# GPS Service ## Overview GPS service reports current WGS84 coordinates from GNSS devices via the gpsd application. ## Verbs | Name | Description | JSON Parameters | | ------------------ |:----------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------| | subscribe | subscribe to gps/gnss events | *Request:* {"value": "location"} | | unsubscribe | unsubscribe to gps/gnss events | *Request:* {"value": "location"} | | location | get current gps/gnss coordinates | See **location Event JSON Response** section | | record | start/stop recording gps data | See **Recording/Replaying Feature** section | ## Events | Name | Description | | ------------------ |:----------------------------------------| | location | event that reports gps/gnss coordinates | ### location Event JSON Response | Parameter Name | Description | |----------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------| | altitude | altitude in meters | | latitude | latitude in degrees | | longitude | longitude in degrees | | speed | velocity in meters per second | | track | heading in degrees | | timestamp | timestamp in ISO8601 format *(example: 2018-01-25T13:15:22)* | ## Recording/Replaying Feature Entering *record* mode you must send **{"state": "on"}** with the **record** verb which will have a JSON response of **{"filename": "gps_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.log"}** pointing to log under *app-data/agl-service-gps* Now to enter *replaying* mode you must symlink or copy a GPS dump to *app-data/agl-service-gps/recording.log* and restart the service. From then on out the previously recorded GPS data will loop infinitely which is useful for testing or demonstration purposes. ## Environment variables | Name | Description | |-----------------|:---------------------------------| | AFBGPS\_HOST | hostname to connect to | | AFBGPS\_SERVICE | service to connect to (tcp port) |