/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <cstring> #include "source.hpp" #include "signal-composer.hpp" SourceAPI::SourceAPI() {} SourceAPI::SourceAPI(const std::string& uid, const std::string& api, const std::string& info, CtlActionT* init, CtlActionT* getSignals, CtlActionT* onReceived, int retention): uid_{uid}, api_{api}, info_{info}, init_{init}, getSignals_{getSignals}, signalsDefault_({onReceived, retention}) {} bool SourceAPI::operator ==(const SourceAPI& other) const { if(uid_ == other.uid_) {return true;} return false; } bool SourceAPI::operator ==(const std::string& other) const { if(uid_ == other) {return true;} return false; } void SourceAPI::init() { if(init_) { CtlSourceT source; ::memset(&source, 0, sizeof(CtlSourceT)); source.uid = init_->uid; source.api = afbBindingV3root; ActionExecOne(&source, init_, json_object_new_object()); std::string sourceAPI_events = api_ + "/*"; afb_api_event_handler_add(afbBindingV3root, sourceAPI_events.c_str(), SourceAPI::onSourceEvents, NULL); return; } if(api_ == afbBindingV3root->apiname) {api_ = Composer::instance().ctlConfig()->api;} } std::string SourceAPI::api() const { return api_; } /// @brief callback for receiving message from low bindings. This will call back /// an action defined in the configuration files depending on the events /// received from an API. /// /// @param[in] object - an opaq pointer holding userdata /// @param[in] event - event name /// @param[in] object - eventual data that comes with the event /// @param[in] object - the api that subscribed the event /// void SourceAPI::onSourceEvents(void *closure, const char *event_name, json_object *event_obj, afb_api_t api) { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signals { Composer::instance().searchSignals(event_name) }; if(signals.empty()) { AFB_NOTICE("This event '%s' isn't registered within the signal composer configuration. Continue.", event_name); return; } // If there is more than 1 element then maybe we can find a more // detailled event name in JSON object as 1 event may carry several // signals. Try to find that one. if(signals.size() > 1) { bool found = false; json_object_iterator iter = json_object_iter_begin(event_obj); json_object_iterator iterEnd = json_object_iter_end(event_obj); while(!json_object_iter_equal(&iter, &iterEnd)) { json_object *value = json_object_iter_peek_value(&iter); if(json_object_is_type(value, json_type_string)) { std::string name = json_object_get_string(value); for(auto& sig: signals) { if(*sig == name) { found = true; sig->onReceivedCB(event_obj); } } } json_object_iter_next(&iter); } // If nothing found in JSON data then apply onReceived callback // for all signals found if(! found) { for(auto& sig: signals) {sig->onReceivedCB(event_obj);} } } else { signals[0]->onReceivedCB(event_obj); } } /// @brief callback for receiving message from low bindings. This will call back /// an action defined in the configuration files depending on the events /// received from an API. /// /// @param[in] object - an opaq pointer holding userdata /// @param[in] event - event name /// @param[in] object - eventual data that comes with the event /// @param[in] object - the api that subscribed the event /// void SourceAPI::onSignalEvents(void *closure, const char *event_name, json_object *event_obj, afb_api_t api) { Signal *sig = (Signal*) closure; sig->onReceivedCB(event_obj); } const struct signalsDefault& SourceAPI::signalsDefault() const { return signalsDefault_; } void SourceAPI::addSignal(const std::string& id, const std::string& event, std::vector<std::string>& depends, int retention, const std::string& unit, json_object *metadata, double frequency, CtlActionT* onReceived, json_object* getSignalsArgs) { std::shared_ptr<Signal> sig = std::make_shared<Signal>(id, event, depends, unit, metadata, retention, frequency, onReceived, getSignalsArgs); if(!event.empty()) afb_api_event_handler_add(afbBindingV3root, event.c_str(), SourceAPI::onSignalEvents, (void*)sig.get()); newSignalsM_[id] = sig; } void SourceAPI::initSignals() { int err = 0; Composer& composer = Composer::instance(); for(auto& i: newSignalsM_) {i.second->attachToSourceSignals(composer);} for(auto i = newSignalsM_.begin(); i != newSignalsM_.end();) { if (err += i->second->initialRecursionCheck()) { AFB_ERROR("There is an infinite recursion loop in your signals definition. Root coming from signal: %s. Ignoring it.", i->second->id().c_str()); ++i; continue; } signalsM_[i->first] = i->second; i = newSignalsM_.erase(i); } } std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> SourceAPI::getSignals() const { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signals; for (auto& sig: signalsM_) { signals.push_back(sig.second); } for (auto& sig: newSignalsM_) { signals.push_back(sig.second); } return signals; } /// @brief Search a signal in a source instance. If an exact signal name is find /// then it will be returned else it will be search against each signals /// contained in the map and signal will be deeper evaluated. /// /// @param[in] name - A signal name to be searched /// /// @return Returns a vector of found signals. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> SourceAPI::searchSignals(const std::string& name) { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Signal>> signals; if(signalsM_.count(name)) {signals.emplace_back(signalsM_[name]);} else if(newSignalsM_.count(name)) {signals.emplace_back(signalsM_[name]);} else { for (auto& sig: signalsM_) { if(*sig.second == name) {signals.emplace_back(sig.second);} } for (auto& sig: newSignalsM_) { if(*sig.second == name) {signals.emplace_back(sig.second);} } } return signals; } int SourceAPI::cleanNotSubscribedSignals() { int erased = 0; for(auto sig = signalsM_.begin(); sig != signalsM_.end();) { if(!sig->second->subscribed_) { sig = signalsM_.erase(sig); erased++; } else {sig++;} } return erased; } int SourceAPI::makeSubscription(afb_req_t request) { int err = 0; if(getSignals_) { CtlSourceT source; ::memset(&source, 0, sizeof(CtlSourceT)); source.uid = api_.c_str(); source.api = afbBindingV3root; source.request = request; json_object *argsSaveJ = getSignals_->argsJ; for(auto& sig: signalsM_) { if(!sig.second->subscribed_) { json_object* signalJ = sig.second->toJSON(); if(!signalJ) { AFB_ERROR("Error building JSON query object to subscribe to for signal %s", sig.second->id().c_str()); break; } source.uid = sig.first.c_str(); source.context = getSignals_->type == CTL_TYPE_CB ? getSignals_->exec.cb.plugin->context : nullptr; getSignals_->argsJ = sig.second->getSignalsArgs() ? sig.second->getSignalsArgs() : argsSaveJ; sig.second->subscribed_ = ActionExecOne(&source, getSignals_, signalJ) ? false : true; } } err += cleanNotSubscribedSignals(); getSignals_->argsJ = argsSaveJ; source.uid = uid_.c_str(); ActionExecOne(&source, getSignals_, nullptr); } if(err) {AFB_ERROR("%d signal(s) removed because invalid. Please review your signal definition.", err);} return err; }