# Helloworld Service A binding example for AGL ## Pre-requisites Please follow [this guide](https://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/en/master/devguides/reference/2-download-packages.html) to add the AGL-Master repository to your distribution.\ In order to load these files into the current shell script, use the following command : * **Debian/Ubuntu** ```bash source /etc/profile.d/agl-app-framework-binder.sh ``` ### CMake module Then install the cmake module using your distribution package manager. * **Debian/Ubuntu** ```bash sudo apt-get install agl-cmake-apps-module-bin ``` * **openSUSE** ```bash sudo zypper install agl-cmake-apps-module ``` * **Fedora** ```bash sudo dnf install agl-cmake-apps-module ``` ### Build dependency Because the helloworld-service binding uses json, the following package has to be installed. * **Debian/Ubuntu** ```bash sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev agl-libafb-helpers-dev ``` * **openSUSE** ```bash sudo zypper install libjson-c-devel agl-libafb-helpers-devel ``` * **Fedora** ```bash sudo dnf install libjson-c-devel ``` ## Setup ```bash git clone https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/apps/agl-service-helloworld cd agl-service-helloworld ``` ## Build for AGL ```bash #setup your build environnement . /xdt/sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-agl-linux #build your application ./autobuild/agl/autobuild package ``` ## Build for 'native' Linux distribution (Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, ...) ```bash ./autobuild/linux/autobuild package ``` ## Deploy ### Deploy on AGL ```bash export YOUR_BOARD_IP=192.168.1.X export APP_NAME=agl-service-helloworld scp build/${APP_NAME}.wgt root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP}:/tmp ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afm-util install /tmp/${APP_NAME}.wgt APP_VERSION=$(ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afm-util list | grep ${APP_NAME}@ | cut -d"\"" -f4| cut -d"@" -f2) ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afm-util start ${APP_NAME}@${APP_VERSION} ``` ## TEST ### TEST on AGL ```bash export YOUR_BOARD_IP=192.168.1.X export PORT=8000 ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afb-daemon --ws-client=unix:/run/platform/apis/ws/helloworld --port=${PORT} --token='x' -v #On an other terminal ssh root@${YOUR_BOARD_IP} afb-client-demo -H${PORT}/api?token=x helloworld ping true #or curl http://${YOUR_BOARD_IP}:${PORT}/api/helloworld/ping?token=x #For a nice display curl http://${YOUR_BOARD_IP}:${PORT}/api/helloworld/ping?token=x 2>/dev/null | python -m json.tool ``` ### Native Linux For native build you need to have tools **afb-daemon**.\ You can build it by yourself [app-framework-binder][app-framework-binder], or use binary package from OBS:\(opensuse.org/LinuxAutomotive)[opensuse.org/LinuxAutomotive] ```bash export PORT=1234 cd build afb-daemon --port=${PORT} --ldpaths=package --workdir=. --roothttp=../htdocs --token= --verbose xdg-open http://localhost:${PORT}/ #Command line test curl http://localhost:${PORT}/api/helloworld/ping #For a nice display curl http://localhost:${PORT}/api/helloworld/ping 2>/dev/null | python -m json.tool ``` ## Activate authentication security To test auth just switch the line: ```diff static const struct afb_verb_v2 verbs[]= { /*Without security*/ - { .verb = "ping" , .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = pingSample , .auth = NULL}, + /*{ .verb = "ping" , .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = pingSample , .auth = NULL},*/ /*With security "urn:AGL:permission:monitor:public:get"*/ - /*{ .verb = "ping" , .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = pingSample , .auth = &_afb_auths_v2_monitor[1]},*/ + { .verb = "ping" , .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = pingSample , .auth = &_afb_auths_v2_monitor[1]}, {NULL} }; ``` And rebuild your application [app-framework-binder]:https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/src/app-framework-binder