/* * Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Arthur Guyader" <arthur.guyader@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <unistd.h> #include "./socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming.hpp" namespace utils { /** * @brief Construct a new socketcan j1939 addressclaiming t::socketcan j1939 addressclaiming t object * */ socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t(): socketcan_j1939_t(), table_j1939_address_{{std::make_pair(0,false)}}, signal_stop_{false}, claiming_state_{claiming_state::INITIAL} {} /** * @brief Allows to read the claiming message and react to them * * @return std::shared_ptr<message_t> Return an INVALID j1939 message because no need of return (only signature of the function) */ std::shared_ptr<message_t> socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::read_message() { AFB_DEBUG("[socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t] read_message"); std::shared_ptr<message_t> invalid_message = std::make_shared<j1939_message_t>(); std::shared_ptr<message_t> m; j1939_message_t* jm; m = socketcan_j1939_t::read_message(); jm = static_cast<j1939_message_t*>(m.get()); if(jm->get_pgn() == J1939_PGN_ADDRESS_CLAIMED) { if(jm->get_addr() >= J1939_IDLE_ADDR) { AFB_DEBUG("Get invalid address claiming by name : %x",(unsigned int)jm->get_name()); return invalid_message; } if(jm->get_name() == htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)) { AFB_DEBUG("Get own address claiming"); return invalid_message; } AFB_DEBUG("Get address claiming from %x",(unsigned int)jm->get_name()); if(jm->get_addr() != current_address_) { save_addr_name(jm->get_addr(),jm->get_name()); return invalid_message; } if(claiming_state_ == claiming_state::CLAIMING) { if(jm->get_name() > htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)) { AFB_WARNING("Error from %x to use j1939 protocol",(unsigned int)htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)); return invalid_message; } save_addr_name(jm->get_addr(),jm->get_name()); if(timer_handle_->evtSource) { TimerEvtStop(timer_handle_); timer_handle_ = nullptr; } if(claim_address(false, true) < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Claim address failed"); change_state(claiming_state::INVALID); return invalid_message; } } else if(claiming_state_ == claiming_state::OPERATIONAL) { AFB_DEBUG("Address colision"); if(jm->get_name() > htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)) { if(claim_address(false,false) < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Claim address failed"); change_state(claiming_state::INVALID); return invalid_message; } return invalid_message; } save_addr_name(jm->get_addr(),jm->get_name()); if(claim_address(false,true) < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Claim address failed"); change_state(claiming_state::INVALID); return invalid_message; } } } return invalid_message; } /** * @brief Initialize the table j1939 with the valid address posible * */ void socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::initialize_table_j1939_address() { int start_addr = 128; int end_addr = 247; if(start_addr < 0) { AFB_ERROR("[socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming][initialize_table_j1939_address] Invalid start address"); } else { if(end_addr >= J1939_IDLE_ADDR) { AFB_ERROR("[socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming][initialize_table_j1939_address] Invalid end address"); } else { for (int i = start_addr; i <= end_addr; i++) { table_j1939_address_[i] = std::make_pair(0,true); } } } } /** * @brief Save at an address a name * * @param addr The adress where you want to save name * @param name The name of the ECU that is in the address * @return int 0 if save is ok */ int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::save_addr_name(uint8_t addr,name_t name) { if(addr < J1939_IDLE_ADDR) { if(table_j1939_address_[addr].first < name) { table_j1939_address_[addr].first = name; AFB_DEBUG("[socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming][save_addr_name] NAME : %x <--> ADDR : %d",(unsigned int)name,addr); } else if(table_j1939_address_[addr].first == name) { AFB_WARNING("Name %x has already adress %d",(unsigned int)name,addr); } } else { AFB_ERROR("Invalid address to save"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Choose new address for the ECU check in the table the best place to claim * * @return uint8_t The new address choosen */ uint8_t socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::choose_new_address() { for (int i = 0; i < J1939_IDLE_ADDR; i++) { if(table_j1939_address_[i].second && i!=current_address_) { if( table_j1939_address_[i].first >= htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU) || table_j1939_address_[i].first == 0) { return (uint8_t) i; } } } return J1939_IDLE_ADDR; } /** * @brief The function that destoy the timer * * @param timer_context The timer context to destroy * @return int */ int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::free_timer_handle(void *timer_context) { socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t *addressclaiming_socket = (socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t*) timer_context; addressclaiming_socket->timer_handle_ = nullptr; return 0; } /** * @brief The function is call when at the end of the timer, the socket has don't receive * * @param timerhandle The timerhandle of the timer * @return int 1 it's all it's ok */ int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::no_response_claiming(TimerHandleT *timerhandle) { socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t *addressclaiming_socket = (socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t*) timerhandle->context; // If the cache is cleared : addressclaiming_socket->change_state(claiming_state::OPERATIONAL); addressclaiming_socket->save_addr_name(addressclaiming_socket->current_address_,htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)); AFB_DEBUG("Get address %d for this ecu", addressclaiming_socket->current_address_); /*Else : uint8_t data[3]= { 0, 0, 0, }; std::vector<uint8_t> data_v(data,data+3); int res = addressclaiming_socket->write_j1939_message(J1939_PGN_REQUEST,data_v,3); if(res < 0) { if(res == -99) { addressclaiming_socket->save_addr_name(addressclaiming_socket->current_address_,htole64(1)); AFB_DEBUG("Address busy but no claming request from other ECU"); addressclaiming_socket->claim_address(false,true); } else { AFB_ERROR("ERROR"); } } else { addressclaiming_socket->change_state(claiming_state::OPERATIONAL); addressclaiming_socket->save_addr_name(addressclaiming_socket->current_address_,htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU)); AFB_DEBUG("Get address %d for this ecu", addressclaiming_socket->current_address_); }*/ return 1; } /** * @brief Launch timer when an address is claimed * */ void socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::launch_timer() { timer_handle_ = (TimerHandleT*) malloc(sizeof(TimerHandleT)); timer_handle_->uid = "claiming_wait"; timer_handle_->delay = 250; timer_handle_->count = 1; timer_handle_->freeCB = free_timer_handle; TimerEvtStart(afbBindingV3root, timer_handle_, no_response_claiming, (void *) this); } /** * @brief Allows to claim a new address * * @param first_claim If true, the socket is open * @param new_address If true, claim a new address, else only resend a claim with same address * @return int -1 if fail */ int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::claim_address(bool first_claim,bool new_address) { if(new_address) { AFB_DEBUG("New address"); current_address_ = choose_new_address(); change_state(claiming_state::CLAIMING); launch_timer(); } if(current_address_ == J1939_IDLE_ADDR) { AFB_ERROR("No address left"); return -1; } if(first_claim) { int ret = socketcan_j1939_t::open(device_name_,htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU),J1939_NO_PGN,current_address_); if(ret < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Error open socket address claiming"); return -1; } AFB_DEBUG("[socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming][claim_address] Success open socket address claiming"); add_filter(J1939_NO_NAME,J1939_PGN_ADDRESS_CLAIMED,J1939_NO_ADDR,J1939_NO_NAME,J1939_PGN_PDU1_MAX,J1939_NO_ADDR); define_opt(); } else { tx_address_.can_addr.j1939.addr = current_address_; if(bind((struct sockaddr *)&tx_address_, sizeof(tx_address_)) < 0) { AFB_ERROR("rebind() fail"); return -1; } } uint64_t name = htole64(J1939_NAME_ECU); uint8_t dat[8] = {0}; memcpy(dat, &name, 8); struct sockaddr_can sockname; memset(&sockname, 0, sizeof(sockname)); sockname.can_family = AF_CAN; sockname.can_addr.j1939.pgn = J1939_PGN_ADDRESS_CLAIMED; sockname.can_addr.j1939.addr = J1939_NO_ADDR; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(sockname); ssize_t ret = sendto(socket_, &dat, sizeof(dat), 0, (const struct sockaddr *)&sockname, socklen); if(ret < 0 ) { AFB_ERROR("Address claimed fail : %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } AFB_DEBUG("[socketcan-j1939-addressclaiming][claim_address] Send address claiming request"); return (int)ret; } /* int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::pgn_request() { static const uint8_t dat[3] = { 0, 0xee, 0, }; static struct sockaddr_can peername; peername.can_family = AF_CAN; peername.can_addr.j1939.pgn = J1939_PGN_REQUEST; peername.can_addr.j1939.addr = J1939_NO_ADDR; int ret = sendto(socket_, dat, sizeof(dat), 0, (const struct sockaddr *)&peername, sizeof(peername)); if(ret < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Error pgn_request()"); } return ret; } */ /** * @brief Return the address associate to a name * * @param name The name you are looking for * @return uint8_t The address if it is present, else J1939_IDLE_ADDR */ uint8_t socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::get_addr_table(name_t name) { for(int i = 0; i < J1939_IDLE_ADDR; i++) { if(table_j1939_address_[i].first == name) { return (uint8_t) i; } } return J1939_IDLE_ADDR; } /** * @brief Allows to open a J1939 socket address claiming * * @param device_name The name of the device on which to open the socket * @param pgn NO_PGN * @return int Return 0 if ok else -1 */ int socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::open(std::string device_name, pgn_t pgn) { device_name_ = device_name; initialize_table_j1939_address(); if(claim_address(true,true) < 0) { AFB_ERROR("Claim address failed"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Allows to change the state of the socket address claiming * When the state change a mutex is lock * * @param new_state The new state */ void socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::change_state(claiming_state new_state) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(socketcan_j1939_t::mutex_claiming_); claiming_state_ = new_state; socketcan_j1939_t::signal_address_claiming_.notify_one(); } /** * @brief Allows to get the states of the socket * * @return claiming_state The state of the socket */ claiming_state socketcan_j1939_addressclaiming_t::get_state() { return claiming_state_; } }