diff options
authorMatt Ranostay <matt.ranostay@konsulko.com>2017-05-16 16:14:30 -0400
committerMatt Ranostay <matt.ranostay@konsulko.com>2017-06-02 22:28:18 -0700
commitcccbe1188021ac4f7cbba7ee26d297448f29bbf3 (patch)
binding: add initial media binding
Add initial media binding that populates playlist on media insertion Bug-AGL: SPEC-610 Change-Id: I24227f7c718606191ae3de72bd692e747353c919 Signed-off-by: Matt Ranostay <matt.ranostay@konsulko.com>
13 files changed, 17446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binding.pri b/binding.pri
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3448a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binding.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+CONFIG += plugin use_c_linker
+CONFIG -= qt
+QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wextra -Wconversion -Wno-unused-parameter -Werror=maybe-uninitialized -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--gc-sections
+DESTDIR = $${OUT_PWD}/../package/root/lib
diff --git a/binding.pro b/binding.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d87e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binding.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+TARGET = mediaplayer-binding
+HEADERS = mediaplayer-manager.h \
+ gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.h \
+ gdbus/udisks_interface.h
+SOURCES = mediaplayer-api.c \
+ mediaplayer-manager.c \
+ gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.c \
+ gdbus/udisks_interface.c
+LIBS += -Wl,--version-script=$$PWD/export.map
+CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
+PKGCONFIG += json-c afb-daemon sqlite3 glib-2.0 gio-2.0 gio-unix-2.0 zlib
diff --git a/export.map b/export.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c1b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/export.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ global: afbBindingV1*; local: *; };
diff --git a/gdbus/api/org.freedesktop.UDisks.xml b/gdbus/api/org.freedesktop.UDisks.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f790351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/api/org.freedesktop.UDisks.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1155 @@
+"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
+<node name="/" xmlns:doc="http://www.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/doc.dtd">
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.UDisks">
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="EnumerateAdapters">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="devices" direction="out" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>An array of object paths for storage adapters.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Enumerate all storage adapters on the system.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="EnumerateExpanders">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="devices" direction="out" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>An array of object paths for storage expanders.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Enumerate all storage expanders on the system.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="EnumeratePorts">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="devices" direction="out" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>An array of object paths for ports.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Enumerate all storage ports on the system.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="EnumerateDevices">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="devices" direction="out" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>An array of object paths for devices.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Enumerate all disk devices on the system.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="EnumerateDeviceFiles">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="device_files" direction="out" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>An array device file names.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Enumerate all device files (including symlinks) for disk devices on the system.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="FindDeviceByDeviceFile">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="device_file" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>UNIX special device file</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" direction="out" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of device</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Finds a device by device path.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="FindDeviceByMajorMinor">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="device_major" direction="in" type="x">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Device major</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device_minor" direction="in" type="x">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Device minor</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" direction="out" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of device</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Finds a device by major:minor.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="DriveInhibitAllPolling">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Inhibit options. Currently no options are recognized.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="out" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie that can be used in the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Disks.DriveUninhibitAllPolling">DriveUninhibitAllPolling()</doc:ref> method
+ to stop inhibiting polling of all devices.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Inhibits the daemon from polling devices for media changes.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need one of the following PolicyKit authorizations:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.inhibit-polling</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>To inhibit polling</doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="DriveUninhibitAllPolling">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie obtained from the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Disks.DriveInhibitAllPolling">DriveInhibitAllPolling()</doc:ref> method.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Uninhibits daemon from polling devices for media changes.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the given cookie is malformed</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="timeout_seconds" direction="in" type="i">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ Number of seconds before drives should be spun down.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ Options related to setting spindown timeouts. Currently no options are recognized.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="out" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie that can be used in the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Drive.DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts()</doc:ref> method
+ to unset the spindown timeout for drives.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Configures spindown timeout for all drives capable of being spun down.
+ Caution should be exercised when using this method, see
+ the SPINNING DOWN DISKS section in the
+ udisks<doc:tt>(1)</doc:tt> man page before using it.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need one of the following PolicyKit authorizations:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.drive-set-spindown</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>To set spindown timeouts</doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.InvalidOption">if an invalid or malformed option was given</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie obtained from the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Device.DriveSetSpindownTimeout">DriveSetSpindownTimeout()</doc:ref> method.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Unsets spindown timeout for the drive.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need one of the following PolicyKit authorizations:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.drive-set-spindown</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>To set spindown timeouts</doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2VGStart">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to start.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options for starting the VG. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Starts all logical volumes in Linux LVM2 Volume Group.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2VGStop">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to stop.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options for stopping the VG. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Stops all logical volumes in Linux LVM2 Volume Group.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2VGSetName">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to set the name for.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="name" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The new name for the volume group.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Sets the name for a volume group.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2VGAddPV">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to add a physical volume to.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="physical_volume" direction="in" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The objcet path of the device to use as a physical volume.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Currently unused.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Adds a Physical volume to a Linux LVM2 Volume Group. Existing data
+ on the given device to use for a physical volume will be erased.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="vg_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to remove the physical volume from.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="pv_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the physical volume to remove from the VG.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Currently unused.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Removes a Physical volume from a Linux LVM2 Volume Group.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2LVSetName">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="group_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group for the logical volume.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the logical volume to set the name for.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="name" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The new name for the logical volume.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Sets the name for a logical volume.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2LVStart">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="group_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group of the logical volume to start belongs to.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the logical volume to start.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options for starting the logical volume. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Starts a LVM2 logical volume.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2LVRemove">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="group_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group of the logical volume to start belongs to.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the logical volume to remove.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options used for the removal of the logical volume. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Removes a LVM2 logical volume.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxLvm2LVCreate">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="group_uuid" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The UUID of the volume group to create a logical volume in.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="name" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The name for the logical volume.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="size" direction="in" type="t">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The size of the logical volume, in bytes.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="num_stripes" direction="in" type="u">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Number of stripes to use.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="stripe_size" direction="in" type="t">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The stripe size to use or 0 if @num_stripes is 0. This must be a power of two.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="num_mirrors" direction="in" type="u">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Number of mirrors to use.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options used when creating the logical volume. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="fstype" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ The file system to create in new logical filesystem. Leave
+ blank to skip creating a file system. See the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Device.FilesystemCreate">Device.FilesystemCreate()</doc:ref> method
+ for details.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="fsoptions" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ Options to use for file system creation. See the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Device.FilesystemCreate">Device.FilesystemCreate()</doc:ref> method
+ for details.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="created_device" direction="out" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object path of the newly added logical volume.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Creates a new LVM2 logical volume.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-lvm2</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux LVM2 devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxMdStart">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="components" direction="in" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object paths of the components of the array to start.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options for starting the array. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" direction="out" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object path of the assembled array device.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Starts an Linux md RAID array. The array will be assembled
+ and started in degraded mode if an insufficient number of
+ components are given.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-md</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux md Software RAID devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="LinuxMdCreate">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="components" direction="in" type="ao">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object paths of the components to use for the array.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="level" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>RAID level.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="stripe_size" direction="in" type="t">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Stripe Size in bytes, or 0 to use the default stripe size.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="name" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Name of the array.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="options" direction="in" type="as">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Options for creating the array. Currently no options are supported.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="device" direction="out" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object path of the created array device.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Creates a Linux md RAID array. The array will be created and
+ assembled.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ The caller will need the following PolicyKit authorization:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>org.freedesktop.udisks.linux-md</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Needed to configured Linux md Software RAID devices.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Busy">if one of the given components are busy</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the operation failed</doc:error>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Cancelled">if the job was cancelled</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="Inhibit">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="out" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie that can be used in the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Disks.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</doc:ref> method.
+ to stop inhibiting the daemon.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Inhibits clients from invoking methods on the daemon
+ of the daemon that require authorization (all methods
+ will return the <doc:tt>org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Inhibited</doc:tt> error)
+ if the caller is not the super user.
+ This is typically used by OS installers and other
+ programs that expects full control of the system, specifically
+ to avoid automounting devices.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:permission>
+ Only the super user can invoke this method.
+ </doc:permission>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized">if the caller is not the super user</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <method name="Uninhibit">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/>
+ <arg name="cookie" direction="in" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>
+ A cookie obtained from the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Disks.Inhibit">Inhibit()</doc:ref> method.
+ </doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Uninhibits other clients from using the daemon.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ <doc:errors>
+ <doc:error name="org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed">if the given cookie is malformed</doc:error>
+ </doc:errors>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </method>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="DeviceAdded">
+ <arg name="device" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of device that was added.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a device is added.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="DeviceRemoved">
+ <arg name="device" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of device that was removed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a device is removed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="DeviceChanged">
+ <arg name="device" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of device that was changed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a device changed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="DeviceJobChanged">
+ <arg name="device" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The object path of the device.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_in_progress" type="b">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Whether a job is currently in progress.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_is_cancellable" type="b">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Whether the job is cancellable.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_id" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>The identifier of the job.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_num_tasks" type="i">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Number of tasks in the job.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_cur_task" type="i">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Current task number (zero-based offset).</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_cur_task_id" type="s">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Task identifier for current task.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="job_cur_task_percentage" type="d">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Percentage completed of current task (between 0 and 100, negative if unknown).</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a job on a device changes.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="AdapterAdded">
+ <arg name="adapter" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of adapter that was added.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an adapter is added.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AdapterRemoved">
+ <arg name="adapter" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of adapter that was removed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an adapter is removed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AdapterChanged">
+ <arg name="adapter" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of adapter that was changed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an adapter changed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="ExpanderAdded">
+ <arg name="expander" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of expander that was added.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an expander is added.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="ExpanderRemoved">
+ <arg name="expander" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of expander that was removed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an expander is removed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="ExpanderChanged">
+ <arg name="expander" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of expander that was changed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when an expander changed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <signal name="PortAdded">
+ <arg name="port" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of port that was added.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a port is added.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="PortRemoved">
+ <arg name="port" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of port that was removed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a port is removed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="PortChanged">
+ <arg name="port" type="o">
+ <doc:doc><doc:summary>Object path of port that was changed.</doc:summary></doc:doc>
+ </arg>
+ <doc:doc>
+ <doc:description>
+ <doc:para>
+ Emitted when a port changed.
+ </doc:para>
+ </doc:description>
+ </doc:doc>
+ </signal>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ <property name="DaemonVersion" type="s" access="read">
+ <doc:doc><doc:description><doc:para>
+ The version of the running daemon.
+ </doc:para></doc:description></doc:doc>
+ </property>
+ <property name="DaemonIsInhibited" type="b" access="read">
+ <doc:doc><doc:description><doc:para>
+ TRUE only if the daemon is inhibited.
+ </doc:para></doc:description></doc:doc>
+ </property>
+ <property name="SupportsLuksDevices" type="b" access="read">
+ <doc:doc><doc:description><doc:para>
+ TRUE only if the daemon can create encrypted LUKS block devices, see the
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Device.LuksLock">LuksUnlock()</doc:ref> and
+ <doc:ref type="method" to="Device.LuksLock">LuksLock()</doc:ref>
+ methods for details.
+ </doc:para></doc:description></doc:doc>
+ </property>
+ <!-- TODO: maybe this should return a dictionary so we can grow it in the future? -->
+ <property name="KnownFilesystems" type="a(ssbbbubbbbbbbb)" access="read">
+ <doc:doc><doc:description><doc:para>
+ An array of file systems known to the daemon and what features are supported.
+ Each element in the array contains the following members:
+ <doc:list>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>id</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ The name / identifier of the file system (such as <doc:tt>ext3</doc:tt> or <doc:tt>vfat</doc:tt>),
+ similar to the contents of the
+ <doc:ref type="property" to="Device:IdType">Device:IdType</doc:ref>
+ property.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>name</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ A human readable name for the file system such as "Linux Ext3".
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_unix_owners</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system supports the UNIX owners model (e.g. ext3 does, but vfat doesn't).
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>can_mount</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be mounted.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>can_create</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be created on a device.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>max_label_len</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ The maximum amount of bytes that the file system label can hold. Set to zero if the file
+ system doesn't support labels.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_label_rename</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the label of the file system can be changed.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_online_label_rename</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the label can be changed while the file system is mounted.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_fsck</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be checked.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_online_fsck</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be checked while mounted.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_resize_enlarge</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be enlarged.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_online_resize_enlarge</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be enlarged while mounted.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_resize_shrink</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be shrunk.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ <doc:item>
+ <doc:term>supports_online_resize_shrink</doc:term>
+ <doc:definition>
+ Whether the file system can be shrunk while mounted.
+ </doc:definition>
+ </doc:item>
+ </doc:list>
+ </doc:para></doc:description></doc:doc>
+ </property>
+ <!-- ************************************************************ -->
+ </interface>
diff --git a/gdbus/api/org.lightmediascanner.xml b/gdbus/api/org.lightmediascanner.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1651b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/api/org.lightmediascanner.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
+ "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
+<!-- GDBus 2.48.2 -->
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties">
+ <method name="Get">
+ <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="s" name="property_name" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="v" name="value" direction="out"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetAll">
+ <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="a{sv}" name="properties" direction="out"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Set">
+ <arg type="s" name="interface_name" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="s" name="property_name" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="v" name="value" direction="in"/>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <arg type="s" name="interface_name"/>
+ <arg type="a{sv}" name="changed_properties"/>
+ <arg type="as" name="invalidated_properties"/>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
+ <method name="Introspect">
+ <arg type="s" name="xml_data" direction="out"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer">
+ <method name="Ping"/>
+ <method name="GetMachineId">
+ <arg type="s" name="machine_uuid" direction="out"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1">
+ <method name="Scan">
+ <arg type="a{sv}" name="specification" direction="in">
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Stop">
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestWriteLock">
+ </method>
+ <method name="ReleaseWriteLock">
+ </method>
+ <signal name="ScanProgress">
+ <arg type="s" name="Category">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="s" name="Path">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="t" name="UpToDate">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="t" name="Processed">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="t" name="Deleted">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="t" name="Skipped">
+ </arg>
+ <arg type="t" name="Errors">
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property type="s" name="DataBasePath" access="read">
+ </property>
+ <property type="b" name="IsScanning" access="read">
+ </property>
+ <property type="b" name="WriteLocked" access="read">
+ </property>
+ <property type="t" name="UpdateID" access="read">
+ </property>
+ <property type="a{sv}" name="Categories" access="read">
+ </property>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/gdbus/generate_interfaces.sh b/gdbus/generate_interfaces.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21874be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/generate_interfaces.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$CG \
+ --interface-prefix org.lightmediascanner. \
+ --generate-c-code lightmediascanner_interface \
+ $API/org.lightmediascanner.xml
+$CG \
+ --interface-prefix org.freedesktop.UDisks. \
+ --generate-c-code udisks_interface \
+ $API/org.freedesktop.UDisks.xml
diff --git a/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.c b/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6269a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5755 @@
+ * Generated by gdbus-codegen 2.52.0. DO NOT EDIT.
+ *
+ * The license of this code is the same as for the source it was derived from.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+#include "lightmediascanner_interface.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+# include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>
+typedef struct
+ GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;
+ gboolean use_gvariant;
+} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *signal_name;
+ gboolean pass_fdlist;
+} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *signal_name;
+} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *hyphen_name;
+ gboolean use_gvariant;
+} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *hyphen_name;
+} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;
+typedef struct
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ guint prop_id;
+ GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */
+} ChangedProperty;
+static void
+_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)
+ g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);
+ g_free (data);
+static gboolean
+_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ guint n;
+ if (a == NULL && b == NULL)
+ {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)
+ if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ if (a == NULL && b == NULL)
+ {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);
+ return ret;
+G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean
+_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));
+ switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))
+ {
+ ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT:
+ ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UINT:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT64:
+ ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UINT64:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));
+ break;
+ {
+ /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */
+ gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);
+ gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);
+ ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);
+ break;
+ ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)
+ ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));
+ else
+ g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (a)));
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Code for interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * SECTION:OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties
+ * @title: OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties
+ * @short_description: Generated C code for the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties D-Bus interface
+ *
+ * This section contains code for working with the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link> D-Bus interface in C.
+ */
+/* ---- Introspection data for org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties ---- */
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_interface_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "interface_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_property_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "property_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_interface_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_property_name,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_OUT_ARG_value =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "value",
+ (gchar *) "v",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_OUT_ARG_value,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Get",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-get",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_IN_ARG_interface_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "interface_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_IN_ARG_interface_name,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_OUT_ARG_properties =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "properties",
+ (gchar *) "a{sv}",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_OUT_ARG_properties,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "GetAll",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-get-all",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_interface_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "interface_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_property_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "property_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_value =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "value",
+ (gchar *) "v",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_interface_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_property_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_value,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Set",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-set",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_get_all,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_set,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_interface_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "interface_name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_changed_properties =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "changed_properties",
+ (gchar *) "a{sv}",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_invalidated_properties =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "invalidated_properties",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_interface_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_changed_properties,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_invalidated_properties,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "PropertiesChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "properties-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_properties_changed,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
+ (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_method_info_pointers,
+ (GDBusSignalInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_signal_info_pointers,
+ },
+ "org-freedesktop-dbus-properties",
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info:
+ *
+ * Gets a machine-readable description of the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link> D-Bus interface.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.
+ */
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info (void)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_override_properties:
+ * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject<!-- -->-derived class.
+ * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
+ *
+ * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties interface for a concrete class.
+ * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
+ *
+ * Returns: The last property id.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)
+ return property_id_begin - 1;
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties:
+ *
+ * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link>.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface:
+ * @parent_iface: The parent interface.
+ * @handle_get: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-get signal.
+ * @handle_get_all: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-get-all signal.
+ * @handle_set: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-set signal.
+ * @properties_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::properties-changed signal.
+ *
+ * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link>.
+ */
+typedef OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface;
+G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_default_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface *iface)
+ /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-get:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Get">Get()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-get",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface, handle_get),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-get-all:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.GetAll">GetAll()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get_all() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-get-all",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface, handle_get_all),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::handle-set:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_value: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Set">Set()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_set() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-set",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface, handle_set),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /* GObject signals for received D-Bus signals: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties::properties-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument.
+ * @arg_changed_properties: Argument.
+ * @arg_invalidated_properties: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.PropertiesChanged">"PropertiesChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("properties-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface, properties_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_emit_properties_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_changed_properties: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_invalidated_properties: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.PropertiesChanged">"PropertiesChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_emit_properties_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant *arg_changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *arg_invalidated_properties)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "properties-changed", arg_interface_name, arg_changed_properties, arg_invalidated_properties);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Get">Get()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Get",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss)",
+ arg_interface_name,
+ arg_property_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @out_value: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GVariant **out_value,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(@v)",
+ out_value);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_value: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Get">Get()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant **out_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Get",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss)",
+ arg_interface_name,
+ arg_property_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(@v)",
+ out_value);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.GetAll">GetAll()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "GetAll",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_interface_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @out_properties: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GVariant **out_properties,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(@a{sv})",
+ out_properties);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_properties: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.GetAll">GetAll()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant **out_properties,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "GetAll",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_interface_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(@a{sv})",
+ out_properties);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_value: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Set">Set()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant *arg_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Set",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss@v)",
+ arg_interface_name,
+ arg_property_name,
+ arg_value),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ * @arg_interface_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_property_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_value: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Set">Set()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant *arg_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Set",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss@v)",
+ arg_interface_name,
+ arg_property_name,
+ arg_value),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @value: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Get">Get()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ GVariant *value)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(@v)",
+ value));
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get_all:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @properties: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.GetAll">GetAll()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get_all (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ GVariant *properties)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(@a{sv})",
+ properties));
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_set:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.Set">Set()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_set (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate
+ GData *qdata;
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY (object);
+ g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *signal_name,
+ GVariant *parameters)
+ _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[0], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ n = 1;
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY (_proxy);
+ guint n;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariantIter *iter;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct, key);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_free (iter);
+ for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy *proxy)
+ proxy->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);
+ proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY, OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate);
+ g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info ());
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_set_property;
+ proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);
+ proxy_class->g_signal = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_g_signal;
+ proxy_class->g_properties_changed = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_g_properties_changed;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface *iface)
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for more details.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_sync:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() for more details.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate
+ GValue *properties;
+ GList *changed_properties;
+ GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;
+ GMainContext *context;
+ GMutex lock;
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_method_call (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name,
+ const gchar *method_name,
+ GVariant *parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (user_data);
+ _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ guint num_extra;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2; paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);
+ n = 0;
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);
+ if (info->pass_fdlist)
+ {
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES);
+ g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);
+ if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);
+ g_value_unset (&return_value);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static GVariant *
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_get_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_set_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ gboolean ret;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_vtable =
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_method_call,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_get_property,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_set_property,
+ {NULL}
+static GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info ();
+static GDBusInterfaceVTable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_vtable;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ guint n;
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ if (_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];
+ {
+ GVariant *value;
+ value = _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", info->name, NULL, skeleton);
+ if (value != NULL)
+ {
+ g_variant_take_ref (value);
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_on_signal_properties_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant *arg_changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *arg_invalidated_properties)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(s@a{sv}^as)",
+ arg_interface_name,
+ arg_changed_properties,
+ arg_invalidated_properties));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES, org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (object);
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton *skeleton)
+ skeleton->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);
+ skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON, OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate);
+ g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_finalize;
+ skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);
+ skeleton_class->get_info = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;
+ skeleton_class->get_properties = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;
+ skeleton_class->flush = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;
+ skeleton_class->get_vtable = org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface *iface)
+ iface->properties_changed = _org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_on_signal_properties_changed;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Properties.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</link>.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton): The skeleton object.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_new (void)
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Code for interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * SECTION:OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable
+ * @title: OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable
+ * @short_description: Generated C code for the org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable D-Bus interface
+ *
+ * This section contains code for working with the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link> D-Bus interface in C.
+ */
+/* ---- Introspection data for org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable ---- */
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect_OUT_ARG_xml_data =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "xml_data",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect_OUT_ARG_xml_data,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Introspect",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-introspect",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_introspect,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable",
+ (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_method_info_pointers,
+ },
+ "org-freedesktop-dbus-introspectable",
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info:
+ *
+ * Gets a machine-readable description of the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link> D-Bus interface.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.
+ */
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info (void)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_override_properties:
+ * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject<!-- -->-derived class.
+ * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
+ *
+ * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable interface for a concrete class.
+ * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
+ *
+ * Returns: The last property id.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)
+ return property_id_begin - 1;
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable:
+ *
+ * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link>.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface:
+ * @parent_iface: The parent interface.
+ * @handle_introspect: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable::handle-introspect signal.
+ *
+ * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link>.
+ */
+typedef OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableInterface;
+G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_default_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface *iface)
+ /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable::handle-introspect:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.Introspect">Introspect()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_complete_introspect() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-introspect",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface, handle_introspect),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.Introspect">Introspect()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Introspect",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy.
+ * @out_xml_data: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ gchar **out_xml_data,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_xml_data);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy.
+ * @out_xml_data: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.Introspect">Introspect()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ gchar **out_xml_data,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Introspect",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_xml_data);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_complete_introspect:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @xml_data: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.Introspect">Introspect()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_complete_introspect (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *xml_data)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ xml_data));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate
+ GData *qdata;
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY (object);
+ g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *signal_name,
+ GVariant *parameters)
+ _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ n = 1;
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY (_proxy);
+ guint n;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariantIter *iter;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct, key);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_free (iter);
+ for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy *proxy)
+ proxy->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);
+ proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY, OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate);
+ g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info ());
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_set_property;
+ proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);
+ proxy_class->g_signal = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_g_signal;
+ proxy_class->g_properties_changed = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_g_properties_changed;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface *iface)
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for more details.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_sync:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() for more details.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate
+ GValue *properties;
+ GList *changed_properties;
+ GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;
+ GMainContext *context;
+ GMutex lock;
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_method_call (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name,
+ const gchar *method_name,
+ GVariant *parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (user_data);
+ _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ guint num_extra;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2; paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);
+ n = 0;
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);
+ if (info->pass_fdlist)
+ {
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE);
+ g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);
+ if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);
+ g_value_unset (&return_value);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static GVariant *
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_get_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_set_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ gboolean ret;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_vtable =
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_method_call,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_get_property,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_set_property,
+ {NULL}
+static GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info ();
+static GDBusInterfaceVTable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_vtable;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ guint n;
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ if (_org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];
+ {
+ GVariant *value;
+ value = _org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", info->name, NULL, skeleton);
+ if (value != NULL)
+ {
+ g_variant_take_ref (value);
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE, org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (object);
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton *skeleton)
+ skeleton->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);
+ skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON, OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate);
+ g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_finalize;
+ skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);
+ skeleton_class->get_info = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;
+ skeleton_class->get_properties = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;
+ skeleton_class->flush = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;
+ skeleton_class->get_vtable = org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface *iface)
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Introspectable.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</link>.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton): The skeleton object.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_new (void)
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Code for interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * SECTION:OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer
+ * @title: OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer
+ * @short_description: Generated C code for the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer D-Bus interface
+ *
+ * This section contains code for working with the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link> D-Bus interface in C.
+ */
+/* ---- Introspection data for org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer ---- */
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_ping =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Ping",
+ },
+ "handle-ping",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id_OUT_ARG_machine_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "machine_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id_OUT_ARG_machine_uuid,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "GetMachineId",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-get-machine-id",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo * const _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_ping,
+ &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_get_machine_id,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer",
+ (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_method_info_pointers,
+ },
+ "org-freedesktop-dbus-peer",
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info:
+ *
+ * Gets a machine-readable description of the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link> D-Bus interface.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.
+ */
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info (void)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_override_properties:
+ * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject<!-- -->-derived class.
+ * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
+ *
+ * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer interface for a concrete class.
+ * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
+ *
+ * Returns: The last property id.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)
+ return property_id_begin - 1;
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer:
+ *
+ * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link>.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface:
+ * @parent_iface: The parent interface.
+ * @handle_get_machine_id: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer::handle-get-machine-id signal.
+ * @handle_ping: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer::handle-ping signal.
+ *
+ * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link>.
+ */
+typedef OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerInterface;
+G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_default_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface *iface)
+ /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer::handle-ping:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.Ping">Ping()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_ping() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-ping",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface, handle_ping),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer::handle-get-machine-id:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.GetMachineId">GetMachineId()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_get_machine_id() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-get-machine-id",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface, handle_get_machine_id),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.Ping">Ping()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Ping",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.Ping">Ping()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Ping",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.GetMachineId">GetMachineId()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "GetMachineId",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @out_machine_uuid: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ gchar **out_machine_uuid,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_machine_uuid);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ * @out_machine_uuid: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.GetMachineId">GetMachineId()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ gchar **out_machine_uuid,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "GetMachineId",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_machine_uuid);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_ping:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.Ping">Ping()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_ping (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_get_machine_id:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @machine_uuid: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.GetMachineId">GetMachineId()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_get_machine_id (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *machine_uuid)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ machine_uuid));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate
+ GData *qdata;
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY (object);
+ g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *signal_name,
+ GVariant *parameters)
+ _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[0], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ n = 1;
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY (_proxy);
+ guint n;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariantIter *iter;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct, key);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_free (iter);
+ for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy *proxy)
+ proxy->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);
+ proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY, OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate);
+ g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info ());
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_set_property;
+ proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);
+ proxy_class->g_signal = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_g_signal;
+ proxy_class->g_properties_changed = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_g_properties_changed;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface *iface)
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for more details.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_sync:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() for more details.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate
+ GValue *properties;
+ GList *changed_properties;
+ GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;
+ GMainContext *context;
+ GMutex lock;
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_method_call (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name,
+ const gchar *method_name,
+ GVariant *parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (user_data);
+ _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ guint num_extra;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2; paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);
+ n = 0;
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);
+ if (info->pass_fdlist)
+ {
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER);
+ g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);
+ if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);
+ g_value_unset (&return_value);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static GVariant *
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_get_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_set_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ gboolean ret;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_vtable =
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_method_call,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_get_property,
+ _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_set_property,
+ {NULL}
+static GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info ();
+static GDBusInterfaceVTable *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_vtable;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ guint n;
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ if (_org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];
+ {
+ GVariant *value;
+ value = _org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer", info->name, NULL, skeleton);
+ if (value != NULL)
+ {
+ g_variant_take_ref (value);
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+static void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER, org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (object);
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton *skeleton)
+ skeleton->priv = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);
+ skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON, OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate);
+ g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_class_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_finalize;
+ skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);
+ skeleton_class->get_info = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;
+ skeleton_class->get_properties = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;
+ skeleton_class->flush = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;
+ skeleton_class->get_vtable = org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface *iface)
+ * org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-DBus-Peer.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer</link>.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton): The skeleton object.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *
+org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_new (void)
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Code for interface org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * SECTION:Scanner1
+ * @title: Scanner1
+ * @short_description: Generated C code for the org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1 D-Bus interface
+ *
+ * This section contains code for working with the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link> D-Bus interface in C.
+ */
+/* ---- Introspection data for org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1 ---- */
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_method_info_scan_IN_ARG_specification =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "specification",
+ (gchar *) "a{sv}",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _scanner1_method_info_scan_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_scanner1_method_info_scan_IN_ARG_specification,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _scanner1_method_info_scan =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Scan",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_scanner1_method_info_scan_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "handle-scan",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _scanner1_method_info_stop =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Stop",
+ },
+ "handle-stop",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _scanner1_method_info_request_write_lock =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "RequestWriteLock",
+ },
+ "handle-request-write-lock",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _scanner1_method_info_release_write_lock =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "ReleaseWriteLock",
+ },
+ "handle-release-write-lock",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo * const _scanner1_method_info_pointers[] =
+ &_scanner1_method_info_scan,
+ &_scanner1_method_info_stop,
+ &_scanner1_method_info_request_write_lock,
+ &_scanner1_method_info_release_write_lock,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Category =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Category",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Path =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Path",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_UpToDate =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "UpToDate",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Processed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Processed",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Deleted =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Deleted",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Skipped =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Skipped",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Errors =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Errors",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Category,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Path,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_UpToDate,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Processed,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Deleted,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Skipped,
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_Errors,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "ScanProgress",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "scan-progress"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo * const _scanner1_signal_info_pointers[] =
+ &_scanner1_signal_info_scan_progress,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _scanner1_property_info_data_base_path =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DataBasePath",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+ "data-base-path",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _scanner1_property_info_is_scanning =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "IsScanning",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+ "is-scanning",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _scanner1_property_info_write_locked =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "WriteLocked",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+ "write-locked",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _scanner1_property_info_update_id =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "UpdateID",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+ "update-id",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _scanner1_property_info_categories =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Categories",
+ (gchar *) "a{sv}",
+ },
+ "categories",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo * const _scanner1_property_info_pointers[] =
+ &_scanner1_property_info_data_base_path,
+ &_scanner1_property_info_is_scanning,
+ &_scanner1_property_info_write_locked,
+ &_scanner1_property_info_update_id,
+ &_scanner1_property_info_categories,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _scanner1_interface_info =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1",
+ (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_scanner1_method_info_pointers,
+ (GDBusSignalInfo **) &_scanner1_signal_info_pointers,
+ (GDBusPropertyInfo **) &_scanner1_property_info_pointers,
+ },
+ "scanner1",
+ * scanner1_interface_info:
+ *
+ * Gets a machine-readable description of the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link> D-Bus interface.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.
+ */
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+scanner1_interface_info (void)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct;
+ * scanner1_override_properties:
+ * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject<!-- -->-derived class.
+ * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
+ *
+ * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #Scanner1 interface for a concrete class.
+ * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
+ *
+ * Returns: The last property id.
+ */
+scanner1_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "data-base-path");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "is-scanning");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "write-locked");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "update-id");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "categories");
+ return property_id_begin - 1;
+ * Scanner1:
+ *
+ * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link>.
+ */
+ * Scanner1Iface:
+ * @parent_iface: The parent interface.
+ * @handle_release_write_lock: Handler for the #Scanner1::handle-release-write-lock signal.
+ * @handle_request_write_lock: Handler for the #Scanner1::handle-request-write-lock signal.
+ * @handle_scan: Handler for the #Scanner1::handle-scan signal.
+ * @handle_stop: Handler for the #Scanner1::handle-stop signal.
+ * @get_categories: Getter for the #Scanner1:categories property.
+ * @get_data_base_path: Getter for the #Scanner1:data-base-path property.
+ * @get_is_scanning: Getter for the #Scanner1:is-scanning property.
+ * @get_update_id: Getter for the #Scanner1:update-id property.
+ * @get_write_locked: Getter for the #Scanner1:write-locked property.
+ * @scan_progress: Handler for the #Scanner1::scan-progress signal.
+ *
+ * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link>.
+ */
+typedef Scanner1Iface Scanner1Interface;
+G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (Scanner1, scanner1, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+scanner1_default_init (Scanner1Iface *iface)
+ /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */
+ /**
+ * Scanner1::handle-scan:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_specification: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Scan">Scan()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call scanner1_complete_scan() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-scan",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (Scanner1Iface, handle_scan),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * Scanner1::handle-stop:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Stop">Stop()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call scanner1_complete_stop() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-stop",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (Scanner1Iface, handle_stop),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * Scanner1::handle-request-write-lock:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.RequestWriteLock">RequestWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call scanner1_complete_request_write_lock() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-request-write-lock",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (Scanner1Iface, handle_request_write_lock),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * Scanner1::handle-release-write-lock:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ReleaseWriteLock">ReleaseWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call scanner1_complete_release_write_lock() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-release-write-lock",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (Scanner1Iface, handle_release_write_lock),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /* GObject signals for received D-Bus signals: */
+ /**
+ * Scanner1::scan-progress:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @arg_Category: Argument.
+ * @arg_Path: Argument.
+ * @arg_UpToDate: Argument.
+ * @arg_Processed: Argument.
+ * @arg_Deleted: Argument.
+ * @arg_Skipped: Argument.
+ * @arg_Errors: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ScanProgress">"ScanProgress"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("scan-progress",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (Scanner1Iface, scan_progress),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /* GObject properties for D-Bus properties: */
+ /**
+ * Scanner1:data-base-path:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.DataBasePath">"DataBasePath"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_string ("data-base-path", "DataBasePath", "DataBasePath", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * Scanner1:is-scanning:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.IsScanning">"IsScanning"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("is-scanning", "IsScanning", "IsScanning", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * Scanner1:write-locked:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.WriteLocked">"WriteLocked"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("write-locked", "WriteLocked", "WriteLocked", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * Scanner1:update-id:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.UpdateID">"UpdateID"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_uint64 ("update-id", "UpdateID", "UpdateID", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * Scanner1:categories:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Categories">"Categories"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_variant ("categories", "Categories", "Categories", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"), NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ * scanner1_get_data_base_path: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.DataBasePath">"DataBasePath"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * <warning>The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the client-side it is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use scanner1_dup_data_base_path() if on another thread.</warning>
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.
+ */
+const gchar *
+scanner1_get_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object)
+ return SCANNER1_GET_IFACE (object)->get_data_base_path (object);
+ * scanner1_dup_data_base_path: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets a copy of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.DataBasePath">"DataBasePath"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. The returned value should be freed with g_free().
+ */
+gchar *
+scanner1_dup_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object)
+ gchar *value;
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "data-base-path", &value, NULL);
+ return value;
+ * scanner1_set_data_base_path: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.DataBasePath">"DataBasePath"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+scanner1_set_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object, const gchar *value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "data-base-path", value, NULL);
+ * scanner1_get_is_scanning: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.IsScanning">"IsScanning"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: The property value.
+ */
+scanner1_get_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object)
+ return SCANNER1_GET_IFACE (object)->get_is_scanning (object);
+ * scanner1_set_is_scanning: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.IsScanning">"IsScanning"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+scanner1_set_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object, gboolean value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "is-scanning", value, NULL);
+ * scanner1_get_write_locked: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.WriteLocked">"WriteLocked"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: The property value.
+ */
+scanner1_get_write_locked (Scanner1 *object)
+ return SCANNER1_GET_IFACE (object)->get_write_locked (object);
+ * scanner1_set_write_locked: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.WriteLocked">"WriteLocked"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+scanner1_set_write_locked (Scanner1 *object, gboolean value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "write-locked", value, NULL);
+ * scanner1_get_update_id: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.UpdateID">"UpdateID"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: The property value.
+ */
+scanner1_get_update_id (Scanner1 *object)
+ return SCANNER1_GET_IFACE (object)->get_update_id (object);
+ * scanner1_set_update_id: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.UpdateID">"UpdateID"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+scanner1_set_update_id (Scanner1 *object, guint64 value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "update-id", value, NULL);
+ * scanner1_get_categories: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Categories">"Categories"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * <warning>The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the client-side it is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use scanner1_dup_categories() if on another thread.</warning>
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.
+ */
+GVariant *
+scanner1_get_categories (Scanner1 *object)
+ return SCANNER1_GET_IFACE (object)->get_categories (object);
+ * scanner1_dup_categories: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ *
+ * Gets a copy of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Categories">"Categories"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. The returned value should be freed with g_variant_unref().
+ */
+GVariant *
+scanner1_dup_categories (Scanner1 *object)
+ GVariant *value;
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "categories", &value, NULL);
+ return value;
+ * scanner1_set_categories: (skip)
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Categories">"Categories"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+scanner1_set_categories (Scanner1 *object, GVariant *value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "categories", value, NULL);
+ * scanner1_emit_scan_progress:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @arg_Category: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_Path: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_UpToDate: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_Processed: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_Deleted: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_Skipped: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_Errors: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ScanProgress">"ScanProgress"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+scanner1_emit_scan_progress (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ const gchar *arg_Category,
+ const gchar *arg_Path,
+ guint64 arg_UpToDate,
+ guint64 arg_Processed,
+ guint64 arg_Deleted,
+ guint64 arg_Skipped,
+ guint64 arg_Errors)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "scan-progress", arg_Category, arg_Path, arg_UpToDate, arg_Processed, arg_Deleted, arg_Skipped, arg_Errors);
+ * scanner1_call_scan:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @arg_specification: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Scan">Scan()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_call_scan_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_scan_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+scanner1_call_scan (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GVariant *arg_specification,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Scan",
+ g_variant_new ("(@a{sv})",
+ arg_specification),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * scanner1_call_scan_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_call_scan().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_call_scan().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_scan_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_scan_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @arg_specification: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Scan">Scan()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_scan() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_scan_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GVariant *arg_specification,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Scan",
+ g_variant_new ("(@a{sv})",
+ arg_specification),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_stop:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Stop">Stop()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_call_stop_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_stop_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+scanner1_call_stop (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Stop",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * scanner1_call_stop_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_call_stop().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_call_stop().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_stop_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_stop_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Stop">Stop()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_stop() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_stop_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Stop",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_request_write_lock:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.RequestWriteLock">RequestWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_call_request_write_lock_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_request_write_lock_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+scanner1_call_request_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "RequestWriteLock",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * scanner1_call_request_write_lock_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_call_request_write_lock().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_call_request_write_lock().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_request_write_lock_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_request_write_lock_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.RequestWriteLock">RequestWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_request_write_lock() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_request_write_lock_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "RequestWriteLock",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_release_write_lock:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ReleaseWriteLock">ReleaseWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_call_release_write_lock_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_release_write_lock_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+scanner1_call_release_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "ReleaseWriteLock",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * scanner1_call_release_write_lock_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_call_release_write_lock().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_call_release_write_lock().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_release_write_lock_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_call_release_write_lock_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #Scanner1Proxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ReleaseWriteLock">ReleaseWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_call_release_write_lock() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+scanner1_call_release_write_lock_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "ReleaseWriteLock",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * scanner1_complete_scan:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Scan">Scan()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+scanner1_complete_scan (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * scanner1_complete_stop:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.Stop">Stop()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+scanner1_complete_stop (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * scanner1_complete_request_write_lock:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.RequestWriteLock">RequestWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+scanner1_complete_request_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * scanner1_complete_release_write_lock:
+ * @object: A #Scanner1.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.ReleaseWriteLock">ReleaseWriteLock()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+scanner1_complete_release_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * Scanner1Proxy:
+ *
+ * The #Scanner1Proxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * Scanner1ProxyClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #Scanner1Proxy.
+ */
+struct _Scanner1ProxyPrivate
+ GData *qdata;
+static void scanner1_proxy_iface_init (Scanner1Iface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (Scanner1Proxy, scanner1_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (Scanner1Proxy)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_SCANNER1, scanner1_proxy_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (Scanner1Proxy, scanner1_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_SCANNER1, scanner1_proxy_iface_init));
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (scanner1_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 5);
+ info = _scanner1_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (object), info->parent_struct.name);
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_set_variant (value, variant);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, value);
+ }
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_set_property_cb (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info = user_data;
+ GError *error;
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ error = NULL;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);
+ if (!_ret)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Error setting property '%s' on interface org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1: %s (%s, %d)",
+ info->parent_struct.name,
+ error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ }
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 5);
+ info = _scanner1_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];
+ variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (object),
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set",
+ g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", info->parent_struct.name, variant),
+ -1,
+ NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) scanner1_proxy_set_property_cb, (GDBusPropertyInfo *) &info->parent_struct);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *signal_name,
+ GVariant *parameters)
+ _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[0], TYPE_SCANNER1);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ n = 1;
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_SCANNER1);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (_proxy);
+ guint n;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariantIter *iter;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct, key);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_free (iter);
+ for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+static const gchar *
+scanner1_proxy_get_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ const gchar *value = NULL;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "DataBasePath");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+scanner1_proxy_get_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ gboolean value = 0;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "IsScanning");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_boolean (variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+scanner1_proxy_get_write_locked (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ gboolean value = 0;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "WriteLocked");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_boolean (variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static guint64
+scanner1_proxy_get_update_id (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ guint64 value = 0;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "UpdateID");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_uint64 (variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static GVariant *
+scanner1_proxy_get_categories (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Proxy *proxy = SCANNER1_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ GVariant *value = NULL;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "Categories");
+ value = variant;
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ return value;
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_init (Scanner1Proxy *proxy)
+ proxy->priv = scanner1_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);
+ proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY, Scanner1ProxyPrivate);
+ g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), scanner1_interface_info ());
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_class_init (Scanner1ProxyClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = scanner1_proxy_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = scanner1_proxy_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = scanner1_proxy_set_property;
+ proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);
+ proxy_class->g_signal = scanner1_proxy_g_signal;
+ proxy_class->g_properties_changed = scanner1_proxy_g_properties_changed;
+ scanner1_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (Scanner1ProxyPrivate));
+static void
+scanner1_proxy_iface_init (Scanner1Iface *iface)
+ iface->get_data_base_path = scanner1_proxy_get_data_base_path;
+ iface->get_is_scanning = scanner1_proxy_get_is_scanning;
+ iface->get_write_locked = scanner1_proxy_get_write_locked;
+ iface->get_update_id = scanner1_proxy_get_update_id;
+ iface->get_categories = scanner1_proxy_get_categories;
+ * scanner1_proxy_new:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for more details.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+scanner1_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", NULL);
+ * scanner1_proxy_new_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_proxy_new().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_proxy_new().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type Scanner1Proxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+Scanner1 *
+scanner1_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ return SCANNER1 (ret);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * scanner1_proxy_new_sync:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() for more details.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type Scanner1Proxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+Scanner1 *
+scanner1_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ return SCANNER1 (ret);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Like scanner1_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", NULL);
+ * scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type Scanner1Proxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+Scanner1 *
+scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ return SCANNER1 (ret);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Like scanner1_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type Scanner1Proxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+Scanner1 *
+scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ return SCANNER1 (ret);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * Scanner1Skeleton:
+ *
+ * The #Scanner1Skeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * Scanner1SkeletonClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #Scanner1Skeleton.
+ */
+struct _Scanner1SkeletonPrivate
+ GValue *properties;
+ GList *changed_properties;
+ GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;
+ GMainContext *context;
+ GMutex lock;
+static void
+_scanner1_skeleton_handle_method_call (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name,
+ const gchar *method_name,
+ GVariant *parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (user_data);
+ _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ guint num_extra;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2; paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);
+ n = 0;
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], TYPE_SCANNER1);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);
+ if (info->pass_fdlist)
+ {
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_SCANNER1);
+ g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);
+ if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);
+ g_value_unset (&return_value);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static GVariant *
+_scanner1_skeleton_handle_get_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_scanner1_skeleton_handle_set_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ gboolean ret;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _scanner1_skeleton_vtable =
+ _scanner1_skeleton_handle_method_call,
+ _scanner1_skeleton_handle_get_property,
+ _scanner1_skeleton_handle_set_property,
+ {NULL}
+static GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return scanner1_interface_info ();
+static GDBusInterfaceVTable *
+scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_scanner1_skeleton_vtable;
+static GVariant *
+scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ guint n;
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ if (_scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; _scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _scanner1_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];
+ {
+ GVariant *value;
+ value = _scanner1_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", info->name, NULL, skeleton);
+ if (value != NULL)
+ {
+ g_variant_take_ref (value);
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
+static gboolean _scanner1_emit_changed (gpointer user_data);
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ gboolean emit_changed = FALSE;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ {
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;
+ emit_changed = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (emit_changed)
+ _scanner1_emit_changed (skeleton);
+static void
+_scanner1_on_signal_scan_progress (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ const gchar *arg_Category,
+ const gchar *arg_Path,
+ guint64 arg_UpToDate,
+ guint64 arg_Processed,
+ guint64 arg_Deleted,
+ guint64 arg_Skipped,
+ guint64 arg_Errors)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(ssttttt)",
+ arg_Category,
+ arg_Path,
+ arg_UpToDate,
+ arg_Processed,
+ arg_Deleted,
+ arg_Skipped,
+ arg_Errors));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1", "ScanProgress",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void scanner1_skeleton_iface_init (Scanner1Iface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (Scanner1Skeleton, scanner1_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (Scanner1Skeleton)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_SCANNER1, scanner1_skeleton_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (Scanner1Skeleton, scanner1_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_SCANNER1, scanner1_skeleton_iface_init));
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ guint n;
+ for (n = 0; n < 5; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&skeleton->priv->properties[n]);
+ g_free (skeleton->priv->properties);
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (scanner1_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 5);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_value_copy (&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1], value);
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+static gboolean
+_scanner1_emit_changed (gpointer user_data)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GList *l;
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ GVariantBuilder invalidated_builder;
+ guint num_changes;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ g_variant_builder_init (&invalidated_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));
+ for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties, num_changes = 0; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ ChangedProperty *cp = l->data;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ const GValue *cur_value;
+ cur_value = &skeleton->priv->properties[cp->prop_id - 1];
+ if (!_g_value_equal (cur_value, &cp->orig_value))
+ {
+ variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (cur_value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (cp->info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", cp->info->parent_struct.name, variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ num_changes++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_changes > 0)
+ {
+ GList *connections, *ll;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(sa{sv}as)", "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1",
+ &builder, &invalidated_builder));
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ for (ll = connections; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = ll->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)),
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
+ "PropertiesChanged",
+ signal_variant,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);
+ g_variant_builder_clear (&invalidated_builder);
+ }
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties = NULL;
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+_scanner1_schedule_emit_changed (Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton, const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info, guint prop_id, const GValue *orig_value)
+ ChangedProperty *cp;
+ GList *l;
+ cp = NULL;
+ for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ ChangedProperty *i_cp = l->data;
+ if (i_cp->info == info)
+ {
+ cp = i_cp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cp == NULL)
+ {
+ cp = g_new0 (ChangedProperty, 1);
+ cp->prop_id = prop_id;
+ cp->info = info;
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties = g_list_prepend (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, cp);
+ g_value_init (&cp->orig_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (orig_value));
+ g_value_copy (orig_value, &cp->orig_value);
+ }
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_notify (GObject *object,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties != NULL &&
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source == NULL)
+ {
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = g_idle_source_new ();
+ g_source_set_priority (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
+ g_source_set_callback (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, _scanner1_emit_changed, g_object_ref (skeleton), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+ g_source_set_name (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, "[generated] _scanner1_emit_changed");
+ g_source_attach (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_source_unref (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 5);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_object_freeze_notify (object);
+ if (!_g_value_equal (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]))
+ {
+ if (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)) != NULL)
+ _scanner1_schedule_emit_changed (skeleton, _scanner1_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1], prop_id, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);
+ g_value_copy (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec);
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_object_thaw_notify (object);
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_init (Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton)
+ skeleton->priv = scanner1_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);
+ skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, TYPE_SCANNER1_SKELETON, Scanner1SkeletonPrivate);
+ g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
+ skeleton->priv->properties = g_new0 (GValue, 5);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[0], G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[1], G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[2], G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[3], G_TYPE_UINT64);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[4], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+static const gchar *
+scanner1_skeleton_get_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ const gchar *value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_string (&(skeleton->priv->properties[0]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+scanner1_skeleton_get_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ gboolean value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_boolean (&(skeleton->priv->properties[1]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+scanner1_skeleton_get_write_locked (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ gboolean value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_boolean (&(skeleton->priv->properties[2]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static guint64
+scanner1_skeleton_get_update_id (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ guint64 value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_uint64 (&(skeleton->priv->properties[3]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static GVariant *
+scanner1_skeleton_get_categories (Scanner1 *object)
+ Scanner1Skeleton *skeleton = SCANNER1_SKELETON (object);
+ GVariant *value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_variant (&(skeleton->priv->properties[4]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_class_init (Scanner1SkeletonClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = scanner1_skeleton_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = scanner1_skeleton_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = scanner1_skeleton_set_property;
+ gobject_class->notify = scanner1_skeleton_notify;
+ scanner1_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);
+ skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);
+ skeleton_class->get_info = scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;
+ skeleton_class->get_properties = scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;
+ skeleton_class->flush = scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;
+ skeleton_class->get_vtable = scanner1_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (Scanner1SkeletonPrivate));
+static void
+scanner1_skeleton_iface_init (Scanner1Iface *iface)
+ iface->scan_progress = _scanner1_on_signal_scan_progress;
+ iface->get_data_base_path = scanner1_skeleton_get_data_base_path;
+ iface->get_is_scanning = scanner1_skeleton_get_is_scanning;
+ iface->get_write_locked = scanner1_skeleton_get_write_locked;
+ iface->get_update_id = scanner1_skeleton_get_update_id;
+ iface->get_categories = scanner1_skeleton_get_categories;
+ * scanner1_skeleton_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-lightmediascanner-Scanner1.top_of_page">org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1</link>.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type Scanner1Skeleton): The skeleton object.
+ */
+Scanner1 *
+scanner1_skeleton_new (void)
+ return SCANNER1 (g_object_new (TYPE_SCANNER1_SKELETON, NULL));
diff --git a/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.h b/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f42086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/lightmediascanner_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+ * Generated by gdbus-codegen 2.52.0. DO NOT EDIT.
+ *
+ * The license of this code is the same as for the source it was derived from.
+ */
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Declarations for org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES (org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_get_type ())
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesIface
+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
+ gboolean (*handle_get) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name);
+ gboolean (*handle_get_all) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name);
+ gboolean (*handle_set) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant *arg_value);
+ void (*properties_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant *arg_changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *arg_invalidated_properties);
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_interface_info (void);
+guint org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);
+/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ GVariant *value);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_get_all (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ GVariant *properties);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_complete_set (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+/* D-Bus signal emissions functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_emit_properties_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *object,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant *arg_changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *arg_invalidated_properties);
+/* D-Bus method calls: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GVariant **out_value,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant **out_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GVariant **out_properties,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_get_all_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ GVariant **out_properties,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant *arg_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_call_set_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_interface_name,
+ const gchar *arg_property_name,
+ GVariant *arg_value,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_PROXY (org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyClass OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusProxy parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxyClass
+ GDBusProxyClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesProxy, g_object_unref)
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PROPERTIES_SKELETON (org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonClass OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeletonClass
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesSkeleton, g_object_unref)
+OrgFreedesktopDBusProperties *org_freedesktop_dbus_properties_skeleton_new (void);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Declarations for org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE (org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_get_type ())
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableIface
+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
+ gboolean (*handle_introspect) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_interface_info (void);
+guint org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);
+/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_complete_introspect (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *xml_data);
+/* D-Bus method calls: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ gchar **out_xml_data,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_call_introspect_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *proxy,
+ gchar **out_xml_data,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_PROXY (org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyClass OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusProxy parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxyClass
+ GDBusProxyClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableProxy, g_object_unref)
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_INTROSPECTABLE_SKELETON (org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonClass OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeletonClass
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectableSkeleton, g_object_unref)
+OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable *org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_skeleton_new (void);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Declarations for org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER (org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_get_type ())
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerIface
+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
+ gboolean (*handle_get_machine_id) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_ping) (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_interface_info (void);
+guint org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);
+/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_ping (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_complete_get_machine_id (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *machine_uuid);
+/* D-Bus method calls: */
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_ping_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ gchar **out_machine_uuid,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_call_get_machine_id_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *proxy,
+ gchar **out_machine_uuid,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_PROXY (org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyClass OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusProxy parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxyClass
+ GDBusProxyClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerProxy, g_object_unref)
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_DBUS_PEER_SKELETON (org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonClass OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeletonClass
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopDBusPeerSkeleton, g_object_unref)
+OrgFreedesktopDBusPeer *org_freedesktop_dbus_peer_skeleton_new (void);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Declarations for org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1 */
+#define TYPE_SCANNER1 (scanner1_get_type ())
+struct _Scanner1;
+typedef struct _Scanner1 Scanner1;
+typedef struct _Scanner1Iface Scanner1Iface;
+struct _Scanner1Iface
+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
+ gboolean (*handle_release_write_lock) (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_request_write_lock) (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_scan) (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ GVariant *arg_specification);
+ gboolean (*handle_stop) (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ GVariant * (*get_categories) (Scanner1 *object);
+ const gchar * (*get_data_base_path) (Scanner1 *object);
+ gboolean (*get_is_scanning) (Scanner1 *object);
+ guint64 (*get_update_id) (Scanner1 *object);
+ gboolean (*get_write_locked) (Scanner1 *object);
+ void (*scan_progress) (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ const gchar *arg_Category,
+ const gchar *arg_Path,
+ guint64 arg_UpToDate,
+ guint64 arg_Processed,
+ guint64 arg_Deleted,
+ guint64 arg_Skipped,
+ guint64 arg_Errors);
+GType scanner1_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *scanner1_interface_info (void);
+guint scanner1_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);
+/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */
+void scanner1_complete_scan (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void scanner1_complete_stop (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void scanner1_complete_request_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void scanner1_complete_release_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+/* D-Bus signal emissions functions: */
+void scanner1_emit_scan_progress (
+ Scanner1 *object,
+ const gchar *arg_Category,
+ const gchar *arg_Path,
+ guint64 arg_UpToDate,
+ guint64 arg_Processed,
+ guint64 arg_Deleted,
+ guint64 arg_Skipped,
+ guint64 arg_Errors);
+/* D-Bus method calls: */
+void scanner1_call_scan (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GVariant *arg_specification,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean scanner1_call_scan_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean scanner1_call_scan_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GVariant *arg_specification,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void scanner1_call_stop (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean scanner1_call_stop_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean scanner1_call_stop_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void scanner1_call_request_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean scanner1_call_request_write_lock_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean scanner1_call_request_write_lock_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void scanner1_call_release_write_lock (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean scanner1_call_release_write_lock_finish (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean scanner1_call_release_write_lock_sync (
+ Scanner1 *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* D-Bus property accessors: */
+const gchar *scanner1_get_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object);
+gchar *scanner1_dup_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object);
+void scanner1_set_data_base_path (Scanner1 *object, const gchar *value);
+gboolean scanner1_get_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object);
+void scanner1_set_is_scanning (Scanner1 *object, gboolean value);
+gboolean scanner1_get_write_locked (Scanner1 *object);
+void scanner1_set_write_locked (Scanner1 *object, gboolean value);
+guint64 scanner1_get_update_id (Scanner1 *object);
+void scanner1_set_update_id (Scanner1 *object, guint64 value);
+GVariant *scanner1_get_categories (Scanner1 *object);
+GVariant *scanner1_dup_categories (Scanner1 *object);
+void scanner1_set_categories (Scanner1 *object, GVariant *value);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_SCANNER1_PROXY (scanner1_proxy_get_type ())
+typedef struct _Scanner1Proxy Scanner1Proxy;
+typedef struct _Scanner1ProxyClass Scanner1ProxyClass;
+typedef struct _Scanner1ProxyPrivate Scanner1ProxyPrivate;
+struct _Scanner1Proxy
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusProxy parent_instance;
+ Scanner1ProxyPrivate *priv;
+struct _Scanner1ProxyClass
+ GDBusProxyClass parent_class;
+GType scanner1_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (Scanner1Proxy, g_object_unref)
+void scanner1_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+Scanner1 *scanner1_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+Scanner1 *scanner1_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+Scanner1 *scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+Scanner1 *scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_SCANNER1_SKELETON (scanner1_skeleton_get_type ())
+typedef struct _Scanner1Skeleton Scanner1Skeleton;
+typedef struct _Scanner1SkeletonClass Scanner1SkeletonClass;
+typedef struct _Scanner1SkeletonPrivate Scanner1SkeletonPrivate;
+struct _Scanner1Skeleton
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;
+ Scanner1SkeletonPrivate *priv;
+struct _Scanner1SkeletonClass
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;
+GType scanner1_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (Scanner1Skeleton, g_object_unref)
+Scanner1 *scanner1_skeleton_new (void);
diff --git a/gdbus/udisks_interface.c b/gdbus/udisks_interface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9913dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/udisks_interface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7917 @@
+ * Generated by gdbus-codegen 2.52.0. DO NOT EDIT.
+ *
+ * The license of this code is the same as for the source it was derived from.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+#include "udisks_interface.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+# include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>
+typedef struct
+ GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;
+ gboolean use_gvariant;
+} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *signal_name;
+ gboolean pass_fdlist;
+} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *signal_name;
+} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *hyphen_name;
+ gboolean use_gvariant;
+} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;
+ const gchar *hyphen_name;
+} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;
+typedef struct
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ guint prop_id;
+ GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */
+} ChangedProperty;
+static void
+_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)
+ g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);
+ g_free (data);
+static gboolean
+_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ guint n;
+ if (a == NULL && b == NULL)
+ {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)
+ if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)
+ goto out;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ if (a == NULL && b == NULL)
+ {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);
+ return ret;
+G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean
+_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)
+ gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));
+ switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))
+ {
+ ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UCHAR:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT:
+ ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UINT:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_INT64:
+ ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));
+ break;
+ case G_TYPE_UINT64:
+ ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));
+ break;
+ {
+ /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */
+ gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);
+ gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);
+ ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);
+ break;
+ ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)
+ ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));
+ else
+ g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (a)));
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Code for interface org.freedesktop.UDisks
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ * SECTION:OrgFreedesktopUDisks
+ * @title: OrgFreedesktopUDisks
+ * @short_description: Generated C code for the org.freedesktop.UDisks D-Bus interface
+ *
+ * This section contains code for working with the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link> D-Bus interface in C.
+ */
+/* ---- Introspection data for org.freedesktop.UDisks ---- */
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters_OUT_ARG_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "devices",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters_OUT_ARG_devices,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_adapters_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_adapters_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_adapters_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "EnumerateAdapters",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_adapters_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-enumerate-adapters",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders_OUT_ARG_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "devices",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders_OUT_ARG_devices,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_expanders_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_expanders_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_expanders_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "EnumerateExpanders",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_expanders_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-enumerate-expanders",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports_OUT_ARG_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "devices",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports_OUT_ARG_devices,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_ports_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_ports_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_ports_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "EnumeratePorts",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_ports_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-enumerate-ports",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices_OUT_ARG_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "devices",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices_OUT_ARG_devices,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_devices_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_devices_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_devices_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "EnumerateDevices",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_devices_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-enumerate-devices",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files_OUT_ARG_device_files =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device_files",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files_OUT_ARG_device_files,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_device_files_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_device_files_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_device_files_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "EnumerateDeviceFiles",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_enumerate_device_files_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-enumerate-device-files",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_IN_ARG_device_file =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device_file",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_IN_ARG_device_file,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_OUT_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_OUT_ARG_device,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_device_file_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_device_file_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_device_file_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "FindDeviceByDeviceFile",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_device_file_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-find-device-by-device-file",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_device_major =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device_major",
+ (gchar *) "x",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_device_minor =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device_minor",
+ (gchar *) "x",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_device_major,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_device_minor,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_OUT_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_OUT_ARG_device,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_major_minor_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_major_minor_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_major_minor_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "FindDeviceByMajorMinor",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_find_device_by_major_minor_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-find-device-by-major-minor",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_options,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_OUT_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_OUT_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_inhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_inhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_inhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DriveInhibitAllPolling",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_inhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-drive-inhibit-all-polling",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DriveUninhibitAllPolling",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-drive-uninhibit-all-polling",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_timeout_seconds =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "timeout_seconds",
+ (gchar *) "i",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_timeout_seconds,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_options,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_OUT_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_OUT_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-drive-set-all-spindown-timeouts",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-drive-unset-all-spindown-timeouts",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstart_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstart_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstart_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2VGStart",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstart_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-vgstart",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstop_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstop_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstop_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2VGStop",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgstop_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-vgstop",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_name,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2VGSetName",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-vgset-name",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_physical_volume =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "physical_volume",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_physical_volume,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2VGAddPV",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-vgadd-pv",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_vg_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "vg_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_pv_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "pv_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_vg_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_pv_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-vgremove-pv",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_group_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "group_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_group_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_name,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2LVSetName",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-lvset-name",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_group_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "group_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_group_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvstart_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvstart_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvstart_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2LVStart",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvstart_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-lvstart",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_group_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "group_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_group_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_options,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvremove_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvremove_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvremove_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2LVRemove",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvremove_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-lvremove",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_group_uuid =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "group_uuid",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_size =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "size",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_num_stripes =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "num_stripes",
+ (gchar *) "u",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_stripe_size =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "stripe_size",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_num_mirrors =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "num_mirrors",
+ (gchar *) "u",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_fstype =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "fstype",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_fsoptions =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "fsoptions",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_group_uuid,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_size,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_num_stripes,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_stripe_size,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_num_mirrors,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_options,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_fstype,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_fsoptions,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_OUT_ARG_created_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "created_device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_OUT_ARG_created_device,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxLvm2LVCreate",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-lvm2-lvcreate",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_components =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "components",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_components,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_options,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_OUT_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_OUT_ARG_device,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_start_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_start_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_start_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxMdStart",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_start_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-md-start",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_components =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "components",
+ (gchar *) "ao",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_level =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "level",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_stripe_size =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "stripe_size",
+ (gchar *) "t",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_name =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "name",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_options =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "options",
+ (gchar *) "as",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_components,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_level,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_stripe_size,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_options,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_OUT_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_OUT_ARG_device,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_create_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_create_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_create_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "LinuxMdCreate",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_linux_md_create_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-linux-md-create",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit_OUT_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit_OUT_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit_OUT_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_inhibit_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_inhibit_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_inhibit_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Inhibit",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit_OUT_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_inhibit_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-inhibit",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit_IN_ARG_cookie =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "cookie",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit_IN_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit_IN_ARG_cookie,
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_uninhibit_annotation_info_0 =
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async",
+ (gchar *) "",
+static const GDBusAnnotationInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_uninhibit_annotation_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_uninhibit_annotation_info_0,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "Uninhibit",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit_IN_ARG_pointers,
+ (GDBusAnnotationInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_uninhibit_annotation_info_pointers
+ },
+ "handle-uninhibit",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_adapters,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_expanders,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_ports,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_devices,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_enumerate_device_files,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_device_file,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_find_device_by_major_minor,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_inhibit_all_polling,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_uninhibit_all_polling,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstart,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgstop,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgset_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvset_name,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvstart,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvremove,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_lvm2_lvcreate,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_start,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_linux_md_create,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_inhibit,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_uninhibit,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added_ARG_device,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DeviceAdded",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "device-added"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed_ARG_device,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DeviceRemoved",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "device-removed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed_ARG_device,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DeviceChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "device-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_device =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "device",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_in_progress =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_in_progress",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_is_cancellable =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_is_cancellable",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_id =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_id",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_num_tasks =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_num_tasks",
+ (gchar *) "i",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_cur_task",
+ (gchar *) "i",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task_id =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_cur_task_id",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task_percentage =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "job_cur_task_percentage",
+ (gchar *) "d",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_device,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_in_progress,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_is_cancellable,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_id,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_num_tasks,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task_id,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_job_cur_task_percentage,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DeviceJobChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "device-job-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added_ARG_adapter =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "adapter",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added_ARG_adapter,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "AdapterAdded",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "adapter-added"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed_ARG_adapter =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "adapter",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed_ARG_adapter,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "AdapterRemoved",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "adapter-removed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed_ARG_adapter =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "adapter",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed_ARG_adapter,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "AdapterChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "adapter-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added_ARG_expander =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "expander",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added_ARG_expander,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "ExpanderAdded",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "expander-added"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed_ARG_expander =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "expander",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed_ARG_expander,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "ExpanderRemoved",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "expander-removed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed_ARG_expander =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "expander",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed_ARG_expander,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "ExpanderChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "expander-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added_ARG_port =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "port",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added_ARG_port,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "PortAdded",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "port-added"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed_ARG_port =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "port",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed_ARG_port,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "PortRemoved",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "port-removed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed_ARG_port =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "port",
+ (gchar *) "o",
+ },
+static const _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed_ARG_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed_ARG_port,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "PortChanged",
+ (GDBusArgInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed_ARG_pointers,
+ },
+ "port-changed"
+static const _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_added,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_removed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_changed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_device_job_changed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_added,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_removed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_adapter_changed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_added,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_removed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_expander_changed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_added,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_removed,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_port_changed,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_daemon_version =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DaemonVersion",
+ (gchar *) "s",
+ },
+ "daemon-version",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_daemon_is_inhibited =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "DaemonIsInhibited",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+ "daemon-is-inhibited",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_supports_luks_devices =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "SupportsLuksDevices",
+ (gchar *) "b",
+ },
+ "supports-luks-devices",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_known_filesystems =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "KnownFilesystems",
+ (gchar *) "a(ssbbbubbbbbbbb)",
+ },
+ "known-filesystems",
+static const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo * const _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_pointers[] =
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_daemon_version,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_daemon_is_inhibited,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_supports_luks_devices,
+ &_org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_known_filesystems,
+static const _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo _org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info =
+ {
+ -1,
+ (gchar *) "org.freedesktop.UDisks",
+ (GDBusMethodInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_method_info_pointers,
+ (GDBusSignalInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_signal_info_pointers,
+ (GDBusPropertyInfo **) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_pointers,
+ },
+ "org-freedesktop-udisks",
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info:
+ *
+ * Gets a machine-readable description of the <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link> D-Bus interface.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): A #GDBusInterfaceInfo. Do not free.
+ */
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info (void)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_override_properties:
+ * @klass: The class structure for a #GObject<!-- -->-derived class.
+ * @property_id_begin: The property id to assign to the first overridden property.
+ *
+ * Overrides all #GObject properties in the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks interface for a concrete class.
+ * The properties are overridden in the order they are defined.
+ *
+ * Returns: The last property id.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin)
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "daemon-version");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "daemon-is-inhibited");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "supports-luks-devices");
+ g_object_class_override_property (klass, property_id_begin++, "known-filesystems");
+ return property_id_begin - 1;
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks:
+ *
+ * Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link>.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface:
+ * @parent_iface: The parent interface.
+ * @handle_drive_inhibit_all_polling: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-inhibit-all-polling signal.
+ * @handle_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-set-all-spindown-timeouts signal.
+ * @handle_drive_uninhibit_all_polling: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-uninhibit-all-polling signal.
+ * @handle_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-unset-all-spindown-timeouts signal.
+ * @handle_enumerate_adapters: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-adapters signal.
+ * @handle_enumerate_device_files: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-device-files signal.
+ * @handle_enumerate_devices: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-devices signal.
+ * @handle_enumerate_expanders: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-expanders signal.
+ * @handle_enumerate_ports: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-ports signal.
+ * @handle_find_device_by_device_file: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-find-device-by-device-file signal.
+ * @handle_find_device_by_major_minor: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-find-device-by-major-minor signal.
+ * @handle_inhibit: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-inhibit signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_lvcreate: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvcreate signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_lvremove: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvremove signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_lvset_name: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvset-name signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_lvstart: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvstart signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgadd-pv signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgremove-pv signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_vgset_name: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgset-name signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_vgstart: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgstart signal.
+ * @handle_linux_lvm2_vgstop: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgstop signal.
+ * @handle_linux_md_create: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-md-create signal.
+ * @handle_linux_md_start: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-md-start signal.
+ * @handle_uninhibit: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-uninhibit signal.
+ * @get_daemon_is_inhibited: Getter for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks:daemon-is-inhibited property.
+ * @get_daemon_version: Getter for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks:daemon-version property.
+ * @get_known_filesystems: Getter for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks:known-filesystems property.
+ * @get_supports_luks_devices: Getter for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks:supports-luks-devices property.
+ * @adapter_added: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-added signal.
+ * @adapter_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-changed signal.
+ * @adapter_removed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-removed signal.
+ * @device_added: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-added signal.
+ * @device_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-changed signal.
+ * @device_job_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-job-changed signal.
+ * @device_removed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-removed signal.
+ * @expander_added: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-added signal.
+ * @expander_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-changed signal.
+ * @expander_removed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-removed signal.
+ * @port_added: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-added signal.
+ * @port_changed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-changed signal.
+ * @port_removed: Handler for the #OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-removed signal.
+ *
+ * Virtual table for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link>.
+ */
+typedef OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface OrgFreedesktopUDisksInterface;
+G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (OrgFreedesktopUDisks, org_freedesktop_udisks, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_default_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface *iface)
+ /* GObject signals for incoming D-Bus method calls: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-adapters:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateAdapters">EnumerateAdapters()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_adapters() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-enumerate-adapters",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_enumerate_adapters),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-expanders:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateExpanders">EnumerateExpanders()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_expanders() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-enumerate-expanders",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_enumerate_expanders),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-ports:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumeratePorts">EnumeratePorts()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_ports() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-enumerate-ports",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_enumerate_ports),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-devices:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDevices">EnumerateDevices()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_devices() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-enumerate-devices",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_enumerate_devices),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-enumerate-device-files:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDeviceFiles">EnumerateDeviceFiles()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_device_files() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-enumerate-device-files",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_enumerate_device_files),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-find-device-by-device-file:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_device_file: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByDeviceFile">FindDeviceByDeviceFile()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_device_file() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-find-device-by-device-file",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_find_device_by_device_file),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-find-device-by-major-minor:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_device_major: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_device_minor: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByMajorMinor">FindDeviceByMajorMinor()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_major_minor() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-find-device-by-major-minor",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_find_device_by_major_minor),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-inhibit-all-polling:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveInhibitAllPolling">DriveInhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_inhibit_all_polling() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-drive-inhibit-all-polling",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_drive_inhibit_all_polling),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-uninhibit-all-polling:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUninhibitAllPolling">DriveUninhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_uninhibit_all_polling() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-drive-uninhibit-all-polling",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_drive_uninhibit_all_polling),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-set-all-spindown-timeouts:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_timeout_seconds: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-drive-set-all-spindown-timeouts",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-drive-unset-all-spindown-timeouts:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-drive-unset-all-spindown-timeouts",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgstart:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStart">LinuxLvm2VGStart()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstart() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-vgstart",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_vgstart),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgstop:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStop">LinuxLvm2VGStop()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstop() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-vgstop",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_vgstop),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgset-name:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGSetName">LinuxLvm2VGSetName()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgset_name() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-vgset-name",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_vgset_name),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgadd-pv:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_physical_volume: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGAddPV">LinuxLvm2VGAddPV()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-vgadd-pv",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-vgremove-pv:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_vg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_pv_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV">LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-vgremove-pv",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvset-name:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVSetName">LinuxLvm2LVSetName()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvset_name() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-lvset-name",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_lvset_name),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvstart:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVStart">LinuxLvm2LVStart()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvstart() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-lvstart",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_lvstart),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvremove:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVRemove">LinuxLvm2LVRemove()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvremove() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-lvremove",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_lvremove),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 4,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-lvm2-lvcreate:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_size: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_num_stripes: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_num_mirrors: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_fstype: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_fsoptions: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVCreate">LinuxLvm2LVCreate()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvcreate() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-lvm2-lvcreate",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_lvm2_lvcreate),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 10,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-md-start:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_components: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdStart">LinuxMdStart()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_start() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-md-start",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_md_start),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 3,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-linux-md-create:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_components: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_level: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_name: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ * @arg_options: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdCreate">LinuxMdCreate()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_create() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-linux-md-create",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_linux_md_create),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 6,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-inhibit:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Inhibit">Inhibit()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_inhibit() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-inhibit",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_inhibit),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 1,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::handle-uninhibit:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument passed by remote caller.
+ *
+ * Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</link> D-Bus method.
+ *
+ * If a signal handler returns %TRUE, it means the signal handler will handle the invocation (e.g. take a reference to @invocation and eventually call org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_uninhibit() or e.g. g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() on it) and no order signal handlers will run. If no signal handler handles the invocation, the %G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the invocation was handled, %FALSE to let other signal handlers run.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("handle-uninhibit",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, handle_uninhibit),
+ g_signal_accumulator_true_handled,
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ 2,
+ /* GObject signals for received D-Bus signals: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceAdded">"DeviceAdded"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("device-added",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, device_added),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceRemoved">"DeviceRemoved"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("device-removed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, device_removed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceChanged">"DeviceChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("device-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, device_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::device-job-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_in_progress: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_is_cancellable: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_id: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_num_tasks: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task_id: Argument.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task_percentage: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceJobChanged">"DeviceJobChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("device-job-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, device_job_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterAdded">"AdapterAdded"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("adapter-added",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, adapter_added),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterRemoved">"AdapterRemoved"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("adapter-removed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, adapter_removed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::adapter-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterChanged">"AdapterChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("adapter-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, adapter_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderAdded">"ExpanderAdded"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("expander-added",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, expander_added),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderRemoved">"ExpanderRemoved"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("expander-removed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, expander_removed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::expander-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderChanged">"ExpanderChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("expander-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, expander_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortAdded">"PortAdded"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("port-added",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, port_added),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortRemoved">"PortRemoved"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("port-removed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, port_removed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks::port-changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument.
+ *
+ * On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortChanged">"PortChanged"</link> is received.
+ *
+ * On the service-side, this signal can be used with e.g. g_signal_emit_by_name() to make the object emit the D-Bus signal.
+ */
+ g_signal_new ("port-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface, port_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_generic,
+ /* GObject properties for D-Bus properties: */
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks:daemon-version:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonVersion">"DaemonVersion"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_string ("daemon-version", "DaemonVersion", "DaemonVersion", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks:daemon-is-inhibited:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonIsInhibited">"DaemonIsInhibited"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("daemon-is-inhibited", "DaemonIsInhibited", "DaemonIsInhibited", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks:supports-luks-devices:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.SupportsLuksDevices">"SupportsLuksDevices"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("supports-luks-devices", "SupportsLuksDevices", "SupportsLuksDevices", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ /**
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisks:known-filesystems:
+ *
+ * Represents the D-Bus property <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.KnownFilesystems">"KnownFilesystems"</link>.
+ *
+ * Since the D-Bus property for this #GObject property is readable but not writable, it is meaningful to read from it on both the client- and service-side. It is only meaningful, however, to write to it on the service-side.
+ */
+ g_object_interface_install_property (iface,
+ g_param_spec_variant ("known-filesystems", "KnownFilesystems", "KnownFilesystems", G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(ssbbbubbbbbbbb)"), NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_version: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonVersion">"DaemonVersion"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * <warning>The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the client-side it is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_daemon_version() if on another thread.</warning>
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.
+ */
+const gchar *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ return ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_GET_IFACE (object)->get_daemon_version (object);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_daemon_version: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets a copy of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonVersion">"DaemonVersion"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. The returned value should be freed with g_free().
+ */
+gchar *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ gchar *value;
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "daemon-version", &value, NULL);
+ return value;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_version: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonVersion">"DaemonVersion"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, const gchar *value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "daemon-version", value, NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_is_inhibited: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonIsInhibited">"DaemonIsInhibited"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: The property value.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ return ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_GET_IFACE (object)->get_daemon_is_inhibited (object);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_is_inhibited: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DaemonIsInhibited">"DaemonIsInhibited"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, gboolean value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "daemon-is-inhibited", value, NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_get_supports_luks_devices: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.SupportsLuksDevices">"SupportsLuksDevices"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: The property value.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_get_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ return ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_GET_IFACE (object)->get_supports_luks_devices (object);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_set_supports_luks_devices: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.SupportsLuksDevices">"SupportsLuksDevices"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_set_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, gboolean value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "supports-luks-devices", value, NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_get_known_filesystems: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.KnownFilesystems">"KnownFilesystems"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * <warning>The returned value is only valid until the property changes so on the client-side it is only safe to use this function on the thread where @object was constructed. Use org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_known_filesystems() if on another thread.</warning>
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. Do not free the returned value, it belongs to @object.
+ */
+GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_get_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ return ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_GET_IFACE (object)->get_known_filesystems (object);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_known_filesystems: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ *
+ * Gets a copy of the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.KnownFilesystems">"KnownFilesystems"</link> D-Bus property.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is readable, it is meaningful to use this function on both the client- and service-side.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): The property value or %NULL if the property is not set. The returned value should be freed with g_variant_unref().
+ */
+GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ GVariant *value;
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (object), "known-filesystems", &value, NULL);
+ return value;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_set_known_filesystems: (skip)
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @value: The value to set.
+ *
+ * Sets the <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-UDisks.KnownFilesystems">"KnownFilesystems"</link> D-Bus property to @value.
+ *
+ * Since this D-Bus property is not writable, it is only meaningful to use this function on the service-side.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_set_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, GVariant *value)
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (object), "known-filesystems", value, NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceAdded">"DeviceAdded"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "device-added", arg_device);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceRemoved">"DeviceRemoved"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "device-removed", arg_device);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceChanged">"DeviceChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "device-changed", arg_device);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_job_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_device: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_in_progress: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_is_cancellable: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_id: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_num_tasks: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task_id: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ * @arg_job_cur_task_percentage: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DeviceJobChanged">"DeviceJobChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_job_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device,
+ gboolean arg_job_in_progress,
+ gboolean arg_job_is_cancellable,
+ const gchar *arg_job_id,
+ gint arg_job_num_tasks,
+ gint arg_job_cur_task,
+ const gchar *arg_job_cur_task_id,
+ gdouble arg_job_cur_task_percentage)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "device-job-changed", arg_device, arg_job_in_progress, arg_job_is_cancellable, arg_job_id, arg_job_num_tasks, arg_job_cur_task, arg_job_cur_task_id, arg_job_cur_task_percentage);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterAdded">"AdapterAdded"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "adapter-added", arg_adapter);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterRemoved">"AdapterRemoved"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "adapter-removed", arg_adapter);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_adapter: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.AdapterChanged">"AdapterChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "adapter-changed", arg_adapter);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderAdded">"ExpanderAdded"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "expander-added", arg_expander);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderRemoved">"ExpanderRemoved"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "expander-removed", arg_expander);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_expander: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.ExpanderChanged">"ExpanderChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "expander-changed", arg_expander);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_added:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortAdded">"PortAdded"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "port-added", arg_port);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_removed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortRemoved">"PortRemoved"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "port-removed", arg_port);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_changed:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @arg_port: Argument to pass with the signal.
+ *
+ * Emits the <link linkend="gdbus-signal-org-freedesktop-UDisks.PortChanged">"PortChanged"</link> D-Bus signal.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ g_signal_emit_by_name (object, "port-changed", arg_port);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateAdapters">EnumerateAdapters()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateAdapters",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateAdapters">EnumerateAdapters()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateAdapters",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateExpanders">EnumerateExpanders()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateExpanders",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateExpanders">EnumerateExpanders()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateExpanders",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumeratePorts">EnumeratePorts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumeratePorts",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumeratePorts">EnumeratePorts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumeratePorts",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDevices">EnumerateDevices()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateDevices",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_devices: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDevices">EnumerateDevices()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateDevices",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^ao)",
+ out_devices);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDeviceFiles">EnumerateDeviceFiles()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateDeviceFiles",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device_files: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_device_files,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^as)",
+ out_device_files);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device_files: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDeviceFiles">EnumerateDeviceFiles()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_device_files,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "EnumerateDeviceFiles",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(^as)",
+ out_device_files);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_device_file: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByDeviceFile">FindDeviceByDeviceFile()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_device_file,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "FindDeviceByDeviceFile",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_device_file),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_device_file: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByDeviceFile">FindDeviceByDeviceFile()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_device_file,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "FindDeviceByDeviceFile",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_device_file),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_device_major: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_device_minor: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByMajorMinor">FindDeviceByMajorMinor()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint64 arg_device_major,
+ gint64 arg_device_minor,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "FindDeviceByMajorMinor",
+ g_variant_new ("(xx)",
+ arg_device_major,
+ arg_device_minor),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_device_major: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_device_minor: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByMajorMinor">FindDeviceByMajorMinor()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint64 arg_device_major,
+ gint64 arg_device_minor,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "FindDeviceByMajorMinor",
+ g_variant_new ("(xx)",
+ arg_device_major,
+ arg_device_minor),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveInhibitAllPolling">DriveInhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveInhibitAllPolling",
+ g_variant_new ("(^as)",
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveInhibitAllPolling">DriveInhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveInhibitAllPolling",
+ g_variant_new ("(^as)",
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUninhibitAllPolling">DriveUninhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveUninhibitAllPolling",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUninhibitAllPolling">DriveUninhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveUninhibitAllPolling",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_timeout_seconds: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint arg_timeout_seconds,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ g_variant_new ("(i^as)",
+ arg_timeout_seconds,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_timeout_seconds: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint arg_timeout_seconds,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ g_variant_new ("(i^as)",
+ arg_timeout_seconds,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStart">LinuxLvm2VGStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(s^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStart">LinuxLvm2VGStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(s^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStop">LinuxLvm2VGStop()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGStop",
+ g_variant_new ("(s^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStop">LinuxLvm2VGStop()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGStop",
+ g_variant_new ("(s^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGSetName">LinuxLvm2VGSetName()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGSetName",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGSetName">LinuxLvm2VGSetName()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGSetName",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_physical_volume: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGAddPV">LinuxLvm2VGAddPV()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_physical_volume,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGAddPV",
+ g_variant_new ("(so^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_physical_volume,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_physical_volume: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGAddPV">LinuxLvm2VGAddPV()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_physical_volume,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGAddPV",
+ g_variant_new ("(so^as)",
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_physical_volume,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_vg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_pv_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV">LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_vg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_pv_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_vg_uuid,
+ arg_pv_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_vg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_pv_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV">LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_vg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_pv_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_vg_uuid,
+ arg_pv_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVSetName">LinuxLvm2LVSetName()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVSetName",
+ g_variant_new ("(sss)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVSetName">LinuxLvm2LVSetName()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVSetName",
+ g_variant_new ("(sss)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_name),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVStart">LinuxLvm2LVStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVStart">LinuxLvm2LVStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVRemove">LinuxLvm2LVRemove()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVRemove",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVRemove">LinuxLvm2LVRemove()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVRemove",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_uuid,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_num_stripes: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_num_mirrors: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_fstype: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_fsoptions: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVCreate">LinuxLvm2LVCreate()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ guint64 arg_size,
+ guint arg_num_stripes,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ guint arg_num_mirrors,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ const gchar *arg_fstype,
+ const gchar *const *arg_fsoptions,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVCreate",
+ g_variant_new ("(sstutu^ass^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_name,
+ arg_size,
+ arg_num_stripes,
+ arg_stripe_size,
+ arg_num_mirrors,
+ arg_options,
+ arg_fstype,
+ arg_fsoptions),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_created_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_created_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_created_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_group_uuid: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_num_stripes: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_num_mirrors: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_fstype: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_fsoptions: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_created_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVCreate">LinuxLvm2LVCreate()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ guint64 arg_size,
+ guint arg_num_stripes,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ guint arg_num_mirrors,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ const gchar *arg_fstype,
+ const gchar *const *arg_fsoptions,
+ gchar **out_created_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxLvm2LVCreate",
+ g_variant_new ("(sstutu^ass^as)",
+ arg_group_uuid,
+ arg_name,
+ arg_size,
+ arg_num_stripes,
+ arg_stripe_size,
+ arg_num_mirrors,
+ arg_options,
+ arg_fstype,
+ arg_fsoptions),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_created_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_components: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdStart">LinuxMdStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxMdStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao^as)",
+ arg_components,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_components: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdStart">LinuxMdStart()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxMdStart",
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao^as)",
+ arg_components,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_components: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_level: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdCreate">LinuxMdCreate()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *arg_level,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxMdCreate",
+ g_variant_new ("(^aosts^as)",
+ arg_components,
+ arg_level,
+ arg_stripe_size,
+ arg_name,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_components: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_level: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_stripe_size: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_name: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @arg_options: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @out_device: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdCreate">LinuxMdCreate()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *arg_level,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "LinuxMdCreate",
+ g_variant_new ("(^aosts^as)",
+ arg_components,
+ arg_level,
+ arg_stripe_size,
+ arg_name,
+ arg_options),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(o)",
+ out_device);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Inhibit">Inhibit()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Inhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @out_cookie: (out): Return location for return parameter or %NULL to ignore.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Inhibit">Inhibit()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Inhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "(s)",
+ out_cookie);
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy.
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this method.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Uninhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ callback,
+ user_data);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_finish:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit().
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), res, error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_sync:
+ * @proxy: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ * @arg_cookie: Argument to pass with the method invocation.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL.
+ *
+ * Synchronously invokes the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</link> D-Bus method on @proxy. The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit() for the asynchronous version of this method.
+ *
+ * Returns: (skip): %TRUE if the call succeded, %FALSE if @error is set.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy),
+ "Uninhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ arg_cookie),
+ -1,
+ cancellable,
+ error);
+ if (_ret == NULL)
+ goto _out;
+ g_variant_get (_ret,
+ "()");
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ return _ret != NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_adapters:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @devices: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateAdapters">EnumerateAdapters()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_adapters (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao)",
+ devices));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_expanders:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @devices: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateExpanders">EnumerateExpanders()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_expanders (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao)",
+ devices));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_ports:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @devices: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumeratePorts">EnumeratePorts()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_ports (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao)",
+ devices));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_devices:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @devices: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDevices">EnumerateDevices()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_devices (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(^ao)",
+ devices));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_device_files:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @device_files: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.EnumerateDeviceFiles">EnumerateDeviceFiles()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_device_files (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *device_files)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(^as)",
+ device_files));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_device_file:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @device: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByDeviceFile">FindDeviceByDeviceFile()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_device_file (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ device));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_major_minor:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @device: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.FindDeviceByMajorMinor">FindDeviceByMajorMinor()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_major_minor (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ device));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_inhibit_all_polling:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @cookie: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveInhibitAllPolling">DriveInhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_inhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ cookie));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_uninhibit_all_polling:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUninhibitAllPolling">DriveUninhibitAllPolling()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_uninhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @cookie: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveSetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ cookie));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts">DriveUnsetAllSpindownTimeouts()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstart:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStart">LinuxLvm2VGStart()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstop:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGStop">LinuxLvm2VGStop()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstop (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgset_name:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGSetName">LinuxLvm2VGSetName()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGAddPV">LinuxLvm2VGAddPV()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV">LinuxLvm2VGRemovePV()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvset_name:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVSetName">LinuxLvm2LVSetName()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvstart:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVStart">LinuxLvm2LVStart()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvremove:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVRemove">LinuxLvm2LVRemove()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvremove (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvcreate:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @created_device: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxLvm2LVCreate">LinuxLvm2LVCreate()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvcreate (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *created_device)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ created_device));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_start:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @device: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdStart">LinuxMdStart()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_start (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ device));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_create:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @device: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.LinuxMdCreate">LinuxMdCreate()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_create (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ device));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_inhibit:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ * @cookie: Parameter to return.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Inhibit">Inhibit()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_inhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ cookie));
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_uninhibit:
+ * @object: A #OrgFreedesktopUDisks.
+ * @invocation: (transfer full): A #GDBusMethodInvocation.
+ *
+ * Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-UDisks.Uninhibit">Uninhibit()</link> D-Bus method. If you instead want to finish handling an invocation by returning an error, use g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() or similar.
+ *
+ * This method will free @invocation, you cannot use it afterwards.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_uninhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation)
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation,
+ g_variant_new ("()"));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate
+ GData *qdata;
+static void org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy, org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS, org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy, org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy, G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS, org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (object);
+ g_datalist_clear (&proxy->priv->qdata);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 4);
+ info = _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (object), info->parent_struct.name);
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_set_variant (value, variant);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, value);
+ }
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_set_property_cb (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info = user_data;
+ GError *error;
+ GVariant *_ret;
+ error = NULL;
+ _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);
+ if (!_ret)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Error setting property '%s' on interface org.freedesktop.UDisks: %s (%s, %d)",
+ info->parent_struct.name,
+ error->message, g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_variant_unref (_ret);
+ }
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 4);
+ info = _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1];
+ variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (G_DBUS_PROXY (object),
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set",
+ g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.freedesktop.UDisks", info->parent_struct.name, variant),
+ -1,
+ NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_set_property_cb, (GDBusPropertyInfo *) &info->parent_struct);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_g_signal (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ const gchar *sender_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *signal_name,
+ GVariant *parameters)
+ _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct, signal_name);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + 1);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[0], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[0], proxy);
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ n = 1;
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.args[n - 1];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, NULL);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + 1; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_g_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *_proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar *const *invalidated_properties)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (_proxy);
+ guint n;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariantIter *iter;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ g_variant_get (changed_properties, "a{sv}", &iter);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (iter, "{&sv}", &key, NULL))
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct, key);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, key);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_free (iter);
+ for (n = 0; invalidated_properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ g_datalist_remove_data (&proxy->priv->qdata, invalidated_properties[n]);
+ if (info != NULL)
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (proxy), info->hyphen_name);
+ }
+static const gchar *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ const gchar *value = NULL;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "DaemonVersion");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ gboolean value = 0;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "DaemonIsInhibited");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_boolean (variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ gboolean value = 0;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "SupportsLuksDevices");
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ {
+ value = g_variant_get_boolean (variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ }
+ return value;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (object);
+ GVariant *variant;
+ GVariant *value = NULL;
+ variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), "KnownFilesystems");
+ value = variant;
+ if (variant != NULL)
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ return value;
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy *proxy)
+ proxy->priv = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_instance_private (proxy);
+ proxy->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (proxy, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY, OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate);
+ g_dbus_proxy_set_interface_info (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info ());
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_class_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusProxyClass *proxy_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_set_property;
+ proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (klass);
+ proxy_class->g_signal = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_g_signal;
+ proxy_class->g_properties_changed = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_g_properties_changed;
+ org_freedesktop_udisks_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface *iface)
+ iface->get_daemon_version = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_daemon_version;
+ iface->get_daemon_is_inhibited = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_daemon_is_inhibited;
+ iface->get_supports_luks_devices = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_supports_luks_devices;
+ iface->get_known_filesystems = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_known_filesystems;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Asynchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new() for more details.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.UDisks", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_sync:
+ * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: (allow-none): A bus name (well-known or unique) or %NULL if @connection is not a message bus connection.
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Synchronously creates a proxy for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link>. See g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() for more details.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-connection", connection, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.UDisks", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @callback: A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.
+ * @user_data: User data to pass to @callback.
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked in the <link linkend="g-main-context-push-thread-default">thread-default main loop</link> of the thread you are calling this method from.
+ * You can then call org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_finish() to get the result of the operation.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() for the synchronous, blocking version of this constructor.
+ */
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_async_initable_new_async (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable, callback, user_data, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.UDisks", NULL);
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_finish:
+ * @res: The #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started with org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus().
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error)
+ GObject *ret;
+ GObject *source_object;
+ source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
+ ret = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object), res, error);
+ g_object_unref (source_object);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_sync:
+ * @bus_type: A #GBusType.
+ * @flags: Flags from the #GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
+ * @name: A bus name (well-known or unique).
+ * @object_path: An object path.
+ * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
+ * @error: Return location for error or %NULL
+ *
+ * Like org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_sync() but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
+ *
+ * The calling thread is blocked until a reply is received.
+ *
+ * See org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus() for the asynchronous version of this constructor.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy): The constructed proxy object or %NULL if @error is set.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ GInitable *ret;
+ ret = g_initable_new (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY, cancellable, error, "g-flags", flags, "g-name", name, "g-bus-type", bus_type, "g-object-path", object_path, "g-interface-name", "org.freedesktop.UDisks", NULL);
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ else
+ return NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton:
+ *
+ * The #OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.
+ */
+ * OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonClass:
+ * @parent_class: The parent class.
+ *
+ * Class structure for #OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton.
+ */
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate
+ GValue *properties;
+ GList *changed_properties;
+ GSource *changed_properties_idle_source;
+ GMainContext *context;
+ GMutex lock;
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_method_call (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name,
+ const gchar *method_name,
+ GVariant *parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (user_data);
+ _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *info;
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ GVariant *child;
+ GValue *paramv;
+ gsize num_params;
+ guint num_extra;
+ gsize n;
+ guint signal_id;
+ GValue return_value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo *) g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ num_params = g_variant_n_children (parameters);
+ num_extra = info->pass_fdlist ? 3 : 2; paramv = g_new0 (GValue, num_params + num_extra);
+ n = 0;
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], skeleton);
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], invocation);
+ if (info->pass_fdlist)
+ {
+#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_UNIX_FD_LIST);
+ g_value_set_object (&paramv[n++], g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)));
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, parameters);
+ while ((child = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter)) != NULL)
+ {
+ _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *arg_info = (_ExtendedGDBusArgInfo *) info->parent_struct.in_args[n - num_extra];
+ if (arg_info->use_gvariant)
+ {
+ g_value_init (&paramv[n], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&paramv[n], child);
+ n++;
+ }
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (child, &paramv[n++]);
+ g_variant_unref (child);
+ }
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup (info->signal_name, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS);
+ g_value_init (&return_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_signal_emitv (paramv, signal_id, 0, &return_value);
+ if (!g_value_get_boolean (&return_value))
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Method %s is not implemented on interface %s", method_name, interface_name);
+ g_value_unset (&return_value);
+ for (n = 0; n < num_params + num_extra; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&paramv[n]);
+ g_free (paramv);
+static GVariant *
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_get_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ GVariant *ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ ret = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (&value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_set_property (
+ GDBusConnection *connection G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *sender G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *object_path G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *interface_name G_GNUC_UNUSED,
+ const gchar *property_name,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ GError **error,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ GParamSpec *pspec;
+ _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;
+ gboolean ret;
+ ret = FALSE;
+ info = (_ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *) g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property ((GDBusInterfaceInfo *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct, property_name);
+ g_assert (info != NULL);
+ pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (skeleton), info->hyphen_name);
+ if (pspec == NULL)
+ {
+ g_set_error (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "No property with name %s", property_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (info->use_gvariant)
+ g_value_set_variant (&value, variant);
+ else
+ g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue (variant, &value);
+ g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (skeleton), info->hyphen_name, &value);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable _org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_vtable =
+ _org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_method_call,
+ _org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_get_property,
+ _org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_set_property,
+ {NULL}
+static GDBusInterfaceInfo *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info ();
+static GDBusInterfaceVTable *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *skeleton G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ return (GDBusInterfaceVTable *) &_org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_vtable;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ guint n;
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ if (_org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct.properties == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ for (n = 0; _org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n] != NULL; n++)
+ {
+ GDBusPropertyInfo *info = _org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info.parent_struct.properties[n];
+ {
+ GVariant *value;
+ value = _org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_handle_get_property (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", info->name, NULL, skeleton);
+ if (value != NULL)
+ {
+ g_variant_take_ref (value);
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", info->name, value);
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
+static gboolean _org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_changed (gpointer user_data);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton *_skeleton)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (_skeleton);
+ gboolean emit_changed = FALSE;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ {
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;
+ emit_changed = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (emit_changed)
+ _org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_changed (skeleton);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_device));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "DeviceAdded",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_device));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "DeviceRemoved",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_device));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "DeviceChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_job_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device,
+ gboolean arg_job_in_progress,
+ gboolean arg_job_is_cancellable,
+ const gchar *arg_job_id,
+ gint arg_job_num_tasks,
+ gint arg_job_cur_task,
+ const gchar *arg_job_cur_task_id,
+ gdouble arg_job_cur_task_percentage)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(obbsiisd)",
+ arg_device,
+ arg_job_in_progress,
+ arg_job_is_cancellable,
+ arg_job_id,
+ arg_job_num_tasks,
+ arg_job_cur_task,
+ arg_job_cur_task_id,
+ arg_job_cur_task_percentage));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "DeviceJobChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_adapter));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "AdapterAdded",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_adapter));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "AdapterRemoved",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_adapter));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "AdapterChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_expander));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "ExpanderAdded",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_expander));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "ExpanderRemoved",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_expander));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "ExpanderChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_port));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "PortAdded",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_port));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "PortRemoved",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GList *connections, *l;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(o)",
+ arg_port));
+ for (l = connections; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = l->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)), "org.freedesktop.UDisks", "PortChanged",
+ signal_variant, NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+static void org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface *iface);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton, org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_ADD_PRIVATE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton)
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS, org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_iface_init));
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton, org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton, G_TYPE_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON,
+ G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS, org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_iface_init));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_finalize (GObject *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ guint n;
+ for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ g_value_unset (&skeleton->priv->properties[n]);
+ g_free (skeleton->priv->properties);
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source != NULL)
+ g_source_destroy (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ g_main_context_unref (skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_mutex_clear (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 4);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_value_copy (&skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1], value);
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+static gboolean
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_changed (gpointer user_data)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (user_data);
+ GList *l;
+ GVariantBuilder builder;
+ GVariantBuilder invalidated_builder;
+ guint num_changes;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
+ g_variant_builder_init (&invalidated_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));
+ for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties, num_changes = 0; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ ChangedProperty *cp = l->data;
+ GVariant *variant;
+ const GValue *cur_value;
+ cur_value = &skeleton->priv->properties[cp->prop_id - 1];
+ if (!_g_value_equal (cur_value, &cp->orig_value))
+ {
+ variant = g_dbus_gvalue_to_gvariant (cur_value, G_VARIANT_TYPE (cp->info->parent_struct.signature));
+ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", cp->info->parent_struct.name, variant);
+ g_variant_unref (variant);
+ num_changes++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_changes > 0)
+ {
+ GList *connections, *ll;
+ GVariant *signal_variant;
+ signal_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("(sa{sv}as)", "org.freedesktop.UDisks",
+ &builder, &invalidated_builder));
+ connections = g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connections (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton));
+ for (ll = connections; ll != NULL; ll = ll->next)
+ {
+ GDBusConnection *connection = ll->data;
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ NULL, g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_object_path (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)),
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
+ "PropertiesChanged",
+ signal_variant,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ g_variant_unref (signal_variant);
+ g_list_free_full (connections, g_object_unref);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);
+ g_variant_builder_clear (&invalidated_builder);
+ }
+ g_list_free_full (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, (GDestroyNotify) _changed_property_free);
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties = NULL;
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = NULL;
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+_org_freedesktop_udisks_schedule_emit_changed (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton, const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info, guint prop_id, const GValue *orig_value)
+ ChangedProperty *cp;
+ GList *l;
+ cp = NULL;
+ for (l = skeleton->priv->changed_properties; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ ChangedProperty *i_cp = l->data;
+ if (i_cp->info == info)
+ {
+ cp = i_cp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cp == NULL)
+ {
+ cp = g_new0 (ChangedProperty, 1);
+ cp->prop_id = prop_id;
+ cp->info = info;
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties = g_list_prepend (skeleton->priv->changed_properties, cp);
+ g_value_init (&cp->orig_value, G_VALUE_TYPE (orig_value));
+ g_value_copy (orig_value, &cp->orig_value);
+ }
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_notify (GObject *object,
+ GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ if (skeleton->priv->changed_properties != NULL &&
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source == NULL)
+ {
+ skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source = g_idle_source_new ();
+ g_source_set_priority (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
+ g_source_set_callback (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, _org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_changed, g_object_ref (skeleton), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+ g_source_set_name (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, "[generated] _org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_changed");
+ g_source_attach (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source, skeleton->priv->context);
+ g_source_unref (skeleton->priv->changed_properties_idle_source);
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ g_assert (prop_id != 0 && prop_id - 1 < 4);
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_object_freeze_notify (object);
+ if (!_g_value_equal (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]))
+ {
+ if (g_dbus_interface_skeleton_get_connection (G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON (skeleton)) != NULL)
+ _org_freedesktop_udisks_schedule_emit_changed (skeleton, _org_freedesktop_udisks_property_info_pointers[prop_id - 1], prop_id, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);
+ g_value_copy (value, &skeleton->priv->properties[prop_id - 1]);
+ g_object_notify_by_pspec (object, pspec);
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ g_object_thaw_notify (object);
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton)
+ skeleton->priv = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_instance_private (skeleton);
+ skeleton->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (skeleton, TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON, OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate);
+ g_mutex_init (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ skeleton->priv->context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
+ skeleton->priv->properties = g_new0 (GValue, 4);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[0], G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[1], G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[2], G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+ g_value_init (&skeleton->priv->properties[3], G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+static const gchar *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ const gchar *value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_string (&(skeleton->priv->properties[0]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ gboolean value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_boolean (&(skeleton->priv->properties[1]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static gboolean
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ gboolean value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_boolean (&(skeleton->priv->properties[2]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static GVariant *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object)
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton *skeleton = ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (object);
+ GVariant *value;
+ g_mutex_lock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ value = g_value_get_variant (&(skeleton->priv->properties[3]));
+ g_mutex_unlock (&skeleton->priv->lock);
+ return value;
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_class_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass *skeleton_class;
+ gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_finalize;
+ gobject_class->get_property = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_set_property;
+ gobject_class->notify = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_notify;
+ org_freedesktop_udisks_override_properties (gobject_class, 1);
+ skeleton_class = G_DBUS_INTERFACE_SKELETON_CLASS (klass);
+ skeleton_class->get_info = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_info;
+ skeleton_class->get_properties = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_properties;
+ skeleton_class->flush = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_flush;
+ skeleton_class->get_vtable = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_dbus_interface_get_vtable;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate));
+static void
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_iface_init (OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface *iface)
+ iface->device_added = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_added;
+ iface->device_removed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_removed;
+ iface->device_changed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_changed;
+ iface->device_job_changed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_device_job_changed;
+ iface->adapter_added = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_added;
+ iface->adapter_removed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_removed;
+ iface->adapter_changed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_adapter_changed;
+ iface->expander_added = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_added;
+ iface->expander_removed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_removed;
+ iface->expander_changed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_expander_changed;
+ iface->port_added = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_added;
+ iface->port_removed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_removed;
+ iface->port_changed = _org_freedesktop_udisks_on_signal_port_changed;
+ iface->get_daemon_version = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_daemon_version;
+ iface->get_daemon_is_inhibited = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_daemon_is_inhibited;
+ iface->get_supports_luks_devices = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_supports_luks_devices;
+ iface->get_known_filesystems = org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_known_filesystems;
+ * org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a skeleton object for the D-Bus interface <link linkend="gdbus-interface-org-freedesktop-UDisks.top_of_page">org.freedesktop.UDisks</link>.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton): The skeleton object.
+ */
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *
+org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_new (void)
diff --git a/gdbus/udisks_interface.h b/gdbus/udisks_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf7835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdbus/udisks_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+ * Generated by gdbus-codegen 2.52.0. DO NOT EDIT.
+ *
+ * The license of this code is the same as for the source it was derived from.
+ */
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Declarations for org.freedesktop.UDisks */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS (org_freedesktop_udisks_get_type ())
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisks;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisks OrgFreedesktopUDisks;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksIface
+ GTypeInterface parent_iface;
+ gboolean (*handle_drive_inhibit_all_polling) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gint arg_timeout_seconds,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_drive_uninhibit_all_polling) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie);
+ gboolean (*handle_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie);
+ gboolean (*handle_enumerate_adapters) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_enumerate_device_files) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_enumerate_devices) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_enumerate_expanders) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_enumerate_ports) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_find_device_by_device_file) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_device_file);
+ gboolean (*handle_find_device_by_major_minor) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ gint64 arg_device_major,
+ gint64 arg_device_minor);
+ gboolean (*handle_inhibit) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_lvcreate) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ guint64 arg_size,
+ guint arg_num_stripes,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ guint arg_num_mirrors,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ const gchar *arg_fstype,
+ const gchar *const *arg_fsoptions);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_lvremove) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_lvset_name) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_lvstart) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_physical_volume,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_vg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_pv_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_vgset_name) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_vgstart) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_lvm2_vgstop) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_md_create) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *arg_level,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_linux_md_start) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options);
+ gboolean (*handle_uninhibit) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie);
+ gboolean (*get_daemon_is_inhibited) (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+ const gchar * (*get_daemon_version) (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+ GVariant * (*get_known_filesystems) (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+ gboolean (*get_supports_luks_devices) (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+ void (*adapter_added) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+ void (*adapter_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+ void (*adapter_removed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+ void (*device_added) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+ void (*device_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+ void (*device_job_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device,
+ gboolean arg_job_in_progress,
+ gboolean arg_job_is_cancellable,
+ const gchar *arg_job_id,
+ gint arg_job_num_tasks,
+ gint arg_job_cur_task,
+ const gchar *arg_job_cur_task_id,
+ gdouble arg_job_cur_task_percentage);
+ void (*device_removed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+ void (*expander_added) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+ void (*expander_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+ void (*expander_removed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+ void (*port_added) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+ void (*port_changed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+ void (*port_removed) (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+GType org_freedesktop_udisks_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GDBusInterfaceInfo *org_freedesktop_udisks_interface_info (void);
+guint org_freedesktop_udisks_override_properties (GObjectClass *klass, guint property_id_begin);
+/* D-Bus method call completion functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_adapters (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_expanders (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_ports (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_devices (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *devices);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_enumerate_device_files (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *const *device_files);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_device_file (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_find_device_by_major_minor (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_inhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_uninhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgstop (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvremove (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_lvm2_lvcreate (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *created_device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_start (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_linux_md_create (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_inhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
+ const gchar *cookie);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_complete_uninhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation);
+/* D-Bus signal emissions functions: */
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_device_job_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_device,
+ gboolean arg_job_in_progress,
+ gboolean arg_job_is_cancellable,
+ const gchar *arg_job_id,
+ gint arg_job_num_tasks,
+ gint arg_job_cur_task,
+ const gchar *arg_job_cur_task_id,
+ gdouble arg_job_cur_task_percentage);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_adapter_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_adapter);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_expander_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_expander);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_added (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_removed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_emit_port_changed (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object,
+ const gchar *arg_port);
+/* D-Bus method calls: */
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_adapters_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_expanders_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_ports_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_devices_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_devices,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_device_files,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_enumerate_device_files_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar ***out_device_files,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_device_file,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_device_file_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_device_file,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint64 arg_device_major,
+ gint64 arg_device_minor,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_find_device_by_major_minor_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint64 arg_device_major,
+ gint64 arg_device_minor,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_inhibit_all_polling_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_uninhibit_all_polling_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint arg_timeout_seconds,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gint arg_timeout_seconds,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstart_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgstop_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgset_name_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_physical_volume,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_physical_volume,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_vg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_pv_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_vg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_pv_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvset_name_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvstart_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvremove_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_uuid,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ guint64 arg_size,
+ guint arg_num_stripes,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ guint arg_num_mirrors,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ const gchar *arg_fstype,
+ const gchar *const *arg_fsoptions,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_created_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_lvm2_lvcreate_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_group_uuid,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ guint64 arg_size,
+ guint arg_num_stripes,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ guint arg_num_mirrors,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ const gchar *arg_fstype,
+ const gchar *const *arg_fsoptions,
+ gchar **out_created_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_start_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *arg_level,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_linux_md_create_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *const *arg_components,
+ const gchar *arg_level,
+ guint64 arg_stripe_size,
+ const gchar *arg_name,
+ const gchar *const *arg_options,
+ gchar **out_device,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_inhibit_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ gchar **out_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_finish (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_call_uninhibit_sync (
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *proxy,
+ const gchar *arg_cookie,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* D-Bus property accessors: */
+const gchar *org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+gchar *org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_version (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, const gchar *value);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_get_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_set_daemon_is_inhibited (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, gboolean value);
+gboolean org_freedesktop_udisks_get_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_set_supports_luks_devices (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, gboolean value);
+GVariant *org_freedesktop_udisks_get_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+GVariant *org_freedesktop_udisks_dup_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_set_known_filesystems (OrgFreedesktopUDisks *object, GVariant *value);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_PROXY (org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyClass OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusProxy parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxyClass
+ GDBusProxyClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopUDisksProxy, g_object_unref)
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_sync (
+ GDBusConnection *connection,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+void org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+ gpointer user_data);
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ GError **error);
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (
+ GBusType bus_type,
+ GDBusProxyFlags flags,
+ const gchar *name,
+ const gchar *object_path,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error);
+/* ---- */
+#define TYPE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_UDISKS_SKELETON (org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_type ())
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonClass OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonClass;
+typedef struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton
+ /*< private >*/
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeleton parent_instance;
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonPrivate *priv;
+struct _OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeletonClass
+ GDBusInterfaceSkeletonClass parent_class;
+GType org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 44, 0)
+G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (OrgFreedesktopUDisksSkeleton, g_object_unref)
+OrgFreedesktopUDisks *org_freedesktop_udisks_skeleton_new (void);
+#endif /* __UDISKS_INTERFACE_H__ */
diff --git a/mediaplayer-api.c b/mediaplayer-api.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03b246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediaplayer-api.c
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Konsulko Group
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <json-c/json.h>
+#include <afb/afb-binding.h>
+#include "mediaplayer-manager.h"
+const struct afb_binding_interface *afbitf;
+static struct afb_event media_added_event;
+static struct afb_event media_removed_event;
+ * @brief Subscribe for an event
+ *
+ * @param struct afb_req : an afb request structure
+ *
+ */
+static void subscribe(struct afb_req request)
+ const char *value = afb_req_value(request, "value");
+ if(value) {
+ if(!strcasecmp(value, "media_added")) {
+ afb_req_subscribe(request, media_added_event);
+ } else if(!strcasecmp(value, "media_removed")) {
+ afb_req_subscribe(request, media_removed_event);
+ } else {
+ afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid event");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL);
+ * @brief Unsubscribe for an event
+ *
+ * @param struct afb_req : an afb request structure
+ *
+ */
+static void unsubscribe(struct afb_req request)
+ const char *value = afb_req_value(request, "value");
+ if(value) {
+ if(!strcasecmp(value, "media_added")) {
+ afb_req_unsubscribe(request, media_added_event);
+ } else if(!strcasecmp(value, "media_removed")) {
+ afb_req_unsubscribe(request, media_removed_event);
+ } else {
+ afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "Invalid event");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL);
+static json_object *new_json_object_from_device(GList *list)
+ json_object *jarray = json_object_new_array();
+ json_object *jresp = json_object_new_object();
+ json_object *jstring = NULL;
+ GList *l;
+ for (l = list; l; l = l->next)
+ {
+ jstring = json_object_new_string(l->data);
+ json_object_array_add(jarray, jstring);
+ }
+ json_object_object_add(jresp, "Media", jarray);
+ // TODO: Add media path
+ jstring = json_object_new_string("");
+ json_object_object_add(jresp, "Path", jstring);
+ return jresp;
+static void media_results_get (struct afb_req request)
+ GList *list;
+ json_object *jresp = NULL;
+ ListLock();
+ list = media_lightmediascanner_scan();
+ if (list == NULL) {
+ afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "media scan error");
+ ListUnlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ jresp = new_json_object_from_device(list);
+ ListUnlock();
+ if (jresp == NULL) {
+ afb_req_fail(request, "failed", "media parsing error");
+ return;
+ }
+ afb_req_success(request, jresp, "Media Results Displayed");
+static void media_broadcast_device_added (GList *list)
+ json_object *jresp = new_json_object_from_device(list);
+ afb_event_push(media_added_event, jresp);
+ * TODO: support multiple devices
+ */
+static void media_broadcast_device_removed (const char *obj_path)
+ json_object *jresp = json_object_new_object();
+ json_object *jstring = json_object_new_string(obj_path);
+ json_object_object_add(jresp, "Path", jstring);
+ afb_event_push(media_removed_event, jresp);
+static const struct afb_verb_desc_v1 binding_verbs[] = {
+ { "media_result", AFB_SESSION_CHECK, media_results_get, "Media scan result" },
+ { "subscribe", AFB_SESSION_CHECK, subscribe, "Subscribe for an event" },
+ { "unsubscribe", AFB_SESSION_CHECK, unsubscribe, "Unsubscribe for an event" },
+ { NULL }
+static const struct afb_binding binding_description = {
+ .v1 = {
+ .prefix = "media-manager",
+ .info = "mediaplayer API",
+ .verbs = binding_verbs,
+ }
+const struct afb_binding
+*afbBindingV1Register(const struct afb_binding_interface *itf)
+ afbitf = itf;
+ Binding_RegisterCallback_t API_Callback;
+ API_Callback.binding_device_added = media_broadcast_device_added;
+ API_Callback.binding_device_removed = media_broadcast_device_removed;
+ BindingAPIRegister(&API_Callback);
+ MediaPlayerManagerInit();
+ return &binding_description;
+int afbBindingV1ServiceInit(struct afb_service service)
+ media_added_event = afb_daemon_make_event(afbitf->daemon, "media_added");
+ media_removed_event = afb_daemon_make_event(afbitf->daemon, "media_removed");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/mediaplayer-manager.c b/mediaplayer-manager.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5624e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediaplayer-manager.c
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Konsulko Group
+ *
+ * Based on bluetooth-manager.c
+ * Copyright 2016 ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include "mediaplayer-manager.h"
+static Binding_RegisterCallback_t g_RegisterCallback = { 0 };
+static stMediaPlayerManage MediaPlayerManage = { 0 };
+/* ------ LOCAL FUNCTIONS --------- */
+void ListLock() {
+ g_mutex_lock(&(MediaPlayerManage.m));
+void ListUnlock() {
+ g_mutex_unlock(&(MediaPlayerManage.m));
+void DebugTraceSendMsg(int level, gchar* message)
+ switch (level)
+ {
+ g_print("[E]");
+ break;
+ g_print("[W]");
+ break;
+ g_print("[N]");
+ break;
+ g_print("[I]");
+ break;
+ g_print("[D]");
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_print("[-]");
+ break;
+ }
+ g_print("%s",message);
+ if (message) {
+ g_free(message);
+ }
+GList* media_lightmediascanner_scan(void)
+ sqlite3 *conn;
+ sqlite3_stmt *res;
+ GList *list;
+ const char *tail;
+ const gchar *db_path;
+ int ret = 0;
+ list = MediaPlayerManage.list;
+ // Returned cached result
+ if (list)
+ return list;
+ db_path = scanner1_get_data_base_path(MediaPlayerManage.lms_proxy);
+ ret = sqlite3_open(db_path, &conn);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOGE("Cannot open SQLITE database: '%s'\n", db_path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, SQL_QUERY, strlen(SQL_QUERY) + 1, &res, &tail);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOGE("Cannot execute query '%s'\n", SQL_QUERY);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ struct stat buf;
+ const char *path = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0);
+ ret = stat(path, &buf);
+ if (ret)
+ continue;
+ list = g_list_append(list, g_strdup_printf("file://%s", path));
+ }
+ MediaPlayerManage.list = list;
+ return list;
+static void
+on_interface_proxy_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *proxy,
+ GVariant *changed_properties,
+ const gchar* const *invalidated_properties)
+ GVariantIter iter;
+ const gchar *key;
+ GVariant *subValue;
+ const gchar *pInterface;
+ GList *list;
+ pInterface = g_dbus_proxy_get_interface_name (proxy);
+ if (0 != g_strcmp0(pInterface, LIGHTMEDIASCANNER_INTERFACE))
+ return;
+ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, changed_properties);
+ while (g_variant_iter_next (&iter, "{&sv}", &key, &subValue))
+ {
+ gboolean val;
+ if (0 == g_strcmp0(key,"IsScanning")) {
+ g_variant_get(subValue, "b", &val);
+ if (val == TRUE)
+ return;
+ } else if (0 == g_strcmp0(key, "WriteLocked")) {
+ g_variant_get(subValue, "b", &val);
+ if (val == TRUE)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ListLock();
+ list = media_lightmediascanner_scan();
+ if (list != NULL && g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_added)
+ g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_added(list);
+ ListUnlock();
+static void
+on_device_removed (GDBusProxy *proxy, gpointer user_data)
+ ListLock();
+ g_list_free(MediaPlayerManage.list);
+ MediaPlayerManage.list = NULL;
+ if (g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_removed)
+ g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_removed((const char *) user_data);
+ ListUnlock();
+static int MediaPlayerDBusInit(void)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ MediaPlayerManage.lms_proxy = scanner1_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(
+ if (MediaPlayerManage.lms_proxy == NULL) {
+ LOGE("Create LightMediaScanner Proxy failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ MediaPlayerManage.udisks_proxy = org_freedesktop_udisks_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(
+ UDISKS_PATH, NULL, &error);
+ if (MediaPlayerManage.udisks_proxy == NULL) {
+ LOGE("Create UDisks Proxy failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (MediaPlayerManage.lms_proxy,
+ "g-properties-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_interface_proxy_properties_changed),
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (MediaPlayerManage.udisks_proxy,
+ "device-removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_device_removed),
+ NULL);
+ return 0;
+static void *media_event_loop_thread(void *unused)
+ GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
+ int ret;
+ ret = MediaPlayerDBusInit();
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ LOGD("g_main_loop_run\n");
+ g_main_loop_run(loop);
+ }
+ g_main_loop_unref(loop);
+ return NULL;
+ * Create MediaPlayer Manager Thread
+ * Note: mediaplayer-api should do MediaPlayerManagerInit() before any other
+ * API calls
+ * Returns: 0 - success or error conditions
+ */
+int MediaPlayerManagerInit() {
+ pthread_t thread_id;
+ g_mutex_init(&(MediaPlayerManage.m));
+ pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, media_event_loop_thread, NULL);
+ return 0;
+ * Register MediaPlayer Manager Callback functions
+ */
+void BindingAPIRegister(const Binding_RegisterCallback_t* pstRegisterCallback)
+ if (NULL != pstRegisterCallback)
+ {
+ if (NULL != pstRegisterCallback->binding_device_added)
+ {
+ g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_added =
+ pstRegisterCallback->binding_device_added;
+ }
+ if (NULL != pstRegisterCallback->binding_device_removed)
+ {
+ g_RegisterCallback.binding_device_removed =
+ pstRegisterCallback->binding_device_removed;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/mediaplayer-manager.h b/mediaplayer-manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f3d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediaplayer-manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Konsulko Group
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include "lightmediascanner_interface.h"
+#include "udisks_interface.h"
+ /* Debug Trace Level */
+#define DT_LEVEL_ERROR (1 << 1)
+#define DT_LEVEL_WARNING (1 << 2)
+#define DT_LEVEL_NOTICE (1 << 3)
+#define DT_LEVEL_INFO (1 << 4)
+#define DT_LEVEL_DEBUG (1 << 5)
+//#define _DEBUG
+#define LOGE(fmt, args...) \
+ DebugTraceSendMsg(DT_LEVEL_ERROR, g_strdup_printf("[%d:%s]" fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args))
+#define LOGW(fmt, args...) \
+ DebugTraceSendMsg(DT_LEVEL_WARNING, g_strdup_printf("[%d:%s]" fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args))
+#define LOGN(fmt, args...) \
+ DebugTraceSendMsg(DT_LEVEL_NOTICE, g_strdup_printf("[%d:%s]" fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args))
+#define LOGI(fmt, args...) \
+ DebugTraceSendMsg(DT_LEVEL_INFO, g_strdup_printf("[%d:%s]" fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args))
+#define LOGD(fmt, args...) \
+ DebugTraceSendMsg(DT_LEVEL_DEBUG, g_strdup_printf("[%d:%s]" fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args))
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define D_PRINTF(fmt, args...) \
+ g_print("[DEBUG][%d:%s]"fmt, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ## args)
+#define D_PRINTF_RAW(fmt, args...) \
+ g_print(""fmt, ## args)
+#define D_PRINTF(fmt, args...)
+#define D_PRINTF_RAW(fmt, args...)
+#endif /* ifdef _DEBUG */
+void DebugTraceSendMsg(int level, gchar* message);
+#define AGENT_SERVICE "org.agent"
+//remote service
+#define LIGHTMEDIASCANNER_SERVICE "org.lightmediascanner"
+#define UDISKS_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.UDisks"
+//object path
+#define LIGHTMEDIASCANNER_PATH "/org/lightmediascanner/Scanner1"
+#define UDISKS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/UDisks"
+#define LIGHTMEDIASCANNER_INTERFACE "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1"
+#define UDISKS_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks"
+#define FREEDESKTOP_PROPERTIES "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+#define SQL_QUERY "SELECT files.path FROM files LEFT JOIN audios " \
+ "WHERE audios.id = files.id ORDER BY " \
+ "audios.artist_id, audios.album_id, audios.trackno"
+typedef struct {
+ GList *list;
+ GMutex m;
+ Scanner1 *lms_proxy;
+ OrgFreedesktopUDisks *udisks_proxy;
+} stMediaPlayerManage;
+typedef struct tagBinding_RegisterCallback
+ void (*binding_device_added)(GList *list);
+ void (*binding_device_removed)(const char *obj_path);
+} Binding_RegisterCallback_t;
+/* ------ PUBLIC PLUGIN FUNCTIONS --------- */
+void BindingAPIRegister(const Binding_RegisterCallback_t* pstRegisterCallback);
+int MediaPlayerManagerInit(void);
+void ListLock();
+void ListUnlock();
+GList* media_lightmediascanner_scan(void);