/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <ctl-config.h> #include "observer-pattern.hpp" #define MICRO 1000000 class Composer; /// @brief Structure holding a possible value of a Signal /// as it could be different type of value, we declare all /// possibility. /// Not very efficient or optimized, maybe use of Variant in /// C++17 but this is a bit too new to uses it for now struct signalValue { bool hasBool; bool boolVal; bool hasNum; double numVal; bool hasStr; std::string strVal; signalValue(): hasBool(false), boolVal(false), hasNum(false), numVal(0), hasStr(false), strVal("") {}; signalValue(bool b): hasBool(true), boolVal(b), hasNum(false), numVal(0), hasStr(false), strVal("") {}; signalValue(int b): hasBool(true), boolVal(b), hasNum(false), numVal(0), hasStr(false), strVal("") {}; signalValue(double d): hasBool(false), boolVal(false), hasNum(true), numVal(d), hasStr(false), strVal("") {}; signalValue(const std::string& s): hasBool(false), boolVal(false), hasNum(false), numVal(0), hasStr(true), strVal(s) {}; }; /// @brief Holds a signal (raw or virtual) definition. Value could be of /// different types, so an intermediate structure is use to store them. /// A signal could also be a subject or an observer at the same time, this /// is the behavior retained to compose virtual signals based on raw signals. /// And this is the way that is used to update and reacts to an underlaying /// signal change. class Signal: public Observable<Signal>, public Observer<Signal> { private: std::string id_; std::string event_; std::vector<std::string> dependsSigV_; uint64_t timestamp_; struct signalValue value_; std::map<uint64_t, struct signalValue> history_; ///< history_ - Hold signal value history in map with <timestamp, value> int retention_; double frequency_; std::string unit_; CtlActionT* onReceived_; json_object* getSignalsArgs_; struct signalCBT* signalCtx_; public: bool subscribed_; ///< subscribed_ - boolean value telling if yes or no the signal has been subcribed to the low level binding. Signal(); Signal(const std::string& id, const std::string& event, std::vector<std::string>& depends, const std::string& unit, int retention, double frequency, CtlActionT* onReceived, json_object* getSignalsArgs); Signal(const std::string& id, std::vector<std::string>& depends, const std::string& unit, int retention, double frequency, CtlActionT* onReceived); ~Signal(); explicit operator bool() const; bool operator==(const Signal& other) const; bool operator==(const std::string& aName) const; const std::string id() const; json_object* toJSON() const; struct signalCBT* get_context(); void set(uint64_t timestamp, struct signalValue& value); void update(Signal* sig); static int defaultOnReceivedCB(CtlSourceT* source, json_object* argsJ, json_object *queryJ); void defaultReceivedCB(json_object *eventJ); void onReceivedCB(json_object *eventJ); void attachToSourceSignals(Composer& composer); double average(int seconds = 0) const; double minimum(int seconds = 0) const; double maximum(int seconds = 0) const; struct signalValue last() const; int initialRecursionCheck(); int recursionCheck(Signal* obs); }; extern "C" void searchNsetSignalValueHandle(const char* aName, uint64_t timestamp, struct signalValue value); extern "C" void setSignalValueHandle(void* aSignal, uint64_t timestamp, struct signalValue value); /// @brief Holds composer callbacks and obj to manipulate struct signalCBT { void (*searchNsetSignalValue)(const char* aName, uint64_t timestamp, struct signalValue value); void (*setSignalValue)(void* aSignal, uint64_t timestamp, struct signalValue value); void* aSignal; void* pluginCtx; };