# Navigation Service

## Overview

Navigation service keeps track of application data that allows other clients to share location, waypoints,
and state between each other.

## Verbs

| Name                | Description                                 | JSON Response                      |
| subscribe           | subscribe to an navigation service          | *Request:* {"value": "status"}     |
| unsubscribe         | unsubscribe to an navigation service        | *Request:* {"value": "status"}     |
| broadcast_status    | broadcast status event to other clients     | *Request:* {"state": "stop"}       |
| broadcast_position  | broadcast position event to other clients   | See *position Verb* section        |
| broadcast_waypoints | broadcast waypoints events to other clients | See *waypoints Verb* section       |

### broadcast_position Verb

Populate same data referenced in *position Event* section for the event

### broadcast_waypoints Verb

Populate same data referenced in *waypoints Event* section for the event

## Events

| Name           | Description                         |
| status         | status of the navigation engine     |
| position       | current route or car position event |
| waypoints      | waypoints for routing engine        |

### position Event

  "points": [
      "position": "car",
      "latitude": 36.12906,
      "longitude": -115.17908
      "direction": 273.0,
      "distance": 1530.45

### waypoints Event

  "points": [
      "latitude": 36.12906,
      "longitude": -115.17908