#CAN Configuration Generator ##Abstract This tool is used to generate a configuration source file for the Low Level CAN bus binding. This binding need a configuration provided as a C++ source file. As long this binding is based on [OpenXC vi-firmware](https://github.com/openxc/vi-firmware), this generator use the JSON format from the [python generator](https://github.com/openxc/openxc-python). The reference documentation of the JSON file can be found [here](https://github.com/openxc/vi-firmware/blob/master/docs/config/reference.rst). ## Getting started ### Build requirements * CMake version 3.0 or later * G++, Clang++ or any C++11 complient compiler. * Boost * filesystem * program_options * system You can install any of these using your package manager. For instance, inside the iotbzh's docker image, you must enter this command : devel@bsp-devkit:~/$ sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev You may want to install `libboost-all-dev` to get all boost components even if it's not required. ## Compile
devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/$ git clone https://github.com/iotbzh/can-config-generator.git Cloning into 'can-config-generator'... remote: Counting objects: 74, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. remote: Total 74 (delta 30), reused 67 (delta 27), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (74/74), done. Checking connectivity... done. devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/$ cd can-config-generator devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/can-config-generator/(master)$ mkdir build devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/can-config-generator/build(master)$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Boost version: 1.55.0 -- Found the following Boost libraries: -- program_options -- filesystem -- system -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/devel/projects/can-config-generator/build devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/can-config-generator/build(master)$ make Scanning dependencies of target can-config-generator [ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/main.cpp.o [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/message_set.cpp.o [ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/can_bus.cpp.o [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/can_message.cpp.o [ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/command.cpp.o [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/diagnostic_message.cpp.o [ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/mapping.cpp.o [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/can-config-generator.dir/src/openxc/signal.cpp.o Linking CXX executable can-config-generator [100%] Built target can-config-generator## Generate your config file To generate your config file you just have to run the generator using the `-m` option to specify your JSON file.
devel@bsp-devkit:~/projects/can-config-generator/build(master)$ can-config-generator -m ../tests/basic.json -o configuration-generated.cppIf you omit the `-o` option, then code is generated on the stdout. You also can specify a header and a footer file. These files must be valid C++ fragment as long as they will be inserted as is. Use the `-h` option to display help. ## Supported OpenXC items As long as the low level CAN signaling binding doesn't fully support OpenXC yet, this generator is also limited. For instance, `initializers`, `loopers`, `buses`, `commands` and `handlers` nodes are ignored for now. This generator will follow OpenXC support status of the low level CAN signaling binding. ## Known issues * Each `diagnostic_message` must define the same `bus` as the binding will use only one bus. ## Dependencies * [json](https://github.com/nlohmann/json) by nlohmann ## License Copyright 2017 - iotbzh Licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/iotbzh/can-config-generator/blob/master/LICENSE)