afbidl: "0.1" info: title: Service for geolocation description: GPS service reports current WGS84 coordinates from GNSS devices via the gpsd application. version: "0.1" author: AGL maintainer: Scott Rifenbark homepage: generators: genskel: scope: static prefix: req_ postfix: _cb init: init_gps #same model as book yaml doc: id: gps-api keywords: gps author: version: src_prefix: api-gps chapters: - name: Abstract url: - name: User Guide url: api: name: gps verbs: subscribe: description: subscribe to gps/gnss events request: $/schemas/subscription-desc reply: success: schema: $/schemas/none set-state: listening: yes unsubscribe: description: unsubscribe to gps/gnss events request: $/schemas/subscription-desc reply: success: schema: $/schemas/none set-state: listening: no location: description: get current gps/gnss coordinates request: $/schemas/none reply: success: $/schemas/location _: An error can be returned when the service isn't ready record: description: | Entering *record* mode you must send **{"state": "on"}** with the **record** verb which will have a JSON response of **{"filename": "gps_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.log"}** pointing to log under *app-data/agl-service-gps* Now to enter *replaying* mode you must symlink or copy a GPS dump to *app-data/agl-service-gps/recording.log* and restart the service. From then on out the previously recorded GPS data will loop infinitely which is useful for testing or demonstration purposes. request: $/schemas/record/request reply: success: schema: $/schemas/record/reply set-state: recording: yes _: An error can be returned when the service isn't ready events: location: schema: $/schemas/location when-state: listening: yes state-machines: listening: states: [ no, yes ] initial: no recording: states: [ no, yes ] initial: no # Follow JsonSchema specification ( schemas: subscription-desc: title: Description of the event subscribed or unsubscribed type: object properties: value: { enum: [ location ] } required: [ value ] location: title: the location type: object properties: altitude: title: the altitude in meters above the normal geoide type: number minimum: -20000 maximum: 20000 latitude: title: the latitude in degrees type: number minimum: -90 maximum: 90 longitude: title: the longitude in degrees type: number minimum: -180 maximum: 180 speed: title: the speed in meter per seconds m/s type: number minimum: 0 maximum: 6000 track: title: the heading in degrees type: number minimum: 0 maximum: 360 timestamp: title: time stamp of the location as a ISO8601 date type: string #ISO8601 pattern: \d{4,}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]T[012][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].* record: request: type: object properties: state: { const: "on" } required: [ state ] reply: type: object properties: filename: title: the name of the file that records the data of format gps_YYYYMMDD_hhmm.log type: string pattern: gps_\d{4}\d{2}\d{2}_\d{2}\d{2}.log required: [ filename ] none: title: no value, just null const: null