/* This includes the whole .c file to get access to static functions. */ #include "pb_encode.c" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "unittests.h" #include "unittestproto.pb.h" bool streamcallback(pb_ostream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count) { /* Allow only 'x' to be written */ while (count--) { if (*buf++ != 'x') return false; } return true; } bool fieldcallback(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) { int value = 0x55; if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) return false; return pb_encode_varint(stream, value); } bool crazyfieldcallback(pb_ostream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg) { /* This callback writes different amount of data the second time. */ uint32_t *state = (uint32_t*)arg; *state <<= 8; if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(stream, field)) return false; return pb_encode_varint(stream, *state); } /* Check that expression x writes data y. * Y is a string, which may contain null bytes. Null terminator is ignored. */ #define WRITES(x, y) \ memset(buffer, 0xAA, sizeof(buffer)), \ s = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), \ (x) && \ memcmp(buffer, y, sizeof(y) - 1) == 0 && \ buffer[sizeof(y) - 1] == 0xAA int main() { int status = 0; { uint8_t buffer1[] = "foobartest1234"; uint8_t buffer2[sizeof(buffer1)]; pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer2, sizeof(buffer1)); COMMENT("Test pb_write and pb_ostream_t"); TEST(pb_write(&stream, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1))); TEST(memcmp(buffer1, buffer2, sizeof(buffer1)) == 0); TEST(!pb_write(&stream, buffer1, 1)); TEST(stream.bytes_written == sizeof(buffer1)); } { uint8_t buffer1[] = "xxxxxxx"; pb_ostream_t stream = {&streamcallback, 0, SIZE_MAX, 0}; COMMENT("Test pb_write with custom callback"); TEST(pb_write(&stream, buffer1, 5)); buffer1[0] = 'a'; TEST(!pb_write(&stream, buffer1, 5)); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; COMMENT("Test pb_encode_varint") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, 0), "\0")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, 1), "\1")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, 0x7F), "\x7F")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, 0x80), "\x80\x01")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, UINT32_MAX), "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x0F")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_varint(&s, UINT64_MAX), "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01")); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; COMMENT("Test pb_encode_tag") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag(&s, PB_WT_STRING, 5), "\x2A")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag(&s, PB_WT_VARINT, 99), "\x98\x06")); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; pb_field_t field = {10, PB_LTYPE_SVARINT}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode_tag_for_field") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag_for_field(&s, &field), "\x50")); field.type = PB_LTYPE_FIXED64; TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag_for_field(&s, &field), "\x51")); field.type = PB_LTYPE_STRING; TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag_for_field(&s, &field), "\x52")); field.type = PB_LTYPE_FIXED32; TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_tag_for_field(&s, &field), "\x55")); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; COMMENT("Test pb_encode_string") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_string(&s, (const uint8_t*)"abcd", 4), "\x04""abcd")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_string(&s, (const uint8_t*)"abcd\x00", 5), "\x05""abcd\x00")); TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_string(&s, (const uint8_t*)"", 0), "\x00")); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; uint8_t value = 1; int32_t max = INT32_MAX; int32_t min = INT32_MIN; int64_t lmax = INT64_MAX; int64_t lmin = INT64_MIN; pb_field_t field = {1, PB_LTYPE_VARINT, 0, 0, sizeof(value)}; COMMENT("Test pb_enc_varint and pb_enc_svarint") TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_varint(&s, &field, &value), "\x01")); field.data_size = sizeof(max); TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_svarint(&s, &field, &max), "\xfe\xff\xff\xff\x0f")); TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_svarint(&s, &field, &min), "\xff\xff\xff\xff\x0f")); field.data_size = sizeof(lmax); TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_svarint(&s, &field, &lmax), "\xFE\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01")); TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_svarint(&s, &field, &lmin), "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01")); } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; float fvalue; double dvalue; COMMENT("Test pb_enc_fixed32 using float") fvalue = 0.0f; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed32(&s, NULL, &fvalue), "\x00\x00\x00\x00")) fvalue = 99.0f; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed32(&s, NULL, &fvalue), "\x00\x00\xc6\x42")) fvalue = -12345678.0f; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed32(&s, NULL, &fvalue), "\x4e\x61\x3c\xcb")) COMMENT("Test pb_enc_fixed64 using double") dvalue = 0.0; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed64(&s, NULL, &dvalue), "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")) dvalue = 99.0; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed64(&s, NULL, &dvalue), "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\x58\x40")) dvalue = -12345678.0; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_fixed64(&s, NULL, &dvalue), "\x00\x00\x00\xc0\x29\x8c\x67\xc1")) } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; struct { size_t size; uint8_t bytes[5]; } value = {5, {'x', 'y', 'z', 'z', 'y'}}; COMMENT("Test pb_enc_bytes") TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_bytes(&s, &BytesMessage_fields[0], &value), "\x05xyzzy")) value.size = 0; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_bytes(&s, &BytesMessage_fields[0], &value), "\x00")) } { uint8_t buffer[30]; pb_ostream_t s; char value[30] = "xyzzy"; COMMENT("Test pb_enc_string") TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_string(&s, &StringMessage_fields[0], &value), "\x05xyzzy")) value[0] = '\0'; TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_string(&s, &StringMessage_fields[0], &value), "\x00")) memset(value, 'x', 30); TEST(WRITES(pb_enc_string(&s, &StringMessage_fields[0], &value), "\x0Axxxxxxxxxx")) } { uint8_t buffer[10]; pb_ostream_t s; IntegerArray msg = {5, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with int32 array") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, IntegerArray_fields, &msg), "\x0A\x05\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05")) msg.data_count = 0; TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, IntegerArray_fields, &msg), "")) msg.data_count = 10; TEST(!pb_encode(&s, IntegerArray_fields, &msg)) } { uint8_t buffer[10]; pb_ostream_t s; FloatArray msg = {1, {99.0f}}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with float array") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, FloatArray_fields, &msg), "\x0A\x04\x00\x00\xc6\x42")) msg.data_count = 0; TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, FloatArray_fields, &msg), "")) msg.data_count = 3; TEST(!pb_encode(&s, FloatArray_fields, &msg)) } { uint8_t buffer[50]; pb_ostream_t s; FloatArray msg = {1, {99.0f}}; COMMENT("Test array size limit in pb_encode") s = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); TEST((msg.data_count = 10) && pb_encode(&s, FloatArray_fields, &msg)) s = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); TEST((msg.data_count = 11) && !pb_encode(&s, FloatArray_fields, &msg)) } { uint8_t buffer[10]; pb_ostream_t s; CallbackArray msg; msg.data.funcs.encode = &fieldcallback; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with callback field.") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, CallbackArray_fields, &msg), "\x08\x55")) } { uint8_t buffer[10]; pb_ostream_t s; IntegerContainer msg = {{5, {1,2,3,4,5}}}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with packed array in a submessage.") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, IntegerContainer_fields, &msg), "\x0A\x07\x0A\x05\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05")) } { uint8_t buffer[32]; pb_ostream_t s; BytesMessage msg = {{3, "xyz"}}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with bytes message.") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, BytesMessage_fields, &msg), "\x0A\x03xyz")) msg.data.size = 17; /* More than maximum */ TEST(!pb_encode(&s, BytesMessage_fields, &msg)) } { uint8_t buffer[20]; pb_ostream_t s; IntegerContainer msg = {{5, {1,2,3,4,5}}}; COMMENT("Test pb_encode_delimited.") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode_delimited(&s, IntegerContainer_fields, &msg), "\x09\x0A\x07\x0A\x05\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05")) } { uint8_t buffer[10]; pb_ostream_t s; CallbackContainer msg; CallbackContainerContainer msg2; uint32_t state = 1; msg.submsg.data.funcs.encode = &fieldcallback; msg2.submsg.submsg.data.funcs.encode = &fieldcallback; COMMENT("Test pb_encode with callback field in a submessage.") TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, CallbackContainer_fields, &msg), "\x0A\x02\x08\x55")) TEST(WRITES(pb_encode(&s, CallbackContainerContainer_fields, &msg2), "\x0A\x04\x0A\x02\x08\x55")) /* Misbehaving callback: varying output between calls */ msg.submsg.data.funcs.encode = &crazyfieldcallback; msg.submsg.data.arg = &state; msg2.submsg.submsg.data.funcs.encode = &crazyfieldcallback; msg2.submsg.submsg.data.arg = &state; TEST(!pb_encode(&s, CallbackContainer_fields, &msg)) state = 1; TEST(!pb_encode(&s, CallbackContainerContainer_fields, &msg2)) } { uint8_t buffer[StringMessage_size]; pb_ostream_t s; StringMessage msg = {"0123456789"}; s = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); COMMENT("Test that StringMessage_size is correct") TEST(pb_encode(&s, StringMessage_fields, &msg)); TEST(s.bytes_written == StringMessage_size); } if (status != 0) fprintf(stdout, "\n\nSome tests FAILED!\n"); return status; }