0)); // Scale down the non-emphasized channel double lvol = m_volume_faded; double rvol = m_volume_faded; if (m_balance < 0) rvol = (1.0 - (m_balance / -100.0)) * m_volume_faded; else if (m_balance > 0) lvol = (1.0 - (m_balance / 100.0)) * m_volume_faded; if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Setting 'Master Playback' volume to (" << lvol << ", " << rvol << ")" << std::endl; audiomixer_change_channel_volume(m_audiomixer, ctl, lvol, rvol); } } void AudiomixerService::SetMixerVolume(const std::string &path, const std::string &mixer, const double volume) { if (volume < 0.0 || volume > 1.0) return; const struct mixer_control *ctl = audiomixer_find_control(m_audiomixer, mixer.c_str()); if (!ctl) return; if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Setting '" << ctl->name << "' volume to " << volume << std::endl; audiomixer_change_volume(m_audiomixer, ctl, volume); } void AudiomixerService::SetMixerMute(const std::string path, const std::string mixer, const bool mute) { const struct mixer_control *ctl = audiomixer_find_control(m_audiomixer, mixer.c_str()); if (!ctl) return; if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Setting '" << mixer << "' mute to " << mute << std::endl; audiomixer_change_mute(m_audiomixer, ctl, mute); } void AudiomixerService::SetEqualizerGain(const std::string path, const std::string mixer, const double gain) { if (gain < -12.0 || gain > 12.0) return; const struct mixer_control *ctl = audiomixer_find_control(m_audiomixer, mixer.c_str()); if (!ctl) return; if (m_config.verbose() > 1) std::cout << "Setting '" << mixer << "' gain to " << gain << std::endl; audiomixer_change_gain(m_audiomixer, ctl, gain); // Push out new value m_broker->set(path, (int32_t) (gain / 0.12), [this](const std::string &path, const Error &error) { HandleSignalSetError(path, error); }); }