/* * Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, something express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Reference: * Json load using json_unpack https://jansson.readthedocs.io/en/2.9/apiref.html#parsing-and-validating-values */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <filescan-utils.h> #include <wrap-json.h> #include "ctl-lua.h" #include "signal-composer-binding.hpp" typedef void*(*DispatchPluginInstallCbT)(const char* label, const char*version, const char*info); static afb_req NULL_AFBREQ = {}; typedef struct { const char* id; const char* source; const char* class; DispatchActionT* onReceived; } DispatchSignalT; typedef struct { const char* label; const char* info; const char* ssource; const char* sclass; DispatchActionT* actions; } DispatchHandleT; typedef struct { const char *label; const char *info; void *context; char *sharelib; void *dlHandle; luaL_Reg *l2cFunc; int l2cCount; } DispatchPluginT; typedef struct { const char* label; const char *info; const char *version; DispatchPluginT *plugin; DispatchHandleT **sources; DispatchHandleT **signals; } DispatchConfigT; // global config handle static DispatchConfigT *configHandle = NULL; static int DispatchSignalToIndex(DispatchHandleT **signals, const char* controlLabel) { for (int idx = 0; signals[idx]; idx++) { if (!strcasecmp(controlLabel, signals[idx]->label)) return idx; } return -1; } static int DispatchOneSignal(DispatchSourceT source, DispatchHandleT **signals, const char* controlLabel, json_object *queryJ, afb_req request) { int err; if (!configHandle) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-CTL-API: (Hoops/Bug!!!) No Config Loaded"); return -1; } if (!configHandle->signals) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-CTL-API: No Signal Action in Json config label=%s version=%s", configHandle->label, configHandle->version); return -1; } int index = DispatchSignalToIndex(signals, controlLabel); if (index < 0 || !signals[index]->actions) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-CTL-API:NotFound/Error label=%s in Json Signal Config File", controlLabel); return -1; } // Fulup (Bug/Feature) in current version is unique to every onload profile if (configHandle->plugin && configHandle->plugin->l2cCount) { LuaL2cNewLib (configHandle->plugin->label, configHandle->plugin->l2cFunc, configHandle->plugin->l2cCount); } // loop on action for this control DispatchActionT *actions = signals[index]->actions; for (int idx = 0; actions[idx].label; idx++) { switch (actions[idx].mode) { case CTL_MODE_API: { json_object *returnJ; // if query is empty increment usage count and pass args if (!queryJ || json_object_get_type(queryJ) != json_type_object) { json_object_get(actions[idx].argsJ); queryJ= actions[idx].argsJ; } else if (actions[idx].argsJ) { // Merge queryJ and argsJ before sending request if (json_object_get_type(actions[idx].argsJ) == json_type_object) { json_object_object_foreach(actions[idx].argsJ, key, val) { json_object_object_add(queryJ, key, val); } } else { json_object_object_add(queryJ, "args", actions[idx].argsJ); } } int err = afb_service_call_sync(actions[idx].api, actions[idx].call, queryJ, &returnJ); if (err) { static const char*format = "DispatchOneSignal(Api) api=%s verb=%s args=%s"; if (afb_req_is_valid(request))afb_req_fail_f(request, "DISPATCH-CTL-MODE:API", format, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].api, actions[idx].call); else AFB_ERROR(format, actions[idx].api, actions[idx].call, actions[idx].label); return -1; } break; } #ifdef CONTROL_SUPPORT_LUA case CTL_MODE_LUA: err = LuaCallFunc(source, &actions[idx], queryJ); if (err) { static const char*format = "DispatchOneSignal(Lua) label=%s func=%s args=%s"; if (afb_req_is_valid(request)) afb_req_fail_f(request, "DISPATCH-CTL-MODE:Lua", format, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].call, json_object_get_string(actions[idx].argsJ)); else AFB_ERROR(format, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].call, json_object_get_string(actions[idx].argsJ)); return -1; } break; #endif case CTL_MODE_CB: err = (*actions[idx].actionCB) (source, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].argsJ, queryJ, configHandle->plugin->context); if (err) { static const char*format = "DispatchOneSignal(Callback) label%s func=%s args=%s"; if (afb_req_is_valid(request)) afb_req_fail_f(request, "DISPATCH-CTL-MODE:Cb", format, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].call, json_object_get_string(actions[idx].argsJ)); else AFB_ERROR(format, actions[idx].label, actions[idx].call, json_object_get_string(actions[idx].argsJ)); return -1; } break; default: { static const char*format = "DispatchOneSignal(unknown) mode control=%s action=%s"; AFB_ERROR(format, signals[index]->label); if (afb_req_is_valid(request))afb_req_fail_f(request, "DISPATCH-CTL-MODE:Unknown", format, signals[index]->label); } } } // everything when fine if (afb_req_is_valid(request)) afb_req_success(request, NULL, signals[index]->label); return 0; } // Event name is mapped on control label and executed as a standard control /* void DispatchOneEvent(const char *evtLabel, json_object *eventJ) { DispatchHandleT **events = configHandle->events; (void) DispatchOneSignal(CTL_SOURCE_EVENT, events, evtLabel, eventJ, NULL_AFBREQ); } */ // Event name is mapped on control label and executed as a standard control int DispatchSources() { if (!configHandle) return 1; int err = 0; DispatchHandleT **sources = configHandle->sources; ssize_t i = 0, nSources = sizeof(*sources) / sizeof(DispatchHandleT); while(i < nSources) { const char* sourceLabel = sources[i++]->label; err = DispatchOneSignal(CTL_SOURCE_ONLOAD, sources, sourceLabel, NULL, NULL_AFBREQ); } return err; } void ctlapi_dispatch(afb_req request) { DispatchHandleT **signals = configHandle->signals; json_object *queryJ, *argsJ=NULL; const char *target; DispatchSourceT source= CTL_SOURCE_UNKNOWN; queryJ = afb_req_json(request); int err = wrap_json_unpack(queryJ, "{s:s, s?i s?o !}", "target", &target, "source", &source, "args", &argsJ); if (err) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "CTL-DISPTACH-INVALID", "missing target or args not a valid json object query=%s", json_object_get_string(queryJ)); return; } (void) DispatchOneSignal(source, signals, target, argsJ, request); } // Wrapper to Lua2c plugin command add context dans delegate to LuaWrapper int DispatchOneL2c(lua_State* luaState, char *funcname, Lua2cFunctionT callback) { #ifndef CONTROL_SUPPORT_LUA AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-ONE-L2C: LUA support not selected (cf:CONTROL_SUPPORT_LUA) in config.cmake"); return 1; #else int err=Lua2cWrapper(luaState, funcname, callback, configHandle->plugin->context); return err; #endif } // List Avaliable Configuration Files void ctlapi_config(struct afb_req request) { json_object*tmpJ; char *dirList; // Compile some default directories to browse char defaultConfPath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(defaultConfPath, GetBindingDirPath(), sizeof(GetBindingDirPath())); strncat(defaultConfPath, "/etc:", sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); strncat(defaultConfPath, GetBindingDirPath(), sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); strncat(defaultConfPath, "/data", sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); json_object* queryJ = afb_req_json(request); if (queryJ && json_object_object_get_ex(queryJ, "cfgpath", &tmpJ)) { dirList = strdup(json_object_get_string(tmpJ)); } else { dirList = getenv("CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH"); if (!dirList) dirList = defaultConfPath; AFB_NOTICE("CONFIG-MISSING: use default CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH=%s", defaultConfPath); } // get list of config file struct json_object *responseJ = ScanForConfig(dirList, CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, "onload", "json"); if (json_object_array_length(responseJ) == 0) { afb_req_fail(request, "CONFIGPATH:EMPTY", "No Config Found in CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH"); } else { afb_req_success(request, responseJ, NULL); } return; } // unpack individual action object static int DispatchLoadOneAction(DispatchConfigT *controlConfig, json_object *actionJ, DispatchActionT *action) { char *api = NULL, *verb = NULL, *callback = NULL, *lua = NULL, *function = NULL; int err, modeCount = 0; err = wrap_json_unpack(actionJ, "{s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?o !}" , "label", &action->label , "info", &action->info , "function", &function , "callback", &callback , "lua", &lua , "api", &api, "verb", &verb , "args", &action->argsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-ACTION Missing something label|info|callback|lua|(api+verb)|args in %s", json_object_get_string(actionJ)); return -1; } // Generic way to specify a C or LUA actions if(function) { if(strcasestr(function, "lua")) { action->mode = CTL_MODE_LUA; action->call = function; modeCount++; } else if(controlConfig->plugin) { action->mode = CTL_MODE_CB; action->call = callback; modeCount++; action->actionCB = dlsym(controlConfig->plugin->dlHandle, callback); if (!action->actionCB) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-ACTION fail to find calbback=%s in %s", callback, controlConfig->plugin->sharelib); return -1; } } // If label not already set then use function name if(! &action->label) action->label = function; } if (lua) { action->mode = CTL_MODE_LUA; action->call = lua; modeCount++; // If label not already set then use function name if(! &action->label) action->label = lua; } if (api && verb) { action->mode = CTL_MODE_API; action->api = api; action->call = verb; modeCount++; char* apiVerb = strdup(api); apiVerb = strncat(apiVerb, "/", sizeof(*apiVerb) - strlen(apiVerb) - 1); apiVerb = strncat(apiVerb, verb, sizeof(*apiVerb) - strlen(apiVerb) - 1); // If label not already set then use function name if(! &action->label) action->label = apiVerb; free(apiVerb); } if (callback && controlConfig->plugin) { action->mode = CTL_MODE_CB; action->call = callback; modeCount++; action->actionCB = dlsym(controlConfig->plugin->dlHandle, callback); if (!action->actionCB) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-ACTION fail to find calbback=%s in %s", callback, controlConfig->plugin->sharelib); return -1; } } // make sure at least one mode is selected if (modeCount == 0) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-ACTION No Action Selected lua|callback|(api+verb) in %s", json_object_get_string(actionJ)); return -1; } if (modeCount > 1) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-ACTION:Too Many arguments lua|callback|(api+verb) in %s", json_object_get_string(actionJ)); return -1; } return 0; }; static DispatchActionT *DispatchLoadActions(DispatchConfigT *controlConfig, json_object *actionsJ) { int err; DispatchActionT *actions; // action array is close with a nullvalue; if (json_object_get_type(actionsJ) == json_type_array) { int count = json_object_array_length(actionsJ); actions = calloc(count + 1, sizeof (DispatchActionT)); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { json_object *actionJ = json_object_array_get_idx(actionsJ, idx); err = DispatchLoadOneAction(controlConfig, actionJ, &actions[idx]); if (err) return NULL; } } else { actions = calloc(2, sizeof (DispatchActionT)); err = DispatchLoadOneAction(controlConfig, actionsJ, &actions[0]); if (err) return NULL; } return actions; } static void DispatchLoadPlugin(DispatchConfigT *controlConfig, json_object* sourcesJ, json_object* pluginJ) { int err = 0; json_object *lua2csJ = NULL; DispatchPluginT *dPlugin= calloc(1, sizeof(DispatchPluginT)); controlConfig->plugin = dPlugin; const char*ldSearchPath=NULL; err = wrap_json_unpack(pluginJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,ss,s?o!}", "label", &dPlugin->label, "info", &dPlugin->info, "ldpath", &ldSearchPath, "sharelib", &dPlugin->sharelib, "lua2c", &lua2csJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:ONLOAD Plugin missing label|[info]|sharelib|[lua2c] in %s", json_object_get_string(sourcesJ)); return; } // if search path not in Json config file, then try default if (!ldSearchPath) ldSearchPath= strncat(GetBindingDirPath(), "/data", sizeof(GetBindingDirPath()) - strlen(GetBindingDirPath()) - 1); // search for default policy config file json_object *pluginPathJ = ScanForConfig(ldSearchPath, CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, dPlugin->sharelib, NULL); if (!pluginPathJ || json_object_array_length(pluginPathJ) == 0) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:PLUGIN Missing plugin=%s in path=%s", dPlugin->sharelib, ldSearchPath); return; } char *filename; char*fullpath; err = wrap_json_unpack(json_object_array_get_idx(pluginPathJ, 0), "{s:s, s:s !}", "fullpath", &fullpath, "filename", &filename); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:PLUGIN HOOPs invalid plugin file path = %s", json_object_get_string(pluginPathJ)); return; } if (json_object_array_length(pluginPathJ) > 1) { AFB_WARNING("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:PLUGIN plugin multiple instances in searchpath will use %s/%s", fullpath, filename); } char pluginpath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(pluginpath, fullpath, sizeof (pluginpath)); strncat(pluginpath, "/", sizeof (pluginpath)-strlen(pluginpath)-1); strncat(pluginpath, filename, sizeof (pluginpath)-strlen(pluginpath)-1); dPlugin->dlHandle = dlopen(pluginpath, RTLD_NOW); if (!dPlugin->dlHandle) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:PLUGIN Fail to load pluginpath=%s err= %s", pluginpath, dlerror()); return; } CtlPluginMagicT *ctlPluginMagic = (CtlPluginMagicT*) dlsym(dPlugin->dlHandle, "CtlPluginMagic"); if (!ctlPluginMagic || ctlPluginMagic->magic != CTL_PLUGIN_MAGIC) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:Plugin symbol'CtlPluginMagic' missing or != CTL_PLUGIN_MAGIC plugin=%s", pluginpath); return; } else { AFB_NOTICE("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:Plugin %s successfully registered", ctlPluginMagic->label); } // Jose hack to make verbosity visible from sharelib struct afb_binding_data_v2 *afbHidenData = dlsym(dPlugin->dlHandle, "afbBindingV2data"); if (afbHidenData) *afbHidenData = afbBindingV2data; // Push lua2cWrapper @ into plugin Lua2cWrapperT *lua2cInPlug = dlsym(dPlugin->dlHandle, "Lua2cWrap"); #ifndef CONTROL_SUPPORT_LUA if (lua2cInPlug) *lua2cInPlug = NULL; #else // Lua2cWrapper is part of binder and not expose to dynamic link if (lua2cInPlug) *lua2cInPlug = DispatchOneL2c; { int Lua2cAddOne(luaL_Reg *l2cFunc, const char* l2cName, int index) { char funcName[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(funcName, "lua2c_", sizeof(funcName)); strncat(funcName, l2cName, sizeof(funcName)-strlen(funcName)-1); Lua2cFunctionT l2cFunction= (Lua2cFunctionT)dlsym(dPlugin->dlHandle, funcName); if (!l2cFunction) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:Plugin symbol'%s' missing err=%s", funcName, dlerror()); return 1; } l2cFunc[index].func=(void*)l2cFunction; l2cFunc[index].name=strdup(l2cName); return 0; } int errCount = 0; luaL_Reg *l2cFunc=NULL; int count=0; // look on l2c command and push them to LUA if (json_object_get_type(lua2csJ) == json_type_array) { int length = json_object_array_length(lua2csJ); l2cFunc = calloc(length + 1, sizeof (luaL_Reg)); for (count=0; count < length; count++) { int err; const char *l2cName = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(lua2csJ, count)); err = Lua2cAddOne(l2cFunc, l2cName, count); if (err) errCount++; } } else { l2cFunc = calloc(2, sizeof (luaL_Reg)); const char *l2cName = json_object_get_string(lua2csJ); errCount = Lua2cAddOne(l2cFunc, l2cName, 0); count=1; } if (errCount) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:Plugin %d symbols not found in plugin='%s'", errCount, pluginpath); return; } else { dPlugin->l2cFunc= l2cFunc; dPlugin->l2cCount= count; } } #endif DispatchPluginInstallCbT ctlPluginOnload = dlsym(dPlugin->dlHandle, "CtlPluginOnload"); if (ctlPluginOnload) { dPlugin->context = (*ctlPluginOnload) (controlConfig->label, controlConfig->version, controlConfig->info); } } static DispatchHandleT *DispatchLoadSignal(DispatchConfigT *controlConfig, json_object *controlJ) { json_object *actionsJ, *permissionsJ; int err; DispatchHandleT *dispatchHandle = calloc(1, sizeof (DispatchHandleT)); err = wrap_json_unpack(controlJ, "{ss,s?s,ss,ss,s?o,so !}" , "id", &dispatchHandle->label , "info", &dispatchHandle->info , "source", &dispatchHandle->ssource , "class", &dispatchHandle->sclass , "permissions", &permissionsJ , "onReceived", &actionsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:CONTROL Missing something label|[info]|actions in %s", json_object_get_string(controlJ)); return NULL; } dispatchHandle->actions = DispatchLoadActions(controlConfig, actionsJ); if (!dispatchHandle->actions) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:CONTROL Error when parsing actions %s", dispatchHandle->label); return NULL; } return dispatchHandle; } static DispatchHandleT *DispatchLoadSource(DispatchConfigT *controlConfig, json_object *sourcesJ) { json_object *actionsJ = NULL, *pluginJ = NULL; int err; DispatchHandleT *dispatchSources = calloc(1, sizeof (DispatchHandleT)); err = wrap_json_unpack(sourcesJ, "{ss,s?s,s?o,s?o,s?o !}", "api", &dispatchSources->label, "info", &dispatchSources->info, "plugin", &pluginJ, "actions", &actionsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:ONLOAD Missing something label|[info]|[plugin]|[actions] in %s", json_object_get_string(sourcesJ)); return NULL; } // best effort to initialise everything before starting err = afb_daemon_require_api(dispatchSources->label, 1); if (err) { AFB_WARNING("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:REQUIRE Fail to get=%s", dispatchSources->label); } if (pluginJ) { DispatchLoadPlugin(controlConfig, sourcesJ, pluginJ); } dispatchSources->actions = DispatchLoadActions(controlConfig, actionsJ); if (!dispatchSources->actions) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:ONLOAD Error when parsing actions %s", dispatchSources->label); return NULL; } return dispatchSources; } static DispatchConfigT *DispatchLoadConfig(const char* filepath) { json_object *controlConfigJ, *ignoreJ; int err; // Load JSON file controlConfigJ = json_object_from_file(filepath); if (!controlConfigJ) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:JsonLoad invalid JSON %s ", filepath); return NULL; } AFB_INFO("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG: loading config filepath=%s", filepath); json_object *metadataJ = NULL, *sourcesJ = NULL, *signalsJ = NULL; err = wrap_json_unpack(controlConfigJ, "{s?s,s?o,s?o,s?o !}", "$schema", &ignoreJ, "metadata", &metadataJ, "sources", &sourcesJ, "signals", &signalsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG Missing something metadata|[sources]|[signals] in %s", json_object_get_string(controlConfigJ)); return NULL; } DispatchConfigT *controlConfig = calloc(1, sizeof (DispatchConfigT)); if (metadataJ) { const char*ctlname=NULL; err = wrap_json_unpack(metadataJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,ss !}", "label", &controlConfig->label, "version", &controlConfig->version, "name", &ctlname, "info", &controlConfig->info); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-LOAD-CONFIG:METADATA Missing something label|version|[label] in %s", json_object_get_string(metadataJ)); return NULL; } // if ctlname is provided change process name now if (ctlname) { err= prctl(PR_SET_NAME, ctlname,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (err) AFB_WARNING("Fail to set Process Name to:%s",ctlname); } } if (sourcesJ) { DispatchHandleT *dispatchHandle; if (json_object_get_type(sourcesJ) != json_type_array) { controlConfig->sources = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(2, sizeof (void*)); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSource(controlConfig, sourcesJ); controlConfig->sources[0] = dispatchHandle; } else { int length = json_object_array_length(sourcesJ); controlConfig->sources = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(length + 1, sizeof (void*)); for (int jdx = 0; jdx < length; jdx++) { json_object *sourcesJ = json_object_array_get_idx(sourcesJ, jdx); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSource(controlConfig, sourcesJ); controlConfig->sources[jdx] = dispatchHandle; } } } if (signalsJ) { DispatchHandleT* dispatchHandle; if (json_object_get_type(signalsJ) != json_type_array) { controlConfig->signals = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(2, sizeof (void*)); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSignal(controlConfig, signalsJ); controlConfig->signals[0] = dispatchHandle; } else { int length = json_object_array_length(signalsJ); controlConfig->signals = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(length + 1, sizeof (void*)); for (int jdx = 0; jdx < length; jdx++) { json_object *controlJ = json_object_array_get_idx(signalsJ, jdx); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSignal(controlConfig, controlJ); controlConfig->signals[jdx] = dispatchHandle; } } } /* if (eventsJ) { DispatchHandleT *dispatchHandle; if (json_object_get_type(eventsJ) != json_type_array) { controlConfig->events = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(2, sizeof (void*)); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSignal(controlConfig, eventsJ); controlConfig->events[0] = dispatchHandle; } else { int length = json_object_array_length(eventsJ); controlConfig->events = (DispatchHandleT**) calloc(length + 1, sizeof (void*)); for (int jdx = 0; jdx < length; jdx++) { json_object *eventJ = json_object_array_get_idx(eventsJ, jdx); dispatchHandle = DispatchLoadSignal(controlConfig, eventJ); controlConfig->events[jdx] = dispatchHandle; } } } */ return controlConfig; } // Load default config file at init int DispatchInit() { int index, luaLoaded = 0; char controlFile [CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; // Compile some default directories to browse char defaultConfPath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(defaultConfPath, GetBindingDirPath(), sizeof(GetBindingDirPath())); strncat(defaultConfPath, "/etc:", sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); strncat(defaultConfPath, GetBindingDirPath(), sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); strncat(defaultConfPath, "/data", sizeof(defaultConfPath) - strlen(defaultConfPath) - 1); const char *dirList = getenv("CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH"); if (!dirList) dirList = defaultConfPath; strncpy(controlFile, CONTROL_CONFIG_PRE "-", CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN); strncat(controlFile, GetBinderName(), CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN-strlen(controlFile)-1); // search for default dispatch config file json_object* responseJ = ScanForConfig(dirList, CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, controlFile, "json"); // We load 1st file others are just warnings for (index = 0; index < json_object_array_length(responseJ); index++) { json_object *entryJ = json_object_array_get_idx(responseJ, index); char *filename; char*fullpath; int err = wrap_json_unpack(entryJ, "{s:s, s:s !}", "fullpath", &fullpath, "filename", &filename); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-INIT HOOPs invalid JSON entry= %s", json_object_get_string(entryJ)); return -1; } if (index == 0) { if (strcasestr(filename, controlFile)) { char filepath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN]; strncpy(filepath, fullpath, sizeof (filepath)); strncat(filepath, "/", sizeof (filepath)-strlen(filepath)-1); strncat(filepath, filename, sizeof (filepath)-strlen(filepath)-1); configHandle = DispatchLoadConfig(filepath); if (!configHandle) { AFB_ERROR("DISPATCH-INIT:ERROR Fail loading [%s]", filepath); return -1; } luaLoaded = 1; break; } } else { AFB_WARNING("DISPATCH-INIT:WARNING Secondary Signal Config Ignored %s/%s", fullpath, filename); } } // no dispatch config found remove control API from binder if (!luaLoaded) { AFB_WARNING("DISPATCH-INIT:WARNING (setenv CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH) No Config '%s-*.json' in '%s'", controlFile, dirList); } AFB_NOTICE("DISPATCH-INIT:SUCCES: Signal Dispatch Init"); return 0; }