/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Loïc Collignon" <loic.collignon@iot.bzh> * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <exception> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <numeric> #include <iterator> #include <json.hpp> #include "openxc/message_set.hpp" #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 #define EXIT_UNKNOWN_ERROR 1 #define EXIT_COMMAND_LINE_ERROR 2 #define EXIT_PROGRAM_ERROR 3 template <typename T> struct generator { T v_; std::string line_prefix_; generator(T v, std::string line_prefix = "") : v_{v}, line_prefix_{line_prefix} {} }; template <> struct generator<openxc::signal> { const openxc::signal& v_; std::uint32_t index_; std::string line_prefix_; generator(const openxc::signal& v, std::uint32_t index, std::string line_prefix = "") : v_{v}, index_{index}, line_prefix_{line_prefix} { } }; template <typename T> generator<T> gen(const T& v, std::string line_prefix = "") { return generator<T>(v, line_prefix); } generator<openxc::signal> gen(const openxc::signal& v, std::uint32_t index, std::string line_prefix = "") { return generator<openxc::signal>(v, index, line_prefix); } template <typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<T>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << v.v_; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<bool>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << (v.v_ ? "true" : "false"); return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<float>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << std::showpoint << v.v_ << "f"; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<std::string>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << '\"' << v.v_ << '\"'; return o; } template <typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<std::vector<T>>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "{\n"; auto sz = v.v_.size(); for(const T& i : v.v_) { o << gen(i, v.line_prefix_ + '\t'); if (sz > 1) o << ","; --sz; o << '\n'; } o << v.line_prefix_ << '}'; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<openxc::message_set>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << '{' << "0, " << gen(v.v_.name()) << ", " << v.v_.buses().size() << ", " << v.v_.messages().size() << ", " << std::accumulate( std::begin(v.v_.messages()), std::end(v.v_.messages()), 0, [](int sum, const openxc::can_message& p) { return sum + p.signals().size(); } ) << ", " << v.v_.commands().size() << ", " << v.v_.diagnostic_messages().size() << "}"; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<openxc::can_message>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "can_message_definition_t(" << "0, " << gen(v.v_.bus()) << ", " << v.v_.id() << ", " << "can_message_format_t::STANDARD, " << "frequency_clock_t(" << gen(v.v_.max_frequency()) << "), " << gen(v.v_.force_send_changed()) << ')'; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::uint32_t>>>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "{\n"; std::uint32_t c1 = v.v_.size(); for(const auto& state : v.v_) { std::uint32_t c2 = state.second.size(); for(const auto& i : state.second) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << "{" << i << ", " << gen(state.first) << "}"; if (c1 > 1 || c2 > 1) o << ','; o << '\n'; --c2; } --c1; } o << v.line_prefix_ << "}"; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<openxc::signal>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "{\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t0,\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << v.index_ << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.generic_name()) << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << v.v_.bit_position() << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << v.v_.bit_size() << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.factor()) << ", \n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << v.v_.offset() << ", \n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << "0,\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << "0,\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\tfrequency_clock_t(" << gen(v.v_.max_frequency()) << "),\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.send_same()) << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.force_send_changed()) << ",\n" << gen(v.v_.states(), v.line_prefix_ + '\t') << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << '\t' << gen(v.v_.writable()) << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << '\t' << (v.v_.decoder().size() ? v.v_.decoder() : "nullptr") << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << '\t' << (v.v_.encoder().size() ? v.v_.encoder() : "nullptr") << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << '\t' << "false\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "}"; return o; } template <> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const generator<openxc::diagnostic_message>& v) { o << v.line_prefix_ << "{\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << v.v_.pid() << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.name()) << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << 0 << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << 0 << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << "UNIT::INVALID" << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << gen(v.v_.frequency()) << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << (v.v_.decoder().size() ? v.v_.decoder() : "nullptr") << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << (v.v_.callback().size() ? v.v_.callback() : "nullptr") << ",\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "\t" << "true" << "\n" << v.line_prefix_ << "}"; return o; } /// @brief Generate the configuration code. /// @param[in] header Content to be inserted as a header. /// @param[in] footer Content to be inserted as a footer. /// @param[in] message_set Configuration read from the json file. /// @param[in] out Stream to write on. void generate(const std::string& header, const std::string& footer, const openxc::message_set& message_set, std::ostream& out) { out << "#include \"configuration.hpp\"\n" << "#include \"can/can-decoder.hpp\"\n\n"; if (header.size()) out << header << "\n"; out << "configuration_t::configuration_t()\n" << " : can_message_set_{" << gen(message_set) << "}\n" << " , can_message_definition_\n" << " {\n" << gen(message_set.messages(), "\t\t") << '\n' << " }\n" << " , can_signals_\n" << " {\n"; std::uint32_t message_count = message_set.messages().size(); std::uint32_t index = 0; for(const openxc::can_message& m : message_set.messages()) { out << " {\n"; std::uint32_t signal_count = m.signals().size(); for(const openxc::signal& s : m.signals()) { out << gen(s, index, " "); if (signal_count > 1) out << ','; --signal_count; out << '\n'; } out << " }"; if (index + 1 < message_count) out << ','; ++index; out << '\n'; } out << " }\n" << " , diagnostic_messages_\n" << " {\n" << gen(message_set.diagnostic_messages(), " ") << "\n" << " }\n" << "{\n" << "}\n\n" << "const std::string configuration_t::get_diagnostic_bus() const\n" << "{\n"; std::string active_bus = ""; for (const auto& d : message_set.diagnostic_messages()) { if (d.bus().size() == 0) std::cerr << "ERROR: The bus name should be set for each diagnostic message." << std::endl; if (active_bus.size() == 0) active_bus = d.bus(); if (active_bus != d.bus()) std::cerr << "ERROR: The bus name should be the same for each diagnostic message." << std::endl; } out << " return " << gen(active_bus) << ";\n" << "}\n\n"; out << footer << std::endl; } /// @brief Read whole file content to a string. /// @param[in] file Path to the file. /// @return A std::string which contains the file content. If @c file is an empty string, the return value is also empty. /// @exception std::runtime_error Throw this exception if the specified file is not found or cannot be opened. std::string read_file(const std::string& file) { if(file.size() == 0) return std::string(); std::string content; std::ifstream stream(file); if (stream) { stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); content.reserve(stream.tellg()); stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); content.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); return content; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "The specified file (" << file << ") is not found!"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } /// @brief Read whole file content as a json document. /// @param[in] file Path to the file. /// @return A @c nlohmann::json object. /// @exception std::runtime_error Throw this exception if the specified file is not found or cannot be opened. nlohmann::json read_json(const std::string& file) { std::ifstream stream(file); if (stream) { nlohmann::json result; stream >> result; return result; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "The specified file (" << file << ") is not found!"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } // function that show the help information void showhelpinfo(char *s) { std::cout<<"Usage: "<<s<<" <-m inpout.json> [-o configuration-generated.cpp]"<< std::endl; std::cout<<"option: "<<"-m input.json : JSON file describing CAN messages and signals"<< std::endl; std::cout<<" "<<"-h header.cpp : header source file insert at the beginning of generated file"<< std::endl; std::cout<<" "<<"-f footer.cpp : footer source file append to generated file."<< std::endl; std::cout<<" "<<"-o configuration-generated.cpp : output source file. Name has to be configuration-generated.cpp"<< std::endl; } /// @brief Entry point. /// @param[in] argc Argument's count. /// @param[in] argv Argument's array. /// @return Exit code, zero if success. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { std::string appName = argv[0]; std::string message_set_file; std::string output_file; std::string header_file; std::string footer_file; char tmp; /*if the program is ran witout options ,it will show the usgage and exit*/ if(argc == 1) { showhelpinfo(argv[0]); exit(1); } /*use function getopt to get the arguments with option."hu:p:s:v" indicate that option h,v are the options without arguments while u,p,s are the options with arguments*/ while((tmp=getopt(argc,argv,"m:h:f:o:"))!=-1) { switch(tmp) { case 'h': header_file = optarg; break; case 'f': footer_file = optarg; break; case 'm': message_set_file = optarg; break; case 'o': output_file = optarg; break; default: showhelpinfo(argv[0]); break; } } std::stringstream header; header << read_file(header_file); std::string footer = read_file(footer_file); openxc::message_set message_set; message_set.from_json(read_json(message_set_file)); std::string message_set_path = dirname(strdup(message_set_file.c_str())); for(const auto& s : message_set.extra_sources()) { std::string extra_source = s; extra_source = message_set_path + "/" + extra_source; header << "\n// >>>>> " << s << " >>>>>\n" << read_file(extra_source) << "\n// <<<<< " << s << " <<<<<\n"; } std::ofstream out; if (output_file.size()) { out.open(output_file); if(!out) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Can't open the ouput file (" << output_file << ") for writing!"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } } generate(header.str(), footer, message_set, output_file.size() ? out : std::cout); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Unhandled exception - " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }