static const char _afb_description_v2_signal_composer[] =
    "l\":\"ws://{host}:{port}/api/monitor\",\"description\":\"Signals compose"
    "r API connected to low level AGL services\",\"variables\":{\"host\":{\"d"
    "-v2\":{\"title\":\"Generic response.\",\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":"
    "}},\"x-permissions\":{},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"A comp"
    "lex object array response\",\"content\":{\"application/json\":{\"schema\""
    "ibe\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to a signal object\",\"parameters\":["
    "nses/200\"}}},\"/unsubscribe\":{\"description\":\"Unsubscribe previously"
    " suscribed signal objects.\",\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":"
    "escription\":\"Get informations about a resource or element\",\"response"
    "scription\":\"List all signals already configured\",\"responses\":{\"200"
    "ion\":\"Load config file in directory passed as argument searching for p"
    "attern 'sig' in filename\",\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\""

 void subscribe(struct afb_req req);
 void unsubscribe(struct afb_req req);
 void get(struct afb_req req);
 void list(struct afb_req req);
 void loadConf(struct afb_req req);

static const struct afb_verb_v2 _afb_verbs_v2_signal_composer[] = {
        .verb = "subscribe",
        .callback = subscribe,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = "Subscribe to a signal object",
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE_V2
        .verb = "unsubscribe",
        .callback = unsubscribe,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = "Unsubscribe previously suscribed signal objects.",
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE_V2
        .verb = "get",
        .callback = get,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = "Get informations about a resource or element",
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE_V2
        .verb = "list",
        .callback = list,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = "List all signals already configured",
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE_V2
        .verb = "loadConf",
        .callback = loadConf,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = "Load config file in directory passed as argument searching for pattern 'sig' in filename",
        .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE_V2
        .verb = NULL,
        .callback = NULL,
        .auth = NULL,
        .info = NULL,
        .session = 0

const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
    .api = "signal-composer",
    .specification = _afb_description_v2_signal_composer,
    .info = "",
    .verbs = _afb_verbs_v2_signal_composer,
    .preinit = loadConf,
    .init = execConf,
    .onevent = onEvent,
    .noconcurrency = 0