import "nanopb.proto";

// This defines protocol for a simple server that lists files.
// If you come from high-level programming background, the hardcoded
// maximum lengths may disgust you. However, if your microcontroller only
// has a few kB of ram to begin with, setting reasonable limits for
// filenames is ok.
// On the other hand, using the callback interface, it is not necessary
// to set a limit on the number of files in the response.

message ListFilesRequest {
    optional string path = 1 [default = "/", (nanopb).max_size = 128];

message FileInfo {
    required uint64 inode = 1;
    required string name = 2 [(nanopb).max_size = 128];

message ListFilesResponse {
    optional bool path_error = 1 [default = false];
    repeated FileInfo file = 2;