# Introduction

You will find in this documentation a presentation about Signal Composer
architecture. Signal Composer is an Application Framework binding meant to
facilitate handling signaling, by compose, divide and create new virtuals
signals from RAW signals coming from _low level_ binding that handle read/write,
encode/decode on different protocols that a car could use (CAN, LIN, Ethernet,
GPS, i2c, ...).


| *Meta* | *Data* |
| -- | -- |
| **Title** | {{ config.title }} |
| **Author** | {{ config.author }} |
| **Description** | {{ config.description }} |
| **Keywords** | {{ config.keywords }} |
| **Language** | English |
| **Published** | Published {{ config.published }} as an electronic book |
| **Updated** | {{ gitbook.time }} |
| **Collection** | Open-source |
| **Website** | [{{ config.website }}]({{ config.website }}) |