/* * Copyright 2018 Konsulko Group * Author: Pantelis Antoniou <pantelis.antoniou@konsulko.com> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <glib.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <glib-object.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #define AFB_BINDING_VERSION 3 #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include "network-api.h" #include "network-common.h" static const struct property_info manager_props[] = { { .name = "State", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "OfflineMode", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "SessionMode", .fmt = "b", }, { }, }; static const struct property_info technology_props[] = { { .name = "Name", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Type", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Powered", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "Connected", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "Tethering", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "TetheringIdentifier",.fmt = "s", }, { .name = "TetheringPassphrase",.fmt = "s", }, { }, }; static const struct property_info service_props[] = { /* simple types */ { .name = "State", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Error", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Type", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Name", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Favorite", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "Immutable", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "AutoConnect", .fmt = "b", }, { .name = "Strength", .fmt = "y", }, { .name = "Security", .fmt = "as", }, { .name = "Roaming", .fmt = "b", }, /* complex types with configuration (but no subtype) */ { .name = "Nameservers", .fmt = "as", .flags = PI_CONFIG, }, { .name = "Timeservers", .fmt = "as", .flags = PI_CONFIG, }, { .name = "Domains", .fmt = "as", .flags = PI_CONFIG, }, { .name = "mDNS", .fmt = "b", .flags = PI_CONFIG, }, /* complex types with subtypes */ { .name = "IPv4", .fmt = "{sv}", .flags = PI_CONFIG, .sub = (const struct property_info []) { { .name = "Method", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Address", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Netmask", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Gateway", .fmt = "s", }, { }, }, }, { .name = "IPv6", .fmt = "{sv}", .flags = PI_CONFIG, .sub = (const struct property_info []) { { .name = "Method", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Address", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "PrefixLength", .fmt = "y", }, { .name = "Gateway", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Privacy", .fmt = "s", }, { }, }, }, { .name = "Proxy", .fmt = "{sv}", .flags = PI_CONFIG, .sub = (const struct property_info []) { { .name = "Method", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "URL", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Servers", .fmt = "as", }, { .name = "Excludes", .fmt = "as", }, { }, }, }, { .name = "Ethernet", .fmt = "{sv}", .sub = (const struct property_info []) { { .name = "Method", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Interface", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Address", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "MTU", .fmt = "q", }, { }, }, }, { .name = "Provider", .fmt = "{sv}", .flags = PI_CONFIG, .sub = (const struct property_info []) { { .name = "Host", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Domain", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Name", .fmt = "s", }, { .name = "Type", .fmt = "s", }, { }, }, }, { } }; const struct property_info *connman_get_property_info( const char *access_type, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi = NULL; if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER)) pi = manager_props; else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY)) pi = technology_props; else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE)) pi = service_props; else g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "illegal %s argument", access_type); return pi; } gboolean connman_property_dbus2json(const char *access_type, json_object *jprop, const gchar *key, GVariant *var, gboolean *is_config, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi; gboolean ret; *is_config = FALSE; pi = connman_get_property_info(access_type, error); if (!pi) return FALSE; ret = root_property_dbus2json(jprop, pi, key, var, is_config); if (!ret) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY, "unknown %s property %s", access_type, key); return ret; } void connman_decode_call_error(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, const char *method, GError **error) { if (!error || !*error) return; if (strstr((*error)->message, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject")) { if (!strcmp(method, "SetProperty") || !strcmp(method, "GetProperty") || !strcmp(method, "ClearProperty")) { g_clear_error(error); g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY, "unknown %s property on %s", access_type, type_arg); } else if (!strcmp(method, "Connect") || !strcmp(method, "Disconnect") || !strcmp(method, "Remove") || !strcmp(method, "ResetCounters") || !strcmp(method, "MoveAfter") || !strcmp(method, "MoveBefore")) { g_clear_error(error); g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE, "unknown service %s", type_arg); } else if (!strcmp(method, "Scan")) { g_clear_error(error); g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TECHNOLOGY, "unknown technology %s", type_arg); } } } GVariant *connman_call(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, const char *method, GVariant *params, GError **error) { const char *path; const char *interface; GVariant *reply; if (!type_arg && (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY) || !strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE))) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "missing %s argument", access_type); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER)) { path = CONNMAN_MANAGER_PATH; interface = CONNMAN_MANAGER_INTERFACE; } else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY)) { path = CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_PATH(type_arg); interface = CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_INTERFACE; } else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE)) { path = CONNMAN_SERVICE_PATH(type_arg); interface = CONNMAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE; } else { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "illegal %s argument", access_type); return NULL; } reply = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(ns->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, path, interface, method, params, NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, DBUS_REPLY_TIMEOUT, NULL, error); connman_decode_call_error(ns, access_type, type_arg, method, error); if (!reply) { if (error && *error) g_dbus_error_strip_remote_error(*error); AFB_ERROR("Error calling %s%s%s %s method %s", access_type, type_arg ? "/" : "", type_arg ? type_arg : "", method, error && *error ? (*error)->message : "unspecified"); } return reply; } static void connman_call_async_ready(GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) { struct connman_pending_work *cpw = user_data; struct network_state *ns = cpw->ns; GVariant *result; GError *error = NULL; result = g_dbus_connection_call_finish(ns->conn, res, &error); cpw->callback(cpw->user_data, result, &error); g_clear_error(&error); g_cancellable_reset(cpw->cancel); g_free(cpw); } void connman_cancel_call(struct network_state *ns, struct connman_pending_work *cpw) { g_cancellable_cancel(cpw->cancel); } struct connman_pending_work * connman_call_async(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, const char *method, GVariant *params, GError **error, void (*callback)(void *user_data, GVariant *result, GError **error), void *user_data) { const char *path; const char *interface; struct connman_pending_work *cpw; if (!type_arg && (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY) || !strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE))) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "missing %s argument", access_type); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER)) { path = CONNMAN_MANAGER_PATH; interface = CONNMAN_MANAGER_INTERFACE; } else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY)) { path = CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_PATH(type_arg); interface = CONNMAN_TECHNOLOGY_INTERFACE; } else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE)) { path = CONNMAN_SERVICE_PATH(type_arg); interface = CONNMAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE; } else { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "illegal %s argument", access_type); return NULL; } cpw = g_malloc(sizeof(*cpw)); if (!cpw) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory"); return NULL; } cpw->ns = ns; cpw->user_data = user_data; cpw->cancel = g_cancellable_new(); if (!cpw->cancel) { g_free(cpw); g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory"); return NULL; } cpw->callback = callback; g_dbus_connection_call(ns->conn, CONNMAN_SERVICE, path, interface, method, params, NULL, /* reply type */ G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, DBUS_REPLY_TIMEOUT, cpw->cancel, /* cancellable? */ connman_call_async_ready, cpw); return cpw; } json_object *connman_get_properties(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi = NULL; const char *method = NULL; GVariant *reply = NULL; GVariantIter *array, *array2; GVariant *var = NULL; const gchar *path = NULL; const gchar *key = NULL; const gchar *basename; json_object *jarray = NULL, *jprop = NULL, *jresp = NULL, *jtype = NULL; gboolean is_config; pi = connman_get_property_info(access_type, error); if (!pi) return NULL; method = NULL; if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER)) method = "GetProperties"; else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_TECHNOLOGY)) method = "GetTechnologies"; else if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_SERVICE)) method = "GetServices"; if (!method) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "illegal %s argument", access_type); return NULL; } reply = connman_call(ns, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER, NULL, method, NULL, error); if (!reply) return NULL; if (!strcmp(access_type, CONNMAN_AT_MANAGER)) { jprop = json_object_new_object(); g_variant_get(reply, "(a{sv})", &array); while (g_variant_iter_loop(array, "{sv}", &key, &var)) { root_property_dbus2json(jprop, pi, key, var, &is_config); } g_variant_iter_free(array); g_variant_unref(reply); jresp = jprop; } else { if (!type_arg) { jarray = json_object_new_array(); jresp = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jresp, "values", jarray); } g_variant_get(reply, "(a(oa{sv}))", &array); while (g_variant_iter_loop(array, "(oa{sv})", &path, &array2)) { /* a basename must exist and be at least 1 character wide */ basename = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!basename || strlen(basename) <= 1) continue; basename++; if (!type_arg) { jtype = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jtype, access_type, json_object_new_string(basename)); } else if (g_strcmp0(basename, type_arg)) continue; jprop = json_object_new_object(); while (g_variant_iter_loop(array2, "{sv}", &key, &var)) { root_property_dbus2json(jprop, pi, key, var, &is_config); } if (!type_arg) { json_object_object_add(jtype, "properties", jprop); json_object_array_add(jarray, jtype); } } g_variant_iter_free(array); g_variant_unref(reply); if (type_arg && jprop) jresp = jprop; } if (!jresp) { if (type_arg) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Bad %s %s", access_type, type_arg); else g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "No %s", access_type); } return jresp; } json_object *connman_get_property(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, gboolean is_json_name, const char *name, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi; json_object *jprop, *jval; pi = connman_get_property_info(access_type, error); if (!pi) return NULL; jprop = connman_get_properties(ns, access_type, type_arg, error); if (!jprop) return NULL; jval = get_named_property(pi, is_json_name, name, jprop); json_object_put(jprop); if (!jval) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s on %s%s%s", name, access_type, type_arg ? "/" : "", type_arg ? type_arg : ""); return jval; } /* NOTE: jval is consumed */ gboolean connman_set_property(struct network_state *ns, const char *access_type, const char *type_arg, gboolean is_json_name, const char *name, json_object *jval, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi; GVariant *reply, *arg; gboolean is_config; gchar *propname; /* get start of properties */ pi = connman_get_property_info(access_type, error); if (!pi) return FALSE; /* get actual property */ pi = property_by_name(pi, is_json_name, name, &is_config); if (!pi) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY, "unknown property with name %s", name); json_object_put(jval); return FALSE; } /* convert to gvariant */ arg = property_json_to_gvariant(pi, NULL, NULL, jval, error); /* we don't need this anymore */ json_object_put(jval); jval = NULL; /* no variant? error */ if (!arg) return FALSE; if (!is_config) propname = g_strdup(pi->name); else propname = configuration_dbus_name(pi->name); reply = connman_call(ns, access_type, type_arg, "SetProperty", g_variant_new("(sv)", propname, arg), error); g_free(propname); if (!reply) return FALSE; g_variant_unref(reply); return TRUE; }