/* * Copyright (C) 2017 "IoT.bzh" * Author: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include "oidc-agent.h" #include "escape.h" #include "curl-wrap.h" /***************** utilities *************************/ static const char string_empty[] = ""; static const char string_authorization_endpoint[] = "authorization_endpoint"; static const char string_token_endpoint[] = "token_endpoint"; #if 0 static const char string_issuer[] = "issuer"; static const char string_userinfo_endpoint[] = "userinfo_endpoint"; static const char string_revocation_endpoint[] = "revocation_endpoint"; static const char string_jwks_uri[] = "jwks_uri"; #endif #define MAX_IDP_COUNT 20 #define MAX_APPLI_COUNT 100 static struct json_object *idps; static struct json_object *applis; static pthread_rwlock_t rwlock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; /***************** utilities *************************/ /* * Get the object of 'name' in the 'container' and return it. * Creates the result if needed and add it to the container. * When 'maxcount' isn't zero the final count will not exceed 'maxcount'. */ static struct json_object *j_container_item(struct json_object *container, const char *name, int maxcount) { struct json_object *result; /* ensure object of 'name' exists */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(container, name, &result)) { if (maxcount && json_object_object_length(container) >= maxcount) return NULL; result = json_object_new_object(); if (!result) return NULL; json_object_object_add (container, name, result); } return result; } /* * Like 'j_container_item' but also creates the 'container' if needed. */ static struct json_object *j_container_item_make(struct json_object **container, const char *name, int maxcount) { struct json_object *cont; /* ensure container exists */ cont = *container; if (!cont) { cont = json_object_new_object(); if (!cont) return NULL; *container = cont; } return j_container_item(cont, name, maxcount); } /* * Adds in 'dest' the fields of 'src' * Also when the value of a field of 'src' is null, delete the field of 'dst' */ static void j_merge(struct json_object *dest, struct json_object *src) { struct json_object_iter i; json_object_object_foreachC(src, i) { if (json_object_is_type(i.val, json_type_null)) json_object_object_del(dest, i.key); else json_object_object_add(dest, i.key, json_object_get(i.val)); } } /***************** IDP **************************/ /* * Set the values of 'desc' for the idp of 'name'. * Return 0 on error or 1 on success. */ int oidc_idp_set(const char *name, struct json_object *desc) { struct json_object *idp; int result = 0; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); idp = j_container_item_make(&idps, name, MAX_IDP_COUNT); if (idp) { j_merge(idp, desc); result = 1; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return result; } /* * Return 1 if idp of 'name' exists or 0 otherwise. */ int oidc_idp_exists(const char *name) { int result; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); result = json_object_object_get_ex(idps, name, NULL); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return result; } /* * Deletes the idp of 'name'. */ void oidc_idp_delete(const char *name) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); json_object_object_del(idps, name); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } /***************** APPLI **************************/ /* * Returns the name of the idp of the 'appli'. * Returns NULL when appli isn't set or default idp isn't set. */ static const char *get_default_idp(const char *appli) { struct json_object *a, *i; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(applis, appli, &a)) return NULL; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(a, string_empty, &i)) return NULL; return json_object_get_string(i); } /* * Returns the application data related to the 'appli' for the 'idp'. * If 'ja' isn't null, returns in it the object for the application 'appli'. * Returns NULL in case of error. */ static struct json_object *get_appli_idp(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object **ja) { struct json_object *a, *i; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(applis, appli, &a) || !json_object_object_get_ex(a, idp, &i)) return NULL; if (ja) *ja = a; return i; } /* * Set the description 'desc' for the application of 'name' and * the 'idp'. When 'make_default' is set it, make it the default idp * for the application. * Return 0 on error or 1 on success. */ int oidc_appli_set(const char *name, const char *idp, struct json_object *desc, int make_default) { struct json_object *a, *ai; int result = 0; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); a = j_container_item_make(&applis, name, MAX_APPLI_COUNT); if (a) { ai = j_container_item(a, idp, 0); if (ai) { j_merge(ai, desc); if (make_default || !json_object_object_get_ex(a, string_empty, NULL)) json_object_object_add(a, string_empty, json_object_new_string(idp)); result = 1; } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return result; } /* * Is the appli of 'name' defined? * Return 1 if answer is yes or 0 for no. */ int oidc_appli_exists(const char *name) { int result; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); result = json_object_object_get_ex(applis, name, NULL); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return result; } /* * Does the appli of 'name' has the 'idp' defined? * Return 1 if answer is yes or 0 for no. */ int oidc_appli_has_idp(const char *name, const char *idp) { int result; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); result = !!get_appli_idp(name, idp, NULL); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return result; } /* * Set 'idp' as default for the application of 'name'. * Returns 0 on error (appli or idp for appli not existing) * or 1 in case of success. */ int oidc_appli_set_default_idp(const char *name, const char *idp) { struct json_object *a, *i; pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); i = get_appli_idp(name, idp, &a); if (i) json_object_object_add(a, string_empty, json_object_new_string(idp)); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return !!i; } /* * Deletes the application of 'name' */ void oidc_appli_delete(const char *name) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); json_object_object_del(applis, name); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } /***************** AUTHORISATION **************************/ /* parameters */ enum param { Param_Access_Token, Param_Acr_Values, Param_Authorization, Param_Client_Id, Param_Client_Secret, Param_Code, Param_Display, Param_Error, Param_Error_Description, Param_Error_Uri, Param_Expires_In, Param_Grant_Type, Param_Id_Token, Param_Id_Token_Hint, Param_Login_Hint, Param_Max_Age, Param_Nonce, Param_Password, Param_Prompt, Param_Redirect_Uri, Param_Refresh_Token, Param_Response_Type, Param_Scope, Param_State, Param_Token_Type, Param_Ui_Locales, Param_Username, PARAM_COUNT }; #if PARAM_COUNT > 30 # error "Too much parameters" #endif #define PARAM(p) ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << (Param_##p))) /* args of authorization requests */ struct args { struct json_object *appli; struct json_object *idp; struct json_object *args; struct oidc_grant_cb cb; int locked; int refresh; uint32_t mandatory; uint32_t all; struct json_object *header; struct json_object *query; }; /* Release the lock if needed */ static void args_unlock(struct args *args) { if (!args->locked) { pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); args->locked = 0; } } /* Release the memory needed by args */ static void args_destroy(struct args *args) { json_object_put(args->appli); json_object_put(args->idp); json_object_put(args->header); json_object_put(args->query); free(args); } /* Send the success event with the gained tokens */ static void args_send_success(struct args *args, struct json_object *result) { args_unlock(args); args->cb.success(args->cb.closure, result); args_destroy(args); } /* Sends the error event with the indice to the client of args */ static void args_send_error(struct args *args, const char *message, const char *indice) { args_unlock(args); args->cb.error(args->cb.closure, message, indice); args_destroy(args); } /* Send the error and also return NULL */ static inline struct args *args_send_error_null(struct args *args, const char *message, const char *indice) { args_send_error(args, message, indice); return NULL; } /* creates a struct args from the arguments, returns NULL on error */ struct args *mkargs(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object *args, const struct oidc_grant_cb *cb) { struct args *result; struct json_object *obj; /* allocates the args */ result = calloc(1, sizeof *result); if (!result) { cb->error(cb->closure, "Out of memory", NULL); return NULL; } /* init of the structure */ result->cb = *cb; result->args = args; result->header = json_object_new_object(); result->query = json_object_new_object(); /* lock in read */ pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); result->locked = 1; /* check previous allocations */ if (!result->query || !result->header) { return args_send_error_null(result, "Out of memory", NULL); } /* check whether default idp */ if (!idp) { idp = get_default_idp(appli); if (!idp) return args_send_error_null(result, "No default IDP", NULL); } /* get the IDP */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(idps, idp, &obj)) return args_send_error_null(result, "Unknown IDP", idp); result->idp = json_object_get(obj); /* get the appli */ obj = get_appli_idp(appli, idp, NULL); if (!obj) return args_send_error_null(result, "Unknown APPLI for IDP", appli); result->appli = json_object_get(obj); return result; } /* get a value for a struct args */ static struct json_object *args_object(struct args *args, const char *name) { struct json_object *result; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(args->appli, name, &result) && !json_object_object_get_ex(args->idp, name, &result) && !json_object_object_get_ex(args->args, name, &result)) result = NULL; return result; } /* get a string value for a struct args */ static const char *args_string(struct args *args, const char *name) { struct json_object *object = args_object(args, name); return object ? json_object_get_string(object) : NULL; } /* add a data */ static int args_add(struct args *args, uint32_t val, const char *name, int query) { struct json_object *obj, *dest; if (val & args->all) { obj = args_object(args, name); if (obj) { dest = query ? args->query : args->header; json_object_object_add(dest, name, json_object_get(obj)); } else if (val & args->mandatory) { args_send_error(args, "Mandatory field missing", name); return 0; } } return 1; } /* * Makes the CURL object for the given 'url' for either GET or POST depending * on 'post' with the added 'header' fields and the given query parameters. * Returns NULL on error. * Ex: * * curl_json("http://iot.bzh/api", 0, {"X-Index": "no"}, {"fast":true,"item":"2345-hellfest"}) * * produces the query: * * GET /api?fast=true&item=2345-hellfest HTTP/1.1 * Host: iot.bzh * X-Index: no * * while the same but with post not null produces: * * POST /api HTTP/1.1 * Host: iot.bzh * X-Index: no * Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded * * fast=true&item=2345-hellfest * */ static CURL *curl_json(const char *url, int post, struct json_object *header, struct json_object *query) { const char **args, *str; struct json_object_iter i; int idx; CURL *result; /* create args array */ idx = 1 + (json_object_object_length(query) << 1); args = malloc((unsigned)idx * sizeof *args); if (!args) return NULL; /* fill the args array */ args[--idx] = NULL; json_object_object_foreachC(query, i) { str = json_object_get_string(i.val); args[--idx] = str; args[--idx] = i.key; } /* prepare the query */ if (post) result = curl_wrap_prepare_post(url, NULL, args); else result = curl_wrap_prepare_get(url, NULL, args); free(args); if(!result) return NULL; /* add headers */ if (header) { json_object_object_foreachC(header, i) { str = json_object_get_string(i.val); if (!curl_wrap_add_header_value(result, i.key, str)) { curl_easy_cleanup(result); return NULL; } } } return result; } /* * Extract from the answer of 'curl' whose 'content' has 'size' bytes the * embeded JSON object (if any). * Returns it or returns NULL if the answer can't be interpreted. */ static struct json_object *decode_perform_result(CURL *curl, const char *content, size_t size) { int i; const char **args; struct json_object *result; /* is it an url encoded answer? */ if (curl_wrap_content_type_is(curl, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { /* yes, unescape as an array of strings */ args = unescape_args(content); if (!args) result = NULL; else { /* wrap the key=value pairs in an object */ result = json_object_new_object(); if (result) { for (i = 0 ; args[i] ; i += 2) json_object_object_add(result, args[i], json_object_new_string(args[i+1])); } free(args); } } else if (curl_wrap_content_type_is(curl, "application/json")) { /* interpret the json */ result = json_tokener_parse (content); } else { /* by default, still try to interpret the answer as if json */ result = json_tokener_parse (content); } return result; } /* * Treats the result of the query 'curl' of 'content' of 'size' bytes for the 'args' */ static void perform_result(struct args *args, CURL *curl, const char *content, size_t size) { struct json_object *obj, *at, *tt; char *txt; /* get answer */ obj = decode_perform_result(curl, content, size); if (!obj) return args_send_error(args, "unable to extract answer", content); /* process the answer */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "access_token", &at) && json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "token_type", &tt)) { if (!strcmp(json_object_get_string(tt), "bearer")) { if (asprintf(&txt, "Bearer %s", json_object_get_string(at)) > 0) { json_object_object_add(obj, "authorization", json_object_new_string(txt)); free(txt); } } } /* merge the answer to the token args in case of refresh */ if (args->refresh) j_merge(args->args, obj); /* send the answer */ args_send_success(args, obj); } /* * Treats the redirect answer of the query 'curl' of 'content' of 'size' bytes for the 'args' */ static void perform_redirect(struct args *args, CURL *curl, const char *content, size_t size) { /* TODO: handle redirection for the normal flow */ return args_send_error(args, "unhandled redirection", content); } /* * Handle the result of the query 'curl' of 'status'. If a data is returned, it is available in * 'content' of 'size' bytes. * When 'status' is 0, an error occured. Otherwise, 'statu' isn't zero. */ static void perform_callback(void *closure, int status, CURL *curl, const char *content, size_t size) { long code; struct args *args = closure; /* query error ? */ if (!status || curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code) != CURLE_OK) return args_send_error(args, "query error", NULL); /* TODO: IMPROVE? */ /* get the returned code */ switch (code) { case 200: return perform_result(args, curl, content, size); case 302: return perform_redirect(args, curl, content, size); case 400: case 401: return args_send_error(args, content ? : "returned code error", content ? "returned code error" : content); default: return args_send_error(args, content ? : "unexpected code error", content ? "unexpected code error" : content); } } /* * Main function for performing OAuth2/OpenId Connect transactions. * The structure 'args' is filled with the needed values: * Application data as json object, IDP data as json object * Contextual arguments for the transaction. * 'endpoint' must be the name of an endpoint in the context of 'args'. * 'operation' is the value that will get either response_type or grant_type, * depending on the nature of the required parameters 'mandatory'. * 'mandatory' designates the mandatory parameters. * 'optional' designate the optional parameters. */ static void perform(struct args *args, const char *endpoint, const char *operation, uint32_t mandatory, uint32_t optional) { int post; const char *url, *type; CURL *curl; /* set the flags */ args->mandatory = mandatory; args->all = mandatory | optional; /* get the endpoint */ url = args_string(args, endpoint); if (!url) return args_send_error(args, "No endpoint", endpoint); /* get the operation type */ if ((mandatory & PARAM(Response_Type)) == PARAM(Response_Type)) { type = "response_type"; post = 0; /* can be 1 sometimes so not risk here */ } else if ((mandatory & PARAM(Grant_Type)) == PARAM(Grant_Type)) { type = "grant_type"; post = 1; /* must be 1 */ } else return args_send_error(args, "Unexpected operation Type", NULL); json_object_object_add(args->query, type, json_object_new_string(operation)); /* get the arguments */ if (1 && args_add(args, PARAM(Access_Token), "access_token", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Acr_Values), "acr_values", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Authorization), "authorization", 0) && args_add(args, PARAM(Client_Id), "client_id", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Client_Secret), "client_secret", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Code), "code", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Display), "display", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Expires_In), "expires_in", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Id_Token_Hint), "id_token_hint", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Login_Hint), "login_hint", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Max_Age), "max_age", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Nonce), "nonce", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Password), "password", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Prompt), "prompt", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Redirect_Uri), "redirect_uri", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Refresh_Token), "refresh_token", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Scope), "scope", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(State), "state", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Token_Type), "token_type", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Ui_Locales), "ui_locales", 1) && args_add(args, PARAM(Username), "username", 1) ) { /* creates the curl query */ curl = curl_json(url, post, args->header, args->query); if (!curl) return args_send_error(args, "out of memory", NULL); /* release data */ args_unlock(args); /* perform the request to the server */ curl_wrap_do(curl, perform_callback, args); } } /* perform a grant of flow Flow_Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_Grant */ static void grant_owner_password(struct args *args) { perform(args, string_token_endpoint, "password", PARAM(Grant_Type) | PARAM(Username) | PARAM(Password), PARAM(Scope) | PARAM(Authorization) ); } /* perform a grant of flow Flow_Client_Credentials_Grant */ static void grant_client_credentials(struct args *args) { perform(args, string_token_endpoint, "client_credentials", PARAM(Grant_Type), PARAM(Scope) | PARAM(Authorization) ); } /* switches the requests depending on 'flow' */ static void grant(struct args *args, enum oidc_grant_flow flow) { /* ensure args is valid */ if (!args) return; /* process for flow */ switch(flow) { case Flow_Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_Grant: grant_owner_password(args); break; case Flow_Client_Credentials_Grant: grant_client_credentials(args); break; case Flow_Authorization_Code_Grant: case Flow_Implicit_Grant: case Flow_Extension_Grant: args_send_error(args, "Unsupported flow", NULL); break; case Flow_Invalid: default: args_send_error(args, "Invalid flow", NULL); break; } } /* * Initiates a grant with the given 'flow'. * 'appli' and 'idp' designates the appli and the idp that have been recorded. * when idp == NULL or idp == "", the default idp of 'appli' is used. * 'args' contains parameters expected in plus for the grant transaction. * 'cb' describes the callback actions that are called before * the function returns. */ void oidc_grant(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object *args, const struct oidc_grant_cb *cb, enum oidc_grant_flow flow) { grant(mkargs(appli, idp, args, cb), flow); } /* * Like oidc_grant for flow Flow_Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_Grant */ void oidc_grant_owner_password(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object *args, const struct oidc_grant_cb *cb) { grant(mkargs(appli, idp, args, cb), Flow_Resource_Owner_Password_Credentials_Grant); } /* * Like oidc_grant for flow Flow_Client_Credentials_Grant */ void oidc_grant_client_credentials(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object *args, const struct oidc_grant_cb *cb) { grant(mkargs(appli, idp, args, cb), Flow_Client_Credentials_Grant); } /* * Refreshes the 'token' for the 'appli' and the 'idp'. * 'cb' describes the callback actions that are called before * the function returns. */ void oidc_token_refresh(const char *appli, const char *idp, struct json_object *token, const struct oidc_grant_cb *cb) { struct args *args; args = mkargs(appli, idp, token, cb); if (!args) return; args->refresh = 1; perform(args, string_token_endpoint, "refresh_token", PARAM(Grant_Type) | PARAM(Refresh_Token), PARAM(Scope) | PARAM(Authorization) ); } /* * Adds the header "authorisation" with the bearer access_token of 'token'. * Return 1 on case of success or 0 otherwise. */ int oidc_add_bearer(CURL *curl, struct json_object *token) { struct json_object *bearer; return json_object_object_get_ex(token, "authorization", &bearer) && curl_wrap_add_header_value(curl, "authorization", json_object_get_string(bearer)); }