# Radio Service ## Overview Radio Service allows tuning of rtl-sdr based devices to radio stations and receive respective audio stream. ## Verbs | Name | Description | JSON Parameters | |:-------------------|:-------------------- -----------------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------| | subscribe | subscribe to radio events | *Request:* {"value": "frequency"} | | unsubscribe | unsubscribe to radio events | *Request:* {"value": "frequency"} | | frequency | get/set tuned radio frequency | *Request:* {"value": 101100000} | | band | get/set current band type (e.g. AM, FM) | *Request:* {"band": "FM"} *Response:* {"band": "FM"} | | band_supported | check if a certain band is supported | *Request:* {"band": "FM"} *Response:* {"supported": 1} | | frequency_range | get frequency range for band type | *Request:* {"band": "FM"} *Response:* {"min": ..., "max": ...} | | frequency_step | get frequency step/spacing for band type | *Request:* {"band": "FM"} *Response:* {"step": 200000} | | start | start radio playback | | | stop | stop radio playback | | | scan_start | start scanning for station | *Request:* {"direction": "forward" or "backward"} | | scan_stop | stop scanning for station | | | stereo_mode | get/set stereo or mono mode | *Request:* {"value": "stereo" or "mono"} | ## Events ### frequency Event JSON Response JSON response has a single field **frequency** which is the currently tuned frequency. ### station_found Event JSON Response JSON response has a single field **value** of the frequency of the discovered radio station.