/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <uuid.h> #include <string.h> #include <fnmatch.h> #include "clientApp.hpp" extern "C" void searchNsetSignalValueHandle(const char* aName, uint64_t timestamp, json_object* value) { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signals = Composer::instance().searchSignals(aName); if(!signals.empty()) { for(auto& sig: signals) {sig->set(timestamp, value);} } } extern "C" void setSignalValueHandle(void* aSignal, uint64_t timestamp, json_object* value) { Signal* sig = static_cast<Signal*>(aSignal); sig->set(timestamp, value); } // aSignal member value will be initialized in sourceAPI->addSignal() static struct signalCBT pluginHandle = { .searchNsetSignalValue = searchNsetSignalValueHandle, .setSignalValue = setSignalValueHandle, .aSignal = nullptr, .pluginCtx = nullptr, }; CtlSectionT Composer::ctlSections_[] = { [0]={.key="plugins" , .uid="plugins", .info=nullptr, .loadCB=PluginConfig, .handle=&pluginHandle, .actions=nullptr}, [1]={.key="sources" , .uid="sources", .info=nullptr, .loadCB=loadSourcesAPI, .handle=nullptr, .actions=nullptr}, [2]={.key="signals" , .uid="signals", .info=nullptr, .loadCB=loadSignals, .handle=nullptr, .actions=nullptr}, [3]={.key=nullptr, .uid=nullptr, .info=nullptr, .loadCB=nullptr, .handle=nullptr, .actions=nullptr} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE METHODS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Composer::Composer() {} Composer::~Composer() { // This will free onReceived_ action member from signal objects // Not the best to have it occurs here instead of in Signal destructor for(auto& j: ctlActionsJ_) { if(j) json_object_put(j); } if (ctlConfig_->configJ) json_object_put(ctlConfig_->configJ); if (ctlConfig_->requireJ)json_object_put(ctlConfig_->requireJ); free(ctlConfig_); } CtlActionT* Composer::convert2Action(afb_api_t apihandle, const std::string& name, json_object* actionJ) { CtlActionT *ctlAction = new CtlActionT; json_object_object_add(actionJ, "uid", json_object_new_string(name.c_str())); if(! ActionLoadOne(apihandle, ctlAction, actionJ, 0)) {return ctlAction;} delete(ctlAction); return nullptr; } int Composer::loadOneSourceAPI(afb_api_t apihandle, json_object* sourceJ) { json_object *initJ = nullptr, *getSignalsJ = nullptr, *onReceivedJ = nullptr; CtlActionT *initCtl = nullptr, *getSignalsCtl = nullptr, *onReceivedCtl = nullptr; const char *uid, *api, *info; int retention = 0; int err = wrap_json_unpack(sourceJ, "{ss,ss,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?i !}", "uid", &uid, "api", &api, "info", &info, "init", &initJ, "getSignals", &getSignalsJ, // Signals field to make signals conf by sources "onReceived", &onReceivedJ, "retention", &retention); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("Missing or incorrect field uid|api|[info]|[init]|[getSignals]|[onReceived]|[retention] in %s", json_object_get_string(sourceJ)); return err; } // Checking duplicate entry and ignore if so for(auto& src: sourcesListV_) { if(*src == uid) { json_object_put(sourceJ); return 0; } } if(ctlConfig_ && ctlConfig_->requireJ) { const char* requireS = json_object_to_json_string(ctlConfig_->requireJ); if(!strcasestr(requireS, api) && !strcasestr(api, afbBindingV3root->apiname)) {AFB_WARNING("Caution! You don't specify the API source as required in the metadata section. This API '%s' may not be initialized", api);} } initCtl = initJ ? convert2Action(apihandle, "init", initJ) : nullptr; // Define default action to take to subscibe souce's signals if none // defined. if(!getSignalsJ) { getSignalsJ = json_object_new_object(); std::string uri = "api://" + std::string(api) + "#subscribe"; json_object_object_add(getSignalsJ, "action", json_object_new_string(uri.c_str())); } getSignalsCtl = convert2Action(apihandle, "getSignals", getSignalsJ); onReceivedCtl = onReceivedJ ? convert2Action(apihandle, "onReceived", onReceivedJ) : nullptr; newSourcesListV_.push_back(std::make_shared<SourceAPI>(uid, api, info, initCtl, getSignalsCtl, onReceivedCtl, retention)); return err; } int Composer::loadSourcesAPI(afb_api_t apihandle, CtlSectionT* section, json_object *sourcesJ) { int err = 0; Composer& composer = instance(); if(sourcesJ) { std::size_t count = 1; json_object *sigCompJ = nullptr; // add the signal composer itself as source if not already done if(! composer.getSourceAPI("Signal-Composer-service")) { wrap_json_pack(&sigCompJ, "{ss,ss,ss}", "uid", "Signal-Composer-service", "api", afbBindingV3root->apiname, "info", "Api on behalf the virtual signals are sent"); if(json_object_is_type(sourcesJ, json_type_array)) json_object_array_add(sourcesJ, sigCompJ); } if (json_object_get_type(sourcesJ) == json_type_array) { count = json_object_array_length(sourcesJ); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { json_object *sourceJ = json_object_array_get_idx(sourcesJ, idx); err = composer.loadOneSourceAPI(apihandle, sourceJ); if (err) return err; } } else { if ( (err = composer.loadOneSourceAPI(apihandle, sourcesJ)) ) return err; if (sigCompJ) { if ( (err = composer.loadOneSourceAPI(apihandle, sigCompJ)) ) return err; } } AFB_NOTICE("%ld new sources added to service", count); } else {Composer::instance().initSourcesAPI();} return err; } int Composer::loadOneSignal(afb_api_t apihandle, json_object* signalJ) { json_object *onReceivedJ = nullptr, *dependsJ = nullptr, *metadataJ = nullptr, *getSignalsArgs = nullptr; CtlActionT* onReceivedCtl; const char *id = nullptr, *event = nullptr, *unit = nullptr; int retention = 0; double frequency=0.0; std::vector<std::string> dependsV; ssize_t sep; std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> src = nullptr; int err = wrap_json_unpack(signalJ, "{ss,s?s,s?o,s?o,s?i,s?s,s?o,s?F,s?o !}", "uid", &id, "event", &event, "depends", &dependsJ, "getSignalsArgs", &getSignalsArgs, "retention", &retention, "unit", &unit, "metadata", &metadataJ, "frequency", &frequency, "onReceived", &onReceivedJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR("Missing something uid|[event|depends]|[getSignalsArgs]|[retention]|[unit]|[frequency]|[onReceived] in %s", json_object_get_string(signalJ)); return err; } // event or depends field manadatory if( (!event && !dependsJ) || (event && dependsJ) ) { AFB_ERROR("Missing something uid|[event|depends]|[getSignalsArgs]|[retention]|[unit]|[frequency]|[onReceived] in %s. Or you declare event AND depends, only one of them is needed.", json_object_get_string(signalJ)); return -1; } // Declare a raw signal if(event) { std::string eventStr = std::string(event); if( (sep = eventStr.find("/")) == std::string::npos) { AFB_ERROR("Missing something in event declaration. Has to be like: <api>/<event>"); return -1; } std::string api = eventStr.substr(0, sep); src = getSourceAPI(api); if(!src) { AFB_ERROR("Can't find the source API %s for the event %s. Check you configuration.", api.c_str(), eventStr.c_str()); return -1; } } else { event = ""; } // Process depends JSON object to declare virtual signal dependencies if (dependsJ) { if(json_object_get_type(dependsJ) == json_type_array) { std::size_t count = json_object_array_length(dependsJ); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { std::string sourceStr = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(dependsJ, i)); if( (sep = sourceStr.find("/")) != std::string::npos) { AFB_ERROR("Signal composition needs to use signal 'id', don't use full low level signal name"); return -1; } dependsV.push_back(sourceStr); } } else { std::string sourceStr = json_object_get_string(dependsJ); if( (sep = sourceStr.find("/")) != std::string::npos) { AFB_ERROR("Signal composition needs to use signal 'id', don't use full low level signal name"); return -1; } dependsV.push_back(sourceStr); } if(!src) { if ( ! sourcesListV_.empty() || ! newSourcesListV_.empty()) src = getSourceAPI("signal-composer"); else { AFB_WARNING("Signal '%s' not correctly attached to its source. Abort this one", json_object_to_json_string(signalJ)); return -1; } } } // Set default retention if not specified if(!retention) { retention = src->signalsDefault().retention ? src->signalsDefault().retention : 30; } unit = !unit ? "" : unit; // Set default onReceived action if not specified char uid[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN] = "onReceived_"; strncat(uid, id, strlen(id)); if(!onReceivedJ) { onReceivedCtl = src->signalsDefault().onReceived ? src->signalsDefault().onReceived : nullptr; // Overwrite uid to the signal one instead of the default if(onReceivedCtl) {onReceivedCtl->uid = uid;} } else {onReceivedCtl = convert2Action(apihandle, uid, onReceivedJ);} if(src != nullptr) {src->addSignal(id, event, dependsV, retention, unit, metadataJ, frequency, onReceivedCtl, getSignalsArgs);} else {err = -1;} return err; } int Composer::loadSignals(afb_api_t apihandle, CtlSectionT* section, json_object *signalsJ) { int err = 0; Composer& composer = instance(); if(signalsJ) { std::size_t count = 1; if (json_object_get_type(signalsJ) == json_type_array) { count = json_object_array_length(signalsJ); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { json_object *signalJ = json_object_array_get_idx(signalsJ, idx); err += composer.loadOneSignal(apihandle, signalJ); } } else {err = composer.loadOneSignal(apihandle, signalsJ);} AFB_NOTICE("%ld new signals added to service", count); } else {Composer::instance().initSignals();} return err; } void Composer::processOptions(const std::map<std::string, int>& opts, std::shared_ptr<Signal> sig, json_object* response) const { json_object *value = nullptr; if (opts.at("average")) { value = sig->average(opts.at("average")); json_object_is_type(value, json_type_double) ? json_object_object_add(response, "average", value) : json_object_object_add(response, "error", value); } if (opts.at("minimum")) { value = sig->minimum(opts.at("minimum")); json_object_is_type(value, json_type_double) ? json_object_object_add(response, "minimum", value) : json_object_object_add(response, "error", value); } if (opts.at("maximum")) { value = sig->maximum(opts.at("maximum")); json_object_is_type(value, json_type_double) ? json_object_object_add(response, "maximum", value) : json_object_object_add(response, "error", value); } if (opts.at("last")) { value = sig->last_value(); json_object_is_type(value, json_type_null) ? json_object_object_add(response, "error", value) : json_object_object_add(response, "last", value); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC METHODS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Composer& Composer::instance() { static Composer* composer; if(!composer) composer = new Composer(); return *composer; } void* Composer::createContext(void* ctx) { uuid_t x; char cuid[38]; uuid_generate(x); uuid_unparse(x, cuid); clientAppCtx* ret = new clientAppCtx(cuid); return (void*)ret; } void Composer::destroyContext(void* ctx) { delete(reinterpret_cast<clientAppCtx*>(ctx)); } int Composer::loadConfig(afb_api_t api, std::string& filepath) { const char *dirList= getenv("CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH"); if (!dirList) dirList=CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH; filepath.append(":"); filepath.append(dirList); const char *configPath = CtlConfigSearch(api, filepath.c_str(), "control"); if (!configPath) { AFB_ERROR_V3("CtlPreInit: No control-* config found invalid JSON %s ", filepath.c_str()); return -1; } // create one API per file ctlConfig_ = CtlLoadMetaData(api, configPath); if (!ctlConfig_) { AFB_ERROR_V3("CtrlPreInit No valid control config file in:\n-- %s", configPath); return -1; } // Save the config in the api userdata field afb_api_set_userdata(api, ctlConfig_); int err= CtlLoadSections(api, ctlConfig_, ctlSections_); return err; } int Composer::loadSources(json_object* sourcesJ) { int err = loadSourcesAPI(nullptr, nullptr, sourcesJ); if(err) { AFB_ERROR("Loading sources failed. JSON: %s", json_object_to_json_string(sourcesJ)); return err; } initSourcesAPI(); return err; } int Composer::loadSignals(json_object* signalsJ) { return loadSignals(nullptr, nullptr, signalsJ); } CtlConfigT* Composer::ctlConfig() { return ctlConfig_; } void Composer::initSourcesAPI() { size_t toInitialize = newSourcesListV_.size(); for(int i=0; i < toInitialize; i++) { std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> src = newSourcesListV_.back(); newSourcesListV_.pop_back(); src->init(); sourcesListV_.push_back(src); } } int Composer::initSignals(afb_req_t request) { for(int i=0; i < sourcesListV_.size(); i++) { std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> src = sourcesListV_[i]; src->initSignals(); } return execSignalsSubscription(request); } std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> Composer::getSourceAPI(const std::string& api) { for(auto& source: sourcesListV_) { if (source->api() == api) {return source;} } for(auto& source: newSourcesListV_) { if (source->api() == api) {return source;} } return nullptr; } std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> Composer::getAllSignals() { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> allSignals; for( auto& source : sourcesListV_) { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> srcSignals = source->getSignals(); allSignals.insert(allSignals.end(), srcSignals.begin(), srcSignals.end()); } return allSignals; } std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> Composer::searchSignals(const std::string& aName) { std::string api; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signals; size_t sep = aName.find_first_of("/"); if(sep != std::string::npos) { api = aName.substr(0, sep); std::string signal_id = aName.substr(sep + 1, std::string::npos); std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> source = getSourceAPI(api); return source->searchSignals(signal_id); } else { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> allSignals = getAllSignals(); for (std::shared_ptr<Signal>& sig : allSignals) { if(*sig == aName) {signals.emplace_back(sig);} } } return signals; } json_object* Composer::getsignalValue(const std::string& sig, json_object* options) { std::map<std::string, int> opts; json_object *response = nullptr, *finalResponse = json_object_new_array(); if(options && wrap_json_unpack(options, "{s?i, s?i, s?i, s?i !}", "average", &opts["average"], "minimum", &opts["minimum"], "maximum", &opts["maximum"], "last", &opts["last"])) { response = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(response, "error", json_object_new_string("Invalid options specified. Use the following: 'options': {['average': nb_seconds,] ['minimum': nb_seconds,] ['maximum': nb_seconds] }")); json_object_array_add(finalResponse, response); return finalResponse; } std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> sigP = searchSignals(sig); if(!sigP.empty()) { for(auto& sig: sigP) { wrap_json_pack(&response, "{ss}", "signal", sig->id().c_str()); if (opts.empty()) { json_object* value = sig->last_value(); json_object_object_add(response, "value", value); } else {processOptions(opts, sig, response);} json_object_array_add(finalResponse, response); } } return finalResponse; } int Composer::execSignalsSubscription(afb_req_t request) { int err = 0;; for(std::shared_ptr<SourceAPI> srcAPI: sourcesListV_) { if (srcAPI->api() != std::string(ctlConfig_->api)) { err += srcAPI->makeSubscription(request); } } return err; }