/* * Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Romain Forlot" * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "influxdb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../utils/list.h" struct metrics_list { struct series_t serie; json_object *metricsJ; }; static void fill_n_send_values(void *c, json_object *valuesJ) { struct list *it = NULL; int length = json_object_get_string_len(valuesJ), i = 0, j = 0; struct metrics_list *m_list = (struct metrics_list *)c; json_object *one_metric = json_object_new_object(); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(!i) m_list->serie.timestamp = json_object_get_int64(valuesJ); else { if(set_value(m_list->serie.serie_columns.tags, valuesJ, i)) { if(set_value(m_list->serie.serie_columns.fields, valuesJ, j)) { AFB_ERROR("No tags nor fields fits."); } j++; } } } /* Build a metric object to add in the JSON array */ json_object_object_add(one_metric, "name", json_object_new_string(m_list->serie.name)); json_object_object_add(one_metric, "timestamp", json_object_new_int64(m_list->serie.timestamp)); for(it = m_list->serie.serie_columns.tags; it != NULL; it = it->next) json_object_object_add(one_metric, m_list->serie.serie_columns.tags->key, m_list->serie.serie_columns.tags->value); for(it = m_list->serie.serie_columns.fields; it != NULL; it = it->next) json_object_object_add(one_metric, m_list->serie.serie_columns.fields->key, m_list->serie.serie_columns.fields->value); json_object_array_add(m_list->metricsJ, one_metric); } static void fill_key(void *c, json_object *columnJ) { int length = json_object_get_string_len(columnJ); const char *column = json_object_get_string(columnJ); struct metrics_list *m_list = (struct metrics_list *)c; if(strncasecmp(&column[length-2], "_t", 2) == 0) { add_key(&m_list->serie.serie_columns.tags, column); } else if(strncasecmp(&column[length-2], "_f", 2) == 0) { add_key(&m_list->serie.serie_columns.fields, column); } } static void unpack_metric_from_db(void *ml, json_object *metricJ) { struct metrics_list *m_list = (struct metrics_list*)ml; json_object *columnsJ = NULL, *valuesJ = NULL; if(wrap_json_unpack(metricJ, "{ss, so, so!}", "name", &m_list->serie.name, "columns", &columnsJ, "values", &valuesJ)) { AFB_ERROR("Unpacking metric goes wrong"); return; } wrap_json_array_for_all(columnsJ, fill_key, m_list); wrap_json_array_for_all(valuesJ, fill_n_send_values, m_list); } static json_object *unpack_series(json_object *seriesJ) { struct metrics_list m_list = { .serie = { .name = NULL, .serie_columns = { .tags = NULL, .fields = NULL }, .timestamp = 0 }, .metricsJ = json_object_new_array() }; wrap_json_array_for_all(seriesJ, unpack_metric_from_db, (void*)&m_list); return m_list.metricsJ; } static void forward_to_garner(const char *result, size_t size) { int id = 0; json_object *resultsJ = NULL, *seriesJ = NULL, *metrics2send = NULL, *call_resultJ = NULL, *db_dumpJ = json_tokener_parse(result); if( wrap_json_unpack(db_dumpJ, "{so!}", "results", &resultsJ) || wrap_json_unpack(resultsJ, "[{si,so!}]", "statement_id", &id, "series", &seriesJ)) { // AFB_DEBUG("Unpacking results from influxdb request. Request results was:\n%s", result); return; } if(seriesJ) { metrics2send = unpack_series(seriesJ); if(json_object_array_length(metrics2send)) { if(afb_service_call_sync("garner", "write", metrics2send, &call_resultJ)) { AFB_ERROR("Metrics were sent but not done, an error happens. Details: %s", json_object_to_json_string(call_resultJ)); } } } else { AFB_ERROR("Empty response. Request results was:\n%s", result); } } static void influxdb_read_curl_cb(void *closure, int status, CURL *curl, const char *result, size_t size) { long rep_code = curl_wrap_response_code_get(curl); switch(rep_code) { case 200: AFB_DEBUG("Read correctly done"); forward_to_garner(result, size); break; case 400: AFB_ERROR("Unacceptable request. %s", result); break; case 401: AFB_ERROR("Invalid authentication. %s", result); break; default: AFB_ERROR("Unexptected behavior. %s", result); break; } } static CURL *make_curl_query_get(const char *url) { CURL *curl; char *args[5]; char query[255] = {}; char last_ts[30] = {}; char *now; int length_now; args[0] = "epoch"; args[1] = "ns"; args[2] = "q"; strncat(query, "SELECT * FROM /^.*$/", strlen("SELECT * FROM /^.*$/")); args[4] = NULL; length_now = asprintf(&now, "%lu", get_ts()); int rootdir_fd = afb_daemon_rootdir_get_fd(); int fd_last_read = openat(rootdir_fd, "last_db_read", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXU); if (fd_last_read < 0) return NULL; /* Reading last timestamp recorded and get metric from that point until now else write the last timestamp */ if(read(fd_last_read, last_ts, sizeof(last_ts)) == 0) { if(write(fd_last_read, now, length_now) != length_now) AFB_ERROR("Error writing last_db_read file: %s\n", strerror( errno )); } else { strncat(query, " WHERE time >= ", strlen(" WHERE time >= ")); strncat(query, last_ts, strlen(last_ts)); close(fd_last_read); fd_last_read = openat(rootdir_fd, "last_db_read", O_TRUNC | O_RDWR); if (write(fd_last_read, now, length_now) != length_now) AFB_ERROR("Error writing last_db_read file: %s", strerror( errno )); } args[3] = query; curl = curl_wrap_prepare_get(url, NULL, (const char * const*)args); return curl; } static int influxdb_read(sd_event_source *s, uint64_t usec, void *userdata) { CURL *curl; struct reader_args *a = NULL; if(userdata) a = (struct reader_args*)userdata; else return ERROR; char url[URL_MAXIMUM_LENGTH]; /* Safe limit for most popular web browser */ make_url(url, sizeof(url), a->host, a->port, "query"); curl = make_curl_query_get(url); curl_wrap_do(curl, influxdb_read_curl_cb, NULL); /* Reschedule next run */ sd_event_source_set_time(s, usec + a->delay); return 0; } int influxdb_reader(void *args) { int err = 0; uint64_t usec; struct sd_event_source *evtSource = NULL; /* Set a cyclic cb call each 1s to call the read callback */ sd_event_now(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &usec); err = sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &evtSource, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec+1000000, 250, influxdb_read, args); if(!err) err = sd_event_source_set_enabled(evtSource, SD_EVENT_ON); return err; }