/* * Copyright 2018 Konsulko Group * Author: Pantelis Antoniou <pantelis.antoniou@konsulko.com> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <glib.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <glib-object.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #define AFB_BINDING_VERSION 3 #include <afb/afb-binding.h> #include "network-api.h" #include "network-common.h" G_DEFINE_QUARK(network-binding-error-quark, nb_error) /* convert dbus key to lower case */ gboolean auto_lowercase_keys = TRUE; int str2boolean(const char *value) { if (!strcmp(value, "1") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "true") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "on") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "enabled") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "yes")) return TRUE; if (!strcmp(value, "0") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "false") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "off") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "disabled") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(value, "no")) return FALSE; return -1; } json_object *json_object_copy(json_object *jval) { json_object *jobj; int i, len; /* handle NULL */ if (!jval) return NULL; switch (json_object_get_type(jval)) { case json_type_object: jobj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_foreach(jval, key, jval2) json_object_object_add(jobj, key, json_object_copy(jval2)); return jobj; case json_type_array: jobj = json_object_new_array(); len = json_object_array_length(jval); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) json_object_array_add(jobj, json_object_copy( json_object_array_get_idx(jval, i))); return jobj; case json_type_null: return NULL; case json_type_boolean: return json_object_new_boolean( json_object_get_boolean(jval)); case json_type_double: return json_object_new_double( json_object_get_double(jval)); case json_type_int: return json_object_new_int64( json_object_get_int64(jval)); case json_type_string: return json_object_new_string( json_object_get_string(jval)); } g_assert(0); /* should never happen */ return NULL; } gchar *key_dbus_to_json(const gchar *key, gboolean auto_lower) { gchar *lower, *s; lower = g_strdup(key); g_assert(lower); if (!auto_lower) return lower; /* convert to lower case */ for (s = lower; *s; s++) *s = g_ascii_tolower(*s); return lower; } json_object *simple_gvariant_to_json(GVariant *var, json_object *parent, gboolean recurse) { json_object *obj = NULL, *item; gint32 i32; gint64 i64; guint32 ui32; guint64 ui64; GVariantIter iter; GVariant *key, *value; gchar *json_key; gsize nitems; gboolean is_dict; obj = NULL; /* AFB_DEBUG("g_variant_classify(var)=%c", g_variant_classify(var)); */ /* we only handle simple types */ switch (g_variant_classify(var)) { case G_VARIANT_CLASS_BOOLEAN: obj = json_object_new_boolean(g_variant_get_boolean(var)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_INT16: obj = json_object_new_int(g_variant_get_int16(var)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_INT32: i32 = g_variant_get_int32(var); obj = json_object_new_int(i32); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_INT64: i64 = g_variant_get_int64(var); if (i64 >= -(1L << 31) && i64 < (1L << 31)) obj = json_object_new_int((int)i64); else obj = json_object_new_int64(i64); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_BYTE: obj = json_object_new_int((int)g_variant_get_byte(var)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_UINT16: obj = json_object_new_int((int)g_variant_get_uint16(var)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_UINT32: ui32 = g_variant_get_uint32(var); if (ui32 < (1U << 31)) obj = json_object_new_int(ui32); else obj = json_object_new_int64(ui32); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_UINT64: ui64 = g_variant_get_uint64(var); if (ui64 < (1U << 31)) obj = json_object_new_int((int)ui64); else if (ui64 < (1LLU << 63)) obj = json_object_new_int64(ui64); else { AFB_WARNING("U64 value %llu clamped to %llu", (unsigned long long)ui64, (unsigned long long)((1LLU << 63) - 1)); obj = json_object_new_int64((1LLU << 63) - 1); } break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_DOUBLE: obj = json_object_new_double(g_variant_get_double(var)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_STRING: obj = json_object_new_string(g_variant_get_string(var, NULL)); break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_ARRAY: if (!recurse) break; /* detect dictionaries which are arrays of dict entries */ g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); nitems = g_variant_iter_n_children(&iter); /* remove completely empty arrays */ if (nitems == 0) break; is_dict = nitems > 0; while (is_dict && (value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { is_dict = g_variant_classify(value) == G_VARIANT_CLASS_DICT_ENTRY; g_variant_unref(value); } if (is_dict) obj = json_object_new_object(); else obj = json_object_new_array(); g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); while ((value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { item = simple_gvariant_to_json(value, obj, TRUE); if (!is_dict && item) json_object_array_add(obj, item); g_variant_unref(value); } break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_DICT_ENTRY: if (!recurse) break; if (!parent) { AFB_WARNING("#### dict new object without a parent"); break; } g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); while ((key = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter); if (!value) { AFB_WARNING("Out of values with a key"); g_variant_unref(key); break; } json_key = key_dbus_to_json( g_variant_get_string(key, NULL), auto_lowercase_keys); /* only handle dict values with string keys */ if (g_variant_classify(key) == G_VARIANT_CLASS_STRING) { item = simple_gvariant_to_json(value, obj, TRUE); if (item) json_object_object_add(parent, json_key, item); } else AFB_WARNING("Can't handle non-string key"); g_free(json_key); g_variant_unref(value); g_variant_unref(key); } break; case G_VARIANT_CLASS_VARIANT: /* NOTE: recurse allowed because we only allow a single encapsulated variant */ g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); nitems = g_variant_iter_n_children(&iter); if (nitems != 1) { AFB_WARNING("Can't handle variants with more than one children (%lu)", nitems); break; } while ((value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { obj = simple_gvariant_to_json(value, parent, TRUE); g_variant_unref(value); break; } break; default: AFB_WARNING("############ class is %c", g_variant_classify(var)); obj = NULL; break; } return obj; } gchar *property_name_dbus2json(const struct property_info *pi, gboolean is_config) { gchar *json_name; gchar *cfgname; if (pi->json_name) json_name = g_strdup(pi->json_name); else json_name = key_dbus_to_json(pi->name, auto_lowercase_keys); if (!json_name) return NULL; if (!is_config) return json_name; cfgname = g_strdup_printf("%s.%configuration", json_name, auto_lowercase_keys ? 'c' : 'C'); g_free(json_name); return cfgname; } json_object *property_dbus2json( const struct property_info **pip, const gchar *key, GVariant *var, gboolean *is_config) { const struct property_info *pi = *pip, *pi2, *pi_sub; GVariantIter iter, iter2; json_object *obj = NULL, *obji; const char *fmt; GVariant *value, *dict_value, *dict_key; const gchar *sub_key; gchar *json_key; gboolean is_subconfig; if (key) { pi = property_by_dbus_name(pi, key, is_config); if (!pi) return NULL; *pip = pi; } fmt = pi->fmt; obj = simple_gvariant_to_json(var, NULL, FALSE); if (obj) { /* TODO check fmt for matching type */ return obj; } switch (*fmt) { case 'a': /* array */ obj = json_object_new_array(); g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); while ((value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { pi2 = pi; obji = property_dbus2json(&pi2, NULL, value, &is_subconfig); if (obji) json_object_array_add(obj, obji); g_variant_unref(value); } break; case '{': /* we only support {sX} */ /* there must be a sub property entry */ g_assert(pi->sub); obj = json_object_new_object(); g_variant_iter_init(&iter, var); while ((value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter))) { if (g_variant_classify(value) != G_VARIANT_CLASS_DICT_ENTRY) { AFB_WARNING("Expecting dict got '%c'", g_variant_classify(value)); g_variant_unref(value); break; } g_variant_iter_init(&iter2, value); while ((dict_key = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter2))) { if (g_variant_classify(dict_key) != G_VARIANT_CLASS_STRING) { AFB_WARNING("Can't handle non-string dict keys '%c'", g_variant_classify(dict_key)); g_variant_unref(dict_key); g_variant_unref(value); continue; } dict_value = g_variant_iter_next_value(&iter2); if (!dict_value) { AFB_WARNING("Out of values with a dict_key"); g_variant_unref(dict_key); g_variant_unref(value); break; } sub_key = g_variant_get_string(dict_key, NULL); pi_sub = pi->sub; while (pi_sub->name) { if (!g_strcmp0(sub_key, pi_sub->name)) break; pi_sub++; } if (pi_sub->name) { pi2 = pi_sub; obji = property_dbus2json(&pi2, sub_key, dict_value, &is_subconfig); if (obji) { json_key = property_name_dbus2json(pi2, FALSE); json_object_object_add(obj, json_key, obji); g_free(json_key); } } else AFB_INFO("Unhandled %s/%s property", key, sub_key); g_variant_unref(dict_value); g_variant_unref(dict_key); } g_variant_unref(value); } break; } if (!obj) AFB_INFO("# %s not a type we can handle", key ? key : "<NULL>"); return obj; } const struct property_info *property_by_dbus_name( const struct property_info *pi, const gchar *dbus_name, gboolean *is_config) { const struct property_info *pit; const gchar *suffix; gchar *tmpname; size_t len; /* direct match first */ pit = pi; while (pit->name) { if (!g_strcmp0(dbus_name, pit->name)) { if (is_config) *is_config = FALSE; return pit; } pit++; } /* try to see if a matching config property exists */ suffix = strrchr(dbus_name, '.'); if (!suffix || g_ascii_strcasecmp(suffix, ".Configuration")) return NULL; /* it's a (possible) .config property */ len = suffix - dbus_name; tmpname = alloca(len + 1); memcpy(tmpname, dbus_name, len); tmpname[len] = '\0'; /* match with config */ pit = pi; while (pit->name) { if (!(pit->flags & PI_CONFIG)) { pit++; continue; } if (!g_strcmp0(tmpname, pit->name)) { if (is_config) *is_config = TRUE; return pit; } pit++; } return NULL; } const struct property_info *property_by_json_name( const struct property_info *pi, const gchar *json_name, gboolean *is_config) { const struct property_info *pit; gchar *this_json_name; const gchar *suffix; gchar *tmpname; size_t len; /* direct match */ pit = pi; while (pit->name) { this_json_name = property_name_dbus2json(pit, FALSE); if (!g_strcmp0(this_json_name, json_name)) { g_free(this_json_name); if (is_config) *is_config = FALSE; return pit; } g_free(this_json_name); pit++; } /* try to see if a matching config property exists */ suffix = strrchr(json_name, '.'); if (!suffix || g_ascii_strcasecmp(suffix, ".configuration")) return NULL; /* it's a (possible) .config property */ len = suffix - json_name; tmpname = alloca(len + 1); memcpy(tmpname, json_name, len); tmpname[len] = '\0'; /* match with config */ pit = pi; while (pit->name) { if (!(pit->flags & PI_CONFIG)) { pit++; continue; } this_json_name = property_name_dbus2json(pit, FALSE); if (!g_strcmp0(this_json_name, tmpname)) { g_free(this_json_name); if (is_config) *is_config = TRUE; return pit; } g_free(this_json_name); pit++; } return NULL; } const struct property_info *property_by_name( const struct property_info *pi, gboolean is_json_name, const gchar *name, gboolean *is_config) { return is_json_name ? property_by_json_name(pi, name, is_config) : property_by_dbus_name(pi, name, is_config); } gchar *property_get_json_name(const struct property_info *pi, const gchar *name) { gboolean is_config; pi = property_by_dbus_name(pi, name, &is_config); if (!pi) return NULL; return property_name_dbus2json(pi, is_config); } gchar *configuration_dbus_name(const gchar *dbus_name) { return g_strdup_printf("%s.Configuration", dbus_name); } gchar *configuration_json_name(const gchar *json_name) { return g_strdup_printf("%s.configuration", json_name); } gchar *property_get_name(const struct property_info *pi, const gchar *json_name) { gboolean is_config; pi = property_by_json_name(pi, json_name, &is_config); if (!pi) return NULL; return !is_config ? g_strdup(pi->name) : configuration_dbus_name(pi->name); } gboolean root_property_dbus2json( json_object *jparent, const struct property_info *pi, const gchar *key, GVariant *var, gboolean *is_config) { json_object *obj; gchar *json_key; obj = property_dbus2json(&pi, key, var, is_config); if (!obj) return FALSE; switch (json_object_get_type(jparent)) { case json_type_object: json_key = property_name_dbus2json(pi, *is_config); json_object_object_add(jparent, json_key, obj); g_free(json_key); break; case json_type_array: json_object_array_add(jparent, obj); break; default: json_object_put(obj); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static const GVariantType *type_from_fmt(const char *fmt) { switch (*fmt) { case 'b': /* gboolean */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN; case 'y': /* guchar */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_BYTE; case 'n': /* gint16 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT16; case 'q': /* guint16 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT16; case 'h': return G_VARIANT_TYPE_HANDLE; case 'i': /* gint32 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32; case 'u': /* guint32 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32; case 'x': /* gint64 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64; case 't': /* gint64 */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT64; case 'd': /* double */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE; case 's': /* string */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING; case 'o': /* object */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH; case 'g': /* signature */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_SIGNATURE; case 'v': /* variant */ return G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT; } /* nothing complex */ return NULL; } GVariant *property_json_to_gvariant( const struct property_info *pi, const char *fmt, const struct property_info *pi_parent, json_object *jval, GError **error) { const struct property_info *pi_sub; GVariant *arg, *item; GVariantBuilder builder; json_object *jitem; json_bool b; gchar *dbus_name; int64_t i64; double d; const char *jvalstr, *str; char c; int i, len; gboolean is_config; if (!fmt) fmt = pi->fmt; if (!jval) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "can't encode json NULL type"); return NULL; } jvalstr = json_object_to_json_string(jval); arg = NULL; b = FALSE; i64 = 0; d = 0.0; str = NULL; /* conversion and type check */ c = *fmt++; if (c == 'a') { if (!json_object_is_type(jval, json_type_array)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property \"%s\" (not an array)", jvalstr); return NULL; } len = json_object_array_length(jval); /* special case for empty array */ if (!len) { arg = g_variant_new_array(type_from_fmt(fmt), NULL, 0); if (!arg) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Can't create empty array on \"%s\"", jvalstr); return arg; } g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jitem = json_object_array_get_idx(jval, i); item = property_json_to_gvariant(pi, fmt, NULL, jitem, error); if (!item) { g_variant_builder_clear(&builder); return NULL; } g_variant_builder_add_value(&builder, item); } arg = g_variant_builder_end(&builder); if (!arg) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Can't handle array on \"%s\"", jvalstr); return arg; } if (c == '{') { g_assert(pi->sub); c = *fmt++; /* we only handle string keys */ if (c != 's') { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Can't handle non-string keys on \"%s\"", jvalstr); return NULL; } c = *fmt++; /* this is arguably wrong */ g_variant_builder_init(&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE("a{sv}")); pi_sub = pi->sub; json_object_object_foreach(jval, key_o, jval_o) { pi_sub = property_by_json_name(pi->sub, key_o, &is_config); if (!pi_sub) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Unknown sub-property %s in \"%s\"", key_o, json_object_to_json_string(jval_o)); return NULL; } item = property_json_to_gvariant(pi_sub, NULL, pi, jval_o, error); if (!item) return NULL; dbus_name = property_get_name(pi->sub, key_o); g_assert(dbus_name); /* can't fail; but check */ g_variant_builder_add(&builder, pi->fmt, dbus_name, item); g_free(dbus_name); } arg = g_variant_builder_end(&builder); if (!arg) g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Can't handle object on \"%s\"", jvalstr); return arg; } switch (c) { case 'b': /* gboolean */ if (!json_object_is_type(jval, json_type_boolean)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property \"%s\" (not a boolean)", jvalstr); return NULL; } b = json_object_get_boolean(jval); break; case 'y': /* guchar */ case 'n': /* gint16 */ case 'q': /* guint16 */ case 'h': case 'i': /* gint32 */ case 'u': /* guint32 */ case 'x': /* gint64 */ case 't': /* gint64 */ if (!json_object_is_type(jval, json_type_int)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property \"%s\" (not an integer)", jvalstr); return NULL; } /* note unsigned 64 bit values shall be truncated */ i64 = json_object_get_int64(jval); break; case 'd': /* double */ if (!json_object_is_type(jval, json_type_double)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property \"%s\" (not a double)", jvalstr); return NULL; } d = json_object_get_double(jval); break; case 's': /* string */ case 'o': /* object */ case 'g': /* signature */ if (!json_object_is_type(jval, json_type_string)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property \"%s\" (not a string)", jvalstr); return NULL; } str = json_object_get_string(jval); break; case 'v': /* variant */ AFB_WARNING("Can't handle variant yet"); break; } /* build gvariant */ switch (c) { case 'b': /* gboolean */ arg = g_variant_new_boolean(b); break; case 'y': /* guchar */ if (i64 < 0 || i64 > 255) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s (out of byte range)", jvalstr); return FALSE; } arg = g_variant_new_byte((guchar)i64); break; case 'n': /* gint16 */ if (i64 < -(1LL << 15) || i64 >= (1LL << 15)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s (out of int16 range)", jvalstr); return FALSE; } arg = g_variant_new_int16((gint16)i64); break; case 'q': /* guint16 */ if (i64 < 0 || i64 >= (1LL << 16)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s (out of uint16 range)", jvalstr); return FALSE; } arg = g_variant_new_uint16((guint16)i64); break; case 'h': case 'i': /* gint32 */ if (i64 < -(1LL << 31) || i64 >= (1LL << 31)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s (out of int32 range)", jvalstr); return FALSE; } arg = g_variant_new_int32((gint32)i64); break; case 'u': /* guint32 */ if (i64 < 0 || i64 >= (1LL << 32)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "Bad property %s (out of uint32 range)", jvalstr); return FALSE; } arg = g_variant_new_uint32((guint32)i64); break; case 'x': /* gint64 */ arg = g_variant_new_int64(i64); break; case 't': /* gint64 */ arg = g_variant_new_uint64(i64); break; case 'd': /* double */ arg = g_variant_new_double(d); break; case 's': /* string */ arg = g_variant_new_string(str); break; case 'o': /* object */ arg = g_variant_new_object_path(str); break; case 'g': /* signature */ arg = g_variant_new_signature(str); break; case 'v': /* variant */ AFB_WARNING("Can't handle variant yet"); break; } return arg; } json_object *get_property_collect(json_object *jreqprop, json_object *jprop, GError **error) { int i, len; json_object *jkey, *jval, *jobj = NULL, *jobjval; const char *key; /* printf("jreqprop=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(jreqprop, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED)); printf("jprop=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(jprop, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED)); */ /* get is an array of strings (or an object for subtype */ g_assert(json_object_get_type(jreqprop) == json_type_array); len = json_object_array_length(jreqprop); if (len == 0) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jkey = json_object_array_get_idx(jreqprop, i); /* string key */ if (json_object_is_type(jkey, json_type_string)) { key = json_object_get_string(jkey); if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jprop, key, &jval)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "can't find key %s", key); json_object_put(jobj); return NULL; } if (!jobj) jobj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jobj, key, json_object_copy(jval)); } else if (json_object_is_type(jkey, json_type_object)) { /* recursing into an object */ json_object_object_foreach(jkey, key_o, jval_o) { if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jprop, key_o, &jval)) { g_set_error(error, NB_ERROR, NB_ERROR_BAD_PROPERTY, "can't find key %s", key_o); json_object_put(jobj); return NULL; } /* jval_o is on jreqprop */ /* jval is on jprop */ jobjval = get_property_collect(jval_o, jval, error); if (!jobjval && error && *error) { json_object_put(jobj); return NULL; } if (jobjval) { if (!jobj) jobj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jobj, key_o, jobjval); } } } } /* if (jobj) printf("jobj=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(jobj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED)); */ return jobj; } json_object *get_named_property(const struct property_info *pi, gboolean is_json_name, const char *name, json_object *jprop) { json_object *jret = NULL; gchar *json_name = NULL; if (!is_json_name) { json_name = property_get_json_name(pi, name); if (!json_name) return NULL; name = json_name; } json_object_object_foreach(jprop, key, jval) { if (!g_strcmp0(key, name)) { jret = json_object_copy(jval); break; } } g_free(json_name); return jret; }