// Copyright 2017 AW SOFTWARE CO.,LTD // Copyright 2017 AISIN AW CO.,LTD #include "genivi/navicore.h" #include "genivi/genivi-navicore-constants.h" #include "genivi_request.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <exception> #include <dbus-c++-1/dbus-c++/dbus.h> /** * @brief Destructor */ GeniviRequest::~GeniviRequest() { delete (Navicore*)navicore_; navicore_ = NULL; } /** * @brief DBus session creation */ void GeniviRequest::CreateDBusSession( ) { try { static DBus::BusDispatcher dispatcher; DBus::default_dispatcher = &dispatcher; DBus::Connection conn = DBus::Connection::SessionBus(); navicore_ = new Navicore(conn, "/org/genivi/navicore", "org.agl.naviapi"); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Check connection status * @return Presence / absence of connection */ bool GeniviRequest::CheckSession() { if(this->navicore_ == NULL) { this->CreateDBusSession(); } try { // Get connection status DBus::Connection conn = ((Navicore*)navicore_)->conn(); bool isConnect = conn.connected(); // If it is not connected, it issues an error if(!isConnect) { fprintf(stderr, "Service has no session.\n"); } return isConnect; } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); return false; } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI GetPosition to get information * @param[in] valuesToReturn Key arrangement of information acquired from Genivi * @return Map information on key and value of information acquired from Genivi */ std::map< int32_t, double > GeniviRequest::NavicoreGetPosition( const std::vector< int32_t >& valuesToReturn ) { std::map< int32_t, double > ret; if( !CheckSession() ) { return ret; } try { std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > >::iterator it; std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > > PosList = ((Navicore*)navicore_)->GetPosition(valuesToReturn); for (it = PosList.begin(); it != PosList.end(); it++) { if (it->first == NAVICORE_LATITUDE || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_LATITUDE) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_double(); } else if (it->first == NAVICORE_LONGITUDE || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_LONGITUDE) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_double(); } else if (it->first == NAVICORE_HEADING || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_HEADING) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_uint32(); } #if 0 // no supported else if (it->first == NAVICORE_TIMESTAMP || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_TIMESTAMP) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_uint32(); } else if (it->first == NAVICORE_SPEED || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_SPEED) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_int32(); } #endif else if (it->first == NAVICORE_SIMULATION_MODE || it->second._1 == NAVICORE_SIMULATION_MODE) { ret[it->first] = it->second._2.reader().get_bool(); } } } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } return ret; } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI GetPosition to get information * @return Route handle acquired from Genivi */ std::vector< uint32_t > GeniviRequest::NavicoreGetAllRoutes( void ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { std::vector< uint32_t > no_route; return no_route; } std::vector< uint32_t > allRoutes; try { allRoutes = ((Navicore*)navicore_)->GetAllRoutes(); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } return allRoutes; } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI GetPosition to get information * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle * @return Route handle acquired from Genivi */ uint32_t GeniviRequest::NavicoreCreateRoute( const uint32_t& sessionHandle ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return 0; } uint32_t routeHandle = 0; try { routeHandle = ((Navicore*)navicore_)->CreateRoute(sessionHandle); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } return routeHandle; } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI PauseSimulation * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle */ void GeniviRequest::NavicorePauseSimulation( const uint32_t& sessionHandle ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return; } try { ((Navicore*)navicore_)->PauseSimulation(sessionHandle); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI SetSimulationMode * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle * @param[in] activate Simulation mode enabled / disabled */ void GeniviRequest::NavicoreSetSimulationMode( const uint32_t& sessionHandle, const bool& activate ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return; } try { ((Navicore*)navicore_)->SetSimulationMode(sessionHandle, activate); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI SetSimulationMode * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle * @param[in] routeHandle Route handle */ void GeniviRequest::NavicoreCancelRouteCalculation( const uint32_t& sessionHandle, const uint32_t& routeHandle ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return; } try { ((Navicore*)navicore_)->CancelRouteCalculation(sessionHandle, routeHandle); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI SetWaypoints * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle * @param[in] routeHandle Route handle * @param[in] startFromCurrentPosition Whether or not to draw a route from the position of the vehicle * @param[in] waypointsList Destination coordinates */ void GeniviRequest::NavicoreSetWaypoints( const uint32_t& sessionHandle, const uint32_t& routeHandle, const bool& startFromCurrentPosition, const std::vector<Waypoint>& waypointsList ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return; } std::vector<Waypoint>::const_iterator it; std::vector< std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > > > wpl; fprintf(stdout, "session: %d, route: %d, startFromCurrentPosition: %d\n", sessionHandle, routeHandle, startFromCurrentPosition); for (it = waypointsList.begin(); it != waypointsList.end(); it++) { std::map< int32_t, ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > > Point; ::DBus::Struct< uint8_t, ::DBus::Variant > VarLat, VarLon; VarLat._1 = NAVICORE_LATITUDE; VarLat._2.writer().append_double(std::get<0>(*it)); fprintf(stdout, "VarLat._1 : %x, VarLat._2 : %lf\n", VarLat._1, VarLat._2.reader().get_double()); VarLon._1 = NAVICORE_LONGITUDE; VarLon._2.writer().append_double(std::get<1>(*it)); fprintf(stdout, "VarLon._1 : %x, VarLon._2 : %lf\n", VarLon._1, VarLon._2.reader().get_double()); Point[NAVICORE_LATITUDE] = VarLat; Point[NAVICORE_LONGITUDE] = VarLon; wpl.push_back(Point); } try { ((Navicore*)navicore_)->SetWaypoints(sessionHandle, routeHandle, startFromCurrentPosition, wpl); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI CalculateRoute * @param[in] sessionHandle Session handle * @param[in] routeHandle Route handle */ void GeniviRequest::NavicoreCalculateRoute( const uint32_t& sessionHandle, const uint32_t& routeHandle ) { if( !CheckSession() ) { return; } try { ((Navicore*)navicore_)->CalculateRoute(sessionHandle, routeHandle); } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } } /** * @brief Call GeniviAPI CalculateRoute * @return Map information on key and value of information acquired from Genivi */ std::map<uint32_t, std::string> GeniviRequest::NavicoreGetAllSessions() { std::map<uint32_t, std::string> ret; if( !CheckSession() ) { return ret; } std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< uint32_t, std::string > > ncAllSessions; std::vector< ::DBus::Struct< uint32_t, std::string > >::iterator it; try { ncAllSessions = ((Navicore*)navicore_)->GetAllSessions(); for (it = ncAllSessions.begin(); it != ncAllSessions.end(); it++) { ret[it->_1] = it->_2; } } catch(const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s\n", e.what()); } return ret; }