/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "openxc.pb.h" #include "utils/timer.hpp" #include "can/can-bus.hpp" #include "can/can-message.hpp" #include "obd2/obd2-signals.hpp" extern "C" { #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include <afb/afb-event-itf.h> } #define MESSAGE_SET_ID 0 class can_signal_t; /** * @brief The type signature for a CAN signal decoder. * * @desc A SignalDecoder transforms a raw floating point CAN signal into a number, * string or boolean. * * @param[in] signal - The CAN signal that we are decoding. * @param[in] signals - The list of all signals. * @param[in] signalCount - The length of the signals array. * @param[in] value - The CAN signal parsed from the message as a raw floating point * value. * @param[out] send - An output parameter. If the decoding failed or the CAN signal should * not send for some other reason, this should be flipped to false. * * @return a decoded value in an openxc_DynamicField struct. */ typedef openxc_DynamicField (*SignalDecoder)(can_signal_t& signal, const std::vector<can_signal_t>& signals, float value, bool* send); /** * @brief: The type signature for a CAN signal encoder. * * @desc A SignalEncoder transforms a number, string or boolean into a raw floating * point value that fits in the CAN signal. * * @params[in] signal - The CAN signal to encode. * @params[in] value - The dynamic field to encode. * @params send - An output parameter. If the encoding failed or the CAN signal should * not be encoded for some other reason, this will be flipped to false. */ typedef uint64_t (*SignalEncoder)(can_signal_t* signal, openxc_DynamicField* value, bool* send); class can_signal_t { private: can_message_definition_t message_; /*!< message_ - The message this signal is a part of. */ std::string generic_name_; /*!< generic_name_ - The name of the signal to be output over USB.*/ uint8_t bit_position_; /*!< bitPosition_ - The starting bit of the signal in its CAN message (assuming * non-inverted bit numbering, i.e. the most significant bit of * each byte is 0) */ uint8_t bit_size_; /*!< bitSize_ - The width of the bit field in the CAN message. */ float factor_; /*!< factor_ - The final value will be multiplied by this factor. Use 1 if you * don't need a factor. */ float offset_; /*!< offset_ - The final value will be added to this offset. Use 0 if you * don't need an offset. */ float min_value_; /*!< min_value_ - The minimum value for the processed signal.*/ float max_value_; /*!< max_value_ - The maximum value for the processed signal. */ FrequencyClock frequency_; /*!< frequency_ - A FrequencyClock struct to control the maximum frequency to * process and send this signal. To process every value, set the * clock's frequency to 0. */ bool send_same_; /*!< send_same_ - If true, will re-send even if the value hasn't changed.*/ bool force_send_changed_; /*!< force_send_changed_ - If true, regardless of the frequency, it will send the * value if it has changed. */ std::map<int, std::string> states_; /*!< states_ - A map of CAN signal state describing the mapping * between numerical and string values for valid states. */ bool writable_; /*!< writable - True if the signal is allowed to be written from the USB host * back to CAN. Defaults to false.*/ SignalDecoder decoder_; /*!< decoder_ - An optional function to decode a signal from the bus to a human * readable value. If NULL, the default numerical decoder is used. */ SignalEncoder encoder_; /*!< encoder_ - An optional function to encode a signal value to be written to * CAN into a byte array. If NULL, the default numerical encoder * is used. */ bool received_; /*!< received_ - True if this signal has ever been received.*/ float last_value_; /*!< lastValue_ - The last received value of the signal. If 'received' is false, * this value is undefined. */ public: can_message_definition_t& get_message() const; std::string& get_generic_name() const; }; void find_can_signals(const openxc_DynamicField &key, std::vector<can_signal_t*>& found_signals);